Big Boy Off Air The Untold Stories of Snoop Dogg | Death Row, Dr. Dre, and Last Moments w/ Tupac

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like this either the moment you're gonna kill me and we're gonna get some clarity in this air we got a five and a half hour flight I ain't got no security you ain't feeling me right now I'm like all right I see what's gonna happen I've been around I know how they get out I grabbed me a knife and a fork sit in the back of the plane all the way in the back I'm the last seat so somebody gonna get killed I'm gonna get killed somebody dying with me alrighty we off air the mothership has landed yes sir Snoop Dogg welcome to off here now we've done this a lot on air right you know and we've covered I was I've covered your career in my 25 years on radio from the beginning yeah you know what I'm saying so it's crazy that we got so much on air right that I get a chance to sit down with you off here and usually you know we bringing bells and having a good time you know what I'm saying but it was usually it's usually from a perspective of the people not seeing us yeah they're just hearing us so they have to visualize what we actually doing when we're doing what we're doing because that's a great trait of yours that being a radio personality like you have to make people believe who you are before they even see you yeah man we I always call it uh sights unseen you know what I'm saying and voices that's heard I like that go ahead now don't take it though unseen but well heard do not disturb yes and then I do want to ask you man like just just growing up how did Snoop Dogg grow up like what was the household like household my mama um she didn't have like a a steady man in the house you know my mama was a single parent but you know she would make her moves or whatnot and have certain people that would be a part of her life growing up but my brothers was instrumental my older brother my younger brother so growing up on the east side there was a lot of a lot of situations where we would be outside because this is the area where parents wanted you to go outside and have fun and learn and experience certain things so we would go outside exactly go outside play have fun fight meet people become a part of the community and that was a fun childhood for me in the 70s in the 80s and then when the mid 80s came my childhood switched just a little bit because the drug game was offered to us it was in our community it was money it was fast money so that's what me and you know my mom and my relationship at the house kind of like separated because I wanted to be on my own and wanted to be grown how old were you when you said you wanted to be on your own be grown 16. did she throw you out are you left out or you just made your own rules 17 she threw me out where did you go at the age of 17. I slept in my car I slept in my car for about two months and then it was a lady on the spot that eventually became my auntie auntie Mary that lived upstairs and I ended up moving in with her and becoming cool with her daughter and she had a daughter that was disabled that had some issues and she had another daughter that was on crack and it was just like it was like like I learned how to be like a counselor I learned how to be like all of this as a kid does that feel like it helped you now I swear to God it does because the girl's name was tessette and I remember before I moved in and this is probably what a lot of parents used to do when they was dealing with special needs kids she's just scream all day I just be in the room screaming now her mother would go in there and hit her to try to stop her from screaming and when I moved in the first day I moved in she was screaming and her mother came in her head and I was like let me let me let me go underwater so I went in the room with her she still was screaming and I just was talking to her and then she calmed down and I gave her like I think I ever gave her some donuts or something some candy or something and she calmed down then the next day I went there with her and she calmed down the third day she came in the room I was in and she folded up all of my clothes and she started getting better she started getting better and her mama started stop hitting her and they started having the communication thing where it was like she could talk to her she would cuss her out but she wouldn't hit her it went from her hitting her to her cussing her out to having a great understanding with her and I think that was a tribute to me being around that is early age now it's like it's one of my traits now like I'm really good at being a counselor to people and do you and like I did ask when you see you're paying tuition into the school of experience and we sometimes we don't even know it you know what I'm saying then we would get a little older and we're like okay that's why I experienced certain things in my life when did you when it comes to dog we know Snoop we know the brand you know I can't even say rapper Snoop you know what I'm saying because there's so many different so so many different snoops that I could say as far as like hashtags and asterisks and everything but when what did you aspire to be as a kid first was an athlete that's the first thing that was in football basketball football player basketball player all of the above was attracted to me in the 70s you've got great athletes Magic Johnson Kareem Abdul Jabbar Muhammad Ali Sugar Ray Leonard and that's what we looked at I mean these are superheroes and then you got Richard Pryor Max Julian you got Fred Williamson you got all these exciting actors and musicians Marvin Gaye Curtis Mayfield The Isley Brothers you got all this aspiration around you and you like I want to be this I want to you you wanted to be I wanted to be all of that yeah like that's why I am who I am because I seen something and everybody that I like like the music side man I'm I want to be a musician Sports man I love playing sports funny man Richard Pryor funny I like being funny all of the above all that it became who I am any memorable childhood memories like where you like man is there any one thing or a few things yeah it's one thing that stick out when Mama she adopted my cousin because my cousin was born under PCP his mama and daddy both was on PCP so my cousin was kind of like messed up so my uncle and his wife lost him and he went to an adoption agency and he went to a home and he was in a home for like maybe a year two years so he was like two and a half years old and my uncle asked my mama to go get him so my mama wouldn't did all the things you had to go do to to go adopt this boy and she adopted him his name was Marvin Tate she made his name Marvin Broadus so when she adopted him he was living with a white family they didn't know how to comb his hair his hair was nappiest I don't know what they just used to just let him like you know back in that day when a white family took on a black kid they didn't know how to do nothing they just loved him but they didn't know you got to comb this [ __ ] like you got it right you're growing in it you putting water in there they're going outside so mom's adopting and we we're going to visit him before we get to actually take him because we gotta you know you got to get that relationship with the family and you know Grandpa John and Grandma Vivian I remember them they were some beautiful beautiful people beautiful people they love Marvin to death so the day comes when Marvin get to come home with us oh man I was so emotional because it kind of like made me want to cry now because it was so emotional cuz they knew he was coming with us but he didn't and it's like when he got in that car it was me and my mama and him and she didn't take my other breath she just took me and her because me and him it got cool this [ __ ] buffet was the exact same day as mine this is how that's how God worked birthday exact same day as mine so he get in the car he looking at Grandpa and Grandma Vivian and Nate like Bob Marley like bye no no no he just started crying like hard no and I'm holding it and he's trying to get away and my mama drive off for him and that [ __ ] just like it just it had me feeling emotionally like [ __ ] up like are we stealing him like it worked all the way out but I gotta give you the whole get out so he had issues when he came and moved was because the PCP so it was certain [ __ ] he couldn't control him it was like we had to deal with him and work with him and first birthday we had together birthday the same day I'm thinking it's gonna be the [ __ ] this [ __ ] get more gifts than me and they gave me five dollars oh I'm hot I'm ready to kill this [ __ ] now what freeway was that Pico Rivera I'm driving a [ __ ] back I don't know how to drive but I'm getting into any kind of competition no he became a [ __ ] became gangsters a [ __ ] where's he at now independent oh okay well [ __ ] but the moral of the story is that I have to reflect on is because my mother is who I am my mother went adopted your brother's son yeah and took him in man knowing already that it could have been a problem took him in man what does that say about your mother to you well she a hell of a lady man did you always know that dog no I thought she was mean as [ __ ] growing up when did it when did you kind of make that turn where you were like like no she's always been looking out was it look when we get a little older when I had my first baby yeah that's when we understand yeah when you got your first one in like damn and he stopped listening yeah and then they don't call no more and [ __ ] hard you know how your parents would tell you like I can't wait till you have one I remember one day I was rolling home dog and I just stopped and got off the freeway and started crying and I was like now I understand now I understand because we give it all up for the kids bro man and I I met your beautiful daughter at Puffy's house man I didn't even know that was your daughter that's the princess that's what's so gangster about it right so everybody know when they come to kids Snoop Dogg is just I jump in with the kids I don't care if it's girls boys I just fit with the kids I don't know how it just happens I just fit with them I'm out there shooting baskets they looking it's about nine to ten girls puffy Twins and a bunch of little girls they run up to me what's happening we from the play up knockout yeah why I'm playing one or no [ __ ] we playing knockout get in line they just just Punk me I'm like all right we're cool I'm in line your daughter like do you know how to play him like nah well I'm gonna teach you everyone that's just the ball you got to come together and you're on my team all right cool we roll we rolling we shoot we shoot we shooting boom I make it they clapping we get you to the end of the round it's me brush your daughter would have made you the finals and that's what she tell me what you can't win because I put you on my team I don't know I'm gonna beat you bro yeah I did [ __ ] I played your records my whole career did she tell you that that was my daughter at the end of the night after you beat her yeah at the end of the night at the end it was like I'm gonna go out here and then she walked up and I was like that's the one that that and knock out he was like yeah that's my daughter suppressed I'm like yeah let me tell you the crazy thing when she came walked she was like Dad that's the first time I ever smoked a blunt what was your introduction to hip-hop my introduction to hip-hop count culotte super Rhymes oh if the music make you wanna swing watching my things oh my God it goes one for the money now here I go now this DJ he gets down mixing records while they go around with the hip the hopped you just don't wow see and you knew it but didn't know it wow see what I'm saying you recited every line and then you know that's what ones you got this whole get down from man that was our first favorite me and Warren G's favorite was Super Rhyme we knew everything changed to different characters and all this like rappers that they don't know nothing about all Transylvania every yeah everything power blow sailing yeah different voices and characters and just range and so did that make you kind of fall in love with hip-hop it made me not fall in love but it made me want to learn that song yeah yeah see that's the first step yeah you have to fall in love with something and then it has to be connected post Rapper's Delight because usually people go oh Rappers Delight but that was the one that kind of like really grabbed you yes and then Rapper's Delight I learned I learned Super Rhyme first and then I learned rappers to life rappers the right was playing but I didn't learn it right that's the one that called me then when that one called me I went back to rappers in life then I then I heard a uh boom boom boom he's told it it's like a Juggle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep them going with another the way he just he came on like just being so young and understanding that pain oh we didn't we just felt we felt like that it was around the corner yeah man and not knowing a broken glass everywhere people pissing on the stage you know they just don't care and I'm not knowing about Subways you know I'm from L.A I know what he said what he was saying yeah I was so connected with him I was all in the verse on the stage when he said it yeah being like Oh I heard too when did you make your first round like you got your introduction you but when did you say you know what I can do that oh man my first rap was white because do you remember it you don't remember lying no I don't want to that [ __ ] was wacky that was garbage garbage yeah because I was one of those rappers that was a liar you know what I'm saying you know but you know what a lot of raps [ __ ] told the truth like no not everybody you know what I'm saying we had planes and Automobiles rapper that didn't have nothing that was lying yeah it's a big difference when you can act like you got [ __ ] [ __ ] I was just lying well I can jump into a pool and swim around the lake yeah smooth expansion so when when do you go from writing something horrible to kind of getting I'm a little decent now you know what it was big I'm gonna tell you the truth I was a better freestyler than a ride yeah so when I got to Junior High School I met a kid named Sean he was one grade under me and uh man him used to rap and me and Sean kind of like formulated a group and Sean would we would go to his house because he had like lightweight equipment and [ __ ] and Sean would write the songs that we would perform at school like the next day so he would write he was the writer and I was just a freestyler so he would write [ __ ] and then we would perform it perform it so one day we was in a battle and we was doing the [ __ ] that we performed and it wasn't working yeah because it was right and we were losing this [ __ ] was [ __ ] us up so I jump off the script and just start freestyling and I keep us in the battle but then I run out of freestyle I was like I'm like we're not ready yet but at the same time just to get along along in the end of a story the shine that I'm talking about became Domino yes Domino used to write for me in junior high school because I couldn't write I just was a freestyler so we was a group see I hadn't that's why we off air I hadn't heard that one because sometimes we think that it started at oh it was Nate Dogg it was it was Warren but you know you got to pay a lot of tuition into the school of experience when I was in junior high school I didn't know Nate Dog I met Nate Dogg when I got to poly in 86 we had a class together um science classroom somehow somewhere our desk was right next to each other in the back and one day we just was in there bullshitting I was beating on the table and [ __ ] rapping and Nate Dogg was singing and then we had seven period together which was PE so we really wasn't doing [ __ ] we were back in the back singing and [ __ ] on the gate and it was like every day we had the same class we would lead that class and walk down the hall and got cool and got cool and got cool and then before you know it it's like [ __ ] he became my dog but Warren G I grew up with Warren G on the east side I mean Warren he had grew up Nate Dogg was grew up on the east side too but on this side and me and Warren G grew up on that side so when we finally all connected what kind of bump it is because Warren G was my best friend and they was my dog but the three wasn't Nate Dogg Warren G used to bump heads like a [ __ ] all it's over any and everything like life or was it just music Warren G love Snoopy oh he got you so got you so it was like who's this third this third wheel sometimes sort of kind of like but it's just like Warren G is like protective of me like he like a father brother when he come to me like back then like so anybody that get close even in my wife like had like a kind of crazy relationship at the beginning because that's my best friend right and he seen me falling in love with her you know right yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] but she ain't gave you nothing that's why I'm falling in love because she ain't gave me none that's love Yeah but he was he thought he was homie looking out best friend looking out and she ain't gay you know he didn't been with her for six months you ain't even got you ain't got none yet that's what I like okay you know he's making me wait six months it's amazing I don't want nobody's gonna just lay down with me on the first night that she gonna lay down with him him if she made me wait six months you got to wait probably six years did you know that Nate Dogg was was that special early on well the thing about Nate Dogg his name was gangster his gangster is [ __ ] real life like so uh the case ass [ __ ] that can sing is a triple threat you know what I'm saying so and then Nate was like he was real aggressive like when it came to like making music or doing we want to do he like had a certain way of doing it and how he would do it and him and Warren G would Clash a lot because Warren G had a certain way that he would do it this is before we were established and it was like we were all trying to find our lane on who he was but it was always magic when we came together it would be like a bunch of [ __ ] up until we got into this into the session to make a song and then once we made the song and get the feedback from the song it drew our friendship closer because we seen what the songs could do to people and then we've seen how Nate's vocals Warren G's vocals my vocals had affection I brought people together so it was like we could tell but we didn't know I say it like that at one point man Warren told me a story came out a little later that you kind of got frustrated with music and you threw all your raps away was that because you didn't think like man this is gonna pop or we're not making any money what made you throw it away and what did Warren do well it was I had been in jail a couple of times and this was like one time and I was like really seriously like not gonna sell drugs not gonna be involved with the hood really focus on the music but um the opportunities wasn't coming we would give our cassettes to certain people that's what cassette was out and um they would move them around for us and rotate them and we would always get the feedback then uh that ain't what we're looking for so we went to Hollywood one time and um was in a room with some business people we played my local set and when it was over with the white dude was like yeah we're looking for something more like DJ Quick huh like wow that [ __ ] broke my heart and I was like all right cool so I was just like done with it like somebody tell you some [ __ ] like that and you trying to do it and they like compare you to somebody that you know you ain't nowhere next to [ __ ] quick [ __ ] was like [ __ ] amazing that's when this [ __ ] first came out I'm talking about he had a mixtape that was banging his blood mixtape was banging all in our neighborhood he was disenry like a [ __ ] but [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] was hard swinging from tree to tree it's me I'm DJ crew and I don't [ __ ] boats and they just own one so from hearing that comment to me going back to the hood just looking around I just got all my raps put all the [ __ ] in the pile through the [ __ ] in the big ass garbage disposer in the back when the room was just like [ __ ] it started making phone calls like I need to get a sack because I actually worked for like about five or six I was one of them drug dealers that work for everybody like I take your dope and don't pay him off and him off I don't want them [ __ ] one of them sneaky [ __ ] so I was on the phone call getting all that [ __ ] in the morning like man [ __ ] that coz oh God [ __ ] I'm like man done with this [ __ ] so I walked outside in the back this [ __ ] jumped in the trash can it's a big ass green like the big one like the dumpster yes you gotta lift up he in that [ __ ] Gathering all the [ __ ] together putting them all back in place he put them back in place and put them in my room did you know what that meant to you at the time when you're backing up no and it's a dope ass story like it sounds like it's a movie [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like a [ __ ] made this [ __ ] up but this [ __ ] is like it really [ __ ] happened like like Warren G believed in me way more than me like that's the [ __ ] that knew I'm gonna be honest with you Warren G new that [ __ ] knew all along being around NWA ain't easy in them he knew but we I I wasn't dope enough we wasn't dope enough at the time but he still knew he was like [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] we the hardest [ __ ] we this we that I just know like he believed it when you didn't believe it that's why I totally believe it he believed in me more than me with Warren be being so connected and being Dre's brother did you think it was going to be easier like man that's your brother like we in I didn't even want to go through that route right Warren G's daddy used to always push that route he used to come to the dog spot when he was selling dope and he driving that little Biz and be like get your asses off the dope spot y'all need to get in the goddamn studio and make that music for Andre give Andre some music he's always say give Andre some music I never thought I was dope enough Dre used to come over and one particular holiday he came over and he orgy had like a little turntable set up in the back and with the cassette and they was having a little family get together and that's when we all went in the back room and I'm like I hope this [ __ ] wanted you know put me on the spot because because I'm not doing as confident no right no no way no [ __ ] way so Dre come in and Dre at the time he like uh [ __ ] I'm working on easy new album y'all want to hear some [ __ ] and I'm like hell yeah I'm in that [ __ ] like like a dog finna get a tree [ __ ] like yeah hell yeah that [ __ ] put on that um he was once a thug from around no way easy [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] out of here yeah oh my [ __ ] that [ __ ] was so hard then it got to the part where we say he shot Bob as you can see I co-smoked is that in the [ __ ] Dre just turned it off like and he just looked at us and me and warned she was like oh that [ __ ] is hard as [ __ ] the ones he said Snoopy can rap yes amen get married but he believed it but at that point we believe it like [ __ ] not after that if you don't shut the [ __ ] up yeah not behind it did you hear that that [ __ ] has scratching and cutting and sound effects and there was a scene it was already on was it was that intimidating for you in a sense to like man I we we can't play this for Drake because some people know how to beat their chest and some people know because most times dog and being as established as you are the most braggadocious self-confident [ __ ] are the worst what was your process though my process was dope be the dopest go get killed Cube was the [ __ ] I aspired to be cube is God when Snoop Dogg is rapping Slick Rick is the god over there but the guy right in front of you is this guy he's the closest guy that you should be reaching for you should be going for him because if you can get to him then you're gonna be at a great level because he is greatness how was it when you first got on with Dre where now you got a little bit more confidence what was the first thing where you say okay you know what we on now we on the process [ __ ] when a [ __ ] called when I was in this y'all don't know this story I was put above the law above the law was about to give me a situation but they had me waiting on the bench I was behind cocaine I was behind another girl named kilo and I was waiting behind above the log next album that they was doing but Laidlaw and Hutch and the whole crew go back in the whole nine they [ __ ] with me and Warren G they they warned he was they [ __ ] so Warren G brought me to them and they was like okay we're gonna [ __ ] with him but you sit down there sit down there and play that Madden while we work in the studio and this is when we coming from Long Beach to Inglewood didn't even know I was going through a blood neighborhood on the Metro Rail warranty trying to make a career happen getting off walking every night catching the Metro Rail back to Long Beach from Inglewood and it's seven minutes from here where we used to go to right by that Panda Express and all that [ __ ] that Center that center right there like at Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken it's like right over Hacienda there's some [ __ ] like a center right away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right there I didn't even notice this Blood neighborhood and this is Snoop Dogg and Warren G like young Crips not like active active gangbangers we're going there to get to that so this is probably about two months we're going through every day so one day just to get off the side of the story Doc is up there and Easy E come up there and DLC and easy have a fight and somebody won that shouldn't have won but moving on like a fist fight a fight [ __ ] Doc and easy a fast fight yes he said somebody won this [ __ ] in the morning exactly so you figure it out the easy get DLC moving on all right so then we sit in the studio right we downstairs playing Madden that's when I meet Mike's move dick and Deacon Fresh Out Deacon from Grape Street watch it's like gang bang Central downstairs like they got some real [ __ ] man like baby ruthless over here bud along cause they smoking hot they doing their thing but Dre is about to leave it's not public but he's about to leave did you know that no no I know nothing right I'm just trying to get on yeah so I'm in here with these [ __ ] every day Friday they take me upstairs in the studio one of the only times they play a dope ass track for me and they're like this yours Monday we're going to record this I'm like oh [ __ ] I finally get you I'm here [ __ ] Saturday Warren G go to a [ __ ] party with Dr Dre and them and take our cassette tape and plays and plays it when the music cut off and rock the house so Saturday night Dr Dre called and would Warren G on the phone I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] Dr Drake [ __ ] out here I hang up don't answer the phone Sunday won't you call back again in the daytime Snoopy cause I got Drake on the phone cuz what's up man quit [ __ ] line no [ __ ] Dr Dre [ __ ] this is Dre hello hello yeah oh yeah uh I heard that cassette uh Monday can you come to the studio now you in the best of both worlds kind of though like remember what I just told you the decision I just told you Monday yeah they got a beat already ready to go now I just get this call on Sunday from this [ __ ] saying can you come to solve our records on Sunday me on Monday why certainly that's Dr Dre I've been waiting four months this is and if I miss Monday I'll just go Tuesday right right but let me go check on this let me see what this Monday look like I get up in there on Monday this [ __ ] Dr Dre and one of the songs I got called gangster's life he flip it with a James Brown wow 10 20 71 the day I come out two days later I'm running my mouth mom's put a bottle to my grill I look in the face and I say chill so she puts her back upon a pillow five minutes later I'm bailing out the hospital on my way to the liquor store the first thing I grabbed is some skids and a four oh well I'm on some baby [ __ ] though the story was so gangster [ __ ] Drake fell in love because it was like me as a baby being born going straight to the liquor store getting arrested by the police off to a gangster's Life Next verse why a juvenile gang banging super gang banging third verse my little brother gang banging he don't make it he gets killed at the third verse it was it was some [ __ ] did you do you think he saw that song more than you saw no he did yeah he's saying the the it was like a super run yeah yeah because it was a vision of it and it was personalities like I'm just singing it to you right now but it was it was like personality let's Beat the Clock up and pass some time June 17 1979 that's my first time being arrested I know I did this [ __ ] but I ain't gonna confess to this like I was on some other [ __ ] like the [ __ ] I was saying I'm listening to myself now listening to it like for me to be saying that at that age it sounded crazy because I'm just a young gangbanger but I'm saying some [ __ ] that he could really see like if I polish this [ __ ] up this [ __ ] voices hard this [ __ ] look [Music] um all right well we did that record so Tuesday come but a law calling I'm like boy I fell in love I'm at the doc I'm with Dr Dre yeah man and he put me in the studio and he was like all right like all the [ __ ] you be here so it was like I was on from there and then it kind of like ruffled above the law in US because they felt like they was they was me like they was the one that's supposed to put me out and then the first single was 187 yeah remember that's 187 that's his tone that's his everything yeah so in so many words it's like [ __ ] you leave and then you take my [ __ ] you get what I'm saying yeah but that wasn't nothing intentional no it but it could feel that way I feel that way but me and Hutch like [ __ ] we coach football together we became best of friends I coached his son but what about at that moment oh at that moment it was problems yeah that's why Above the Law Snoop Dogg Eazy-E uh Bone Thugs it was a conflict it was conflict in the beginning like for real and like real conflict like for real cause you look like because it got it was business but it got personal because [ __ ] [ __ ] you stole and then look I became the biggest [ __ ] in the world yeah so imagine that like you got [ __ ] right here and then all of a sudden [ __ ] bigger than everything we ever touched and he was right here we had him and he can't be that one song because it went from that to G thing yeah and G Thang and have no influence from nobody did you know Deep Cover was going to be a soundtrack to people's lives when you did it not just the soundtrack but the soundtrack to people's lives no [ __ ] the way the song happened we had Calabasas at your house he got no furniture in the studio he's gonna go to the gym and he like I'm gonna go to the gym and put this track on we got to do this [ __ ] for this soundtrack I don't even know what the [ __ ] movie about but I want my first lines to be tonight's the night I can ask some [ __ ] deep cover on the Incognito tip all right cool I got you boom he leave go to the gym should call about two hours later doggy dog what's up Chuck look [ __ ] I'm from the car with these people from Sony on the phone they think the song is done so I need you to wrap your ass off until I say cut it off and then we're gonna blah blah [ __ ] [ __ ] sugar man that's why I respect that [ __ ] to this day so the [ __ ] should click back and call back doggy dog play the [ __ ] you Andre did all right boom boom boom boom boom it's a nice tonight I'll get in some [ __ ] yeah deep cover on the Incognito tip killing [ __ ] if I have two pillar caps too let you [ __ ] know I'm coming at you I guess it's part of the game but I feel for the [ __ ] that think he just gonna come and change things with the quickness so get it right with the swiftness and let me handle my business yo hey doggy dog cut that [ __ ] off right did you have anything else after that that was it yeah yeah cut it off boom Autumn will call you back he called me back [ __ ] we got the soundtrack [ __ ] finish the song up I'm like what's what's the movie about uh undercover cop that did all right [ __ ] it [ __ ] I was a drug dealer and I went to jail for seven two on the cover cop you was like man this is low hanging fruit I feel like I got this but I'm writing it because here because say uh-uh you got it I need you on there so you were just going right over here and it was gonna be great who the [ __ ] am I it's an honor here cuz [ __ ] like oh [ __ ] write the second person okay creep with me as I crawl through the hood Maniac lunatic calling Snoop Eastwood kicking dust as I bust [ __ ] peace and the [ __ ] punk police come on then the third verse how about this when I start getting vocal how about we do it together you know that ain't a bad idea all right yeah yeah and then from that to the video shoot just how they did me on this one she'll give a [ __ ] like six hundred dollars go to the swap meet and get you some stuff we're gonna take some pictures all right for sure sure give me a White Sox hat because that's what [ __ ] is wearing Cube got the white side fast so I like the White Sox hat black and gray then I give me a Long Beach hat I'm like all right cool I'm straight I got two looks for the photos [ __ ] we get you the [ __ ] photo shoot it's all kind of cameras like big cameras like not like these characters big ass cameras yeah it's just a movie like [ __ ] I ain't never seen before so now they didn't walk straight to the side and I'm seeing him doing all this body language like I don't know what the [ __ ] going on but he like and he come back to me like man these [ __ ] got us doing a video and I thought we was here doing a photo shooting in my heart like a video oh yeah I'm like what the [ __ ] and dog you were it seemed like you were quite shy watch this the director say Yeah in the beginning I need Dr Dre Doctor I ain't doing that [ __ ] let him do it all right we Wendy we need you guys to reenact that scene well that's the that was me anyway hey man I've been dealing with you for four and a half months you ain't hit this [ __ ] in front of me yet so what you saying thank you 5-0 5-0 that ain't no [ __ ] cop who hit this thing [ __ ] I can feel it what were the early days of death row like the camaraderie uh early days a lot of misunderstanding miscommunication but it got fixed fast because um dealing with a bunch of real guys real gang members real official people that have crossed paths before behind the wall land on the streets so it was a mutual respect once we all realized that we was playing for one team because there was no such thing as separation we always was always together so you would watch the way you talk you were washed away you conducted yourself and at that time it was like a lot of us was unfamiliar with being around other gang members outside of your own realm right so hearing that way they talk and the way they move and the way they did things was different but it ended up becoming so fun because Them [ __ ] be careful my best friends how do you come to that though because you get where you see now we'll see oh man everybody kind of make records together but early on a lot of that stuff was taboo just sitting down with with somebody from the so-called other side and especially not even understanding what y'all were building was it a lot of early tension that was going on in death row um I don't think on the musical side because there really wasn't no blood artist like right here you know say it was more [ __ ] based as far as the artist but the business was blood-based because Shug was the CEO and you know he had all his homies there and at the same time his homies were security they would provide we they would provide like entertainment like it was like we were all like the same kind of people so it wasn't after after a certain point he didn't give a [ __ ] where he was from like I would be all in blood neighborhoods hanging out with a homie named Top Cat and hanging out with with L dog hanging out with Kate up and hanging out with Heron and hanging out with all kind of [ __ ] like doing [ __ ] with sugar be like [ __ ] what is you doing hanging with him well you brought him around me what you think I'm gonna do like they became my friends like really my my homies when did you know death row was on uh uh Soul Train Awards when me and Dr Dre came out and did you thing um the low rider right just the way it's like I've never done this before like that was the first time I ever like just stood and just was like yeah like I dreamed that you feel accomplished I dreamed of that moment like that's a moment that if you win a championship if you if you on stage performing in front of millions of people if you just just like the highlighted moment that I've always seen like somebody just take that like that was a moment we was in the low rider and all while we come we're getting together we come up Dre like I hope this car I ain't tripping off that [ __ ] I'm high as a [ __ ] I'm gonna pass your seat so they like they like and then they come on Boom it come on like Scooby-Doo they don't even say Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre they're like there's some some something okay the music Started banging like a track that Drake Made in the car roll out real slow and you could just see the whole I'm seeing Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston and Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis it's like 90 93 where like r b is still the [ __ ] and I'm watching all the black celebrities in the crowd like them [ __ ] are standing up when we hit the the stage with the car so I jump out the car and I'm like and then [ __ ] just music everything cut off and it just go and now our national anthem one two three and [ __ ] went up it went up cause someone feel it then yes the way Dre put the the [ __ ] what the Scooby Do in the beginning was the [ __ ] yeah yikes then the music came on we rolling out there nice and slow and the [ __ ] Drake just he bounced it bounced it parked it bam and I opened the door cracker walked out and did this and they said and now our national anthem one two all that [ __ ] was it was that was the moment did you feel equal at the moment or did you start feeling no I felt lesser and that's the beauty of it it didn't move me to where I followed but you knew you arrived but you wasn't they knew me yeah [ __ ] Don Cornelius know me yeah [ __ ] out of here Don Cornelius that we watched our whole life I'm gonna have you on Soul Train one day [ __ ] right and he said he's someone had you on Soul Train one day [ __ ] have you on Soul Train one day [ __ ] he said the Soul Train Awards do you hear me it created a worldwide West Side you know what I'm saying like everybody everywhere you went everybody was talking about death row to get that kind of love dog then we go to the source Music Awards when Sugar's on stage in the comment of the all up in the video speech what did you feel at that moment should I was riding with sugar at the moment yeah on some real [ __ ] because I don't know what the [ __ ] he was talking about I it didn't register in my head that he was dissing the [ __ ] I would just put a [ __ ] we won the award whatever he's saying [ __ ] this death row was at it could you hear it right here I understood everything he said so I'm a team player at the time so whatever he say I'm with if you say [ __ ] all you [ __ ] in there right now I kill all you [ __ ] yeah and then once the [ __ ] said hold on wait a minute what that [ __ ] say then I'm looking at the body language and you're in New York I'm looking at the body language [ __ ] like we in the room and I'm I'm here I'm hearing all this [ __ ] yo yo yo yo like when we before when we first got there it was going to be New York versus New York Brooklyn don't like damn it Obama don't like them and you could just see the separation when we came out and performed it was like it was really separation because it was like them West Coast [ __ ] at any moment do you feel like I mean we could fast forward but at that moment did you feel like man that was a lot did you understand the size of it then nah because I was like remember I was escaping the hood to become a rapper so whatever I was dealing with wasn't what I was dealing with in the hood so it was like a better way of dealing with the hood [ __ ] and having more experienced people because sugar was the experience one at the time as far as dealing with everything and people don't like giving them credit but he was a brilliant [ __ ] when he was at his best he was a sharp thinker he was smart he knew he had to answer to everything he was like the fixer the cleaner yeah something's wrong he knows what to do like and we was always doing something wrong and we didn't know what the [ __ ] to do because we're so used to catch a case [ __ ] it how much time I got it I'll take it he was on some catch a case hold on get a lawyer dance around this [ __ ] [ __ ] woke up drop it [ __ ] out of here huh yeah that's how white folks doing man I didn't know that you played me a song that you told me big you got to hear this one and you could have said anything in the world about should but the song that as I remember was you paying accolades and and it's called let bygones be bygones why was it important to write that because I love that man he changed my life and it gets overshadowed by the negative energy that was projected by him and the stupid [ __ ] he did when he was on the streets and just to the picture that they paint as far as half the man but if you know the whole man it was more greatness in him than anything he just didn't have a chance to highlight that and turn yeah exactly were you ever afraid of being on death row sometimes never I was afraid when I wasn't on death right right explain because it was death threats it was like [ __ ] where they was coming to get at me it was like it was it was animosity it was better he lose your biggest star Dr Dre then you lose your second biggest star Tupac and then you lose your biggest star that's actually there with you that helped officially create this [ __ ] Snoop Dogg were you scared for your life though definitely did it ever get extremely dangerous for you yep I had to go see Minister Farrakhan and let him put them boys on me you know what I'm saying the national Islam through the Islam put that power around me help me do what I got to do you know what I'm saying like that's what I love about Minister Farrakhan he played team ball he for us you know what I'm saying we got to have somebody that's for us she got everybody against us who the [ __ ] is for us did it seem worth it at the time were you ever thinking about walking away from the so-called business man please it's the [ __ ] I was born to do that's what I'm gonna live for I ain't gonna die for it but that's what I'm gonna live for I hear you how did you meet Park I had a home girl named Samoa she was like the bud lady and she was working on a on the movie Poetic Justice and it was a rap party and I ain't even know what the rap party was I thought it meant that [ __ ] was going to be there around she was like I'm gonna invite you to the right people like [ __ ] it I got raps and [ __ ] already wrapped my ass off so I get to the party and the crazy part is [ __ ] Michael Rapaport this [ __ ] reminded me because his punk ass was in it I didn't even know he was in there but he reminded me because this is my dog me and Michael Rapport is my [ __ ] so he like [ __ ] I was in there I'm like no you wouldn't so he started explaining to me what I'm gonna explain to you Ricky Harris was in the movie Rest In Peace So Ricky Harris was by the DJ booth so Ricky Harris no I can rap cause that's my [ __ ] mm-hmm so Ricky Harris like need your DJ to put something on he like uh yeah I got my little cousin Snoop Dogg in the house I'm gonna come up here and rap before he could give me the mic [ __ ] Tupac grab the mic yeah man he got a mic and start rapping or something he said his little Park you got the money how about the pigs ain't fun but he take it back we like rapping at each other like sort of kind of aggressive but it ain't like no disrespectful [ __ ] just like aggression he's aggressive and I'm I'm gangster so it's like we do like four or five raps [ __ ] everybody in the party like he just made a [ __ ] circle now John Singleton all these [ __ ] Big Wigs I'm just a regular [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] finish rapping we go outside and Layla from a bud alone it's my [ __ ] to this day Layla like uh snow [ __ ] Pac have a cigar and he split that [ __ ] gut it and he fill it up with weed I'm like what this [ __ ] doing he licked that [ __ ] light it I'm like what's that cause uh it's a Philly blunt and you want to hit it boom I hit the [ __ ] [ __ ] damn they're blow my whole chest out but it's some [ __ ] weed right oh no pull this joint out for you [ __ ] but you had never smoked a blunt before never so your first blunt was with Tupac off top I'm the reason why he on that floor I told should go get cuz let me let me let me let me rewind you there Pockets already established Park you know catches his case everybody that should have got parked out didn't get him out you know what I'm saying so history is written that should goes and gets Tupac out of out of prison which he did right but that was on the Snoop Dogg call Shug was told by Snoop Dogg cause we need to get cause and put him on our team we hearing bad [ __ ] about him behind the wall and we don't have no proof on whether it's real or not but what we do know is you powerful and we got great attorneys and there's some way that the system will be able to move for us to get him out of there and get him with us we need him with us because our team is the [ __ ] but I think like LeBron like what can make us better this [ __ ] Anthony Davis yeah oh Lord oh yeah go get it when Park was with death row were you ever concern with Park how much Park became death row in the beginning never after I seen him jump on that side I was concerned because being neutral was the best shift for him to pick a side I mean you picked a side now you're taking on all of their enemies when you're born in it it becomes stripes and it becomes what you do to struggle to get to the top when you're not born in it you take it on unnecessary beef so you're taking on unwanted [ __ ] so him being neutral in the beginning was amazing and then him choosing size at the end was a demise because you picked aside like I didn't have to ever talk to him about it or you just saw it and you felt like he probably wouldn't listen man pop was a military minded [ __ ] so he would always like he always had a plan like if you knew him he knew he wasn't going to be with Islam right right like and he always had a train of thought do you think that's why he worked like that too definitely but his train of thought was military like it became one point that he had me and him had to meet like on some real military [ __ ] where it was like [ __ ] this the new rule this is him telling me [ __ ] that's the new role [ __ ] I talked to you you talk to me your soldiers don't talk to me [ __ ] and my soldiers don't talk to you you understood all right I got it I guess how you talking to me like we're the same age you know but he he hit me with military [ __ ] so we have a scenario where we out of town and um [ __ ] is drinking Co-op got Hennessy Nate Outlaws Tupac we on the beach Hammer all of us out there chilling he just put the law on the fact that no nobody whatever the [ __ ] pox they are yeah whatever [ __ ] I ain't even told my [ __ ] yet though because I'm not military we got a new order yeah I got to tell y'all yeah I'm gonna tell you later so the [ __ ] on the beach and parking corrupt get into it like get get into it like get into it not physical but get into it like to where they like they talking and then pox say some [ __ ] like [ __ ] uh [ __ ] you know he looked at me he was like this girl right here [ __ ] you not even supposed to be talking to me and I'm like and then corrupt said something [ __ ] some something hey [ __ ] looked at her up and said [ __ ] I get the Outlaws to [ __ ] you up right now and then Nate Dogg standing right behind Tupac Nate Dogg said and what the [ __ ] we supposed to do when that's happening the apocalypse that Nate he looked at me he like I thought we had a I'm like [ __ ] you trying to yeah man so now we're now it's unorganized confusion now so then hammer step in amen but from that day on it was like what was your impox relationship prior to his passing man I say a week before he died with his best of friends two days before he died I don't think he liked me why because we was in New York oh yeah and [ __ ] had happened New York [ __ ] are shot at me and did all kind of [ __ ] to me like just the worst that you could think of and I forgave them and went did an interview and was asked how do I feel about puffy and big and I was like I liked it [ __ ] I want to do some music with them and I just rubbed because the wrong way like [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] them [ __ ] tried to kill me [ __ ] shot at you and you talking about you want to do a song with them [ __ ] I wasn't thinking about his emotions I was thinking about the way I felt at the time I wasn't into no controversy I like them [ __ ] music they were they was our friends we was all friends at one point this video footage of all of us hanging out pop biggie puff shook all of us together prior to death row just on some regular [ __ ] so that to me I never seen myself getting involved even when he played the video for me to uh hit him up even when he played hit him up the song I didn't like the song did you yeah did you feel like it was I didn't like it right I didn't like it like I didn't like this [ __ ] like it wasn't like the [ __ ] to me like it was buying you buying more problems girl like you're buying problems gangsters is everywhere they they make them everywhere and I think when he got what else he got to the Mind state that we the [ __ ] yeah and ain't nobody like us always people like us everywhere so you say a week before best of friends two days best of friends like like we live in New York during the award show and laughing in my hair problem he got me this [ __ ] Hugo ball suit and had me on some European [ __ ] my pants was fitting Titan he had to make on some other [ __ ] like [ __ ] let me dress you they can get you right suit by Dion Scott I'm on some other [ __ ] with my [ __ ] like okay but then we hit New York he go gangster he like on some stupid gangster [ __ ] like but I'm on some player [ __ ] I've been here before New York lost Snoop Dogg we could but he also like to make a try to kill me and no [ __ ] that did he ever say that he wasn't [ __ ] with you or you just felt it after the Angie Martinez after Angie Martinez interview we go back to the hotel so my uncle real he in the lobby and my dad is up in my room so my uncle real come back up to my room and like man blue pocket image on some [ __ ] man they down there talking [ __ ] and blah blah blah blah I'm like talking [ __ ] I'm like I ain't listening to that what you talking about so my phone rang to my room bro it's multi one of the Outlaws Pock said give my ass away and hang up well that ain't gonna happen 15 minutes ago by a call back epoxy hey [ __ ] tell Pop to call pop call hey I need an ounce of weed just hang up so I sit in the way no communication don't say nothing to me so now we're flying back to LA the next day so normally I got two security with me that fly on a private plane what is sure got his homies by got his security we get to the private plane make sure like they can't go your security they can't go foreign we're gonna get some clarity in this air we got a five and a half hour flight I ain't got no security you [ __ ] ain't feeling me right now this is how my life is based anyway would you feel like [ __ ] felt the same way I felt like they were feeling each other's fire like they was Tiff attack like nobody would put water like instead of sugar no hold on [ __ ] that's yeah you know they was fired for fire so when we get on when I get on the plane after they say my security can't roll park right here another [ __ ] right here so I walk on [ __ ] don't say nothing to me so I sit down and I'm like they still don't say nothing to me now we finna take off I'm like all right I see what's going to happen I've been around these [ __ ] I know how they get out I grabbed me a knife and a fork get my blanket put my blanket over my eyes to like they right up under here five and a half hours like this sit in the back of the plane all the way in the back I'm the last seat so [ __ ] I'm somebody gonna get killed [ __ ] if I'm gonna get killed somebody dying with me I'm just my back against the wall five and a half hours nobody's saying one word to me not one [ __ ] word as soon as we land they rolled a little stairs down all them [ __ ] go out first my Rolls Royce right here park Rolls Royce right here go down the stairs pot go down I'll go down I'm like pop you going to Vegas to the fight cause a [ __ ] like that's the last thing I remember from cuz him doing me like this and he was on his way to Vegas yep the next time I seen him he was laying in the hospital how did you get where are you when you find out that that Park was shot so at Warren G's house me and Warren G was um I think we're playing a video game at Warren G's house and uh Pages was blowing up and phones were blowing up they was like put it on the news and put it on the news and we sing sugar car and the yellow tape so made the phone call I called should personally that [ __ ] answered the phone and the way he was talking it was like Park was going to live he's like yeah they just you know they grazed me in the air you know yeah my [ __ ] I you know he been up you know what I'm saying he down right now he been up and uh man come on out here dog I'll jump right on the highway in the [ __ ] uh the Hummer and go out there to see him and when I see him Jesse Jackson his mom and all them there and um his mama she pulled me to the side and that's when I knew it was bad because she tells me to be strong and all this [ __ ] I'm like so I go in the room with him and he laid up and I just get right on the side of his head and just start talking to him in his ear just talking to him just I don't even know what the [ __ ] I was saying but it was something to the fact of like I love you and I hope I didn't make you mad from the [ __ ] I did I just thought I was doing what was writing it was some other [ __ ] cause and as soon as I walked out of there I went in the bathroom and I threw up and just laid on the floor for like 30 minutes his mama came in there and cleaned me up his mama came in here and cleaned me up and got me back right like I'm like she is a hell of a lady man and park he lives for about seven days but did you know at that at that moment or early on that Park wasn't gonna make it no that's Superman cause I thought he was coming out of that we've seen it before or watched him do it before so I was like he'll be all right he's gonna come out of it and it's just it's just crazy that the [ __ ] went down like that like like I'll explain to you that level that last seven days like that last seven days was like a roller coaster because it was filled with so much happiness and it didn't win that [ __ ] broke my heart do you think you got closure when you when you spoke to park in his ear do you feel it I think I had closure when he was alive got you I just think that he just wasn't thinking rational if you know him he was a loving caring person yeah let me just caught up I was fighting a murder case he was out on bail from his case so naturally we look like America's Most Wanted to America's Most Wanted and if we beat it we supposed to still be [ __ ] the law and [ __ ] y'all in this gang bang but my train of thought was man I ain't playing with them no more I almost lost it all I've been dealing with this my whole life they don't play with [ __ ] like this I'm cool I'm gonna find a new Leaf to turn I'm the dog father now I ain't the young gangbanging riding I'm the dog father meaning that I'm The Godfather meaning that I'm a center [ __ ] I'm a play the boss roll around everybody wasn't with that they wanted me to still be on the front line Makaveli all eyes on me he Frontline I backed up when he got on we was Frontline now I'm backing up I'm Double Dutch because I got a baby yeah I got a wife yeah [ __ ] you don't got right I got [ __ ] to live for what does family mean to you dog all the reason to live family is everything it's all the reason to live to fight to to struggle to want to do right and you know I say that to say this that pocket have much of that so his extended family was death row right so and as a grown man you basically make your own decision as a kid you could be led into decisions so he was grown so we made a decision to follow death row and at the same time death row was great but we was bad at giving advice right bad I saw a Redemption your stage play and Redemption you you peeled off a lot of layers you know did you always know how special boss lady or queen is was no we never do right until you and a virgin losing it or or something tragic happens but I just feel like you know I got my Common Sense back before it was too late to recognize and realize that I'm better with her than without her had you guys ever thought about like divorce or anything like that I did she would never sign the papers though but why you were not inside of that [ __ ] because I just thought at some point in time and I was better by myself like you know all the Temptation and all the the things you see other single people doing like man so I was by myself it'd be much better and I wouldn't have to worry about all this and that but then at the same time I'm like [ __ ] by yourself but who gonna be worrying about this that that that and then at the same time it's like you got a grass is greener then we realize it's artificial man you you pick what you want and you love what you like and I at the same time I picked her a long time ago and she chose me and especially when when we think okay there's something else out there and there isn't especially that love you to the core right you know what's what's the next thing for dog I just saw that you got your star I saw that you thanked yourself right as you should most importantly yes I want to do a song with Sade I really do I like her music I love her sound I want to do a song with shout out I've been saying that [ __ ] for years hopefully it'll happen dog I thank you for your time man thank you for hanging off here with me for sure yeah man yeah what's the longest you went without smoking I'm higher than a [ __ ] right now remember that that month I went off my mom came in oh yeah yeah he was all bright-eyed you see me [ __ ] don't act like you didn't know [ __ ] you one of the first [ __ ] I said but that was the longest right and though that was like 15 years ago I know so you ain't stopped you know 15 years ago [ __ ] that's a long time yeah but you ain't you ain't did it again for what man you need to cleanse yourself one time yeah yeah you did that I'm clinched Snoop Dogg my brother appreciate you man that's what the Bible says once you click ye cleanse himself once thy is clean the thigh shall be cleaned forever is that what the Bible say Jose no no okay man we'll let you be that's the old old James version right here Rick James Snoop Dogg all fair appreciate you brother I appreciate you big love you big thanks man good [ __ ] good [ __ ]
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 3,768,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snoop dogg, snoop dogg interview, snoop dogg documentary, snoop dogg full interview, snoop dogg big boy, snoop dogg tupac, tupac, tupac documentary, snoop dogg suge knight, suge knight, hip hop, rap, hip hop documentary, snoop dogg video, snoop, nate dogg, warren g, big boy, big boy off air, bigboytv, big boy’s neighborhood, snoop dogg doc, ice cube, eazy e, dr dre, dre, interview, full interview, documentary, snoop interview, rap interview, freestyle, 2pac, off air
Id: 7owzJ28IH6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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