Sukuna's Cursed Technique : A Jujutsu Kaisen Theory!

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hey everyone my name is Cass and this is my first jjk Theory video but I'm not really one for formalities so let's just Dive Right In for starters because some people are anime only I'm going to try to keep this as spoiler-free video as possible but stronger arguments that rely on spoilers will have time stamps and warnings so don't be afraid to skip around if needed anyways I've had this theory for a while or I guess this feeling something gnawing in the back of my head that sakuna curse technique is to hold the three sacred Treasures of Japan I don't really know how the idea got stuck with me or why it got lodged into my mind maybe it's because moara is referred to as a sacred treasure during his summoning but the idea wouldn't leave me alone the three sacred Treasures of Japan are artifacts with mythology attached to each of them but they did actually exist and we know a few things gay loves to use are Japanese myth and folklore as well as Buddhism as Inspirations for jiujitsu ka's story now this theory has a lot of moving parts and we're going to have to break all of them down so to start with kusanagi the grass cutting sword okay first and foremost I have to give a massive shout out to YouTube channel definitely aen and his video hey and Yuji was not human which I'll leave a link to down below that theory provided me with the missing link I was looking in his theory he explores the possibility of sakuna and Yuji being legendary twin brothers but what's more important to our theory is that sakuna was Yamato takaru the wielder of kusanagi kusanagi is known as the grass cutting sword though it was originally known by the name of heavenly sword of Gathering clouds which is a bit of a mouthful and I can see why they change the name but what this sword does is the link that ties all of this together according to myth it's said that while wielding this sword Yamato takaru discovered the wind would follow the direction of his swing this might sound like Yamato was a bit of a brute who had incredibly strong swing but when we think about a certain character who can cut you with invisible slashes this seems a little more plausible it's also important to note that susano the god of storms found the am no morumo no surui I know I butchered that this is like the 10th take and I'm not going to do it again anyway the Heavenly sword of gathering clouds which would later be renamed kusanagi while susano isn't super integral to this Theory I do think it's important to note that he comes up in almost all of these myths I had originally theorized maybe sakuna had an invisible sword but when I saw the video about sakuna being yam I knew cleand dismantle had to be kusanagi then I went back and I watched his fight against mahara Joo and even how he killed nanako and Mimi and I noticed something I noticed one thing that happens after anything is hit by cleav dism motion reaction to a force so strong it buffets and moves buildings in the almighty mahara itself even against mahara we can see the black slashes beat against tangibly displayed as black cut while there isn't a lot of visuals aiding to depict wind slashing and cutting it is a reasonable assumption to assume extremely pressurized wind acting as a cleave is able to cause a similar reaction but you know what else a lot of wind and friction causes he he just go back and look at the end of the mahara fight for that one if you need more explanation additionally in the fight in which yam discovered the wind controlling properties of the kusanagi he was in a grass field being shot at by fiery Arrow I definitely think Joo versus sakuna is a little head nod to Yan no kagami yadan no kagami the e-hand mirror and a symbol for truth now the yadan no kagami is the hardest piece of this puzzle to fit but I believe it's relatively simple I think the simplest reason is that zakuna has four arms and it's the a-h handed mirror so when he's holding it he has eight hand duh no but seriously the mirror is said to represent wisdom and reveal truth the revealing truth part I find very interesting considering that when certain strong characters have fallen at the hands of sakuna we're able to get a glimpse of a sort of closure conversation between the two as we see with joogo and later in the series I've heard speculation that this is simply the phenomenon of dying but I believe gay might be showing us the true core of sakuna using the mirror moving on the mirror represents wisdom and although sakuna might not be the most benevolent character there is depth to him I mean he is the most prolific curse user to have ever existed or is he but that aside having the ability to access knowledge or to boost his wisdom or intellect would make sense in this case also a mirror functionally serves to show us a reflection and to me this makes the most sense because we see sakuni using flame arrows on Joo who also happens to be a fire user now this could just be a coincidence but I have some more spoiler specific reasoning behind this so skip ahead for now if you want to remain spoiler-free okay so during his fight with Gojo sakuna is able to analyze Infinity to the point where he can conceive a counter the ability to slash through space now this could just be chocked up to him being absolutely goated with the sauce but if we see him pull out a mirror during the fight being animated just no I told you so on top of that during his fight with kosimo sakuna is given the curse tool kamu to well it's suggested that Kam Kut uses electricity it also somehow reverts tuna back to his ha and Arab body I personally believe this could just be kamut serving as a conduit to boost his own ability though that way it serves as a red hearring and pushes my agenda Additionally the mirror is called the eight handm but mahara is called the aid handled sword now this could just be a coin but mahara is also called The Sacred Treasure by megum there are 10 Heavenly Treasures of which mahara could be one the 10 Shadows to 10 Heavenly Treasures but I'm using the word Heavenly as an important distinction while mahara is also referred to as yatsuka nugi I think that's right the sword of the 10 Heavenly Treasures is also known as tatsuka nugi I couldn't find any information linking the two names so for me it's up in the air but --h handed and handled are too similar and regardless could be the primary reason sakuna took interest in meami to beef up his ARS as we see him use the wheel during his fight with Goa Yas an no magatama yasat no magatama the sacred jewel although from what I have seen it's either a string of multiple Jewels or a single in this case we'll be focusing on firstly in the nihan Shoki or The Chronicles of Japan susano the god of storms gave amatarasu the sun goddess the magatama she then bit off pieces of the magatama and blew them away to create the other God now this is incredibly interesting considering the amount of biting and devouring we see throughout the series by both sakuna and while the isn't directly supporting anything it is interesting to think that sakuna fingers were scattered and serve to either ward off curse Spirits when sealed like in chapter 1 or lure powerful cursed Spirits a bulk of which were gathered by the disaster Spirit creating other gods disaster Spirits appearing I don't know another legend in the nian shy says that in the year 58 Emperor sing's dog killed and then disemboweled a badger and a magatama was discovered in its stomach which I find very reminiscent of certain cursed spirits and characters eating sakuna just saying while the yasakani no magatama is made of Jade when you look at older magatama primarily clay one they look eily similar to sakuna finger but when you couple in the association of eating I think we might be cooking with gasoline what's even funnier is that the sacred jewel is said to ward off evil and bring good fortune and Longevity and is often referred to as a symbol of benevol but when we think about the inverse of benevolence we get malevolent malevolent Shrine come on now man not to mention eating the finger is the nothing for Yuji but bring him Misfortune and suffering however sakuna seems to receive all the associated benefit the jewel has a power that makes sense for how sakuna was able to turn his body into cursed items and essentially continue to live on which could cover the aspect of longevity now I know all of these things might seem minor in the grand scheme of things I didn't want to speculate too wildly on how they they could be incorporated into a power system like curse techniques but simply showed the reasoning as to why I think these things make up suuna curse technique malevolent Shrine as well as a simple Taste of the power that it hold all in all it's just a theory and I'm excited to see what sakuna curse technique actually is if I'm wrong no big deal but if I'm right I hope you'll be joining me in the I Told You So party that I'll be throwing so let me know Down Below in the comments if you think I'm Som yukihira in the kitchen with it or I'm Michael Jordan at the end of space Jam AKA Stretch Armstrong that being said if you enjoyed the video and want to see some more of the out there theories that I have leave a like and comment and you might as well subscribe to get notified if I do this again thanks for watching and remember you are my special
Channel: Hey Its Caster
Views: 11,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lO_cac3n5xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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