Mum Is Puffing Her Way Through Pregnancy | Misbehaving Mums To Be | Real Families with Foxy Games

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[Music] two thousand babies are born every day in the uk being pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life i just can't wait there's clothes to buy announcements to make it's a boy rooms to decorate and you're in tip-top condition ready for the joys of parenthood right wrong 20 percent of women smoke during pregnancy 20 a day i smoke easily it's hard to balance on the bump because the baby will probably kick it off in a minute 35 continue to drink i was drinking four or five bottles a day seven days a week one in five pregnant women is obese chips and gravy is my favorite meal that's what i'm craving so i'll eat it are these women putting their babies in danger before they've even been born i don't think they would actually realize the damage that they're doing and the problems that it causes each week we'll meet three misbehaving moms to be and pair them with one of our specialist midwives to meet you my name is deb they'll show them the impact of their bad habits do a little breath out for me right low blow blow sarah keep going just sort of stand on that it's measuring the fat to give them a wake-up call they won't forget every single cigarette that you have is like squeezing the cord it will shorten your own life baby's oxygen levels are really reduced and create a personalized plan to get these out of control mums to be in shape for the most important event of their lives we're here today because she wanted some help to give up and that is what we're here to do the thing about this is it isn't too late you've got the ability to change this can our midwives convince these women to quit their unhealthy ways for the sake of their babies i haven't got any willpower i really haven't i'm going to be tough to convince to give up i can't be bothered i'd rather sit on the sofa and just my job primarily is to save babies lives [Music] in this hour we'll meet a hardened smoker who can't stop puffing through her pregnancy so i won't give up as soon as possible i really do you'd have given up 15 weeks ago if you was that determined a junk food lover whose baby bump is all fat you've got to treat yourself every now and then but i treat myself every bloody day and a heavily pregnant teenager running out of time to kick her 20-day habit it's like so hard [Music] meet 23-year-old admin assistant amy cook yeah it's cute though and it looks in five months time she's going to be a mom thinking perhaps can't wait it's an exciting time with baby clothes to buy i really like that one so i think that's so cute and dad to be andy fussing over her at home but not everything's perfect [Music] for the past four months amy's unborn baby has been puffing on 15 cigarettes a day when we scan and seeing the baby moving and really energetic i thought well it's not doing no damage to the baby i'm just carried on as normal i only just like every day cigarette after cigarette there's just no stopping this dedicated chain smoker [Music] i love my morning cigarette i couldn't imagine lovely man without i won't go to work and amy can't see herself quitting anytime soon [Music] what i feel like at the moment is that you guys put me a straight jacket and locked me away i go mad it's time for work but their smoke-free office can't contain amy and smoking buddy darren for long let's go get some more stuff and with a baby on the way her constant smoking breaks have shocked her colleagues by lunchtime amy's well on her way to smoking her usual 15 [ __ ] and that means baby too everyone in amy's life smokes including her mum jenny and her 20-day boyfriend andy stop stressing because the stress will do more damage and a cigarette that's why i keep thinking we think of the thousands and millions of people that do smoke when when they're pregnant i spoke when i was having all of you and none of you have ever been poorly or anything so don't stress there's one family member who is concerned non-smoking sister-in-law claire who's also pregnant how many did you smoke in a day about ten so why not ten to fifteen that's shocking amy i know no that is really shocking so i won't give up as soon as possible i really do you'd have given up 15 weeks ago by now if he was that determined i've tried a couple of times but it just doesn't work it does work it's called willpower and you've been called having your baby and doing your best you can for it i don't got any willpower i really haven't with her baby arriving soon amy definitely needs to wake up to the risks of smoking while pregnant tomorrow she meets our specialist smoking cessation midwife but will she prove too tough a nut to crack i'm very pessimistic about it the likeliness of giving up that i feel at the minute on a scale of one to ten and ten being most likely zero meet straight talking midwife lisa fendall she's on a mission to help chain-smoking mums-to-be kick the habit well i've been doing this for 10 years so i've seen absolutely hundreds and hundreds of pregnant smokers thousands probably would you like me to tell you what some of the risks are fatal death stillbirth cut death placental abruption miscarriage it's endless she uses state-of-the-art props and cutting-edge technology to get her message across keep blowing charlie keep blowing giving these parents to be a major jolt they'll never forget the baby's oxygen levels are really reduced they cannot make an informed choice if they don't know about the risks and you can't make it pink and fluffy no drink ultimately what i want is for these women to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby today lisa will be seeing four months pregnant amy who currently smokes 15 cigarettes a day hi amy come on in have a seat sit down jess so how far pregnant are you now uh 17 weeks 17 weeks and it's your first baby yeah i understand that you're a smoker yeah you are still quite early on in your pregnancy and we've still got quite some time to go yeah and i would like to be able to tell you what some of the risks are so that you can uh understand you know why giving up smoking pregnancy is so important yeah well first and foremost carbon monoxide is given off from the smoke of a cigarette and it's the poisonous gas it's given off from exhaust fumes faulty boilers and if it gets into the red blood cells more quickly than oxygen and takes up the place of where oxygen should be and reduces the oxygen levels then how do you think that might affect the baby breath like breathing um if the baby's getting less oxygen it has to try and compensate in some way so the baby's little tiny heart suddenly has to work really really hard and be really really fast so for every single cigarette that you have it's almost like me squeezing the cord and stopping the oxygen getting through this oxygen deprivation also damages the placenta the organ passing food and oxygen to the baby with potentially lethal consequences and if that comes away what do you think would happen then to the baby maybe you'll die oh i can see that that has really really upset you why is that that'll cut you so much is that because you think it could happen was that something you were thinking about before i have a lot it's an upsetting message but to help amy lisa needs to go further and show her how dangerously high her carbon monoxide levels are [Music] put the tube in your mouth and blow for as long as you can keep blowing aim it for as long as you possibly can keep blowing keep blowing keep going as long as you can excellent all right so we've moved into a red light already so we're on a red 12. amy's high reading puts her at a four times greater risk of delivering prematurely than a non-smoker that's your little baby in there but what did we say before we can make a change can't we if that is what you're wanting to do we can actually make a change and make a difference how much would you like to give up smoking but this is about just wanting to do it on a scale of one to ten ten ten wanting to do it and if we had to measure your confidence at being able to do it on a scale of one to ten where would you put yourself about four four as eager as she is for amy to quit lisa can see she needs to build up amy's confidence first i want you to do some thinking when you have any cigarettes to think if today was my stop day how would i get around this yeah and then when you're feeling ready we'll put the quick day in place yeah we'll make sure all the treatments in place that we've got the um nicotine replacement and everything does that sound okay it sounds brilliant yeah see you later i don't think amy is ready to quit right now i just hope talking to people getting their support maybe other people encouraging around her at home in that in that difficult environment will spur her on into saying you know i'm ready to do this now with the quit day yet to be set amy reaches for the only thing that can steady her nerves [Music] i'm gonna go home and sit down and think about get a quick date ready there and then when i do it within the next week or two weeks if i had a wish of anything if it's good at smoking definitely she stood at a crossroads really she is now in full possession of the facts and she's got two paths in front of her really and we don't know which one she's going to choose i just hope it's the right one head at this end bottom down here sophie and her boyfriend tom's lives are about to change forever all right lovely it's got eyes and hands just four months into their relationship she found out she was pregnant sophie might love the idea of becoming a mum but she loves something else just as much chocolate brownie it's not the best of things to feed a baby is it you've got to treat yourself every now and then but i treat myself every bloody day she's not lying [Music] right now mum-to-be sophie is hoping to grow a healthy baby on a daily diet of ice cream chocolate and pizza [Music] the result this dedicated couch potato has a baby bump that only three months is pure junk food i've definitely got the whole bump thing going on now you're having a baby i'm gonna get thinner but with her baby growing inside her sophie's beginning to wake up to her shocking diet my main issue at the moment is the fact that what i'm putting in my body is building my baby in it yeah so the moment has been built out of pizza and burgers which is horrible but if sophie wants to eat more healthily to help their baby she won't be getting any help from tom the whole concept of thinking about eating any of this just scares me i'm sweating i'm actually genuinely sweating a little bit the closest thing he gets the vegetables is tomato ketchup have you ever heard of fiber or did you think that was about pizza she said do you support her with her eating as well no no i'm a terrible father i can't cook so that's the main problem it's time for this junk food eating couple to grow up i still think it's just pies in six months time they're going to be parents yeah we are having a baby we have no idea what we've let ourselves in for nope [Music] enter midwife carol hemmings crunchy not corn plates cocoa pops and sugar puffs you can actually smell if someone's had sugar puffs when i test their urine carol's on a mission to get big mums to be off the junk and into exercise when we want you to deliver we want your legs like that her focus a healthy pregnancy and a fit mother brace for the rigors of childbirth i can't do it you've got to do it she's not working alone this is the body scanner a state-of-the-art machine that passes tiny electrical currents through the body its aim to show over-indulgent mums to be the damage they could be doing if you carry on at the rate you're going it will shorten your own life it's because i care that i'm telling her and not just for the pregnancy but for the rest of her life at only 12 weeks pregnant sophie's baby bump is all pizza and ice cream come in she's well in need of a one-on-one session with midwife carol oh that's all right yeah it looks like it's crawling yeah your legs here yeah oh you've got a massive responsibility to this growing fetus it's that big at the minute it's going to grow bigger you want it as healthy as possible carol's asked sophie to provide a food diary yeah looking at this you are not giving your baby what it needs packet of crisps well that's not it's the salt as much as this yeah i know and i feel really bad eating them but don't buy them then yeah you like ice cream don't you chocolate raisins two drumstick lollies jelly i didn't feel particularly well in the evening so i had a little bit of jelly and a couple of onion brown cheese so do not i get indigestion with these onion barges not really no when i when i wake up in the morning i get wind yeah carol wants to find out exactly what she's dealing with time for sophie's extreme close-up on the body scanner okay so if you'd like to take hold of these holding onto the gold bit put your thumb on that bit the scanner measures sophie's weight body fat and muscle mass it's measuring the fat they combine to give an overall fitness score a healthy reading would be 70 or above sophie's is just 53. that's rubbish it is for a 23 year old yeah you know a mine's 71 and i'm 50 odd at three months gone only around one kilo of sophie's weight can be attributed to her pregnancy you are overweight by 20 kilos so this here sophie is not baby this is actually you your baby is tiny it's about the size of probably an apple so this this is just that this is you that yeah sophie's weight puts her at a three times greater risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia conditions that could mean the baby needs to be delivered prematurely does that seem quite scary yes yeah yeah but we've got the opportunity to sort it so we have now got to work on getting you fitter and to lose some of that body fat okay take care of them although she was very smiley i think actually that smile reduced when she came off the body scanner and we started to say this is not about just you this is about the baby now deep down you're thinking crap oh my god i don't i'm really screwing with not only my life but the baby's life and tom's life and my family's life because it affects everybody doesn't it it affects them all back home dad to be tom is not feeling particularly receptive the midwife is pretty excited about meeting you yeah about your eating habits she'd love to talk to you yeah there's no baby in me no but it's you could help can't you what help you yeah i can happily help you yeah but she says that half the thing is getting rid of all the bad food out the fridge and freezer and cupboards does she want me to starve sounds like a really uplifting afternoon if she did keep sort of meditating but it's okay we're still we're at the stage where we can do something about it no time to waste the following day and it's all changed for junk food loving sophie chocolate and ice cream are off the menu bye sweets it's time to enter a strange new world bananas tomatoes five a day that's a lot and even vegetable tom is getting stuck in what is it's a butternut squash it's like something else does it and [ __ ] all the healthiness the midwife would be proud she's on a roll back home is out with the sausage rolls so i can go and in with the broccoli so what's for dinner are the pans clean yes i've cleaned everything dad to be tom's all right he's having the usual pizza for one see this is where you should be stepping in and going you sit down love you're pregnant let me cook you something healthy well yeah but that's where the problems have been like i don't know how to cook any of this why are you putting that i don't know where you don't even know where it lives this is the point we're doing phase one of the rehab program so yeah phase two learn tom what the stuff is phase three learn tom how to cook the stuff yeah watch your fingers i'm getting hacked off now i'm tired and i'm ratty and i just want you to let me do it because you don't know what you're doing you don't have to stand on ceremonies you want to go play xbox go play xbox the early enthusiasm seems to have vanished i'm just knackered and ratty and i don't mean to be like that with you i'm sorry could sophie and tom's healthy new regime be over before it's even really started [Music] over in manchester chain-smoking mum-to-be amy has vowed to get in touch it's now been nearly three weeks smoking cessation midwife lisa is worried it would seem she's dropped off the face of the planet i've been unable to contact her i've left messages text messages and she hasn't responded lisa's words of warning had quite an impact at their first appointment and amy left fouling to quit [ __ ] for good but was this the last lisa will see of her it does worry me because i too often see the terrible end results of smoking in pregnancy and i care about amy i care about all of all of the the ladies and i just don't want anything bad to happen to them [Music] this is 19 year old sarah allen and her 17 year old toy boy justin in less than a month their whole world's going to change i can't imagine a baby was having a baby i think it's terrifying to be honest scariest thing ever they're moving into a new flat childbirth will be a lot worse and they're taking parenthood in their stride my baby is my baby only one problem for the past eight months sarah's baby has been smoking 20 cigarettes a day sarah's smoke-free home should be the perfect place to raise a newborn or maybe not it's really not been good that i've got in here and i've had a bag straight away and baby daddy justin's just as bad [Music] will this baby ever get a lung full of fresh air it's been a bad habit for a while i'm trying to quit trying to get the help but it's harder than people think especially if they're not a smoker time for smoking cessation midwife lisa to get stuck in hello hi come on in nice to meet you sarah justin come on in and have a seat your scans and everything have been fine and yeah the baby's growing well yeah brilliant so that's good news and do you know what you're having again a girl fantastic and what are you going to call her holly may holly may what a lovely name oh brilliant so then sarah we're going to do your carbon monoxide reading you can't do a little breath out for me three two one off you go right blow blow blow sarah keep going keep going keep going it's working go go go keep going well done okay now we'll see the numbers now the higher the level the more sarah's baby's been starved of oxygen the baby's got a level of carbon monoxide in there it's dangerous and your baby's tiny heart now is working really really hard to try and get around the oxygen that's available that's your little baby girl in there that's holly may how does that make you feel it makes me feel guilty i didn't realize it was that dangerous and that's not going to change now because you'll have more cigarettes it will stay in red but the red level will get higher and higher yeah so that could be up to eight times higher than it should be and with the baby's arrival imminent lisa's not just focused on getting sarah's womb smoke free are you smoking in you can you flat i have been trying to mostly do it at the window but i have been a bit okay babies born living in a smoky environment are far more likely to have a cot death and that is absolutely devastating it's one of the worst things that could happen um and i know how important this baby is to you i know i want to quit it's just i know i've been trying and trying and trying to do on me it's a bit easier on me because obviously i'm not carrying the baby or anything but i would like to help her so i think it would be good if we did it both together i think working together is the really important thing here i think it's the only way forward i don't think sarah could manage it unless you're going to support her to be fair it's something we need to do together yeah it's a breakthrough sarah and justin have decided to quit take care sarah lovely lisa will provide constant support and nicotine replacement therapy but these teenage parents to be still have a mountain to climb it's difficult to say what will happen and i'm really really hoping that she'll see the new flat as a new beginning a new start it's a new life and i'm really hoping that she'll be able to make that home smoke free for her little family [Music] is this the last bag we're having them yeah it's gonna have to are be gonna enjoy it i'm gonna take my time now i know it's the last flag though it doesn't seem so great mine's amazing last track yeah it's goodbye to their 20th day habit and on lisa's suggestion they've made sure they don't have to look too far for come motivation well done babe and you [Music] back in lincoln junk food loving sophie's new healthy regime is beginning to take its toll it's a lot harder than being unhealthy being unhealthy is well they call it convenience food for a reason a nutritious cereal fails to impress and tom thinks she's taking it all way too seriously so never again are you gonna have a bacon sandwich i don't know this baby might have them on a bacon sandwich and then baby will only ever eat bacon sandwiches and then they become a big fat fatty and they never move it's not all bad though sophie's vegetable packed stew is working wonders i'm not as constipated why why oh why who is an issue for pregnant women there's piles right but vegephobic tom's still not for turning [Music] old yes thirteen percent of you recommend a daily amount of fat yes 12 percent of your recommended daily amount of salt i've not had the other 87 so if you had it with vegetables tomorrow midwife carol will be making a home visit right now there seems to be one major area she needs to address that was bloody marvelous even if i say so myself with tom still at work carol wants to check on sophie's progress [Music] two weeks ago sophie's fridge was packed full of pizzas burgers and ice cream we'll go for the fridge first are you happy what's in the fridge well not all of it's mine and these aren't takeaways this is homemade stew so who's making the homemade joe i did it i've got these for work i tend to take one a day for work and i'll just pick at them so that's what you've sort of introduced as a snack yes so you're enjoying wholesome food that you've you're preparing from fresh yeah so all this goodness is going into you and into it towards the baby fantastic carol is seeing exactly what she was hoping for oh my goodness tomato ketchup well almost absolutely loads loads of sugar in tomato ketchup you eat everything with tomato ketchup apart from like sweet stuff he'll eat everything with tomato ketchup so in the end all his food will taste sweet because he's sweetening it yeah for dad to be tom there has been zero change and sophie is worried what will happen when the baby comes i keep saying if the baby grows up and says well why is daddy in pizza and i'm not allowed to eat pizza i've got to eat fruit and veg tom just keeps going oh that won't happen because because children always do what their parents do he needs to understand that you know whatever he puts in his mouth will affect how that child's fed so we've got to get tom cooking and even better than that we've got to get him eating healthily yeah that's my mission this afternoon carol wants to show tom his eating habits will have a bad influence on his child taking on his issues is going to be a massive task but carol has a cunning plan thanks very much thank you right tom here we come [Music] hi mom hello oh you dinner oh i thought that's very nice yeah sure go for it i heard this was your favorite tom it depends what sonic yeah that's good that's what i like is it not with any bits of meat or vegetables no so do you not feel you need to get on board with her with this healthy eating uh well yeah but i think i don't think i could do it quickly no but yeah okay so what do you call quickly because she's been pregnant how many weeks now 14. 14 weeks that's three months so what have you done in that time to get into this healthy eating not a lot what we're going to do a bit of an experiment here i want you to pass me all your favorite bits into this blender carol wants to show fast food loving tom exactly what he's putting in his belly put the bag in um we've got some ice cream it's a reality check to inspire him to ditch the junk and start making food fit for his growing family oh i'm holding my breath at the minute oh the smell ah yeah oh yeah it does smell disgusting would you drink that tom no would you give it to your baby i won't give it to anyone this is not a good message for the next offspring that baby will get used to seeing tomato ketchup it'll get used to seeing crisps in this cupboard the next few months will go by very quickly but if you can get your head around organizing what you both eat you'll be fine you'll adapt to the change if you prepare well enough for it yeah your life will be different but the bachelor boy days have gone now you're the family man tom yeah that's the way it's going yeah tom needs to understand that he has got the responsibility not just for himself but for sophie and the baby i just hope i haven't upset him i just think that um he might feel a little bit wounded but tom since found a way to raise his spirits i know it's bad but i miss you i miss you so much [Music] in manchester there's a surprise amy has got back in touch after a stressful month she's just found out she's expecting little girl and is determined to kick her 15 a day habit my life seems to get back on track now and after all the stresses and stuff so if you give up smoking it's just going to be the icing on the cake and it really so i can do everything on and just yeah it's not me at home [Music] i love my mummy and i love my daddy hats i can't wait should be a little diva i was just wondering how you'd got on since i last saw you um yeah um i did have a few personal problems my mum was really ill and in hospital and on andy's side was bereavement in the family and the smoking just i did cut down but it got put to the back of my mind really well i'm really really pleased that you've come back around to you know wanting to give it a try did you find anybody that could help you support you yeah there's a few different people me and my partner know that he needs help got people at work who are willing to help my family are willing to help you know i'm there to support you we can do these calls i can arrange a visit but you know on a day-to-day basis you need people around you that know you well they can support you and motivate you and and help you if you're finding it really difficult lisa will prescribe nicotine replacement therapy and be on hand to provide constant support no that's brilliant thanks thanks for all your help take care you too bye bye but success or failure will ultimately come down to amy's own willpower she doesn't have to look too far for her motivation mine she's kicked she kicks as well like that watch like this whenever i hear it just makes me want to just obviously try and do the best i can for it and yeah it makes it seem so real like yeah it's just i really want to do it now that's you really want to do it yeah i do [Music] it's quick day for 20 a day parents to be sarah and justin i'm scared i wanna [ __ ] just a couple of times if you're gonna do it you may as well do it properly what happened for one no just not do you try and be supportive please that's nicotine withdrawal stop it better get those patches on fast i swear this is just like a mind trick because how's that gonna have nicotine when it's just like a see-through piece of plastic well if it's a mind trick that works then it's all right the aim of the game a smoke-free womb and a smoke-free home for their baby i'm gonna be waiting for something to happen now and every two seconds i'm gonna think something's happening nicotine replacement alone won't do the job midwife lisa has told sarah to get out and about to distract her from not smoking smell slow i did smell it i saw it i smelt it and it made me want one but seeing it's a bit like oh can we go back that way get another sniff of it with temptation everywhere they duck for cover it's amazing how many people smoke oh she's got one oh i don't oh i want to start next one i'm sniffing that's holding the bag right next to the kid and everything we're not doing anything like that we're not smoking anymore i know i'm not one to judge that that is just that is quite bad holding the cigarette right next to the kid now they're [ __ ] free sarah and justin seem to be seeing the world through new eyes while he heads to work sarah heads for her own mum's house hello all right yeah come on so no cigarettes all day nope not at all wanted one this morning but i didn't have one just been feeling a bit shaky and stuff but i don't know if that's withdrawal or whatever just got to get into a new routine i think well i smoked when i was pregnant with you and thomas and jamie when i was at the hospital when i had you and i went outside for a cigarette i felt awful you know leaving my new baby to go out and have a [ __ ] um and just every little sniffle and cold when you smoke everything you know when the baby is here and she gets a cold you think oh was it because i was smoking so like if you can give it up i'd be really proud sarah's 20 hours [ __ ] free her baby's oxygen levels are now back to normal it's a great start but with just in a way for the night the cravings have kicked in sarah's best mate kim is over for moral support it's difficult it's killing me feel how sweaty my palms are lovely it's horrible i'm sweating all over are you hot no because i'm bullying it it'll be all right kim's trying to be supportive but she needs a quick break a [ __ ] break i feel a bit guilty but be all right i'm not pregnant i feel a bit anxious i feel like i really want a cigarette i'm scared that i'm not gonna be able to do it i'm scared that you know i've taken on too much too soon i'm scared that i'm gonna let myself down and let baby down as well what's wrong it's like so hard you'll be fine you'll get like 24 hours tonight you're looking go can do it got it this farm be all right oh right i'm just gonna fall back in lincoln and with mum-to-be sophie trying to stick to a new healthy lifestyle great what her pizza loving partner tom has decided it's also time he turns over a new leaf this is all foreign to me so yeah it's just gonna shop today he will cook a nutritious meal for the very first time mushrooms hey cow i don't know what i'm doing i'm already shopping i'm just looking confused he's raped in brother david for support what what kind of vegetables does sophie like no idea you've no idea i have no idea just get some carrots and onion well let's be honest this one's going further than all the rest just needs some chips now sophie's walking partner tom's sister shelley has never seen her brother cook before yeah well he needs to do it he needs to stop being a baby about it and just i think he's afraid that it won't taste the same as the stuff in the shop because he's not used to proper food he's used all processed stuff processed additives and it doesn't taste the same and he doesn't like it he panics it looks the same but it doesn't taste the same yeah and he didn't know what to do with it the miracle he knows he's peeled a potato the other day wow that's only after i sort of offered him sexual favors in return for it this is really bad isn't it the only way to get him to peel a potato is to bribe him with things things that he likes back home tom's potato skills seem to have abandoned him [Music] and he's not doing any better with the carrots that's my shoe that's not dirty there we go sophie's back from her walk but she's gonna have to wait tom's still working his magic in the kitchen that looks sexy it looks good yeah cool look at ramsay do this there you go it's a nutritious meal of pork chops potato wedges carrots and peas proud of myself i'm proud of you i'm proud also one final challenge remains will vegephobic tom eat his own do culinary chew peas i would say probably yeah why um it just makes them easier to go down like all the rest of your food but they're tiny i'm trying it in the hole if you want it's up to you come on [Applause] i'm really proud of him i'm really pleased he can help me and if he can cook healthy things for the baby that's a big step because he wouldn't have done it before he'd have gone nowhere near back in manchester and with only a few days to go till quit day amy is busy drumming up support first up smoking buddy darren on monday i'm smoke free i'll be stressed but i smoke free i'm sure you're more determined now definitely definitely i'll give what we are i'll try yeah i'm going to save him a lot of cigarettes over the weekend and then that's work sorted next up family amy comes from a long line of dedicated smokers are you feeling nervous about it i'm nervous in what way that you you're gonna fail yeah and how stressed i'm gonna get no you can do it you're strong i think if you've got something to stop for you'll do it first couple of weeks are worse but once you get over that yeah you're halfway there i know and good luck to you thank you she's kicking because she knows you're talking about not having a sick she's saying do it more feel it then yeah the following morning and for the first time in her five-month pregnancy amy is starting the day without a cigarette [Music] that's cat need a second i feel right now just a bit scary the first day i suppose dad to be andy also a heavy smoker is about to leave for a week working away from home it might help you that i'm not here for a few we'll come back a days and uh i'll be changing all smoking in the house good luck with andy out the door and only an hour till she needs to leave amy doesn't waste any time she slaps on a patch comes the house for ashtrays and once she's ready for work prepares her arsenal of nicotine replacement therapy all essential steps in beating her 15 a day habit [Music] [Music] you gotta stick today amy and work buddy darren won't be coming outside for their regular cigarette breaks [Applause] two hours later they seem to be holding strong they only emerge at lunchtime by now mum-to-be amy would normally have smoked seven cigarettes oh yeah that's mine thank you that's mine thanks i'm not stopping about steve's almighty i can't imagine because you haven't got him i'm just well i'm totally upset i've not thought of him until i said until you went you can go for it you can be going over if you want us i know what you've used to feel like being pushed thanks for the support amy i have now been working [Music] amy's gone all day without a cigarette her baby's carbon monoxide levels have now returned to normal i don't think it'd be this easier be over 12 hours now on it was like woke up at six quite past six so it's been over 12 hours oh yeah about yeah 15 hours maybe oh yeah i'm proud of that yeah definitely begins tomorrow definitely hang on tomorrow [Music] day three of quitting justine and sarah aren't coping very well with the nicotine withdrawal this morning we did both have a cigarette because we had this argument about the patch yes so it was a bit of a stressful moment could have dealt with it better but a couple of days later the first slip seems to have become a habit perfect it's really hard to stop having a morning [ __ ] now and the dream of a smoke-free home is fading fast when she does get here even if it was still the one it would still have to be outside it's a high risk quite definite higher risk of breathing problems and stuff have justine and sarah really cut down to just one cigarette a day i mean it's not always one it could be like three or something like set times but i mean it's still good it's better than it's better than what it was with the quitting plan stalling and holly made you any day smoking cessation midwife lisa has come to see them 39 weeks pregnant oh blooming egg oh not long to go then lisa wants sarah to do another carbon monoxide test before if i remember rightly you scored an eight and baby was on a 2.26 so and obviously that was a harmful level and we need to see if there's a reduction in that today we'll just get baby up on the screen right below sarah keep blowing keep blowing keep going well done let's have a look so there we are we're on an amber that is better isn't it than it was yeah it's better than red but still we have some in there that will be affecting the baby how do you feel about the cigarettes that you're still having both of you how do they how do you you know what do you want to do about it i'm happy with them but i'm trying not to stress myself out too much about it yeah quitting smoking all together isn't something you want to do right now am i right i mean i want to do it but i just don't think i'd be able to do it right now i'm just gonna make sure that even if i can't do it i mean i'm gonna try it even if i can't do that i don't go above what i'm just making because that's the number what i can tell you is cutting down in long-term pictures you know very rarely work and what we find on most occasions is people smoking will go back up to where they started originally so i'm willing to bet without sounding too negative that in a few weeks time you'll both be on 20 a day again i'm still gonna try it when when she arrives i think she's my motivation to be honest and that'll be the biggest thing that drives me to quit okay bye justin lovely to see you both again i would love to think you know when she delivers and holly may's there in in the flat that that flat is completely and utterly smoke-free maybe when the baby's here it'll become real and maybe when they look at the baby and look at that beautiful little face that will be what they need to finally make those changes that will benefit holly may for the rest of her life [Music] in manchester five months pregnant amy is now two days smoke-free her job keeps her busy during the daytime but with partner andy still away she finds the evening's a struggle so she's taking up the gym and is rewarding herself with little treats oh thank you i love him just trying to keep myself busy um yeah i'll go upstairs sock the carpets out get a shower wash my hair and then just get in bed the next night brother andy has come over to give her some support are you doing that craving really yes someone can you change patch tomorrow morning it's like a 16 hour one you've got life like nice little homie you turn into a proper little mum i know i think once you get in the habit as well i'm not smoking the house even if you do smoke it becomes a lot more yeah less appealing especially in the winter is it easier than yesterday it was through the day today yeah but not the evening i don't know kind of felt like this yesterday as well am i right once i get in bed amy's been addicted to nicotine for seven years and by bedtime her willpower is being tested nothing seems to be working now at this minute nothing's i need a second i don't want them this is not forever doing with a sick i'm so stressed in nottingham there's a new arrival after a six hour labour sarah has given birth to holly may luckily despite her mum's smoking holly may was born a healthy seven pounds two but unless they quit totally she still faces an increased risk of cot death and respiratory disease has their daughter's arrival given sarah and justin the motivation to cut the cigarettes out for good i still want to quit but i'm just taking my time with it do you still want to quickly i'll quit in january the only time we really have a [ __ ] is when we can nick a moment away so giving up smoking is still the ambition even if getting there is harder than they thought [Music] in lincoln with the healthy diet sorted sophie's been focusing on exercise by you exercising and getting the stamina you will shorten your labour and hopefully make the push out a lot easier tom's been a more supportive dad to be sophie's energy levels have gone from strength to strength [Music] today she's having a final appointment with carol but eight weeks on will the body scanner show her hard work has paid off hello come in so you look quite positive and cheery it started moving around and things oh so you feel any movements yeah shall we get on and see what you're up to this time so watch how you stand on amazing this machine it just works through the whole of the body oh no oh no you're just going oh no oh no look at the fat same as it was before yes is it yeah is it yes yeah i can put these down now completed yes what have we got here the body fat was the one you were screaming about now you were 37 and you're 35.6 so you've reduced your fat which is fantastic um you've got a wonderful cooking the fitness score you were 53 you're now 57. this is really amazing you wait it was 81.1 when we first did you you're now you're 20 weeks pregnant and your weight is basically the same it's just .6 difference which is like you probably put on about one pound that's all that is fantastic honestly that's really good and also the fact is that your fat contents come down so if you continue eating and doing the exercise like you have been doing this is looking fantastic and if getting the good news from carol wasn't enough sophie and tom get the chance to hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time i've got to locate this baby baby's heartbeat this is our final session then yeah well how has it made you feel a lot better about myself and a lot healthier and a lot happier it's just it's been really good so you need to now continue that focus on it don't think oh well i'm not going to be seeing carol again focus on it or we'll want to know how you get on and everything to be honest before we went in i said i'm not really fussed what happens that's a lie that was a little bit of a lie i am pleased that it's all gone well done yeah it's the morning of amy's home visit from smoking cessation midwife lisa hello hi how are you i'm not bad it's time to find out if she's managed to kick her 15 a day habit for the sake of her baby's future last time you blew a 12 the baby was in red yeah high level of carbon monoxide this time we are wanting four and below okay buy them and we're ready i'm more excited okay right you're ready yeah do a breath out for me and a breath in and hold three two one go low working keep blowing keep blowing as long as you can you can't blow anymore brilliant let's have a look what are we on oh my goodness just look at that you've blown away a dream how does that make you feel ah he's just trying to so it's a two now it's a green two yeah from 12. yeah and that is your proof that all your hard work has paid off that demonstrates how beneficial that is debating i'm so happy really happy emotional it's just the best feeling in the world isn't it i'm so proud of you all you want to be really pleased i am so i'll be in touch give me a call if you need anything i will do i'm well done thank you very very much i'll just have it over the moon kind of describe i just know that she's gonna have the best dad's life as possible and that's what i want for that's all i care about so yes the days like this are just brilliant for me because you know it's what this job is all about and you know i haven't done the hard work there amy's done the hard work amy is the one who has achieved this it's the most important thing that as pregnant woman can do and amy has done it and she's proven it's possible and she's proven it doesn't have to be hell i'm not gonna let anything get to me now i'm just gonna carry on be happy and i wait for my little girl to be here eight weeks later amy's still smoke-free next time a smoking mum who claims to have quit there's still some carbon monoxide in there from somewhere but is she telling the truth what do you think could account for that man beats me a junk food addict whose unborn baby is growing on a diet of chips burgers and fizzy drinks i've never been brought up to have to eat fruit so it's like why start now and a mum-to-be who's worried she lacks the willpower to quit smoking no matter how much i want to give up there's something inside me that's saying you can't i'm not strong enough
Channel: Real Families
Views: 388,762
Rating: 4.8045726 out of 5
Keywords: Real Families, Full documentary, Parenting Documentary, Tips for parents, Full episodes, Misbehaving mums to be, what happens if you smoke being pregnant, can you smoke if you are pregnant, drinking while pregnant, smoking while pregnant, smoking while pregnant documentary, overweight pregnancy, how to quit smoking, losing weight during pregnancy
Id: EgOnajxhSPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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