The FASTEST way to Learn Blender

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what if I told you that there is a different and maybe even better way to learn from tutorials that starts when you stop doing them now when I'm scrolling through one of the many platforms I use to consume blender stuff I see a lot of people's work I see their donuts I see their Motion Graphics I see their headphones and I see all of the other cool things that they have created using tutorials but then I go to check the comments and I oftentimes see this one single question what should I make next this question means you are eager to learn you are ready for the next challenge and you want to do something else so that's the first and major thing nice when it comes to learning a new software or whatever skill you want however by saying what should I make next it will probably be fed a couple of answers which just stayed like you could follow this tutorial next or you could follow this tutorial next and this is exactly where my point of stop doing blender tutorials comes in so let me ask you this what did you actually learn from your last tutorial did you gain any applicable Knowledge from it or did you just follow the steps until you came to a result which sort of matched the result in the video if the answer to this question is the latter you are probably going about it wrong why well instead of actually gaining knowledge you just followed something step by step doing exactly what the Creator told you and probably forgot to learn anything from it so imagine this scenario somebody asked you to apply the knowledge that you've gained from a tutorial which you saw two or three days ago to a different object or a different scenario entirely would you be able to do it well usually when you just follow tutorial step by step the answer to this question would be no no instead of actually gaining applicable knowledge you have to just basically followed somebody's instructions which don't always stick around that well in your mind so in this video I will help you to look at tutorials from a different perspective so you can gain knowledge instead of just following the knowledge that is presented which will definitely help you get better at blunder this is also exactly why I always try to teach an idea or a concept in blender that you can execute even in my first video the premise is about creating animated linked objects using collection instances now I've packaged it in a 40 minute video I'm kind of long about creating this hallway with this nice airlock door but the overall idea is just teaching you how collection instances can help you animate linked objects so this is the core piece of knowledge I'm trying to convey in this tutorial now if only I did that in 10 minutes but hey it was my first video so uh nonetheless I believe that every tutorial was created with this same idea in mind to teach one or several pieces of knowledge or it was already set up to convey just a single message that's why you have tutorials which go from A to Z like this one for example but you also have other ones which are very specific and just teach you one single thing in a short video like this one in the end though their intentions are both the same and my idea is that the intention is to make you knowledgeable and give you something that you can start applying to your own work so how can you go about trying to understand these core pieces of information from every tutorial well first of all I'd recommend not creating the same object as in the video instead do a spin on it so instead of doing a donut why don't you do a glazed cinnamon roll or another pastry that you really like or instead of doing this octo plushie from my video why don't you do the stuffed animal you had as a child by doing it this way you're forcing yourself to take the knowledge that you're presented with and apply it to a different object now doing this comes with its own set of hurdles as you go along the video which might seem like a hassle and to be honest it is but it will definitely help you ingrain the knowledge that is presented in the video in your mind so besides making it harder for yourself doing it this way doing a different object or project can also make your life a little bit easier because you are now doing something you actually care about so let's say you want to do a project instead of just doing the cinnamon roll you could do like an entire breakfast table including a cup of coffee some fruits different types of pastries obviously the cinnamon roll some butter other ingredients well everything you need for a breakfast table whether it's an entire project or just the cinnamon roll instead of a donut doesn't really matter but make it something that you enjoy make it something that you want to make this way all of the hurdles are easier to overcome as you now have a goal you want to reach and which brings you Joy a little side note though don't get too ambitious start relatively small and do something that is obtainable because else these hurdles will turn into mountains and you won't be able to overcome them nor will you want to the good thing here though is that each and every struggle you'll face will help ingrain the knowledge into your mind you'll probably even need different tutorials to overcome some of the hurdles you'll face but this is a good thing as it will help reinforce the knowledge into your mind the second big tip I can give you is to not immediately follow along with the tutorial instead watch it once and pay extra attention to the parts which are of particular interest to you then after watching it start working on your project now try to do this from the top of your mind and only consult the tutorial whenever you need it this will force your brain to think about stuff you have just learned instead of just looking at the tutorial again which will chew it out all for you you can also compartmentalize this so for example a tutorial might be divided in modeling shading and rendering watch each of the parts of the tutorial individually so start off with modeling here and then go to your own project and try to apply the things you've learned again doing this from the top of your mind then when you are finished you can continue on to the next part and so on and so on in the end practice is key and repetition really helps remembering I mean even the Teletubbies knew that right so it's when you stop doing tutorials and start applying them when you'll really start growing and learning faster why don't you start now by checking out this video right here and leaving a comment telling me what you have actually learned from this video thanks to all of these awesome people for supporting the channel thank you [Music]
Channel: Kaizen Tutorials
Views: 374,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O4hcOdTofTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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