Seattle Seahawks vs. Green Bay Packers 2019 Divisional FULL Game

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I was there for my first game. What a night!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Azmorium 📅︎︎ May 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

It wasn't an NFCCG, but it was nice to knock them out of the postseason.


👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/WhatWouldJordyDo 📅︎︎ May 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was there so I never got the chance to watch the broadcast of this. Been meaning to put it on my quarantine watch list.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jstew262 📅︎︎ May 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was my super bowl as long we beat those bastards I was happy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mister2597 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Deep into the 3rd quarter ptsd kicked in and i was sure russel wilson is gonna win this. I was very happy in the end.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PaterP 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not gonna mike I saw the thumbnail and thought it was 2014 and got ptsd.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ce-Jay 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
well Joe there you go it is cold and the Seahawks are prepared for the cold and the conditions you know the frozen tundra not so frozen the actual field there's heating coils underneath so it keeps it warm but the wear and tear of the game makes it slippery later so especially the visiting team they have to adjust their shoes but not Russell Wilson he has special cleats made for him for this game that will allow him to plant take off and run he won't change the entire game oh and three in his career here at lambeau hopes to change that let's head over to the other sideline now and Aaron Anders well Rodgers joked with me it's been a while but at 13 and 3 the Packers are back in the playoffs he loves the fact they're flying underneath the radar he feels like it's better when we don't feel ourselves I'll tell you what the Packers are feeling like in their locker room the flu bug has hit them dirty Elliot's victim his right tackle Brian Belaga he starting tonight I talked to Matt Lafleur before the game he told me they simply don't know what they're going to be able to get out of him Joe yeah that illness has gone around the Packers locker room and it's felt even after that off week here tonight taking a knee is Tyler urban and out to the 25 it comes by the way Seattle won the toss they defer that's why Green Bay has the ball spanish-language broadcast available tonight on Fox Deportes and here is Aaron Rodgers and the numbers and his postseason career at home it's been a couple of years as he told Aaron rod Aaron Andrews Aaron Rodgers 3 and 2 overall so 11 touchdowns 1 pick and a quarterback rating for the guy who is number one all-time in that category at over 105 [Applause] and to start the day Jones what a beginning on the ground for Aaron Jones he gets 23 what a year he had and what a start to this game for 33 well this is outside zone running game that this Green Bay Packer offense likes they get it off to a great start Aaron Jones who we talked about coming in he's been the lightning rod for this offense throughout the season especially down the stretch they want to run the football come out right out on the very first play with a nice game Jared Bell deer gets the start at right tackle for Bulaga who has ever mentioned his sick play-action Rodgers keeps out to his right throws Adams first down and more 14 yards to Davante Adams they see the shallow crosser thereby Davante Adams he's the target he's the guy who Aaron Rodgers is looking for but the left guard Elton Jenkins it looked like he got away with a little something Pune for trying to come off of that maybe there wasn't as much there as wouldn't appear they get the running game going to come right back off of that big run by Aaron John's with the bootleg for a gain to Adams [Applause] Rogers has to back out now to his left just throws it away Jimmy Graham closest one to it why exactly Aaron Rodgers didn't turn this loose trade flowers and soft coverage a slant route to Davante Adams that's a that's the first read for Aaron Rodgers and when you watch him Joe and you study him that's some of the the things that you just not used to seen and I think it's just him getting comfortable you know you hate to say that here we are the you know the seventeenth game to the season for the Packers but yet sometimes he turns those types of things down his last game was certainly by his standards been really any quarterback as Lazard as late onto the field play clock is at 1:00 and Green Bay has to take a timeout Rodgers inconsistent in that win at Detroit week 17 was inaccurate but they got a walk-off win on a game-winning field goal by Mason Crosby to get that number to see here the headlines actual headlines and a lot was made about this relationship between the veteran Aaron Rodgers and the first-year head coach Matt Lafleur and so much early about Aaron Rodgers ability to change plays inaudible at the line of scrimmage and when you talk to each one individually they really praise the job the other one has done in this first year together no doubt it's been an adjustment certainly for for Aaron Rodgers I mean when you consider that he's been to the same staff this entire career to have to learn a new terminology a new way of doing things and probably dishes importantly a different philosophy this has now become a running football team on 2nd and 10 they do just that with Jones and he gets wrapped up by Bobby Wagner initially a gain of two so third and long third and eight coming up here are the offensive numbers where they rank the offensive line has been healthy really since week three until tonight with Jared Ville dear who was really at home and just trying to work his way back into health added in season getting the start tonight at right tackle I think the good thing for Jared Bell dears he got an opportunity week 17 to come off the bench against the Lions and played about half that ballgame so at least he got some repsonders third down and eight Rogers Pat Scott first down Jimmy Graham Seattle they play a lot more split safety looks as you're going to see and with that you got to work the middle of the field you got to get guys who are coming across and this time Jimmy Graham with that man underneath look and he's able to get a step and hard to cover those crossing routes in those man coverage looks with the two deep shale that's a big third down that's an area where this offense throughout the year has not been particularly good but here on the opening drive could are converting their first third down [Applause] [Music] inside the 20 that's Tyler Irvin who was added in season a gain of 7 on first down and this impressive opening possession continues for the Green Bay Packers as they take on this defense he talked about those split safeties that's a different look than we're used to all those years with the Seattle Seahawks in the pounding that Earl Thomas and camp Chancellor would bring for you with Chancellor lurking down near the line of scrimmage I think it says a lot about Pete Carroll that they changed up the scheme is there talent on that side of the ball these two just be physically better than everybody they faced handoff to Jones and a big plays made by cloudy that's what the seahawks defense needed a loss of four to bring up third down to Debbie on clowny he stuffs you see he's not where he lined up he lines up on the outside shade he starts on a slant underneath that and then he bounces up the field he's a he's a powerful quick physical player and he's been playing through a core injury that has certainly impacted him but we saw last Sunday against the Philadelphia Eagles the impact that he can have [Applause] they're down in seven Rogers backs up close Adams touchdown Green Bay [Applause] Levante Adam starts like he's going to run the slant and Seattle gets caught they don't know whether or not they're going to pass that off initially it looked like they were going to but then because he runs the go-round off of a double move they get lost in coverage and the extra point knocked through by Crosby Davante Adams been hot six touchdown catches over his last seven games a 20 yarder from Aaron Rodgers Packers at home strike first every point in these games obviously so critical look at the snap by Bradley pretty good comes out a little sideways and then somehow JK Scott just got it on its end before mason crosby knocked through the extra point that's a great job by mason crosby just continuing with his rhythm and trusting that the ball would get put down a lot of kickers it really throws them off so good work by him now 64 60 in his postseason career with extra points is Crosby who kicks it Travis Homer waits for it and we'll bring it the lucky running back Homer nice full head of steam gets to the 30 and gets stood up there Russell Wilson [Applause] he got it done last week in the wild card win at Philadelphia 325 yards through the air 45 on the ground by far their leading rusher and as we said in the open all he's done is win however this is a place where he has not won Oh in three career at Lambeau throws past caught and nice tackle balls out Hollister made the catch and they're going to say that Jakob Hollister it looked like the official walking in will say he was down as Jair Alexander made the hit let's take another look he's losing control of that ball I agree Jo it's coming loose before he gives goes to the ground as best I can tell though starting to move at that point and here's a challenge flag from by Matt Lafleur the other part of the equation is was there a clear recovery by the Green Bay Packers so the front end of it looked like the ball was coming out and then what happened green baize challenging the ruling the last play but the runner was down by contact [Applause] and there's a good look at the recovery we'll get the call when we come [Music] we get the call right away we are told it's funny because both sides they just switched green bait has put their offense on the field Seattle brought their defense onto the field which leads you to believe the coaches have been told that it's Green Bay's ball but Mike that second part of the equation is what is uncertain here with a clear recovery yeah and I think it really is in question the ball is loose and yes two Packer players do end up there but you also got 17 that's in there trying to grab the ball away you know the officials do stay with the coaches and will tell the coaches when they have made a decision but you know as I look at this they're still standing with the coaches I just don't I can't be perfectly certain that there's a clear recovery remember you have to see it clearly before you get into the scrum it's really a tight one but I again it's not absolutely clear and obvious to me but Shannon Sullivan was there for Green Bay and looked like he had the best shot out of it and then he ends up with the ball at the end there down on his back here's a call after reviews of playing the runner did fun with a ball however there's no evidence of a clear recovery by the defense [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Packer offense and the Seattle defense went out there on their own they weren't told that this was going to be green baseball and these fans are hot on a cold night at Lambeau Field Hollister gets away with one [Applause] the Packers now down to one timeout with 950 left in the first quarter and it's a first down on top of it for Seattle handoff to Lynch retirement third game back and he ran into a Packer wall no game Preston Smith and montre vyas Adams there for Green Bay you know one of the looks that Green Bay likes is they will go with five rushers across the board here you take a look at those guys and it's a way for them to be able to rush the passer but also play the run they've got their best rushers on the field but they got five guys down across the line in order to play the running game and yet they're still playing five defensive backs behind it before Lynch almost lost that ball able to hang on for no game second and ten this'n pulls it down takes off got back to the line of scrimmage third and 10 count ups as it and Siderius smith made that tackle yeah snug yeah and I agree with him you know when you consider his year and we saw him play a lot for a guy that you know he can make an argument that he should have been all-pro we've rolled that he was able to do for this defense led the team with 13 and a half sacks and the play that he just made he made every week watching him he is a force that goes down as a sack third down in ten Wilson has to step through grows on the lawn downfield and completes with Alexander defending DK Metcalf it's fourth down well again they go with that five down rush and then they drop out Preston Smith they're playing zone in behind it they actually do a good job in the middle of the field and yet they still have eyes on Russell Wilson so he's able to buy himself some time but Dyer Alexander doing a great job of keeping his eyes back on the quarterback and seeing the ball in flight [Applause] Michael Dixon in his second year [Applause] weights from inside the ten near the six back to the ten maybe just across 5-yard return after a 54-yard punt Ron Brown with the tackle back to work Aaron Rodgers up by seven [Music] aerial coverage brought to you tonight by State Farm backers have it for the second time up by seven home team as you see that note has won the last seven meetings when Rogers and Wilson have gone head to head winner this game goes to Santa Clara to take on the 49ers next Sunday Rodgers has to get rid of it as he ends up on his back with Quentin Jefferson applying the pressure well that was too easy Quintin Jefferson he just runs right by Elton Jenkins as though Jenkins thought he was going to get a little bit of help from his left tackle Bakhtiar closing that down and what should have been a pretty easy completion fair I know he's sitting there going holy smokes this guy get here so fast [Applause] toss to Jones pasture reverse course stays upright well played by Seattle a gain of one third down and long coming up Trey flowers in on the stop but Aaron Jones tried to go through everybody on that defense and they ended up with a 1 yard game Joe Seattle they they play a lot of base defense in an era where most defensive czar playing five defensive backs they with three linebackers four defensive backs in dictates to a large extent what offenses that are willing to do with their own personnel I'll get into more of that but it's definitely a strategy they're down to nine Rogers out to his right has to get rid of it clowny was right there for Seattle and that was good work by the Seahawk defense quick three and out but sure was that's a it's a great job by this Seattle defense to be able to force a three and out they've got Green Bay backed up after the punt and they're going to set this offense up with great field position j/k Scott will start in his end zone with David Moore returned punts last week at Philly waiting he [Applause] inside the 35 good punt by JK Scott a 55 yards as Jadeveon Clowney and Aaron Rodgers share a smile and a seven and nothing game a lot of players not available to Pete Carroll in the Seahawks our top three running backs on I are their top pass-catching tight end and Joey hunt Chris Myers what was going on a moment ago yeah he missed a play with a dislocated finger and Jordan Roos who came in hit had never played Center for this team in a game but they quickly snapped his finger back into place and Joe he's back in there now to snap at the Russell Wilson bottom line on that graphic Mike Bhupati is out with the neck issued Dwane Brown is back after missing the previous three games [Applause] and surgery on a torn meniscus here's Lynch one of his better runs since coming back out across the 40 to the 41 a gain of eight [Music] look at the offense number 8 overall there were the top rushing offense a year ago their number for this year but this is not what they have for the journey the year without penny Carson and processes that's right well if you're running offense and then you lose your top three running backs it certainly affects what you want to do here's Lynch got maybe a yard sir down in short coming up bridgitte Goodson got in there to make that tackle up front they have Kenny Clarke in the middle has been bothered by a bad back and they are really good off the edges with Smith and Smith Seattle that we all know that they want to run the football you like you said they led the league last year and percentage of rushes this year it's been down in large part because of the injuries at the running back position but that's why they went on that got Marshawn Lynch here is Lynch doesn't get it brought down by Kenny Clarke and that's gonna bring up fourth down it was third down and a long one and the punt team will come on for Seattle as three carries by Marshawn Lynch shuts down that possession well that's such a great job by Kenny Clarke who in his fourth year is just continues to get better each season and he's playing some really good football does an excellent job right there in the middle defeating the block and then making the play on a powerful back [Applause] so another pun from Dixon [Applause] interns over at the 15-yard line third possession coming up for Green Bay up seven we're back after this from Intuit turbo tucks this Drive for Green Bay as they lead by seven starts at the 15-yard line number 18 offensive they call it it down here for Aaron Rodgers so you have a quarterback rating ninety five point four twenty six touchdowns just four picks [Applause] Jamal Williams missed the last couple of games after a shoulder injury games three look Jamal Williams I like what I've seen him but you know he comes in just basically to spell and to help rest Aaron Jones they would give the ball to Aaron Jones every single snap if they could but they certainly do worry about him wearing down a little bit and you know being able to get the bye last week and rest up a little bit the year that he was able to have the number of touches that he had outstanding season but right now it's Jamal Williams [Applause] got a tool who's almost passed him well time KJ right made the stop a gain of four yeah Allen Lazard when you consider the unlike the Seattle Seahawks the Packers have remained really healthy throughout the season but yet that number two wide receiver position is been somewhat of a revolving door not a lot of offensive weapons but Allen Lazard he has stepped up and he's kind of grabbed hold of it later they're able to use him in a lot of different ways and in addition to being the number two wide receiver he's an excellent blocker in the run game third down now Rodgers backs up as he plows and completes for a first down to Allison but a flag is down on the play [Applause] and that flag is sitting at the 31 pass interference offence over 13 we play through down get Allen Lazard for offensive pass interference well let's take a look at it the Packers were trying to take a shot down the field they're running some different moves trying to get up the seam that's what they they got Lazar for they got a hold of Adams there's just briefly as he's trying to to get up the field with it the inside guys trying to get vertical and then Lazar coming underneath he's the guy who got called with the penalty and the right call according to Mike Pereira as they look down into my right as that contact happened more than one yard downfield it takes away a first down makes it third down to 13 Williams and the tackle is made to save the first down by MacDougall that is a great job by Bradley mcdougal because of the coverage by Seattle good read by Aaron Rodgers getting the ball to Williams and then mcdougal has to be able to make that play here he is right here in the middle but he comes up there there's no one else there everyone else has run off you can see how much field that Williams has with the markers right there that's a great open field tackle the offensive pass interference against Lazard costs Greenbay that first down a mountain [Applause] I'm Drive [Applause] it's away from Valdez scantling and a decent return up near the 43 yard line 46 yard punt 11 yard return and Oren Burks made the stop the greatest day in all of racing returns the Daytona 500 kicks up the 2020 NASCAR season February 16th right here on Fox right now Seattle they they come in with the extra lineman they bring in George span number 74 and last week when Dwane Brown over the last few weeks when Dwayne Browns been out they've had to give up some of that and because of all of the issues they've had along that offensive front they used the sixth offensive lineman more than any team in football and it gives them better pass protection it also helps them with in the run game having a big extra body out there play-action from Wilson stands well-protected and throw incomplete from a leak Turner Turner was wide open and Russell Wilson missed him then it was nearly a pic yeah he had him he definitely had him he's got a clear shot just sticking it on him and that ball obviously should have been intercepted Kevin king who had five interceptions during the regular season missed his chance there listen floats it has a man passes caught locket what a beautiful throw by Russell Wilson and Tyler Lockett hit in stride for 28 yards to quiet the crowd well Green Bay comes up they lock up man-to-man on the outside single high safe and just boarding one defense for 23 thirties declined with only plays a first down Tyler lock it easy you see the that's what Kent Kevin king was kind of looking back as though locking it maybe done something together they called Jaya Alexander who sets a number they called for a hold on that play obviously declined they take that nearly 30 yard completion Lackey which takes the ball to the 30 play action again from Wilson no pressure until now and Wilson throws to the DK met cap the closest one to it coming off that huge game seven catches 160 yards her franchise playoff record and an NFL rookie Philadelphia and off here to Lynch with the extra offensive lineman in the game a gain of three third down upcoming with the Seahawks inside field goal range for Jason Myers already we had a chance to visit with offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer and he said that we're gonna see a lot more the Marshawn Lynch in this ballgame he's got a couple games under his belt you always worry about conditioning a guy who hasn't been playing and whether or not he's going to pull something and but they know they need to ride him but so far the Packers have been up for the challenge they're down in seven Wilson throws pass incomplete for the tight end Hollister that'll bring up fourth down backers bring a little bit pressure up inside they've got a chance to Hollister I'm not sure even if he catches that chanting Sullivan was right there and coverage he was short at the markers when this ball was dropped he would have been a it would have been closed [Applause] 45 yard drive by Jason Myers first year with the Seahawks wires knocks it through with ease we go back to 1999 the last time the Seahawks came to lamp oh and the one matrix was released by Jeff Gordon won the Daytona 500 Napster launched and Mike Holmgren made his return to Green Bay with the Seattle Seahawks that's Jon Kitna on the far left he and the Seahawks got a win but it's been eight straight for Seattle here in Green Bay they've come up short well these two teams have met you know over the years here more recently and it's just been a matter of where the game has been played as to who's been able to prevail and find a way to win [Applause] for time these two organizations have met in the postseason home team is one each of the first three twenty-eight seconds left opening quarter seven three ball game [Music] [Applause] [Music] possession number four and the Green Bay Packers talk about Aaron Rodgers and the year that he's had and the way that the season ended for him it was a bit of a struggle and and you talked about some of the clothes that he missed there week 17 I do think that against this defense against a team that primarily plays zone coverage I think this is a game where we have to look back and he has to have completed 70 75 percent of his passes keeps it here out to his left [Applause] Devante anthem to the first down across the 35 [Applause] and that can take us if the Packers so choose to the end of the first quarter such a great job by Davante Adams he is the first choice on on every pass for Aaron Rodgers but he gave him a place to go with the football created some separation 7/3 game after one this Fox NFL special returns after these messages and a word from your local Fox station [Music] started the second quarter backers leading by four Green Bay eighteen and five all-time here at home in the postseason eating after one Rodgers fakes it throws it loose he's been busy big play again into Seattle Territory MacDougall forced him out after a catch and run of 18 yards well because of where Adams comes from he's clear on the other side of the formation so off of that bootleg it is awfully hard for the defense then to see that Bradley mcdougal he's the one to that side where Davante Adams is coming to but he doesn't see him in time and he's already got a couple steps on pretty easy execution there for the Packers already up to 63 yards and a touchdown for Adams [Applause] there's 12 Jisoo inside the 35 and still breaking tackles to the 31 well this is too easy he's in there in the slot formation they run play-action it gets the intermediate intermediate defenders to come up and he's got the whole middle of the field to work there's nobody within 10 yards of them Vontae Adams with 78 yards so far and you see that graphic Seattle as a team with just 52 [Applause] a nice gain on first down by marques Valdes gambling gain of eight the night before Super Bowl 50 for the NFL's brightest stars will come together to salute the best players plays and moments from this the NFL's 100th season tune in to NFL honors hosted by Steve Harvey on Saturday February 1st at 8:00 Eastern on Fox well the Seattle Seahawks they've seen about enough to Debbie on clowny he was not in the game to start this possession had knocked it on the field at all and the Aaron Rodgers just kind of picking them apart they just ran him out see if he can't maybe do something disruptive [Applause] another thread pass is caught by Jones flag on play two of them and Jim spins down to the 11 we'll see if the play stands they might get Elton Jenkins for a block in the back [Applause] I'm not sure it was really necessary either for him there was hillock in the back offense it was 74 and get that much mass moving in one direction sometimes it's a little hard to pull up well the rookie took over for good week three and he's made every start since that's his ninth penalty of the season he's had a heck of a season - like you said he took over week three he's then been entrenched there at left guard a second-round pick out of Mississippi State he had a nice rookie season and he's going to be a great player in this league so instead of first and ten at the 11 at second and 12 back at the 33 [Applause] blitz Jack Griffin out there for Seattle definitely a lot of contact on this route there's the the push in the yes joshan's defense he gets into the chest there of Davante Adams they moved to dippy on clowny over in front of Jared Bell dear again who was in the lineup tonight made the start for Bryan bulaga he held up well Rogers got the one on long lookin when they get the penalty so Elton Jenkins who backed him up with the block in the back they they're able to pick that up and then some Shaquille Griffin had this one penalty called against him all year for a hole he gets the pass interference here and on first down Jones cuts back and Aaron Jones games three here's Erin Andrews about Brian Bulaga yeah well you guys mentioned Jared belt dear being in the game we had mentioned before the start Brian Belaga questionable to play with an illness and speaking with Matt Lafleur during pregame warmups this was something that the entire team has been dealing with but he said I was really hitting the practice squad and he said belaga woke up this morning he said what a way to wake up on a playoff morning he's sick they didn't know what they could get out of him and then obviously he left the field after warmups Joe so far so good for Phil beer flag free play - incomplete for Davante Adams Seattle came across early as Roger has tried to find 17 yet again offside defense still second down let's Pune forward right over the center so he's the one who hears it better than anybody else with him Aaron Rodgers using the heart unit I don't think there's anybody better at that in football than Aaron Rodgers and just didn't have enough to work with time after time we see that he's able to take a shot down the field but just nothing to try to drive it into the end zone [Applause] Jones on the toss since that first and goal jaren ready to read and KJ right combined on the stop a gain of five and Jadeveon Clowney comes out he's been bothered by a core muscle injury now he's been over on the sidelines injured here you see the hand signals right here that bottom that right hand he's giving him the arrow you know the index finger to let him know which direction they're going to run the play and the option to go either way with it [Applause] pushpots and it's incomplete he's trying to push it to the Vontae Adam so far the Seahawks have not been able to prove that they can cover number 17 for Green Bay no they have not and then that's this is one of the reasons why you do it the way that teams now do it with that push pass so that if it's not handled properly it is an incomplete pass and keep an eye on clowny on the sidelines [Applause] that's where he is on second goal [Applause] one of the plays were they also middle linebacker that lets a fly blades his case and he did not push Aaron Jones to the ground no flight that's such a great job by Bobby Wagner right there in the middle and he's able to just feel it right there and he fills that gap and just stones Aaron Jones [Applause] and I think there was much there either crowd thought that they were Bobby Wagner slamming them to the ground now third and goal and the final timeout of the half taken by Green Bay which gives us a chance to look ahead Shakira and Jennifer Lopez takes center stage at the Pepsi Super Bowl 54 halftime show tune in February 2nd right here on Fox Aaron Jones has been successful pounding it into the end zone all year long 19 total touchdowns 16 on the ground and the total touchdowns tied for the most of the NFL with Christian McCaffrey Aaron Rodgers he's trying to get to play in that he's hollering at the sidelines with about 17 seconds on that play clock to get the call in and course it gets shut off at 15 and therefore they they burned their last timeout so now with no timeouts they they don't have the ability to challenge anything here for the rest of the half and have only one left for the remainder of the game third down and goal bonny on the bench [Applause] [Music] get their pin a touchdown scoring play so it is automatically reviewed and we'll make sure that Aaron Jones did break the plane before the knee touched down [Applause] it is awfully close so you look at where the ball is and trying to navigate all the bodies to see what you can tell but it I don't know that there is enough he runs right into elton jenkins there the left guard he's trying to get a push he just keeps churning and trying to get it across they felt that he did I think that last look certainly makes it look like he broke the plane of the end zone but they're still looking at it Mike no I like Joe when you get the shot down the line you just can't see the ball and to me this is one of those I thought at first it was short but then that last lunge that we just saw it to me I don't think that there's anything that will allow you to overturn them and now they've confirmed it and both touchdowns have come on third down 20th score on the year for Aaron Jones [Applause] and it's 14 to 3 [Applause] the number two seat at Green Bay Packers leading at home by 11:00 [Music] [Applause] of history between these two organizations the Seahawks and the Packers sports meeting in the postseason between these two that NFC Championship game five years ago that the Seahawks came storming back down 16 to nothing after a half of play one at 28 22 on the walk-off touchdown to Jermaine Kearse [Music] games here at home over Seattle field three in those seven seasons ears are returned by Homer can't get to the 20 Oren Burks downfield again for a special teams tackle we saw Jadeveon Clowney leave on that last series what do you know Chris Myers well in first over on the sidelines we thought it was a muscle poll but when he came over here he indicated to his teammates and he was keeled over in pain I mean I watering pain in Atlanta high to say this on television to say got hitting the family tools and eventually he walked it off 12 of you is okay grabbed his helmet wanted to be in on that goal line stand they said just wait he'll be ready for the next defensive series at Lisa's Freddie's one can group Chris Devoy here is Marshawn Lynch this minor is going weird science honest gain of one the Kevin king came down to make the tackle with Kyler fak role well right now 14 3 ball game it is still lots of football left to be played in Seattle certainly knows that they're not going to abandon what they do but yet what they want to do isn't working for them and that is Marshawn Lynch and running the football the Packers have just stymied him much like Philadelphia did last week when they - first down so far for Seattle pass down three other than a big one caught by Lockett but a flag is down back outside the 40 in the secondary and will get the call [Applause] that's the that's the flag that's died Jair Alexander he's to Wilson initially he's trying to pass the earthling defense number 23 he's into fine marries gays the first down what a job by Russell Wilson he's got Siderius Smith they'll move him around the Packers will he comes right up the gut and he gets the pressure on Wilson Wilson buys himself some time and delivers a really great throw then the locket in the middle of the field for a play that they desperately needed to keep this thing going at 31 yards to Tyler Lockett as Darnell savage came off the field a moment ago the rookie has had a strong year will Redmond has taken his spot at safety fake it to Lynch Wilson's got all day to ends up turning it into a positive play of a three art game Tyler Lancaster made the stop for Green Bay DK Metcalf coming off that big game so what they do is they roll to his way here they play deep over there they play quarters to one side halves to the other so it gives help to the big play receiver DK Metcalf and then it allows them to keep a safety who can drive down and help in the run game if necessary I think that time Seattle out thought themselves a little bit they could have had an easy completion out on the boundary here's a pass Conklin met Kenneth his first catch is Wilson had to roll out to his right saw that a lot last week against Philadelphia gain of 13 in a first down well when you're playing man coverage against him as Kevin King is and you're trying to navigate bodies across the field that's hard to do for a guy that runs a 4-3 he's got tremendous speed and of course at 6 4 & 2 thirty pounds it's a it's pretty incredible I know what happened with him in college he battled some injuries but the fact that he slid to the second round there's a lot of teams that wish they had stepped up and taken him here's more and he gets hit hard inside the 34 a nice gain of six yards on first down Jair Alexander made the tackle like Benton trying now to figure out how to slow down this Seattle attack second and four here's Wilson ducking the rush for a moment but then brought down and it's a Darius Smith again well here's what they're going to do free release him so they only have two blockers to block three guys who are coming and you can see the job that they do they got three rushes coming only two blockers free releasing the tailback and Russell Wilson doesn't see that that ball has got to come out and it's got to come out to the back that's on a swing goods in the first woman that got through and Smith gets the sack his second third and eight Wilson to his left throws it and completes with Blake Martinez right in his face will it go with a wide rush from za'darius Smith only heat comes underneath as you're gonna see he comes underneath here and it opens up this is dangerous when you're talking about Russell Wilson and then he's able to get out on the edge but with Blake Martinez then being able to roam free and cut it off forces the ball out of his hands quickly it's a nice job that a good Drive there by Seattle but Green Bay is able to make a stop when they need it too Wilson didn't take a sack however as Myers comes on to try 50 missed it and now the Packers will have it at their own 40 already leading by 11 Jason Myers one for two here at Lambeau [Music] a good is the super bowl-winning lineage at quarterback for the Green Bay Packers from Bart Starr to Brett Favre to Aaron Rodgers winners of Super Bowls one and two 31 and 45 pretty great what they've had here in Green Bay gone from Brett Favre Aaron Rodgers is like what we saw in San Francisco from Joe Montana to Steve Young here's Irvin on the talks using his speed Seattle Territory Wagner with the tackle with a carry of 18 yards by Tyler Irvin well Tyler Irvin has an interesting guy he didn't join the team until week 14 he was released by Jacksonville and they go out and pick him up and he's a personal guy in what they like about him is what he's able to do in the return game but also his versatility and another weapon as we know they've been really not a lot of weapons offensively in order for Aaron Rodgers to get the ball to like he's had in the past but he's one of those guys there's Jones inside the 40 and then Jones and Lazar came together and Lazard got the worst of that well sure dude they're gonna come out and check him out right into the right leg of Allen Lazard time out on the field here in Green Bay well Allen Lazard who is taken on more responsibilities as a second a third receiver for the Green Bay Packers here down the stretch is into that pop-up medical tent after getting hit by Aaron Jones on that last 3-yard play now second and seven Devante Adams no answers for number 17 yet for Seattle's defense a gain of 10 well the Packers when they go to tight ends like they are right here it it creates a one-on-one in the secondary by Seattle they go single high safety and it's just about every time and so they know with two tight ends that they're going to have one on one out on the wide receivers and one on one on Davante Adams that's a that's a heavy favorite for the Green Bay Packers and all the things that he's able to do not many guys can cover him [Applause] is bobbled and incomplete for Coomer oh [Applause] look like it was there and number 16 Jake Coomer Oh second year player from Wisconsin Whitewater yep just could not secure it going out of bounds and I'm just not able to just not able to handle it and as we were talking about that with the you know as a quarterback you go to the guys who have the most confidence in and there was a time when the Packers would go three deep with Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb and Davante Adams but Adams is the long guy now for Aaron Rodgers Lazard is headed into the locker room here's one which catches made cloudy on the tackle and a flag on the tackle of stern burger as clowny looked like he got a lot of facemask well the helmet would almost came off so he got a lot of something take a look at it and now I know if you got the facemask so the officials are talking about it and it didn't look like he reached underneath you know there's no real opening in the helmet he he definitely got ahold of the helmet I don't know yeah and and the help of duck does include the helmet opening but he's got to be underneath like you say they're taking a look at it now happened the discussion between the tooth because the downfield officials the one that came in through it so we'll see what the discussion brings out personal foul [Applause] first down the Green Bay Pete Carril looking up at the replay grab it the helmet opening was the call a real tight play you see on that last that last shot was he underneath to see why it was called I really don't think it is though three and a half to go in the half and the ball is just outside the 13 yard line of Seattle Green Bay two for two in the red zone different story for this Seahawk defense compared to last week against the Eagles where they held Rogers to his right fakes the throw and slides down back to the line of scrimmage Aaron what do you know about Allen Lazard Allen Lazard questionable to return with an ankle injury when I talked to Aaron Rodgers about him yesterday said he is a young player that's just confident you don't see young guys come in that much that have this much confidence hoping they can get him back picked off the practice squad of the Jaguars last year well this is a Seattle defense that they've had their share of problems down here in the red zone they were good on Sunday against the Eagles keeping them out of the end zone they they need to come up with a stop on this possession here's Jones nice cut knocked down right at the marker by Trey flowers really nice job they were on the trap and they come back underneath that Aaron Jones great vision seeing the hole on the backside good block there by left guard Elton Jenkins [Applause] and the yard short of first down yardage maybe less than a yard [Applause] two-minute warning Seahawks don't jump an important third down play when we resume at Lambeau right now back up 11 [Music] so far the job done by Matt Lafleur and finding opportunity for Davante Adams has been impressive in this his first game as a head coach in the playoffs up by 11 a chance for more right now third down and one with a ball inside the five - tight ends in the game for the Packers Rodgers takes it and gets it and that is the first time this season that Aaron Rodgers has carried on third down or fourth down and one announced some shoving after the play as Rodgers gets the first down to bring up first and goal the Seahawks have taken a timeout got a nice push right there in the middle you see the opening that was that was pretty easy most the time you'll see these defensive fronts though they'll get in the gaps on each side of the center to prevent that from happening but because the Packers have not run the quarterback sneak they they gave that Lane sometimes the quarterback has the ability to just simply take it on his own as well and that could have very well been what happened there only nine rushing first downs for Aaron Rodgers all year and again that's his first carry on third or fourth and one Seattle took a timeout they have two left first and goal for Green Bay from the two [Applause] Jones they did not get there just kept out by a half a yard second and goal [Applause] and timeout is taken by Seattle let us find out little bit 40 left in the half what's coming our way at half time Curt you guys are freezing in Green Bay just know we feel you it barely broke 60 here in Los Angeles so I got a race back inside to do the visa halftime where we'll talk about the first half of your game and next week's title tool between the Chiefs and the Titans it's all coming up on the visa halftime I knew that was coming but if you're gonna be freezing Kurt this is about the best place to be freezing Lambeau Field well that's for sure Lambeau in January it's been a little while Rodgers and the Packers on second and goal Jones by Seattle back to the line of scrimmage that's it made a move before he got to the line of scrimmage Trey flowers was in there was not alone for Seattle quandary digs as well Quan Dre digs he comes in he's able to finish it off flowers that's a great move right there by Aaron Jones trying to get inside that but Diggs is the one who is able to just finish him off and fill in that gap and well he has really helped solidify that safety position when they were able to pick him up little Facemash there but it's that's a great job this defense I mean I know they gave up the touchdown but they've been pretty tough down here running the football big third down here who's Kenny Norton the defensive coordinator second year in that position for feet Carol I think this is for downs right now for Green Bay but this is this is huge for Seattle cloudy came across plain ever happen they blew it dead [Applause] but it will just move it closer to the end zone if indeed it's against Jadeveon Clowney neutral zone infraction defense number 19 [Applause] we play Throwdown that's the ninth time Jadeveon Clowney has been guilty of that infraction infraction this season I move the ball inside the one [Applause] Jones touchdown Packers [Applause] [Applause] this side over here they on the left side of that offensive line Mercedes Louis in there tied in just totally collapses the line of scrimmage and put great fish in there by Arizona that is the sixth time Aaron Jones has rushed for multiple touchdowns in a game that's the most in the NFL this year and all three Packer touchdowns have come on third down watch this block here by number 89 Mercedes Lewis and the hole then that Aaron Jones has to work with that's that's a great job Mercedes Lewis he's been in the league a long time fourteenth year and that's what he has carved out for himself with Green Bay is he'll be more of a blocker but finishing off that drive I'm going away with 21 points right here before the end of the half that's that's a great job up front she include the postseason Aaron Jones now one behind Ahman Green for total touchdowns in a single season and Mercedes Lewis you ride he's been at it a long time 14-year career just his third time in the postseason I'll just eat you up where did he go to college of course a la minute 30 left Seahawks without any timeouts Travis Homer give it a shot drives his wages shine a25 don't miss a chance to be a part of the NFL 100 celebration the NFL is calling all fans to vote on which moment should be crowned the greatest in league history to cast your vote on the 16 iconic moments that have advanced so far go to slash greatest moment the winning moment will be unveiled on Super Bowl Sunday right here on Fox well can Seattle get anything here before the half is they trail by 18 though there's plenty of time they don't have any timeouts but it's time for them to get something going Wilson maneuvers in the pocket throws a laser and it's caught by Lockett for 14 yards no down here on DK Metcalf first of all good job by Tyler Lockett being able to go down to make the play they're playing one-on-one outside soft coverage down here at the bottom Jair Alexander on DK Metcalf on first down that's where they go that cat hops out of bounds to stop the clock on first down a gain of about nine dad defensively you're not going to come up and try to challenge this guy after the game that he had last week in his size so you play soft especially in this situation you get a lot of easy completions and you can get down there in pretty good position to then take a shot and come away with a touchdown certainly come away with three points but we're going to back up some yardage right now with Dwane Brown gold earlier but no ten-second run off the clock will stuff start off number 76 let's take it down more injuries up front for Seattle Chris rookie Phil Haynes is in at left guard for Jamar Co Jones who live with the team doctor to the locker room he's questionable with a head injury and remember he was playing for starter Mike you potty so they're down an offensive linemen show and it's been the story of the season for Seattle second down and six Clark can't bring down Russell Wilson until now Clark didn't give up and he missed the early sack and then came back around and brings down Russell Wilson inside the 40 a loss of two and who's he working against the guy who came in at left guard the rookie Phil Haynes at left guard so here's Kenny Clark and he's the one who's able to get past he's push him back initially as you said Russell Wilson avoids somebody comes back and makes the play Wilson takes off right up the middle and get a first down into Green Bay territory with 17 seconds left and Counting hurry up and get this ball clocked 10 seconds left and they're going to need to bite off some more yardage to have a shot remember earlier in this quarter Jason Myers missed from 50 in this direction well his career long is is 58 and so that would require to match that getting to the 40 which is just the another 8 yards but you're contending with just 10 seconds so they've they've got to complete this and get it out of bounds timeout taken now by maybe Green Bay they had 12 men on the field 12 men defense it's a five-yard penalty still second down Packers out of timeouts they stop the clock and they before the snap call the penalty as fat girl was trying to get off the field yeah watch back rule try to get off the field and they just blew it dead and called the five-yard penalty now the ball sitting at the 43 they're soft up here at the top if they want to try to complete it they got to understand in there there is safety Willson going to air it out and go for it all end zone and incomplete and no time remains on the clock as Amos knocked it away so they didn't try for a shorter play and than a field goal Russell Wilson instead gets knocked to the ground and the pass incomplete is Amos knocked it away 21 three at the half Visa halftime coming up after this from your local Fox station these fans are ready to roll it is cold and Greenbay have I mentioned that yet Rogers backs up throws Adams touchdown green bag Jones touchdown suckers what great vision there by Aaron Jones that was tonight's game flow brought to you by progressive 18 point game at the half Seattle about to start the second half with a ball welcome to the booth I'm Joe block along with the hall-of-famer one of many around yeah these days at least on Fox Troy Aikman what a great first half for the Green Bay Packers and if we came on saying that it was all on Russel Wilson for Seattle it feels that's true even more so in the second half yeah even more so obviously because of the score but also because they've not been able to get the running game going now for the second week in a row the Marshawn Lynch and we thought might have a little more success this is a defense from for Green Bay that has given up some yards on the ground but they have been tough tonight and don't count russell wilson out this guy we've seen it way too many times but it's going to have to start in my opinion on this drive i mean even though it's the first possession here in the second half it's time for them to show that they're capable of putting something together it will be game on short kicked off and on the dead sprint Travis Homer on the return is able to cross the 30 where he has stood up Stern Berger in on the stop was not alone 21 yard return Chris Myers bought Pete Carroll sprinted out of the locker room Joe there was no rally rah-rah speech he just said to the team we've been down here before we know what to do we have Russell Wilson on defense Davante Adams they'd like to put Shaquille Griffin on him but they move atoms around as Troy is pounded pointed out so that's an adjustment they may double him warden he said they're not going to give up on the run game but it may mean more about Russell Wilson running as well as throwing so far the ground game nothing Lynch out there on the field backers were number three defending the run this season Wilson throws and just able to get rid of it as Preston Smith was draped all over him are you gonna see the motion by Wilson as he comes out there trying to come off of this and throw across the field to Tyler Lockett but because of the pressure by Preston Smith Russell Wilson isn't even able to just set up and try to make a play they right out of the gate they're trying to take a shot down the field just not able to secure the edge with these headdresses driving is play-action as well which doesn't have the same impact when you can't run a gain of four by Marshawn Lynch brought down by Blake Martinez Erin Andrews now Matt Lafleur isn't counting Russell Wilson out and he told his team our mindset is it's zero to zero keep doing what you're doing because we know Seattle can-do he was happy with his defense thought they got good pressure on Wilson emphasize some missed tackles and that miss in herself interception offensively he was happy with how balanced they were and by the way Allen Lazard wide receiver he is back DeMarco Jones is out for the rest of the game started at left guard for Seattle with a concussion Russell Wilson on third down got a run for it and there he goes exactly what Seattle needed takes it inside the Green Bay 45 and a big play for Wilson and the Seahawks in a carry of 22 yards well looked an issue like za'darius Smith is going to be the guy number 55 who's kind of responsible they're in the middle but then as he starts to rush again on the outside it opens up that middle running lane then for Russell Wilson and that's some of the discipline it's hard when you put your ears back you're trying to come after the quarterback on third down and if you're not disciplined enough you create those lanes and Russell Wilson exploits it [Applause] we was able to drive inside the 42 the 39 that's the second time Russell Wilson has run for a first down on third down he's old for three trying to throw it on third down well he's the leading rusher and he's all that they've had he's all they had last week when they ran the football here comes big George fan once again as the extra lineman now when we saw it earlier in the game they haven't run as much of that here in this one but when we saw it earlier they went play-action [Applause] pull back in the game Nick galore lay action here yet again pass is high what a good catch by Metcalfe that was all the wookie DK Metcalfe who is six four he went up to get it for 24 yards yeah that's that's the benefit of having a guy like him that's a great route it's a really nice job on his part in that zone coverage he slides just enough in order to to make that an easier throw for Russell Wilson it gets away from them a little bit sometimes he's pulled balls are hard to throw and he's able to go up and make a nice play on the ball first time in the red zone for Seattle offensively play-action pass caught by makes a move on Alexander and dives down inside the ten he gets six well that's good work this is a this is a really nice job coming out here to start this second half with this kind of drive now just finish it like I said if they're able to close this to an 11-point ballgame it tighten things up put a little bit more pressure back on the Packers and anything can happen here's Lynch lost half a yard Lake Martinez who is a tackling machine for this Packard defense made the stop yeah he just hits it right downhill they they go again with the sixth offensive line at this time they actually run it but here's plate Martinez number 50 he just shoots it right there he's able to get past the center and along with some other help make a big play third down and four pass is caught by Hollister almost got the first down with that last lung she looks to be inches short and Chandon Sullivan is slow to get up and if he is inches short you're trailing by 18 points on the road to see what Pete Carroll wants to do if it's fourth down yeah I don't think there's much of a decision for Pete Carroll what a job by Hollister he was going to be well short until that effort right there really great job by him and you know if there's the the hit by Marshawn Lynch look at Lynch gets an assist yeah that puts Sullivan then you know on the ground and they're tending to him for Russell Wilson that ball got away from them a little bit was a little bit behind Hollister makes a nice play on it to even make the catch [Applause] take a break they check on Chandan Sullivan it is fourth down big play company Chandan Sullivan appears to be okay it is fourth down less than one well there was a time you just turned in hand the ball the number 24 Marshawn Lynch and you picked it up it hadn't been that easy here in recent weeks a rollout pass is caught locket just short of the end zone but it will be first and goal from inches away as they throw it on forth and less than one similar play we saw earlier from the Green Bay Packers from where Lockett came over off of that play-action the blame not be close to the touchdown Lynch is in for the score Lockette came close and Lynch able to reach across more a much needed seattle seahawks touchdown pretty tough running there by Marshawn Lynch it's just second and third effort on his part they get the push the Packers do Tyler Lancaster he's back there in the backfield there comes Kenny Clark and it's just good tough running by Marshawn Lynch getting it in as the 11th career rushing touchdown in the postseason for Marshawn Lynch in 13 games [Applause] Seattle being able to get it downfield get it into the endzone trailing by 11 were right back after this from State Farm Marshawn Lynch has been back with Seattle for three games down he's got three rushing touchdowns had one on an impressive five yard carry at Philly last week and won against the 49ers week 17 and after taking 14 months away from the game because of the injuries to the top three backs all on IR for Seattle he's brought back and he's able to reach across for the score to make it any levan point game well you said Russell Wilson he had to load the team up on his back and get him back into this and that's exactly what he did on that drive some big throws of the big play on the scramble we go back to the 2014 NFC Championship game after trailing 19 to 7 late in the fourth quarter of that game the Seahawks went to work we were there and so many things had to break right for the Seahawks to have a chance and when they got their chance they made the most of it it ended on the game-winning touchdown pass to curse to send Seattle to Super Bowl xlix a heartbreaking loss to New England in that whoa Rogers out to his left throws it away [Music] just nowhere to go with the football for Aaron Rodgers he's trying to see if Mamie Davante Adams could create a little separation he's unable to the secondary thereby Seattle once Rodgers breaks contained so many times over the years we've seen the big plays down the field and those have just not really been there this year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on second down John John the Goldfield makes to catch up to the 39 third down coming up after a gain of four [Applause] [Applause] five four seven on third down the Packers right right right right which is down the middle Jimmy Graham for the first down to the 45 well Seattle they try to come up and hug with their linebackers Bobby Wagner's up there JJ right he's up in there and then Jimmy Graham he runs the the deep route across the seam and a perfect throw then by Aaron Rodgers drops it in beautifully August play the game for Green Bay 27 yards to the former Seahawk and longtime Saint Jimmy Graham [Music] [Applause] Aaron Jones to the 40 back to that conversion yeah well here's Jimmy Graham he's going to come across the field and here's Jay Jay right he's up in the line of scrimmage and Jimmy Graham is basically able to get in behind him because he's up hugging the line of scrimmage acting as though he may come on the Blitz Rodgers knows that then he's got a footrace on his hands and whether or not he can drop the ball in there which he was able to do second down and six [Applause] wide open Adams makes the catch makes them know sprinting to the end zone [Applause] perfect answer by the Green Bay Packers yeah a nice design drought by Matt Lafleur watch the action by Aaron Rodgers he's going to act as though he's going to roll out then to his right and you're expecting to Vontae Adams to continue on the move on the deep crosser but instead he puts his foot in the ground he comes back out towards the boundary and they're able to get an easy complete sir that's out of a three tight end set and the longest play of the game 40 yards for the touchdown and Davante Adams what a weapon for Aaron Rodgers seven catches 128 yards now two touchdowns Packers back 18 it's an 18 point game again aerial coverage brought to you by State Farm [Applause] Devante Adams who has more touchdown catches than anyone in the NFL over the last four years as to in this ball game [Applause] [Applause] Jake Kumaran downfield to make the stop back to the touchdown yeah well this route that Davante Adams runs and I said it earlier he can he can do anything you want a receiver to do and watch this as he starts across they're expected he's going to continue on the deep crosser he puts his foot in the ground he runs a form around you got to come up make a play I mean for Davante Adams to be able to score touchdown on that completion just not very good by the Seattle Seahawks but good action in the backfield and the Packers are just exposing you know this defense in they have lived on the ability to create takeaways the Packers just simply do not turn the ball over very often and it's once again up to Russell Wilson he steps into the throttle and it's short of Lockette this defense as we've said over the years I mean we're accustomed for such a long time to seeing them be so dominant when that was the strength of this team was their ability to shut people down and it's not been the case here for the last few years and they've changed up the scheme and they've tried to piece it together they'll come out no battle but they just overall have had been a shell of their former self is Darius Smith coming through flags on the play obviously and we'll see he was drawn off or he just said forget it I'm going I don't care what happened he was a ladder [Applause] encroachment defense number 55 to 5-yard penalty still second down really started doing that though we've seen it tonight we've seen it over the the weeks with the Darius Smith and he's so versatile of course edge rusher but his ability to move around he did in Baltimore as well and and it creates a body for these senators because they're there they're not accustomed to having the one like the Packers make them and no Center wants to see number 55 lined up over the nose second down and five now after the penalty Wilson cuts back and he's going to be knocked down close to the marker by Darnell Savage and they're going to give him enough for a first down for Seattle new safeties old green bay close to a year ago the rookie savage and Adrian Amos brought in from Chicago here's a Lynch he's been bottled out for gain of two and you know earlier in the game I showed that the Packers were playing a lot of the the five linemen across the line of scrimmage and then five defensive backs in behind it and they're able to play the run pretty well but since they've gotten this lead and they've been able to play the running game so well they've pretty much just gone to a four down front and they've still handled the the run game well [Applause] Wilson flips it pass caught Lockett tried to stay upright would have had a lot of room to run and stead it's a 13-yard pickup in a first down well he almost was able to keep his balance after the gyre Alexander got him enough but you're right yeah if he had been able to keep his feet he had some row and one on one no telling what might have happened with his abilities up to 90 yards from Lockett with protection homer out of the backfield makes the catch and gets about 10 another first down as Ibraheim Campbell made the stop your access to awesome is on when the stars of the NFL's 100th season team up AFC against NFC in the 2020 pro bowl presented by Verizon Sunday January 26th at 3:00 student on ESPN and ABC to see amazing plays Mike the players celebrations don't miss the Pro Bowl skills showdown on Thursday January 23rd at 9:00 Eastern on ESPN Hollister its it's popped by Blake Martinez at the end [Applause] we talked about the center and the job that they have ones the Darius Smith lines up here he is right here in the middle and that's tough duty you're talking about Joey hunt having to hold up and his Homer delivering a blow and getting a first down she banged into Blake Martinez one thing we do know though about Seattle Joe is yes they want to run the football and they've done it really as well as anybody throughout the season last week they they ran into a wall against Philadelphia but then Russell Wilson showed you what he's capable of doing throwing the football nets that's what this games turned into Wilson will go made a move gets a first down as he slides it was Oren Burks who was frozen in time there for a moment and Wilson made a little stutter step went around him for 11 well it looked like Russell Wilson's trying to go to John Brown there was coverage though by the Packers they rolled the safety out in that much of an answer for Wilson his scrambling yet fourth time Russell Wilson is scrambled for a first down nowhere to go with it instead he flips it to Wilson and Luke Wilson takes it down inside the 20 a nifty play in the end as Russell Wilson made the most of a broken-down play a gain of eight this is just Russell Wilson being Russell Wilson I mean he starts to take off he realize he's not gonna be able to escape he sees Luke Wilson and gets in the ball and this is you know this is what I talked about earlier something sometimes it just seems like Russell Wilson's almost playing the game by himself just creating plays and will and his team down the field he's in trouble here somehow stays on his feet and tries to reach for the first down in yard short pressure by Preston Smith know how Russell Wilson keeps getting away I don't know either this is really frustrating for a defense Preston Smith in a great position not many guys in this league to get out of that third down and one Willson another rushing first down and more as he slides to the seventh a gain of nine and again the best running back for the Seattle Seahawks is their quarterback Russell Wilson well with with the play-action in the backfield and then Marshawn Lynch going to the flat you know BJ Goodson number 93 he's left with the decision he's got to either go with Marshawn Lancer he's going to come off of him and then try to take Russell Wilson and it's a it's a well designed play that gives Russell Wilson a lot of options then in order to pick that up first down and goal Wilson throws pass is caught for the touchdown Lockett [Applause] Russell Wilson able to engineer that drive and throw for seven for the touchdown to lock it he just buys himself some time it looked like gyre Alexander at the top of this he might have gotten away with a little bit as he's grabbing on Tyler Lockett is Russell Wilson's outside the pocket but these receivers they're so accustomed to Russell getting outside of the pocket that they do an excellent job of giving him places to go with the football in Lockett he's able to create separation and great job by Seattle coming back and scoring a touchdown once again after Green Bay was able to go down on their last score [Applause] now the extra point 39 seconds left in quarter number three [Applause] back to an 11-point game Russell Wilson doing all he can on the road at Lambeau the touchdown throw back after this from your local Fox station for Russell Wilson two possessions in the second half two touchdown drives he's gone nine four ten throwing it five carries 48 yards running it the Seahawks are back in the ball game blunder a minute to go 39 seconds left in the third quarter but so far the defense has not shown any ability to slow down Aaron Rodgers and the Packers offensive attack yeah or Davante Adams and I don't expect to see something within that scheme to take him out of the picture there is a shorter kickoff returned not across the 25 and that was BJ Goodson the linebacker who got it and returned it for 10 Aaron and Joe right now the defense for Green Bay is over here on the bench gassed and frustrated you see Kenny Clark right there pleading to his defense just get to the balls Darius Smith telling me before the game we just have to cage Russell Wilson in the pocket unable to do it I will tell you during that drive guys from the defense in and out hands on their hips bent over Gator just gasped see if Green Bay can answer as they did the last time they had after a Seahawk touchdown here's a toss Aaron Jones running left good blocking step on first down stern burger out there the rookie tight-end delivering a block in a carry of nine yards for Aaron Jones well this is a Green Bay offense that came into this game feeling that they could push around this defensive front in we've seen it we've seen teams run the football and and really beat up on this defensive group and they certainly did on that last play and now we go into the fourth quarter but I'll tell you Seattle is not going away they've proven that in this game and over the last number of years with Wilson through three back after this from your local Fox station one of these two teams will be in Santa Clara to take on the top seeded 49ers a week from tonight second down and two as we start quarter number four [Applause] hackers have had their way [Applause] Jones gets dumped Bradley mcdougal came up he led the Seahawks in tackles at Philly and this a loss of two that's a great job by Bradley mcdougal they got Kumar Oh who's there in a position to try to cut him off that's his responsibility but he just reads it hits it now this is a down that they've got to be able to make a stop they have not been good Seattle has not Green Bay on the other hand six of eight converting here on third down tonight and have converted on four straight and one on one down here with Davante Adams [Applause] Rogers thrust past knocked away Bobby Wagner got his hand on it and I will bring up fourth down well that's a great job by Seattle a good scheme there you're gonna see right here in the middle he's gonna come underneath so yet Rogers saw what I saw and that he's got one on one only he doesn't know read the underneath coverage by Ahmadi who's coming underneath that so even if Wagner doesn't get his hand on the ball which is a great play by him they had that no chance of completing that pass there's another way to W it looked like single coverage but they actually were doubling Davante Adams [Applause] Scot just gets it away line drive punt takes a Packers bounce to the toy Seattle gets it right back that means that defense it's been huffing and puffing right back on the field for the Packers up by 11 Packers offense on the bench Packers defense on the field Russell Wilson having a terrific second half back to work down by 11 za'darius Smith will rush from the defense's left side backers came across FreePlay lock it gets hit and hangs on Kevin King delivered the hit and on that free play 19 yards it almost looked at me like Wilson was a little undecided as to you know how ferns oh please you first oh he lays it up there tyler lockett he has no idea he's about to get hit soon as he makes contact for that football tell you that's a helmet to helmet hit to Joe I mean you could almost argue that that hit on a defenseless receiver he was certainly close they threw the flag for the offside the ball is up to the 40 and it was king who delivered the hit and it's king who's down and getting looked at what a catch by Lockett able to hang on for 19 yards in the Seahawks a first down at their own 40 [Music] take another look at that hit by King on locket it looks like it's helmet the helmet actually the helmet of King into the hands and the football and it was King who got the worst of the collision word from the sideline is king is fine after getting the medical attention Russell Wilson is able to get back near the line of scrimmage Preston Smith was there for Green Bay a loss of one go down as a sack homers going to come out of the backfield right here number 25 and in the Packers that you know he gets a chip and then they turn him loose and hit Russell Wilson have been able to see him and get the ball out there was something to behalf second down and 11 yes is caught Metcalfe lunging for a first down after the fourth sack of the game by this Green Bay defense DK Metcalf for 15 yards a lot of bodies right there for DK Metcalfe and he's able even though he sees what's out in front of him right there to Ron Williams and he's able to catch it and then split it 15 months removed through the fracture and his neck whose last season at Ole Miss last pick of the second round well soon flips it to Luke Wilson Kevin King is there to force him out back in the ball game and on that play after a lot of running around well he hastily back to the line of scrimmage a head Metcalf and it looked like he was looking at him at one point and I don't know what exactly got him off of that but this was dangerous this is like a backward lateral then de to Luke Wilson makes it a live ball but he has avoided danger in times they've had chances to get him and for big yardage which essentially ends drives and he's been able to get loose Wilson throws passes caught Hollister that is so good right there Jacob Hollister you this tight ends for the Seattle group none of them were even on the roster when the season began in Hollister he stepped up he's had done a nice job since he took over and for Russell Wilson this is routine for him on the move puts the ball right on the money and they are driving once again Hollister came off the practice squad week six had 41 catches during the regular season four in this game handoff here to Homer brought down from behind at the 21 virus Sean Gary the rookie Jennifer Lopez and Shakira takes center stage at the Pepsi Super Bowl 50 for halftime show tune in February 2nd right here on Fox player is down for Green Bay [Applause] so if that might be Tyler Lancaster angry second-year player from Northwestern see if we can figure out what happened here to the right [Applause] and now able to pop up second and five when we come back [Music] an 11-point game 11 minutes left for the Seahawks this year their largest deficit overcome to win 14 points week six at the Browns and week nine against the Bucs trailed two different times by 18 points tonight Lancaster on the sideline that appears to be okay second down and five okay Wilson keeps steps up for those caught by Homer able to stop his momentum and set up first and goal pressure by Preston Smith and Kenny Clark on Russell Wilson and it turns into a 16 yard catch and run and Preston Smith is down yeah he's he's down and Russell Wilson him just knowing where he need to go with the football to dodge that make the throw get crunched and then as you said Homer on the other hand his all of his momentum is taking him out of bounds and he's able to catch it stay in bounds turn it up the field and make a nice play out of it and right now the bigger concern is Preston Smith for the Green Bay Packers working against Jermaine fitting and if said he came down on him so they look at him with a ball sitting at the 5 and a 1st and goal for Seattle it looks like Smith is able to get up and he is up on his feet here's Travis Homer who again showed great control to stop himself go down the sideline brush set up this chance yeah pretty impressed with with what he's been able to do he didn't even get his first NFL carry until week 13 and a necessity because of the injury started the years the fourth running back on the roster the next thing he knows the end of the season he's the feature guy he's tough they like the way he competes I think that's a that's a theme with every one of these players it's the kind of guys that John Schneider and Pete Carroll look for but he he's a tough son of a gun and they're relying on him a little bit more right now his ability to catch the football we got the pig made Marshawn Lynch in the backfield now [Applause] he gets it being able to take a genteel of 1/4 yard carry by Marshawn Lynch started with the bills with with Seattle 2010 to 2015 led the NFL twice in rushing touchdowns ton slot loose are getting there now second and goal Lynch is in for the touchdown and Pete Carroll's team keeps fighting as the Seahawks now will go for two they'll go for two they hurry up and they get to the line and the the Packers were reeling trying to get situated and then they come back and hand the ball to Marshawn Lynch looking again we get down here and give it to him and let him just pull those over a few people but the Packers have not had an answer for Seattle since the second half began three straight touchdowns for Seattle offensively Seahawks won 4-3 on two-point tries time they were successful they went to DK Metcalf at the bottom of the screen Wilson dropped alexander coming off the corner and it's a five-point game with 933 left well Russell Wilson just never even sees him coming I mean he's looking the other way and just does not anticipate any kind of blitz doesn't feel it that's a great job Mike Pettine dialing it up not a big blitz team but down here the two-point conversion needing to make a play in gyre Alexander gets home [Applause] what a game this is turning into the Seahawks have proven over the years and you said it earlier they just do not quit and now welcome inside the broadcast booth two times the Seahawks have trailed by as many as 18 points in Russell Wilson has been doing his thing here in the second half three possessions three touchdowns and a lot of the times it's Russell Wilson who's doing it himself we've been saying it for a number of years now I mean can you imagine that there was a time when some people thought that he was merely a bus driver and you see what he's done here over the last five six years of this football team and he's been something to watch it has been again here's a return by urban able to cross the 25 a 13 yard return Hakeem king with the stop time for tonight's next-gen stats powered by a double us and the numbers in the night for Davante Adams target rate just under 50% of the time Aaron Rodgers is looking for number 17 over six yards per route and his separation these are all season highs for Davante Adams when they need him the most yeah they haven't had an answer for him and as we said he's pretty much been the lone guy for Aaron Rodgers and Seattle knew that coming in it's it's Davante Adams it's Erik Jones and they've just not had an answer for Adams but they is tipped in the air by mcdougal able to get his arms up and get a piece of that mcdougal he's done a nice job around the football and he's playing the run but he's able to come up and and knock that down and you know it's been a while since Green Bay really felt the pressure you know they got out to the big lead they did then at halftime and slowly Seattle's been chipping away at it but now with a five-point lead and there's a lot of urgency right now for number 12 time of possession just dominated by the Seahawks in this second half second and 10 blitz coming incomplete for Adams look like he dropped it would have been a short gain with Shaquille Griffin right there well there was one on one but a little tighter coverage there buys to kill Griffin and big third down now here you see the tight coverage he's pulling in and then he's able to drive on it and it's his hand he's able to get in there and knock it down Mitchell it looked like maybe Avante Davante Adams dropped it that doesn't feel good we talked about the conditions of his field and those longer studs on those cleats and he gets spiked on the toes that hurts it was a foot of Ellen Jenkins that got Aaron Rodgers third down and 10 [Applause] let's again [Applause] listen to the first down slide and catch by Geronimo Alison with flowers all over him yeah you see Aaron Rodgers he knows that this was Geronimo Alison making a play on the ball because this is not the throw that Rodgers wanted to make he slides in and makes a play and they went four games without Demonte atoms and they want all four of them and it was guys like Geronimo Geronimo Alison stepping up and help him make plays for Rogers you turn that stretch and showed you the time of possession and the difference in it that was a big conversion there to keep the football for Green Bay leading toss to Aaron Jones [Applause] well that's third and ten now Seattle did what they wanted them to do they're on first and second down they get him to third and ten and then they're they're not able to get off the field and in for Seattle defensively that really has been the story is their inability to make stops on third down seven for ten Green Bay 70% converting on third down [Applause] jairs carries and then gets look like drag down up high around the helmet but the flag came out well prior to that KJ right is the one who made the stop here's the beginning of the play yeah they're gonna get to Debbie on clowny there for a hold on Davante Adams that flag came out immediately there's the head defense number 95 curry leaves and to the end of the run first down Green Bay but at that point Mike Ferrara he's a runner that's all you are is a runner in that situation without a grab at the helmet that's not a foul and even though that action of the hold occur behind the line it is still a foul to grab and hold the receiver pay off a potential receiver behind the line it's the third penalty in this game against you Debbie in clowning [Applause] [Music] that run +5 takes the ball to the Seattle 41 [Applause] yellow weasel yellow weasel [Music] yes yellow weasel games down one yard I was just gonna say yellow easel it didn't look so good we afford in the middle of the action made that stop I would say that's pretty well balanced 24:24 rush pass 48 plays [Applause] it's Adams [Applause] you second and nine [Applause] [Music] Jadeveon Clowney with pressure and that forced that throw so another third in law the third and long can they can't they make a stop and Jadeveon Clowney he's he's really the key right now as to whether or not he can get back there and apply some pressure and we talked about what he's been playing through and I have great respect for those guys they're able to fight through that there's talk that he's going to require surgery when this season is over but man he is out there he's giving it what he has and he is a tough man to handle he is right here with his hand in the ground third down and nine blitz sack play made by shiki Griffin and for good measure his brother was right there as well yes Shekinah Griffin is right here he's going to come around inside and it's just an outstanding job they run the twist they don't pick it up they're on that right side Billy Turner does not come off of it and is not able to make a play and they dial up the Blitz they get home and Shekinah Griffin has really been used this year as a pass rush or something he did in college really more out of necessity because they just simply were not able to get enough guys to the quarterback he comes up with really the play of the year for him and force a punt and now the ball again will be in the hands of Russell Wilson his first sack of the year and the Griffin blitz ends that drive for Green Bay [Music] and a false start false start fifty-one offense that penalties decline remains fourth down we've seen this already this postseason the chance to take some time off the clock we saw it with the Titans and that win in Foxborough o'clock wines and we'll wined crackers will [Applause] wanted to go I think all the times the league's want the league wants to make changes and the overreaction that'll be changed populist offseason to do snap in here with 502 left in the ball game and this one checks up and an opportunity for the Seahawks with a ball at their own 23 one score game Aaron Rodgers limps off the field the optimistic Pete Carroll fired up with his team down five five-point game [Applause] one possession one score game and a situation where these two teams have thrived this year Seattle eleven and to the Packers eight and one and games decided by eight points or less well yeah it's a Seattle team that has been there and done that they believe and they've been road warriors and this team never feels like they're not going to come out victorious Wilson out to his right throws pass is caught for a first down to lock it Hoos had a big game sent it down to Chris Myers yeah Brian Schottenheimer offensive coordinator for the Seahawks before the game said Russell Wilson always has the green light to run but by design we liked when he runs scrambles in the second half even if he's not running downfield moving around to his earlier pointed out tire the defense it's something that's worked for the Seahawk team in the second half without a great running game first down Seattle good protection passes dropped by malik turner right into the middle of his chest well the offensive front did such a nice job inside joey hunt in particular having time after time he sees pic number 55 right in the middle over him and he's got to battle that he gets a little help from Marshawn Lynch Russell Wilson he knows where he is he's got to hang in there and then deliver the football and he does makes a perfect throat just unable to handle it first came back from the league Turner after suffering a concussion against Arizona week 16 DK Metcalf at the bottom second down and 10 Wilson looked that way first now the pass is caught by hollister and a strong tackle by Kevin King a gain of five you know some of the soft coverage looks I am a little surprised I'm real surprised actually that in the first half and then through the second half when the Packers have played some of their soft coverages one-on-one they're just asking you to throw the ball up to throw a curl route just throw something simple and complete the pass and to change movie when the team playing a little bit tighter here at the bottom but still those work if you trust Nichkhun they're down in five Russell Wilson his sack by Preston Smith they put Jacob Hollister the tight end over to his side to try to widen him out and help but he just runs right past them and Russell Wilson he's avoided that throughout this ball game but not here Justin Smith who got injured with the ankle comes in off the bench and taped up and makes a big play on third down we call him the Smith Brothers around here Preston Smith with two sacks in the game za'darius Smith with two sacks in the game blooming punt put into the endzone a 64-yard punt but the ball comes out to the 20 next Sunday Fox brings you a new 9-1-1 series new heroes new city same call Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler star in 911 star one week from tonight only on Fox and that will be after the NFC Championship game and who will be playing at the 49ers Green Bay with a ball and a five-point lead trying to make sure they are the team [Applause] and here too Aaron Jones say if the Seahawks spend their first time out and they do as Clowney who gets a lot of attention for rushing the passer but it's also very good playing the run made that tackle it's no secret what Green Bay is going to try to do and it's a matter of whether or not Seattle is able to make a stop and give Russell Wilson one more opportunity Kansas City Chiefs trailed 24 to nothing early today and came roaring back in one at home over Houston Seahawks trailed 28 to 10 with under a minute left in the third quarter it's now a five-point game Packers trying to hang on here and just run out the clock that game earlier was one of the more wild games I've seen and went from a blowout to a great game to a blowout the other way I mean it's pretty wild congratulations to Kyle Shanahan to Mike Vrabel on their big wins yesterday and to Andy Reed the Chiefs win earlier [Applause] great job Seattle defensively hanging in he's trying to draw them offsides pick up in easy five yards and that's great discipline up front for Seattle which team will be the last piece to the championship game playoff puzzle we've seen the Chiefs and Titans priests their way into the AFC Championship game while the 49ers week and they are watching with the rest of us to figure out who they're gonna play late next Sunday Green Bay Packers played out there earlier in the year we're coming off thereby and lost 37 to 8 it was a tough ball game for them they really really struggled in that Aaron Rodgers less than a hundred yards passing in that game [Applause] Seahawks and 49ers split [Applause] whose keeps [Music] now has to throw it away as he's chased by clowny and that stops the clock with 2:19 left [Applause] well they did there was a good idea of getting him out on the edge because then you have the options of keeping the ball running it keeping the clock running and then whatever you decide to do he initially has Robert onion out in front he comes out off of that fake and it hasn't he just decided he didn't like it for whatever reason but then stops the clock [Applause] third down and eight pass to catch what a play what a time for it well they put them in the slot and oh go Ahmadi he's the one who draws the assignment he's getting some help from Lane oh he'll the safety he's kind of cheating and Emani just can't get beat outside if he stays to the outside he's got a little help from the safety in the middle but he just gets beat immediately off the line of scrimmage and a perfect throw by the future hall offender remains as Aaron Jones gets knocked down and timeout taken by Seattle 208 one timeout plus the two-minute warning the game not over but Davante Adams with that catch on third down is set up the Green Bay Packers inside Seattle territory with a chance to stamp their ticket now for the NFC champion Packers postseason record for Davante Adams the 160 yards which ironically is the same total the DK Metcalf put up last week for seattle in philadelphia they got him to third down they got Aaron Rodgers to throw the ball away to stop the clock everything was set up perfectly for him the story of the game third down conversions by the Packers 8 for 12 67% here's a toss to Jones running he takes it to the 45 back to the line of scrimmage and the clock has stopped [Music] with two minutes left Seahawks with one timeout another third down for Green Bay when we come back two minutes left backers lead by five and now third down and nine with a ball at the Seattle 45 so here it is here it is Seattle has not been good on third down have not been able to make many stops this is the game right here that they are able to make a play and give Russell mission another opportunity [Applause] Rogers throw his pass is caught Jimmy Graham forced down in Seattle dials up the Blitz and you're going to see Aaron Jones come over and what a job he does in being able to make the block that gives Rodgers the time to deliver the throw to Jimmy Graham he goes and gets it and that's that's good work now let's take a closer look and see exactly where the ball is when when he goes to the ground when we are inside two minutes so if there's a review it'll be initiated by the booth for the moment they've given Jimmy Graham enough for the first down lino Hill tried to knock it out let's start piecing this thing together is so you know on the one look the first two that we showed there's no not a clear look because of the angle so we are in officially a booth review and it's either first down in the game basically sealed or its 4th down and inches Mike what are your thoughts on where they placed it yeah I think it was a stop that they had to make but he's got to get to the 36 and he's really on bodies and the ball just hits the ground when he does and the bend that form hits the ground when he gets to the 36 to me I look at this and say it's got to stand well if it stands that's basically in if it's a figment if it's not a first down Joe if its fourth down I would have to believe that they would go for it to pick up the first down and if it is a first down then it's over short of fumbling to snap [Music] they may give we believe they will give the Seahawks their timeout back but you've got a minute 48 one time out and if it stands as a first down [Music] Seahawks will be basically out of time Pete Carroll is pleading his case here's another angle and look at it after review the plane the ruling in the field stands his call nothing there to change the ruling on the field Jimmy Graham celebrates and now the officials are getting together maybe about the timeouts as Cleve Blakeman gets back on the headset back to Graham three years of Seahawk and this big catch against him on third down yet again nine for 13 and a Packers converting third downs into first downs in this game Mike I think that discussion is going to be whether they're gonna give the ball the timeout back to Seattle but if they do remember this was a past that play that ended up in the field to play so the clock would restart on the ready for play so really not of great consequence here you think if they do the timeout would just follow State Farm postgame show is coming up another thing about it Joe yeah third downs overall but on this drive along after review we had additional footage that came in that did not change the ruling ruling the field stands is called it's green baseball first down additional footage never heard of that one but they've got it they got him to third and long twice on this drive they got it right where they wanted him actually with a you know chance to come and make a stop and they just simply could not do it Aaron Rodgers makes the great throw to Davante Adams and then a good scheme with the way that they ran that last play with Jimmy Graham to pick that one up Pete Carroll furious on the sidelines with the spot yeah but his defense had opportunities and they just they just failed to do it and the Packers now go to 14 and three and Aaron Rodgers likes flying below the radar and we've got a date with the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship game we just saw two great throws by Rogers on third down even that last one to Graham back peddling in traffic delivered it Graham got the first down [Applause] no timeouts left for Seattle both these teams coming into this game have had just been able to find ways to win and one of them was going to have to find a way to win this one because both teams had their shots Seattle certainly climbed back into it you knew that they would they have nothing to be ashamed of they had a great year with all that they went through but the Packers just a little bit too much and great win for Aaron Rodgers and Matt Lafleur and this whole organization and so in this head-to-head battle of Rogers against Russell Wilson the home team has won each matchup including here tonight one more snap that'll be it and for the Green Bay Packers in first year 40-year old head coach Matt Lafleur on to San Francisco [Applause] for LeFleur first coach in franchise history to lead the team to the postseason in his first year as a head coach in the NFL and their first Champion appearance since 2016 at San Francisco right here on Fox next Sunday at 6:40 p.m. Eastern and the two good friends Matt Lafleur and Kyle Shanahan meet to decide which team represents the NFC in Super Bowl 54 Aaron Rodgers in his 17th career playoff start goes to ten and seven Davante Adams with a massive day [Applause] and those two big third down plays the first one delivered by number 17 Davante Adams on this throw then out of bounds and then again on third down to Jimmy Graham who made a nice grab and lunged for the first down how about Matt Lafleur first year as a head coach in the NFL he's going to the NFC championship so Zarin Rogers who's standing by with Erin Andrews well it's been a while you said you wanted the ball in your hands late in the game you got it two huge plays on third down Aaron what did you see on both of those where they were mm tell you a lot so I just made a quick little adjustment and he ran a fantastic route great cats wish he would have stayed in bounds but he had an unbelievable night I mean he carried us on offense his route rain ability was incredible then we ran the ball just just good enough and we came up with timely stop because rest and their offense is pretty tough you start off the game the right way and you finish with the right way yeah and you were incredible on third down yourself I don't think you're out there you're on the radar now people are gonna be talking about you I know you're joking with us about that California boy returning to the NFC Championship what are your thoughts on it well we're gonna enjoy this one first you know I think it's super special a little extra special to get the ball to Jimmy there on the last third down because he was in Seattle you know for a few years but you know we'll enjoy this one tonight and we'll get on to San Francisco and they're a great football team they've had a fantastic year I think there's the two best teams in the and I've seen we're enough to go out there and get a win absolutely obviously the match up in late November didn't go the way you wanted you're the king of mottos do you have one heading into the NFC Championship against San Francisco what do you got come on I'm just gonna enjoy a nice glass of Scots tonight to get onto the film San Fran and get ready for a tough opponent all right oh man I can joke with you about that Congrats thanks Joe all right there and thank you the celebration is on here in Green Bay Wisconsin the young first-year head coach the veteran quarterback in this scrappy Green Bay Packers team on to the NFC Championship Game State Farm postgame show coming up Packers moving on
Channel: NFL
Views: 1,028,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, American Football, sport, sports
Id: nv5ChdrIwFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 43sec (8443 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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