The Fearless Life

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this program is brought to you by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world this virus is an enemy praise god those emotional attacks that's an enemy the loneliness and the depression that's an enemy don't be intimidated by your enemies why this will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed so when you're walking around in faith rather than in fear and if you're walking around refusing to be intimidated that's a sign to the to your enemies that they're going to be destroyed creflo dollar ministries tv app brings you live church services direct to your smart tv and much more you'll also get access to changing your world network streaming grace messages and exclusive content 24 hours a day right in the app get unlimited streaming through roku amazon and apple tv absolutely free visit your app store download the creflo dollar ministries tv app now to start streaming for more information visit [Music] tonight uh i want you to join me because this is going to be so so very important uh i'm going to talk to you about the fearless life the fearless life i want to start off in second timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 and i'm really excited about teaching this message tonight you know we've got to be careful because people tolerate fear because they think it's natural people tolerate fear because they think it's natural and i'm gonna show you tonight that fear is not okay not a little bit it's not okay at all and we've got to as christians learn how to respond in our faith to fear you remember when i told you that faith is a positive response to what grace has made available well fear is a negative response to what satan or the world has made available so you know you can you can be responsible but you don't have to be motivated by fear to be responsible you can be responsible but to wash your hands but you don't need to be motivated by fear to wash your hands you can wash your hands in faith praise god and and so please remember what i just said fear is a negative response to what satan and the world has already done but but faith is a positive response to what jesus and grace has already done so respond to what jesus has already said respond to the word of god respond to the promises of god for example he healed us 2000 years ago faith is responding to what jesus has already done 2000 years ago he's delivered us two thousand years ago faith responds to the deliverance that he provided for us two thousand years ago but now you gotta be careful because fear wants to respond to the present circumstances and the situations of the world fear wants to respond to the the to the to the i mean the craziness of the world and we need to talk about how to live this fearless life i want to begin in second timothy chapter 1 and verse 7. he says for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind now we're all familiar with that god hath not given us this notice the spirit of fear so fear doesn't come from god god's not responsible for it he's not going to take credit for it god has not given us a spirit of fear here's what god gave us god gave us power the ability to get the job done he gave us love and he gave us a sound mind now now here's what he's saying here you have power and love to have sound thinking and i believe that in the name of jesus so the first thing i want you to think about as it concerns living a fearless life is that you know it is a spirit of fear it is not just something that's natural so you'll tolerate it if you're convinced well it's just natural now i'm not saying i'm not saying at all i'm not saying well you know you don't you don't have opportunities to fear i am saying that when fear comes up since it didn't come from god then you take the power and the love and the sound mind and you get rid of it uh yeah as a human being you're gonna experience fear and fear will knock on the door but it's still not of god just because you experienced something doesn't mean it came from god but what we do is we find out what has come from god and we use that to defeat what came from the devil you know the bible says the thief comes but not he but not for to kill steal and destroy the thief comes to kill steal and destroy but god said that i've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly and so which one are you going to submit to i'm going to submit to what god said and so fear is not something that comes from god fear is con fear is literally contaminated faith that's a good way to put it it's contaminated faith and uh i heard brother copeland say this years ago that fear tolerated is faith that is contaminated that if you tolerate fear you will contaminate your faith so i want to do a comparison in contrast uh between faith versus fear now here's what i'm talking about for example faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god did you know that fear cometh by hearing and hearing the words of the problem the words of your enemy faith the bible says it's impossible to please god without faith do you know it's impossible to please satan without fear like god needs faith in order to bring his word to pass satan needs fear in order to bring his word to pass everything in the kingdom of god operates by faith everything in this world's system operates by fear it's based in fear and so the greatest fear once again that satan can inflict on christian people is the fear that what god promised in his word won't come to pass it's the fear that with his stripes you are healed that it won't come to pass it's the fear that my god shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory that that won't come to pass that's the greatest fear he wants to put on christian people the fear of maybe just maybe this word that i'm told to believe maybe it won't come to pass and you've got to actively resist fear you've got to fight against fear so when we operate not based in the word then our operation is going to be based in fear when our operation is not based in the word then we're going to be operating in fear see if you don't pray prayers that are based in the word then you might be praying fear-based prayers so this is so so so very important i recall a scripture in fact if you'll go with me to job chapter one and five you know job actually experienced what fear can do in the life of someone who tolerates it job chapter one and five job begins to say something here and and i want i want to see if you can pick up the fear here in job 1 and 5 he says and it was so when the days of their fasting were gone about that job sent and sanctified them and he rose up early in the morning and he offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for job said now listen to what he said it may be that my sons have sinned and maybe they curse god in their hearts thus did job continuously can you pick out the fear here job was afraid that maybe his sons have sinned by cursing god in their hearts so joel's response was based in the fear that his sons have sinned against god and cursed god in their hearts so even though job was doing something like he was sacrificing offerings every day out of fear he was bringing offerings out of fear think about that now the sacrifices at that time was a good thing it was it was used to cover sin but now it was based in fear he did it based in fear my question tonight what are you doing based in fear is fear the motivation behind what you do because notice he did this over and over and over again because of fear and look at job chapter 3 25 and this is the result of when you begin to do things out of fear in verse 25 he says for the thing which i greatly feared watch this it's come upon me and that which i was afraid of he says it's come unto me ladies and gentlemen please understand something you must not tolerate fear you must not tolerate it for not a day you must not tolerate it now for a moment you must not tolerate it because fear is contaminated faith it's faith that has been infected with fright and uh and fear and being afraid so i'm gonna share some things with you tonight concerning this fearless life and and and i i had a good time looking at this today i mean it really it got me so blessed i was so ready to come come tonight and share this with you it it's just just so amazing and i want you to pay attention to each of these scriptures um if you have your bibles go with me to the book of luke chapter 1 and verse 17. luke chapter 1 and and verse 17. now you get you you'll hear people talk you know trying to defend they don't have fear and and all this kind of stuff you just don't really know what fear is but i tell you what we've got to identify we got to know what's going on excuse me luke 174 excuse me luke chapter 1 verse 74. now i want to read this to you and then i want to talk to you about some things i'mma read 74 and 75 luke chapter 1 verse 74 and 75. now look what he says here he says that he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear in 75 he says in holiness and righteousness before him and do it all the days of our lives now this is so important uh now notice what he says he would grant us that god would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hands of the enemies well question have we been delivered out of the hands of the enemy yes yes we've been delivered out of the hands of the enemies god delivered us 2000 years ago whatever enemy shows up you have been delivered out of the hands of the enemy in fact say this out loud i have been delivered out of the hand of the enemies so no regardless what that enemy is you've been delivered some of you you you know you've got to recognize this virus is an enemy the loneliness is an enemy you have been delivered out of the hands of the enemies why so that you might serve that you might serve god without fear so the thing you use is this god is already delivering me out of the hand of all my enemies and i'm going to be able to now serve god without fear serving god without fear now listen to this to serve god without fear is to serve god with faith to serve god without fear is to serve god with faith and faith is a practical expression of fearless confidence in god it's a practical expression of fearless confidence in god but now notice so also he says i delivered you from all of your enemies so that you can serve god without fear and he says in holiness you're going to serve god without fear in righteousness you're going to serve god without fear all the days of your life i want to talk about those two words holiness and righteousness you know what it means to be holy holy means you're not going to be common with the world in other words when the world is sad you're full of joy uh when the world is sick you're full of health and healing when the world is in fear you're in faith that's what it means to be holy and jesus has made you holy which means it it it's something there's another word for it sanctified in other words you're you're you're set aside in other words whatever the world's doing you've been set aside and you are not common are in agreement with how they are doing what they do and and how they're acting in the way they act we're holy and that means you know if they're in fear we're in faith if they're in depression we're in the joy of the lord praise god and he says you can you can serve god without fear in holiness so it's important for me to let you know tonight that you're not like the world you're not you're holy you've been separated you've been set aside and and and you should we should be able to see the difference now is the time for us to to allow our holiness to shine listen i don't want you to tolerate fears it's look at what the world has and then you look at what god has presented to you since your enemies have been defeated and since you can serve god without fear and since you're holy praise god then demonstrate that holiness is uncommonness with the world that i'm not common with the world and what they go through i go through the opposite of it because of what jesus has made available to me and and then he uses the next word righteousness so in holiness and in righteousness righteousness is a gift and and and i'm the righteousness of god and and because i'm the righteousness of god i have a right to the finished works of jesus i have a right to be healed i have a right to be deliberate i have a right to to walk in protection i have a right because i'm the righteousness of god so in holiness and in righteousness before him that i'll serve him all the days of my life and i'll serve him without fear and that's that's good good good word amen so take a hold of that now go to philippians chapter 1 verse 28 and i want to read this in the new living translations philippians 1 28 you know i just thought about something if you bring up the issue of doubt you know what doubt is doubt is one moment of fear one moment of fear equals doubt and i'm telling you in the name of jesus you make your mind up that i'm not going to give one moment of fear because we cast that doubt down but how do we cast that doubt down by casting that thought of fear down one moment of fear equals doubt now look at this philippians chapter 1 28 new living translation he says don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies wow don't be intimidated by any way or by you by your enemies in any way by your enemies this will be a sign to your enemies them that they are going to be destroyed hallelujah but they that but that you are going to be saved they're going to be destroyed but you're going to be saved even by god himself now look at this don't allow coronavirus to em to intimidate you don't be intimidated you are a christian you believe in the finished works of jesus christ this virus is an enemy praise god those emotional attacks that's an enemy the loneliness and the depression that's an enemy don't be intimidated by your enemies why this will be assigned to them that they are going to be destroyed so when you're walking around in faith rather than in fear and if you're walking around refusing to be intimidated that's a sign to the to your enemies that they're going to be destroyed and i mean world changes you stand up and refuse to be intimidated you speak to yourself the word of god man when you have a thought of fear you cast it down by speaking the promise of the word of god and it is an indication it is a message to all of your enemies it's a message to the devil praise god that they're going to be destroyed but that you're going to be saved and you're going to be saved even by god himself man i am that that'll get you going that'll get you going praise god i re in fact say this out loud with me i refuse to be intimidated by the enemy of fear by the enemy of of viruses by the enemy of sickness by the enemy of of loneliness by the enemy of stress i refuse to be intimidated in jesus name well that's a sign to your enemies that they're going to be destroyed and you're going to be saved by god himself oh praise god hallelujah now let's look at matthew chapter 6 verse 25 matthew chapter 6 verse 25 and uh i want to i want to read something to you because if you look at i want i want to talk to you about worry let's look at this matthew 25 matthew 6 25-30 in a new living translation so let's talk about what happens when you decide to instead of not being intimidated you decide to begin to meditate on the negative thing in fact when you meditate on the negative thing and the work of the enemy when you ponder it and roll it over and over in your mind and give focus to it and consider it over and over and over again that's called worry worry is meditating on the problem it's meditating uh on this situation and then that causes a whole lot of stuff i mean negative meditation on the problem and the issue causes worry causes stress begins to cause diseasement in your physical body which opens the door for disease in your physical body see we've got to be careful you know once they announce that there's a pandemic at the same time an epidemic started that epidemic was an epidemic of fear see we're dealing with a pandemic of the virus but we're also dealing with the epidemic of fear and the domino effect of of dealing and and and building up the epidemic of fear is going to be a a lot of stuff going on uh there'll be people who will get sick from not even the virus but it's the worry and the stress and the disease meant now and the epidemic of fear that's now cause you know all kinds of other things to become a part of your life and and now you're worrying and your immunity is going down it's not as strong as it needs to be so there's a lot to be said about having peace and having joy in your life and i'm telling you right now all of the things that are going on in our world they are designed to kill steal and destroy because satan's behind it it's designed to kill you to steal to destroy your life to make you sick to give you chronic disease that's what he wants to do and that's why the great stress is there and you know another thing i thought about around the time that this whole thing started uh over in other countries there's a there's an invasion of a locust that are eating up uh uh thousands of pounds of food i mean fear cannot be the door that opens up all of the other things that we may not be thinking about and so our country needs the church praise god we need jesus we need his word and we need to pray like never before that our eyes will be open to to what's going on this is this is this is ultimately at the base of it a trick of the devil trying to steal kill and destroy and so it's important that we don't yield ourselves to to worry we've got to cast those thoughts of worry down uh we cannot meditate on the negative all the time it's it's okay to you know tune in on the news every now and then to find out what's going on but not all day nine hours a day every single day you're meditating on something that's gonna produce worry in your life that's gonna take away the ease and and it's just not healthy it's not good for your spirit it's not good for your soul it's not good for your body it's not good so let's deal with this issue of worry which is negative meditation on the problem he said that is why i tell you not to worry about everyday life jesus is speaking here he says whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing i mean he's really trying to get us to see dude whatever happens do not let your peace be stolen i said it once i'll say it again if it costs you your peace it's too expensive and don't spend your peace on the problem praise god now he says look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to god than they are see you have value in the eyes of god god's not going to forget about you god hasn't forgotten about you fear is not from god the world offers plenty of opportunities to live in fear but christians must learn to completely cast out the emotion of fear today's offer victory over fear is available for a love gift of 25 us dollars or more this five message series will provide you with the tools to help you respond in faith to what jesus has already done fear can't even touch you every time you think of it or hear a report it's just the holy ghost arrives upon the inside of you and you will remind yourself of who i am i'm the redeemed of the lord i said it and it is so i'm not moved by what i feel i'm not moved by the reports i'm moved by the word of god i'm moved by the spirit of god i'm moved by the holy ghost i'm moved by the power of god as an added bonus we have combined today's offer with creflo dollar's life-changing book overcoming fear this combo is available to you for a love gift of 35 us dollars or more order this series to activate your faith and cast out fear today men it's our time to dive deeper at the 2021 mentality men's conference join us online on september 10th and 11th for two days of dynamic teachings from creflo dollar raw and uncut you're trying to live by coat that's no better than trying to live by the abrahamic law it's going to require you trusting in what you can do more than trusting in god you can trade in the man code and you can take hold of this gospel of grace and you can live by the finished works of jesus christ don't miss out on this revival of manhood at the 2021 mentality conference we got to give you the word of god you got to learn some stuff wake yourself up and get this on the inside of you you cannot live without christ you're about to receive real resolution in your life so mark your calendars and register today simply text mentality to 51555 or visit have you ever wondered how the financial support from our viewers makes a difference in people's lives we receive testimonies every day from people whose lives have been shattered by natural disasters failed marriages bankrupt businesses and so on they share how our outreach efforts and messages about god's grace have changed their lives in a tangible way and for that we give god all the glory today i invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry we know you'll be empowered to see real change in others and prosper in your own life if god has placed it on your heart to support the vision of this ministry to reach the world with the gospel of grace you may call in to make your financial donations or log on to god bless you [Music] [Music] if you are looking for a church home and want to stay connected to creflo dollar ministries join us at a world changers fellowship church in your area for more information visit us online at because of you creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 14,147
Rating: 4.9559751 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: 9PgQKaMjNWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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