Tom Brady vs the World pt 1

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They always look at the glass half empty when it comes to Brady. If he has a bad game and they win, they say he won because of his defense. If he wins in a blowout, they say he's beating up on bad teams.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IcyHoliday1546 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I legitimately enjoyed watching this despite its length. The only part I kinda didn't like was the music at times. Other than that, it's a fantastic video that gives CONTEXT to each thing as it happened, and shows why Tom Brady truly did defeat the entire media world (minus Skip lmao)

Edit: Just realized it started midway through. Would recommend starting from the beginning

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StatFlow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

lmao at Shannon calling the Broncos game a β€œloss”, then turning around a couple weeks later and go β€œthe Broncos are bad” when we kick the shit out of them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/slamminsosa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well done. I enjoyed that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/4redditobly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for sharing. Things like this are great for the off-season!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wintrycliffside πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It needs to be a requirement that whenever brady is whooping ass on field, the final fantasy fight music is playing. Well done. Got me pumped.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ErnieAdamsistheKey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] second and five [Applause] my wildest dream that i ever think i go to nine super bowls [Applause] biggest game of the year someone has to make a play fight it out fight out all right of the offense right that's all it's that's the future of the game right yeah great first down what's that chad is that brady sounds like it to me same exact play again over the from the middle first and goal running up sony michelle it's fourth quarter and it's running time for the greatest god ever sewed it up gotta snap it one more time it ain't over [Music] [Applause] the ball will end up in the hands of tom brady on the kneel down and what did he say to us the other day he says i pray to win another super bowl so help me i'll never ask again can i just give this what he said till next year yeah exactly did the reset yep he said missed it belichick's gonna be become the oldest coach supplanting tom coughlin who was 65 when he beat the patriots in super bowl 46. and there it is the dynasty continues how satisfying after all the talk and this season was this one you know it was an unbelievable year you know probably you know we just we thought through it more so than anything and it's unbelievable to win this game all week you've talked about you want to keep playing you want to play till you're 45 you just won your bowl sixth that change anything at all tracy asked you would you come back again and you said yes and for all of those fans out there what will motivate you to come back how will you reset and do it all over again look at this how did this not motivate you it's what it's all about julian i don't know if you've ever watched this program first take with these five gentlemen she may spend a couple times with uh max if you've ever heard about this cliff i think the hand gesture was like this so it's brady falling off the cliff i don't think he's falling off the cliff i mean he just won a super bowl i just want to know here i just want to be very very clear on the record you you haven't seen any drama the man that plays with him that catches passes from him has seen no precipitous drop off from tom brady like some people have proclaimed i i haven't i mean when you have superstars you can't measure them by just numbers they rise to the occasion for example he just brought up the super bowl to me low scoring super bowl if the rams had dropped 30 tom brady would have dropped 35. that i mean he's just that i view it from from the standpoint that when you're great you do what the moment commands and it's almost disingenuous to just look at the numbers and say that's what define this got to that you say i i agree with that i mean going into all the super bowls i've played in i mean there's been some where we scored 24 or 35 or whatever and then 12. tom brady had this instagram post yesterday a picture of a radar gun showing tb12 throwing balls at 61 miles per hour in the caption he's gonna fall off a cliff you heard that one before all right here's a little bit of context here are some notable quarterbacks and how hard they threw at the combine before entering the nfl patrick mahomes 60 miles per hour baker mayfield at 61. carson wednesday 57 cam at 56 and dak at 54. all right max are you are you going to retract your statements now absolutely not in fact uh mike tayner had this sorry tenure had this an um bleacher report in january of this year if you look into the numbers recovery the eyeball test tells you he's not the same two things have conspired to make it look as though he hasn't fallen off the cliff one he's playing for the greatest coach who ever lived and two and they've compensated with run game etc and two they've changed the rules in the nfl where you can't touch the quarterback and by the way to get a high reading on a radar gun you can muscle it that's why quarterbacks of brady's age are not as accurate down the field anymore that's why you overthrow receivers because you're muslim you did not say there would be a drop off you said he would fall off a cliff that's what tom brady is replying to but you made the argument you didn't sit up there and say he wouldn't be the same and leave it at that you said he would fall off our cliff which basically meant you know what he's not going to be anywhere near what he was he's going to be a shell of himself be a shame to yourself max you should be very very ashamed of yourself you are over here looking through stats doing your best to find things to explain away your tank you're talking about muscling radar gun i don't know what you're digging through but i know what you have to dig past you're digging past three super balls two wins quarterback in high school and at kent state and then brady shoots one to josh gordon gordon breaking tackles touchdown new england score set [Music] [Music] being developed again over the course of the season brady ends on caught by brown touchdown new england pretty good second down at 12. brady with pressure out comes the football recovered by golden and marcus goldman is gonna reach for the touchdown first down at the 49. brady keeps over the middle pass is caught by jacoby myers england just punch it forward to white picking his way inside the five no signal for a touchdown and now there is touchdown plenty of time timing route down the sideline and james white over the shoulder to take on responsibilities in the run game second and seven brady fakes in the handoff the ball was tipped white sets up as a receiver [Applause] brady hangs in the pocket loops one incomplete james white the last year you saw he was dinking and dunking even compared to his dinking and dunking prime he was dinking and dunking they were like you know yards per attempt all that stuff way down and to his credit they're nine and one and belichick yes and the defense yes but game manager who can take you to nine and one without offensive weapons my hat's off to him but this is not the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guy [Applause] all kinds of timing to throw where he is back to being game manager who really needs the offensive help i know isaiah win hasn't been there he's running for his life he doesn't have outside speed all those things are true and that would help him but the point is he needs all that stuff they're down in seven brady passes off the hands let me say sincerely what i mean from the bottom of my heart i think all you're trying to do is support your original proclamation of brady being over a cliff i was off by one year you too but the point that i'm trying to make to you is that i think that's what this is about and that's fine and i'm gonna tell you why i think that's what this is about because you're being incredibly unfair to this man [Music] snap it with two on the plate clock and brady's gonna go play action and the pass is antonio brown is arguably the best receiver in the world he welcomed him into his home tom brady has children tom brady has a wife and tom brady not only tom brady not only welcomed this dude on a team he welcomed him into his home do you know how desperate you have to be [Music] if you are tom brady with gisele as your wife with those beautiful kids of yours to welcome a dude and i'm not a i'm not cat i'm not casting any guilt or innocence i know nothing but i know this if you a brother that's gotten accused of sexual assault you ain't coming to my house not with my kids oh hell no you will not be there you won't visit this brother had a room ready for you to spend weeks there until you found a spot yes that's not what she's falling off yeah he's going to help him you could say that's how much he's fallen off i can say to you that's how desperate he is to have some level of help my issue with max is that you're looking at him and not looking at his personality i don't know any quarterback in nfl history who threw the ball towards and complete tom brady is no longer a leak enough you get it back to the keel harry on the edge with brady out front brady got a block as well and it gave harry the space for the run to the 36-yard line misdirection here and as you mentioned number 12 get out there go low it's verdanas white taking him down look at peyton manning who's bad when the broncos won the super bowl he wasn't as good as tom brady is now they've both fallen off a cliff by that point in their career of course peyton manning had an excuse he had an injury tom brady is just he's ancient [Music] watson in washington on the right side brady incomplete muhammad sunu are we going to be fair to a six-time champion somebody who's been to nine super bowls are we at least going to step back and exercise fairness and go like this damn what does he have what is he having to work with you could be seen the last time brady plays at foxborough today second and ten he's in trouble he tries to get it away and it's almost intercepted [Applause] [Music] michelle not this time that's evans michelle they got him again we'll never see this run again jim he's passed it's intercepted and returned for a touchdown by logan ryan the former patriot should tom brady retire yes he should he won't but he should not only has the cliff oh he can still make throws yes he can but he misses guys every way you can miss a guy it always still has a strong arm yes you can muscle the ball when you get older but it's not going to be the same not accurately down the field so should he retire steven a yes because the alternative is let me show everyone the tv 12 brand works cause i'll play tom 100 years old but he will get diminishing returns and it will end without glory in some other market the fact is he doesn't have any help so where are you on this uh hey retire hell no this man needs to come back and he needs to remind the world because excuse me tom brady a lesser version than tom brady it's still a top 10 quarterback in the league to me come back and show the world excuse me give me something to work with and watch what i do i have somebody telling me this morning in fact this is very interesting this is not a football source it's a icon source it is somebody in tom's stratosphere that knows tom that is a famous person and he says tampa that's what he's telling me tom brady is a tampa bay over the last couple of weeks we had hips started hearing the ground swell the bucks the bucks the bucks i heard a lot but i i kept discounting it so did i words i never thought i would say tampa bay buccaneer tom brady tom brady signing with the tampa bay bucks tomorrow holy hell everything we thought is gonna happen you got tom brady there not turning the football over running your offense ensuring that at the very least you're not going to beat yourself i think it elevates uh tampa's chances exponentially to at least make the playoffs and potentially have some degree of success in the playoffs so i do like it for him and this was a very smart and for me unexpected move from brady not that he's not smart but the chargers also have weapons in la and i just assumed that he would want to go to la and now you have all these weapons the real question is as as molly was talking to mike uh to greenie earlier in the segment no risk get no biscuit that ain't tom brady you know on the one hand you think if if if jameis was so bad that fitzpatrick was like a revelation at times boy brady with these weapons is going to be amazing except he's been dink or dunk for years now especially recently and then even year over year more dinking and dunking and now all of a sudden it's going to be taking shots down the field but i'm a fan of the jets the patriots are the arch rival and i've rooted against tom brady in literally every game he's ever played but i respect the hell out of him and i respect him even more now because all of the talk about would he go to south beach because it's so glamorous and maybe gisele would be happy there were to go to l.a because he could set up his production company and all of that he made a football decision first and foremost this was by far the best decision that he could make i i think brady and belichick clearly believe two different things brady believes belichick and the offense held me back last year and i'm gonna show the world i think belichick clearly by his actions wilds believes we kept you together under any other system you would have looked like peyton manning in his final year with the broncos and now the world's gonna get to see it and now amazingly the world actually is gonna get to see who was right but brady can't go backwards wild because of what he's accomplished belichick can look like a fool if brady looks great as a tampa bay buck [Applause] so [Music] i think it'll be fun in tampa bay i don't see it having an enormous impact directly in terms of the competitiveness i think tampa bay would get better because i think tom brady even at this stage of his career is better than jameis winston brady just by not making a lot of mistakes and game managing and then being big in important situations with all those weapons should make tampa bay better but i don't think tampa bay is going to win super bowl i think they maybe go to the playoffs if you win a game i don't i don't see them waiting a super bowl him not having weapons last year and having weapons this year i expect him to have a much better season this upcoming year i expect tampa bay to make the playoffs i think their level of relevancy will be elevated exponentially and as a result who knows where the story lines will take us what we're saying is is that he didn't need any excuses before when you were talking about a cliff that was non-existent don't change the narrative that's the narrative anybody does now ain't nobody worried about what tom brady's gonna do now he's gotta perform or else he'll look bad and we'll all be there to chronicle it because he certainly doesn't have any excuse to not have any weapons but over the last three to four years please not in talking he was last i was one year off precisely what i said in my original comment was what brady did last year oh boy what brady did what brittany did what brady did not last with the year before last do it what brady did the year before last was what i thought he would do three years ago which is when is a peyton manning style game manager plus because he wasn't hurt but peyton manning won a super bowl with the denver broncos as a cooked quarterback tom brady won a super bowl with the patriots the lowest scoring ever behind a defense in a running game last year he got bumped in the first round and this year he's not on the patriots anymore because they wouldn't pay him like an elite quarterback because he's not one so is there a cliff yes or no max is the only person on the planet earth that brags about being a year later first of all we all know it was longer but he actually brags about being a kid even if he tom brady but what about the rest of you all pretending he's still elite at least i'm caught up to reality y'all still living two years ago listen i like my friends in tampa i assumed they had high-speed internet an nfl sunday ticket but maybe they don't i mean they i understand it's not a major market but i assumed they had the technological capabilities the rest of the country give me a break but no discernible drop off in his arm strength craig give me a break they've seen everything that tom brady has done and they've highlighted all the great plays and they've taken them and they feel like if we can just get some of that we'll have success we have an opportunity that we haven't had in years so yes they are seeing what they want to see and they are not seeing the inconsistent throws he is not that same player i'm not saying that he's completely fallen off the cliff or that he will but he definitely shows signs of different arm strength and accuracy at this stage in his career and the buck signed tom brady and this is very emotionally difficult for me they put up a tweet that said we're teaming up to pursue championships plural and i found it personally insult you know what to bring you back on camera bring you back this is this tweet i printed out this tweet here i printed it out bam right there bucks slow down you're still the now i'm getting mad again nick slow down you're the bucks okay since 90 euro came in the league in 1976 out of the four major sports you know it was the worst winning percentage the bucks and now you're talking about multiple championships you signed the guy for a two-year deal now you're gonna do back-to-back championships it's this obviously you know it's like rising my tom brady uh missing tom brady's rising up again nick i apologize yeah yeah well liz the idea that tampa is a championship contending team now i think is lunacy but they still were a mediocre team last season and at this point if i can only walk through one of two doors door one is the bucks are competing for championship much less championships or door two is by thanksgiving the bucks are saying oh my god we're tied to this guy for next year as well door two is far more likely and i'll take it a step further is it more likely tom brady's the best quarterback in that division or the worst quarterback in that division drew brees is better than him right now matt ryan is better than him right now and teddy bridgewater i don't know about you guys i'd rather have teddy bridgewater next year than 43 year old tom brady so if they can tweak whatever they want and i like the fact that it irritated wilds anything that irritates wilds i i want to be on that team but this is lunacy they've got the second greatest quarterback in all the times uh right behind you breeze and now we got head to head two pounds a year i mean um this is this is a team that's fighting for second place i like his things um i love the saints a lot that's my super bowl pick in the in the nfc the saints are really low on paper you can make a strong case they have the best roster in the nfl obviously when you have the quarterback and the coach in sync and in rhythm and in place all these years right they should be a little readier to play game number one than brady with a new coaching staff right right and no preseason okay you heard it from me second okay 10 and six okay the best you could hopefully okay why don't you have the guts to say they're going to miss the playoffs you would've if they hadn't added that extra playoff spot you would have missed the playoffs told me tom brady is a washed-up noodle-arm quarterback am i right it's good he got so much around him that people could sometimes you get tired and somebody can drag you across the finish line dragging him he ain't pulling nobody they pulling him so with that being said you're catching the air the best you could hopefully do is 10-6 you will not win the nfc south you will not be the nfc representative in the super bowl that's where tom brady and the buccaneer offense will set up after a 39-yard punt and i don't think there's been a more anticipated uniform change maybe in the history of league to see what the goat looks like computer he looks he looks pretty good doesn't he i know he's excited brady keeps throws that's chris conway who broke out last year and he's out of bounds at the 46 of new orleans after a 29-yard completion from brady well they clear out on the outside with the receiver and then you've got chris godwin who he's working on the corner route and this ball was perfectly thrown by tom brady he just drops it right in there and godwin who had a heck of a year last year pro bowl season his first thousand yards that's receiving that's a nice job and a nice throw good protection up front as well quick throw pass caught scotty miller makes the effort for the first down so to speed three tight ends in the ball game brady's gonna keep and take it in for the touchdown tom brady slams it down and he's got a touchdown for the exclamation point at the end of his first drive his quarterback of the tampa bay bucks but he sees that spot he just goes and gets it it's a great opening drive for this tampa offense and now they as jerome rover came in and stopped what would have been the stop now they verify that brady was indeed in for the score and ryan suck up a late add first drive for brady and the box ends up in the end zone took it in himself and on the road against the saints [Music] patriots won today with cam newton in quarterback as they beat miami here's a pass that is it's a little bit misleading as to how effective they were throwing the football pass is caught now got his hand on the turf ready for third and thirteen and brady is sacked right down from behind by hendrickson yeah just some uh pretty basic mistakes three tight ends in the game watch and what an answer by brady the 45-yard penalty set it up brady keeps throws past todd godwin first down and more third target for brock he's got just two catches 11 yards brady has to pull it down and down he goes in the sack by davis jamal airs it out down field and the pass is caught by scotty miller his first catch of the ball game results in a score [Applause] i think we're all gonna wish we had a lot of plays back certainly i do 12 don't be mad at me i'm just going to say the buccaneers season opener will be a loss in new orleans to the defending nfc south champs max i'm going to start with you here because i know how much you love tom brady the cliff the ravine i don't know what it is but i'm sure you're happy today what did this performance say about tom [Music] well it's a ravine it looked like a cliff and then when i got a little closer though it's a ravine it's just a decline look this says that without bill belichick there to give him the team success that masks his decline he's obviously in decline belichick won after week one brady zip they got everything he wants and and brady as he showed last year when he needed to beat miami to get to get a buy in the first week couldn't do it still waiting now throws over the middle and he's got his man mohamed salute sets up the screen james white the five [Music] [Applause] touchdown well the stadium got real quiet real quick it is what it is this is what a 43 year old quarterback on a new team looks like well first of all keyshawn has that look on his face and i'm looking at you the way that i do number one because we don't understand what the hell you're saying the number two we don't care and the reason why we don't care max kellerman is because you were talking about the cliff and then the ravine and it took you three years to get from the cliff to the ravine there's been a cliff traditionally until now brady's taking very good care of himself and there have been changes to the quarterback position you can't breathe on him anymore his was more like a ravine than a cliff and in the meantime brady went to three super bowls at one two so we don't want to hear what the hell you have to say about brady and ravi we stopped listening to you about waiting in 2016. we just tolerate you because you're on national television and obviously we care about what you have to say with every other subject but when it comes to tom brady your credibility was shot four years ago that's number one you can't possibly think that it's the end of tom brady once they get on the same page and in sync you're gonna see a totally different type of a buccaneer team not bill belichick's system right that's not there anymore it's not going to be hey he's the greatest system quarterback of all time the system being the patriot way and bill belichick wouldn't let him turn the patriots into a tb-12 infomercial sometimes the most excruciating part about listening to you is just the length of having to listen to your dribble you bring up stuff like fake news or low quality information and that's exactly what the hell you just gave our audience this notion that you wait for something bad to happen to tom brady for you so you can just try to flex your chest and talk about him being bad it's the craziest thing in the world to be it's like yeah you all of the stuff that happened you waited for tom brady to have this situation so you can try to justify all of the foolishness that you dispute about tom brady it's only week one jenna uh coach mangini talked about it last last week on her show friday he talked about continuity versus a lot of change i know folks thought i was being sarcastic or a jerk this summer when i asked this question but i will ask it again are the tampa bay bucks a quarterback away from being a contender because tom brady it from what we've seen from him not just in week one he looks old he looks inaccurate it's so easy shady please so easy please and lesean mccoy marcellus throws a lookout block when all you can do is say hey tom look out so the problem is they're pretenders right now because you got all these stars oh wow you got an enemy show for wow okay tom brady lost another season open tom brady has lost four season openers including yesterday but let's talk about the other three you know what happened in those other three season opening losses those years they went to the super bowl and won two of them but emmanuel acho would say that that team was a pretender in those three season opening losses but this year you're gonna go there again and tom brady's gonna make you eat your words tom brady has never started a decision pulling two [Music] mccoy trying brady deep down the middle for evans inside the 30th carolina and mike evans is down to the 21. here's jones stiff arm end zone ronald jones with the touchdown for the bucks bridgewater stepping up that ball's loose jason pierre paul scooped it up nobody touched him down so that's a live ball brady pumps and throws back shoulder for evans [Applause] and just like that touchdown tampa bay quick throw past the sticks tumbling catches made first down mike evans brady outround evans and it is a catch for a first down bridgewater has been waiting a while this is the 11th planned drive looking on the perimeter for justin watson start running the ball down their throat three-man rush righty to the sticks for evans and he's got another flicker fournette back to brady and he's got an open man and justin watson into the red zone tampa bay with time he finds fournette he's got the first down at least and here is fournette trying to plunge in and he's in for his first tampa bay buccaneer touchdown quick screen evans makes one man miss in dante jackson and then justin burris runs him down champion as a rookie with the eagles he beat brady and the patriots brady looking back at the end zone and it's dropped lesean mccoy unable to haul it in and it brings up fourth down [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a good punch from tampa bay a body blow from leonard fournette [Applause] we like to give out letter grades around here so shannon give brady a great i'm gonna give him a c minor skill um i thought he was okay not great ba's offense is to push the ball down the field and tom is still not quite comfortable with that yet i thought he did some good things i i there were some things i didn't think he did really well his first half was an a plus he was super bold tom for a half why was cyril grayson even in the rotation because chris godwin was not right i'm going to assume he will be out of concussion protocol for the game at denver which is as you know tom brady's house of horrors right i said on friday tom brady would be overrated on monday morning here we are on monday morning and you're already everyone's overrating him tom brady was meh he was mad he was okay that's the best you can do but any competent nfl quarterback would have done at least what tom brady did he severely underperformed my expectations including the two drops that could have been scores he underperformed my expectations for him and take a look at the numbers they don't lie well first of all the numbers do lie because there were two passes that were in the end zone that would drop that's number one number two if you look at the first those first six quarters out there first two i'm sorry first quarter they said that like his first six passes were on target he was dropping dimes all over the place he looked considerably better and that's not overrating him because the numbers are ultimately relatively pedestrian only 217 yards faster and they caught those couple of passes might have been over 300 yards but in the end what it came down to is here's what i say you have to be oppressed about with tom brady's performance he connected with maya with mike evans several receptions for 104 yards that's what you wanted it's chris godwin i don't know if you've got his name max he didn't play he was hurt he was out okay he can't judge what we're seeing from the first two games and say this is who tom brady is and this is who he's going to be in this offense if your argument is simply tom brady what they were really looking for in tampa is a quarterback who wouldn't make so many mistakes and who would sometimes come through on third down and could rely on the weapons around him to do a lot of the work and and if he did all that this team would compete for a playoff spot yeah i'm with that that's what i've been trying to say tom brady is before i disrespect you any further sir can you just answer me are you saying yes or no because i just want to know if i need to offend you yes they are okay uh see here's the problem i i'm so disappointed in marcellus specifically today more than any other day in the history of television in which i've been watching him and i've been watching since he's been in other networks tom brady it's not as if he's doing anything that is fantastic so no the bucks do not yet look like super bowl contenders and we're not gonna know until week six when they play the packers if we're being get uh if we're keeping it a thousand percent real last week the sky was falling according to acho because tom brady was only one even though our tom brady in 21 years has never been owen to including this year never been 0-2 but more importantly when he was 0-1 i don't understand why acho doesn't do his homework those three years he was over one he went to the super bowl all three years one two of them this is a team that doesn't see anyone in their way that they fear who gonna stop them and they got the guy who's sitting on the throne so you need to watch it but marcellus the person on the throne tom brady he may have to leave the kingdom sooner than later can he get the football out you're talking about getting out you need to be done after tom brady get it out because that's the problem so you're sitting here banking on this goat but like i told you on friday and i will tell you again you haven't seen tom brady the goat since 2017. keep hoping and wishing wow if i could be the perfect team how come i can't beat a 13-win team that lose to minnesota the year before in the playoffs i'm dropping this is a work in progress you got to respect that this is going to take time for them to come together for tom brady to get acclimated not only his new surroundings with his new staff but his new teammates tom brady is in a conference where you should fear no one in a division you should fear no one and then he's playing a game of chess that's going to be slow played but he'll be there at the end his performance thus far has been pedestrian and that's my problem it's been pedestrian every meaningful statistic that is found on the surface that you use to quantify a quarterback outside of wins because obviously that matters a lot and he's sitting at 101. every meaningful statistic says tom brady's on the decline who is leading the league in the most drops this year is it tampa bay is it tom brady is it tom brady's receivers who has a headline that reads drop passes cost tom brady a 400 yard game by the numbers is it bruce aarons and tom brady bruce aaron said hey if y'all don't start catching this football drop three touchdowns not one not two three touchdowns in week two alone and you over here saying i'm disappointed in tom brady look i'm not ready to ring the alarm on drew brees but let's be realistic the reason i predicted the cliff which turned out to be a ravine i just want to point out for tom brady is because no one in the history of football had ever played beyond a certain age at an elite level they've been they've been starters but not elite and by the way you can argue what you want tom brady has not put up elite numbers now in over a year it's been over a year so you could say well that's because of this that whatever it's over a year and and and now just because brady has done it and defied the cliff by a year um doesn't mean that that's just now what's going to happen tom brady got his first bucks win last week it was the 250th career victory between the regular season and the playoffs the winningest quarterback all the time brady throws it for chris godwin lunging for that goal and he is in for the touchdown welcome back to the bucks chris godwin denver defense brady slings it to rob gronkowski and he's got the first brady stepping up and he delivers to a third down security blanket in lashawn who goes 0-2 today trying to get a win a couple of teams perform well third down brady lofting it scotty miller's the target and scottie miller's got it [Applause] and he has enough for the first down will chris dot by mike evans sneaky design for a score for tampa bay well they're just gonna run the quick screen out there another drive starts with great field position for tampa bay and brady wants a shot into a tight window penalty marker is thrown josie jewell and oj howard are fighting for it and it's a catch [Applause] brady to gronkowski in open space right tackle yours brady for evans another stare and another touchdown for mike evans first down brady to o.j howard and here's brady looking deep for godwin and he's able to twist around for the grab yeah that'll speak volumes about tom brady's edition of the tampa bay bucks and where uh the expectations are shannon i know this is always hard when it's against the broncos but please do give me an objective letter grade tom brady objective i gave him a c a c a c skip skip the broncos are bad bronco lost bronco loss did i leave this game say man tom looked really good yeah i didn't i didn't leave this game thinking that skip they won the game but i don't think anybody thought they were not going to win the ball game bronco lost tom brady was going into yesterday four and seven in denver it's been his house of he just doesn't like throwing in the mild high atmosphere i got five cases of diet due that tampa bay will have a better record than coach subway what's the same record what to say what's the record right now there is no doubting the fact that tampa bay has an extremely talented roster the question coming in was how quickly would brady mesh with tampa bay two-time coach of the year take the handoff sings it downfield and in stride he connects even last year charles third in the nfl and first quarter storm brady on time wide open mike evans touchdown it's great on the receiving end the buccaneers continue to impress when we get the next report second and twelve minutes opening quarter second at nine buccaneers driving again intercepted picked off by michael davis and davis is gonna go all the way pick six touchdown chargers touchdown mike evans grabs it for the score [Music] what a turn here in tampa looking through sarians in arizona brady second and eight floats it out and connects with mike evans for a first down third and fourth brady hits justin watson for a first down in national football league history for three weeks had seven targets last oh week thrown to oj howard touchdown buccaneers miller over the shoulder for the buccaneers for 46 yards downfield oh you can't do it any better brady to miller touchdown tampa bay [Music] what a turn here in tampa 18. this time [Music] shot inside the tent [Music] [Music] up touchdown tampa bay [Music] we've got eight minutes to play in the fourth take the handoff [Music] down white number 44 in blue he was a college safety turned nfl linebacker so he's used to playing the ball second time now he's been victimized downfield by a tight end first time it was oj howard this time rob gronkowski introduces himself to this afternoon's festivities he played fantastic and his lights out the second half [Music] did brady prove that he's still a lead no but he had a look i i thought brady looked excellent in the comeback he he is a winning quarterback he know he deserves credit for that especially at this age like this guy is clearly not the same obviously not the last time he was elite was a year and a half ago can he still be look great older players can still recapture magic on a on a in a certain night right but can he do it consistently well he hasn't now for a year and a half well he looked elite yesterday that's the bottom line five touchdowns passes 369 yards they could come in a 24-7 deficit last time i checked that does matter but the bottom line is that 24-7 24 down 24-7 bruce aryan said it best if this was last year we would have lost the game i can honestly say had this been last year we got our ass beat by 20. the difference is that not only do you have a guy that's making throws and by the way making big time throws for a third or fourth week consecutively or at least three weeks consecutively i might add after that opening loss to the new orleans saints but he's somebody that has a never say die attitude and it appears to be contagious so it's not just about his ability to throw the football it's about his ability to lead tom brady has looked stellar as far as i'm concerned and i got to get props where it's due but this is what i'm looking at when i'm looking at tom brady when he goes to tampa bay here's what we thought we thought it was going to be bruce aryan's right no risk it no biscuit and the bad things tom brady will fix it that's what we were thinking so we thought we'd get all this explosion right away but he would minimize the mistakes well he has the big mistake yesterday and then he goes on this run let's not overstate it we knew that jameis was an interception machine you had a great line he was like the offensive and defensive player of every game he played and 30 touchdowns with 30 interceptions for 112 points just replace him with a veteran quarterback tom brady's a very good example of one who cannot do that and nine and seven and nine easily turns to like nine and seven so we knew they'd be in contention you know rhythm is everything and i feel like tom had that rhythm yesterday even though they had to come from behind uh to get the win it still does a lot for your confidence but at the end of the day it's all about mojo and it's all about bravado and i think tom had that yesterday i don't know about all this talk about these aging quarterbacks i know nick wright is probably going to go there but you know i played with 18 quarterbacks and three of them had the same type of noodle arms that everyone's talking about with tom brady because at 85 percent tom brady is better than 95 of these quarterbacks in the nfl oh man now i got to be the guy you're right brandon 85 tom brady is better than 95 of the quarterbacks in the nfl unfortunately the last time we saw 85 tom brady was 2018. nobody can talk badly about how brady played yesterday aside from the pick six he was brilliant nobody can deny that but i will sit here and say if you think we are getting anywhere close to that level of quarterback play over the remainder of the season i think you are setting yourself up for massive disappointment this was the aberration this was the outlier game but i feel like there is going to be irrational optimism because this is a bit of michael jordan's first 30-point game with the wizards and it's like oh maybe he's still got it no he doesn't his um looks like his his syntax it looks strong he can make all the throws all across the field which is extremely important if you if folks are watching brady and thinking he's got the same arm he used to they're watching a different tom brady than me marcellus his goat tom brady back it's me back he never left he can't un-goat no body how you gonna come up here and i know it i can tell by that crunchiness going on between you yeah eyebrows right there and that forehead right here really three heads yeah look y'all y'all were really preying on the downfall of tom brady and what did he go out there and do yesterday five touchdown passes oh he's back he's done that seven times in his career including yesterday and tom brady to go is exactly what they needed exactly what they got the goat not tom brady is he in decline is he sorry not because it's not just his production that was a part of him coming to the tampa bay buccaneers it was the fact that tom brady was going to change the culture ignite every single player in terms of what they were doing and optimal results in terms of potential and that's exactly what's happening uh the goat tom brady is not back he's not um the issue is this uh it's not that goat tom brady is back it's that bruce aryan's tom brady has arrived what do i mean by that no no no no no under moose areas you always go for a lot of yards and you throw for a lot of interceptions well this is what bruce aaron's quarterbacks do they light it up offensively which tom brady is doing kudos to him tom brady's the greatest ever do it but they also light it up and we're throwing interceptions let's say i'ma drop the mic on y'all though i'm listening buccaneers last year buccaneers this year through four games jameis had nine touchdowns five giveaway tom has 12 touchdowns five giveaway jameis 96 96 pass rating tom brady 99 passer rating this is what group arians does kudos to tom brady for maximizing the good the question is can he minimize the bad thus far he can that was a mic drop bug nasty hater of the year you are the hater of the year i can't stand you i won't go outside and put a bowl of milk down so that your sister can have something to drink when she gets home and i hate you what you hate job for man man she's still the goat again that was a good team that they beat you because this was not an easily one game it went down to the end for him to show up and after a mishap early in the game to bounce back and continue to play the way that he did i saw some impressive moments in that game real decisive and it's just hard to look at him and sit there and say i'm going to pull out some stat lines and compare him to jameis winston and say because of bruce arians uh you do know buck nasty that's tom brady that's coming out your mouth la that tom brady's success is very much so a byproduct of bruce aryan's offense but i ended with this how are you in i remember in 2014 people were doubting the goat darling tom brady they drafted jimmy garoppolo everybody said oh you're on ball time it's over before you go uh since 2014 he just went out there and participated in three super bowls won two of them and became the nfl mvp got him if you won't tom brady is here to stay so shannon did he deserve it skip i really came out this morning i came out here to crush tom brady um but to answer jenny's question did he deserve it no 222nd victory tom brady broke a record ahead won the most games regular season game that had nothing to do with the offensive player of the week aaron rodgers aaron rodgers aaron rodgers was 27 of 33 327 four touchdowns zero uh zero int he had four touchdowns six incompletions second down and ten rogers to throw again middle of the field this time and he's got his man second a goal they go empty rogers has a man wide open caught fourth and two staying out of the field with the offense here's rogers underneath again plenty of running room it's a first down second one 15 seconds left and ryan will be dropped sacked by zadarius he beat a team that's led by a rookie quarterback that their only victory came against cincinnati in in their rookie quarterback and that's because the kicker pulled his gun growing on the p on the field goal that won them the game zeroline a little squirt it's got to go 10 yards and it's close sirloin may have come through who's got it the cowboys have it do you believe that since you went there it had everything to do with it and no he did not deserve to do or win this award but i understand it considering what he did in the process so stop it i'm going to start it tom brady won this in a landslide over everybody else who played you can have your aaron rodgers you can have your russell wilson you can have anybody you want this past weekend and i'll take what tom brady did against the chargers defense coming from 24 to 7 down and by the way his two pro bowl receivers have been in and out of the lineup all year and chris godwin has missed two games and is about to miss his third tonight so let's look shall we at what aaron rodgers did he faced on what was it uh what was the night monday night he faced the 32nd dead last defense in scoring in the national football league atlanta going into aaron rodgers that's what i said here okay no aaron rodgers on monday night faced the worst defense in the nfl because coming into the game they had given up more points per game than my dallas cowboys had given up it was a joke of a game to me and tom brady faced on sunday the fourth best scoring defense they were ranked fourth coming into the game on points allowed the same chargers defense that held patrick mahomboy to nine points through three quarters into the fourth quarter he brought another team from dead and out of it to into it brought him all the way back to 31 to 28 ahead then they give up you speaking of the rookie quarterback they give up another touchdown bomb to the rookie quarterback there was a 53-yarder and then a 72-yarder suddenly put the chargers back ahead uh 30 what was it 35-31 and he did it again he brought him back again and hit my little man keyshawn vaughn from vanderbilt university their third round pick for his fifth touchdown pass to bring him back a second time in the fourth quarter yet another fourth quarter comeback for tom brady you threw a pick six yep for the second time this season he did and he overcame it with five touchdown passes 24 to seven down to that defense and came back you think about it atlanta's defense was probably by the end of the monday night game worse than even my cowboys defense he now has five completions on which the football traveled more than 30 yards that is five for this year last year in new england he had five for the whole year this is five through four games he's real good about yourself you know i'm feeling great about myself because you are so wrong about this how about this on just deep passing yardage through four games guess who leads the whole league in that ah the 43 year old deep passing yards it's it's ball travels deep okay he is completing at least three deep passes a game aaron rodgers should have won this award but i understand it's the atlanta defense nfl team right i don't know that's debatable you've already called for the man's job right either coach quinn right should he be on coach quinn which brings us to tonight yes this is going to be a tough test for tom brady because speaking of all those receivers chris godwin is still out lashon mccoy is out you buy all that too o.j howard is gone for the whole year jameis turned it over 35 times want to bet tom doesn't turn out he gonna have just as many pick sixes you think how about turnovers how many cases you want no no thank you did he have a candy no no no no but he's the goat no actually he's not actually he's not no cliff kellerman uh will your boy be victorious tonight brady [Music] oh my boy brady no i actually think that nick foles and the bears score an upset at home what i would say to you is that here's what i'm feeling from the chicago bears right now i think that they're solid if not a lot better than solid defensively let's not forget he had to orchestrate a major comeback he did it but he had to orchestrate the comeback meaning they were way down partly because he did throw yet another big six um to do that again on a short week is a little bit different you do know it's it's a it's a if they yeah go ahead you do know that your compliments about tom brady means nothing to us because if it's not a cliff it's a reveal it doesn't have to be so we just know we we don't we know what it means in other words max you're trying to be slick in other words you don't mention a cliff you don't mention the ravine and then he goes out there sticks up the joint and then you come back and you mention it so no no no no just keep the same keep the same intensity let me ask you something don't don't they're off do you think i'm running do you think i'm running for the cliff or ravine i'm right here i'm saying you didn't like it i can't say it i can't say it every single time we talk about it i just said that's true certainly long time so that means he hasn't been elite in a long long time he had one game of elites from earlier it's time for me to stay quiet for three and a half years every day by you all i pointed out max is that you didn't bring it up this water that's all i said okay fine [Music] in the backfield next to brady the rookie from vanderbilt brady throws pass caught first down that is jaden mickens they have given up some big plays through the first four weeks second and six packs is caught by gronkowski play action here arians doesn't do a ton of that and the pass is caught in the first the rookie season for tyler he did in new england that it has taken some time brady steps into it and that pass is dropped looks like it was there for the tight end hudson again good quarters in this league and to be recognized as that you had to intercept the ball he wasn't able to do that in the first couple years it's a pass caught second of the game for johnson still going tyler johnson showing his string takes it down inside the 10. catch is good that's not what arians was looking for here is evans and they get the touchdown anyway and a flag is thrown time for them to create a takeaway pass is caught depends on the way they put it what an effort but out of bounds a yard short of a first down flaw in the rookie in the backfield and they push forward with brady and by the official running in it looks like he got it rainy quick throw pass is caught by brait his first of the game a gain of five four weeks has been one of their strengths defensively is getting off the field on third pass is caught great catch by the tight end hudson but a flag flies protecting the blind side for brady good protection here pass caught by brace and great takes it to the 44 a completion of 10. third down and 10. that's mike evans there in the slot good protection fawn incomplete big hit by kyle fuller and instead of starting it they're on 47 they started their own 32 here is jones he is to the 47 and more spinning down near the 31. they did a heck of a job protection they got the running game going 100 yards rushing for ronald jones that's a great start brady is taken down khalil mack nick [Music] brady short gain just six fuller out there uh career long so is they getting raised without a first down brady hangs in and he does take a big chunk of that yardage out as he finds evans for a reason vader started to come off the line and realize hey where's the guy blocking me good to see you see desean vaughn back in the ball game brady steps up throws a duck and it's caught by brace keep his eyes down the field and find braden behind the cover fuller i believe just injured himself trying to make that tackle on the edge fuller checks out holding offense number 78 10 yards got rookie kendall dildore came in for fuller [Music] both these teams came into this game heavily penalized and they have not changed that narrative tonight best interference offense number 13 10 yard penalty still first down first stage and then another two separate fouls on this play khalil mack he's there for chicago for two fouls on the plate won by each team personal foul defense number 52 holding offense number 76 [Music] well at the end of that play when khalil mack he gets to brady and he gets a little physical right at the end inside the 45 gets some of that penalty yard his back hits 11. now ryan jensen he's into it with with someone down there and they threw the flag on i don't know who they called it on after the play was over personal foul offense number 66 15 yard penalty that now counts it'll be second down and that is the sixth penalty on the offensive line of the buccaneers i think that was worse and then jensen comes down and just kind of sticks his helmet into that maxim gets called for a 15-yard foul bring up second and 34. there's [Music] a suck-up field goal brady's gonna go for the home run he's got evans turning and incomplete and another penalty back there where brady was it looks like they're going to get a first down on a late hit evans number 65 that penalty declined fourth down they call a hold against the buccaneers [Music] and it was against alex kappa [Music] that was an ugly possession brady thinks so too he's letting known reaching to get it full head of steam first down and more as he takes it inside the 30. we've got scotty miller in the middle they've gotten the ball to eight different receivers but none have been to scotty miller blitz from smith pass is caught by break first down to the 15. unlike sunday's ball game against the la chargers boy he has taken a lot of punishment tonight not sacked last week and he's sacked here that'll be number three on the night and he looks into the face of khalil back again those are it's just it's just undisciplined football ray throws he's got gronkowski gronkowski short of first down yardage in a decision coming here buccaneers lead now third down and nine the pass is caught that is miller and that's a first down santos [Music] [Applause] is he's able to get out of bounds to stop the clock on the line right now brady underneath hits the rookie and pawn brought down by smith third down to five passes off the hands of gronkowski who can't make a spinning catch and now it's fourth down without watson fourth [Applause] was there for chicago [Applause] i don't know brady i think he the way brady reacted and hold up his support i think he thought it was third down if brady's still standing out there but that's fourth down and it's chicago's ball and that's the end of the night and there may be some confusion out on the field [Applause] and brady's finally being told that's it you know he knows chuck pagano his defense stepped up and made a stop at the end of the night and nick foles [Applause] is on the winning end of his matchup with tom brady yet again tom brady forgot that it was fourth down he pulled a j.r smith on national television just like jr forgot that the score was tied tom brady forgot that it was fourth down tom brady did not play well up until that point skip okay let's just say for the sake of argument that's somebody other than tom brady we're eviscerating them this morning for that gap he's been a viscerae what are you talking about look the world is filled with brady hates starting with you i ain't got it yet you you already got it no i won't he would be if it you just eviscerated [Music] down he thought it was third he gagged oh your turn thank you finally first we need some perspective on what happened last night which we get none of from across the table his team leads the nfl in penalties and they had 11 more last night for 109 yards there were blunders all over the field there was the the offensive center head butting after play you'd never see that in new england he was getting rocked in the pocket and if you remember mid fourth quarter one play in which khalil mack not only sacked tom brady he wrecked aldi yes body slam tom's head bounced off the turret and they threw a flag on khalil mack that got cancelled by offensive holding there's absolutely something wrong with brady man and let me tell you the issue is that tom brady i said this all along i'm struggling to find out does he actually fit in with the bucks what is wrong with tom brady right now marcellus on my first lap first think that the organ doesn't necessarily mesh with the body oh i like that first lap um interesting i am going to completely disagree and reject your argument like this body is rejecting that or again you said bruce aries is the body that in the box and the butt yeah that ain't b12 oh if tom brady got to get in that body everything will get rejected but you ain't looking like eating some kale like tom brady tom brady is still on the historic pace for tom brady and his goat success tom brady is going through the process we all have to go through success is not linear and at times it won't look like you're progressing maybe you have to take a step back to go two steps forward he's having to do things he's never had to do before so he can't go out and play quarterback anymore but the buccaneers 11 penalties last night 100 yards of field position of straight penalties what does that mean tom brady now has to carry more of the load the problem though now is tom brady has to be the talent plus the producer really plus tom brady has to do more than he's ever accustomed to doing uh in in new england he just had to go out there and play quarterback but noble are doing that greatest of all time when it comes to winning but now he can't just go out there and record it now he got it see what happens when they give us a day off i think it was a day off yato just takes his whole mind and takes off i'm telling you you're sitting here telling me the declining that a declining quarterback who we know is the client and we know it's that's why he left new england because he was declining he said i need a new co-pilot to help me fly this plane hey nothing wrong with the plane y'all lied to me told me the engine was dead no the engine ain't wrong the co-pilot and i we didn't have enough of the right passenger we had too much weight you ever get on the plane small plane gotta shift sides point of this is if you're gonna look and put the focus on tom brady tom brady is actually doing tom brady things forgetting what down it is marcellus is not a tom brady thing there is utterly and clearly something wrong with tom brady tom blew it and listen this is bigger than anything about the bucks record the bears getting to four and one any of that because my entire life there has been a go-to phrase when it comes to an athlete who probably hung on a little too long change teams and your final memory of him is not what you wish it was and that phrase has always been willie mays stumbling around in the outfield for the 73 minutes well for the next generation the phrase is going to be tom brady forgetting what down it was oh it's not oh wilds oh no okay oh that's your all right wild cause tom brady is the greatest quarterback of all time and this season is not going to go well for the bucks this season already is not going well for brady so absolutely tom brady forgetting what down it is will become this generations willie may stumbling around in the backfield i think it's more likely the bucks get left out of one of those spots than the packers don't make the super bowl this year because i think the packers are competing with one team right now for the super bowl and that's the seattle seahawks brandon whose job job on the field will be tougher uh rogers or brady definitely tom brady i mean um you know it's been you know some ups and downs and a lot of miscues uh with tb12 but but i trust them to get it corrected but things are not flowing accordingly with this offense and i'm pretty sure that you know tom would love to get back on track this week but the green bay packers and aaron rodgers they look they're looking they look they look at mid season form right now and aaron hasn't missed the beat he looks like he's having fun playing some of his best football right now but you know even as good as green bay's offense is i think you gotta just shed light on the defense and what they've been able to do defensively probably top ten you know every statistical category you know uh tb12 got his work cut out for him and everything has to go right brandon i love how much michael vick loves tom brady this is it just it warms my heart and like that it is it is absolutely providing for me a template for if sometime in 2026 2027 if i'm still on television and lebron is too finally to a phase of his career where he's a shell of his former self of how i should go without talking about it if i told you if i had a crystal ball and i told you wow this game was a blowout which way would it go [Music] like a real blowout like one point which which way no which way would happen right yeah so i think that informs something about the way that we look at the bucks offense we the bucks offense was like this trailer for this movie that you're like oh my gosh this buck's offense is going to be amazing no risk it no biscuit and now they got tom brady and then you watch the movie and you're like ah it wasn't it wasn't bad it wasn't as good as the trailer right now would you agree the bucks and packers are in drastically different tiers in the nfl and what that informs us about their offenses right now absolutely because the way the green bay packers offense has been able to move flooring up and down the field was the same way that i thought the tampa bay buccaneers offense would look up into this point and it hasn't happened yep green bay is coming out and they are annihilating teams and beating 230 plus points a game and making it look fairly easy and i think it's important to aaron rodgers understanding what the offense is really all about and that hasn't happened for the tampa bay buccaneers don't y'all got to play green bay too don't y'all got to play orient rogers at home it don't matter it don't matter home road got you got you um the better quarterback is aaron rodgers the most the more accomplished quarterback the better the quarterback that has had the best career is tom brady in 16 of his 20 years under coach belichick he's had a top five top 10 defense as far as talent as far as throwing the football as far as the better of the quarterback moving forward from this day on i will never ever say again aaron rodgers is better than thomas really you'll never ever say it again did we get that on tape guess what aaron rodgers gonna put it aaron rodgers will put something on you make sure you have it lined up tomorrow night whose performance is this game going to be more about will it be about brady or about roger i think it's going to be about brady and the reason why i think the evidence is there they're three and two on the season the two worst games that brady had of the two games they lost the first game of the season and the one that they just lost last week when this dude is clicking and he's and he looks like he's clicking and playing at an elite level somehow some way the tampa bay buccaneers find a way to win the success of the tampa bay buccaneers is going to be predicated on tom brady we know what aaron rodgers going to do the question is will tom brady be up to the task of natchez the storyline you're absolutely right you've identified the storyline heading into the game but in terms of whose performance will actually determine the outcome of the game tom brady as usual since he went down that ravine stephen ravine from far away but when i got closer it turns out it was just the ravine you see those beetlejuice eyes i can't believe that he needs glasses he's talking about a clift or a ravine if anybody would know the difference between the cliff and the ravini far away stephen binoculars right there tom brady as usual in the last couple years it's not that he can't make throws when you need him to he's surrounded by offensive weapons even with the injuries and a couple of good tight ends he's going to have one of his stud receivers he's riding a defense he has a real good coach and a defense and that's what the bucks are about but it's really rogers who's going to do it if you replace him with someone else the packers are a maybe a 500 team maybe not even aaron rodgers we're talking about the super bowl well we've seen what the tampa bay buccaneers are without and without tom brady i mean we know that i mean james winston giving us new meaning for 30 30. i mean 30 interceptions and 30 touchdowns and when you look at bruce arians and the way he likes to air it out he leads on his quarterback heavily he's won if he was willing to take chances with james winston you know he's willing to take those chances with tom brady which we have seen already so as a result of that that puts more of an onus on tom brady somewhat dictating the outcome i think the packers will be ready i'm anticipating that they'll win this game all i'm saying is that for tampa bay to have any kind of change any kind of change tom brady got to show off because aaron rodgers is going to show up because even when he doesn't show up he still looks like a guy that showed up gonna try and take it and he is in for the touchdown and a flag comes in at the end i can't imagine if that's going to be i don't know i don't know what move that is but brady rose pass is caught the first time he saw him and just loves the way he plays the game pass his picks intercepted back the other way touchdown actors who take the play clock down to about one here's one broken up another pick deflected and back is mike edwards just into the ball game and he is now out of that medical center they're going to need him here in a moment touchdown ronald jones [Applause] i [Applause] is play action from brady bronc a scream for the big tight end [Music] brady likes to look his way as tom steps up throws enzo has caught touchdown tampa bay it's the rookie tyler johnson i said that tells me the center maybe a time doesn't snap the ball too accurately [Applause] he's got it for the touchdown [Applause] and these two have now hooked up 91 times okay i was there i was there way to go between the lions and the packers brady protected pass carl kowski [Applause] this is unbelievable by tom brady the route you got gronkowski he ran this earlier and it was a perfect throw by brady coming across the field from the other side this throw right here that's as good as it gets you need to stop third down 12. randy's going to air it out downfield end zone miller he's not used to a team beating themselves the way that they did against handoff here jones [Applause] touchdown okay welcome to undisputed i'm jenny taft with uh well normally skip bayless and shannon sharp okay okay you know i'm here jenny you know what i do yeah you're here i don't glow i don't brag i don't both not gonna come out today or oh maybe [Music] okay [Music] how are you it's a great morning here on undisputed see let me get situated and just do something like this original gangster thomas edward patrick brady jr original and still gangsta you know what's good yeah how are you shannon we won the championship last i didn't do all that i didn't make no grand what championship all that matters is the nfl championship the super bowl is going to be played in tampa bay did you win yesterday ha you won one game ah here they come you believe in this how are you oh good what a great weekend it was okay here give me a little bit thank you yeah enjoy your day yeah your day comes okay are we good are we good to start the show yeah we're great i'm gonna let you and i'm gonna let all these tampa bay fans have their moment you deserve your moment so it just goes to show you how rare that is for aaron to play as bad as he played yesterday but today is all about tampa and that defense and what they were able to do so i decided that this morning here on another speeder i'm not going to pile on my man shannon i'm not going to rub but i will say to begin my unleashing here that you have been wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong on tom brady you have retired him for four straight years and yesterday tom brady had the best qbr in all the league week six qvr of 96 is that good scale of zero to 100 aaron rodgers had an 18. so my scoreboard read 96 to 18. tom brady over aaron rodgers no it was not although if you asked tom brady today this morning hey tom what what down is it he'd say uh i think green bay's down 38-10 how about that okay okay yeah you oh so much for not gloating and piling on do i okay do you see that yep yep that's your guy okay let's go okay the goat the undisputed goat thomas edward patrick brady jr was so much better than the man you called the greatest thrower of the football ever just take it to the head that was a disaster in the second quarter your man aaron rodgers the greatest throw of the football ever went three of 13 for a grand total of 21 yards this is just the second quarter he got outscored 28 to nothing because he nearly threw two pick sixes as you pointed out one for sure meanwhile in the second quarter the goat was going 12-14 for 96 yards which basically put the game away just in the second quarter alone third quarter mid third quarter he was backed up near his goal line and he lost track if you can believe this the greatest story of the football ever he lost track of the play clock so if you want to say tom brady played great fourth quarter he played outstanding for the second quarter which blew the ball game open before i get to brady's performance yesterday allow me to thank publicly the green bay running back jamal williams on some podcast last week he he just ridiculed brady he made jokes about him he said my quarterback aaron would never he prepares too hard to forget what down it is i'm pretty sure that knows you do not tug on superman's cape you do not ignite psycho tom you do not bring him out because he's going to lock in and laser focus and get even with you do you realize they had zero penalties yesterday the most penalized team in the league the most penalized team last year pre brady and this year with brady to the point everybody was ridiculing his decision for choosing lucy goosey bruce aryans no risk it no biscuit bombs away zero penalties zero turnovers zero sacks it was about as perfect a game overall as you could before with a handful of games that that's happening in the history that is correct and i believe despite all the flack that brady took for yelling at his offensive lineman in chicago in that that game that we watched the disaster game as he is trying to reset the culture in tampa bay which i call tampa bay he's trying to re-establish a patriot way with the buccaneers who used to be the sucking ears and maybe it's starting to take hold because as bruce aaron said after the game he set a new level for us that we're now going to have to live up to campbell is not celebrating anything tampa hosts the super bowl is it possible it is impossible are you impressed with brady's bucks or disappointed in roger's pack man i'm disappointed in these packers bro i am and i and i know i'm biased but i was on packers high last week i was like of course hey rod don't go out there embarrass him show everybody how old tom brady is and then you come in here and just just embarrass yourself and me at the same time bump tom brady's bucks it's actually the uh lavonte david bucks maybe mama consumes butts they score i'm not calling braden oh really oh man i'm so impressed with tom brady with tom brady and the buccaneer thank you thank you leave with is with them i leave with the name that leads them which is tom brady the goat this was a team that was hyped up to be a super bowl contender okay and then you starting to pick them apart for any micro moment to just say see that's what i'm talking about they're not going to do it this year oh tom freddy doesn't even know what down it is his old alzheimer's he doesn't even know it's fourth down the buck scored 38 straight it was all bad so wilds i was surprised the box won i was shocked the manner in which they won bucks don't have the same quarterback as the other two teams he's not capable as of as much at this point in his career we saw aaron rodgers who had been the bad man you know that sound more like a sheep than a goat the bad man that stephen a smith had been talking about all season but we didn't see that yesterday i believe they become the toughest out in the nfc oh really including the bears who just beat them because their quarterback made the play at the end of the game to put him in field goal range and tom brady couldn't i'll say something nice about tom brady after last week with all the mental errors made on the field with the offensive line walking down the field and with tom brady humiliating himself by forgetting the downs after chewing them out i was completely unsurprised that they played mistake free football this week and when people point to brady's leadership and all that i do think that has something to do with the mistake-free performance a tom brady quarterback team after a game like last week is going to cut way it doesn't mean they have to be perfect like they were yesterday basically but you know they're not going to repeat that and that's to his credit the this is the these these are the teams we really care about again from the bottom up playoffs but no ring each of those five teams there has a fatal flaw in tampa in cleveland it's about the fact that their quarterbacks melt when pressured this year look at the numbers the tampa bay bucks really yeah what do you it's not even i keep saying it i said it all week it has nothing to do with the books it has everything to do with you and tom brady what has happened to you and tom brady did did he not give you an autograph did something happen why do you not respect the bucks the buck should be the buck should probably be right underneath the champs and have their own category as goat now i'll give you the chance i'll give you that right they that's their throne they earned it the other teams have to knock them off but the bugs can easily be right there man this is it says week seven entering week seven so we'll see what happens this week this will be fluid this will be movement there will be movement unlike my nba tears which it's very hard to create movement on there will be week-to-week movement on this i got one question what do they have to do to move up just tell me that because there's a question everything they've done this far you have crushed them you haven't given them their credit so what do they have to do to earn your respect and move up to the next level okay how about this beat the raiders get to five and two have brady write this down beat the raiders and have and they'll move up and that that's all they've got to do to move up what does break what does look good what does look good mean to you when you say brady look good because your standards are out of this world so beat the raiders brady looked good beat the raiders and brady looked good okay so let's just it would it's been a few weeks since he had a game where he both threw for at least 175 yards and didn't forget what down it was so let's just check both those can we say 200 let's make sure can we say 200 get through the 225 yards 225 yards 225 okay beat the raiders oh you know vegas you know ol vegas what happens in vegas stays in vegas but it's gonna be televised this time the revolution will be televised really yes well they got the texans who gave up 600 yards so i i think you should jump and take i'll talk about your team i'll tell you what they're doing yeah they go to vegas yeah what happens in vegas will not stay in vegas yes okay i like my team i like that i like the vegas i like oh oh john groove [Music] you john you remember that they got you up out of there oh yeah i'm ready [Music] brady with a good pocket to throw from and he finds rob gronkowski out of defense to where they can't rush your quarterback like they'd like to brady will toss it looking for tanner hudson reaching high for that grab one you can see him right here and you know top rating now obviously but tom brady got those matchups [Applause] did that in week one his first tampa bay score was a rushing touchdown against the saints he gets his second of the year brady and the bucks start this series on the 15-yard line 40 yards and he's got it inside the five-yard line jeff heath put a shoulder into him but gronkowski secures it [Music] and he's got it for a touchdown back to back weeks rob gronkowski finding the end zone and the bucks have taken the lead [Music] third down for brady michigan wolverine will fire over the middle to chris godwin and he's one time out left raiders have all three of theirs brady fires and he's got godwin for another first down keith was there to help stop it at the 41-yard ability to catch that football that's beautifully done comeback route to miller he's got it on the sideline and is able to escape sets a break for las vegas fourth down coming up here and brady converts it to godwin [Music] deep shot miller and lawson battling again lawson got the best of them last time this time scottie miller wins it for six this time miller going deep and brady finds him again perhaps over the top of those crossings [Music] exactly where you want to put this offense brady check down fournette needs the 43 dives ahead running hard kind of bringing his own block on certain plays there's the first round for evans it's good enough for a first down to the 23-yard line obviously got away with it miller kind of one source of pilot zog master he's still got it right there brady looking for godwin and it is holding for the touchdown a clutch score past the halfway point of the fourth for chris godwin of the bucks here's jones leaping up top and he's in for the touchdown the takeaway and then two plays later jones punches it home break that pass up and create that interception here's evans and he hauls it in that's the second catch of the day for mike evans many haters have had some issues with that john groot had an issue with that early in the year everybody trying to rectify that brady back in the end zone for tyler johnson and he hauls it in for a touchdown [Music] the sluggish start this year it felt like they seemingly look sharper and sharper each week [Music] anytime you hang 45 on somebody in the nfl you're doing something right yesterday tom brady threw the ball better than i had seen him throw the ball in a year year and a half maybe even two years he was in complete command and the thing that i loved about what he did yesterday every time the raiders made a mistake he made them pay the ultimate price and that's what the really good ones do so that's the first time in his career he's thrown four touchdown passes with a rushing touchdown and the quarterback sneak again qualifies tom brady as the greatest quarterback sneaker i have ever seen and it's not even close because he just doesn't miss with the quarterback sneak and you would think of a guy who's kind of soft and not very mobile but help me out have you ever seen somebody who can pick a hole better and burrow better with more guts and courage than brady does he's unbelievable he is unbelievable that's his best play actually is the quarterback sneak it is automatically skipped i think some what they don't real what you don't realize because one minute he'll go over the top and then the next minute he'll burrow to the left bird to the right so it's really hard to get a cleat on what actually he's going to do but give tom brady craigslist yesterday was as good as i've seen him in a couple of years beat the raiders and have and they'll move up and that that's all they've got to do 225 yards 225 yards 225 okay beat the raiders [Music] hey i told my man nick on numerous occasions on numerous occasions that the goat is the goat man going to find a way to beat you or come get you at some point or another what i could say is yeah tom brady was great yesterday against you know the 28th ranked pass defense a team that's 30th in the nfl and sacks and i want to see him do it against a better team runs in motion car on second and six down field connection made with agalor touchdown raiders says how much more weight he can put on third down and nine mahomes side steps mahomes doesn't see it and he gets crushed can the chiefs convert mahomes drifting down field intercepted his first of the season jeff heath comes away with it and he could go tripped up by mahomes inside the five but i'm not gonna be wildly unfair the way you guys just were about baker i'm gonna go out on a limb and say five touchdowns against anybody is great tom brady was great yesterday now do i think he's one of the best quarterbacks in football still i do not however where i can admit i was wrong was going into the bears game i said i thought the bucks were going to go one and two or o and three not only did they not go one and two or only three they went two and one and the two wins were in blowout fashion and the one loss was by one point against the bears when brady forgot the down and they so they could have won that game so i do feel like it is time for me to admit i have underestimated the bucks to a degree and that brady was brilliant yesterday now do i think brady is gonna be vintage tom no do i do i think that he's gonna have a lot of performances like this no but this was the single best football game brandon i've seen him play since week three 2017 against a rookie desean watson so i have to give him credit for that because he was spectacular yesterday anyone could see that this is one of the most unbelievable things i've ever seen on television you stand on the table for baker mayfield who's inconsistent in three years we don't know who this guy is is he the man is he the face of the franchise or is he a bust and then you have tom brady who for 20 years have won at an alarming rate who is the goat who won six super bowls he's on to his seventh those are basketball numbers most guys dream to play football for six years he's won six super bowls and you refuse to give this man credit we talk about the books you blame it on brady we talk about brady you talk about the books nick i don't know what else he needs to do to convince you i am convinced that that you will never ever give him love i've given him credit whenever he's deserved it but let me be very clear about this he defied the cliff prediction originally by one year i said 18 months would cover the next two seasons and then the following year he won the super bowl but clearly is not the same player now we all knew what was going to happen when he went to tampa this year he was going to look good or or the best version of himself because he went to an ideal situation i agree brady's looked good especially recently as the season has worn on there's no question better than i anticipated he'd look on some of these throws his circumstances have a lot to do with it brady is in a perfect situation and through his credit he is making the most of it i passed my um i i passed my time too you yield your time i'm not i'm not i'm not i i meant what i said when i said it early in the show i will not entertain any uh or any any dribble from max keller without time all of these guys who we look at and we say you know what these are lifelong patriots these are guys who are going to be in the ring of honor sometimes he lets them go a little bit before their time is up and bill belichick's always smart about that but this time brady flipped it on him brady saw what was coming brady understood what he needed and maybe he wasn't that quarterback that could just take anybody and take him to the super bowl anymore but he was good enough to win 12 games with that crew last year even though it declined at the end he said you know what but if i get in the right position i'm on this tb-12 i'm taking the right supplements i'm doing the right things i get in the right spot i can make these plays so he leaves for tampa bay and what he's showing us at tampa bay is not only can he still be a great quarterback he's actually showing us he's a better gm than bill belichick is because look he got grunts to come out of retirement and they signed him he's getting a b to come back and he's going to be there in week nine he got lynette fournette once he was released from the jacksonville jaguars to come to tampa bay so not only was he smart enough to cut bait when he needed to cut bait from new england he's also been better at assembling a team of weapons for himself let me first explain the cliff's prediction because i heard this with peyton met first brett favre and then peyton manning brett favre when he was 40 years old went 12 and 4 pass for over 4 000 yards when that meant something uh through 33 touchdowns to seven interceptions which for him especially was really good and and i heard he could play until he's 45 he's the greatest of all time 41 he was done played one more season but he was done 38 years old peyton manning coming off 55 touchdowns the year before through 4 700 yards 39 touchdowns also like farf went 12 and 4 and i was hearing he could play until he's 45. he's the greatest of all time and he's done the next season won the super bowl but he was finished as a quarterback that was the cliff right around that age 40 years old certainly 41 42 it was over i just looked at the actuary tables basically right and said that you know no one's ever done it if tom brady does it he will be defying the odds the fact that he has he's defied the odds and everyone who said no of course tom brady will do it with the same people telling me brett favre was going to do it and peyton manning was going to do it when you do something exceptional if you are taking away the the odds against it you're actually taking credit away from the player the fact that no one had done it until tom brady seemed to suggest that he also wouldn't do it the fact that he's done it adds to his legacy as the greatest of all time but i can't deny the way he's playing it's not just that he has weapons he looks really good using them steven hey you got anything else are you good nothing i'm not talking to max anymore about this no no i don't really have anything to say molly like i guess you could i guess you can take it away because max has conceded even though he wants won't say it that he's wrong he's going to use very large i believe words like the folks before me i will say i was i was single shot of max can we get a single shot of max here director here it is let's go man all right there we go max just say it just look into the camera say molly was wrong no say i was wrong tom brady never fell off a cliff please do it i was wrong tom brady never fell off a cliff [Music] good job now you've got your snack and enjoy your recess good job man yes the studio's giving you a round of applause it's more like a ravine oh god all right let's go to break you
Channel: PattVid Sports
Views: 943,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CHLG7i5MPs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 7sec (7207 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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