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[Music] so you're sitting with your spouse's and with all the peer habitus agenda in one place and then allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala releases the veil and you see allah you see Allah and there you see your palace minimum made of golden bricks and silver bricks it has been kept together with Musk pure Moscow Allahu Alem and the light is humongous it emanates from the arts of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that's the light of gender there's no Sun can i woman get pregnant in general I want children he was a better one that's how they used to ask their questions and also Salem says a woman gets pregnant in one hour and gives birth and returns back to the way she was as if she was untouched and there is no agony or pain if you want children with their Lord are many paradises Genet is a plural for Jenna Jeanette is plural for Jenna Allah Samantha has installed many many gardens for one single person beneath which rivers flow the standard look of Jenna if you were to look at the floor you know when you go outside and you're walking as pebbles under you you just sort of kick them aside in Jenna they are pearls pearls and diamonds when you see your wife in Jenna you're gonna look at anything oh my god it's the whole lane Allah Akbar one thread of her hair if you were to be shown on the earth it will light up more than the Sun in the hadith if she spit in an in the ocean and all Turner all sweet my brothers our sisters in Islam the palaces are humongous I can't even describe how big their one room in there on standard level standard is about 60 miles long and how many rooms are in there uncountable how many palaces are there other in your land a la hora kebab count and you'll keep counting subhanAllah and in that Palace the Angels have prepared an exquisite meal for you and your wife and the inhabitants of general there is a meal and a feast that you are going to receive as a welcome to all the inhabitants of Jannah what is it first of all you get appetizers as in the hadith the appetizer is and be patient with me when you hear it it is the most tender part of the liver of a whale and when you say me too when you say all these things in Jannah it tastes nothing like a veal and then you have tours guides who show you around Jannah you come past the special rivers they are four of them and they exist throughout Jenna for all the inhabitants of Jannah let alone the rivers that are specifically for you you have your own rivers and you have rivers for the people of Jannah who drink from they are rivers of milk River a river of water that never goes off a river of honey that is pure and a river of wine again don't think water of this world milk of this world honey of this world or wine of this world then you get wine from a fountain called salsabil but it's not in toxicant and then the face comes along the angels bring to you the mate of beef it is a care it is a it is a buffalo that has been grazing the most tender parts of the grasses of Jannah since the day Jonah was created prepared for you and it will be slaughtered and then you will eat from its meat you will eat beef and you're thinking to yourself I don't like beef in this world well in gentleness look the same beef and guess what it's being mixed with all the spices and all the things that you love and Allah has created these angels of these people who make it and they are shifts imagine being created as by Allah smart data to do that there are special creatures in general him Allah has created to decorate your palace so forget about all the interior designers that you've ever thought of these are the best Allah has created them to decorate and design the interior of your palace and the first thing that you are given is to quench your thirst after all this time of waiting in the day of judgment you are given wine which is mixed with ginger to refresh yourself in the waiting area anyone with these beautiful people with bright faces they're all smiling they're all cheerful they're all telling you come and read my book and you say read mine they say well you know what about mine look what I've done here and a lost man teller has wiped away all the sins no one knows they're a secret between you and Allah Spano to Allah you'll never get enough of something you can never get fool you can never get hungry you don't go to the toilet I'll see the young boys and girls here you don't get to the toilet to there ever again so you don't have to worry about your moms and dads suddenly did you go to the toilet this morning up there there's no toilet you don't need to there's nothing that smells anymore there's nothing that you don't sweat anything smelly it's just pure enjoyment you can never get enough of everything you can swim in a river made of chocolate and eat chocolate fish if you want and you will never get enough because there's no diabetes there's no issues of overweight there's no issues of underweight there's no issues of anything at all and you're looking around and you see these beautiful trees the trunks made of gold what's that made of gold is it like the gold of this world no this silver is alike the silver of this world no you look at them you say this is gold that's silver but it's not like any gold I've ever seen before or silver I've ever seen the trunks are huge the leaves are massive the shade is humongous there are trees that take a horse to gallop very fast as in the hadith a very fast Swift horse for three days to cross just the shade of some of its trees oh hi Lee who are cynllun did say he Himalayan or what in paradise there are things that no eye has ever seen well although none a semi-hard and no ear has ever heard when a hot on our ala kulli Bieber shop and it hasn't even occurred to the heart of any creation is at the doors of Jena and the door is opened the angels who are standing to welcome the people they say to them the first word what do you think they say first think peace because this is what we're all yearning for should've this door it's a marvelous door a huge door very wide hundreds of kilometers wide effect because the Lost Island the island those two gentlemen are wide and his generosity is immense imagine what their attention jemna they are like they're actually Hollow curls one big pill and it's hollow it's size is 60 miles in length I wonder what's in there sir another man called out says the eros ooh la la what a bell plantation can i farm Anjana the guy wants to farm plough and dig and plant he said smiled and he said Allah in general you plant the seed and suddenly the beauty of your crops begins to race with your eyes Sabich another meaning your eyes and the beauty and the growth it's in a race now she said that's Jenna that's paradise can't you see there's no difference between whites and blacks there is no difference between there's no harm the children are playing around the lion and the lion is praying with the butterfly it's beautiful and peace I said paradise there's no more work there's no more worship none of them ever again when you see a loss of one hour to hire you forget all the beauty that you have ever seen until this point a long workable and what could describe the beauty of a loss of Hannah or Diana nothing nothing Allah says no Quran oh joy we're on that day faces will be bright looking at their lord allah subhanahu wata'ala and beautiful palm but in English it doesn't sound nice what he says is he says they look at their Lord and suddenly there is no more beautiful thing that they have ever laid their eyes on after what they have laid their eyes on already from the beauty of Jena than the sight of the Lord subhanahu water Ireland when you see Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you forget all the beauty that you have ever seen until this point and with and a lot Panta Allah is a way watching everyone brothers and sisters in Islam you've all heard about paradise you've all heard about Jenna and some people think of it as a fantasy they can't really grasp the reality of it [Music]
Channel: Nourish TV
Views: 600,870
Rating: 4.9522438 out of 5
Keywords: The Feelings of Jannah, PARADISE, AMAZING, BILAL ASSAD, salah, amazing story, omar suleiman, angels in your presence, 2020, bestdua, islam, muslim, muhmmad, ilovuallah, mercifulservant, quran, nourish tv, jannah, allah, islamic content, daily reminders, nouman ali khan new, daily reminder, islamic lecture, ismail ibn musa menk, recently uploaded
Id: mpDwbPM69mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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