WARFRAME - The Lotus, Her Story and Her Own Devil's Deal, was it just like ours?

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foreign [Music] So Beautiful to behold how do you feel better kiddo I killed him Isa I'm confused I thought I was [Music] I know forgive me this is who you really are a tenno more than human but once a child like any other what do you remember I remember everyone was laughing outside an airlock this kid had a Boy by the throat I didn't think it was funny at all is that how you remember it yes good memories from your time aboard the xeriment 10-0 before the void jump accident the moon exists it wasn't avoid Al I knew the Lotus was powerful but this is she raced mystery we thought it was destroyed all this time my my notice you make a fine villain hey all Siege here and today well today I think it's time to take a more extensive look at our own space mom the Lotus because I feel like she has quietly been one of the more fleshed out characters in Warframe recently but at the same time we still know probably a lot less than we should given how long she's been with us as many of you remember there was a time not so long ago when she was being considered by the community more and more as an enemy than an ally in the end well I'm not sure I'm really sold on either truth props and downs are almost as extensive as the player characters and I think it could be argued that hers is even more extreme and confusing at times it's interesting that the information given here in the official codex is so non-committal on the subject ending the passage by specifically making mention of this with her reaches far her allies are many but her ultimate intentions are of dubious propriety in large part I think that's true and whereas I don't doubt she holds a special Allegiance with us the tenno when looked at from a thousand foot view if you will that Allegiance could be as deep as the one we have with the man on the wall and when viewed from a particular perspective there might be a legitimate reason for that our very first instance with the Lotus is a good example of this during The Awakening Quest we are shown events stemming from The Assault of the tenno on the former High Council of the organ those known as the seven where the tenno massacre the orc in governing body and even though the Lotus apparently has knowledge of this event to this day the tenno strangely only have bits and pieces of information regarding what actually happened why the tenno actually turn on the organ is still somewhat of a mystery and further why the tenno were essentially put to sleep for countless centuries as well as why they were awakened now but at that point in our journey so much has happened so fast that none of this is ever really questioned so we just assume her to be a faceless Ally and begin to move from planet to planet bringing our own form of Justice back to the soul system until we get to Uranus and find a peculiar looking creature scanning for something or someone what did you see my data stream went dark upon further inspection the Lotus realizes these are remnants of her former kin and abandons the tenant without any explanation together it is an Oculus that means I'm sorry the burden of which ends up falling on cash and even he is suspicious of her true intentions so pupil the spring has ended the Lotus Blossom has snapped shut her true nature revealed now we shall see if codependence can be broken let us begin to unravel her long hidden truth he too is another entity that seems to have knowledge of what happened in the past but is also reluctant to say much outside of tiny bits of cryptic dialogue nonetheless we continue on searching for what these sentient drones and now the grineer are after and all of us come to find that this search has a knowingly awakened a massive powerful sentient that being the destroyer of worlds known as hanha the Loyalists conveniently enough re-emerges at this point and finally explains to the tenno who she really was you cannot hide this past any longer there are gaps I had my mission and I have completed it all but the last sequence to destroy the tenno the war was over so I hid them away a second dream I could not destroy them and yet you were born to so tell me what made you stop to reject your nature all missions to the origin system required a sacrifice me and my kind become Barren when crossing the gap it is the one flaw we never overcame wanted children of her own nacho was the doctor until I destroyed her now I am the lotus I am the mother but this information is really only given because of what teshin and hanhao already revealed we have little time to contemplate the magnitude of what we've learned due to hanhao's Awakening however is he is Enlisted the help of another mysterious enemy The Stalker imbuing him with his own sentient will as well as the powerful sword War during the second dream Quest again important pieces of information regarding Lieutenant's history are forced out due to necessity including the nature of the tenant the existence of Lua and that the reservoir that the actual tenant reside in has now become exposed due to the Moon re-emerging into the soul system with it being implied that the Lotus is the one who'd originally hit it it's only after defeating the stalker that we finally come face to face with the Lotus for the first time and it's important to note that during this first actual dialogue with her physical presence she asks us some very specific questions before having the tenno reveal all that we can curiously now remember giving some Credence to the idea that the void may have something to do with our lack of any kind of memory or past this leads us to the war within where we find teshen looking over our transference pods and offering us a Stern warning not to follow him which of course we disregard a decision that will probably be the most important one the tenant will ever make chasing after him to find the grineer queens and more truths that the Lotus kept from us but In fairness this is an observation teschen has been making for quite some time enduring the quest the tenno were forced into their greatest battle yet a battle within themselves in order to unlock the true power they possess something testing seems to believe the Lotus purposely kept from them and this is really the first time the story continuity that the operator questions the intentions of the lotus your child from the evils of the world argulas didn't lie to you she protected you but isn't it better I know that wouldn't you want to know teshin said Tashan thinks he knows better maybe he does maybe you need to know to survive the Queens but you are changed now that's what you have to say that I'm changed what you didn't have a choice you were only just a don't do that don't make excuses for me now from here we come to the chains of hero and learn even more about the Lotus through Paladino I understand how would Rel you know about the dream great Ascension Queen forgive me but what you are what you've made of yourself is merely drawn from the dreams of these Divine children you are not she you are not marvelous what are you saying that Rel is a tenno impossible all tenno are known to me I protect them as she did oh but not real marvelous cast him out or he was different our four mothers took him in and studied his teachings we became the veil the shroud of his blessed existence passed out I don't believe you now how Paladino knows this is never really mentioned but it's a good bet that this knowledge is known by Rel given that he seems to hold ill feelings towards marvelous the tenno and even the dream itself not having been a part of it due to interference from either or both of them how he knows this is probably the more pressing question unless of course the void is as much a window as it is a path something I think explains a great many things within this universe regardless the revelations of chains of hero lead into the apostasy prologue where the tenno or LED back to the Moon from what appears to be a direct message and even guidance to the reservoir on Lua from the Lotus herself where we learn that ballast marvelous former lover and executor to the seven is in fact alive I forgive me for what I am not who you think I am but of course you are imprisoned just as she was Palace I will not abandon you again marvelous [Applause] [Music] [Applause] worse the Lotus is more than we learned to follow him and leave the tenor defend for themselves another Vision at the beginning of the sacrifice Quest has the tattooed Lord to the Moon in order to find the remnants of the very unique Warframe that she destroyed at what appears to be the behest of balance over the course of locating reconstructing and finally claiming it as our own we come to learn a few very important pieces of data the most prominent of which being how the tenno were able to utilize the warframes this Quest shows a detailed Encounter of how regular soldiers and humans were many times ruthlessly injected and turned into the biowar suits we know them as now with the tenno being able to bond with them on emotional level ing not their alien Darkness to something else it was that somehow from within the derelict horror they had learned a way to see inside an ugly broken thing and take away its pain and thus this shared metaphysical energy is expressed through the warframe's unique skill sets and immortality the other thing the tenor exposed to here are the mimics sentience who have the Curious ability to take the shape of another entity something we come to find is the calling card of NATA the mimic queen as she's often called she has retaken this form at the end of the quest where she saves a fallen ballast once we are able to overcome him using the umrah Warframe the truth of the great betrayal comes into Focus here as we learn it was Ballas who gave hun how the location of the reservoir on Lua in the hopes that he would have destroyed us and just as we were about to get both our and umbra's revenge the Lotus appears and explains her current truth that this is what she really is although that will be highly debatable as time passes after completing the quest we have a visit from the man on the wall and I think it's important to remember the specific questions he asks is that how you remember it seem familiar how do you feel what do you remember this then leads to the Chimera prologue where the man on the wall directs us right back into Lua using the exact same method the lotus used and I mean they are identical outside of the color even showing us what appears to be Lotus doppelgangers amidst the burning environment and then into her Chambers with the same type of narration regarding her betrayal by ballast in front of the orc and High Council somehow the tenno were then transported directly into the centene ship where ballast is being hidden and portrayed as being imprisoned now part sentient himself he leads us to believe that he's just speaking in generalities regarding his current situation until he calls out to the tenno to take a weapon created specifically to kill her all the while attempting to make us believe that she is the aggressor and that he's merely a pawn with her watchful eye always on him our confusion regarding the Lotus intentions becomes a bit clearer during the Jovian Concord where we come to learn a bit of her origin story as well as what happens within the reservoir on Lua so the golden wrath came and after I was born aimic spy conceived to burrow into nests and swallow the pitch eggs of their War Machine the tenno phrases took Mercy for so we were told but in truth we were both imprisoned belly my life is made by the creators I became a memory a ghost my people my history she introduces us to amalgams a hybrid of soldiers from the Corpus and sentience with the inherent weakness of the Void overcome by the combination during a battle with a creature specifically created to gauge combat Effectiveness against the tenno the Rope a low list we get an extremely disturbing realization as Lotus informs us that she has also been visited by the man on the wall and potentially that she knows it's him that gives the tenno their power something we wouldn't definitively learn until the new war the next chapter regarding the Lotus is the era cinematic where we see her commanding a group of tenno to attack her own sentient brother and along with the tenno all seemingly under the man of the walls control including herself a red light coming from her visor where normally a bright blue one would be seen I recognize the enemy no sister it's me era the makers coaching unraveled your mind they're using you to kill us the queen and the aphids with our eye in the void but I don't blame you them you believe these are your children but I am the only family you've got left so choose our family our people with these parasites Jews natar choose I am not natar I am the Lotus it begs the question if the Lotus that we see here is actually the lettuce or potentially the Lotus is doppelganger as the red light would indicate really never given much more but instead Instant Transmission back to the sentience ship listening in on a conversation with more important dialogue regarding the nature of the lotus at this point Reformation is accelerating our condracts are nearly ready our rebirth is at hand and the golden spear how many battalions still having latches listen to me that's the past the old war tell her yes there is no spear no matter speaks true my the hurricane are gone the models are divided in fighting over what remains only the tenno the enemy made by you to kill us you're staying by their wickedness their sin against them they're listening let them they know we are building it won't matter no it won't so what are you waiting for Sing For Us sister call them home the maker cinematic continues in this very same area but offers a much different Lotus one that appears to be almost breaking from a trance the veil of era's plan being lifted it only needs a voice a spark but mother mother's gone this is All That Remains but you have her fire and more [Applause] you can finish what she started finish the war bring peace bring purity the Lotus I attacked you [Music] you died hmm you don't remember everything then yes your ancients wounded me and our forces were depleting fast I knew I had failed failed you my sister failed I was family I had no choice but to retreat no you were destroyed the tenno made sure of that he begins to realize this and forces her into what is assumed to be a link into pragasa the mothership of the sentience her gift apparently required the power and this theme continues through operation or fix Venom we're during an invasion of the sentience it appears she's leading combat formations she's calling out M2 protocol in effect we require sector control do not let them advance foreign did not anticipate necromax but we will adopt adapt next series deploying from my Ford quadrant we cannot be stopped deploying Squadron i05 to attack vectors do not let their old republics interfere forfeits and six series Lost adjusting repeated deployment algorithm interference must be cross-controlled segment G7 restarting actually create a secret code meant for the tenno that she is in fact dying and appears to be asking for help without Aaron ballast knowing all of these things together lead to the new war where we find the after effects of era's attack on the Lotus or eidolon body barely holding together getting even weaker once ballast captures whatever power she has left inside her how he's able to do this or what this power even is never really gets explained regardless after slicing off the lotus's hand she is lost to the void along with our operator and would stay there long enough for Ballas now under the name Narmer takes over the entirety of the Galaxy of course that's until The Drifter is somehow able to pull her from the void and place her in the Orbiter something else were never really shown or told about only after information and help from hun how the tenno's originally enemy turned Ally aligning here to say the Lotus are they able to restore her to her former self culminating in the eventual confrontation of Ballas where with our help she is able to not only overcome him and retake her power but it's implied she's also able to Shield us from the Sun and the power of the portal to Tao it's at this point where the man in the wall shows himself in his true form and after Vanishing the Lotus falls to the ground hand burning and drained of power but not before offering the tenno a cheeky little smile this is made more mysterious due to the nature of her withholding what she actually saw at the end at the end what did you see I saw nothing nothing and knowing what we saw it really makes me wonder what could make her want to Shield us from what she did this pretty much describes the lotus's story as it pertains to us although in the DU very Paradox it is her hand that is gifted to The Drifter and the major reason he's able to finally overtake Dominus thracks now in the past I made mention of the fact that I feel the man on the wall to be the father figure of the tenno one that I feel he's taken on in game and I don't think anyone would argue that the Lotus is undoubtedly the mother figure of these children so I think in many ways our little family is more unified than we know although it's taken literally years of seeing what's going on to get a somewhat decent picture of it I want to ask a question really I just want to say this aloud but the question I want to ask is what if the Lotus or rather nata went through the same thing the tenno did during her initial trip to Tao whether or not you want to admit the when of the meeting with the man on the wall the if is no longer in question given her admittance during the ropololus fight and further although we can debate the nature of what we see during the era of cinematic if we're meant to take this as real it would show some kind of similar control the Lotus has over the tenno to be akin to how the man in the wall does it and I think the question we have to ask here is who's really in control this particular scene is one of the most important in the game up to this point and I think takes all of these smaller events the similarities Not Just Between the questions we're asked by both but also the similar power levels we have with the Lotus with her really being the only other sentient with gifts on or exceeding that of the tenno something era could be specifically making mention of believing her to be stained by the evil that ballast likes to refer to as the void devilry and this is essentially pointing to the man on the wall but the tenno and the Lotus then as NATA made trips through the void that left them changed in an extraordinary way so is it that hard to consider that she had a similar first encounter with him as we did maybe that was the light the sentience had to give up in order to survive their trip through the void their ability to procreate a sacrifice if you will she could be the sentient representation of what our tenno is portrayed to be the duality a concept heavily implied all over warframe's universe and what's the one thing you could tempt the sentineen specifically made to take down an Empire and destroy their weapons once and for all with but the exact thing she craved children the only part of the plan that wasn't made into reality unless she was just following somebody else's plan of course and if given everything I've presented so far has allowed you to entertain this idea consider that the tenno and The Drifter were essentially saved in both dimensions do very and the trip to the tile system using the exact same artifact the hand of the lotus offered by the man on the wall in One scenario but I'd say it was more than likely he had a hand in this as well get it the man on the wall has been playing both sides from the very beginning unraveling the old orican and sentient dynasties to a shell of what they were the power vacuum never really being so up for grabs as it is right now the only thing we're really missing is the why and further why is so much of warframe's lore amongst its most powerful entities always seem to have something to do with severed body parts be it the man in the Wall's finger the hand of the lotus and the new war but even more disturbing what this same hand does to The Drifters actual human hand peeling it back like a banana peel held together with sentine energy gross and like he's totally okay with it what the [ __ ] this is also the only limb of Dominus thracks that isn't human even parvo's granum the de facto leader of the Corpus being the only one of these people whose severed limb is on the left why do you think we've been given these little breadcrumbs most of which during highly impactful parts of the overarching narrative that by themselves don't seem to amount to much but keep pointing to a kind of power family within the Warframe story that I think is only going to get stronger with each piece revealed it makes me wonder if the story is going to evolve into a kind of mommy verse daddy thing with both one in custody right now both of them trying to play nice after the events of the new war from what we know of duviri the man on the wall is coming for whatever he believes he's owed and based on what I've shown today I wonder if we aren't the only one who had to make a deal and further what that might have cost her maybe a hand maybe her ability to procreate a little bit of both to say but probably a good thing for our surrogate parents to be fighting because can you imagine what could happen if they're on the same side what force could stand against this family given that really every other major faction in the game has already been severely weakened if not completely decimated and was that always the point with that being said I hope you all enjoyed today's video and I got you thinking about whose side we're on if there even our sides anymore at any rate I hope you all have a wonderful day today a wonderful rest of your week and I'll talk at you all in the next one take care everybody
Channel: TheDsIEGE
Views: 43,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WARFRAME, warframe lore, warframe theory, the man in the wall, chains of harrow, the war within, Lotus, Margulis, Sacrifice quest, The Sentients, Call of the Tempestarii, Deadlock Protocol, The New War, Zarimen Ten Zero, TheDsIEGE, Duviri, Duviri paradox, Wally, Ballas, Narmer, Angels of the Zariman, Paradox, Second Dream, wally, Rell, Palladino, Erra, Chimera prologue, apostacy, Natah, Hunhow, Stalker, Orphix Venom, Scarlet Spear, Maker, The void, Tau, Hey Kiddo
Id: e1jvneqSXzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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