The Fifth Element (1997) the Wacky Sci-Fi Action Comedy Love Story - Rental Reviews

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[Music] nice little bit do you're watching the movies and talking about them - we got so many favorites and the waiting here for you we got kids but don't be mad because we also got the movies but first a message from our sponsor Wow Tony you're looking pretty down in the dumps I am I recently got into Dragons but I'm having trouble finding a big dragon thing to talk about I just want to talk about my knowledge of dragons with friends and then asked them about their knowledge of dragons then make fun of them for their lack of knowledge of dragons and then begged them to get into my dragon things so I can have more people to talk about dragons with well let me tell you Tony you're gonna love this week's sponsor raid shadow legends isn't that supposed to be the most ambitious RPG of 2019 it is and don't forget it's free wow this game looks like it has an amazing story line and awesome graphics it also has giant boss and PvP battles I love the number of champions I can collect and 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ago maybe and then wants just that this past week and I love the look of it I love the special effects great practical effects great vision just the scenery everything and it's it looks amazing but I don't get it like there's a comedy tone to it like is it a comedy like I don't know what to make it this early it's definitely something I by the way I think you're in a room with two of the biggest Fifth Element fans that'll help because you could explain it to me lately what is this movie trying to exactly sci-fi action comedy if you want to put it in that yeah it's like if you're watching Blade Runner then all of a sudden people keep winking to the camera or something it's just like it's so off it's it's home it's laid runner but funny and has point I think they brought life to the universe I will say like alright so the story is like though the story is kind of bizarre there's some stuff missing so there's a giant evil ball in space that wants to destroy the world it tries to do it every five thousand you see embodiment of all evil in the other and then there's five elements that have to be combined to destroy it like in Captain Planet yes much much like Captain Planet what why is the giant boulder how does it communicate with gary oldman wise gary oldman working with not so much plot things but just what is this what is this movie like what is it is the point well what is a like trying to find a reason to save humanity because that's what her journey is the Fifth Element Lilu she's trying to she's supposed to protect humanity from this evil but she's seeing how awful people are so she's trying to find reasons to save us and in the end it ends up being loved who gives a [ __ ] because the movies pretty [ __ ] awesome everybody get a cool chick I mean this movies I think it's good yeah but it's a fun movie yeah and and it's all over the place and as you said before like the style and it's just the makeup the the casting is so good in this film yeah and you know it introduces like Egyptian stuff and then space stuff there is like aliens alien ethology but they don't go into it too much like I would love to know more about those big turtle guys why they're fighting the weird dog-faced guy they looked cool yeah I mean this movie did follow up like Stargate and stuff yeah yeah I don't know it's just it's just a fun time like you don't think about the story too much because the characters are so rich the the comedies so funny it's just so quirky to look at that it's like yeah they build a really big universe because you know they show these secret aliens in the beginning but then later when it's 300 years in the future the aliens have to ask permission they get into the earth defense for us yeah it's like well I guess they made first contact who cares they're back I think a lot of it is Lucas on he's what French yeah a lot this is this does definitely has a French feel especially if you've seen some of his other movies right French directors he he also does professional and wasabi and yeah and then like other French directors like um jean-pierre Jeunet your dnalien resurrection he also did city lost children they're also like sci-fi but they're they're full of over-the-top cartoony characters so I think maybe there might be like a cultural thing if you don't watch a lot of those movies this one could be kind of like what is this also he was a fan of those velaryon comics so I thinks he knows because Fifth Element was so good he he wanted to wait so long the do valerian and then what I find a cake came out in theatres that no Valerians a [ __ ] manager guys like Alien Resurrection or what do you think now I didn't like it to begin with but then I start watching more French movies and then everything is after Alien Resurrection was worse than alien resurrection so it got good by just not being as bad as I'd like I know I really liked it when I first saw it yeah Alien Resurrection is now because when you mention that I can see that this has like a weird kind of comedy that doesn't really like fit in the movie then it would otherwise be a straight-up sci-fi you know action film but it's got these weird comedy and even the comedy it's like whenever it happens I'm like is was that a joke okay yeah I'm always confused I'm guessing you wearing a Ruby rhod guy [Music] Chris Tucker is a funny actor yeah I like him in the rush hour movies I've seen in Friday that's really good but this movie I hated him absolutely [ __ ] like there has never been like a character in a film that just took me so out of the movie every scene he's in his performance is so big and so loud and so bright and colorful he's like changing costumes and like so that kind of explains the tone of the movie in the future everything is just that much more outrageous technology and like vacations are on other planets and like giant flying cruise ships and stuff like that it's just soot and the bad guys over the top and he's like you know those little creatures and his little bad guys with the dome heads and yeah he's selling these guns that shoots 50 things at once it's just a weird movie I feel like this would have been like if this was like an anime this would probably be like their most like everyone would [ __ ] love this because then it'd be more cartoony you'd be more I guess this is an original movie I don't know who did the screenplay or who did likely if it was original but it does feel like a like a manga or like or like an anime or something that was like just live-action which I think might be jarring to some people here's Chris Tucker okay this explains like how just weird the movie is like that feel in any other movie that would just be a one-note character like he come up there be a funny scene they leave I love that the movie decides well we're 20-30 minutes to the end this is now a main character and it's gonna be with us the entire tiling he's I don't think there's any reason for him to go in that temple at the end but he does it's just it defies expectations it just goes nice it's because they needed five people to go into the temple and there's five elements they all represent an element yeah should we talk about the fifth element Lee well spoiler alert sorry that's not a spoiler alert it's at the beginning of the movie well that's true so the the five elements the represented by these stones and then the fifth one is like an actual person yeah that's in a sarcophagus and then it gets destroyed the bad guys try to destroy because they want the ball to destroy the earth they never explained why so many people are working with this evil [ __ ] ball no they also make it easy only person that's working with the evil [ __ ] ball is Gary all right but they never explain what he pays the the manga lorian's the Mandalorians yeah to blow him up so then now our technology is able to rebuild the fifth element and it turns out to be the beautiful woman who was Milla Jovovich who I think was married to the dweller at the time oh yeah luc besson yeah rest in peace that relationship oh she knows a lot she's very intelligent but she's also like this is the first time he's actually interacting with people it's kind of like he looked at trope called like born sexy yesterday kind of a thing like she's naive and their characters are fall in love with her and like it's it's I don't know and the funny thing I say this is this real wacky world but we're seeing it through the eyes of Bruce Willis yeah who's basically just John McClane in the future and he's [ __ ] great this movie like doesn't want to deal with any of us I like how you to be a fighter pilot or something and they keep showing his like multi passions up and he is like a full like a mutton chop like more like like you like a full thing going on my purse will I said the movie oh he's Bruce Willis he's the only character that is not over-the-top and weird and you know well the girl who's the Fifth Element she's actually really down earth - it doesn't um I mean she plays a character where she speaks like an ancient language and like how they they can't communicate but she plays it really well and so there's no complaints with her or Bruce Willis Gary Oldman's awesome as always you know even though his costumes a little weird like what's with like the plastic like half of his head I mean but Gary Oldman you could put like a you know like a Cat in the Hat hat on him and he could make it a good performance I kind of just let the production design team do whatever they wanted and I think it all pays off like yeah it's definitely like a lot of people compare it to Blade Runner the city does kind of look like Blade Runner yeah but when it comes to like the outfits and everything when they get off earth like it's so fresh like I've never seen a movie like it here or since like even valerian which is supposed to be like a spiritual successor Alice ended up not being like that yeah it looks great like the whole thing I love 90s spaceships like in starship true I don't know if I mentioned Sartre troopers cuz that's that's when you could have a model like a miniature of a spaceship but you were finally able to composite it really well because if you watch like the old Star Wars you see the spaceships you can kind of see like the mat around them like they weren't able like well the special editions are able to blur it out but like 90 stations like the models look so great and that's why I'm annoyed when the 2000s game it all went to CG spaceships it's like no but we finally got like the really really good-looking ones and James your talk about like why are why is this such a Coke Classic I think at least for me I don't know about you this was a movie that got like its audience through cable this is on HBO and Cinemax yeah lie and I would watch it every single time it was like yeah I think I need to pee oh this would always play back to back with Galaxy Quest I think both of those are funny because I was almost gonna mention Galaxy Quest would use Galaxy Quest is a comedy yes it's a full comedy but it has that same kind of like production design where it's all practical effects and you know you got your spaceships and you got your aliens every part of that looks tangible like it's actually there the actions great and if I was not a good that fight scene during the the Opera hmm yeah is incredible when she's like just oh is that the editing is really good like someone will open a case and someone else will close it or I'll cut to someone screaming and someone else are laughing like it's R it's really smart at it's also really interesting I didn't really realize this to like the hundredth time I've seen this movie Bruce Willis a Gary Oldman I don't think they ever meet in the entire movie they don't and they're like the main good and bad guy there's like one see where one gets in a room and the other one comes it's like Captain Kirk or Admiral Kirk or whatever and yeah and they met in the show but in the movie in homes really good as like the underground priests yeah I love um tiny Lister Ennis who played debo in Friday he's the president for the places like this real musty how is that astronomic on in Detroit recently the convention and he was there and he had a bunch of Fifth Element things aside I was like yes yeah I feel so overloaded with this movie like there's so much going on in it it's it's like when you got a watch I mean if you have a time it's definitely one you should rewatch a few times to take more in well up to - yeah I feel like if you watch this 10 times it's like beat it like yeah if you had to watch this ten times that you're like it'll be your favorite now sadya depending on what you watch it on the first blu-ray they made of this movie was it - Zack it was worse than the DVD they had to resolve with the worst like tell a city ever and like so they read it in it looks brain and I actually just got the 4k one from a that's why they have like this Neil nice one or whatever done they liked a really cool art like it looks really good now I uh like I said this movie has a special place my heart I love it a lot I remember when I got my appendix out and I was in so much goddamn pain in the hospital like that night felt it was on the TV I don't like I'll think this is gonna distract me for - huh any day like Chris Chris Tucker made me laugh which then hurt my belly which was heal it was a good and bad memories I guess they rounded out the ebony like scenes you didn't like or really really liked or anything there's so many scenes in the movie I think most people take like the opera scene is really awesome that cuts in between the fight scene yeah I mean the editing I can see that but the opera scene itself I'm just like this is weird it's just really weird please make it go away this is weird I think real odd [ __ ] with the mind that there this is a French movie just just watch it with that watch a couple French movies then you'll really be able to tune in yeah like I think I always watch on YouTube the other day when you did a you know movies that you don't really like as much as other people do and I think this is on the list it wasn't on that was if I did maybe like top 20 maybe top 30 well my matrix is on the list the matrix you're talking about that soon speaking of a blue the blue diva yeah in the movie which was really cool that's a really cool alien design and stuff it always reminds me when they did alien vs. predator to this one website was like hey guys we have the first image of the pret a lien and I got real excited and then I clicked it it was just the blue diva from filming because she's got the dreadlocks and I'm like you sons of [ __ ] he got the stones are in me and I want to know what would happen if like they're like okay like she didn't get shot and then after the show he's like hold on I gotta go to the bathroom and I don't know I guess one thing I do want to mention about this movie is that women love this movie well that's cool yeah yeah they really really love it and as an example good friend of the show Johanna who begged to be in this review but couldn't be here because we film during her work hours you sent us a tape in to see why she loves it let's let's play the tape it has fun with the sci-fi genre and it doesn't take itself too seriously Gary Oldman as great as the work also Bruce Willis is sexy as hell on that orange shirt also I don't know what's with this movie and orange they're like really obsessed with orange for a movie that's over 20 years old I think the effects hold up pretty decently that opera scene amazing it's just nice to see a female action hero without the forest girl power message by the way the last time I saw this movie was a 20th anniversary showing I went with Tony on our way back he literally almost [ __ ] his pants we want to stop at a lot while because it was that bad he went in there literally turned right back around because someone apparently pooped all over the walls so then we're right by his house and he goes and literally parks on top of his grass he runs up the door flings his keys at me and says finished parking this car well thanks for that anyway a really great movie III understand people's issues with it yeah III will say that you know like you know we didn't really talk about different scenes that happen or really what we like what this character does or like the whole plot in general cuz it's just it's very confusing to find people like yourself James who just don't like this movie the movie itself was confusing it's just there's so much happening it that at the end I can't even remember what I saw I'm like I just feel overstimulated I do appreciate that you're more indifferent instead of outright hating is no I don't hate I definitely don't hate it I've met some people who do hate those like I said that's done it's like it's kind of a hard man Julian visually it's awesome like I could watch it with the sound off and be like that that's cool you know but I don't walk away from it with any like idea or any like I don't walk away from it with any feeling it's just like yeah you know I just saw then it was weird and it has no place in my heart but some way the same way guys do yeah you know if you haven't seen it I want you to watch it for the first time oh definitely see it it's it's recommend Twitter I don't know what people seen it for the first time thing yeah cuz I don't really know anyone that hasn't seen it yeah and did you have to see it ten times before you like and then just a disclaimer for some people watching it you're gonna be sad in the beginning because Luke Perry's in the beginning and he recently just died a few weeks ago that got me sad I was watching last night like I'm not even a big Lou Perry fan but I was like oh that's a bummer really baby down but the rest of the movie after that you're gonna love it yeah or or not I wouldn't know what you want more Awards especially for music it got an Oscar nod for sound mixing but when you go up against Titanic and as good as it gets you're gonna lose yeah yeah did people talk about this when I first came out or no I think Titanic have dominated that yeah like there's a lot of good sci-fi there were a lot of good special effects movies that yeah Tomorrow Never Dies on some great effect but Titanic kind of overshadowed everything yeah yeah my heart go on is yeah that was a big one yes literally a big well that was good I can't wait for the six element [Music] you
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 535,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fifth element, fifth element movie, fifth element review, fifth element movie review, fifth element film review, rental reviews, cinemassacre
Id: 9PFENgb5rMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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