The Families That Spend A Fortune Each Week On Groceries! | Full Documentary | Big Families

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most people stop at two a brave few reach three or four but for some extraordinary families when it comes to having kids they just keep on going there's someone born almost every single year I think my [Music] this series reveals all about life and Britain's biggest families getting ready is a military-style operation we're late a few ground rules down before you go dinner is like feeding the troops in one meal we could use seven and a half kilos of potatoes there's a big family a big appetite so I need a big pig to film sibling fights become epic battles and the ranks keep getting bigger in tonight's show we meet a single mom of 14 who is getting vilified in the press disgusting how I escaped the baby-making machine 15 year old daughter pregnant but of course she got benefits like her this baby is mine and my family's business nothing to do with you or anyone else and the family of 12 whose kids are getting grief people like coal or scrubbers and stuff like that just because where I pick someone sometimes I feel as if I'm ashamed of being me for once in such a large family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] squeezed into a council house in Guernsey lives a woman branded Britain's most prolific single month Joe Watson a mum of 14 whose family survives largely on state benefits has become infamous I was in town one day they looked at me I said before is the baby making machine I'll just glared and solder them this is the way our welcome to the Watsons yog ALP it's 7:00 a.m. and the morning rush is about to start this for the other dream [Music] Joe separated from her husband two years ago now the responsibility of supporting her kids and getting them ready for school is solely down to her with a little help from Georgia her 15 year old daughter tell how I got the screen up and down and large boxes [Music] Oh Charlie finally everyone's ready to go almost no I said get your shoes on right now family life for Joe wasn't always like this for 20 years she was married to John the father of all 14 of her children he always said he wanted a lot of kids for the way he was brought up who said he didn't have a good background I was in love with him Nana the Watsons didn't always fit the stereotype of a big family they weren't on benefits all the kids were beautiful blonde and immaculate earned out to cap it all Joe had a figure that any woman let alone one who'd had so many kids would die for I mean people look at the size shoes but it's the way I am oh it's not my fault roughly a week after I can get into my normal jeans just the way I am [Music] sometimes policy makers would like to see all my kids in the line when I'm much younger like when I when my first one in the paper and they would ask they could take a picture being the press's darling big family earned the Watsons thousands but as papers clamor to get the story of the birth of their 14th baby Joe wasn't prepared to play happy families in the public eye anymore [Music] and I used to do it because my hospital had phoned him up and I said no I'm not bad to go come sit I never ties that with some happy family it's not right no wouldn't do it Joe's marriage was crumbling I just couldn't take name up the way we were given what didn't want my children to hear anymore and one day I just did it all these close together and I just said gotta get out revelations were about to cast an even darker light on the illusion of the perfect big family the Hamlin's a family of 12 in Yorkshire live close to the breadline they survive on a modest carers wage but apart from Child Benefit refused to claim state handouts financially we ain't got a secret millionaire living in his cellar you know it don't happen we're just normal we just know how to budget we're not to survive cause we're always up top as far as I'm concerned you can keep your money and you know what I'd rather be skinned and have my kids then have all the money in the world this is the Hamlin family [Music] off to do the weekly shop [Music] Li's found a novel way of cutting costs I'm just going to pick me off a pickle [Music] yeah yeah I don't want edge we order half a pig one week the following will have a full um and then we'll go back to his half a pig it's a lot cheaper than supermarkets you're gonna pay 20 25 quid for a leg of lamb you can buy a full lamb for eight to five quid from your local butcher there's a big family we're a big appetite so I need a big pig - Phillip - Adrian Joey children waiting oldest ones 19 youngest ones three oh you've done your bit but we didn't consider see ya [Music] there's people out there all probably saying well either the do it no we didn't just wake up one morning after 10 kids our families progressed but it just means that we've got to watch the pennies despite being experts crimpers the family spends 200 pounds a week on food that includes 84 pints of milk 21 loaves of bread and 24 toilet rolls after all the weekly bills there's not much left from Lee's wage as a carer we'd like a nice car with like a Jeep we can afford it you know we'd like other luxuries we don't get it but our kids are our luxuries money is tight but to Emma having a big family has always been the priority it was just me and I just think oh god I'd love a big sister or a big brother and I didn't want my children to have nobody I don't and some people just wanting one child Emma and Lee may be proud of being a big family but they're aware that the world sees them differently when we moved here everybody and anybody knew we moved here before we even come here just because we're a big family it don't bother me when people say negative stuff to me it's when they make stupid comments to my kids I just feel like we're constantly we're spending his life proving itself to people and it shouldn't be like that [Music] we all eat together that saves a fortune really by Olly - the same thing because if you were all having individual things we won't be able to afford to do it our taste is that back at the Watsons birthdays are an expensive business single mom Joe has to pay for 14 of them a year and this is a special birthday Joe's eldest son Bradley has turned 21 today even ex-hubby John has joined them for the occasion the two decades John was seen by the world as a model father do you feel like pretty saw of what's gone on in the past I mean you know I've been married of twenty-two years it's been odd and I've been a good father I've always been there from you know worked hard from nobody nobody whatsoever consumer as I haven't allowed but after an accident John wasn't able to return to work then the pressure of providing for 14 children led to him not declaring income at the same time as claiming benefits okay but I paint my punishment I went to prison and I paid all the money back I know what he did was wrong but he wasn't we weren't doing it to go on holidays and to buy cars and mobile phones he was doing it to support us the Watsons publicity bubble had burst [Applause] and things were about to get worse a small army of Hamlin's are visiting the local fair but a simple day out can cost a fortune when you have 10 kids 14 they might only be cheap snacks but multiplied by 12 it soon adds up the attention isn't always welcome we turn around and see people giving us dirty looks talking about his snickering and it's just pathetic because we've done nothing wrong so why should people do that people like colas scrubbers and stuff like that just because we're a big family and I don't see the point proud Emma whose hard-working family does not rely on handouts is becoming fed up with the prejudice her family suffers same thing goes didn't take oh they've got a big family must be on dole and there must be on in council houses and stuff and actually no we're not sometimes I feel as if I'm ashamed of being me for wanting such a large family come on they're in your bed there is another reason the children are being singled out from high school they asked me like there's a moment of marriage or that lunch split up and stuff like that everybody asked if marriage and then I just said say no you know I'm good at pushing a didn't yeah because there are times after Bruff mine I've got loads of it just ides away don't let him know you see tits at me whenever met Li she already had four children Lee has always treated the children as his own but he's yet to tie the knot with Emma [Music] Lee has decided to put an end to the playground taunts unbeknownst to Emma and the kids he is planning to pop the question tonight to see if we're gonna go extremely well and she's gonna be in floods of tears oh she's gonna be really annoyed that I've done it and not told her so I don't know which one it's gonna be seven o'clock tonight see what happens really nervous I decided we needed to put down as rules official I should I say it's needed for us as a family not just for me and Emma but for kids as well I don't know where I would go in I don't know what what we're doing all I know is that were going out for a meal and that's it and I feel really nervous like I could cry nervous behave think about four years we've been out for a meal yeah so [Music] so note we need to celebrate because under this month we're gonna married it where they are happening ticket so William on a mere worldly all in him yeah you got to let the kids know the good news lien emerge drag them out of bed I mean keeping a bit of a secret from your mum I've been planning our wedding we're getting married at end of this month in about three weeks time now they hope the finger-pointing can finally stop [Music] be careful [Music] Dylan was sobbing and I asked him what on earth's the matter and he said you don't realize how happy you've made me you don't realize what this means it was argument [Laughter] [Music] in Guernsey in the Watson family home fifteen-year-old Georgia is trying to snatch some private time hi I've had enough of you following me it's so annoying but it's not long before duty calls and she helps her mother put the children to dress nine o'clock and I put enjoyment to bed and like a bath had and she gives me like cuddles and kisses and then my parentage and say goodnight she's saying all the stuff to me like I love you and like that night Anna at class house like my child growing up in the Watson family isn't easy I was like no newspaper when I was in you fully afraid I think it's a if they're not chocolate spent the newspaper everyone talks about at my school missing the newspaper I read newspapers like yeah I am in it hmm and then when you go in the like laptop there's like people talking about you on Facebook they'll be like oh behind your comments bad about you and like not even one good one one down in class from this prozac or what's the Watson doing here and I went mom I go to the school I have been here since year seven and he goes the animation D here because so many of you we're family were like everyone else squeezed into this ordinary-looking X council house in Dundee Scotland live a family of 14 we got to name you know I thought we were big now and all of a sudden it was like a sudden leap and we were at 12 and now I look at and it almost seems a ridiculous amount put [Music] welcome to the Han family [Music] and family also face prejudice but they are bound together by their Mormon faith [Music] we we have a big family because we chose to have a big family we both come from big families and loved you know I mean I always wanted to have a lot of kids I [Music] will be dictated to you know you may be able to have one or two I just wanted that that was a decision I would be able to make myself that no one would tell me how many I could have but as in other big families the hand children have had their share of criticism one of the downsides have been in a big family is amount of comments like negative comments you would get from like just people on the street the hands also share the other big family concern money dad Roy earns 43,000 pounds as a specialist nurse but with the food bill alone being one thousand pounds a month things are still tough probably seventy eight pints of milk in a day but it's a fourteen loaves of bread maybe have you know 20 30 bananas coming in at one time and twenty thirty apples but even that might not even get us through the week in one meal we could use seven and a half kilos of potatoes five dozen eggs it's huge it's a huge thing thank you and the costs keep mounting gas and electricity is another two hundred pounds a month as Emma faces a mountain of washing up to six loads a day the launch is horrendous I think that's really the hardest thing which I use the the giant thing outside but the reality is I mean you luck if you get a couple of loads out wash and drive but you're running that thing all day Emma doesn't accept the public criticism that a big family is bad for both the environment and the taxpayer asking for anything off anyone else six people in a room with one light bulb it's the same as one light over one person and their people have no children that people who have lots of children and each has their own right to make their decision I also kind of think there's an old fort storms in India where their families are big and they look after each other you know these people who have no children will need our children to take care of them do you want to see the pair first Jonas no okay we'll get [Music] in Yorkshire Lee Hamlin has promised partner Emma that they will get married in just three weeks but he's struggling to cover the costs we did up savings no a strict budget er Lee returns to the butchers to nose out a wedding bargain what so why don't you pay yeah because we do a fantastic book honestly record widget eat a meal then do it okay I mean are you having the knocking counsel goofy but can i buy in please I've just saved me senator Graham Popeye wedding cake ball apiece mint sauce on every table [Music] even though he saved money with a pork pie wedding cake Lee's last luxury item will have to go I've got to sell it and to contribute towards wedding because we need things for wedding so it's got a gold fortunately it's gonna be sold things but wooden about it is it and it's not only Lee who's having to make sacrifices if I miss your horse riding this and I don't really care about that as long as I get married I know some new trainers that keep saying the old ones on what Saul right now he needs to save up for the wedding no they were wanting to get married while then the trainers [Music] back in Guernsey despite being recently divorced and 40 single mama 14 Joe Watson hasn't lost the desire to have even more children she started a relationship with 34 year old leisure center worker Craig I was on my own to run 15 months then I met my boyfriend Craig he got me pregnant the national press were quick to jump on the story and Dubbo friend Craig Britain's bravest man doctor said what you'd like to know what you're having and I goes go on then tell us and he said look boy my eyes these are Eastern pictures mum lost him the baby called Billy it was like really sad it's like me and Kaitlyn being in school one for like three days because we just stayed at home like helping because mum can do it but in this little home front and his little feet just two weeks later there was more devastating news leave what I saw [Music] disgust them how I escaped the baby-making machine do you know if they think they've hurt me I ever felt like they saved by one of me down losing holding these little babies in your arms dying in your arms that's what hurts what they're doing to me that ain't hurt slugging me off in just two weeks mother of 10 Emma Payne is marrying long-term partner leave but the wedding was a complete surprise and she still doesn't have a wedding dress that's toomerang it not merengue but is too Gypsy Wedding I want to scream but then I think if I do that something bad might happen and it all just fall through an hour look complete not to take really [Music] [Laughter] I'm like Riley hey Joe Callum write your mouth hello it's my best man Stewart always caught something I guess my ideas for color zone so like it is it still let's not or is it bad man I'm not sure I don't know I think I need to try some on to see what yeah with the wedding being done on a shoestring all the outfits are being hired even Emma's dress with five bridesmaids and five Usher's it still won't come cheap how beautiful are they do yes but Philly and Emma and the wedding is worth any cost so it's not just about Miele actually get married it's actually get this family is going to be complete Emma also hopes it will stop the world looking down on her family when we get married I hope people see that we are solid and the very family complete family and that's that I just wish people will get past their prejudice and see us through we are what's wrong about you laughing joke about it what that looks extremely smart you want to wear that with dad amongst wedding no it all needs to it the only so much it's gonna look silly when he went this all about people knowing that we are one family what Mason's wearing now is what we'll go with [Music] over in Guernsey there is little chance of the torn sending for the Watson children ever since Georgia was a little girl she has been paraded through the press in the past her parents have profited but they can't control what the press say really annoying because I just find people in nosey and there was all young the newspaper like why just like a big family like why do you do it you have to be even tougher to be a Watson boy [Music] all this Bradley is teaching his seven-year-old brother Charlie how to defend himself Bradley's recently turned professional so now he gets grief in and out of the ring he named Watson then it doesn't go down too well you know people are laughing and behind your back ball and never saying you fix your face you know just your ears always burning don't like it but there's you know there's nothing you can do is there back at home Joe is mounting her own comeback looking for a good hearted man quite fancy yeah how can he say that 40 years old and 14 kids she still hasn't given up hope of having a 15th child but it's not easy one dating agency point-blank refused to have her on their books shedding tears you know and then she said her I'm not looking down at you and I'm not judging you but the men that I've got here we want to date someone that's on States benefits someone that's got those kids and someone that lives and where I live George is in charge but I trust her 100% subscribe for talents really doing that girls George you're in charge and I'm gonna phone off and on the up the hair to meet you outfit took them all right I've got the robot on okay so any men is there any decent man out there so no no [Applause] in Dundee the hands are paying their own price for having a big family specialist nurse Roy is about to put in another 12-hour night shift he works nice at the hospital so putting the 12 children to bed is down to Emma Lucas when I'm at work I'm gone for 12 hours it's a long night she's got the kids all three and they just gotta settle them down getting to sleep what is it you're watching so we turn it off when Rhys working it can it can feel like a mountain to climb and the task is huge it's just a nightmare getting into bed it's ten o'clock and the kids still aren't in bed nice one Jonas come on quickly we're not doing this anymore it's getting late you're not doing what you're told you don't get much sleep because someone's screaming or crying [Music] for the treat always very sweet [Music] finally all the kids are asleep almost [Music] emma has her own personal reasons for wanting a big family there was only seventeen and a half when I found I was him pregnant and I was 32 weeks pregnant with why anyone knew so like decisions were made and baby was adopted I don't know how anyone recovers from that kind of experience to have given your child away and especially when I don't think she probably really even wanted to do that and I was young I was I just turned 18 and I didn't really um I don't think I really had a strong voice and and it was it was really really hard I kind of a promise to God that if this had to be if I had to have her adopted that please let me be able to have as many children as I wanted I mean it's with you every day you can't ever shake it off you it's M if you get on with life but I mean they'll always be this void that will never ever go where you can never replace it and never fill it although we have the 12 children to me I'll always be that I have 13 [Music] get ready despite the sacrifices emma has no regrets feel really grateful for our future money will always be tough and you know we'll never have a perfect house and I'll never be tidy enough clean enough whenever great cars that but oh my goodness what we have is just amazing and it's possible that in the future the hand family could get even bigger we've never said we're not gonna this is it you know we've just kind of taken it as you know we come to a point where now is the time to have another we could have another child if we get we if we are able to you know if God lets us have another baby in in Guernsey it turns out there will be a new Watson baby if you just like yeah baby moving alright you are now 35 plus 2 days it's alright but this time it's not Joe's on which side do you feel more movements of the baby can you say that her sixteen-year-old daughter Mariah is 7 months pregnant okay Tommy of the king I wish you all the best see you soon thanks bye bye what the day she told me she was pregnant so I was angry I think I mean ever any parent would be angry I described myself not because I was jealous so I thought no no not that ladies it's not right you don't want that for your daughter worse still the press have found out 15 year-old daughter trattner but of course she got benefits like her mom three says I'm jealous of my friends of my daughter's pregnancy yeah it's just a week before father of Tenley is due to tie the knot he's on his way to London with his oldest son Mitch before he and Emma can begin a new chapter in their life he wants to close the door on a painful part of his past left over to young age 14 14 and a bit didn't tell anybody all going I just went and just when I first met Lee it was a complete and utter nob head underneath that knob head I could see that it weren't at all like that and a lot of his persona really was actually because of is childhood let's just say I don't feel that my childhood were like those [Music] after Lee ran away to London he spent the next five years living rough the experience has made him all the more determined to provide for his kids it feels weird really because I can remember it being busier than this and noisier but a little overreach cause I was so young I've lost I've lost my Wayne I Jean self-respect confidence just I suppose just general life skills and trusting people I used to get jealous watching kids walk past with a lollipop I'd get jealous seeing kids eating an ice cream crazy in it you don't need to let it bother ya it's long time ago it's 25 years ago Mitch but if all that won't have happened chances are I want to make you mum everything happens for a reason that happened for a reason I am very protective so I don't know everyone to protect or whatever but I just I just like to know my kids are around we could just say forget about it huh yeah it's done with well every time around and I'm believing there we are I you know there's nobody will ever hurt any kids no I won't allow it mother of 14 Joe Watson is about to become a grandmother for the fourth time 15 year old daughter Mariah is ready to give birth we're just waiting for things to start burning I know this I'm excited [Music] ex-husband John has stepped in to help with the kids he's as excited as Joe about the prospect of a newborn baby [Music] having their dad back at home is a painful reminder of when the family was together have little my I wish he came back here like just like left back at the hospital the papers are hunting Joe for another story but this time she's decided not to play Paul I don't think it's any of your business we've said without being rude that my daughters having a baby this baby is mine and my family's business nothing to do with you or anyone else and I don't appreciate people coming to my house trying to get a bloom and dirty story out of us cuz that's all you've done to us why don't you just leave us alone [Music] 12 hours later another Watson is born [Music] despite all this happened the divorce the benefit fraud the bad press there is one thing about big family life that Jo will never tire off it's just the most beautiful feeling in the world [Music] there's cry and they're just looking at you new arms in Yorkshire it's the day of the wedding a day that will finally unite the Hamline family that's great today that's brilliant Wow I made these children the one good thing out of life I've ever done is made these children it's brill everything is ready the dresses the flowers the kilts even the porkpie wedding cake I'm gonna try not to look at Lee cuz I'll cry cuz I'm an emotional wreck anyway but blessing one do is cry [Music] but there's been up to the eight o'clock [Laughter] he's a brilliant dad although I didn't tell him I know if I don't tell him and I should we're not going to the reading by Shannon the little things are the most important things is never been into art or dance remember in society Oh God will you saw me well just took a big red star again that's not my biological dad but he's always been there for me and always been there for his kids I don't think one could marry anyone better to be honest [Applause] all the time have I share with you all the terror share with you all the time I give to you all the time I give to you in love and in trust in love and interest we're here to make sure that our kids are happy because they didn't ask to be born we are asked and we wanted them here so buyers wanting them here it's our duty to bring them up to best ratability it's now my pleasure to declare together there is no difference whatsoever you know when a large family a small family need three things you need love you need structure and you need respect instead of one just being awed right my mom used to be [Music] and if you're on the side of Brandon Brewster now I'm fine I finally after all these years got same surname as me kids [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Origin
Views: 2,707,806
Rating: 4.7927198 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, origin story, parenting, wellbeing, mums group, raising a child, full doc, radford family, uk's biggest family, salim family, big family, family budget, biggest family in the world, amazing story, documentary movies - topic, family planning, parenting styles, biggest family, extraordinary people, big family vlog, grocery budget, family shopping, weekly grocery budget, grocery haul, budget, meal planning on a budget, frugal, budgeting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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