How Do You Feed A Family Of 16? | 16 Kids and Counting | Full Episode

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The documentary is about two big families in the UK.

One of them is a Pakistani-British family with 11 children and where the father's biggest dream was having as many children as possible, something his arranged wife isn't happy about. The father was unemployed when the documentary was filmed and didn't work for 7 years living on benefits.

The other family is the Radfords. The parents owns a bakery and had 16 children when the documentary was filmed, but for a few weeks ago, year 2020, they gave birth to the 22th child.

The children think it's unfair children from other families gets more for Christmas and lives differently than them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/snorken123 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/contentcreator193495 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is fucking insane

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/celticsfan114 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Aw, man! Who does shit like that, man?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/untakedname ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kids shared their opinions on 15:36 and 38:28.

โฌ† quantity of life = โฌ‡ quality of life

Y invest resources in the ppl already here when you can make life mediocre for more ppl ๐Ÿ˜€ /s

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Lazy_Devil ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Are they quiverfull families?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Paintguin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
families in the UK are shrinking most of us now have two or less but some extraordinary families are bucking the trend thanks to come home from work that Kurt and she said what another baby of Atari having 10 12 or even 16 kids I think they'll stop having babies at 20 in this brand new series we get up close with Britain's biggest families Roland's crazy cuz she's at loads of kids from births to weddings christenings and festivals and everyday family life some people say when that because you've had so many children and there are times when I think the actual yard where meals are like feeding time at the zoo and getting them to beds the job from hell in bed now tonight two families count the cost of raising so many kids they say that having one child cost you 108 thousand pound a lifetime that's just for one child the Radford's embark on ever more costly adventures and we meet the sea leaves people do think I'm a buddy I'm a sponger on the scrounge or whatever whose finances are stretched to such a limit that emotions are running high my dad brought insight but the parents of Britain's biggest families still want more sometimes I do think I fell then she can't stop I don't think we're ever gonna stop alright [Music] very excited it's the start of a new chapter for Britain's biggest family excited sue and no Radford recently announced the birth of baby Casper swelling their ranks to a coach load of 16 kids [Music] the Radford's baby-making antics have become so notorious they've been invited down to London to appear on morning television [Music] the Radford's are Britain's biggest family living under the one roof a lot of you'll be watching the film today and say yeah all this is all very fine and good but we are paying for this but the thing is you're not actually these people have their own business they work you're a baker no yes yeah people's perception with big families is they don't work they've got no intention of working and they're just quite happy to just claim every benefit Under the Sun we're not not all big families are like that there are a lot of big families out there that do work and they work have first question goes to mom and dad Norland sue and I ask you in all sincerity have you worked out what's causing all this back in the Radford's hometown of Morcom on the Lancashire coast the locals have got their own ideas about what's making the family multiply the dad for local Baker so maybe it's something he puts in the pies a little bit spiced she's a remarkable well that's all I've got to say she's remarkable she needs a medal because I couldn't do it personally I was sorry [Laughter] [Music] away from the limelight daily life in the Radford's 10-bedroom ex nursing home is far from glamorous as well as baby Casper there's another new addition eldest daughter Sophie has just had a baby with her boyfriend giving her a newfound respect for Hummer when I was going through labor it did really make me think about what she goes to all the time first finger said to is what the heck are you doing go through it so honey toes with Sophie's new family now living in the house costs are mounting with 20 sets of clothes to wash and 20 mouths to feed stupid prom who don't like this prom doer and for some of the other Radford kids the novelty of new babies is starting to wear off today just wait welcome Johnny you come back with a baby at least once a year it's not really different from give it 10 more weeks the Meuse off eBay another one that's another 10 wait does that ruin baby hooray - places max hold the crowd she could go [Music] even though Sue's 37 she's not planning on stopping anytime soon we'll definitely have another one next year I think I think definitely you sort of said you know when see who gets to party we won't have any more and we might no forty-year-old every time a new baby's born it's a Radford tradition to splash out on a present for Sue don't say anything she always gets the same thing but this time is a deluxe my new buggy is just one of an ever-growing stream of costs [Music] no works hard in the family bakery to pay for it all and although his income is boosted by 160 pounds a week in child benefits he has to find ways to cut costs because you know do all this in Bamiyan we don't employ a baker just just try and save a wage there I don't really know how much it costs to raise a child come on time to get up difficult more expensive I guess wants to start secondary school that's when they wanting more clothes like pocket money they say that having one child push you around 108 thousand pound a lifetime that's just for one child 16 kids of that a lifetime nope you know Ella well yes come on dad our rich no no there's a bank out on me yeah well you've got to have money it's not just financial sacrifices the family have to make do that work you know we're not flushing there anyway like that you know what we can just go off and do what we want when we want we know we don't go out socializing drinking anything on a small ramp into a pub blaring at least 15 years at least but there is one occasion on the horizon that the Radford's are planning to splash out on hi I'm just inquiring about a christening um for 11 children yes for 11 children and just wondering what the availability is the oldest five kids were christened when they were babies but since then sue and all have been so busy they've not had time to christen the other 11 you'll never remember them all now but a mass christening for a super-sized family doesn't come cheap it's gonna be about five six hundred pound other things we try not to get carried away but you want the kids to look nice so there needs to knew this and knew that and then the COS do start to mount not because then you'll have the children that don't need something saying well they're getting this and I want this so you have to try and be a bit tough really but I'm a bit of a soft touch I think really [Music] just an hour's drive away in Rochdale another big family have money worries of their own relying on benefits Mohammed and Noreen have a football team sized brood of kids there are five boys and six girls to feed and care for ranging in age from 5 to 21 I think I've just followed what it says in the Bible go forth and multiply meet the Salim's [Music] a super-sized family needs a lot of space but for the Salim's money so tight they all have to squeeze into a small four-bedroom Terrace no money you with no room for a big table TV dinners at the norm on the menu tonight is chicken samosas and pieces all times by 13 have enough space in the house it's crowded and closer that's how we used to and we're very happy the kids are very happy healthy happy smiling tonight the kids are in for a treat they're watching Muhammad and Noreen's wedding video [Music] together what look Muhammad was 32 and Noreen 16 when their marriage was arranged by her grandfather in Pakistan I never imagined having a big family I never imagined because I didn't get married till I was pretty old but I love children they're really magic [Music] in a month's time it will be the most important event in the Salim's calendar year the festival of Eid Eid is very important it's a really big part of our lives and it's just our main Islamic celebration the families get together and have some nice food and had to have a chance to like talk to each other it's also the most expensive time of year for the family hopefully my dad will give us some money Mohammed's currently unemployed but he's been putting a better side from his benefits each month to pay for read [Music] children to please I have to spend a lot [Music] despite the cost of raising a big family Mohammed still wants more kids we're not looking for luxuries we're not looking for big TV sets we're not looking for big cars we're not greedy in that sense but I am greedy for more children because because they love to give me it's the love I needs to company and he's a little kid he had no one to play with at all cuz he was the only kid I don't think he wants us to go through that as well so he's brought so many persisters for us to not feel lonely like he did but Mohammed's enthusiasm is not shared by his wife I'm gonna want a he said I want three four five more I won big from heroin as a kid I'm pleading little baby for Noreen the prospect of adding yet another hungry mouth to an already financially stretched family is becoming more than she can take he said I want more listen you can look after this children and you want more children go say yes say yes say yes [Music] while many families struggle to make ends meet when you're super-sized money worries multiply [Music] with 16 kids the Radford's rarely splash out but with a mass christening on the horizon they're willing to make an exception today they've descended on Morcom for a shopping trip when you're all out and about it's a bit like going on the school trip you can see people actually counting them and they do that all the time [Music] you're having to keep so many children under control and maybe ones wandering off and you've got to have eyes in the back of your head to keep them all contained sometimes you think wow you know people with just two children yeah they've got it very easy to deal with 16 children's but only one I can deal with one never mind 60 the advantages on election see is when you are old there is only some people to look after you what disadvantage there is your lives gone hey tea please can you just stop today's task and expense is to buy traditional christening gowns for some of the kids by adding to their family the couple are having to look for even more ways to cut costs we do actually put money aside we're constantly putting money into a different account we're quite good at doing that and I do that religiously what big events like christenings and things like that then yeah you do have to be careful with money and how you spend it dad Noll holds the purse strings and has to make tough decisions on spending only Casper and Oscar that are getting the new christening gowns as for the rest I'll just be wearing we've got in the cupboards in the wardrobes all the children and small farmers might get more presents than us if you have three people they get along it's not just big events that drain the finances when you've 16 children paying to clothe feed and house them is a daily challenge after the mortgage food is one of the Radford's biggest costs and to stop their super-sized brood eating them out of house and home sue does a daily supermarket shop we don't do a big shot once a week we go every day every day [Music] what we found was if we were doing a big shot once a week kids would just eat any any any so it just works out cheaper for us if we go every day really NOLA set a weekly 250 pound limit for groceries yeah just a 16 and to cut down on food waste calculates exactly how much he needs for each meal the old ones were left maybe for fish fingers and then it sort of goes down a little bit maybe 3 & 2 ya know worked out that we've probably gone through about 50 so because it caught me perhaps the 20 we lost probably out of 10 left over it's a couple of miles to males I think supposedly I'm quite good at me 16 times terrible because when I'm out buying anything I do try and work out how much you might cost at times it by a 16 think I would just find myself doing it anywhere without even realizing I quite comfortably make a meal for everybody for around 10 pound for everybody I [Music] quite often work out how much it cost because I'm a bit that way inclined I like to sort of work things out like that and then I think to see if there's any ways that can perhaps say the key to the Radford's being able to afford and enjoy their big family its division of labor sue does most of the childcare and household chores which include nine loads of washing and a heap of ironing every day while snore brings in the money from the family bakery and at home is head chef why our family works and why our married works is because everything that we do is team work some people might see how we're well oiled machine if that teamwork wasn't there then it would be a lot harder that's not good I've got a spare plate I've run out fires [Music] in Rochdale the Salim's are also preparing for a very special occasion the Eid celebration they're hosting in their home in four weeks time mom Noreen wants the kids to look their best we do need some nice fancy clothes so more will buy some new clothes and some new shoes and some new jewelry sets and everything one will give me the police I'll go buy the children shoes telephone each telephone bill gas bill electric bill back home Mohammed's worrying about how he's going to pay for everything the gas one 590 pound 48 friends providing for his kids as a daily struggle for unemployed Mohammed downside to having a big family knows the cost feeding them paying so it's got its negatives when you have this feeling all blow my neck so expensive I'm CV here type of application when his first nine children were born Mohammed had a teaching job but it's been seven years since he last worked temporary seven years I've been applying for jobs I might feel interviews but none of the interviews materialized and I had no joy no look whatsoever so this is going now hopefully send it through and go for the best the family owned their own home but receives 680 pounds per week in benefits more children there's not to do with the benefits of trying to get more money out of the government I want children because I love children and I come free people do think I'm a buddy I'm a sponger I'm a scrounge or whatever let them think what they want having so many kids and relying on benefits has made the family a target for abuse I think people do find it a bit shocking you know to hear that there's a big family because it's not really normal is it so yeah people do say a lot of things yeah my children do get grief spewing streets call me Oh your dad doesn't work your own benefit people don't like me they give me grief about my family they ask me questions how much times you know and that has sex but I just ignore them under scan with my work and just walk away you are so boring now they do get upset now together but the very resilient because I've brainwashed them into believing that they're all the chalice you're happy you got a big family you love each other and it's all boiling down to just jealousy yeah okay your turn in Morcom the Radford's big family is causing more than just a financial headache after a long search sue and nolรฉ have managed to find a church willing to perform them mass christening hello hello I'm Mike you are leave James nice to meet you James only quite this large a lot of children came past me tonight I think they were about 7 or 8 which means there's about the same again at home so it's going to be quite an interesting crowd and we get everyone together and I just hope I can remember all the names in the right order Ellie and Josh fantastic wow what a great crowd but the sheer number of kids has thrown up an unforeseen problem there's usually between 2 and 4 godparents per per candidate so multiplying up that's quite a lot isn't it we've got to find 22 godparents we don't have 22 friends that would want to be you know godparents come upon seat and I'll sort things out with you in a minute no 22 is just snow it's just not gonna happen really is it [Music] back at home the Radford's have even more pressing concerns the birth of baby number 16 Kasper has prompted su & Knoll to address the kids sleeping arrangements girls got all these bedrooms booked most the kids all want to share your pile into one bedroom so my plan is to build a bunk bed that sleeps 6 and that way if they do want to all in one room at least Acharya I bet for themselves jobs around the house DIY I'll always check on myself well I like it I enjoy it I love doing it and the second is cost-saving with all of Noel's time taking up working in the bakery and building the bunk beds Sue's workload has doubled and the couples normal routine has gone out the window compared with the current if the team side of it isn't working if Naz got something that he needs to get on with and he's not around then you know it does tend to get a little bit crazy with Sue and able to give all the kids the attention they used to they've started playing up [Applause] [Music] to make matters worse baby Casper's got colic and is only happy when he's in his mother's arms for eldest daughter Sophie who recently became a first-time mum it's a rare glimpse of su being stressed now don't talk no time she just struggle a bit it's only when the kids don't do as I told mommy's got shout knife here when it all gets too much it all gets far too much fun very sharp line but with 16 kids to look after chaos is never far away I don't know if she can't fix her mom I think one is enough at the moment Josh that's the right mess isn't it well then you come and say mummy I've got my chocolate cake on the floor adult rumbling ow I always think she's mad I don't know why she does it get in that bed now that were not babysitting I feel like I'm gonna go bold eventually it's just that much stress a sixteenth baby may just have pushed sue a step too far I'm not going up here again [Music] for Britain's biggest broods family celebrations can be a logistical as well as financial challenge for the Radford's just getting all 16 of their kids together in one room takes some doing Sophie can you just move up then don't panic nothing the 11 youngest kids at you to be christened in two weeks time and the tradition is for each child to have two godparents it's going to be quite difficult to get 22 godparents we don't know that many people but you know the people that you do know would you actually want them to be godparents to your children no Lance ooh think they have the perfect solution we just I'm so glad that our children can be godparents and I think it'll be nice for the older children to be godparents as well because they really want to be don't they yeah worked out really well we put all the names in a hat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] now that the godparents dilemma is solved Knoll turns his attention to his wife after 16 kids one grandchild and organizing daily life the couple haven't spent a night away from the children for years nice are scared we've realized over the past few weeks that men will need to spend time as a couple as well as you know spending time with the kids yeah I think I've gone away we've been our honeymoon together which is just over 20 years ago Sue's in for a treat although Noll has already dipped into their savings pot to pay for the christening he's dipping in again to book a night away he is however saving money on childcare by calling on the help of the grandparents and eldest daughter Sophie luckily Sue's mom and dad taking three away and the three noisy ones when they go it doesn't make a big difference so it should make it quite a lot easier [Music] [Laughter] it's a bit of a novelty really so you'd better not take me somewhere in the minibus and like go and stop at a chick fish and chips shop somewhere and say right they said you don't know which one just take the other one just in case you're not from that side yeah I have to put my sexy indo-aryan okay okay where are the Radford's 15 seater minibus has also got the night off instead Knoll has splashed out on a two-seater rental car oh my I'm excited cause like they haven't been out on their own in like however many years be nice for them a nice little break from as well okay so this is like Mike Harrison is it a little bit romantic isn't it I'm hoping what we enjoy because it'd be a bit different for us because well you know we're obviously used to all the noise and everything that comes with a big family all the time so it's going to be a bit a bit weird I think I think we might be a bit lost on what to do my party in Rochdale the eid celebration is fast approaching the Salim's are worried their house is not ready for the party they've planned come on please unable to afford a bigger home all 13 of them have to fight for space in their small four-bedroom Terrace and it can get messy they decide to have a clear-out [Music] [Music] I think my mom is really affected by the mess in the house she'll get real looks depressed when she sees it so we tried best to keep it a neat book the kids all mess up again with the looming Mohammad comes up with a plan he thinks their salvation may lie in flat-packed furniture [Music] [Music] with Anna with that white white white white please we'll all go off together wait okay oh it's closed it again to be very comfortable there the kids like what they see but when you've 11 children and no job the cheapest option is the most attractive that's a lot of money in it [Music] back at home all they have to do now is tidy the clutter away into their new wardrobes that's gonna give me a helping hand today with their big muscles I'm gonna give you a baggage Nana and then we can fill it with your rubbish if you want to put it into the skirt well you're the first article junkie let's give you can you want to put me in the skipper's Mohamed enlists the help of the kids by the time their child for themselves - yeah Oh ham is not the only one at the end of his tether Noreen's fed up with their cramped living conditions and lack of money do you have no job and I'm suffering me my children suffering with did you there's no job is very shameful I want that children I go to private school go to my children but Maya came an injection despite having several degrees Mohamed hasn't worked for the last seven years you know the PhD is seven degrees no job and if you have been to a nice job we have ten bedroom home I run my pressure I came to my everyone I my son daughter get away it's room my wish is Allah is good god is good god is good god no sack - you do like God give the hand for you and you said you do you have the hand we have to feed you do something you don't only the job you have to something taxi like that you have to show up is good if you try your time you do not try and you asking you in philosophy saline chocolates my heart is very brought inside you never know is what what is my inside or what I am thinking for my children wise myself what are you thinking for the future is thinking what is doing when future parties are my children growing like da but my dream [Music] arriving in Chester for their date night Noll has pulled out all the stops for the couple's first night away in 20 years [Music] Meno met when we were probably when we were about eight very welcomes lovely it's not going out together when I was about 13 then obviously we had Chris when I was 14 and then Sophie came along and then we had Chloe and I think just sort of spiral from there really we just enjoyed it so much we carried on let me show you to your room I follow me I know a lot of people that have children at a young age their relationship just doesn't last but with us it's it made us stronger and yeah we stuck together so [Music] please come on in now I realize at the moment is 16 but we were hoping the number 17 would perhaps happen here so we put you in a little pack we have these sort of romantic seduction packs and in there you have in here you have everything you need for number 17 there is titillating massage all there's a intimate fragrance free wipes there is actually a condominium and that's it so have a wonderful stay joining me to leave you with the condom [Laughter] [Music] back at the Radford's family home with the parents away the kids will play [Music] marry someone please Casper this is bliss but it'll be a bit crazy at home I'm gonna eat your honor it's very good [Music] nice garden here till they go came to bed birthday to down 88 to go kids I'm not having any more than one who can tell you that right now [Music] but you can add more kids yeah well let you know next month I think they'll stop having babies at 20 30 30 30 no if there are pins I'll be leaving the house [Music] the biggest and most expensive day of the Salim's calendar year has finally arrived the eat celebration with much of the clutter put away the house is finally ready for the party they're hosting for neighbors and relatives well used to having people here all the time which is nice we've got 11 children big family my shallow we're busy anyway so extra two or three mouths will make a difference to us Mohamed and Noreen have spent a total of 100 pounds getting their kids out with new clothes I have to spend a lot to please our family our cousins our relatives all come together and it'd be like a bigger like a fun day for us it's loud crazy a nice big celebration you look very nice today in Morcom it's also a big day for the Radford's I think we've got about an hour and a half before we have to leave for the christening I'm ironing outfits to save money Knoll is in charge of the catering just a few more sandwiches to make the cake to get ready put together I think we're gonna be ready on time Katie [Music] it takes a long time to get these already I usually tend to spend about five minutes if not getting yourself further are you two excited today yeah good a christening happens in a church and the vicar puts a question it is hard work and organized for something like today so but it's definitely worth it [Music] for the Salim's the party is a much needed chance to unwind from the pressures of daily life with my family I'll make sure they're happy to get something good something new and there take part in enjoying the celebrations we believe our real wealth is our children it's God's blessing I know the same teaching and the most wealthiest minors [Music] despite the cost and hard work involved in organizing the party Muhammad's keener than ever to have more kids this lovely day no hassles from the kids and their own loving and buzzing around in having good time it encourages you it puts that sort into you you want more children because children Morcom Britain's biggest family is splashing out and making local history in front of all their family and friends everyone and welcome to more comparison wonderful baptism service today of many members of the Radford family today is certainly something very different to anything that I've done before Kasper Theo i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen he's a very proud moment to see all the children up there Sophie and Chloe being a cup of godparents Oscar will i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit I was gonna have the boys and Sophie was gonna have the girls James Edward i baptize you in the name of the Father I like Colleen Sophia's a godmother good I have no idea who my God is just so many Tillie may i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit caspere's definitely wanna know that Josh marks in LA max joseph i baptize you in the name of the Father josh benjamin i baptize you in the name of the Father Amy Elizabeth i baptize you in the name of the Father Ellie Mae ties you in the name of the Father and of the son it were a miracle the ax gecko Katie Louise I'll baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen oh oh you got a good slash that in you even there were on my head he went all over Diggle doing up to that it went there nearly jy baptize you in the name of the Father there's nothing nervous it was really funny Luke James i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen Casper Oscar Tilly max Josh Amy Ellie James Katie million Linc we welcome you into the fellowship of faith I don't think there's any any divine policy on big families no although there are plenty of big families in the Bible most people have rather smaller ones these days I think we did well it's lovely who's really nice service and the vicar's lovely isn't it yeah say that's good I am just a tad very excited about the massive great big huge chocolate cake I love the cave what we have MS yourself it's been a big success but some of the extended family are hoping it's the last radford christening I hope it's limited at 16 because Christmas and birthdays Easter eggs and holiday pudding is quite expensive no there sit back now and enjoy the ones that they've got sue and no have other ideas I don't think we're ever gonna stuff our way we've got so many babies lovely children next time when parents around numbered more than five to one keeping the kids under control is a tall order in the Salim household Anarchy rulz master has but for the homeschooled Sullivans routine is crucial it shouldn't be missing pages out should you I don't think I'm harsh but I think I have expectations you
Channel: Origin
Views: 3,207,613
Rating: 4.7738652 out of 5
Keywords: origin story, parenting, wellbeing, mindfulness, family lives, kensington mums, respectful parenting, radford family, biggest family in the world, biggest families, meal prep, documentary, real family lives, 16 kids and counting uk, 16 Kids and Counting full episodes, 16 Kids and Counting, full documentary, full episodes, full documentary uk, bbc documentary, bbc documentary 2020, underage and pregnant, origin, large families, large families documentary, large families uk
Id: B_pzl7ClzIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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