Valheim ULTIMATE FISHING GUIDE 2023 (Valheim Mistlands Update)

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welcome to the ultimate valheim fishing guide with the misslands update releasing valheim's fishing has had a complete overhaul introducing a total of 12 different fish species and nine different baits all unique to their own biome but staring into the deep blue waiting for a fish to bite can certainly put some strain on your eyes if you're anything like me spending long hours staring at a screen while gaming or editing has a direct impact on eye strain headaches and even vision loss there was even a point where I had to wear an eye patch because it was getting so bad luckily that's when I tried out a pair of blue light blocking glasses by GMG performance which do exactly what you'd expect them to these glasses effectively act as a shield in protecting your eyes from that harmful blue light as a result they help reduce eye strain improve concentration and maintain the quality of your vision long term in addition to all of that they're extremely comfortable and look good too I've personally been wearing the optimizer model and they felt amazing they're comfortable over long hours and they've made my time in front of a screen that much more enjoyable if you want your very own pair then head to the top Link in the description and get 40 off until January 28th there are a variety of styles to choose from and if you care about protecting your eyes then you can't miss it thanks again to GMG performance for sponsoring today's video now it's time to get a fishing rod acquiring a fishing rod in valheim is possible via two different methods buying one from the trader granted you found them and have enough gold or finding one in a frost cave like this keep in mind that not every Frost cave has a room like this and it's actually a pretty rare find and by Rare I mean that I explored 16 other Frost caves before finding this one but to prevent you from going through that same treasury here's the seed that I use for this world and this cave is actually quite close to spawn located just Southeast now that you have a fishing rod you'll need some bait and although you get some with the fishing rod in the cave it's not really enough the easiest bait to acquire is the normal bait formerly the only bait available prior to the misslands update it's purchased from the trader for 10 gold for every 50 pieces and this is the only way to acquire this bait as it is not craftable now before we get to the other baits and the mechanics behind fishing let's talk about the different fish species that exist within valheim like I mentioned earlier there are 12 different species sees of fish Each of which can be found in a particular biome we have perch Pike tuna troll fish Coral Cod giant herring tetra grouper puffer fish angler fish magma fish and the northern salmon so you'll have to go exploring if you want to catch every fish and this leads us over to our next topic which is bait types there are nine different bait types one for each of the existing biomes with the exception of The Meadows black forest and plains which have more than one usable bait type but this is just in reference to the fish species that can be found in multiple biomes much like the rest of valheim fishing now works around a progression-based system with respect to their crafting recipes as previously mentioned the normal fishing bait is bought from the trader which is the only way to obtain it as for the rest they must all be crafted by you and this is where the progression system comes into play because every craftable fishing bait requires a fish caught by the previous bait as an ingredient in its recipe okay I know that's a whole handful of stuff to comprehend so let me illustrate an example this is the very first bait you can acquire bought from the trader this bait catches perch which can be located in The Meadows this perch is now used as an ingredient to craft an expat in line which in this case is Mossy bait and so the cycle continues all baits aside from the first one are crafted at The Cauldron which only needs to be level one and each bait requires a particular creature trophy so this is perfect for those of you who have been hoarding trophies all this time like me don't ask why now it's finally time to get into the actual mechanics of fishing of course have your Rod bait and head out to the coast from my knowledge fishing and valheim is actually based on the fish you see especially in Shallow waters on the coast if you see Fish then that's the perfect spot to dip in your line if not it's still possible to attract fish to that area but you'll have to be much more patient so you might want to keep moving until you do see some but this is only true for Waters that are clear and near the coast obviously if you're out in the ocean or swamp or waters are deeper or murkier your chance of seeing fish is much lower but they could still be around anyways now that you've got your spot it's time to Cast Your Rod equip your bait of Choice by right clicking on it then hold left click to cast the longer you hold the further out you'll cast now just wait for a bite you'll see a splash and your Barber will also dip down when you get one then hit right click to hook the fish once you've got it hooked hold right click to reel it in your stamina will begin to deplete as you reel in your fish if your stamina drains down to zero before you reel it in all the way you'll lose the fish so it's a good idea to eat foods with a high stamina value when fishing if you've managed to reel the fish in close enough you'll be able to grab it with the interact key or simply keep reeling and it will be added to your inventory automatically so you've caught your first fish before we talk about what we can do with that fish let's go through some bonus tips that will help you maintain your success tip number one unlike most tools the fishing rod doesn't have durability but each cast you make will consume one bait whether the fish takes it or not so keep that in mind if you ever find yourself running low tip number two reeling in bigger fish will actually drain more stamina this is true for both the individual species of fish meaning a perch is much easier to reel in compared to a northern salmon and it's also true depending on the level variance of each individual fish and I'll be talking more about that in a second tip number three reeling in without a fish on does not consume stamina so if you ever feel like you've overcasted don't hesitate to really to line back into the perfect spot tip number four if you're ever close to reeling in a fish but also on the brink of stamina loss simply walk further Inland the rod has some resistance and will bring the fish in with it making for an easy catch tip number five fish are responsive to character movement and will swim away although this doesn't seem to have a great effect on getting bites tip number six fish cannot be directly attacked or gathered using any other tools or weapons apart from the fishing rod however fish can sometimes become stuck on land naturally from high tides or jumping or unnaturally with some clever homework this allows for an easy catch without even having fishing gear tip number seven fish are passive creatures and will not attack you or other creatures except for this guy the puffer fish the puffer fish is the only fish that can damage You by inflicting poison damage upon you if in range so watch out for that tip number eight probably the most unique fishing technique in valheim trolling and no it's still not that kind of troll when on the boat you can cast out your line and then hop on the rudder you'll still have the ability to reel in your line while also having full functionality of the boat just keep in mind that the line on the rod can break so if the boat ever gains too much speed your line could potentially snap the same goes for casting length if you cast too far you likely won't have enough stamina to reel all the way back in or you simply won't be able to reel faster than the speed you're traveling at don't worry too much though the line breaking won't impact your rod in any way it will just reset that particular cast and if you didn't know fishing was added in as a character skill the more you level this up the faster you'll reel in your fish and the slower your stamina will drain speaking of stamina you can also drink stamina Meats while fishing useful if you ever need that extra boost of energy lastly fish and valheim are actually incredibly good at holding their breath or uh I mean clenching their gills keeping a fish in your inventory or stood away in a chest for days weeks or even months will do nothing to suppress their unrelenting ambition to get back into the water so once you do finally reintroduce them to their home liquid they'll be swimming about as happy as ever now on to the last two topics if you do choose to keep it what can you do with your newly acquired fish the first option is to Mount Your prized catch on an item stand this can be used as decoration around the house or simply to show off your fishing prowess keep in mind the pesky puffer fish will still inflict its poison damage when mounted and every now and then you might even hear a little murmur from your aquatic captives uh friends see I told you they were still alive well until now because our last topic involves fish yields and cooking recipes Fish can be processed at The Cauldron into raw fish which can then be cooked or further processed into two potential recipes I'll get to that in just a sec each fish relative to its Rarity will yield a different amount of raw fish you'll notice that each fish in your inventory will have a different number indicator in the top right of their inventory box this number represents the level of that particular fish and this is what determines the amount of raw fish each one yields level 1 yielding one fish level 2 yielding four fish level 3 yielding 7 fish and level 4 yielding 10 fish and I can confirm that a level four fish is the highest level of fish you can find as I tried spawning higher levels with the console commands but to no avail for the moment different fish species don't yield different amounts of raw fish despite their differences in size I assume this will be worked on in the future but for the moment fish levels are the only factor that influences yield amount once you have your raw fish you can cook them up on either a regular cooking station or on an iron cooking station cooked fish can be eaten as is which will provide 45 health and 15 stamina or they can be further processed at The Cauldron with barley flour to make fish wraps which provides 70 health and 23 stamina the last recipe on the menu doesn't actually involve raw fish but it very specifically requires an angler fish along with two pieces of bread dough to make an uncooked fish in bread which can then be thrown into the oven to bake and with that I think we can close it out well then that wraps up my ultimate fishing guide for valheim in 2023 if you enjoyed the video video drop a like and consider subscribing leave a comment let me know how you like this fishing guide and if there's anything I missed and with that said I'll catch you guys in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Alessio
Views: 74,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim guide, valheim tips, alessio valheim, alessio, valheim fishing guide, valheim fishing update, valheim fishing, valheim fishing tips, valheim fishing tips and tricks, valheim fishing mistlands, valheim fishing mistlands update, valheim fishing guide mistlands, valheim fishing guide 2023, valheim fishing guide bait, valheim fishing tutorial, valheim fishing tricks, valheim fishing rod, valheim fishing rod mistlands, valheim fishing 2023, valheim fish bait
Id: MqqIp0NS1Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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