Quinton laid an egg

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[osilence] N I G H T M A R E HI EVERYBODY! My name's Joana, I'm 19 years old [voice wiggle], and I never fricking learned how to read. ;) oKeY I'm over! I'm done!!! As most of you know.. *I* have FOUR quails. Quinton, Quincy, Quigley and.. Dula Peep RIP Qelly :') and I said that I wasn't going to make more videos about them, but this happened and I just couldn't resist myself. We've been hearing commotion every once in a while from their box, and we never really knew what was making them so agitated. Every once in a while, one of them would even fly out of the box, it was crazy! We had to cover them with this piece of cardboard because one time, we woke up, and Quigley had jumped out overnight and was just roaming the main floor, pooping as he went. So for the longest time, we didn't know what was happening! You know, it was completely befuddling us. That was until my dad said to himself one day, "You know what, no, NO, I am going to stand beside that box and watch them, and see what the hell is happening," and oh my god, [chuckle] were we in for quite the shock. So turns out, Quincy is actually a M A N. He's a big, tough, testosterone-ridden pair of balls. And well, Quinton, Quigley, and Dula Peep, they ovulate. So as one can imagine, Quincy has made it his habit to run after the hens all day in an attempt to plant his seed. And that's the commotion we're hearing, and the consequences of this were put on full display when the quails started pooping out eggs. So in conclusion, my quails are making the bees with two backs. How nice. Now because of this, I want to give them a bigger home. I want to give the ladies some more room to run around. Unfortunately, I can't really teach Quincy to keep it in his pants, so I'm going have to do something else, you know. I feel bad for Quinton, Quigley, and Dula Peep. It must be irritating to be nonstop pursued by a hormonal bird. So anyways, I drew up a blueprint for a custom made, spacious, decorative home for them, And to work I got. Now here's the thing. I would keep my quails outdoors in a little, enclosed space. But there's two issues here. One, I live in Canada. Where every winter, it gets "freeze-your-nipples-off" kind of cold. And number two, I live in an area where there's a lot of natural predators to the QUAIL. Animals like foxes, raccoons, rats, and even squirrels could come across my little posse of birds and be all like, "We eating well today dudes." So you know I have quite a couple limitations but I'm willing to work within the boundaries. My PLAN of action here-- ok I don't know if you can see it, screw it I'll just explain it. This is my show and tell presentation for the quail dream house. [laugh] It's a sorta terrarium and I'm gonna decorate it all nice and pretty and things like that. It's 42 inches wide, 27 inches deep, and another 27 inches high. It's gonna be decorated all nice and pretty in there you know I'm gonna put some flowers. some natural...things Who knows? Maybe I'll call the Property Brothers and they can decorate it for me. Anyways, I'm done rambling! Let's go shopping! So this, [sigh] I should've just stopped here but of course I didn't cause I wouldn't be here complaining if I did. I had a pretty demanding shopping list so we went to RONA of course. I walk in and guess what? They had [singing] nothin. Nothin. NOTHINN So that was nothing short of disappointing, Maybe that was the universe telling me "Joana, it's not late for you to go home and not do this" but of course I didn't listen. because what even is that. So we went the extra 10 miles to the Home Depot and you know I was eager. I don't know why because what was about to happen was about to do a number on my patience- So first we got the sticks. That was pretty easy. We found these gardening ones and thought "sure. Why not, I'll do it." This was my first mistake, but you'll see why later. Ok, so then it was time to buy the acrylic to make the walls of the terrarium. Sure, I'll call it a terrarium at this point. I couldn't care less. Now let me give y'all a quick lesson in cutting acrylic. You can't use this. You certainly can't use that. And you maybe shouldn't use that. What you're supposed to use is this. A utility knife. But not just any utility knife. You have to use one specific for cutting acrylic. You score the acrylic where you wanna cut it. And snap it And Boom. A clear rectangle. Ok, so Mom and I. We marked out where were were going to cut the acrylic. We were going to try to find the stupid utility knife to cut it. But guess what. The knives are sold out! [angry noises] What a dayyyyy. So then were were like, ok we have 2 options here. Curl up in the fetal position and give up on this project, or go to another Home Depot and try to find another knife. [laughing] (she gone crazy y'all) (are you ok John Cena) (also she could have gotten the people who work at home depot to cut it for them-) You see guys, not only did we go to one other Home Depot. We went to 3 other Home Depots! And then, when we got to the third one and we had to cut the stupid acrylic, We started to score it and it wouldn't break in half until it did but in the wrong position. and it was just a mess and there was this creepy old guy watching us the entire time, and that wasn't even the worst part. Getting these pieces of plastic into our tiny Corolla was a chore and I'm never ever gonna do this again! Anyways, I went to bed that night cause I had had a DAY. And I was just over it. I don't wanna hear about those stupid quails. I don't wanna hear about Home Depot. I don't wanna hear about Rona. I'm in way over my head GOODNIGHT [clap] So, it's the next day, I'm ready to start building. First, let's do a little haul. Okay, so first things first, we've got some sticks. This is kinda gonna be like the skeleton. They're kinda flimsy, so we're gonna have to be careful with them, but it's what I got, so it's what I'm gonna get! Then we got this clear thing, The rest of the pieces are downstairs, 'cause they're frickin' heavy. So yeah, we're gonna have to cut this, still it's gonna be a mess, my arms are gonna fall off, but hey, what are you gonna do? OH! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! This ruler, my mom really liked, so I bought it for her. But it is really useful. I'll use it for something, I think. And now, we only have some little bits and pieces here. We got some Gorilla Glue, some epoxy, also by Gorilla Glue. Hinges, some more hinges, uh, a magnet, and another magnet! Yeah. [plastic bag straightens out] That's it! [distorted] chapter 1: cut them sticks Okay, so the first step is to cut the wood. I mean, who would have thought, eh? So this step is actually rather easy. All you have to do is measure 48 inches, mark it with a Sharpie, realize that it's actually supposed to be 45 inches, get mad, want to quit, remeasure all the sticks, Walk downstairs. Find a cutting thing, walk back upstairs, actually cut the sticks, and then BOOM, you're done Be careful, a common mistake is to snort the wood dust so be careful cause it's not cocaine you will get splinters in your nostrils [Echoing] chapter 2: glue them sticks together!!! haHEH okay, like I always like to say; there's only one way to figure out how to really do this and that's to just do it do a little thing like this, a little something like that, oh that was a mess- [singing] BoB tHe bUilDeR, hE's a mEsS [chuckle]. you know, I should really not be doing this especially given that my quails are gonna live in this for the rest of their lives I'm not a hANdyWoMan y'know, i don't build things yesterday i tried to hang one of my paintings on my wall ... [chuckle] oh boy was it a chore I'll just be here.. for twenty to thirty minutes 1..........2..........3 oOoOoHhh it sticks! I hope you guys know that i would literally do anything for you Okay?? I would cut off a-noOooOOoo nOooooOooh- [Echoing] chapter 3: actually, forget the glue, we using nailsssss [insert loud nailing sound] *sigh* Okay, so the wood glue didn't work tough luck turns out gorilla glue isn't that strong so my mom had the genius idea to use NAILS so that's what we did, i'd say we really NAILED IT and i'm glad we didn't SCREW IT UP oh my god, i am- i'm going to jail [Echoing] chapter 4: Oh no, it wobbles! ( darn ) Y'KNOW WHAT THEY SAY one step forward A MILLIONS STEPS BACK this .. thing that i had built was a disaster, it was not sturdy it was not stable and you would catch me with pants down before i ever put my quails in that thing so guess what we did... BACK TO HOME DEPOT WE WENT but we built it again we used some dumb thicc sticks it was painful and who would've guessed? it was much better! [Echoing] chapter 5: 3 walls, no ceiling AND a door so remember when i said that the walls of the terrarium were going to be acrylic so that i can see my children [inhale] WELL none of the pieces were salvageable from the "Home-Depot-meltdown-travel-to-three-different-locations-so-that-i-can-find-the-right-utility-knife-how-are-we-supposed-to-fit-this-in-our-car" fiasco so we used these really dinky and thin pieces of wood and we nailed it to the sides and voila! it's- itd- it's four walls! NO there's no ceiling and YES there were some measurement mishaps but we'll just cover it with some tape [Echoing] chapter 6: the epoxy conundrum ( silence ) now the front door.. so i had this idea for a swinging front door i know it's kinda bOUjee but just stick with me for a second mostly so that we can easily clean the cage these birds, they poop like it's nobody's business so we have to be able to clean this cage really easily IT'S AWESOME IT'S EXCELLENT [singing] bOb tHE buiLDer YES WE CAN Ok, doors finished. Now, thankfully we were able to salvage one piece of acrylic. So, we glued that thing on the door frame with epoxy. Epoxy is this thing with a cool name, but i have absolutely no idea how it works. You have 20 seconds to mix it and then slap it on a surface. All of that is not to mention that MoLdY alcohol stench that emanates from it. Dear holy mother of God.. somebody get that thing some deodorant. And BOOM! At the cost of about.. 70% of my sanity This quail home can be yours. Built with the upmost pristine materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and impeccable design. But wait! There's more! Order now and we'll throw in some broken acrylic and some terrible screw driving skills. Jesus Christ! Ok Ok, so it was time to decorate the terrarium, if you will? So, I took some time and bought a bunch of crap off of amazon, and it arrived the next day. I bought some sticks, a tree, this vine, some rocks, this thing, a plant pot, and this little drinking station. And then.. all we had to do was decorate. We made it cute, we made it fun. A sprinkling of boujee. A serving of mystery. It was a quail moment. When we put them in their new home, they kinda just stared at each other for a couple moments.. but then they stated to explore. But, yeah. That's it. That's the story of my home depot nightmare. It happened. We survived. My quails are happy. And that's all that matters. So, yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed.. whatever the.. hell this was.. and I'll see you in the next one! Tootles! the end Bruh don't film me Hey! Don't film me either! idk anymore..... Rated R What do you tHiNk? [laughs] Oh no! No, no no! Quincy, no! No, no! [laughs] (OH MY GOD) NOO! NOO! [laughs] QUINCY! (Quail porn) NOO! [laughs] Toodles
Channel: Joana Ceddia
Views: 1,281,524
Rating: 4.9642758 out of 5
Id: 1jBxpZf3HJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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