The ENTIRE Hells Paradise Lord Tensen Arc Explained...

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hey everyone Dave Volo here and in today's video we are jumping back into hell's Paradise to explore the second of four amazing arcs and the first part of this amazing world we learned all about Gabby Mario his complex thoughts everyone that would venture to the island and take part in the emission the current Society this universe is situated in and finally the weirdest ease of this mysterious island that ended with us meeting one of these so-called Immortal beings with all this small stuff out of the way now though and the second Lord tension Arc we can finally dive into the initial well I guess truth that we kind of learn about the world and learn more about every single character that is still alive on this brutal yet stunning and interesting Island as we learn more and more we discover that a majority of the religion and the structure of the island is merely Not What It Seems and actually there is in fact something far far more Sinister at work behind the scenes but before I spoil everything right here and now if you are new around here then make sure you hit that subscribe button and let me know what other series you'd like to see covered in detail in the future streets are apparently sane have started steel will run but you know who knows plus push this video to 5K likes so that I know you're loving these videos You'll absolutely destroyed it last time with the light goal on the you know previous house Paradise video same with the one punch man video so you know don't worry I've seen you all over there and I've been working on something in the background it's just it's extremely long as well but um of course you know if you'd like to you can also check out my patreon to get early access to these Cinema length videos but for now sit back and relax as we take a cliff dive straight back into the twisted and Dark World of Hell's Paradise back with gibbimaru as they look over the village the ninja states that it did not matter what was living on the island what matters is that the inhabitants are allies or enemies directly behind the main group a girl in a hood is seen watching them from behind a tree gaming our returns and notices someone causing his spy to run off but Gabby manages to quickly catch the spy and after removing the hood discovers that it's just a young girl Wally wonders if it's someone who's native to the island a branch comes through and almost takes his head off it's shown that a random looking tree dude everyone's favorite Bonsai man kinda like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy had managed to push Gabby back thinking that the girl might know something about the island Gabby Mario decides to run after her he manages to dodge another thundering Blow from the tree before spinning in the air and using the back of the monster to boast himself towards the girl since the Gary is like still caught up on the original missions hierarchy she quickly runs after him and leaves the rest to use a riha and Center use a rehab being a sneaky kunuichi she is flixoff sent his glasses so we can't see her abilities and decides to take on the tree monster within ninjutsu 2. nearby Gabby Mario manages to catch up to the girl but is he asked to just have a chat as shocked by his strength after she picks him up before throwing him into a tree sagiri yells to her that they did not intend to harm her however the girl stops in the forest turns and throws a punch towards her Gabby Mario blocks his punch but as he tries to push back notices that she is using a mysterious power behind your attacks being pushed back by this random power Gabby starts to ponder what it could possibly be ever since he came to this island there have been so many Mysteries he thought it'd be a simple mission to just find The Elixir and return home but now he's becoming desperate Gabby Morrow then starts to act serious and as he died to her uses the vines behind him on the tree to capture her before she even realizes what had happened hang in there restrained in the tree intimidated by Gabby's now serious demeanor the girl starts crying prompting siguri to tell gabimaru to bring her down and let her calm down seeing her in a helpless State Governor figures that she was just an ordinary girl user rehab then arrives after finishing her business with a tree monster and asked how things were going on their end get me more I wanted to push further with the girl about the Elixir but scary says that it wouldn't be possible with her crying suddenly the tree monster started talking pleading with them to let go of the girl and in exchange it would tell them about the Elixir and guide them to the Village speaking up yusu rehab believes that it is a trap as up until now the Bonsai dude hadn't said anything after persuading her by mentioning that there is a bath though the group follow him to the village with useria overly excited about that said bath hanging back behind them segeri asks Gabby whether they should trust him or not leaf with rarely no other options he says it's probably best because he may know about the Elixir but also tells her that if the tree man is lying he will take it down hearing the others check behind him the tree man promises them that it will not trick them and calm Center by letting them know that they're monsters and butterflies won't even come near the village he also reveals that those so-called monsters are like I've said just before called the social guardians of this island according to the master tree they provide wisdom and punish those who turn from the teachings he himself isn't one of them but instead used to be human and was raised on the island so these ocean things are actually called kamadogami in Japanese they are known as trude deities of a kitchen and household and Chinese mythology and taoism funnily enough the most famous of all of the social deities was Zao Jun who also went by the moniker kitchen God and this universe they mainly take on the role as a fodder monster who punish people that break the Island's roles anyway they arrive at the Village which at this point is really just a town in Ruins and into the tree man's house while yuzuruha and sigiri take a bath which I can't really show you guys on here let's just uh say Yuki loves join his girls for now our suddenly bath the others apart from Gabby because he thinks it's poisoned eat some delicious looking fruit moments later both of the girls return and the tree man goes more in depth explaining the ins and outs of the island humans may call the island by another name but to him it's known as Kotaku a paradise for the gods there is indeed an apparent elixir of life on the island that is found in these ancient texts here it goes by the name tan and pretty much means source for everlasting life the tree man gives a layout of the island which is broken into three distinctive regions issue which is where they arrived on the island Hojo which is where the village is located and The Elixir is located at the center of the island called harai in our own world this is the name for the Chinese penguy a place said to be a mountain on a random island in the Eastern Seas of mythological China which was home to eight Immortal Hermits of Tao's thoughts crazily enough in a weirdly similar parallel to this story during the 3rd Century BCE a shin Dynasty sorcerer named shufu set out on a mission to find this pink lie and the elixir of Life instead though some historical texts suggest that it actually found Japan and the mountain that would later be named Mount Fuji continuing with our like real world parallels both issue and Hojo the other areas of the island in Hell's Paradise are the Japanese names for two Chinese fantasy Islands both Ying Zao and Fang Zhang respectively I really just love how much mythology and history is waved into the story as truly fantastic and just goes to show that Yuki really has a great standing of his own country's past anyways anyways continuing forwards Gabby who still doesn't really trust this dude asks him have he's ever seen The Elixir but Mr tree hasn't although he knows he benefits from its effects cinta asks if he's one of these Immortals then as he's implied that he's been around for a thousand years sitting there the tree man just say that they will encounter them sooner or later and once they do their doubts will be erased for this man Lord tencent is Forever Young undying Beauty incarnate the perfect being at a similar time remember how late the brothers bumped into a couple gender Benders well it turns out that they are absolutely stuffed as Lord tensin was one or both of these beings and took great pleasure and absolutely obliterating the pathetic humans who stood in its way yeah so uh so let the tree man wasn't playing they are kind of stuffed if they bump into this Immortal beam like Tomah and chobe were absolutely insane especially chobe the man didn't even care what he went up against yet he was defeated in a matter of moments back with the main group and after hearing about Lord tensin Gabby marrow and used riha Point their way happens towards the monster believing that it wants them to Die the tree man corrects them though and says that it holds no hostility only speaking the truth about those who step onto the island meanwhile the mysterious being carries Tomah and chobe before throwing him down into a pit of blooming humans these beings are the commanders of the social they pass judgment on mainly the sinful humans who come to the island once dropped into this pit it said people are reborn as beautiful blossoms freed from this sin and Earthly desires granting them Everlasting Bliss those who eventually become one with the island are the source of tan for these Immortals the trim improves that the elixir does indeed Exist by breaking a part of his hand off and showing Gabby's crew that it can regenerate gebimaru then points a sword towards the girl wondering if she also benefits from The Elixir but zakiri and yusu riha criticize him for his rude Behavior scolding him for pointing a weapon towards a child the tree man proceeds to explain that they can choose to believe it or not but this is shin senkyo a land of gods that fell down to this poor State centuries ago escape from this Island isn't possible and the gods will be the ones to cast judgment on them meanwhile tenza and nuruga who have been out searching for an ocean current fail to find one since they need to come up with another Escape strategy they start to play in one when all of a sudden they're approached by an unknown woman after noticing that the forest is indeed full of activity she becomes enraged by the amount of social corpses she discovers on the island the woman's face begins morphing as it then turns into a man feeling threatened tenza and aruga attempt to run buddyman instantly appears in front of tenza and Strikes him with some form of Sonic Boom attack as tenza begins falling to the ground The Godly being flashes and behind a rugai and tries to take her out but luckily she manages to jump back dodging the attack tenza who's still somehow alive then appears in front of the creature and slashes his eyes however it's shown that it's utterly useless as they'd manage to heal the damage needed to make an opening to escape tensor rapidly slashes away at the man thinking that'll allow him enough time to escape with the rugai instantly though the bean heals and once again appears right in front of tinsur then coming in seemingly saving the day the creature is caught off guard by The Blind King Rank 4 Yamada Simon shion's sword throw giving his fellow humans a moment to escape after getting far away from the random creature tenza introduces narugai to a savior and a genuine blade Master Yamada asymon Shion slapping him on the head though she unscolds tenza for only using his speed and a swordplay against his opponent wanting to know why he's here now Tinder asks Shion what happened with his criminal originally Shion was in charge of akaginu but after she tried to seduce him she paid with her life which is absolutely crazy she just wanted a friend dude either way after leaving her he managed to find a current that could lead them away from the island however he pointed out that he sent an unfamiliar presence and heard weird noises tenza says that the three of them should go to the spot where he found the current but she on raises his sword and asked why he was helping his criminal tinsa explains that she was innocent however she literally isn't having it before arriving on the island he memorized every criminal with him and knows what they've done even though she's not a criminal and both of their eyes it isn't up to them to decide what is wrong and what is right as is the era that they live in which decides the crimes people commit tinsuri battles him though and brings up how he himself used to be just a Wanderer without any purpose in life there was no reason for Shion to save him back then yet he still decided to take him off the street now in a similar situation of his own teens wanted to do the same for her as he sees potential for her to live a real life in the world remembering the past and realizing just how far tenza had Truly Come for the day he met him Shion is convinced and allows his student to do as he pleases nuruga greets her future husband's Master by calling him Sensei to which she on like the goatee is says that she needn't call him there since he hadn't taught her anything wanting to quickly head back to the beach she on tells tenza to chill out as they need to be cautious of the mysterious band that they just faced before it's best that instead of making themselves a Target they need to take their time and come up with a strategy however as tenza begins to ponder on what they should do The Godly thing drops down into the middle of the forest now appearing as a female and saying that they've underestimated Earth deadly Shion quickly moves the two out of the way but as his throat currently process tensor fights back yet he's unable to hit the creature at all as it Dives in and out of all of his swings needing to make a stand tenza uses his ultimate technique Ito Ryu pounding torrent swinging his sword over and over and over again creating an unescapable wave of slashes the female though is on a different level of skill and easily manages to weave through all of his strikes before confronting him directly and saying that she's accustomed to a speed tapping him in three different places on his chest Tinder is sadly downed by another use of that mysterious technique leaving the others screaming out for their falling Ally falling into a memory from his past Tanger recalls the time he asked Shion why he even picked him up off the street sheon says that Jude hell is proficient as the end lives he likes to help out others and soar potential in him back in the present tensor drops to his knees and while looking at his palms realizes that he's currently dying from the previous attacks as the god stands over him it's obvious that if he doesn't do something everyone else is going to end up just like him screaming he rises to his feet and attempts to fight back throwing a fat right hook into the face of the immortal creature he knows that this is probably it for him but he'll do whatever he can to make enough time for the others to escape however tender receives another fatal blow to his stomach catching him completely by surprise with nothing left to do better than bruise Tinder tries telling the Ruger to run but he can't probably must have the strength to even say a word luckily xion was able to reach out and stop naruga from trying to help not wanting to leave his former student alone himself though and unable to understand what tenza is trying to say she even takes a stand ready to save his wounded friend knowing that his Sensei won't stand a chance though tenza tries to muster just one word to tell him to leave or run away but just like with naruga he's unable to muster anything but I shot Google sensing something Shield jumps back and stops his assault before running away with the rugai back behind him the legend himself tenza takes his final stand and hinders The Immortal foe's attempts to chase the others now deeper into the forest has since a screams in pain while fleeing what tens has chosen disciple and his final moments tenza imagines what life could have been like in the future possibly teaching a bunch of younger students or drinking with all of his buddies on a beautiful day over with the others as they flee naruka screams and hits Shion wanting to know why why is he leaving tenza behind well this throat's starting to recover he explains that he was honoring tenza's Last Wishes tenza knew that they wouldn't be able to defeat these creatures the way that they are now and if they stayed they would all have shared the same fate retreat was the only way however he states that this debt will be paid before they flee the island they will destroy that creature meanwhile over in a much more chill atmosphere as Gabby Mario appears to take a bath him and sigiri think back on the moment earlier they know that both may and the tree who goes by hoco were born and raised on the island they've lived here for centuries and only wish to live in Peace Center the big brain also knows that in China's xinshan beliefs tensin refers to an elite type of mystical hermit these ocean and harai are also words originating for the Dao so it's only fair to say that they're probably telling them the truth about the island and Mainland China's actual history like in our own world tinson was a term made up by the Jin Dynasty scholar ji Hong it's simply a classification for the highest class of immortal Hermits there are two other classifications as well which we'll get into later into the video now in the bath house sagiri takes note of just how many wounds Gabby Murray has sustained since getting on the island looking at may she also sees this massive SCAR or some kind of strange marking that travels up the majority of her back while washing himself getting my remembers a time his wife washed his back and gave him advice about how to properly relax his body she reminded him on how if he didn't take the opportunity to relax then he's bound to collapse in the real battle that they call Life and Times of Peace stick to your convictions wear them proudly at times or conceal them at others but never let go of what truly makes you you for life is far far longer than even the Battle of Kawana Kojima damn I love how poetic you he is with this story and it makes me want to learn just Japanese in general as I know for a fact this story would be so much more in-depth in a language that is artistically based for example this battle there Gabby's wife referred to was actually the site of five or possibly six different battles there happened in the Warring States period between 1553 and 1564. if you want to check out like the actual location it's situated near the present day and Nagano the battles between commanders Takeda Shenzhen and usigi kinshin have become some of the most romanticized pieces of Japanese history giving rise to retailings reimaginings Artistic representations and even movies anyway after remembering how he told her that she shouldn't cover her scar with through here he goes the same advice to me about the marking on her back saying he knows this lady with a big old scar across your face and she's the prettiest girl around as both girls taking this new side of Gabby it causes May to become star struck wanted to stay by his side instead of scared of him like he was before leaving the bath house now and as the three walk back to hoco's Residence zagiri notices that kevimaru is truly sudden to change at the same time Gabi Maru reminds himself why he's exactly here he'd managed to get a breather in and finally remembered those feelings of his but his priority isn't to be the round no it's to make it home and save his wife from a tyrannical father inside of hoco's house center who's literally fried his brain after Gathering so much information which was just like me on this video right here insists that they should spend the night as there's still so much to unravel security tells him that he should rest for now then but Center who's overheating insisted that he'd be able to keep watch after he takes a bath however once outside and on guard Duty he falls asleep off Gabby Maru who's just chilling right next to him sitting there overthinking everything that's happened so far Gabby Mario decided that it would be better to head out alone to her eye before the enemy makes their move against them as gabimara rushes for harai he sees a number of immobile tree creatures trotting strange sutures amongst the fog there was a tongue twister and a half for some reason while walking along he wonders if they're praying and thinks back on how Santa said it's probably dangerous to act before they know what's really going on even though Gabby knows that this could be the most dangerous place in the world if he doesn't press on there is absolutely no chance he'll ever see his wife again stopping for the moment though he wonders how in the world he's even going to know when he arrives at harai it's not like the Homeland with roadsides at the same time an unknown person is seen following him pressing forward Gabby Morrow eventually comes to find a massive gate remembering what hoko said about arriving a place of Splendor he believes that this is with the hermit and the election must reside just as he goes to enter the area though he stops noticing something behind him coming face to face both Gabby Morrow and the same mystery various Bane who just took out teams of steer into each other's eyes randomly it becomes sad and by his presence and drops to its knees just asking him to leave explaining that she had already dealt with capturing another group of humans today hearing this flicks a switch on her boy's head and he immediately realizes just from his statement alone that she turns people into the elixir of life after seeing each other as a threat the two engage in battle jumping straight at each other Gabby Morrow lands to a successive blows on the woman and comes to the conclusion that she wasn't Human After regenerating her wounds turning things up a notch he flips back into a handstand spinning flame kick that lands directly onto the face of the immortal being he then activates the ability nympho fire monk to completely incinerate The Immortal while the creature smoldering below him Gabby Morrow noted that it was far too strong to even consider a questioning when all of a sudden The Godly Bane doubt straight back out with its charred body and leaves it erected on Gabby marrow sending him shooting into the sky phasing into the sky in an instant as well and then lands another massive kick to the gut of the Ninja thinking that it's destroyed the human it reforms to its normal male shell but as perplexed when he sees Gaby Morrow standing there asking if he was indeed Lord tencent in a display of skill yet unseen in this series both gabymar and the being known as Lord tense and continue fighting in her eye coming to a standstill for a moment Gabby asks where the Elixir is before diving straight back in and throwing another series of kicks and punches he notes that all of the damage he's inflicting is pretty much useless as it's regenerated by its ability just too fast trading blows with this thing is just like Roku Rota as well it's only going to result in certain death what he needs is a strategy that's actually going to hurt her acidic Blaze didn't work so he opts for a technique that he hasn't tried so far he throws a small swift kick to the gut or Tandon of the monster and notices that the impact felt slightly different from before somehow it actually did some form of damage causing low tensin to cough up blood and transform into a Woman by the way whenever they change into a woman I have to do so much blurring or body modification so like I apologize for that Yuki himself just goes to him with his art style and it's amazing I just I just wish they wore like tops some sometimes for something anyway continuing tencent tells Gabe that he's probably not even aware of what he just did and changes into another fighting form that we haven't seen so far becoming enraged it tells him to die before sending what seems to be an invisible Sonic energy waves that deal an insane amount of damage not understanding what in the world just happened Gabby becomes overwhelmed as Lord tense and sends out a barrage of attacks at levo boy with physically no way to block unable to counter Gabby Mario just throws away any idea of trying to defend and grits his teeth before charging out the immortal creature he gets within thrown hands range and begins doing his thing man knows that if he survive he gets to go home end of story that's it that's what's going to happen even with parts of her missing he will make it home he speeds his attacks up through pure grit and somehow manages to gain the other hand before beating the false god down onto the ground defeating it after being defeated Gabriel tells it to talk as he just wants to find damn Elixir however Lord tense and smiles and as its body begins to bloom flowers it states that they would be furious with it again and that moment tense and loses its natural shape and morphs into a massive monster made up of those previously blooming flowers after the Lord tense and transformation Gabby Murray calms himself and tries to think of a strategy however the transformed Immortal unleashes uncontrollable bolts of lightning that Blitz the entire area and badly wound Gabby throwing a massive Boulder aside Gabby doesn't hesitate and darts back in trying to land some form of hit on the monster but it's utterly useless as he's blasted back once more finding a heap of rubble he tries to activate an acidic Blaze yet it's once again useless as his body freezes up on him making him realize that he's already reached his limit and has no stamina left at all being unable to move the monster overwhelms Gabby causing him to wonder if this is real or if it would all be one long nightmare waking up randomly in his house his wife lets him know that had been tossing and turning possibly having some kind of bad dream breaking down Gabby tells her that he had had the worst nightmare he's ever had as time passes we see Gabby chilling out on his Veranda while his wife brings him some dream warding tea looking at her he says that even if this is a dream it's wonderful that he was able to talk to her again while they're slowly becoming confused with what he's saying Gabby apologizes as he knows that there is no chance he's ever going to see her again sadly beckony present can be reawakens and he grasp of the monster moments before it seemingly crushes him no no no no no no no no Gabby ain't done though instead what we thought was our boy dying was in effect him starting his last Stitch effort while remembering a specific ninja principle Ironclad ninja lore rule 20 should death be upon you and the moments before your doom inflicts Grievous damage upon the foe that would ring the life from you bursting the Flames once more Gabby knows that when facing death he gets to surrender everything even his subconscious having activated an impo fire monk gabimura eventually bursts through the monsters grip causing him to fall to the ground below not having the strength to even get back up Gabby Mario just thinks of his wife and apologizes for not being able to make it home randomly though May then appears besides Gaby Murray and helps some Escape by creating a crater using a mysterious ability allowing him to safely slide off the cliff and rage the monster attempts to attack the two with its lightning but fails to hit them before they flee reverting back to normal now Tintin just wonders what in the world was the reason for Meg's actions inside of her eye all of these mysterious rulers that each and they own can also be called Lord tensen are gathered for a meeting about the humans that landed on the island too far which is one of the names for these creatures becomes angry with sujen for failing his guard duties and being reduced to a Keyshia Kai State he violently attacks him but is quickly scolded by the leader for causing harm to a fellow family member he brings up that they can only punish those which they serve and because of that he may only harm zhujin putting the failure that is Zoo genocide he asks jufa for any information on the humans they've encountered so far Drew relays on how he dropped both chobe and Toma into one of the perks watching their eyes is far too deep for any human to climb out of massive are foreshadowing I think so but anyway Mudan who's trying to take the role of kind of like a boss here I I guess advises them to not underestimate the humans if it had been just a social that was taken out it wouldn't have been no big deal but since they managed to slay a Munchen things seem different about these humans he brings up a terrifying possibility they'd say they were able to escape the pit Jew threw them into then there would be nothing more fearsome than a wounded Beast plus of every other human on the island wielded the same kind of strength then they might truly face a terrible Beast unbeknownst to these goons that's exactly what's going on here the leader the narsity successfully won the Battle of the head last night what she was certain they suddenly make a toast to longevity and zhujin is fully restored to his normal form so what they mean by keshikai like I didn't mention this earlier thought I was going to but I didn't as the Monstrous platform that they evolve into under great stress which is you know like the one that we just saw before which is also another representation of Yin and Yang if you look at it more like a retrospectively the colors and all kishikai literally means demon corpse undo which has some kind of aspect in the story uh later on which will bring up as well and it is a concept inspired by ji Hong's weakest Immortal hermit form the xinji Shian from what I've seen in like we can obviously get so far this story dives into the more Chinese mythological side of things and especially the stuff from the psych ji Hong fellow anyways anyways meanwhile I'm back with the main group Center apologizes to scary for accidentally letting Gabby Mario leave his sight the previous night Hoku brings up that it's almost impossible for any ordinary human to travel through the most but security believes that if he did indeed sit out he may have actually found a way to navigate the area and if that's the case they need to find him at once use a rehabo disagrees it's not like they've got any time to spare themselves and when it was a Gary was even concerned about Gary marrow hoko interrupts and offers to guide them through the most seeing as how may lift he has to go find her anyway hearing this yuzuriha switches up and is persuaded into finding Gabby once again because of hoko you know you gotta love the tree dude once they leave sagiri notices that with Gabby having runoff it's now beyond the scope of her duties still she can't help but hope he's okay elsewhere Gabby Maro awakens with maybe side item and immediately come to the conclusion that the thing he just fought was no God just a living breathing monster pleased with a realization he stands ready to figure out a way to defeat the beast from the battle so far it's obvious to him that he can't do it alone but with two three four even more comrades it might be possible in that moment he notices another two newcomers appear directly behind him the GS after encountering Tamaya against hits usai and Yamada asymon Fuji Gabi Maru and gentitsu Sai go back and forth protecting each other's actions in their heads before they make a move in the actual battle stepping in between the two though filchi ceases their pointless imaginary battle and instead plans to extract information from gabimaru having honed a special ability since he was a young fellow that allows him to recognize someone's strength at a glance Gabby Mario decides to sit down and request an alliance with the two gintuchusai draws a sword and swings at it Gabby to see if he was trying to trick them but after the previously Hollow Man didn't Flinch at all figured he was telling the truth still he felt disappointed with him for Gabby showed him just how truly weight he was and he tells him that he wasn't looking for cowards who'd bow to an enemy either way Fuji asks to hear him out wanted to know why the infamous Gabby Mario would go this far with some randoms going over everything that has like happened up until this point both Fuji and gentichusai are especially intrigued to hear more about this random Lord tension fellow Fuji who's just blown away with Gabby's explanation asks how it was able to regenerate and was there any signs that it had internal organs not knowing every detail Gabby says that honestly he's not even sure what happened he just needs to earn that pardon and get back to a certain someone just as intrigued himself gentitusai agrees to teaming up and tells him that he had no interest in the pardon but rather to become a legendary figure that will live forever confused because there obviously means the dude still wants the Elixir cantizo reiterates that literal immortality would get boring fast what he wants is to be able to perform beats that shake the Earth then that way the name Tamiya then teachers I will live on for eternity he's a you know he's a true historian and a true warrior you know like that's history for you the only way you get to really live on is people write about you and talk about you in the history box anyway screaming to the sky he tells the gods themselves to believe it one day they'll paint pictures and write tales about a strength Fuji who thinks his criminals absolutely lost his mind also agrees after learning that an undying organism actually exists having come to their agreement Fuji asks scary to Spill the beams on what he knows agreeing he goes to start off with May and explain her yet as soon as he looks at her he's shocked to see that she's grown a few years in age fucci who obviously you know hasn't met Gabby Mario so far or may ask why Gabi Mario was shocked to which he explained that may has aged for some reason then after hearing her speak for the first time getting married quickly rushed in and grabbed her asking if she was the same as tencent and for more information on the Elixir noticing how forward he was being Gabby stepped back and thanked her for everything so far but also a question as to why she couldn't speak up until now at the same time yuzuriha curiously asked hoko what in the world Lord tencent was finally it's explained what's absolutely confused readers that Lord tencent is in fact seven different Immortal beings according to Legend it's possible that it used to be one Immortal Bane but obviously hoko is unsure as so much has changed throughout the uh historical text what's known though is that there is the Supreme Shandi samantabhadra Heavenly daddy ashko enthroned jujun amokavahadra sagacious dashnig ratna Regional decorius gong gong mansuri and defy Dijon Conde obviously apologies for all of my terrible translations or pronunciations on those perks to any of my Indian fellows that can actually uh speak the language obviously you guys are insane I don't know how you do it anyway apparently the great Herman over a thousand years ago reached Enlightenment achieved deification and thus but themselves Sevenfold The Immortal Bane's appearance and voice are shared between them but they all vary in personality and the role they take like cinta mentioned in the island arc on how it was a poor mix-up of religions and cultures these names are exactly the same they combine titles from Chinese cultures and mythology mixed them with unrelated bodice deities and their Concepts funnily enough any Japanese version of like the story itself they use the Japanese pronunciations whereas in my video you know we're like big brain in it by my pronunciation and in the English translation it uses the accepted spellings from each specific religion anyway continuing the tree man also reveals that everyone of the island was once human with abnormally long life spans and comparison to the average man yet even still with their long life spans their prosperity ended after a thousand years and eventually everyone had Abba vacation once someone does begin turning they only have a limited amount of time before their mind goes blank and they travel to harai to sit in these zazin pose and chant strange sutras hearing this information center objects to hoko's previous statement on the island being Shen senkyo and believes that it's more likely based around a man-made religion words like harai issue and zazin and even more tensen's titles all relate to existing different religion spheres consider the physical remains scattered all over the island all of them reflect very real human religions due to all of this he can accept that this island is cut from The Real World as some sort of spiritual realm isolated for over a thousand years he tells use riha to remember Morrow and how he was originally arrested for trying to overthrow the shogunate but founded a new religion altogether just like his weird religion the one they've discovered here is also made up from a distortion of different faiths and his mind hoko's stories have only supported his theory that this island and everything inside of it including them being lowered to the island are all works of a mysterious Creator well there's explanation in mind usuriha believes that it's pretty much impossible to stop someone who's been planning everything behind the scenes for over a thousand years and assumes scary Mario and may are already dead from even trying to approach it however sigiri believes that gabimaru is very much alive and is already formulating a plan of action as no matter what he will see his wife once more shishi naive Haven segeri on that uh Gabby wife hype train now back with Gabby hand quas as to how in the world may save him back there may who can't speak properly tries to tell him that it was Dao weak strong Spirit Fuji brings up that the tandem which was one of the words she said could be related to the flow of chi or chakra but he obviously can't say for sure on the other hand Hoku explains to the girls that Dao is the energy that flows through everything everything that exists comes from the never-ending flow of Dao and if someone is able to tap into that flow then it could allow them to Middle with creation itself elsewhere shiona naruga go through some like training exercises after getting absolutely blitzed by The Blind King the real guy pleads with him to explain his swordsmanship but he refuses her as he just couldn't bear to watch another student fall before his eyes not pleased naroka tells him that she can sense he isn't any ordinary guy there was someone in their Clan who could see with sound but the level Shion is on is almost otherworldly in comparison so the reason big Shield is able to murk people were blind is because just like taste or smell all things in this world persist unique waves and that's exactly what he's able to perceive Eve the technique is so refined that he's even able to tell exactly what the Uruguay's hairstyle looks like yet there isn't any city name for this ability so he just calls them waves so Mastery over Dao allows the user to not only sense things but it boosts their physical abilities to the same level as a god tapping into that power requires an extremely balanced spirit so remember the stuff May was trying to say well the strong weak more or less mean balanced Spirit once someone achieves Mastery over the everflown Cycles between rage and serenity like we saw with sargeri against Roku Rota then they will begin to sense the waves according to Buddhist texts it's called the middle wave the state of being able to draw at a power that exceeds your natural potential asking what the right wave is then Shion gives her an example of how he activates the technique he explains everything from his stance to how he holds the blade and even the feeling that he gets will wielding for blade but he punches shoshin perfectly rolling up behind Shion he displays just exactly what he sees tending into all the specific waves it reveals a dark world made up of white waves so even in and out of the darkness creating the creatures and Landscape around him lashing out Shion easily takes down every single Monster all while explaining to nurugai what goes into the use of his technique they both began taking on the remaining creatures together he tells naruguay that he still refuses to become a teacher but she is free to learn as much as she wants from him elsewhere Gabby Mario is also ambushed by a large amount of social stepping forth in one of those freaking massive swings gentichasai takes out the first wave of creatures with ease he knows that he wants to learn this Dao thing but sitting around in lessons is so damn boring for the Beast he teases Gabby for how beat up he's gotten since making landfall and tells him that they need to learn In the Heat of battle with all of these so-called training dubbies in front of them he asks me to jump down and give them a few examples of Dao though as she does so Gabby Mario notices an unfamiliar presence among the social so I remember that pit choban Toma were thrown into you know a little while back so that there was created by Lord tensen in order to assimilate any humans dropped inside making them one with flowers from that they are able to extract something called tan or more specifically their lecture of life if anyone tries to escape those pits of theirs which is almost impossible due to how just deep it is then the walls themselves will hinder them still it's shown that their pets weren't deep enough for the demon brothers who somehow managed to climb their way out after escaping Thomas suggests to leaving the island but choba angrily declares that he will take revenge on the two that put them there man doesn't even need a strategy as from the first battle he figured out their weakness was the lower halves of their bodies after offering Tomah a piece of Flesh to eat from the pert the two brothers are randomly taken off guard when a monster rolls up and starts chatting as if it's a part of the conversation not meaning to frighten them the random looking thing dressed in the Chinese outfit tells them to not lash out as it possesses some form of intelligence instead of fighting they should just talk so this thing here is actually used for scouting purposes and a bunch of them have been sent out to all of these still alive humans on the island unlike this ocean which are incomplete beings they lack any thought or emotion and aren't even allowed inside of her dry or the Munchen who act as guards for the area they are the Doshi direct Disciples of Lord tencent who possess intelligence and are taught directly by one of the seven the Doshi explains that he was ordered to assure that they were still on the pit becoming tan while his other comrades were outlooking and the other humans on the island he then just casually asks for the two to return to the poet however chobe responds by driving forth and attacking the creature easily dodging a slow Blow by the Doshi chobo lashes out disarmony monster and causing it to jump backwards knowing that this thing is in touch with timson Toby demands that it tell him everything about those freaks but the Doshi refuses calling my foolish idiots banging in some backup a commandsly social to take out the humans so he can return them to the pert not bothered by the freaking social though chobe orders Tomah to fight with this toshim while he handles the Doshi himself as the two continue to scuffle it's revealed that chobo's attacks are causing almost no harm to the Doshi because he doesn't wield down this leaves a perfect opening for the Doshi to fatally wound trobe striking him in their face causing them to full face first onto the ground below seeing his bro fall down turbo becomes horrified screaming at its name hitting up he runs at the Doshi who's taunting him when all of a sudden chobe reopens his eyes the Doshi leans down to drag him back to the perk when simultaneously chubby awakens and spins on the floor facing his opponent before striking a blow directly to his face looking at his brother Toby tells Homer to return to fighting the father loses while he deals with his Fame the Doshi notices that chobo's throat has regenerated from the previous damage and well baffled to Deuces that during his time in the pert he must have been affected by the vines that infused some kind of tan into him looking at him some more the Doshi takes note that it's probably the case since his dowels change shape in such a short period of time realizing how dangerous he could be of chobey hasn't dealt with now he reignites the battle against the newly evolved human instantly he breaks his arms by manipulating the Dow around his body but just as quickly chobe manages to regenerate them and Strike Back the Doshi questions with the chobe feared losing his Humanity after his transformation but the demon brother states that he couldn't care as nothing in this world set in stone fixing his statement he says no there is one thing that never changes that's always current but pointed out that someone like him wouldn't understand where he was coming from he charges forward asking to see more of this new power yet this time he's actually able to visualize what the doshi's invisible attacks look like he then strikes the monster's navel causing damage and showing proof to him that weakness does indeed lie within the stomach so these Doshi fellow are kind of like The Messengers and personal assistants to these tense and fellows the word that they originate from Doshi or dausi in Chinese is a blanket term that refers to Taoist priests monks and Masters back in the battle and as chobes down begins to grow larger and larger the though she becomes frightened trying to call forth his social to save him but sadly for a little Doshi it shown that the other bro had managed to dispose of all of them well in fourth a little Dow he has left the Doshi creates some kind of energy orb but is unable to use it as his hand is crushed by chobay staring into the terrified soul of this pathetic creature trebe states that he now knows how to manipulate his Dow it's simple he brings it in from the the environment around him with nothing left to do chobe activates the exact same ability the Doshi just used perplexing the creature who thought it was utterly impossible now seeing the waves of Dao in a similar way to that of Xi'an chobe Smiles knowing just how weak his enemy is before finally dealing the finishing blow while chobab begins interrogating what's left of this Doshi creature Tomah looks closely at the markings on his brother's neck and notices that they are beginning to spread snapping his head towards his brother Tomah gets frightened by chobe but soon comes out of the days he found himself in walking in to help type the Doshi Toma takes an even closer look at chobe's Nick and notices that his scars look plant-like meanwhile while fighting off the ocean gentitsusai asks May if he was starting to understand Dao but may shakes her head in disagreement stating that he was focusing too much on strength looking over at his Fierce rival who's absolutely destroying the other social he asks if he was starting to understand Dao just like himself though may also states that he was also focusing too much on strength Fuji who's like off to the side examining the remains of the creatures becomes the delighted with his inspection of his social anatomy and relays the information to Gabi Maru he finds it odd that even creatures who share the same outward appearance have completely different anatomical structures from there alone he's able to deduce that each opponent they go up against has its own weak point however that doesn't exactly explain what may is as well in their eyes after remembering how she helped him Escape Gabi marrow comes to the realization that no ordinary human would have been able to pull off the feed that she did when they escaped funnily he intently looks towards her wondering what she is but as May sees him it causes her to break down and begin crying for a fourth time this always gets me but as gabian can't hear so I continue taking out fodder's ocean he asks Tamaya if he was married as well and the big man lets him know that he has wives all over the continent absolutely freaking King but anyway anyway taken by surprise get into the society then blocks A Sneak Attack by Doshi trying to strike back he swings his hook on towards the creature but he was sadly unable to stop it from waving between his attacks and taking May off his shoulder now back a fair distance from the main group The Doshi Greeks May in a polite manner stating that it been searching for her in secret for centuries after she vanished from her eye it caused the Doshi to fall into the spear as they were unable to search for her publicly due to Lord Ryan's orders now that they've finally reunited he begs her to return to harai as they are engraved need of her Aid hmm so I wonder what in the world may could possibly be or the relation that she has to the Immortals in her eye what do the Doshi new do for so desperately and who in the world is this Lord Rian fellow still so many Christians of course like with us being almost a third through this story here I'd love to know your thoughts on it all down below I find some of the things get repeated quite a lot but that's always going to happen when you've got like three or four different groups or needed to learn the exact same information so hopefully I was able to slim down the repeat info here and there and make it more concise though the way Yuki does it where it swaps around between characters as he's explaining parts of the world is really damn good and I can't wait to see what the anime does with it because I think it'll be quite exciting on how they like skip around between characters as they're learning what it actually is it was just hard for me to portray here but either way continuing forward wanting to know what in the world is going on Gabby marrow and us that they Doshi tell them what may is firstly it tells them that it is none of their concern as Mei is not supposed to be near humans yet since they helped with their return it says that she is similar to Lord tensin one nourished by the lives of humans finding out that she isn't human pushes Gabby to the edge because he knows they're getting caught up in something he doesn't understand will only result in death he needs to remember why he took this Mission but after seeing the tears beginning to fall from May's face he rushes to his side and puts himself between her and the Doshi creature he knows that ETI not impulse is usually the last thing he would do yet despite not having any association with her he can't bear to make her cry again furious with this interference the Doshi Partners himself with another similar looking goom and declares they will turn them into tan and retrieve May if that's truly the case after noticing the second doshi's appearance and how it manipulates he bugs around them and tetsusai realizes that he's the mofo that made him lose his hand he's the butterfly boss watching the two Doshi summon a swarm of their respective insects Gabby quickly comes to the conclusion that they're able to manipulate the insane takes around him before he could strategize any further gently steps in and cuts down the butterflies and states that he seeks revenge on the butterfly Doshi for causing him to lose his left hand he lunges in for another attack angered by the fact that he had to refine his sword style but is hit by an invisible attack but they seem to pay Doshi their grazes the side of his face initiating a close hand battle the two Doshi charged fourth pushing our boys back into a defensive fight bug sweep in and out of the battlefield in combination with hidoshi blocking their vision and causing them to accidentally end up hitting each other while the boys bickering between each other now the second Doshi watches they do controlling this centipedes asks to as why they wanted to protect May despite not having any connections with her Gabi marrow knows that if it was the old him he would have just left her as soon as possible but now he wonders as to why he's begun changing ever since he landed on the island accepting this as they knew him he replies to the creature that he was just repaying he did he didn't flipped the conversation back on the Doshi curious as to why he was so fixated on a girl that doesn't want to even leave with him they seem to be Doshi explains that his kind and train themselves in the way of Doubt just like the Lord tension does for them may is a key component to their training and the ways of Dao there are five acidic methods to training one's body in Dao which makes me wonder if Gabby's acidic form is also one of these five methods or something but going paisoku shuitsu and shoutin are the first four and you can train him all by yourself however the most important of them all is hot steamy botchi Jutsu which as you can probably pick up on demandsi Partner of opposite gender this is due to how I brought up earlier in the video for the cycle of Yin and Yang to complete a demand's intimate Congress what's actually really cool is that these five meditation methods come from real life Chinese history through both Taoist and XI Jong practices all things inside of this world possess Chi either of Yen or Yang Affinity even those that do not live the higher levels of a specific Affinity will result in an even greater level of Dao when someone performs spots Jutsu doing or Dolan I don't know how to say it properly someone tell me down in the comment section below I'm probably completely wrong taisoku and similar things will repair someone's mind and body but a method to join both is through bochujutsu those who are able to hone their Dell through this method unlock the ability to reshape the fabric of reality Lord tensin has apparently achieved this level of power and is now an ascended band and watched the entire Yen and yang cycle flows unbroken thus it has been this way for the past 1 000 years as Lord tencent manifests the ultimate Dao the reason that they need May is because the Doshi are made up of Yang energy and in order for them to complete their training they require maze assistance since she possesses Yin Energy may and their eyes is a failure as one of the tencent as instead of possessing both yin and yang May was only able to produce Yen aligned Chi therefore Lord Rian banished her from the palace and offered her two different options either she could pass away or obviously like she chose reforge herself from the start as their training partner which is utterly disgusting when you think about it I'm purposefully like not going into depth on certain aspects of things or showing half the panels here otherwise this video will be taken down and I want it to stay up obviously and I want it to be like fit for younger audiences so that they can understand the story in a uh and a friendlier way not in a such a dramatic way that Yuki puts it in sometimes so you know if you guys want to get it and and Yuki's way obviously go out there and read the uh the actual manga but obviously like I'm dumbing down things here because like the reality of a situation is just sad I can fully understand why Mei wanted to break down after being threatened with going back that's all I'm gonna actually say on that and end that there hearing all of this though both Gabby Mario and getting tips with site like myself become disgusted with this information and good to my tells him that he'll take on this centipede creep but looking at his boy he's Blown Away to see just how enraged he also is stepping in and asking if she's marked he tells him to stop at the rude explanation of May and treat her like a proper normal person not an object not bothered with the threats of a human though the Doshi transforms into its shikai form and declares that they will take them out on this spot Gente suicide and makes the first attack jumping up and swinging at the butterfly Doshi who retaliates by sitting in a swarm after him he notices that they're easier to attack when bunched up but gets caught off guard by the powder coming off the butterflies slowly becoming dizzy he asks figure bimaru's assistance but gets told to deal with it by himself as he's just as busy with fighting the other Doshi shooting at an attack itself the Doshi uses a similar blast her Lord tense and to push give him Maru back yelling to his teammate gained his side lets him know that the butterflies are dangerous hearing him kebimaru uses nimpo pyro bridge to expel a torrent of fire that seemingly Burns all of the butterflies and soaks the Doshi in a cloak of flames looking at his enemy Gabby realizes that he wants stand a chance unless he finds a way to sense Dao yo so uh remember Fuji who's just been chilling here this whole time with May in the middle of this well after interpreting her words from earlier Fuji yells out to gamimaru that he's focusing too much on strength to perceive Dao your heart must accept both strength and weakness and unless he accepts his weaknesses he won't learn it may also help fuchsi sense his own GAO by touching his hand and giving a demonstration on how she uses it Gabby Murray tries doing the same with her but once she activates her Dao he can only slightly feel something however that's it he can't see it yet after hearing May state in her own weird way that weakness gives birth to strength Gabby Mario is reminded of sagari's words and how his love for his wife that he thought was a weakness is actually a strength finally understanding what the strong weakers that may keeps going on about Gabby Mario watches as some form of glowing energy appears around his hand stepping forth towards the heat of battle the previously hollow man tells future that he thinks he gets the gist of it now watching him walk ahead of them may notices just how large Gabby maru's Dow truly is having felt the sensation before Gabby Mario was able to see the invisible attacks from the Doshi and Dodges them with ease Blown Away with just how quickly he caught on again teaches her states that it's probably true to the specific training he went through as a member of the iwakore apparently the people there even have other worldly moves and in human forms that they can take on at a moment's notice it's likely that it's not exactly Dao but possible the techniques are based on similar principles however May shakes her head in disagreement as he continues to fight the centipede Doshi Gabi Murrow begins to understand how Dao works and begins perceiving everything around him not just the stronger Aura but also the weak and dying ones he also manages to understand why he perceives sigiri as such a terrifying Force even with all of her doubt she still pushes forth making her a stronger person well this centipede Doshi through any fat right hook towards Gabby marrow our boy just puts his hand out and simply blocks the strike being able to distinguish every insector part that makes up the monster's form he then reverses the polarity of the monster's doubt exploding the arm of its sheikhai form now with the upper hand Gabby dots up and screams now the pathetic Doshi no longer stands a chance spinning a mid ear Debbie Lane's a fat Kick that pushes the creature completely out of its Chico form feeling gassed up now Gabby tells the centipedoshi that he's finally ready to throw some hands with him Master laying there on the ground now after being defeated hidoshi Compares gabimaru's abilities to their of Lord tensions Blown Away with just how accurate he was with his strikes annoyed getting married to Mars that they don't she tell him who he was working with and where he can find this Lord tension see no other option the Doshi explains to itself along with two other Doshi were ordered by Lord tensin to observe the humans that arrived on the island they were to discover how this new group deferred to those that had made landfall in the past mainly though it was to assist if leaving the humans alone would suffice or if they could present a threat wanting to make the final blow himself again teach decide swoops and to steal the day with Gaby Murray turning around to look at him the two Doshi used their ability to attack our boy while his guard was down Gabby though having achieved Bliss precedes the attack and quickly manages to jump off against each side towards the butterfly Doshi falling down upon him now Gabby uses his ninpo Stone storm to Pivot his opponent while simultaneously to my again teachers are kills the centipede Doshi with Dao still a mystery to him Gabby Maro figures that if he experiments more with her he can find a way to damage his enemies since they can't question the like obviously Mercado now that she considers asking May for more information but ganti suicide thinks it would be best for her to return home having saved his life twice Gabby Mario wanted to repay his gift to May by going along with whatever she wanted to do knowing of the notes that taguero had read it on Gabby before the machine had begun but she notices that his behavior is different from what she had interpreted and wonders if this new soft side of him will help him on his mission suddenly though Gabby Mario begins bleeding from the nose before collapsing to the ground confusing everyone around him this is for the fact that Dao is life force itself to employ it in battle is to eat away at one's life force using too much will cause the backlash to not only affect someone's body but even their soul this is for the simple fact that their body and soul are one and the same they're a manifestation of Dao meanwhile in harai one of the seven essential in riyan the new training area which features an indoor pool after presenting the final part of the room which was like the baltujutsu chamber you know like the old sneaky room and other tints and criticizes how ridiculous the idea was but Rihanna Jake's saying that by copulating with others it can bring out new powers too far then comes out of the chamber absolutely covered in some stuff after having gone an absolutely insane session with another tencent and is offered tan to recover after grabbing a fresh glass of the immortality liquid jufa asks Rhian about mudan's whereabouts to which it's revealed the esekiri enters the gate to harai Mudan had gone to confront theme upon entering the Gateway zagiri usuryha Center and Hoku don't initially see Mudan as instead they're Blown Away by just how weird their surroundings are bringing them all back to reality though Mudan waves his hand causing hoko's head to fall clean off finally so like with a bunch of these names actually revealed here I can tell you how dope Yuki actually is so each of these tencent's true names refers to Chinese names for flowers riyan is lotus Mudan is peony zujin which is the other guy's name I didn't mention I'm pretty sure is hibiscus and jufa is chrysantheum which itself fits into like the whole theme of fake Beauty like I'm not entirely Caden with the flower meanings themselves but from what I read online their meanings almost perfectly reflect how each specific tension tries to act with the outgoing appearance and all that kind of stuff so elsewhere and back on the mainland in any Satsuma domain and after learning of his return from the island the shogun's officials ask Yamada Simon zika about the events that had occurred chica explains that before they even arrived on the island choba killed his assigned criminal so with a heavy heart he had chosen to return back from the mission even still the current had forced him to the islands eventually though the man did make it home after cutting this story short about how he even managed to escape an official begged him to explain in detail about what exactly happened during his Escape but jika refuses saying that explaining it would only be Troublesome and he no longer wanted to be involved with that hellish Place Another Yamada a Simon then interrupts and Bows while apologizing for jika's Behavior knowing that the Yamada knelt before them as an any ordinary man the representative overlooks his offense and reads a message from the Shogun ordering more assignment to travel to the island after the meeting Jacob complains to like the star war was Anakin wannabe over here how the essemen were being treated as pawns but a young bloke Shogun ripped reminds him for his behavior towards the officials hearing cheek is half-laxed reply about shugen's presence being a help to him in the meeting Shogun becomes Furious and tells him to change his attitude as it is unbefitting for a samurai chica apologizes and then like obviously instead of pushing the issue further inquires as to what reinforcements that bring along on this journey to the island sugar informs him that instead of criminals the Shogun plans to hire ninja from iwag akure during the time chica was returning from the islands another screening was held to gauge the average strength of criminals once the battle commenced every single one of the criminals was annihilated by iwaka Croatian Obi the reason for their involvement in the return to the island is because and obviously the chief wants to make certain of someone's demise shugen explains they all make for the islands in a few days and bring a swift end to the mission having walked outside now a random dude then comes up to jika asking what they should do what the random giant monster here that he had brought back from the island Jake is like actually goated man's so cooked that he completely forgot to even bring up the evidence he managed to grab off fleeing the island either way he states to them that it never really felt like the right time to reveal the literal monsters he'd fished out of the ocean walking up sugar then takes a closer inspection curious as to what in the world it is but he worker warned him that it might be alive however the anakin-looking wannabe State the creature was indeed deceased as he couldn't sense any waves of Life Force coming from it honestly you know I keep bringing up the whole Anakin thing but like when I first read through it at this exact point and without even knowing his backstory yeah I feel like this dude had just murked a whole village or something it just has that weird demeanor about him you know what I mean like he's just got something going he's just he's just a little bit odd nearby and after having met with two shadowy figures it's confirmed that they ranked to shugen and rank 3G kit will be joining them on a journey to the island that's based purely on someone's ability skipping back to like the moments before our main crew entered her eye so after traveling for a day sagiri used a reha center and Hoku finally managed to reach the gates of Ryan just like before they've taken the odd surroundings when all of a sudden a random figure in front of them cuts off hoco's head from a distance Mudan crawly jokes that he's impressed with him as they're the first humans and over a millennium who have made it inside of Rye usury has senses everything in front of them definitely wasn't human and attempts to flee but it's caught in an instant by him siguri draws her sword and demands he'll use a rihad go when from the ground below hoko states that he is Lord tension the peony Spirit enthroned fuku jukon obviously we know him as modan one of these seven gender Benders and as he looks at the tree quickly figures that hoko was still alive however due to his size being reduced to only his head now he tells the others that his arbification process will only speed up from that point onwards Hoku accepts his fate since he obviously believes that his soul will rest and her eye yeah and probably the biggest gut punch for the Bonsai King mudon Smiles stating that the religious beliefs of his were all lies in order to maintain the peace and structure on the islands in truth every living thing on the island was the result of experimentations and the humans that venture to the Islands were merely research materials leading into let that entire theory of just research materials on humans coming up behind him he presents the kiyoshi as examples of his experiments by the way these Kyoshi are like Yuki kaku's messed up take on the historical zhangji or Chinese hopping zombie or vampire so they're just you know like an interesting parallel that Yuki is going to chucked into the story again anyways while the others disgusted with what he's done moodhan stakes and he just loves tinkering around but this isn't even half of what he could do and that the higher quality humans usually become tan hearing him bring up this random tan thing scented questions if he was actually talking about the elixir of Life quickly realizing what Center was referring to mudon tells him that it does exist yet The Elixir doesn't actually benefit humans as it will only turn them into trees so if they are actually here for that then there isn't any chance they'll find what they're looking for after hearing this piece of information sigiri worries over Gabby Maro as now it doesn't even seem like there's a way to complete the mission breaking a train of thought though mudon just asked that they surrender as their mission has ended here catching him by surprise slow user rehash substitutes herself for an oblified tree appearing directly behind him she throws a bunch of kunai into the back of mudon then as she begins to fall pulls out a swordball chanting and slices The Immortal beam just as quickly darting away from the monster she grabs Security's shoulder turning the direction she was facing and telling her that they need to escape while they have the chance with the others trying to Gap at a regenerating mood on comments that she's extremely impressive but got one thing wrong the kiyoshi are not servants but toys a game with a flick of the wrist mood on commands to kiyoshi to jump at yusu riha and detonate upon coming into close contact getting caught between the two of them use the riha only barely manages to avoid the explosion rising to her knees muda knows that though she's hidden it extremely well she can already perceive Dao wanting to back up his girl sent his steps forth telemund their effortless concerns her life and death then he'll have to go through him becoming intrigued The Immortal comments that if user reacts the episode for it then he'll teach you how to properly wheel down if not then she'll make quality tan either way having watched cinta step out in front of her prepared to put his life on the line to Gary wonders if he had any attachments to use with her not interested in anyone but the Shinobi mood and rushes towards sagiri telling her to move aside before launching her across the area using a distant strike turning his attention to use ariha mooden asked if she observed How We Gather down together before going any further though Center who's like way quicker than I have expected cuts off both of mudon's hands saying that he will have to get past him first jumping in from behind usury hotels the number five to back off before using an impost slime strength to trap the creature wondering what could possibly work on him she uses nympho nectar poison to melt away the immortal shell then follows up and annihilates the rest of him with an impo Grim garot from five in himself is a bunch of thorns he taunts you to reho calling her application of Doubt nothing more than a child's flailing around thinking that if they keep him blinded they might stand a chance Santa cuts the top part of mudan's head but it's utterly useless as he taunts them while blind he also ceases the Regeneration of his eyes and Dodges every single one of their attacks Gacy and next to use a riha he grabs her leg and swings you towards Center knocking him both to the ground the reason that Mudan is able to comfortably fight back even while blind is obviously because Dao is felt not seen with someone's eyes as he cloaks himself in it and allows him to feel up the movements of his opponent and tells him that they are utterly no match for him standing there fully t-posed out of his mind the immortal God re-welcomes them to her eye causing Santa to fall into despair upon not knowing what to do against such a monster nearby siguri tries to recover from mudan's earlier attack stating that it was like it affected a very Soul she pleads with hoko to think back over all of the texts he owns for anything that relates to a possible weakness hoko though who was obviously going through it realizing that everything he's even known was a lie says that he just he can't be stopped since he has the powers of a God and he's already accepted his passing unable to just give up though siguri encourages him to try and remember anything and remind him of the fact that they don't survive here then he'll never see me again cutting in muda notes that usual rehearse substitution technique and other uses of Dao appear to have the same attribute as him though this lifter confused as to like what he was even talking about not noticing sargeri behind him obviously he considers taking out Center but quickly catches on and avoids the sneak attack having figured out that he was using someone's intent to figure out their next movements sakuri throws his sword forth wondering what an item without intent would do Mudan I swear this like this man just closed his eyes or something but this dude just watches Esther Gary's blade flies straight into his Tandon with Hoku screaming at her to finish the job security catches up to her blade and Cleaves down pulling the blade through the monster's Tandon the reason that the attendant is such a vital spot to attack throughout this series is because Dao is born there then from there it Cycles around somebody's body before returning back to that point so on the case with sargeri even if someone like tense and takes damage in the Tandon it should theoretically destroy them Over time however Mooda reveals himself to be perfectly fine explaining that attacks without doubt do not harm him having already come to that conclusion herself so Gary thanks him as all she needed was to get in close and confirm exactly how it was activated taking a breath sigiri releases a massive boost of Dao completely confusing the immortal nerd shocked by this phenomenon mudon leans back just enough to avoid the lethal swing try to think about what in the world just happened Odin quickly comes to the conclusion that sagiri can also control Dao and gleefully Smiles two of the stuff that's happened so far throughout the series like her experience with being near Gabby Morrow and fighting Roku Rota siguri knows that she's already able to perceive Dao or she has to do now is and put a certain amount of energy while controlling her breathing patterns after learning that sagiri's Dao can indeed harm him mood un screams in Delight wondering if she'll become another piece of beautiful art or manage to kill him first placing his hands together and using hojutsu Earth year night Pilgrim he instantly vanishes and appears before an unaware sagiri attempting to attack her seen through his trick usury are restrains mudon using his strings and calls out to sagiri saying that he's using a similar ability to her substitution technique seizing the opportunity sigiri tries to take out mudon but the immortal uses the sing Jutsu technique to release a burst of Doubt from his mouth that afflict the attack allowing him to kick her back then with both girls somewhat occupied commands the kiyoshi to attack usuryha come in and clutch though scene to quickly Cuts them down before taking a distant down strike directly to the chest thinking that the battle is going smoothly for him Mudan taunts the group letting them know that it's easy to read their movements yet and that typical think before you speak manga way of doing things dude has his leg forcefully detached by user rehard using a nympho whip slash closing in the group absolutely ravages The Immortal while he simultaneously taunts them for just how well they're doing quickly Escaping The Mist before security strikes mudon levitates up into the sky above them using hojutsu earthyang Sky Pilgrim speaking as if this dude's a God or something it says to those ignorant of the way of Dao would consider his techniques to be divine having some enlarged water droplets he then activates sinjutsu tin splitter sending all of them rocketing towards the ground below cracking the very floor that they're standing on with blood beginning to fall from her nose scary notes just as much of a stamina as being robbed by the style remembering mudon's previous statement about different types of Dao user informed her that her down might be the specific type that counters his needing to force an opening for zagiri to strike him down she steps forth and uses that sticky string ability of hers to bring the immortal closer after withstanding a point-blank showering for mudan's tin splitter she ropes the creature towards the floor while screaming out for sakiri to finish the job reappearing himself the beaten Ambrose Center seizes his chance to pin him down allowing to carry a few more moments to prepare her attack boasting in siguri slices straight through the Tandon of Mudan while implementing her specific affinity for Dao finishing off the supposedly Immortal creature absolutely naked from the battle they just endured both yusu riha and sigiri quietly Rejoice after finally ending their fight with mudon scary comes to hoku's Aid and Recaps what she knows about Dao the amount of Dao depends on a specific individual and it can be boosted or listened by manipulating one spiritual intensity there are different types of attributes Each of which can give someone an advantage over the other however the most important thing that the group confirmed even if it disappointed them was that the elixir of Life didn't even exist not only form that they suspected at least due to that realization usury has stayed so they would have to come up with another plan but it's no use thinking on something that they can't do anything about looking over though she sees the massive golden head statues and considers the idea of replacing the elixir with a massive amount of gold putting that aside for now though the group just decide to sit down and rest so Yuri sits down with Santa and hears him give you Zaria a compliment making her question if he had any feelings for her Center denies this and says that it's actually he's more envious of user rehearse innate Freedom during his childhood he really wanted to become an artist but for Generations the boys inside of his family had been sent to train under the Yamada Clan he couldn't deny or change his future because it was tradition though and Truth he hated it all the idea of killing most of all struck a note within him that led him to Sikh religion and eventually become a scholar and the end Center chose to abandon his dream and carry out his duties as an executioner he recalls how moments after taking out Morrow yuzuria managed to see right through him and how he admires the way she seems so free feeling similar about Gabby Morrow and how he's changed over this Mission security brings up the possibility that in the future all of them could work together on the island nearby user rihan notices that mudan's body is continuing to turn into flowers at a progressively alarming rate instantly a stinger launches towards usuryha taking her by surprise seemed to though like the weeb king he is quickly comes in shoving her out of the way but sadly receiving a direct hit by the plant falling into a hallucination it shows seem to thinking about you's reha while showing the beautiful artwork he made of her deeply sinful was the way of his work yet she was the Gale to completely change the perception he had about everything back in the prison the effects of mudan's last ditch attack caused flowers to instantly begin sprouting from the head of Center confirming his demise recent Pace books answer absolute wee religion above him though sargeria and usury are turn up to watching horror as mudon starts to transform into a monster before completing his transformation as a visual representation of Ian and yang At Last At The flabbergasted humans knowing that now are completely unable to do anything against another attack ready in itself achieves a plethora of similar Stingers towards the girl however saving the day the Blind King Yamada of Simon Shion arrives on time and beautifully Cuts The Stingers quickly acting hidden orders and rugby to remove the growing flowers from Santa's body and tell siguri that he will stand in for the fight against this creature after naruga helps remove Santa's blooming flowers scary asks hoko if there was a way to save him unfortunately hoko states that it was beyond his control either way she helped Center by giving her medicine to slow down the bleeding sargeria locks towards Shion and asks about his current condition but naruga informs her that Shion is more than capable enough to fight the monster and that they came with the purpose of finding a certain someone using the knowledge he acquired from the experimentations on the Sochi she opens off a bunch of these Stingers before sprinting at the creature and using fiend's flurry along with Autumn Reigns to injure it not bothered mudan's Chico form just annihilates the area by creating more tin Splitters to rain down from above throwing his sword for through the smoke as a distraction then appears himself and kicks the monster across the courtyard however random flowers start sprouting up all over Sheeran due to the scratches he was given by the monster Stingers without even considering the damage that he would take he removed him by slicing away the stem of every flower on his body despite the setback Sheen refuses to give up stating that he has no Death Wish yet if death lies in the coming road then he'll accept it without hesitation siguri tries to help Aiden but the real guy stops her stating that she can even barely walk herself let alone fights regardless siguri explains that she can allow Shion to sacrifice himself for the lives of others however if she does intervene then by working together they could actually win hearing this nuruga is persuaded to fight alongside but use the rihar complains that she just can't as she's too low on energy walking over to them nuruga randomly hugs both usuriha and sagiri explaining it as this weird way to restore stamina that she's been doing from a very young age and now after learning of Dao tried to implement it differently able to move now because of it sagario naruga really themselves to step into the battlefield before doing so though the jewer coat themselves and bandages from user riha's protective fluid as a way to prevent infection from the monster Stingers then they both step in a fight alongside Shion getting new blind King's attention she informs him that she knows the monster's weak point so the plan to take him down will be distracting the monster while he gets him behind and takes out his Tandon rushing at them linen attempts to take out naruga first who somehow manages to weave in and out of all of The Stingers not seen his hand though mudon almost manages to slam down on a real guy however security manages to come in clutch slashing at the hand and defending herself from a secondary Stinger attack rushing to get behind the monster himself she on uses his Harvest shell technique to create an opening but it's just no use as the monster quickly retaliates using a blast of Doubt towards the samurai refusing to be pushed back she on charges forth jumps into the sky and Strikes down on the creature yes this was all actually a rose as he uses this moment to land on the ground and strafe under the monster's leg as it was still coming down appearing behind its back now Shion unleashes a flurry of slices that seemingly cut through its branch-like legs dropping it to the floor below now it's somewhat of a similar High the monster tries to defend itself but she enforces himself through the attacks while sargeria restrains one of its hands with his sword allowing Shion to get behind the Monster again thinking about everything that has happened since he made landfill she on becomes enraged the fact that all he could do was flee while his disciple was dying is unforgivable for his own unforgivable crimes of weakness he curses the gods stating that until this foe's life ends Yamada Simon Shion shunt no exoneration this next technique of his took years to craft thousands of lives made this hidden technique so lethal for xion manipulating these ways of Doubt as akin to manipulate in his own life force and spirit swinging his blade down now he threatens these false gods telling them that it's time they learned about the fleeting nature of a normal life it's Beauty and Terror she on swings this blade down towards the monster's Tandon but holds himself after not sensing any strong waves making himself wonder if those were even its weak points which is massive after the like the just the whole speech he went through before that knowing that he doesn't have time to overthink the central situation Center the goat arises From the Ashes for a moment to scream out that the monster's weakness is its ovule since its body is plant-based guiding him to exactly where the ovule is located on the creature she on Dives forth dodgingly regenerated stingers and slashing at the weak spot causing multiple mood on heads to begin sprouting out one of the hits becomes captivated by xi'an's unwavering ability to face death stating that it truly achieved Bliss Yin and Yang in Perfect Harmony slashing at the open weak spot now xion finally manages to take down mudon sending the massive creature he formed crashing onto the ground below with it beginning to dissipate now the surrounding area becomes covered in beautiful looking flowers after finally ending the battle scary rushes over to Center who's still like somehow alive at this point but really succumbing to his wounds scary bigs use rihad to apply more of her medicine to him however she refuses as it just wouldn't make sense to use the Romanian amount she has left on Center when he's guaranteed to die instead she's more of a realist and understands It Center knows he's at the end of his road so it only makes sense to give the rest to xiong use a riha comfort center as she tells him to let go of his duties as an executioner and think about something that he truly desires as his last memories crouching down the side Center and his final moments she tells him to think about something else instead of his honor bound staff think about something that he holds dear like a family pit or a lover he won't ever see again and if it helps she'll hold him close in these dark times slowly passing away now Santa just thinks about the few small Joys he had in life and now the beautiful user riha next to him as he dies with a smile on his face and a moment of silence the group buries his body and decides to rest before continuing on the journey scary thanks to zariha and the ruga for their help but states that from now on she will not suffer the death of another Ally all of them will survive and escape this island no matter what elsewhere and after waking up from his unconscious State gabimaru instinctively jumps from where he was to see against your side fuchi and Mei or just chilling out staring at him Fuji informs him that they're situated in a cave halfway up the valley and are just stopping for the night Kevin Murray thinks to himself that he can't seem to remember all of the details to how he fell unconscious with them awake now though she begins going over what they know so far about Dao meanwhile siguri's group into harai and settle inside one of the buildings to also go over what they know so far yusu riha and urugai happily use the opportunity to change into some like Chinese looking clothing while she on tries to discuss what they know about Dao he explains that an infused doubt wisely or there will be grave consequences for their body mine and in the worst cases even death remembering what Hoka had told him Shion brings up the idea that multiple types of waves or Dow actually exist in his eyes there would have to be wood fire earth metal and water these five attributes are locked into a weave of constant influence some types would help to heal or restore someone's dowel whereas others would do the opposite and hinder someone's to a greater extent she unbelieves that if they can exploit these attributes or types then maybe even the Immortals might be failed the rule guy then reminds him that they need to also focus on acquiring the elixir of Life watch from what we know doesn't exactly exist in fruit-like form usury has states that from like what Mudan had said about the electro during the early stages of their fight it's not actually what they're looking for however according to Kevin marrow his village Chief is Immortal because of an Elixir which proves that something must exist binakunuichi though yusu rihad just knows how these Villages work behind the scenes and explains the possibilities of the chief using an illusion no one is genjutsu to try and fool his people into thinking that he was an immortal in order for them to bend towards Authority meanwhile Fuji interprets Mae's words and explains to them that the proper use of certain attributes will help them defeat the enemy while listening gabbymara wonders if he has some kind of Amnesia or mind blank as he's still unable to recall anything from the past with this in mind and at the same time yusu riha explains her theory that Gabby maro's wife might also be an illusion set up by the clan in order for Gabby Mario to have a purpose in surviving his missions siguri stands there shocked unable to reply while over there in the cave give him our confirms that he can't remember anything once more he knows that he is Gaby Mario the hollow the strongest Shinobi in iwakahure but because his memory is fragmented decides to currently go along with what's happening until he can determine whether the people around him are allies or hide in their true nature having finished discussing what they know about Dao though she decides that they should get some rest for now and move off tomorrow later on as the others sleep May walks outside to check up on Gabby who tells her he's okay but may becomes shocked after seeing that half of his doubt is completely gone at the same time inside of her eye scary sets outside until she's also joined by Shion the two jerk around for a moment but Sakira can't help to think about all of her Fallen it what could have possibly happened to Gabi Maru after hearing her concern Shion asked if security had feelings for Gabby Morrow however she stops him Midway and denies his allegations nevertheless she explains that she feels sorry for Gabby Morrow he was born into a murderous Village and his past still haunts him plus what's even worse is the fact that if you use a riha is correct about his wife not even existing then his motivation for surviving this mission was a complete fast siguri apologizes to xion for spewing out all of her thoughts onto him however xion explains that he understands what she was talking about and says that he can overlook this matter causing security to laugh at his pun you know like obviously because our men's blind and everything the next day though Gabby Morris group then leave the cave and travel up the rest of the valley before encountering the brothers chobe and Toma hearing Fuji say they're more humans might mean more friends chubby smiles and spin kicks Gabby Maru back on demon time Gabby vanishes from in front of chobe lands on his shoulders and simulate takes him out in one swift move however May screams out warning him that chobi's Dao is massive randomly grabbing a hold of him probably stands back up and rips Gabby into the ground telling them that he isn't interested in becoming allies elsewhere and after having left the mainland now Lord Aoki finds it foolish that the Shogun is planned to send off around 50 iwakari ninja believing that their leader has motives of his own sugar tries to calm the Lord down assuming that his concern is what the multiple Ninja on board randomly though a good questions of him and the other three esomen were capable of controlling these ninjas since two of them seemed to be unranked yo so uh rolling up to the island along with Rank 4 Chica and the EG eyes and standing as the little man kiromaru and the Beautiful but still unmatched Isuzu the little man himself Keo he isn't ranked because the man is still young to actually take part in this system and Isuzu isn't as well because she takes the role as a combat instructor employed personally by the Shogun shugen states that they don't just approach this Mission as mere observers no the whole purpose for the expedition to the island is to back up and support the Vanguard hiramaru who's just like obviously listening to all of this becomes annoyed with Aoki as he thinks it's pathetic some random old fart can judge him because they're unranked when a little reality he could probably take him out before the dude even knows what happened to him Isuzu tries to stop him but kyoma reflexes the fact that he could literally take down everyone on the ship alone and cuts the mask of the Ninja that appears next to him furious with kiramari's rude Behavior Isuzu draws who played placing it near his neck and demanded that his sheaths his sword were the two exchanging cochlears at each other another random iwaku crying ninja tells them that they mustn't worry about them at all noticing him she awkwardly apologizes to the male ninja but he continues to assure her that he didn't mind and if they still had doubts than to pick any one of them then that's his chosen one will be thrown overboard to show their loyalty intrigued he oh hilariously tests his loyalty by choosing a ninja who spoke up as the one to take himself out crazily enough it's shown that they dude was the leader of the airwanger curry Squad and before following through with what he promised passed on the leadership to the ninja next to him following through with the order now he takes himself out proving the Loyalty their squad commands crazily enough like I didn't actually say it while he was passing away there but he might as a children's before passing away which is called the toyansi it's a tune that accompanies a childhood game similar to like London bridges falling down when you're in the pool and you go into the water type thing and funnily enough it's still often used on the modern day crosswalks as they choose to let people know when it is and when it isn't safe to cross When the Music Stops obviously the game is over and it was representative of like the tune the dude sung I thought it was quite a poetic Yuki right there anyway continuing on having gained leadership the other ninja speaks up saying that the only desire to exist is tools and pleads for their trust at that moment one of the other evil ninjas walks over to his former boss and remembers the orders given to them by the chief infiltrate this Mission and kill Gabi Maru ensure that he has purged from this world even if you have to sacrifice yourselves for the cause over on the other side of the bow kiramaru discusses the validity of like what's just going on with Shogun calling them all just random weirdos shugen agrees explaining that it doesn't matter as he's never like trusted them to begin with all he's ever seen them is is criminals they themselves alone are enough to find the solicitor of life becoming enraged with the thought of losing even more loved ones shugan state has resolved to have every Criminal on the island executed so as clan members can return home Kiera throws out the possibility of already all of them being failed yet after receiving a vicious glare Sprints off I always laugh at this as well but sugar hopes that Eisen has big man the rank number one and that everyone else is still safe on the island meanwhile chica questions Aoki of bringing in all of these Shady dudes was going to make the mission more difficult again it's reiterated that it's the shogun's plans to make a swift resolution and he thinks Eddie Vanguard will be overjoyed by the upcoming arrival however chicken knows the reality of the situation this ship isn't the bringer of Hope no only chaos and death the personification of a vessel equipped with people to drive them to hell even faster the stuff of nightmares with this in mind [ __ ] tries one last time to get him to have the ship to return home however it's obviously to like no use honestly I really really like jika his characters too cool and he's really really mysterious kind of reminds me the old OG San at this point in the series or similar characters either way like there are just so many amazing lines in the story that are almost artistic with the way that they spark some sort of vivid image in your head both xiaomi was like trying to fail mood on and both here with jika are prime examples I think it plays into the whole time period that Japan is in throughout the series that's one we're like art and language flourished and I think it's perfectly adapted into the story in its own kind of like subtle way with like sin to passing away for example and how like you got to see his own artistic representation of what user rehab would have looked like just really cool I don't know moving forward floating there as he rebounds back off the ground Gabby Morrow knows that Jobe just healed a fatal wound and figures that he's most likely also one of those Immortals Gabby shoots a kick towards chobe but it's comfortably blocked having a hold of his League now the criminal then fling scare me over and smashes them into the ground below as if he had some sort of like superhuman strength Debbie Mara who's still tripping at this point focuses his mind on trying to take out chobe his scream so he's going to tear him to Paces before pulling up his mask and activating nympho blooming needle shooting at him Rock straight towards his opponent Trevor manages to dodge but Gabi Mario uses the previous attack as a distraction to quickly get above his Target a mortal or not can be flawlessly assumed that if he targets the brang and other senses then it should allow him to get the other hand however as we've learned so far when someone can manipulate Dao that that just won't work instead chubby kicks Gabby in the head knowing exactly where he was just off presence alone Gabby Marathon bites at him as a last-ditch effort which completely throws Trevi off jumping back he wonders as to why he's acting so uncivilized while at the same time Gabby still on the animal Vibe tries to bite his opponent in vital areas managing to get on his shoulders Gabby tries to bite down once more but is unable to do any damage as Chubby's wounds are instantly healed standing opposite each other now chubby steps it up a notch and Stomps the ground causing the area to break apart leaving Gabby open to a free hit as he struggles with his footing Toby Collins the Gabi Morrow is weak and uses his doubt to strike him standing nearby and having watched the entire battle so far get into your side wonders why Gabi Maru is fighting poorly in comparison to his last battle and asks May if she has any idea being able to see Dao clearly May knows that Gabby's energy is lacking his form and he lost something extremely important to him but due to her inability to communicate properly the others can't follow what she's saying beginning to take a fair amount of damage now Tropicals out to Tomah to attack the others listening to his Broski Homer flies forth and goes after genticho Sai assuming that because he had lost his hand he's easy taking to my against exercise the dragon utterly perplexed by this person's choice to attack him first catches his sword and hit butts Tomah while stealing his blade in the process insulted with the thought that a kid could take him out he throws the former Simon's blade down telling them to get ready for the real battle in coma's mind he only sees himself as an extension of his older brother and his brother decides the order of things screaming at the Doshi Tomo then gets it to join the battle commanding it to attack these smaller ones but fucci who stole with May steps in to guard her back in the other bake down and seeing as how he was being overpowered gabimaru ignites his body and solely focuses on destroying chobe he knows that when on the verge of death a Shinobi can wreak Untold levels of Destruction upon their enemy now completely Ablaze he Sprints towards the immortal criminal and uses nympho Burning Bridge in combination with an impostoned storm to see a bunch of hated rocks flying through chobay crashing to the ground Gabby Mario gets on top of him prepared to send himself and chobe to the shadow realm the criminal tries saying that they'll both perish if he continues but Gabby literally doesn't care he doesn't even know why he's on his random island or partaking in this mission to begin with if he dies right now it's not like it'll even matter his village will just send another person to take his place as at the end of the day Shinobi are just a hive with nothing to lose and those who cling to life will never win hearing this and becoming enraged with the idea that he can't win because he has an attachment to his brother Toby thanks gabimaru for helping him realize his resolve so remember Mei and like the strong weak stuff from earlier on well as Toby states to himself that he does indeed have something to lose his mind becomes weaker and his body begins to transform into his breakdown State remember how I brought up earlier in the video that kashikai literally means like demon corpse undo or something like that this literally here is I guess Cho Bay's version of the kishikai form with his breakdown State literally telling his body to come apart or break down anyway moving forward I just love how this form is called a breakdown because oh my Lord these boys about to dance having unlocked this new form Toby unleashes a transformation and uncontrollably attacks give me Maru Gabby tries to Ward him off by releasing a large burst of flames using limpo burning brooch but it's no use as the demon slashes his way through them unable to block in time Big C seems a bunch of tentacles shooting through the hollow allowing him to toss Gabby across the entire area activating nympho ascetic Blaze Gabby just barely manages to detach himself from the vines unable to see anymore chobi's Consciousness begins to be consumed by the darkness causing him to slash out an anger wondering where in the world did Ninja could have gone with the other groups no longer fighting gintuchusai wonders why Gabby isn't using Dao to fight like he did yesterday May who knows what's coming on obviously says that he is unable to use Dao and can't win against chobe as the man is just too strong falling into a moment of deep thought Debbie Morrow makes the conscious decision to use up his remaining Life Force to kill chobe however he has briefly stopped by a vision of someone long forgotten ignoring this uneasiness he rushes towards chobe really to do whatever it takes watching these beasts become more and more confused but she just knows that both of them have completely lost themselves turning and seeing his brother become more Beast than man Tomah remembers getting teacher's size words from earlier and realizes that Toby has been fighting for his sake back in the battle chobe continues on his Rampage sadly though he soon comes to say that for the past few blows as he wondered what he was he unknowingly attacked his brother Tomer who would just try to make him come back to his senses stuck and unable to move taking in what he'd just done Toma tries to break through to his brother's shell telling him that he's everything in the world to him sadly as he was doing this though Gabby Morrow saw the perfect opportunity to deal the finishing blow and prepare himself to do so not wanting Gabby to burn away the last of his doubt because he'll die May rushes in to stop him from doing anything else standing behind him she releases is a massive Blast from her Dow creating a crater that causes Gabby Mo and the two siblings to start falling Kevin Morrow manages to get himself to safety and as chobe turns to look for an Escape Route throw stones forcing him deeper into the hole thinking quickly chobi uses his Vines to throw Tomah to safety while telling him to wait for his return so remember how ganti Josiah and Fuji don't really know may yet like this ain't the Hoku group from before and seeing who use this level of Doubt makes them question just how she accomplished such a feat and an even more surprising Revelation for the two as shown that may was now fully growing meanwhile inside of her eye siguri suggests that they go outside and reunite with gamimaru and the others however yusu rear doesn't agree and instead thinks their focus should be on trying to escape from the island Co sees through her intentions of wanting to save herself and reveals her own plan to return home safely with every remaining person as them that way they have an alibi siguri reassures her that her desire to escape hasn't changed it's just that everyone will be leaving this place together switching the conversation up she Ponders managed to arrive at the gate from the very beginning to watch usual reho reveals that he definitely did as she found evidence that he was here before they came in her eyes their best bet to bump back into Gabby marrow now is to actually wait around their gate after deciding to head over to the gate the girls know that seeing her eye clearly during the day is absolutely insane looking around The Godly City the group becomes captivated by its Mystic Aura Hoka remembers mudan's words about law tense and experimenting with humans lives and the humans on the island acting as test subjects curiously he asks himself if the current humans on the island will bring a change after seeing that they've managed to take out an immortal and wonders if he will still be alive when they do so once they reach the gate the group in counterfeuchi gangtitsusai May Toma and an unconscious Gabi Maru after the initial surprise of everyone noticing each other both of Kerry and Fuji asked what happened in their time apart after noticing that may was still okay and had matured after using her power Fuji expresses his gratitude that her allies kept her safe confused on how they even arrived here Hoku asked if they came up from the social first and after learning that they did Hoku can only think that throughout the thousand years he's lived no one had managed to accomplish these Fates and because of their beliefs that the current Travelers are humans Beyond Compare after being informed of his boy's passing Fuji stands next to Center's grave and cries in sorrow after confirming the deaths of most groups and seeing the remaining survivors Shion expresses to create that so little have survived the ordeal on the island however gent hits his eye comments that his feeling of regret was wasted on the condemned criminals since they were fated to kill each other the moment everyone made landfall unlike Shion thought hilsu states that thinking all your comrades would survive as ridiculous he then points towards Tomah since it's like obvious that it was a traitor and offers to get rid of him not wanting him too though Gary steps in to stop him as without chobe around as well he really doesn't pose a threat at all use a reho is just being Chill on there this whole time interrupts and has everyone around Focus their attention towards Gary marrow's injuries stating that the dudes literally knocking on death's door rolling up though she elaborates on what happened before they got here and how he expanded far too much Dow he did what he did when he came to killing him but because the injuries got Beyond physical he wasn't able to do much kneeling down and looking at her injured friend scary watches as gave me my reawakens and instantly tries to stand up siguri says that they should look into his wounds but Gabby Mario's shrugs her off while saying he's fine June warns him that without proper treatment he will die but Gabby claims that he's already accepted this fact stunned with hearing the old Gabby again scary just questions who he is looking at her Gabby answers that she already knows who he was he's Gabby Maru the hollow launching himself forward Gabby Mario attacks Aguirre luckily for her though big Fuji and she unnoticed what he was up to and blocked the strike knowing that the disturbance and one's doubt can affect memory siguri explains that Gabby Morrow has lost all of his memories due to every battle he's fought wearing away at the construction of his very Soul siguri tries to raise him with a confused friend explaining that she is truly an ally and just wants to help him after he repeatedly tries pushing her away siguri becomes enraged and uses Force to pin him down Genji took her watches thinking they're doing like sneaky bochujitsu was stunning though fochi doubts this one may blush is saying that this act was different yet similar in some fact which you know what do you mean by I'm confused scary on top of Gabby explains how they don't really have times for Such trivial activities but they need his strength to escape this island so in an attempt to wake him up even quicker she reminds Gabby that he has someone to return home to then finally in that exact same moment gemimaru's doubt is restored and his memories began flooding back in which is really confusing like I I always get confused on how he managed to gain his memories back there but it gets revealed later on so don't you worry so uh throwback boys and girls remember after the crater incident that happened earlier well after reaching the very bottom of the valley and regenerating his limbs Toby reflects on his actions during the fight with Gabby Maru looking at just how far down he'd fell dude literally cracks the code and figures out that the island is shaped like a bowl with ridges connecting the middle part and then spots a group of Social and decides to use them to test out his applications of Dao meanwhile all of the remaining survivors relocate to a cave that gets cases I found to remove themselves from low tense and sensory ability that he has over her eye this is just due to the fact that their leader who is rein if you haven't kind of figured out by this point can sense where they are at all times using the dowel in the ear remember like how there was a high level of humidity to the island hiding it to start with well it's my thought as well that he uses these abilities to hide the island while bringing it in a select few to turn into tan I'd love to know like what you guys think on that down below though so of course let me know I'll take into your site called she on a coward because he was scared of Lord tencent and warned everyone to be cautious he receives judgment from user riha and naruga who also reiterates just how dangerous they are having regained his memory she even asked Gabby Mario if he had fought one as well and he confirms her he also confirms to them that he knows how to manipulate down now but Wings about learning it the hard way along with finding out just how terrifying Lord tencent really was having told his experience yuzuriha gives her opinion that it would be best for them to escape the island but Gabby Mario objects as he knows that without the pardon he'll never Escape hearing this yuzuriha goes to tell him about her Theory but he shot Gabby cutter off knowing that she was going to say his wife was just a form of ginjutsu he tries just pushing past what she said but usually riha wants to make sure she's not walking into a trap oh boy he knows she exists though as he can tell just based on the sensation he has when he thinks about her wanting to know more info that isn't just like sensation based as it's not very logical of him to think that a sensation is real Kevin Murrow describes the little things he can remember about her like her voice or the shape of her eyes and says that even now on beautiful days like this when his drenched in nature he can sense her nearby phasing into a blissful memory he reveals her name as yui which I hope I said right saying that this was the only proof he had the only way to be sure was to make it home and find out if she was actually real his confidence causes sakiri to feel delighted and gets hitusai who calls her boy a man's man to feel like he finally found a perfect fighting partner I actually love gented to say such a damn cool character uzoriha though found it weird that a Shinobi like Gabby Mario can talk about his weaknesses but she on adds in the fact that he could sense Gaby Morrow's Dow growing which approach to him that his wife is real and people who have something to lose are considered extremely strong which is just like a chobe for example with him not wanting to lose his brother so uh funnily enough and continuing with the possible idea that she doesn't actually exist Joey doesn't really confirm that it is a person the kanji he used through a name simply means Bond or connection and it is the first part of how you'd spell out like marriage in Japanese so does she truly exist or is she a manifestation made up by the chief of the clan I'd love to know your thoughts and all of it down below before we get to the end of the series and obviously if if you've read the series then you know like let me know her thoughts on the series down below back down in the valley though and after Merck and every single showing around chobe is met by Rhian who questions if he was the one who took out Mudan elsewhere Fuji feeling unlike nomu to examine the Doshi after finding out about the death of his comrades decides to set him free over inside the cave now sargerian forms Fuji that may is feeling ill and hasn't been able to recover any of his strength so would you be able to make us medicine annoyed though after finding out that she's the same as Lord tensen Fuji Grace to hell but demands it in return may tell them everything they need to know about herself and Lord tensin meanwhile getting married sits outside and makes a request to the other four to help him train to utilize Dao even more efficiently super eager to learn more himself Thomas starts off by attacking multiple entitsu's size sword dodging The slashes Gabby focuses on sensing the movements of his opponent's doubt not tracking with his eyes big G then comes in and makes his attack on Gabby but he easily uses his Dow to sense the strike weaving out of the way and allowing him to examine gantees to size weak spots hidden kicks off the doubt in this guy to put some space between him and the group noodle guy jumps in and tries attacking however Gabby grabs her and uses her to push back the others as they approach as the battle continues Gabi marrow believes that it's pointless to try and hone more refined techniques than the Immortals since they've been training for over a thousand years instead the key to defeating Lord tensin is to use their own Dow against them standing back up naruga approaches Gabby believing that he was more than capable enough to take down lord tense in however gibbimaru believes that he still needs more time to improve Big Gig and his desire asks if he's finished with the warm-up though because man's Keen to get serious before randomly diving forth raging out and preparing to strike down on Gabby while the other two start freaking out thinking they're actually probably battling back inside Decay Fuji explains to sagari and user riha they're the island the monsters and Lord tension were created by a singular entity this being is apparently a famed Hoshi who used sinshan principles in his attempt to research ways to achieve immortality for those confused on what Hoshi is pretty much it's an ancient Chinese Mystic versed in divination and other Healing Arts this particular Mystic developed methods to Tinker with Dow directly from this he created crossbreeds of creatures that had similar affinities for Dao then after an age of creation Lord tensin was finally born this being as a fusion of human implant Dao that is both male and female both yin and yang hence how they can change genders in an instant gender Benders life forms usually use doubt over the course of their life but the Lord tencen's energy has been polished for over a thousand years far beyond the scope of human ability use a riha like who's obviously confused over why they're even here asks what they're purpose for living on the island was then Fuji explains that the tencents have been practicing taoism or more specifically the inner ways of tan which is meditation and the outer ways of tan which is making the election to achieve immortality hearing this user rehire insecuri become shocked realizing that the elixir does indeed exist yet Fuji tells him that it's probably just a prototype a potion created from harvesting and extracting the Dao of humans in order to expand attention's lives knowing this Fuji tells him that it's possible to take out Lord tencent if their doubt is depleted curious after learning this usually have questions while they are going further with their research since they have already created tan Mayans is saying that it was possible that Lord tington was following The Well of their Master zhufu Fuji explains that zhufu also known as Joe fuku in Japan was a Hoshi Mystic and served the emperor of the shin Dynasty whose journeyed off to research the secret of immortality a thousand years ago but eventually came to an end once he entered Japan perhaps though he never really came to an end and instead lives on as someone to this very day hmm I want to know who like your thoughts at this exact moment on who you possibly think that this person could be it's given us this image of this dank looking foot so surely that hence the someone of great age who is still indeed alive so this jifu or Joe fuku person like obviously just revealed before as actually a real man from way back in the 3rd Century BCE and as I mentioned earlier in the video he was sent out to search for this mythical mountain and the elixir of life he oversaw a fleet of 60 vessels and thousands of crew members Artisans and civilians and 219 BC he actually made it back after the first voyage having unsuccessfully found the Elixir or ping lie yet after hitting out nine years later and 210 BCE he never returned some people suggested he ended up making landfall near like Mount Fuji however and house Paradise it's obvious that the man's Voyage ended only sees Southwest of Japan while the girls in Fuji discussed the Joe fuku's existence May falls back exhausted also revealing that her left had turned into a branch she explains that her usage of Doubt is causing her body to turn into a tree and she needs to take an energy in order to heal usury has suggests using a restoration technique however may say that it won't work since she has little doubt already and because Rand broke her tendon causing it to constantly leak out after the cruel past May went through it was showing to us hoco then like the champion he is offered his doubt to fully heal her due to how Lord tension can extract Dao from living life forms it's the only way for Mei to actually heal herself but obviously she's hesitant to sacrifice hoco big Bonsai though insists as soon he'll go through the process of amplification anyway to him this is one way he can also atone for his sins explaining that he ignored maester's eyes of wanting to leave the island and instead choosing to raise her as a replacement to his deceased daughter Mae tearfully tells hoko that from the time he found her she always thought of him just like a father she then accepts his offer placing out her hand and absorbing his Dow with hoku's energy flowing into may she gives him her final farewell before returning back to her young estate meanwhile the previously raging battle has come to a peaceful end obviously you know I remember how against Josiah and Gabby went at it just before we skipped away well yeah she own is left impressed with Gabriel's abilities and believes that he may have what it takes to defeat Lord tense in Tomah then randomly drops down on his knees and big scientists decide to help train him how to wield a sword so that he can gain the power to escape the island himself Big G doesn't believe that he can trust him just yet but in a show of Honor Toma then cuts his hair and asks once again to help make him strong impressed with a little guy's determination game teachers agrees with helping Tomah and tells him to come follow him back down in the social Valley Jobe notices that the thing in front of him had the exact same face as the creature he fought earlier fascinated with the hybridization chobi had achieved Rhian explains that they create the watan Hua flower that converts human bodies into tan yet somehow even as the root of that plan dug into trouble's Dao he still keep his sense of self wanted to examine him further Rhian attacks chobe with an attack similar to 10 causing him to quickly Dodge while realizing that he has no chance in winning this battle in an attempt to fight back he transforms into his breakdown State and dashes Adam before letting loose a flurry of strikes and states that Rangers barely managed to block somehow Toby actually manages to overwhelm Rianne but finds it difficult to keep the vines inside of his mind from taking over his true body after piercing Ryan's Tandon Toby expands his Vines and destroys the immortal's body assuring to him that Luke tandem was indeed the correct place to take out these creatures however and really randomly Rhian then suddenly appears behind chobe again revealing that he destroyed only one of his many clones that he brought along with him after seeing chubby unleash Dao from the watan Hua flower Brian expresses his satisfication at the fact he managed to control her and decides to take him back to the Palace trouble tries to attack but is unable to resist the effects of the vines allowing Rhian to bend down in front of him and use a dow strike to knock him unconscious slowly falling into a dream he reiterates his desire of not making the same mistake as his father by abandoning his brother later chubby wakes up in a beard and sees is a female standing nearby tending the plants Ren explains that she finds chobe to be the final key to completing her research and wishes to understand his Dow cycle better through bochujutsu yeah but you know we can't actually go there so just know that your man is the key to unlocking the perfect being sadly there is like so much I can't actually go over in this part of the story but pretty much because chobe is revealed to be the perfect Bane in this case I guess you could say when his Dow is extracted then it will allow these creatures to turn everyone on the mainland of Japan into tan so yeah that's I guess the big evil plan that's in store for our main crew something else I also wanted to mention was that the kanji and watan Hua translates to outside tan and flower meaning a flower used for the outer way of tan literally anyways later on in the day I'll cheat again teacher's side breaks down crying and pain that may had reverted back to her child body in his eyes it was way more comfortable carrying her around when she was older actual chair though ain't none of that weird stuff that's why I like against his eye he's a he's a champ in my eyes by the way back with the main group she on in collaboration with Gabby prepares to announce the next plan however May catches their attention when she senses that the second Landing party has arrived on the island she knows that it isn't Lord tension but due to how she can't articulate herself well says that their Dao is very strong having taught this man xion believes that it's most likely shugen and the other Reserva Simon who was sent as reinforcements by the Shogun art Fuji also tells them that another group of criminals were to accompany them as well curious Gabby us sagiri ashugin as a potential ally and she vouches for him saying that he might even be the strongest amongst them however gen teacherside doubts his statement knowing that he'll need more than just strength to survive here thank you back on the past Shion confirms that shugen is already able to perceive Dao since it was actually home to First notice the six sins and call them waves over at the coast sugar hands off his blade and confronts a shoshin obviously man's yolked up already able to perceive the environment around him through the use of Dao alone the monster somehow manages to grab him but through what he learned while training with Shion shugan easily lift the monster's hands from his shoulders and defeats it be a-handed back with our main Squad naruga is impressed with the idea of how strong shugen is however yuzuriha mentions a certain story that made him Infamous siguri explains his story of how shuga took out all of the caption members in front of their leader in order to reveal the remaining hidden members after he revealed their location they too were all arrested and well yeah you can imagine definitely what happened next hence how he gets the the Anakin nameless those poor kids his Shogun was so impressed by his brutality that he presented the young assignment with a ceremonial outfit and a named Blade the furubutsu kaneki the group becomes concerned but sigiri reassures them that deep down he's a great guy leading Fuji to state that shugen was sakiri's first crush she says that even if that was the case she merely admired his involvement in her earning a ranking in the Yamada Clan back over with a sneaky man and after taking out a group of social Isuzu and kiyumaru come to his aid but Shogun reassures them that as their senior he will take responsibility on taking care of the Lesser matters like fighting the pathetic monsters while security believes that shugen will come to their aid Shion disagrees and reveals the full story of how sugar not only murked the entire silver serpent group but also their loved ones since they might hold some form of Vengeance towards the Shogun she unexplains that shugen despises criminals and would not think of allying with him or have anyone he Associates work with him at all as the new grip at the shore begins traveling shooking stumbles across his sight where Eisen was turned into a pancake by Roku Rota after both of his parents were taken out by an Infamous Bandit shuken was dropped to the door of the Yamada Clan obviously in a flashback and as the two begin talking about what it means to be an executioner shugan tells Eisen that he fails to see the logic and their clean's way of executing criminals and wonders why they can't give them a painful death instead Eisen explains that such an act would defile the execution grounds and the chipping of his blade would be meaningless being an Esserman means ridding yourself of that hatred and he'll hone him into a great man hidden tells him that he looks forward to the day he becomes a glorious blade in the present shukin screams and pain over eisen's death and instead of moving forward with the mission makes a decision to lay his soul to rest while giving him a proper burial one of the Ninja thinks to himself that three of these people are extremely odd and Jake is just as random himself with a priority for them being Gabi marrow they all plan on using the dangers of the island to outsmart the Samurai and complete their mission out of freaking nowhere though a massive flower type thing drops down on the 50 or so ninja catching a few of them looking up the group see a bunch of mon chin rolling up and trying to capture them commanded by Doshi another massive flower thing drops down on the trio but Keo and Isuzu quickly cut it to shreds while shug and sat there unmoved still mourning eisen's passing so the ninja also dispatched two squads of Ganon to assist in bringing down the monshin after finishing his sutras shugen finally says Eisen can rest in peace not even standing yet sugarness swiftly draws his blade and cuts down a monsoon that attempted to attack him from behind angered with everything that he's saying Shogun smashes his brand new named blade against the monster staff to repeatedly damage it standing there and bleeding from the eyes with rage he swears Vengeance against all that reside on the island hearing shugen to clearing his wrath to him the Doshi prepares to attack him with thou however the fight quickly comes to an end which you can utterly obliterating and stopping him from regenerating he then starts to do some really questionable acts Jake Hill Lake obviously gets him to stop and tries to raise him with shugen and returning to the mainland with the information they've gathered so far but is angrily told that that's not gonna happen he didn't ask Jacob why he hadn't drawn his blade yet leading the old dude to state that he can't even still sugar knows for a fact that he can making him get even more Furious cutting in on the boy Isuzu tells him to calm down making him realize the stupidity of his ways quickly changing his demeanor shugen apologizes to chica but States at his earlier statement of eliminating everything on the island was true so don't forget that hearing this one of the Ninja recommends that they should handle everything in regards to collecting information sensing ninja has special tactics in their area meanwhile I'm back with our main Squad the survivors of the Vanguard party listen to xion's plan of separating everyone into two groups where one finds an Escape Route and the other finds the Tanner lecture after gen teachers asks how exactly they're going to fight Lord tensen she on repositions everyone and creates a diagram on the ground of the Dow attributes that each of them possess the idea is that they will use the attributes to hinder each member of Lord tensin and defeat them yusu rihad though believes that it's hopeless to continue due to the risks and not knowing who they are begins at the coast of the island she then suggests an alternative Way by finding a way off the island and instead going into hiding as a way to possibly survive Shion understands where yusu riha is coming from and knows that there are honestly just too many unknowns in the coming future so because of this he takes everyone's thoughts on The Meta into consideration by giving them the option of going their own separate ways or working together and surviving after walking into the cave Shion immediately senses the presence of every single person behind him deciding to move forward with his plan due to their own personal reasons and surviving with this situation growing more dire she owners at least relieved that they all came to the same decision and tells them him that they are all each other's last chance of survival boom so that there officially brings us to the very end of what is the Lord tension Arc from hell's Paradise or yukikaku's chico karaku obviously this Arc was a major step up from the first one where we kind of only learned about the characters and the world that they were in with us like here we learned a lot more about you know the power system in general with this Dao this mysterious you know tencent or these seven mysterious tents in that we've got inside of um harai here along with the three Landscapes that make up this island issue Hojo and harai there's other factors like this jifu character that kind of make this all more mysterious at the moment and you kind of don't really understand the entirety of this situation what's actually really going on you get a little bit of a hint where Rhian kind of drops the bombshell and lets everyone know that she wants to turn everyone on the mainland into tan pretty much so that's the kind of like big plan I guess you could say at the end of the day but why do they want to do that there's so many different questions that need to be answered so I'd love to know like what exactly you think down in the comment section below and just you know this is kind of the Half Point Way throughout the uh Series right here at champion of 59 out of like 127 so we are pretty much halfway through so the next Arc is slightly longer than this one here but uh yeah give me another three weeks to get that out and hopefully I'll have it out in a similar amount of time before the the anime ends and the same with the uh the final Arc as well hopefully I can get it all out before the animations all gone well I've been working so hard to get this all out of time actually putting in the maddest hours so you know leave a like down below push this video to 5K likes again so that I know you want this next part and just you know drop a comment down below with your favorite character and your favorite Point throughout this manga so far it's absolutely dope and I just everything about it I think probably Mudan to me his entrance and him showing up where with user riha and hoco at the gate is probably my favorite Point throughout the series so far it's it's just absolutely beautiful seeing the entire scenery around and then you know everything just changes from beauty to Absolute despair in a matter of seconds it's it's the epitome of what hell's Paradise actually is it's Beauty and despair incarnate in my eyes anyway but obviously if you guys want to support me even further unless and get earlier access to these kind of videos like a day early before I release them here on YouTube then make sure you check out my patreon which I will leave a link to down in the description below and if you are hanging around here I want to keep up to date with all of the series that I'm releasing like Jiu Jitsu Kai's in Hell's Paradise Attack on Titan Demon Slayer and even Tokyo Avengers occasionally I'll probably get around to that final I'll probably get her into that fine Mark at some point but you know like it it ends for me in tinjuku man I tell you by the way you know if you guys are new around here and want to like see more stuff then make sure you do subscribe but for now it's been professional to generate diavolo and I will see you all in a bit bye foreign
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 247,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hell's paradise, hell's paradise anime, hell's paradise explained, jigokuraku, hell's paradise full story, the entire hells paradise story explained, hells paradise lord tensen arc, hells paradise manga, jigokuraku anime, yamada asaemon, shugen, all of hells paradise, what is hell's paradise, hell's paradise full story explained, lord tensen arc, lord tensen hells paradise, lord tensen vs gabimaru, hell's paradise jigokuraku manga, gabimaru wife, gabimaru, tensen hells paradise
Id: Cw97sgGw97M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 17sec (6677 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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