The Fibonacci Sequence - Chuck Missler

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now I want to show you something we always talk about randomness the universe came out what came out came about by randomness that's the whole premise of evolution right how many you've ever seen randomness besides at Las Vegas okay as you look at randomness and the intent here was to assemble random bits in by the way that turns out to be very difficult to do in a computer you can't get randomness they have pseudo-random number generators that generate a string of numbers that make meet as many tests as they can conceive of for randomness but they're still not really random and but I want you I want you to look at these ran treat these as random numbers do you know what's you notice what's missing there's something missing here can you spot what's missing randomness lacks symmetry do you ever see random things symmetrical see the very concept of symmetry implies order a center line on a drawing implies that there's an architect around that's how they discovered all kinds of things about the architecture of the temple amount because these things all line up on a center line that has profound implications you notice randomness lacks periodicity every third one doing something or whatever any there's no periodicity in fact that's one of the tests of randomness if there's any periodicity it fails the test of randomness you know I mean the periodicity it has a cycle okay randomness lacks any evidence of design by definition because if there's design that implies it's no longer random and and it ran miss lacks order of any kind that's why the scientists as they search for extraterrestrial life listen to the noise the randomness in the hopes of finding some kind of order and what they run out of course if it's period is periodic every second or something that could be generated by some natural phenomenon so a period s you know they're not looking for that and but they're looking for any evidence of design that's why random numbers are a typical conjecture if you were trying to communicate to another alien culture a series of random numbers is one other ways to get their attention presumably because how would you generate that well I got a surprise for you because there's some other there's a there is a sequence of numbers that how many ever heard of the Fibonacci numbers there's how many there's 1 2 3 anybody else okay it's interesting I have heard about these since I was a kid I never took them seriously and that the because they are the domain of some pretty strange characters but back in the 12th century Leonardo Fibonacci he was messing around trying to predict rabbit populations and he discovered a series of numbers that bears his name and the first it's 1 1 than to H number is the sum of the previous two third numbers to the next number is 3 which is 1 plus 2 then 3 is 2 plus 2 plus 3 is 5 5 plus 3 is 8 5 and 8 or 13 8 and 13 or 21 see each number is the sum of the previous two you follow me that is the Fibonacci sequence he first did the mathematician he first discovered in 12th century but he didn't recognize the real significance it took several hundred years for people to discover that this sequence appears in nature in some of the strangest places the ratio of any two adjacent numbers is approximately 1.6 it varies a little bit in the second or third decimal place but it's very close to that and now it was several as I say several hundred years before the significance of the sequence is recognized there is a sequence it shows up in what's sometimes called the golden rectangle the ancient Greeks seem to discover that there's a rectangle whose proportions are the most pleasing and they call that the gold recti that's when the the longer side is the shorter side as the shorter size is the sum of the two sides and that's a rectangle of a certain proportion it's on the screen right now that rectangle is called by artists and scientists and mathematicians as the golden rectangle and it has some peculiar characteristics the ratio of the short side the long side the long sides 1.618 of the short side but the point is if you take a square out of that you still end up with the golden rectangle if you take a square out of that you end up with the golden rectangle and go and so forth you follow me it's got some interesting mathematical properties and on okay it turns out the Parthenon in Greece the Great Pyramid the United Nations building your credit cards your playing cards postcards the switch on your light switch at home writing pads three by five cards five by eight cards all of these are based on the golden rectangle whether you realize it or not okay in in art Leonardo da Vinci van Gogh the mirror John Singer Sargent Monet Whistler Renoir a many artists recognized that by building their art on that golden rectangle it gave it light vitality moment movement and it was a dynamic what they call dynamic symmetry in contrast the static symmetry so it implies growth power movement and gives animation and so forth and the artists have discovered that if you're student of art you were well-acquainted with this in floral arrangements we discover the lily has three petals the yellow violet five delphinium eight the may we dean the aster 21 Maryam has thirty for healing him held in him has 55 Michaelmas daisies 89 so if you wanted these people she loves me she loves me not if you know the Fibonacci numbers you got a chance of winning that one okay all these of course are the in in the Fibonacci sequence there's a study among scientists called fellow Texas and that's where you study the arrangement of leaves around the stem of a plant visualize taking his plant and taking a cross-section and seeing how the leaves are order in the plant it turns out the Elm always has one half the circumference the beach or the hazel has one third the apricot and the oak have two every five they pair the poplar has three-eighths each one of these the almond the pussy-willow pine trees are always 5 to 21 or 32 13 to 34 these are all Fibonacci numbers now first of all they discovered isn't that was bizarre because you'll never find a number that's not in the Fibonacci sequence which is weird out of 434 angiosperm and 44 gymnosperms they all have Fibonacci numbers in their design and scientists have discovered that maximizes the exposure to sunlight and air without shading or crowding from the other leaves depends on the nature of the leaves so this is a result of very skillful design but the design is motivated in part by beauty and there's a whole nother thing I didn't get a chance to do this you go down if you're if you're a diver you know if you go down 690 feet or so it starts getting bluer and bluer pretty dark you go down deep enough where it's dark and turn on a light things are incredibly colorful why nobody can see them why are they created the first place for his pleasure we have a god that loves beauty a whole other thing I get into here as you drive and see scenery you'll never see it monotonous except you unless you go through Kansas yeah as you drive as I was driving in here think about this talk you know as you go drive Mountain Road we drive through a mountain road and there's all these trees the trees are random and yet they're not monotonous the design of the trees are not predictable each one is different and yet conforms to a motif it's astonishing how you can look through nature and never see monotony it's always got this strange variety so about seeds the rows of bracts on pinecones it's eight or thirteen there's two rows pineapples is three rows it's 8 13 and 21 and it turns out there's an optimum divergence angle 137.5 which is a in effect a fraction of the 360 that's a phenomena Fibonacci number it produces the best packing and that's why you always see for naught G Fibonacci spirals on Sun fly if you look at sunflower you've got two divergent spirals of both Fibonacci numbers and let's talk about music how many play music in here okay you've got 5 keys that enter the pen 10 pentatonic scale right you've got 8 that are called the dietary seal no those are people not your numbers you put them both together you got a chromatic scale Aidan for five together a major sixth which is considered for strange reasons beautiful is a ratio of frequencies that's 3 to 5 and a minor sixth is again a ratio of these are all Fibonacci numbers all through music for some reason it's it works certain Court yet two keys some of them work some don't if you're a musician you know why but part of the reason is you got Fibonacci numbers undergirding that hold analysis but here's the one that blew me away I was reading up on this and I thought that's kind of weird if you look at the revolution of the planets in our solar system you got a Neptune Pluto is a problem for a number of people I won't get into that here but you got Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter the the asteroid belt Mars Earth and Venus and Mercury if you adjust the observed orbits just slightly to what I'll call here the theoretical orbits each one is a Fibonacci ratio to the previous one and you say and Pluto is two but in an inverse way because it's ninety thousand miles again step tune 60,000 so that's a three to two thing but I want to stay out of that for some other reasons neptune and pluto is a whole another issue anyway the point is what's interesting these are the same ratios that you find in the m the beach the apricot the pear the almond Elm the pine and three of them find numbers they say what on earth does the trees have to do with the design of the solar system very simple the same guy did both of them the same guy had had an insight of what makes things beautiful that beauty is an elusive concept on the one hand and yet we discover there certain rules even in design that we find let's just take one more if we take the gold that golden rectangle take a square out of it take another square out of it take another square out of it we have with the golden rectangle we can create a spiral right very famous spiral it turns out it's the only spiral that does not alter its shape as it grows it has that math peculiar mathematical property and you all seen one it what's called the chambered nautilus shell it shows up a lot of other places too but I mentioned this is just a very crisp example you find that in the hurricane spiral seeds the ram's horn the hit tail of a seahorse fern leaves the DNA molecule you'll find in waves breaking on a beach tornadoes galaxies the tail of a comet around the Sun whirlpools seed patterns of sunflowers daisies and dandelions the ears of all mammals and especially the cochlea of the human ear you have one in your ear that helps convert the sound vibrations into pulses that the ear can transmit to the brain we'll talk a little bit more about that as we go you remember two Vinci's famous anatomical sketch of a man and you take from the navel to his feet you discover it's a golden rectangle relate if you know that distance you know how tall he is by applying the golden rectangle and you can do that from from his navel to his chin you'll find the length of his face from his chin to his lips the tip to the nose to the pupils the pupils to the top of his head and so forth all these yield distances of various parts you'll discover the golden relationships are all through his basic design and this man is in the image of God in some sense of lead it's not surprising to find out he apparently has what we understand to be mathematically harmonious proportions and we find that all through nature even whether you're talking about seeds in a plant or the orbits of the plants then [Music] [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 167,704
Rating: 4.9319248 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: A6NZ0qwQ0Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2012
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