50 Years of Hip-Hop Documentary | The Rise of Dr. Dre, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Eazy E, and More (Part 1)

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that's the last thing I remember from cuz him doing me like this and he was on his way to Vegas yep everybody the next time I seen him he was laying in the hospital [Music] do you see anybody no 11 1973 I was the birth of Hip Hop it's a culture that makes you want to be part of it or I'm going to change the world but I guarantee that I will spot the brand that will change the world will change the world nobody expected to go this far nobody nobody [Music] I was in wa formed um well NWA was formed just out of friends that got together and decided to make a group you know um I I wanted to get away from the group I was in The Wrecking Crew at the time you know what I mean so I was really trying to find a way to get away I didn't have enough money to go in and record I had a group that I was ready to record on and um I didn't have enough money so bam man comes easy you know what I mean I knew he had money he was out hustling I was like listen man why don't you come throw some money into this music thing you know what I mean so me and him got together and the song that was written for this group just happened to be boys in the hood yes sir they were from New Jersey New York or something like that they decided they didn't want to do it so I talked easy into doing the Record Man and easy didn't want to be a rapper at first he did not want to be a rapper it took me a couple of hours to talk him into getting on the mic and just trying it and everything was kind of like punching like cruising down the street in my six four all right you got that yep throughout the whole song man one line at a time [Music] now I want to turn up oh [ __ ] man now I want to turn up 73. we only got two tomorrow that's all right then you see him forming to the guy that we see as easy as yeah you know what I'm saying the same with Snoop when I first saw snoop snoop wasn't looking at camera you know and everything now stupid yeah you [ __ ] dress to come over and one particular holiday he came over and he orgy had like a little turntable set up in the back and with the cassette and they was having a little family get together and that's when we all went in the back room and I'm like I hope this [ __ ] wants you don't put me on the spot cause cause I'm not doing as confident no right no no way no [ __ ] way so Dre come in and Dre at the time he like uh [ __ ] I'm working on easy new album y'all wanna hear some [ __ ] and I'm like hell yeah I'm in that [ __ ] like like a dog finna get a tree [ __ ] like yeah hell yeah that [ __ ] put on that um he was once a thug from around no way easy and useless [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] out of here oh my [ __ ] that [ __ ] was so hard then it got to the part where say he shot as you can see I call Smoke is and the [ __ ] Drake and he just looked at us and me and Warren she was like oh that [ __ ] is hard as [ __ ] than what you said Snoopy can rap yes amen get me but he believed it but at that point we believe it like [ __ ] not after that if you don't shut the [ __ ] up I used to tell him Snoop to rap like Drake Snoop could rap you should listen to him you know because I know he was messing with artists back then I was like you listen to him he dope but he wasn't trying to hear that he was like all right he was like oh okay keep it pushing like if we're talking about 85 to 95 right there was a lot going on during that time yeah yeah you know what I'm saying why that particular time man and do you feel like like man like there were certain things that was going on like the the crack epidemic yeah with the gangsterism the police brutality is yeah you know it's really a period the period is between um 86 and 96. so we couldn't stop the movie until after the passing of easy I hear you you know what I mean so that's why we use that timeline I hear you now with Easy E man was it hard to actually do the Easy E Parts you know what I'm saying as far as like how did you want Easy E to be symbolized we wanted to be we wanted to be as authentic as possible and there's as actor um Jason Mitchell who actually plays easy he did an incredible job I mean there's a couple of times where I got a little emotional on set you know what I mean when he's in the hospital and he finds out he has the disease and what have you his acting was that great ghost goosebumps you know what I mean I didn't even know this is blood neighborhood and this is Snoop Dogg and Warren G like young Crips not like active active gangbangers we're going there to get to that so this is probably about two months we're going through every day so one day just to get off the side of the story Doc is up there and easy come up there and DLC and Eazy-E have a fight and somebody won that shouldn't have won but moving on like a fist fight a fight [ __ ] Doc and easy yes he said somebody won this [ __ ] in the morning exactly so you figured out the easy get DLC moving on all right so then we sit in the studio right we downstairs playing Madden that's when I meet Mike's move dick and Deacon Fresh Out Deacon from Grape Street watch it's like gang bang Central downstairs like they got some real [ __ ] they like baby ruthless over here but along cause they smoking hot they doing their thing but Dre is about to leave it's not public but he's about to leave did you know that no no I know nothing right I'm just trying to get on yeah did you get a chance to actually speak with Eazy-E before Eazy-E passed like what was our relationship yes I did we actually I was so fortunate to be able to get on the phone with him and talk about um maybe putting the NWA back together and we chopped it up about old times and what have you and maybe not even two weeks after that he was in the hospital really though yeah so the last time I actually saw him he didn't know I was in the room he was on life support you know so I just reached down and whispered a few words in his ear and I think maybe the next day or two he passed away but you guys had a chance to just talk as as brothers yes we got a chance to rekindle it and like I said actually talk about getting in the studio again you kind of got frustrated with music and you threw all your raps away was that because you didn't think like man this is gonna pop or we're not making any money what made you throw it away and what did Warren do well it was I had been in jail a couple of times and this was like one time and I was like really seriously like not gonna sell drugs not gonna be involved with the hood and really focus on the music but um the opportunities wasn't coming we would give our cassettes to certain people that's what cassette was out and um they were moving around for us and rotate them we would always get the feedback then uh that ain't what we're looking for so we went to Hollywood one time and um was in a room with some business people we played my local set and when it was over with the white dude was like wow we're looking for something more like DJ Quick I'm like huh wow that [ __ ] broke my heart and I was like all right cool so I was just like done with it like somebody tell you some [ __ ] like that and you trying to do it they like compare you to somebody that you know you ain't nowhere next to a [ __ ] quick [ __ ] was like [ __ ] amazing that's when this [ __ ] first came out I'm talking about he had a mixtape that was banging his blood mixtape was banging all in our neighborhood he was disinfred like a [ __ ] but [ __ ] beautiful I guess [ __ ] was hard swinging from tree to tree it's me I'm DJ crew and I don't love fruits and they just own one so from hearing that comment to me going back to the hood just looking around I just got all my raps put all the [ __ ] in the pile through the [ __ ] in the big ass garbage disposer in the back when the room was just like [ __ ] it started making phone calls like I need to get a sack because I used to work for like about five or six days I was one of them drug dealers that work for everybody like I take your dope and don't pay him off and him off I want them [ __ ] one of them sneaky [ __ ] so I was on the phone call getting all that [ __ ] in the morning like man [ __ ] that coz oh God [ __ ] I'm like man done with this [ __ ] so I walked outside in the back this [ __ ] jumped in the trash can it's a big ass green because the big one like the dumpster yes you gotta lift up he in that [ __ ] Gathering all the [ __ ] together putting them all back in place he put them back in place and put them in my room did that happen yeah okay yeah did you go in the trash and get his wraps yeah yeah it went right in there and grabbed them um it once again it was just like you know this this all week we have right now to try to escape uh uh out of out of getting getting killed on the spot you know because we was like I said it was it was true it was we didn't we was getting shot at all kind of stuff so this was our escape the music so um he he got tired of it because wasn't nothing happening so he was just like F this right and uh I was like nah no we got to keep we gotta I've got the [ __ ] out the trash and I brought it back and I was like we got to keep pushing you know keep pushing to just stay out the way stay out of the way of these streets and and follow this you know because we we didn't we we we uh hey we didn't went through some close ones I'm talking about point-blank range did you know what that meant to you at the time when you're backing no no and it's a dope ass story like it sounded like it's a movie [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like a [ __ ] made this [ __ ] up but this [ __ ] is like it really [ __ ] happened like like Warren G believed in me way more than me like that's the [ __ ] that knew I'm gonna be honest with you Warren G no that [ __ ] knew all along being around in wa and Easy in them he knew but we I I wasn't dope enough we wasn't dope enough at the time but he still knew he was like [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] we the hardest [ __ ] we this we that I just know like he believed that when you didn't believe it that's why I totally believe it he believed in me more than me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what brought you to Snoop it was incredible it was incredible uh my baby bro Warren G he actually brung me the um a cassette tape and um we were at a bachelor party and I popped it in and listened to it like whoa I need to meet him I need to meet him we went up there um went in there it was a nice nice bachelor party a lot of beautiful women uh you know we from the hood so we like blow it away with all the the stripping uh we we blow it away and uh they had music going and I was like you know can I ask L.A Drake can I play this tape you know because they was kind of you know playing the same stuff a little bit so he was like all right so he grabbed the tape and he started playing it and he was like this is hard he was like who was this I said that's me and my homeboy snooping Nate and um he was like did you let Andre hear this I was like nah I ain't I ain't let him hear it so your purpose wasn't going to this party like man Dre got to hear this no you just happen to have it on you I had it on me I mean because that's what we was doing at that time always and we just used to love the lit hear ourselves and yeah man so my homeboys like they loved our you know men snooping our music so we had it with us all every time we went somewhere so he heard it and he was like um he was like who was this I was like it's um me snooping Nate and he was like y'all come up to the studio on Monday right so you still Dre heard it that night yeah he heard it so you put it in what gets his attention he just hears it he heard and was just like you know how you do that yeah with his head he was like oh this who was this and I was like that's me snooping Nate and what it was it was the way he said his words and his voice you know I I really like working with with artists that have interesting voices if you notice most of the artists I've worked with you'll know their voice as soon as you hear them yeah you know what I mean so that was one of the things that really turned me on so I called him and like what's up and he was like he was like what's up I was like um I want to um talk to you because Dre wants to come to the studio on Monday and he was just like [ __ ] I ain't trying to hear that and then boom he hung the phone up on me and I I called him back I said look man I said please let me call him on the three-way and you talk to him and we go from there so called him Snoopy because I got Drake on the phone cuz what's up and I was like Andre I got Snoop on the phone would you tell him that you want us to come to the studio on Monday and he was like he was like this ain't dragon is like this is Dre man quit [ __ ] line no [ __ ] doctors right [ __ ] this is Drake hello hello and then he was like kind of like oh [ __ ] right right like I ain't gonna hang this one yeah oh yeah uh I heard that cassette uh Monday can you come to the studio we hung up the phone I wouldn't link that wedding we had some some uh old englishes want to listen to us you know so the next that I think that Monday yeah that Monday uh my homeboy rump we jumped in his car he had a uh four something where you we had to drive all the way up to Hollywood where we get to the light put it in parking yeah man yeah keep it going so the accelerator won't go down and cut off hell yeah we did that all the way to Hollywood to there did you have a car at that time no I didn't have a dog have a car nope right we didn't have no cars at that time so we went back to the hood after recording and uh kept coming back and forth and uh um at that time it was Dre dark and Suge and they was like asking us like what do we need so he was Doc was like what you need I said we need a car so he got he cut a check and I went and bought a black Monte Carlo and it was a car for us to bring us back and forth to the studio and then we get we kept working and coming back and forth so Dre was just like why don't y'all come on come and come up to the valley and stay with me so y'all get out them streets right and let's just work did you know Deep Cover was going to be a soundtrack to people's lives when you did it not just the soundtrack but the soundtrack to people's lives no [ __ ] the way the song happened we had Calabasas at your house he got no furniture in the studio he's gonna go to the gym and he like I'm gonna go to the gym and put this track on we got to do this [ __ ] for this soundtrack I don't even know what the [ __ ] movie about but I want my first lines to be tonight's the night I can add some [ __ ] Jesus deep cover on the Incognito Team all right cool I got you boom he leave go to the gym should call about two hours later doggy dog what's up Chuck look [ __ ] I'm from the car with these people from Sony on the phone they think the song is done so I need you to wrap your ass off until I say cut it off and then we're gonna blah blah [ __ ] [ __ ] sugar man that's why I respect that [ __ ] to this day so the [ __ ] should click back and call back doggy dog play the [ __ ] you Andre did all right boom boom boom boom boom it's a nice tonight I'll get in some [ __ ] yeah deep cover on the Incognito tip killing [ __ ] if I have two pillar caps too let you [ __ ] know I'm coming at you I guess it's part of the game but I feel for the [ __ ] that think he just gonna come and change things with the quickness so get it right with the swiftness and let me handle my business yo hey doggy dog cut that [ __ ] off right did you have anything else after that that was it yeah yeah cut it off boom Autumn will call you back he called me back [ __ ] we got the soundtrack [ __ ] finish the song up I'm like what's what's the movie about uh undercover cop that did it all right [ __ ] it [ __ ] I was a drug dealer and I went to jail for selling to undercover cops you was like man this is low hanging fruit I feel like I got this but I'm writing it because here because say uh-uh you got it I need you on there so you were just going right over here and it was gonna be great who the [ __ ] am I it's an honor here cuz [ __ ] like nah [ __ ] write the second person okay creep with me as I crawl through the hood Maniac lunatic calling Snow Beast Boy kicking dust as I bust [ __ ] peace and the [ __ ] [ __ ] police come on then the third verse how about this when I start getting vocal how about we do it together you know that ain't a bad idea how crazy was it hearing Snoop on Deep Cover oh I was charged up yeah because at first Snoop said he felt like he was just gonna write it and then Dre was like nah nah jump on it yeah yeah so he jumps on it and that record that introduction to Snoop with Deep Cover in it yeah and you don't stop already knew that dog had that in him definitely yeah yes and you saw that early on what does it feel like when you start to see the video and you start to hear it on the radio and you start to say man that's my homeboy Calvin that's Snoopy right there you know I was pumped up and just calling everybody all over Long Beach listen to the radio right now look at the look at the video gold video so yeah I'm telling everybody whenever it was coming on I'd call like let's just look now The Chronic we say classic and that's not a name that you a title you just throw away that is a classic album and I think everybody in this room owned more than one copy of The Chronic either it was on album it was on cassette it was on CD your homie stole it out your car for whatever reason but you know what that would that that particular record man now it's like that's like I would say the toughest record that I recorded in my career because you know it was right after my separation with um with ruthless and um I was in survival mode and you know going from that to the organization that I went to you know and all all the things that were happening during in the studio during the making it was crazy you know um during that during that process my house burned down damn I was shot in the legs you know what I mean and um I was in the studio on crutches for for a couple of weeks you know so it was a lot that went into that record it was Blood Sweat and beers that went into it you know what I mean and um so that's one of those records that I don't even listen to anymore really yeah you know do you listen like why why not I just don't I just don't really like being taken back to the to the to that era I hear you know what I mean one day this I remember it was a white dude came in the studio and he had this orange bud uh with the green it was light green with the orange hairs on it and he was like this is a hydroponic you know I don't know which one of us said it but somebody said uh chronic like Hydro chronic like you know say chronic right and then that's when the chronic's name started searching so there was nothing before chronic as far as like it was just working like just I'm talking about the new name when homeboy came in and said it's just hydroponic or whatever it is that's how the name came about chronic Snoop could tell you it was white dude because back then a lot of the white dudes yeah yeah yeah like that and uh that that's that's what did somebody say chronic on accident I think it was Snoop this if I'm not mistaken it was Snoop that started calling it chronic because the the hydro hydroponic so somebody said we've looked at it as like that [ __ ] is chronic yeah like you know damn yeah and uh that's that's pretty much how that started in there so that that what was the trip was it was that that right then and there and then the riots jumped off um and all that all of that inspiration right there was what made us were created to Chronic did you know that y'all did it feel like you were making history or did it feel like you were just making a record it just felt like we were making something exceptional really though you know yeah man and the vibe in the studio as far as you know how like The Chronic is one of those albums that it had to be a moment in time yeah you know then when you fast forward you don't try to recreate The Chronic but now you got like you got something that we put so high on a pedestal yeah you know what I'm saying like and you can't go back to that same feeling in your stomach the same feeling in your head the bullet in your leg you know what I'm saying yeah it was just a moment you know what I mean like most of most of these records that I've made are just for that moment take us through the recording like what what was that moment like what did that feel like when you guys were making nothing but a G thing okay there's a story to that the original version of Nothing But a G thing was made to a a Boz scagg song I can't remember the name of the song but Snoop was actually in jail and I really wanted this demo done so he called in and I taped the receiver of the phone to the mic and he's in you can hear jail sounds in the back and everything he's one two that whole thing so that was the original version I just happened to be at my mom's house going through records and then I found this Leon Haywood I want to do something freaky to you and thought that would make make a better um Foundation track so took that back recorded the track Snoop got out and um we just recorded this song at my house it was a bedroom that I converted into a studio at my house that's what is um the first half of the Chronicles and what was Snoop like at that time when you guys were doing nothing but a G thing we were just having fun man you know yeah that's it was the guy that you had to push you don't understand because snoops appeared shy Snoop was not shot in the studio we're gonna have to push him in the studio he's ready he's ready for action did you know man number did you thing did you know that you were making history at that time I knew um after a house party I played it at a house party and everybody wanted me to rewind it and keep playing it that's when I knew it was special man I wonder where the limit of the freeze frame on a little kid in the video yeah yeah that kid where's that man at now [Music] when it comes to like dog and and Dre are you in place with that do you know exactly where you are or did it feel like like Snoop was going by himself like damn like hold on like because because there's no contracts or nothing that's solidified y'all it's just homie look yeah I wasn't in place um I had to figure out uh my role you know I I I could rap too but I had to figure my role out so I I was like I DJ um I do I can rap you know let me produce and and so I can provide you know being have input and try to help me at the table yeah you know with with the bosses like having my input and helping this thing be successful so um I asked Drake to show me how to work the npc60 when I knew I wasn't a part of it is when we were supposed to go out for the first tour um and everybody had everything in order and I didn't have nothing you know I didn't have no ticket no nobody no information no nothing so I packed like I'm going I'm like [ __ ] I guess they're gonna get my [ __ ] when I get to the airport so got to the airport wasn't nothing happening and um they had one did that thing and I was I was pretty pretty butt hurt so you find out at the airport that you're not going who tells you that I didn't have a ticket no and you know I'm like where's my ticket you know you know nothing happened so I you know they went out for a few weeks um doing what they was you know on the road and stuff and then uh so when I had a chance I asked Dre I was like man what's up uh you know what's going on and he he just was like man you got to be your own man you know so like huh right I'm like I don't I don't know I don't know what to do and this is after the credit go away Sign Sealed Delivered like The Chronic is done yeah this was all and you're a part of it yeah visually vocally handing things in and so you have to leave the airport and watch the homies go on tour yeah and you and you driving back I got a ride from uh my homegirl Samara and MC Brees damn yes go ahead and ride yeah yeah they gave me a ride and uh after that you know like I said I asked him what was up he's like you gotta just gotta get out and be on man but I still was coming around still you know I was DJing from oh still after that right you know I did the uh we did the Santa Monica you know that guy kind of ugly but the video is I'm right there in the back DJing that show for snooping snooping Drake but um I just had to do what I had to do um grab my drum machine my mpc60 my records uh and um my mixer and went right back to my sister house on Cedar and was sleeping on the floor and just digging through ideas you know find a record still sampling and doing beats and stuff why weren't you signed to death row when everybody else was moving through death row I mean I don't I don't know if it was because me and you me and sugar used to bump heads a little bit [Music] six foot three 335 pound Marion Knight known by the nickname of shook huge guys look like a football team showed up very intimidating to see these guys they were bigger than my bodyguard ahead of a hundred million dollar record company and one of the most powerful and feared men in the American Music Industry yeah he's no he's nobody to mess with for instance it was one incident where of a constituent of Mines had a had one told him that I told him not to sign the contract right you know get a lawyer to look at that contract before you sign your friend anyway all right yeah I did I told I told my friend that and uh uh another of one of my cons another constituent when said that Warren told not to uh not to sign the paperwork so he was like Hey blood where one at and I'm like is That Shook yeah you hear that yeah look he came out I tried I ran and uh because I'm thinking it was some stairs I forgot the the stairs was the other way so I'm hitting the elevator it's like that scary movie with the white girl he called me he called me at the elevator it was me and my homeboy Cisco uh he caught me out the elevator just grabbed me threw me on the band blood you told them not to sign that contract swear to God I told him on my mom I told him I said look you don't get your hands off me I'ma call my brother and I'm calling all my homeboys and he let me go you know and and the guy I had with me Cisco hey he's he's a gunner but you know I you know I wouldn't have won nothing to happen right but you knew he was you know what I mean but he was a gunner did you feel like that was you were out like then like you knew that like yeah that relationship this relationship doesn't change I mean we was cool after that should was the experienced one at the time as far as dealing with everything and people don't like giving him credit but he was a brilliant [ __ ] when he was at his best he was a sharp thinker he was smart he knew he had an answer to everything he was like the fixer the cleaner yeah something's wrong he knows what to do like and we was always doing something wrong and we didn't know what the [ __ ] to do because we're so used to catch a case [ __ ] it how much time I got it I'll take it he was awesome catch a case hold on get a lawyer dance around this [ __ ] [ __ ] move that drop it [ __ ] out of here huh yeah that's how white folks doing man I didn't know that you played me a song that you told me Bill you got to hear this one and you could have said anything in the world about should but the song that as I remember was you paying accolades and and it's called that bygones be bygones why was it important to write that because I love that man he changed my life and he gets overshadowed by the negative energy that was projected by him and the stupid [ __ ] he did when he was on the streets and just to the picture that they paint as far as half the man but if you know the whole man it was more greatness in him than anything he just didn't have a chance to highlight that and turn yeah exactly were you ever afraid of being on death row sometimes never I was afraid when I wasn't on death right right explain because it was death threats it was like [ __ ] where they was coming to get at me it was like it was it was animosity it was better you lose your biggest star Dr Dre then you lose your second biggest star Tupac and then you lose your biggest star that's actually there with you that helped officially create this [ __ ] Snoop Dogg were you scared for your life though definitely did it ever get extremely dangerous for you yep I had to go see Minister Farrakhan and let him put them boys on me you know what I'm saying the national Islam for the Islam put that power around me help me do what I got to do you know what I'm saying like that's what I love about Minister Farrakhan that he played team ball he for us you know what I'm saying we got to have somebody that's for us she got everybody against us who the [ __ ] is for us did it seem worth it at the time were you ever thinking about walking away from the so-called business man please it's the [ __ ] I was born to do that's what I'm gonna live for I ain't gonna die for it but just what I'm gonna live for that's the only thing that ever stopped me is that and even then my music will live forever [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did you meet Park at a homegirl named Samoa she was like the bud lady and she was working on a on the movie Poetic Justice and it was a rap party we go outside and Layla it's my [ __ ] to this day Layla like uh snow it's pop pop snow [ __ ] pocket have a cigar and he split that [ __ ] gut it and he fill it up with weed like what this [ __ ] doing he licked that [ __ ] light it I'm like what's that because uh it's a Philly blunt he won't hit it boom I hate the [ __ ] [ __ ] damn that blow my whole chest out but it's some [ __ ] weed right oh no pull this joint out for you [ __ ] but you had never smoked a blunt before ever so your first blunt was with Tupac off top I'm the reason why he on that phone I told sure go get cuz let me let me let me rewind you there park is already established Park you know catches his case everybody that should have got parked out didn't get him out you know what I'm saying so history is written that should goes and gets Tupac out of out of prison which he did right but that was on the Snoop Dogg call Shug was told by Snoop Dogg because we need to get cause and put him on our team we hearing bad [ __ ] about him behind the wall and we don't have no proof from whether it's real or not but what we do know is you powerful and we got great attorneys and in some way that the system would be able to move for us to get him out of there and get him with us we need him with us because our team is the [ __ ] but I think like LeBron like what could make us better this [ __ ] Anthony Davis oh Lord oh yeah go get it just went with Pock and Biggie right Marlon that's you in the corner right there I know a little bit of History I never as many times I've seen this picture bro me I I was there that night because I went popped me and pocket I just did uh above the room and I went down there to hang out with pop and big was there and they performed together partying BS and was that in New York at that the kitchen oh that was Glam slam downtown park was out here big was out here performing this is before big blew up the clock was already on the rise because you know he did juice and Above the Rim and so park was like a friend of mine because he is cool through through Jada and uh through Omar so we all share Collective friends so um we um I went down that night to hang out with them and they performed and that's right before they started a couple years later they started beef and so it was like it was crazier than that I saw biggie 20 minutes before he got shot at Peterson that night yeah I said was it I was on the track on on the escalator coming down he goes yo Allah put you with your families through it keep doing it I love y'all keep keep rocking hello y'all he's like I'm a fan I was like I love you man I gave him a hug I was like I'm a fan of yours man you that dude and 20 minutes later what was it like recording with pot you want to really know yeah man you talking about somebody that can really blow cannabis rolling it up man I'm talking about non-stop like once he finished with one he wrote right here he already wrote when he halfway through one of his Partners or whoever and it ain't rolling he stayed smoking broccoli man that was his thing but it kept him functional and he he was so gamed up and he writing 15 minutes he'll write a whole song in 15 minutes I know he wrote that verse that we did on Dustin disgusting in about 10 minutes wow and drinking Hennessy and smoking you know what I'm saying incredible man you gotta realize the Man passed away at 25 years so much it's so little time you know what I'm saying but you feel like like you weren't gonna have POC for long you know there's just some people like I've had some people in my life man like a partner of mine where I knew that the times that we were having were special and I just felt like I wasn't going to have him for long I I can't I couldn't determine the future but I'll tell you what he did tell me one time we was on the my last time seeing him was 1996 we was on my uh trailer um shooting the video to uh rapper's Ball but he was on the on the um on the on the on the trailer with us he played a lot of his records he played a lot of Mac I say man yeah man one of my handles they calling me now it's Fonzarelli and he was like yeah well you know hey forward that's that's a good woman I'm Machiavelli they start breaking down with it you know what I mean like and they started and then he played songs and he was like man 40 look I gotta he said he got a record he said he had records for when he died he told me this on everything I love on the Bible he said I got records for when I die it's just kind of shocking to me because I wasn't really expecting it but I see what he's saying now though because you know it's good to have some records when you don't be just on deck in the system period in the computer on the hard drive like you know what I'm talking about but at the time records for when I died yeah was it an impact then or when you look back at it you you feel the impact then it was catchy it was Heavy to me then I'll talk to my manager Chaz at the time man shout out to chance but it was like damn man we was like you heard what he said like you know what I'm saying and man to be honest with you that was the last time I seen him damn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna see each other until then I'm gonna make good music and he gonna make whatever he make you know what I'm saying I ain't gonna [ __ ] that fat [ __ ] nowhere [Applause] but you know that's the secret to war he my enemy so Sheila died foreign [Music] how much Park became death row in the beginning never after I seen him jump on that side I was concerned because being neutral was the best shift for him to pick a side I mean you picked a side now you taking on all of their enemies when you're born in it it becomes stripes and it becomes what you do to struggle to get to the top when you're not born in it you're taking on unnecessary beats and you're taking on unwanted [ __ ] so him being neutral in the beginning was amazing and then him choosing size at the end was a demise because you picked a side like I didn't have to ever talk to him about it or you just saw it and you felt like he probably wouldn't listen man pop was a military minded [ __ ] so he would always like he always had a plan like if you knew him he knew he wasn't going to be with us long right like and he always had a train of thought do you think that's why he worked like that too definitely but his train of thought was military like it became one point that he had me and him had to meet like on some real military [ __ ] where it was like [ __ ] this the new rule this is him telling me [ __ ] that's the new role [ __ ] I talked to you you talk to me your soldiers don't talk to me [ __ ] and my soldiers don't talk to you you understood all right I got it like just how you talking to me like we're the same age you know but he he hit me with military [ __ ] then I saw Tupac 20 minutes before he got shot I saw apocries leaving the Luxor Hotel and park was out there and he was with his gang of people and I was like yo what's up from a distance Ryan and Omar this you know dark skin [ __ ] got a lot of a lot of Courage he was like we gonna go over and say what's up I was like well get yeah yeah yeah I don't want to disturb sugar nights a little angry how about let's get in this nice cab over here and so pop uh almost like nah we gotta go you know pay some respects you know what I'm saying show I love well we don't [Music] always always acknowledge me man because we laughed it was a part of pop that was so funny yeah man everybody always seen one side of him I know the dimensions you know the spiritual Bach was a leader Park was he was that dude was so beyond his years and he was funny if pot did anything he was funny he was a good dude he always had to be the life of the party if you told a joke he coming off top it was it was you know he was always fun and what we all had in common me Jada Park uh Omar well we were performing arts high schools kids from the ghetto yes we knew all the thugs we knew all the gangsters but we were in the schools trying to get out the hood of different way and we just had a great Collective Union I say a week before he died with his best of friends two days before he died I don't think he liked me why because we was in New York oh yeah yeah and [ __ ] had happened New York [ __ ] they shot at me and did all kind of [ __ ] to me like just the worst that you could think of and I forgave them and went did an interview and was asked how do I feel about puffy and bacon I was like I liked it [ __ ] I want to do some music with them and I just rubbed because the wrong way like [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] them [ __ ] tried to kill me [ __ ] shot at you and you tell me what you want to do a song with them [ __ ] I wasn't thinking about his emotions I was thinking about the way I felt at the time I wasn't into no controversy I liked them [ __ ] music they were they was our friends we was all friends at one point this video footage of all of us hanging out pop biggie puff shook all of us together prior to death row just on some regular [ __ ] so that to me I never seen myself getting involved even when he played the video for me to hit him up even when he played hit him up the song I didn't like the song did you yeah did you feel like it was I didn't like it right I didn't like it like I didn't like this [ __ ] like it wasn't like the [ __ ] to me like it was buying you buying more problems girl like you're buying problems gangsters is everywhere they they make them everywhere and I think when he got what else he got to the Mind state that we the [ __ ] yeah and ain't nobody like us always people like us everywhere everywhere so you say a week before best of friends two days best of friends like like we live in New York during the award show and laughing in my hair appointment he got me this [ __ ] Hugo Boss suit and had me on some European [ __ ] my pants were fitting Titan he had to make on some other [ __ ] like [ __ ] let me dress you [ __ ] get you right soup by Dion Scott I'm on some other [ __ ] with my [ __ ] like okay but when we hit New York he go gangster he like on some stupid gangster [ __ ] like but I'm on some player [ __ ] I've been here before New York lost Snoop Dogg we could but he wants to make them [ __ ] tried to kill me and uh [ __ ] that like when we had got hit with hit him up I had to make the call of Biggie and I said I said we're not gonna respond somebody's somebody's gonna get hurt if we respond you know and so I you know I don't know what's gonna happen with it but you know I could understand that perspective because Tupac hit us with hit him up and that joint was cold you know what I'm saying I was listening to that you know we we were actually like like um throwing people's turntable a DJ would play that we were just in the party and just just take that off no we would take the turntable we would take your turntables you played hit them up you know what I'm saying that's how that's how cold that that thing hurt to this day you know what I'm saying and then when Jay-Z I Know Jay-Z and Nas they friends but that's still that's you had pizza coming out the joint I still feel away I mean I never felt the way would hit him up you know what I'm saying I never felt away with it because I I really laughed at it the way I was portrayed in the video I saw the fun in it but but you know I'm not gonna play it at my birthday party did he ever say that he wasn't [ __ ] with you or you just felt it after the the Angie Martinez after Angie Martinez interview we go back to the hotel so my uncle will he in the lobby and my dad is up in my room so my uncle real come back up to my room and like man blue pocket numbers on some [ __ ] man they down there talking [ __ ] and blah blah blah blah I'm like talking [ __ ] I'm like man I ain't listening to that what you talking about so my phone rang to my room is motor one of the Outlaws Park said give my ass away and hang up well that ain't gonna happen 15 minutes go by called back epoxy hey [ __ ] tell Park to call pop call hey I need an ounce of weed just hang up so I sit in the way no communication don't say nothing to me so now we're flying back to LA the next day so normally I got two security with me that fly on the private plane would have sure got his homies by got his security we get to the private plane it should like they can't go your security they can't go security lock all right well come on with us dog I'm like nah I'ma stay there I'm right with you like this either the moment you [ __ ] gonna kill me we're gonna get some clarity in this air we got a five and a half hour flight I ain't got no security you [ __ ] ain't feeling me right now this is how my life is based anyway did you feel like she felt the same way I feel like they were feeling each other's fire like that was tough attack like nobody would put water like instead of sugar no hold on [ __ ] that's yeah you know they would fire for fire so when we get on when I get on the plane after they say my security came wrong park right here another [ __ ] right here so I walk on [ __ ] don't say nothing to me so I sit down and I'm like they still don't say nothing to me now we finna take off I'm like all right I see what's going to happen I've been around these [ __ ] I know how they get out I grabbed me a knife and a fork get my blanket put my blanket over my eyes to like they right up under here five and a half hours like this sit in the back of the plane all the way in the back I'm the last seat so [ __ ] somebody gonna get killed [ __ ] if I'm gonna get killed somebody dying with me I'm just my back against the wall five and a half hours nobody saying one word to me not one [ __ ] word as soon as we land they rolled a little stairs down all them [ __ ] go out first my Rolls Royce right here park Rolls Royce right here go down the stairs pop go down I go down I'm like pop you're going to Vegas to the fight cause and they're like that's the last thing I remember from cuz him doing me like this and he was on his way to Vegas yep you know so we went over St Paul say bye to pop you know give him love and we got in a cab and the wave Park was looking his BMW pulled up and I seen him looking at us like there was this look in his eyes like man I want to be with them that looks fun and the next time I seen him he was laying in the hospital do you see anybody no [Music] Tupac Shakur is in critical condition after two rounds of surgery in Las Vegas Shakur was shot four times after leaving the Mike Tyson boxing match in a car driven by Marion Suge Knight when a white Cadillac pulled alongside and one of the four men inside it opened fire doctors say he will survive his second shooting in two years early in the week doctors rated Tupac's chances of survival at one in five but he couldn't survive a second rap star Tupac Shakur died last night after a brief life in a rough business he was 25. if you knew who killed Tupac would you tell the police absolutely not [Music] the beef that didn't make it though it was parking big yeah I wasn't really prepared for that you know like somebody actually dying you know and they didn't really die because of that beef they died because of extenuating circumstances but you know nobody wants somebody to die right you know like it's saying we ain't gangbang and we're not out here you know you killed my friend I'm a kill it's it's different so yeah that that really hit me and I was in New York and I think after that the East and the West spend a lot of time trying to just show Unity um I did a show on the radio called um One Nation with Lisa Evers and they would put us on East Coast and West Coast back in the days and we would talk I remember that yeah to try to try to bring uh bringing the tension down I think we're playing a video game at Warren G's house and uh Pages was blowing up and phones was blowing up as I put on the news we'll put it on the news and we sing shove car and the yellow tape so made the phone call I called should personally that [ __ ] answered the phone and the way he was talking it was like Paco's gonna live they're like yeah they just you know they grazed me in the air you know yeah my [ __ ] all right you know he been up you know what I'm saying he's down right now he been up and uh man come on out of here dog I'm jump right on the hard way in the [ __ ] uh the Hummer I was at the house when they called me and said he got shot and he in the hospital and so I was like oh man wow you know and I know he had been shot before he you know we we all know you know pocket tough dudes he was a tough dude so I'm like oh maybe he'll make it right you know I mean if they all thought he'll get through this yeah and then and then one two three four five how many days go by then when I heard about it then when they say he's gone and he's playing all his songs uh me and uh my young son uh no it was Little Earl um uh droopy I'm sitting on the bed I'm standing I said in Fairfield at the time and uh droopy was like what happened I say um my friend gone he just died he said well why they why he died you know droopy had a little small little voice and whatnot but it was a trip though it was kind of it was touching man I couldn't believe it I couldn't believe it but I know one thing the good thing about the positive thing about it is you know he uh he he loved God and I think that you know he might have had that situation where you know you uh you know you got the devil over here saying well I can I can keep you living if you want me to you know what I'm saying or you know hey you come God you come up here to Heaven I don't know maybe I'm taking it too far but I know he chose heaven right that's why he went on here and just take me God yeah man but I was supposed to join those guys I wanted to hang out with them really though he was gonna hang out with them that night yeah but you didn't even hang that night no no I heard that so when you get when you get the call the days that that Tupac was in the hospital did you try to go up there I heard that man and what about when you actually got the news that Tupac had passed do you remember where you were or just that's home I was in my house and um at least I was like everyone else it was just overwhelming you know and no we lost somebody special we lost somebody that was pretty reckless but we all the world still loved them he was just a human being we all had people in our family who just pushed the envelope a little too damn far right you know and we got to keep an eye on them but you know we still love them hey Mike do you and knowing Tupac and I knew Park also do you you know how there's some catchy like man if he would have just people didn't know how intelligent he was or do you think that if he would have like man if he would have just made it out of that like that was a would have been a small portion of his life like there was a portion of your life if you would have passed during that time we would have never seen the Mike Tyson that evolved after do you feel like you wish of course with life but do you feel like people could have seen the part of POC that you've seen and what could have become of Tupac well listen um we all have our um our own relationship with God our personal relationship with God and when he calls we go right that's that's just what it is you know I can't I'm not clairvoying I can't see the future but we all know Tupac was special maybe his his anger or something was misguided but we know it was it all meant well and go out there to see him and when I see him Jesse Jackson his mom and all them there and um his mama she pulled me to the side and that's when I knew it was bad because she tells me to be strong and all this [ __ ] I'm like before I go in the room with him and he laid up and I just get right on the side of his head and just start talking to him in his ear just talking to him just I don't even know what the [ __ ] I was saying but it was something to the fact of like I love you and I hope I didn't make you mad from the [ __ ] I did I just thought I was doing what was writing it was some other [ __ ] cause then as soon as I walked out of there I went in the bathroom and I throw up and just laid on the floor for like 30 minutes his mama came in there and cleaned me up his mama came in there and cleaned me up and got me back right I'm like she is a hell of a lady man and park he lives for about seven days but did you know at that at that moment or early on that Park wasn't gonna make it no that's Superman cause I thought he was coming out of that we've seen it before or watched him do it before so I was like he'll be all right he's gonna come out of it and it's just it's just crazy that the [ __ ] went down like that like like I'll explain to you that level that last seven days like that last seven days was like a roller coaster because it was filled with so much happiness and then it went I should have broke my heart do you think you got closure when you when you spoke to park in his ear do you feel it I think I had closure when he was alive got you I just think that he just wasn't thinking rational if you know him he was a loving caring person yeah let me just caught up I was fighting a murder case and he was out on bail from his case so naturally we look like America's Most Wanted two of America's Most Wanted and if we beat it we supposed to still be [ __ ] the law and [ __ ] y'all in this gang bang but my train of thought was man I ain't playing with them no more I almost lost it all I've been dealing with this my whole life they don't play with [ __ ] like this I'm cool I'm gonna find a new Leaf to turn I'm the doll father now I ain't the young gangbanging riding I'm the doll father meaning that I'm The Godfather meaning that I'm a center [ __ ] I'm a play the boss roll around everybody wasn't with that they wanted me to still be on the front line Machiavelli all eyes on me he Frontline I backed up when he got on we was Frontline now I'm backing up I'm Double Dutch because I got a baby yeah I got a wife yeah [ __ ] you don't got right I got [ __ ] to live folks what does family mean to you dog all the reason to live family is everything it's all the reason to live to fight to to struggle to want to do right and you know I say that to say this that pot didn't have much of that so his extended family was death row right so and as a grown man you basically make your own decision as a kid you could be led into decisions so he was grown so we made a decision to follow death row and at the same time death row was great when we was bad at giving advice right bad [Music] all right foreign [Music]
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 957,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 years of hip hop, hip hop documentary, big boy documentary, rap documentary, hip-hop documentary, 50 years of hip-hop, dr. dre, tupac, tupac shakur, snoop dogg, eazy e, nwa, biggie smalls, biggie, 2pac, tupac documentary, tupac interview, snoop dogg interview, dr dre interview, tupac and biggie, tupac and biggie beef, straight outta compton, suge knight, warren g, big boy, bigboytv, big boy’s neighborhood, snoop dogg big boy, hip hop, rap, dr dre, interview, off air, radio
Id: fw9WTiGVqAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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