THE ENDING OF IT ALL! - Resident Evil Village: Part 10 (Full Game Walkthrough) THE END

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on the last time of resident evil village oh my god okay that thing is massive took off his helmet oh my god time to die time to die oh my god i didn't know he could do that look at him go oh eisenberg's here oh no no no no no oh no he turned into a damn transformer oh it chris miranda what what what the hell is going on so she was never mia you don't stand a chance against miranda by yourself i get i get the giant uh battle bot wally bring it up this is gonna be amazing isn't it oh no shoot her where's rose oh no oh no you should have just shot her come on and face me oh no he didn't either wake up captain i've confirmed the death of ethan winters no i wasn't able to retrieve the body but i've recorded evidence share your screen and i'll go over the situation oh no my team and i were careless yesterday we took down the transformed miranda but we didn't kill her who knew she could fake being a corpse since miranda could have infected ethan i forcefully took him and rose with us but the vehicle they were riding in was attacked when i got to the wreck ethan and rose were gone the last time i was able to contact ethan i heard miranda's voice emmy she murdered him and she is not gonna get away with it god damn it when does it end what's that sir the mission all of it three years trying to put this thing in the ground three years too long get revenge chris get revenge so bsaa got here already they didn't waste any time mission adjustment no it doesn't change anything terminate miranda and rescue rose that's the mission and failure's not an option let's have some fun people like old times move out roger what the hell is this k-9 i want to know what the hell bsaa is doing here find out what you can roger that i'm on it in a while since we fought together when was the last the desert doing nothing but recon's gotten me out of shape but thanks to your recon we know miranda's plan couldn't quite believe it when i heard you turn yourself in the mia though taking five shots to the head's nothing to sneeze at either spooky oh my god this is crazy i don't before before we go any further damn he's got he's got a lot of stuff look at his knife get his knife he has the target locator a laser targeting device okay and then we had med injector medicine that fully heals all wounds all right um and he can't craft some things look at the map no we can't look at the map i just you know i'm just gonna get in the truck and leave you know y'all can handle miranda yourselves i can't believe she killed ethan there's no way that's the end of ethan no way like like what's his name uh what heisenberg said ethan's body is special so maybe he doesn't need his heart to live oh see the damn tree from here and the whole village is on fire hey alpha look at this who a sniper oh they got doors yes hey christ it looks pretty rough down there really how are you planning on reaching the objective first we're gonna have to take that thing out i've got your back boss how the hell are we going to do that that's a giant living tree everyone watch for hostile bio weapons roger okay make contact with a group of hostiles yeah y'all get the hell off me go like away booze wait oh this is awesome this is so good oh this is for ethan western is clear well ethan doesn't take that many shots to actually kill these guys i can't look at a map so i'm just gonna assume there's nothing two guards i can take don't get cocky oh oh what was that the hell was that what the hell is that thing it's all new to my seat that's probably where miranda is let's go oh oh looks like it made it here okay just need to be careful oh no no there we go oh my god yeah these guys aren't nothing nothing to me how much damage does this gun do it's called the dragoon the damn dragoon dammit look at this wonder how much damage it does i got five grenades oh that sounds disgusting hey boss it's me i'm at the location preparing for support fire it might be a minute roger tundra here leaving some supplies in one of the houses captain help yourself okay thank you thank you thank you i do love supplies the plaid supplies all of my eyes got plenty of grenades just the house you're talking about oh my god that made me feel it made me feel like sam fisher love it love it love it love it love it love it okay i'm gonna check some of the houses okay take the grenades food okay i did not mean to do that but all right whatever hello 200 to the point explosions fools what is that that structure okay okay okay okay nope i am not taking that oh oh yet such a cool heart okay i see you there we go with them head off your head off your head off load yeah and the whole village was turned wasn't it go go appears to be two more people up there the hand the hand can't be chained like that man give me their cadence she thinks she died and gone to hell okay damn it am i supposed to run through these guys they just keep showing up reach the target location damn this is big all right lobo marking the target roger that boss all right target is marked what is this thing reloading now just a minute okay it's a swarm headed that way all right um um um quite [Laughter] oh that was perfect oh no no no no no no um we have a flashbang i can throw out all right uh quit this right here [Music] put the flashbang hold out i'm trying to kill trying to kill everything hello [Applause] oh no oh no no no no no no no no not damn it damn it can i use this there we go there we go all right i know what i need to do numbers are increasing oh damn it let me tell um [Applause] yes i was looking for collapse [Applause] oh no oh no no no oh oh oh i'm stuck some stuff i need this stuff i need this stuff yeah all right they're chasing me get the hell on me help me we gotta go me sir step back step back you know me like that oh expose a barrel just point the laser at the target and leave the rest to me okay okay try it come on come on come on come on come on almost there almost there almost there almost there got it die they should be dead mega my seat must be low we did it we damn did it that was ridiculous captain omega micey is underground i'm on my way oh nice [Applause] more grenades and stuff put this right there gotta get revenge for ethan guys revenge for ethan i wonder where duke is we're going down here i found a way down i'm going in the rest of you stay back captain i compared the mold at the village with a sample from the bakers and there's no sign of the genome editing we saw in the e-series the stuff originated here yep it's because it's ancient there's no telling how long miranda's been around i hear something big oh you can see it in the wall you can see it holding a giant mace what the hell okay wow wow oh my god oh no you're on the ground there's an opening in the roof use it [Music] tripping them up tripping over a little bit it's working it's working there we go able to lock really reload and shoot at them okay okay okay okay i think i need to shoot him in the back uh [Applause] shut the hell down he's got so much armor so much armor okay okay can i heal yes we can all right we're good low reload reload get him in the bed shoot him in that bed shoot him all the time oh i think we got him we did it that backwards where it was at giant crystal maze look at that stay above ground okay that dude was huge miranda miranda was the fake mia where's the real one exactly she saw any further use for her i don't get any of this how did miranda even know rose exists a moldy little bird told her maybe we can figure that out later focus on the plan it's the mega my seat thing is massive hey out for the squad i've located the mega my seat so now we can end this mess after all about damn time and two explosives aren't there's enough there to blow the whole village sky-high let's get out of here and blow the damn place not before i end miranda i'm not taking any more chances i'm going in am right revenge captain i have eyes on miranda at the ceremony site keep your distance do not move until i give the order the hell is that it's too late now but we really should have told ethan the plan there wasn't time and we didn't expect miranda to act so soon even so you should have told him should have told ethan look some of that nasty goo stuff this place is terrifying hey i'm ready morning ready we got plenty of ammo plenty of health products plenty of everything else this must be miranda's lab is this where she created all the other guys examine that all right uh affinity low surprisingly low brain functions the cadal uh or the cadeau has caused drastic changes to the eternal oils transforming them into organs similar to fish-like gills and in a swim bladder another subject with irregular cell division causing him to transform into a giant fish the subject is unable to control this transformation too many defects and unfit vessel for eva okay we got this one dimitri dimitrisk my favorable normal regina regeneration rate is incredibly fast the subject can heal any external wound within seconds and grow her nails into claws in mere moments rapid regeneration also means an increased body size note due to hereditary blood disease the subject must ingest human flesh and blood on a regular basis to maintain regeneration properties i suspect that if the subject's regeneration is not properly balanced then she may mutate uncontrollably and unfit vessel for eva okay heisenberg incredibly favorable uh normal has electric organs similar to electric ray um yes these electric organs are connected to the subject's nervous system can therefore pass and control electricity throughout the entire body allowing control of magnetic fields which is used to move metal splendid specimen but still an unfit vessel for eva wow okay and then this one donna um favorable normal although severe mental illness physically she is no different from a regular human however she can secrete a signal producing substance which controls plants infected by the muta masit when humans absorb the pollen from a particular flower she can cause them to have hallucinations however she is mentally undeveloped and has divided her coudo among her dolls in order to control them from a distance an unfit vessel for eva hey look at this she's been creating everything so they're using this to control the bio weapons oh my god she's creating like little babies this her is this her and eva that's her and eva oh something happened to her daughter eva evelyn her daughter was evelyn her daughter was evelyn dear miranda my deepest apologies for not meeting you in person i would love nothing more than to visit your quaint village once more however i am incredibly busy then again i suppose for an immortal woman such as yourself you no longer remember this poor half-dead medical student in the snow i have always cherished the revelations i came to 15 years ago when i stayed in your village i was inspired by your research to think one could transform a human by infecting them with an organism positively visionary i knew that with the knowledge i could achieve my own vision for the next step in human evolution even after two world wars the and humanity on the cusp of another my conviction never wavered i realize however through the many nights of intellectual talks you and i shared that your conviction deferred from mine you hope to bring back a single dead person when i aim to change the world your experiments on the mold would not have aided me in my endeavor to achieve an exponential infection i thought a virus would be more effective this is why my dear i had to leave you i still regret never telling you goodbye my apologies for reminiscing i actually have news that i thought might please you i found the key to evolution the a virus found in africa i plan to start a company with friends and colleagues dedicated to the virus research i will call it umbrella just like the symbol in the cave that we spoke about i am one step closer to making my vision a reality no way was created oh my god and that's why the zombies were created because of this she was trying to bring one person back to life he was trying to make everybody immortal pretty much or bringing everybody back to life and ended up creating the virus that is insane oh my god it's evelyn her damn daughter was evident oh no my eva it's been 100 years since i lost you to the spanish flu i was so power powerless back then but now now i can bring you back to life from my uh with my minimum seat i had to test your new vessel's regenerative abilities i took her apart revived her in my uh regulator the giants chalice all that is left is to merge her with the mega mesit the ceremony can finally begin 100 years after i lost you i was so stricken with grief that i wandered into a cave to die i so wanted to be with you again and that's when i found it completely by accident when i touched the black substance my mind was overcome with knowledge the mega maciet breaks down and absorbs the consciousness of those who have perished i knew that if your consciousness was in there too then there would be a way to bring you back i just needed the right vessel when i returned to the village i implanted the villagers will mow from the magma seat and that way i could control them experiment on them i've experimented on hundreds of people just to find you the perfect vessel i even tried to increase the efficiency of finding you a vessel by creating a parasite called cado yet known yet none of my experiments come to fruition there were some like alcina who were close to being perfect but most turned into lichens i was once approached by organization who said they would assist me i gave them some of the mold and your dna but all they created was another defect evelyn then again not a complete failure i learned a rose thanks to them and i knew she would be a perfect vessel there was some interference but i was able to verify her suitability now my research is finally complete eva i have waited too long to see you again oh so so evelyn was pretty much a clone of eva oh that's crazy what's this i mean i do feel bad i would do anything to get my daughter back if i lost my daughter if you put it in that perspective i would do absolutely anything even become a monster mia show me your hands i'm bryce this is alpha where is miranda right now still the ceremony whatever she's doing she's staying good god damn it really is you i'm glad you saved me why are you here i was caught in houston experiments in the flesh what's the situation up there nothing we can't handle don't get distracted stick to the mission i'm headed to the ceremony site wait who you can't leave me here what's wrong with her you promised damn it you said that you would keep us safe we did everything that you asked we moved over here everything and i didn't care so long as we were together so you tell me where is my husband where is my daughter nathan is he's gone damn i couldn't save him but i can save rose it's weird that you can save rose because she's in pieces come on it's not safe here after all [Music] what do you mean he's gone he's dead i'm sorry mia but we have to leave we have to destroy this village no you're wrong i tried to keep this a secret but she knows you don't understand how special he is he can't die what i knew he wouldn't have needed his heart i knew what he meant what heisenberg meant oh we're back in ethan we're back even oh hell yes how is he still alive [Laughter] hello the hell's that laughing child it's called this heaven am i to follow the the river how did i get here oh god freeze it's freezing just stretching my body good was that not supposed to walk in the water hello i need help please you're so dope call me dumb this evelyn it is wait a minute is she inside of me is that why he special i mean miranda she no i still have to save bros wrong it wasn't miranda you were always that's why he's been able to attach himself and miranda doesn't kill you you mean you didn't think it was weird no matter how much you got exactly we just thought it was a game [Music] three years ago the baker house you were murdered by jack really [Music] really you died there three years ago he died right there that's that's it wow no way did the mia die too you shouldn't even be able to walk around quit messing with my head you shouldn't [Music] [Music] nice [Music] this is crazy [Music] oh oh what how do you get it your whole body is nothing but most oh no you can't ever see your family again are you serious i'm one of those mold monsters no rose i have to save my daughter you're already dead [Laughter] dead wake up ethan this story is crazily good i love it let it live it live it love it i'll save you no matter what rose oh baby still alive where the hell am at i he awakes duke save me my carriage ethan you were having a nightmare duke your battle with heisenberg was a sight to see but to think miranda would show herself how long have i been out not long till dawn duke i need a favor take me to miranda i assumed as much and am already on the way we should arrive shortly thank you but ethan are you sure of this your body is well falling apart duke is awesome yes foolish a bit ass speaking of foolish questions who or what are you even i can't quite answer that we're here let's do good god i owe you one mr winters i'm afraid you can't return to your old world any longer are you ready i have no choice yeah i have to be what that means is there's no more savings i've got to go can i can i can oh maybe maybe i can't save hey um i would like to buy thorium has everything you need for your decisive battle damn right oh what is that a long barrel a damn long barrel for the uh for the for the shotgun or whatever okay okay let's uh let's let's go see what we can complex mechanical heart a giant crystal mace a crystal heisenberg and we're going to save teddy bear for ourselves we're going to sell the the cigar as well oh ho the assemblage of life and machine i can feel lord heisenberg's essence through it okay choose wisely your life may depend on it we're gonna get the long barrel there we go and we can upgrade damage on the sniper rifle what ah it's fine all finished the reload speed the ammo capacity of this hands are more dexterous than one might think and then let's get shotgun shells and some pistol ammo much as we can as much pistol ammo as we can take and even sniper ammo there we go i'm ready ready dude please be well thanks thank you duke thank you for all your help i'm gonna save the game right there dude what's up what's all this stuff freebies you give me freebies duke oh my god look i can't hold it all the way with the hair duke this i can move this why why doesn't it do it by itself what the heck how do i have to do it all right looks like there's nowhere else for for us to go look at duke's horse poor horse has to tuck him hit that giant man around [Music] okay we don't have any ammo for this let's go ahead and put this down here there we go all right oh i am ready i can't run and won't let me sprint i am so ready miranda you're gonna have some head on my way get the hell back oh i got the audacity your audacity stay down stay out yes oh i gotta keep going gotta keep moving never could stop never surrender gotta save rose gotta get revenge for myself my beautiful daughter oh no come to me oh no is that you uh rose oh oh i've missed you that's my baby what [Music] my power is leaving me oh rose that's good hello miranda miranda interesting your body certainly is normal give rose to me now shoot her in the face once i kill you properly oh did i not feel good let's go yeah skype right now spent a lifetime creating this moment and you try to take it away from me oh oh sorry i apologize will be fulfilled oh i'm gonna fight for the paper i will protect pepe with my life the hell are you you fulfilled your purpose you disposed of my false chain and awakened the glorious take that ass take that that one that one so now how can you deny me oh my god oh my god okay moving spidey lady your time is up now die you die the men of my seat saved me from the pits of despair it granted me this splendid power she can fly right all it's done is drive you nuts oh my god will you quit hitting me hoochie lady all right i don't know what the hell she's doing shoot that thing the hell is she doing oh you didn't like that did you oh okay i can't see you see where'd you go huh now mr winters i think it's time you left things in my house [Music] oh yeah oh that does not feel good yeah this guy he keeps creating like these ball things shot two shots i will shoot her a little bit why do you eat surely your life is over why did you still fight such fight time fight for rose oh god oh god that hurts that hurts they could do nothing to persuade my years of think the problem might be you miranda you're not capable of real love i will take my daughter you don't love nobody is mr winters hell no oh no oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god behind the tree behind the tree i will see why won't you die why won't you damn die you hold still you're the one flat around you still stuck oh god come on damn you my wish will come okay here we go oh you didn't like that one huh yes i think we did it i think we did it this is how you end oh this is how you it to ensure i never see your face with it oh hell yes and boom right here damn head right there help me back that it work does it hurt miranda my daughter i'm sorry you can't take one person's daughter for your own daughter just wrong [Music] and she was immortal by the way she was the whole reason that the umbrella corporation resident evil even existed it's because of her bruce bippy oh baby bros they even change your clothes all right it's all right oh no no ethan you did your job you did it ethan wait a minute maybe ethan's not gonna well no he doesn't have his heart he's not gonna live right [Music] oh that sucks ethan come on ethan come on ethan wake up he did what he wanted to do he saved rose chris ethan he did it it's finished i think we've finished each other [Music] ethan we gotta move that thing is massive how are we gonna take that out keep moving ethan there's a bum in that thing that'll blow this whole village sky high hey look at me oh yeah that's right when i hit this trigger we can't be anywhere near it ah damn it me is waiting for you she's alive you hear me alive oh man i'm so sorry i love you oh no safe hey hey [Music] and you tell yourself now come on it's not that much further no ethan watch over teach her to be strong no took the the bomb goodbye rosemary oh no it's so sad no hell no ethan please [Music] watch ethan's other hand fall out can't if it wasn't for her bringing his heart out he would have lived ah beautiful destruction so long ish that sucks gross go go take us up now wait where's ethan he's not coming with us get moving we have to get clear no we can't go not without my husband sit down and strap in not before you tell me where ethan is i know he wouldn't abandon us tell me what's going on where there he is a damn nuke what was that i told you to sit down where is he chris what have you done he's gone i tried he stayed so we could all escape [Music] i'm sorry captain you need to see this [Music] uh oh bsaa didn't send soldiers this is a bio weapon the hell were they thinking what orders captain pick up the rest of the squad plot a course for bsa europe hq someone's got to pay you did it ethan saved rose saved rose you did it hell yes [Music] that was a hell of a story i loved it loved it rip in the comment sections for ethan recipes ethan he took us through two awesome games he died by the baker family i don't know how you came to life uh evelyn had something to do with that but guys i hope you enjoyed this series this has been a fun series to post on this youtube channel please for me drop a like on this video if you want to go back and re-watch the entire series all the way through again show your friends show your family tell everybody to watch this series because it was a fun game to go through and watch hopefully i made you guys proud maybe one day i'll replay this game modded have like some crazy characters to fight through and stuff that was a crazy crazy game and it's not over it's not over chris chris is going to go take the baa out or is it the bba [Music] um [Music] and i cry [Music] gifts we gave but more you took she snarled so more in turn is due in a blink the girl was trapped inside a mirror her parents though had searched all day and at last arrived with rampant rage father fought the witch while mother's loving touch shattered the dark enchantment but the witch was strong and father yelled save our daughter so mother bore their child to safety as the forest was consumed and that was the story even now the burnt forest is a grim reminder of father's sacrifice to this day any child who stares too long into the charred wasteland will be haunted by nightmares of getting lost while picking berries uh-oh storybook oh is that her do you think the little boy will be able to touch the moon that rose he touched the moon he's too far away wait what if he has a rocket ship uh okay then you can touch it but it'd be very very cold oh you were being silly i don't think that movie that's rose she's going to see her dad's grave that sucks she had to grow up without a father [Music] hey dad oh no happy birthday there's some peace ethan sorry i missed last week i have a lot of tests coming up you know how it is [Music] she's having a normal life talk to the goddamn devil well duty calls i love you yeah i found her where else today of all days we have a situation you're needed evelyn don't you ever call me that again oh oh it's just a joke rose why did he call her there show you things even chris doesn't know i can do she's very powerful we have a clear shot stand down i can handle it she's just a kid i want you to keep it together rose you're a lot like him you know i know so [Music] who was that someone's walking down the road who was that they stopped at the end the father's story is now done alright guys again i hope you enjoyed this video this was a very awesome game to play let me know in the comment sections if you actually watch each episode as i play through them did you make it through each episode did you watch the entire 10 hour session did you i really need to know but again thank you so much for supporting this channel and i catch you all in the next video peace out everybody [Applause] [Music] great goodbye family you're never gonna take this away from me i'm in the delirious army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 646,170
Rating: 4.9844222 out of 5
Keywords: resident evil village, resident evil village walkthrough, Full Game, Ethan Winters, resident evil village reaction, lady dimitrescu, resident evil village lycan, mother miranda, mia winters, resident evil village leak, resident evil village full gameplay, resident evil 8 reaction, Resident evil 8 gameplay, Resident Evil 8 walkthrough, sony interactive entertainment, resident evil 8, mother miranda resident evil, The ENd, Ending, resident evil village ending
Id: Y_r3z52c1X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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