The Family Portrait...𝓉𝒽𝒢𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃'𝓉

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just to make something clear i'm not dead i've not been infected with a certain unspecified virus and i have not quit youtube simply put i am working on a thing merry christmas okay i hope it goes well but i don't know who you are asked i literally have no idea who you are why i get this [ __ ] on my feet i'm not subscribed to you so piss off corona virus what who's f are you who f are you bro who is this when did i ask just working on a thong to john cedia ha ha people like you should stay away to make room for others to emerge i hate posts like this ungrateful entitled creators need to be canceled get out of my recommendations hopefully you don't get tickets to the backstreet boys world tour she quit you boo okay i don't care guys try crypto bitcoin it's popping off right now i'm beginning to think kanye is not going to be unspecified virus ma'am i've told you 17 times you have aids so you wanna know what i've been doing all this time i'm done i'm actually done it's been i can't what it's been so long i don't even i don't even know what day this is i'm not even wearing pants right now [Music] this hello welcome to 2021 everybody wow we we made it we survived 2020 is over so i've been spending a lot of time looking at my old paintings i started painting in grade 10 and i was it was rough not not gonna lie i was probably the worst in the class but i loved it so much it was honestly one of my favorite classes the entire semester even if it was just an elective it's still a very fun hobby for me and i still have a lot of improving to do but anyways all of this emotional nonsense just has to do with the fact that i've been spending a lot of time just looking at my old artwork and i've come to the conclusion that a lot of my paintings suck ass and i'm not saying that to be like quirky and funny and relatable to try to guilt you out of compliments it's not like objectively if you gave them to a professional artist or like anybody who knows what they're doing they'll see a bunch of technical issues in my paintings remember when i said i painted the mona lisa well i tried to paint the mona lisa oh my god i can't no stop it ew no get no take that off this is not the mona lisa this isn't the mona lisa this has never been the mona lisa and this never will be the mona lisa davinki davinki i'm sorry i'm sorry from the bottom of my heart why did i make her pupils like that why is it built like that like they're scaring me so once i had finished taking a steaming dump on all of my paintings i decided you know what would be cool you know what would be fun what if i just take the time and redo all of my paintings my intention was to redo this one which is a self-portrait i painted uh when did this happen i just have a couple things to say about this first of all what is this composition i look like a floating head this is a self-portrait but it's not very accurate of what i look like now because frankly hair i mean we don't do that around here what if instead of a self-portrait i paint a family portrait yes this is the effect i'm going with now truth be told i've wanted to paint a family portrait for a very long time now but i never had the opportunity to do it however these are not regular circumstances we find ourselves under is it not listen okay i'm an impulsive [ __ ] i think we know that by now actually actually i took a personality test the other day you know those like myers-briggs personality tests or whatever they're called turns out i have the same personality type as taylor swift jk rowling jon snow from game of thrones will graham from hannibal which made me really happy because the last video i spent like 10 minutes talking about how much i love hannibal oh rue from the hunger games obi-wan kenobi from star wars and get this i don't even know if i can say this adolf hitler and osama bin laden okay i need to shut up or also get cancelled anyways moving on so step one was to build the damn thing and i talked about this in my last video so i'm not gonna spend much time talking about it um actually i will because this was where i made my first mistake i thought i was man enough to be able to make this canvas by myself with only one pair of hands and that resulted in a canvas that wasn't stretched properly it felt a lot like painting on a trampoline or like painting on a pillow if you know what i mean so yeah clearly as you can tell things are off to a great start okay so we have the canvas what do we do now my neck is so thick holy crap yeah so up until this point i really hadn't put any thought into what the actual composition of the painting was going to be like i just knew it was going to be a family portrait so i decided to go on google to try to find some inspiration and i found exactly what i wasn't looking for these photos have the exact same energy as the awkward class photo like if i wanted something this white i would have just looked in the mirror but then i fell down the rabbit hole of looking at renaissance era family portraits and whoa whoa the flavor so at this point you know i had a couple of ideas floating around in the old noggin for lack of a better word so i decided to cut and paste a bunch of objects that i found on the internet to try to create a composition i wanted the left half of the painting to be immersed in darkness but i also wanted there to be a balcony with trees in the background i wanted the wall to be painted a color that was somewhere between burgundy and poop the railing we can't just have a balcony with no railing people are just gonna fall off so the railing had to be intricate but not too intricate to the point where i can't paint it i want it to be curvy like the hourglass figure i don't have i want there to be light like filtering through the balcony so the edges of the railing look like they're highlighted with champagne pop i want there to be a pillar like a big fat white one in the left hand corner of the painting and it has to be like emerging out of darkness almost glowing what if we put a vase of flowers in front of the pillar because we don't have enough stuff and i want the vase to be terracotta and what about some peonies yes write that down i love it okay guys what if the entire thing was on a checkerboard but not like a nice checkerboard i need like a dirty one that's like grimy and nasty and seems like it hasn't been cleaned in forever actually i've changed my mind the floor is boring throw a carpet on that [ __ ] i want a persian carpet you know the one from ikea wait is that cultural appropriation and finally the cherry on the top you know i want a chandelier but not any chandelier i want a candelabra like those big metallic ones that are thick and like rustic great i have a composition everything's set up to work now i just got to get to painting so the first thing i did was paint the wall in the background with a mixture of burnt sienna raw sienna oh cadmium red and like a pinch of yellow ochre and i got the exact shade of [ __ ] i was looking for now this painting bestowed upon me quite a couple lessons you know i've learned a lot about painting in general through this experience i'd like to share with you the first lesson i learned which is kids don't ever blend it's funny because in grade 10 art class nothing was mentioned about not blending you see when you don't blend you kind of create like a richness in the painting and the paint also doesn't thin out as much at least that's just what i noticed meanwhile in grade 10 visual art class so anyways after i was finished painting the wall all in all you're just a another brick in the wall so the next thing i did was work on the forest and to do that i found a photo of green that i liked on google and then i divided that up into eight bite-sized chunks because i can't paint that all in one sitting my ass is gonna start hurting and before i knew it the forest was done and not gonna lie i'm actually pretty happy with how this turned out because let me tell you i've committed quite a couple atrocities on canvases i'm happy with how the foliage kind of turned out it looks a lot like trees and also the reflections in the water are pretty cool i didn't think i could do that okay kids time for a lesson what happens when you shine a light behind something well let's find out shall we [Music] oh my god it's a twilight eclipse okay so if my absolutely flawless and exquisite demonstration didn't teach you well let me explain when you shine a light behind something and you're looking at it from the front end you're only gonna see the illuminated edges essentially now i didn't understand that concept for like five days because i redid the railing like literally five times the first time i made it too pale the second time it was like all brown i didn't make any variation in color and then the third time i understood what it actually meant to shine a light behind something and have it look like an eclipse so after the railing fiasco was over it was time for me to print out what so after the railing fiasco was over it was time for me to work on the pillar for starters what i did was print out a couple photos of pillars just so that i could have an idea of what i was gunning for these dudes look pretty cool i think they look pretty awesome these ones are too advanced for me this one's gonna give me a headache i'll go with the simplest one thank you very much then i started to paint it nothing really crazy happened except that the first time i painted it it was so pale that it almost looked anemic and then i was like no if that's in the darkest part of the painting it has to be almost cast in shadow so i darkened the whole thing up and it actually looked pretty good from then on i started to kind of go ham you know i look like a gnome i found this photo give me a second actually i found this photo i found this photo of a terracotta vase on google and i was like hey yeah why not i mean you've got space just like fit yourself in the corner why not but then i was like hold on if there's gonna be a vase there has to be something in it right it can't just be like an empty vase so the obvious choice was flowers and my thing with flowers is like yeah they look pretty but they always look pretty like flowers are beautiful in their own right it's hard to mess them up like oh oh oh you decided to put flowers in your painting wow that's hot you know you're so creative but anyways moral of the story is you know flowers they're easy to get right which is why i was so surprised when i got them so terribly wrong one of the flowers on the left it looked lopsided you know it looked like it had an extra chromosome so the next thing i painted was the candelabra and i had a couple photos of what i was like going for the difficult part here was trying to envision what the metal reflections would look like without the reference photo the only thing that i really could do was like grab some cutlery and shine some light on it and see how the light reflected off of it and even then it wasn't very helpful but i did it anyways also i don't have a lot of footage of me painting the candelabra because well my tripod broke so the only footage that i got was this this and this kids it's time for a story so we went to ikea a couple of weeks ago before everybody went into quarantine for like the billionth time this year i came across this carpet that i absolutely love and it was pretty small it fit in my bedroom there was burgundy there was this beautiful royal blue color um oh there was like some mustard in it too and like white not actual mustard yes it is it's a persian carpet but they said it was persian on ikea but anyways did i need this carpet no was there room in my bedroom for this carpet no do i do well with carpets given that my skin is ridiculously sensitive and i'm allergic to everything also no what's that sorry what it's only fifty dollars so yeah i brought the carpet home i put it in my bedroom i unraveled it and it didn't even stop there because at that point i was like you know what would be cool if i put this carpet in my painting no i really didn't think this through because how do you paint a carpet like how do you paint the image of a carpet that's a very hard task to accomplish carpet has a very strange texture if you want to emulate it to the best of your abilities are you telling me that i'm gonna have to paint every single strand of string that sticks up from the carpet no i have better things to do okay and i'm gonna be here forever if we actually entertain that idea so first i tried to kind of separate it into sections like there were different bands of color on the original carpet so i decided to lay those down first and then i would go over and draw in the little details but i still was struggling with the texture of carpet because like i said before carpet is very fibrous i sound and look insane so in other words here's a point of view you're the canvas and this is me painting on you a carpet yeah i wasn't gonna do that so unfortunately in the end i just threw in the paintbrush and said you know what screw it no carpet no carpet we'll just stick with the checkerboard ground and whatever am i a little bit disappointed in myself that i just completely gave up yeah maybe but like no [Music] i want you to touch that little dangly thing that's swinging in the back of my throat my room is very dark you know the ceiling is black because last year i decided to paint the universe on my ceiling so that all makes it very hard to see colors correctly in my room especially when you're painting and not only that my light fixture is absolute ass it's this little dinky chandelier from home depot that costs like 20 so my mom and i we took a day we painted my whole room white some other things i did i got rid of so much furniture in my room because i realized that beforehand i had a lot of things yes but i also had a lot of furniture and i didn't need that much furniture for the small amount of things that i have so essentially what i did was i got rid of all my furniture and i put everything in my closet i've got everything you know i've got the records i've got my books i've got my clothes i literally shoved them in this tiny little drawer from ikea i can't even open the drawer anymore but it's okay because i wear the same thing literally every day so it just doesn't matter what else is in there oh my power tools what i have a screwdriver i have some shoes because i'm like really cool hi oh oh i got a new record like a new vinyl would you like to see it save your tears for another day so here you go go put this on tell me when you're ready oh god on exactly and you're gonna lean lean your head yes but then like look stoic you know look like there's nobody home exactly no that's you're trying too hard thank you if excellent modeling job mom so at this point you know we've reached the most important part of the painting the reason why we all kind of showed up here in the first place it was time to paint the people so i found these renaissance costumes on amazon for like 15 i already took so many inspirations from renaissance paintings might as well extend that to our wardrobe i put my mom sitting in a chair because i wanted a bit of like a variation of heights i don't want us all just standing there awkwardly like robert pattinson in a tracksuit in your kitchen kind of vibe now i stuffed my dad into the space between my mom's chair and the vase on the left and even then i realized that my dad was too small in comparison to my mom so i had to go in final cut pro and do you know one of these but other than that it was fine he had literally one of the easiest costumes except for the gold trim which was actually not too bad to paint especially because you know i had a reference photo so that's good oh the first time i painted his face he ended up looking a little bit like donald trump but i fixed that really quickly so it wasn't much of an issue let me say this when i bought my costume on amazon i didn't really read the description well actually i did it just when i saw the word wench it didn't really process in my mind like i remember seeing that somewhere but i just didn't remember what it meant it was only when i went on on boxing day to try to find some books that might interest me for 2021 and i saw macbeth on their website that suddenly i remembered that a wench is just a fancy way of saying prostitute so in other words i'm dressed up as a 16th century prostitute in this family portrait today's a great day isn't it is this what the sun sees in the mirror so i don't know what moved me to paint myself holding a fruit basket of all things i have to admit though the fruit basket really matched the aesthetic of the painting really well it was a little bit of a pain in the ass to paint especially that wicker basket like that was really bad judgment on my part i'm not even that big of a fan of grapes to be frank with you like when i was a kid i would do surgery on a grape every time i ate one and i would like cut it open and surgically extract each seed oranges oranges i hate too i hate oranges pears i have a mild dislike for but they look good in painting so might as well just keep them in avocados are pretty cool though there's some cool dudes how how could i have forgotten about quentin quigley quincy and doula peep are you kidding me this is treason now i tried to take photos of my quails to you know get good reference photos for my painting but um well here's the thing quails don't really sit still so the only photos we got were this this and this so unfortunately i had to go on google and just find some generic quails and paint them in instead i mean here's the thing quails all kind of look the same don't tell quentin i said that and now we're done we're actually done that's it it's over see you later uh so now i'd like to just talk about everything that i think could have been improved if the left-hand side of the painting was that dark why is my dad so well lit also the flowers the flowers definitely need some work because they don't look like they're connected to the vase speaking about my dad why is my dad the same height as the candelabra candelabra is also kind of lopsided for some reason and the chains are curved which if the candelabra is hanging the chains shouldn't be curved they should be straight nobody casts a shadow in this painting no one not a single soul uh isn't that interesting but yeah that's really it i hope you enjoyed this is pretty fun what has this been under here the entire time my topical steroid withdrawal is burning so much but that's a story for another time these videos take a lot of time to put together so thank you so much for just being so patient i hope you enjoyed this and it was very fun catching up with all of you anyways toodaloo moving on so the next thing eh i'm no i need to make it small [ __ ] i clicked on
Channel: Joana Ceddia
Views: 1,276,374
Rating: 4.9870944 out of 5
Id: tLnleSbX74w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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