Ok but like...I hate my room

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I've lost it, I've lost it. I've just completely lost it. I don't know where it went. I must have forgotten it somewhere if somebody has found it Please pick it up and send it to me, because I've lost it, and I really need it, and it's kind of important. I hate my room. It's TERRIBLE. It's tiny, and I have a lot of stuff. It's been a never-ending cycle, really. Of me deciding that I'm gonna get my room correct. You know, I'm gonna figure it out- figure out a system that works for me. And then I just invest a bunch of money, and then I change it all up, and it doesn't work. And this is like the 10th time this has happened I'm embarking on the 11th, and I'm starting to get really frustrated, so I need to make this video to vent about it. Okay, let's start with the closet, shall we? 'Cause I think that's like, the mildest thing that's possibly going wrong in my room. So a couple days ago, I went into my closet, and I was like: OkAy YoU kNoW WhAt? i'M TiREd oF ThEsE MeSsY AsS WaLLs ThAt ArE FuLL oF HoLeS AnD ScUfFS iN tHeM So I spent an entire day, and painted it pink. Okay? And then I installed a 2nd rod So it's, like, two of them going like this, right? Why? Because I hate shelves, And I am not spending a single SECOND folding clothes, and putting it in a shelf. ABSOLUTELY NOT! So that's what I did. I installed the rod And it's okay... Other than it's frickin' DARK IN THERE Get a load of this: ( it's really funny ) (I'm about to turn on the light) (turns on light) HAHAHA But that wasn't enough for me. Because, for some reason, i dunno why, something possessed me and I went: "YoU KnOw WhAt i WaNt? i WaNt A cArPeT iN THiS CLoSeT But not just any carpet... I want TuRf." You know? Turf? Like the thing that they put on soccer fields? Yeah. I want ~turf~ AAAAAAARGH What am I doing? Like, why? wh—is it hormones? Is it hormones? Because, if it is- Somebody help. Speaking about floors, and carpets. You know, I had an idea To fill My room With ~turf~ Like, not just relegate it to my closet, the whole thing. Turf. Makes sense, right? Okay. But then I was like: "YoU KnOw WhAt WoUlD bE CoOL? YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL? You know what would be a valid use of my time? If I painted the ocean on my bedroom floor." I actually entertained that idea for like, two weeks. You know, I was thinking: "How could I possibly do this and when we have to sell the house, be able to remove it so that people don't walk in here and be like— What the hell are these people smoking?" So I actually thought about buying huge wood planks And just slapping it on top there and painting the ocean What? Have I not learned from all of my painting extravagances that these huge laborious lengthy processes Are never fun like I always end them with a part of my soul. Just missing You know, it's like a Horcrux, part of my soul is in the ceiling The other one is on this mural. I—mural? Did someone say mural? Yeah After I kind of came to the realization that the whole ocean on the floor thing's probably not gonna work I was like, maybe I should just then like finish the whole room as one big mural I have this mural on my bedroom wall right now. Yeah, I thought about just painting the whole thing Yeah, cause this was, this was fun the last time I did it. This didn't take me a whole month, you know And it took me completely out of my schedule and I didn't do homework for three weeks And didn't get a good night's sleep for a month. No! No, no, no, it was fine Can you tell that I'm mad? Can you te— I'm very mad. Because this has, this has been in my head for a very long time now. Y'all remember this? The hammock? Remember this whole business? Guess what? It didn't work! I napped in it once and I woke up and my neck was sore so What am I supposed to do now sleep on the floor? No. Sleep standing up Maybe. I am crazy enough to do that I need a real bed, you know and unfortunately, my bedroom is full of stuff now there isn't much space for anything else. 'Kay, this cardboard box needs to move out of the way Please and thank you? So I had to find a way to get a bed That wouldn't take up my entire room cause I've done that before, I've bought a king-sized bed And it just took up my entire room. My room was the bed, so My solution Was to buy a fold-out bed This thing is a monster even when it's folded up It's thick as hell, like it takes up so much space. It works! I slept so well. Today, I actually took a three-hour nap on this thing and I dreamed. I dreamed! You want to know what my dream was? I dreamed that Jenna Marbles came back to YouTube. But obviously, we run into another issue because this is horribly ugly. You know, this is extremely Unaesthetically pleasing, no matter where it is in my bedroom So I need another—I need another solution, you know, and unfortunately There's no more space on my floor on the on the base level of my bedroom. We can't really fit anything else So, you know what that means you gotta build up! Oh, no! In comes the concept of the loft bed. I went on Pottery Barn Teen And I started looking. There are a lot of options Horribly expensive options mind you, but you know what I'm open. If this will fix my obsession with my bedroom I'll do anything! Okay, I wanna take a quick moment here and say I sleep in the same position the whole night through. I fall asleep Like this and I wake up like this, so you know, falling off of a loft bed Probably not in my cards I'll deal with it if it does happen though. It'll make interesting content It's a business expense, who cares. So then I started looking at these loft beds, you know, I started entertaining this idea Whoa! A sofa underneath it? I don't need it, but it's cool. Like what the hell? These are hugeeee! And there's a desk too, and a vanity. I don't do my makeup I've never done my makeup, but I want a vanity! Now, I don't know who designed the loft bed I don't know who came up with the idea of a loft bed But whoever did was obviously missing like I'd say 10 to the power of 30 brain cells. Why on earth Would you make The height Underneath a loft bed Only 57 inches? I'm short. I'm tiny. If I was to walk underneath a bed like that Oops, ow! I'd hit my head. So who is this for? This is pottery barn teen. Teenagers, not kids, not like two foot tall kids and you're charging You're charging two thousand dollars for this! So then I thought to myself maybe this is just like a pottery barn teen issue Maybe there are other companies and brands that make loft beds that aren't made for like One inch tall human beings, you know, so then I searched up I can't believe I did this. Loft beds, Canada, for sale. And guess what? I found a website! bunkbedscanada.com is the website for all things loft beds and bunk beds and beds period You can get the frame only, with a desk, with storage with staircase! With curtain! With a slide?! I'm sorry, did somebody say slide? I want a slide in my bedroom. Oh my god Could you imagine? Like you just wake up and then you just slide down and that's it? I'm 19 years old and that's an amazing idea. Look at this monster. This specimen is otherworldly. What?! There's a ladder, there's one bed, there's a second bed, there's a third bed. AND a slide! I could choose where I wanted to sleep each night, this is amazing! I don't even know what to say anymore. I DON'T KNOW what to say anymore. Obviously this has been taking up like 30% of my brain capacity ever since I've seen this thing And it's just—it's all I've been able to think about. What am I looking at? What is this? What am I looking at? No, really who made this? Why do I want it? This is for kids. Why do people do this to me? Like why do these things exist, I want to live in a castle. Like look at this girl. She is having the absolute best time of her life. I want to live this life. I want to live in this photo. I want to live in an advert photo for Pottery Barn Kids This pink Christmas tree. Are you kidding me? With pom-poms on it? That's—I want that in my bedroom. I can just imagine the tea must taste so good and those cupcakes—Jesus Christ Okay, you know what? Like at the end of the day, this whole loft bed situation is probably not going to work in my tiny ass room, So I have to kind of come to terms with that. You need to move out of the way, please. But my ideas didn't end there. Absolutely not. I want a fridge in my room. I will never have to leave my room ever again. You know? Like I could have a fridge, I could have a freezer. A dining table? I want a dining table in my bedroom. I was gonna get a fridge! I was actually gonna get a fridge. I looked on Amazon, for weeks on end. I actually looked at these things What? Okay, but like that's a really cool fridge. You kidding me? That like looks really dope. So Joana, if you're watching this No. Don't get a fridge in your bedroom. I wanted to bedazzle My KALLAX. The KALLAX, for all of you uneducated troglodytes, Is the Ikea shelf that looks like this, but I wanted to bedazzle that shelf. I wanted to do it. I went on amazon, again. See there's a reoccurring theme here. Amazon needs to get out of my computer is all i'm saying. So, I went on my laptop, you know, and I did a little, a little Amazon search! And I searched for crystals, uh flowers, um, charms, you know anything and everything that I could probably glue on there and just make it look cool. It would take probably years! To bedazzle this whole thing. The surface area of that thing is crazy! There's no point to that. Nobody is gonna benefit from it. You're not gonna benefit from it, Joana. When you're on your deathbed, you know I'm not gonna be thinking about that one time that I decided to bedazzle my KALLAX. I wanted a table top full of terrariums. This is a terrarium I made about a year ago, you know it lights up. It's—it's got the whole 10 miles It's pretty, it's one of my favorite things in this room, but I wanted a table top full of them. Again, What is the point of this? It doesn't add anything of value to my life, at all. But it's cool! And it looks cool! Hey, sorry, my camera just died. It's probably tired of all my screaming and ranting but— Guess what buddy? You're gonna have to deal with a lot more. So most of you probably know this, but I am in fact addicted to nail polish. It's a severe problem of mine and Unfortunately, I don't think there's a cure. So I've had a kind of a big dilemma for a very long time. I know it's a huge problem. Terrible. Groundbreaking. I don't know whether to organize my polishes by brand or by color. You know by brand, you get the aesthetically pleasing view of every bottle being the same size. But then the colors, you know, There isn't like a nice red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet kind of spectrum. I've kind of decided that you know what i'm gonna forego the whole bottle Uniformity and i'm just gonna organize it by color. So I spent I'd say five hours yesterday organizing my polishes by color, but here's the thing. You cannot just organize your polishes by color because there is a little something called undertones. This red is very different from this red. If you keep on going, this Won't turn into pink, it'll turn kind of into Like a brownish yellow and this kind of will go through the whole spectrum of colors. Needless to say, I almost had a mental breakdown organizing these things It was—I—I cried. I actually cried, it was so overwhelming. Where does beige fit into this? What is the precursor to beige? What color does it come from? It's just sitting here and it has nothing to do What? Anyways, I digress. The whole thing about the polishes was, I needed a new way to organize them, so, I went on yout ube And I came across Simply Nailogical's nail polish shelf— And I decided that I wanted one too. As I've said before, I'm very pressed for space here in my bedroom, There is barely any space on my walls to build a shelf. We even went to Home Depot. We went to Home Depot, and we browsed all the pieces of wood. I actually looked at this. I can't believe I'm saying this, but we went to home depot I looked at the pieces of wood and I was like You know what? I— I'm kind of over it. I mean I'm not gonna put it past me. I'll probably show up like next week with a whole ass nail polish shelf on the wall behind me. Be prepared, honestly. I was gonna glue fairy lights all over my walls, like the whole thing. Just one huge mess of fairy lights and you know what it almost happened. It nearly happened. I almost fell into the belly of the beast. I had planned an entire day where I was gonna glue these stupid things All over my walls, like what? Wha? What? I've lost it. I've actually lost it. This is too much. I can't. What even is this video? What have I just made? So yeah, uh... That was this thing. If you liked it, Subscribe. I'm just kidding. I never asked you to subscribe to my stupid nonsense. Yeah, this was kind of a very sporadic video. Sorry, if it kind of made no sense. I didn't really have the energy to write out a whole kind of plan for it. So This is what you're kind of getting. Don't worry. There will be a more cohesive video tomorrow AAAAAHHHHHHHH Ah, what if I go backwards does it work? No, it doesn't Overwhelmed, overworked, overpaid. I'm on top of the world, sitting pretty on a stack, but the static still cracks in my veins At the bottom of the universe, I'm feeling all the weight. People die for this, People lie for this, people; I can't say that or else I'll get demonetized. It's an interesting dichotomy of monetized sincerity Stir up my insecurity with constant uncertainty. Generation of anxiety, the "Look At Me" society, dubiety of piety, the Gods all suffer silently, I'm sorry for my obsession with attention. My apprehension and objection is the viral infection, of dollars and followers in place of affection, What I need is a human connection.
Channel: Joana Ceddia
Views: 1,691,110
Rating: 4.9620013 out of 5
Id: 6pjydSq9bKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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