MUST PROTECT THE BABY! - Resident Evil Village: Part 1 (Full Game Walkthrough)

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what's up everybody https here we are in the full game of resident evil village that's right i am going to be playing this game until i finish this game until i beat this game i might post two episodes per day starting today so be sure to check my channel often if you want to experience a story with astro delirious now this game is starring ethan winters he played in resident evil 7. if you haven't seen any of that footage yet i'm going to leave a link in the description to that gameplay be sure to check that gameplay out but we're gonna go ahead and jump right into resident evil village that's right new game village of shadows long ago a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work but the forest greeted them with a dark cold silence the bushes empty yet determined to find the berries the rasco broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees mothers worried cries faded fast over vine and under branch and into the forest deep feeling strange eyes upon her the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry then the pet lord appeared he greeted her warmly that lord his own wing come child dragon thirsty said so she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy passing through the graveyard menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned fightingly cold the girl was shivering in her thin clothes then a dark weaver appeared and with a clip of his fingers crafted mist into a beautiful dress come child warm yourself he coaxed so she clothed herself this lady did joy across waters deep and ominous she went hoping a boat should carry her home but hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy whoa then the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins come child eat your fill so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more continuing on she soon entered the forest's dark heart then an iron steed appeared bearing a beautiful golden gear the creature said nothing as the girl approached and snatched what she thought was another gift oh no the horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters oh no [Music] terror filled the girl's heart as the wild wind rose around the beast suddenly a witch appeared dark yet regal it's a hell of a story oh hell yeah that was actually really sweet but more you took she snarled so more in turn is due baby the girl was trapped inside a mirror there she's asleep what is with the creepy story she's only six months old woman at the store said it was traditional a local tale besides rose doesn't seem to mind because she doesn't understand it thank god we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong with my memory you're just being paranoid it's not never mind i'm sorry but i'm not paranoid i'm just cautious then go cautiously take your daughter to bed damn ethan just got told what to do finish dinner so that's mia guys that that's mia she's the one that went crazy in resident evil 7. your mother doesn't want to remember i can't blame her oh my god this looks so good this looks did you say something no nothing i'll put her down that's complimenting the house the house looks lovely dear oh it's a making i could cry i'm gonna cry oh my god we gotta we gotta take our time we have to take our time we have to we have to check it out because this stuff looks nice hello come on outside turn on the tv oh my god cartoons look little baby returns what's your favorite cartoon oh my god is that a pink pig oh look look it's wolfie wolfie showed up oh she's trying to sleep she's she doesn't want to watch cartoons right now we'll keep that on the telly okay she wakes up because she loves her cartoons she very much loves her cartoons i am going to take everything in we're going to spend the entire first episode walking through the house all right um do i dare walk in here first okay yeah yeah we can we can walk in here walk in here and look at all the oh we're going to grow beautiful yes she is yes she is baby liz is going to grow up beautiful once things warm up we can go for a walk oh my god that's a great idea nothing's in there let's close that got some books um i can't really zoom in some pictures of i guess of our traveling i'm not gonna go upstairs yet some more things here okay anything in here mia yeah what do you do oh my god mia that looks delicious don't get too close to me when i'm cooking babe is that a threat and then but but mia i want i want okay what are you doing mister i'm not doing anything what are you talking about i'm holding the baby on the baby what are you what are you talking about hungry no maybe later then she looks like she needs to go to sleep you put the baby to sleep all right before we put the baby to sleep we are getting ready for a meal some grubs gribble rub dubs grubs your favorite book mom got you another new book your favorite new book oh so that's this is when mia was pregnant anything interesting oh oh mia what a miracle damn right with a miracle on this is when we uh went to the beach when we went to the beach anything hiding in a bed no years ago i couldn't even imagine something like this would happen yeah three years ago we were fighting for our life once you're a big girl we'll have a drink together all right oh those are goals those are goals to sleep will you hold on i'm investigating the house our taste of music's definitely improved over the years miss d miss d and the paul boys misty and the paw boys okay all right come with me baby they oh what we got right here uh rosa's food february uh rice cereal banana paris um sweet potato boiled spinach and cream don't give her any sugar or honey and no mushrooms god oh look at that picture that's a lovely picture oh is that her happy half birthday oh my god all right so february 2nd 2021 rose's half birthday so me and liz babylirious is now over half her age like half birthday and me and me and liz have been creating a minecraft map dedicated to baby lyrics's half birthday birthday will be here before we know it they grow up fast so if you just enjoy it interesting that map please comment in the comment section and hit the like button mia makes everything by hand so this stuff keeps piling up oh she makes her own baby food she makes her own baby food oh my god mia you're amazing okay all right i think we have uh checked everything out in the house let's go take babyliss let's go let's go take rose rose lewis upstairs we're gonna call her roselias take her upstairs oh it's okay baby baby i said to your mom that book's too scary for you oh my god can't believe she was reading you a scary book a scary book oh what is this your mama and i love this song so much oh she likes it that must be when we got married music box grandma gave us for our wedding okay grandma gave us that box baby i love this by the way i love this okay oh no me is a medication she's been a strict regimen she's been on a straight regimen ever since the incident so she's been taking all kinds of pills that's a lot of pills to be a lot a lot of pills a lot of pills okay so that's the bathroom we gotta uh we gotta memorize how our house is there honey okay we don't wanna go that way we don't wanna go that way yet that's the correct way to go we need to explore dark in this corner we need more lighting over here a lot more lighting anything anything that we can look at why do i even keep this around i should get rid of it someday little little bobble head i don't want i wanna i wanna break it i'm gonna break the bobble head gotta do a deep clean before rose starts walking around what is this room why is this room so disgusting that mold and stuff in here with the head curtain closes on dolby gas incident the committee completed their investigation on 18th into the dolby toxic gas leak in louisiana in 2017 they concluded the deaths were caused by a leak of natural gas that had built up in the mud rock under the area jack baker and his family who were exposed to the gas perished ethan winters and his wife were also believed to have been nearby but their current whereabouts are unknown the entire area has been closed off by officials who believe it will be at least 10 years before the area is habitable again those liars everyone's forgotten about this already those damn liars that's not the truth that's not what really happened it wasn't toxic gas it was a mutation created by the damn government her historical look into the architecture of eastern european castles and keeps by george trevor what a coincidence he's looking up castle what a coincidence blink blink blink blink okay come on babyliss time for you to go that night now for you to go tonight nights hello come on outside yeah oh my god look at your room this is this is our bedroom but she has a little play area right here oh i like it i like it i like it um in there nothing nothing in here let's close that because there's nothing in there for me to take oh right here you can go sleep right here here you go baby there you go sweetheart goodnight baby don't you worry i'll be right downstairs daddy won't let those weird fairytale monsters get you yeah that down never let any fairy tale monsters get you yeah that will always protect you always oh my gosh she's so cute so cute okay um an owl and a pineapple i want a pineapple i want a pineapple i'm trying to debate if i want to use my controller or my mouse oh i'm not guys had a teddy bear did it close for tomorrow for rose teddy bear clothes i love it i love it i love it oh okay before we look on our computer a little monkeys rose's favorite toy [ __ ] she adapted little monkeys gun survivors a heavy firearm i don't know if they're really out to get you guys sounds so creepy i said fire arms manual and field combat situation okay anything else for me to look at oh is this oh so it's our wedding day our wedding day so we had our wedding right there okay let's go ahead and turn the page um here there we go oh and that's when she uh first got her sonograms so we could see babyliss and uh see if babyliss was a boy or a girl nina whatever um then this is when she was born oh my god memories so it looks like ethan and mia had a stay like this forever had a good life after the incident had a great life after the incident like that and what we got right here february 6 2021 mia and i had another fight i accidentally mentioned what happened three years ago and she blew up at me we finally settled down in our new life in europe and can bring rose up properly but i still feel like a part of me is trapped in the hell hole back in louisiana okay i know mia doesn't like to talk about it but we uh but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn't happen shouldn't we face what happened there so we can live our lives with rose without it hanging over our heads we owe her that much at least i know mia knows this too she wouldn't have exploded like that at the hospital if she didn't care okay so mia doesn't want to talk about anything that happened to us which is not healthy it's not healthy to bottle all that up so uh rosemary winters born february 8 2020 she was uh 62.3 centimeters and she weighed 6.57 or 14.48 pounds 14 pounds screenings hearing vision touch reflex heads all results show no issues parent a patient is in good health other notes results from additional fungal pathogen tests were provided by bsaa will be provided okay so they did fungal tests on the baby rose is fine okay that's good that's really good it's really good oh my god oh my god just cp all right let's go down and see i'll kick the ball let's go down and see how mia is doing this place looks so good okay yeah i'll put the baby to bed put the baby to bed oh my god look at all the balloons look at the balloons baby's sleeping is she okay yes sleeping like a baby like a baby that smells good it looks delicious it's a local recipe all right you've gone full native haven't you local wine too but if you're gonna keep sulking all evening maybe you shouldn't have any what's up you really have to stop worrying it's just finding you in louisiana the pregnancy chris moving us here military training it all happened so fast chris moved us here at least we're all together you me rose now everything's gone seriously i think we can just forget about what happened in louisiana just let it go i just i don't understand why you are so oh what what mia get down mia why is she just standing there why why no what the [ __ ] is happening the baby oh my god what the hell why mia oh god why chris what the hell sorry ethan chris redfield no what why why what the hell was he the one that moved us there i don't understand gonna move oh no all clear rose david how take him away i said get your hands off her no no oh my gosh i'm gonna kick i'm gonna kill all of you have you seen the punisher movies [Music] oh god what hello hey doc i get your daughter's results no problem we'll be there oh no that was the doc she'll see us next week hey now think positively all right we talked about this i know we hardly talk about anything else i keep telling you it's not rose that i'm worried about well then what are you worried about look she's gonna be fine i just know it what else matters we matter ethan you matter you just remember me what are you talking about is there something you're not telling me come on talk to me damn it i have to take this so did they really did they find something on the baby when when they did the fungal pathogen my little angel oh my god why would they do this to my family this cuts deep the hell am i jesus hell i gotta get out here what are you talking about the package of course chris redfield and rose what the hell happened to you oh god my head hurts looks like we got in a terrible terrible crash oh can i take the phone it's useless this mission objectives eliminate target recover bodies secure rosemary winters and ethan winters move the two winters to sightsee for further investigation at least two transfer officers to accompany them at least to transport so the target was mia they were there to kill mia and rescue us or secure me and the baby why it was mia causing harm or something or what the hell nothing back there okay hello it's like hello one out there i hear something in the woods i hear something in the woods chris what did you do with my baby rose that that's coming to save you i promise promise hello see a damn thing i don't see anything i don't see anything all right let's just keep following the path do not enter great great all right i guess i'm going to enter oh no that's not good oh i don't know where i am i need help i need assistance i can't see anything what the hell oh my god i'm gonna get killed i'm gonna get killed by falling rock and get killed by falling hello his family got killed too why oh my god they slaughtered crawlers his entire [ __ ] bloodline what the hell i can't see them oh there's like crows hanging all in the trees crows hanging oh that is disgusting they didn't get crowed leaders though they got his whole family release is on his own adventure to to save his baby crow god oh my [ __ ] holy [ __ ] come on couldn't leave go let's come down it's okay it's okay buddy oh my god oh my god hell out of me hello the hell does that sound hello oh my god oh my god what was that i wish i could put the camera uh the the second point won't let me point the uh flashlight higher man come on use the flashlight like a damn like a human okay oh well now we got dead fishes we got dead fishes poor little fishes little fishes and a naked man crawling through the damn snowy wilderness we got a house hello is anyone home yes see damn thing here here i could use so it looks like i got like a clip on a flashlight that's like clipped onto my shirt i'm assuming oh yeah can we wash your hands or drink some water any fresh waters really really we just did that to turn off the uh the ink really yes okay all right we'll keep moving keep grooving keep pushing oh no pills oh no we're in a damn drug drugged in den of drugs someone's here someone is here anything i could use in here would i open that hello listen i i need a telephone excuse me i was in a car crash i don't mean to bother you i just need to use your telephone need to use your telephone hello this is so creepy a lot of garlic down here a lot of garlic what's this um oh what okay that's creepy um are we sure that there's nothing else to do with this thing there's nothing oh okay all right get a grip delirious you might be i think you're the only one in this house what hello who's in there who's in there listen i just need help but it looks like you need help too hello my are you serious it's a mouse a damn bloody mouse what the hell the head oh what is that okay okay something crashed what is that what does that mean i don't know what that means on the wall right there it was a symbol of something hello what was that crash oh no oh no oh no listen i've been through one hell hole already i fought the baker family i'm not afraid of this family we just get that blood into our blood we just get infected whatever this is was that it was that the key point of this game what did all this blood that blood got into my in my open wound there had been a significance showing that what the hell we came through that way something crashed through the wall oh my god i just noticed something made this giant hole in the wall what the hell rose rose that that is coming to get you a promise i could let nobody hurt you where the hell am what i hell am i oh louise i'm sorry about your family sorry about the family oh my god look at that shot though castle a damn castle so obviously i know whose castle that is that's lady demetricus castle ethan doesn't know that yet okay down and down i go oh this is not gonna be a good place to be not gonna be a good place to be at oh is there anything i could take oh we're serious no what happened was this i would do this to you so creepy oh my god this is some big eggs it's huge it looks like i can go in here hello someone was cooking it looks like maybe they're out no maybe they got attacked while they were cooking oh my oh no something really look it's another one of those symbols another what is the symbols what does it mean oh another one of those painties too is this like some kind of death cult i think this is like part of a death cult tribe has to be something here an easy to pick lock well i don't have what the hell was that someone just got drunk around the corner i'm not investigating that right now hello this is where the horse was taken where did he go he ran to the left do not enter oh okay we need a uh we need a crank right here we need a lot picking a crank so far a lot pic in a crank oh and we have like a bird's cage up there that i'm assuming we'll drop down here i guess i need to get up there all right well we're in the thick of things we need to start finding items we need to start figuring out how the puzzle works is there an easy way to get up there do i shoot it rollers are you trying to tell me something do not enter all right so we don't have the key to open that we do not have the key all right hello i gotta i gotta make sure i look in every corner every corner was this where that guy was dragged here let's go back let's go back through because i want to make sure like i said we look through every corner every moment every little little crevice that we can look in this over here nothing i don't see anything someone just got dragged that way crash truck that castle was very ominous very very ominous hear music hello goats heads oh that's evil that is extra evil what happened nothing good nothing good at all something big is going through here destroying things graveyard workshop ceremony site so it looks like it wants me to go to the graveyard the yellow strip hello they said i'm just looking for help got into a car crash and my daughter was kidnapped what is this locked due to missing home owner homeowner is missing hello the hell is that chickens i got a little chicken i don't know what that is but it looks like we are missing something oh and it goes it takes a ladder up okay so it frees the chickens then you can take the ladder up in there what is that suspiciouser suspiciouser okay what happened to my flashlight some force could break it i don't have anything to break it with okay oh what a coincidence a half symptom first aid medicine nice okay open our inventory all right we got our first a kit right here we don't need to use it right now or do we don't think we need to use it right now um we don't need to use it right now some objects can be broken that's suspicious that is hella suspicious did they just run out of the house did i just hear a baby oh no it was a chicken there's a chicken 100 chicken hello hello is anybody home holy who are you oh she almost killed me nobody there was an accident down the road [Applause] what the hell was that oh no they're coming ooh who is what the hell was that do you have a gun what please tell me i have a gun i got a knife no why would i oh oh oh okay take it i'll take it hell's out there my god no way what the oh that is terrifying you're in a whole different story oh no oh no oh no who's that no oh who the hell dead buddy what do you mean dead body does the bad knees wait there's more a lot of dead people how do we get put here okay yank down here something there there there are you okay hello no jesus christ they're all dead what the hell is wrong with this place why oh why is ethan so unlucky oh [ __ ] what's that why why [Applause] he bit my [ __ ] fingers off no oh listen listen back my aim is atrocious my aim is atrocious there we go come on come on okay get up get back get back oh i want to put you down fighting my team take us off let them figures off back away back off with me i don't know if i could actually do this thing oh there we go there we go there we go what the hell oh is there another one back there that took so many shots and i am terrible at oh i am i am terrible terrible can we go back here is this hello how was that oh bolt cutters yes we definitely need bolt cutters definitely knee bolt coders now imagine i didn't walk back into that room i wouldn't have found the bowl cutters okay all right we can't go back that way oh i got my fingers cut off the entire resident evil 7 game the entire baker family incident i never lost any extremities so that's you know this place is real this place is real um okay what's this kim flew it all right i can i can craft some things some herbs nice can can we craft anything let's see looks like i can craft another health potion achievement unlocked i'm a crafter okay all right i think i got i think i gotta break through this door right here yes all right bolt cutters i can't believe that happened i have eight shots left i have to make these eight shots count if i could hit the head eight times i could kill another victim oh no come on so there is more when that guy bit me i was looking at the one that was further in the background one that was further in the back had my attention okay oh all right gotta keep going keep moving keep grooving i don't know if we want to go in that house do not know i'll check around the house first a lot from the other side of course it's a lot from the other side of course nothing's ever easy nothing's ever easy okay all right barricade the door [Applause] that's creepy what's this more ammo oh yes all right five more shots oh no no no no no no no no oh no oh no no can't be making noise like this okay let's get the ammo first oh fine why oh box fox oh are you alive is that the old man i don't know love i'm being surrounded i'm being surrounded i'm being surrounded man what am i supposed to do what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do what the [ __ ] what am i supposed to do wow did you get in here up yeah you got to touch your bullets huh magic bullets dodge your bullets you don't know who i am you don't know where i've been go you up here huh whoa whoa whoa mister oh fight to the distance oh nice dodge nice i still dodges the hell out of me hell on me come on hit him in the head just son of a [ __ ] keeps dodging me okay reload got him got him anybody else i defeated your damn champion oh yeah that witness greatness right [Applause] there hello if there are any survivors out there come to my to louisa's house near the fields louise survivors okay so our mission is to go see louise how do i oh oh now i open this thing really really all right before we do that before we go any further i just need to make sure gotta figure out a way to get back there don't know yet i don't know how to do that yet is there really no reason to come in here oh my god that hand is nasty there's no reason to come out here there's no reason that to come out here man i could just stay in there for oh they they broke down the doors okay i hear another one oh there he is too look at him look at that hey hey we we could talk about this right yeah yeah you're scared of me aren't you scared of me aren't you oh my god yeah that's right back away back away my box my damn box okay let's go and unlock this door right here okay it gives me a alternate route to go around in case i'm getting chased by something i guess we want to see what's up here [Applause] okay bring it on [ __ ] bring it on hold hold on oh god oh god there we go no powder like it anything else yeah for the least take i got two shots on my shotgun two potential kills more handgun bullets [Applause] more gunpowder flower all right i guess we'll go down here my adrenaline man my adrenaline is pumping this part oh oh oh so you see me you see me can't wait to pull one of your damn hands off no is this more parts all right so wiki craft what kind of crafter craft more bullets all right yep let's craft more bullets craft another one of those so we have we got plenty of help we got plenty of bullets it looks like it's me or the w wha what what what what who's shooting fire arrows here ain't nobody gonna get down here um um i need my i need my pistol quit i need my pistol where do i go where i go holy [ __ ] what did you have oh need the shotgun i need that i don't care i'm okay okay damn check it out quick quick oh my god oh my god oh my god break it grab whatever's in it nothing was in it really hold it hold it oh my god what about do i do oh my god okay okay there's i'll scare you get out of there window blew his head off blew his head off let's do my head off all right okay back away all right come in come in i gave you come right in what the hell is that what the hell is that what the hell is that [ __ ] it okay okay hello oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay oh my gosh okay okay here okay there you go there you go there you go there you go listen there's way too much of this [ __ ] around here what the hell what's going on what's that big family oh my god where do i go where do i go oh no oh no this was this was this was a bad way this is a bad way for the ladies to go a bad way we went back in here we're back in here where do we go what the hell do i do [ __ ] away away get on me oh my god please oh look at what the hell is going on what the hell is going on please oh big boy's here he's huge he is massive wow what in the hell is that that's like the abominable werewolf oh my god we lived we survived it didn't kill us oh my poor head my poor hand my poor poor hand ankle bells huh yo lady 8080 oh there's explosive barrels right there i could have used to blow them up gotta keep that in mind oh not liking this i like the achievement i like the achievement all right guys this is going to be it for episode one for the first episode of resident evil village on this channel please click the like button right now if you want to see episode 2 later today hit the like button on this video and let it grow consume the like button that was insane that was a awesome start to this game i absolutely loved it and i cannot wait for more because it was adrenaline pumping action throughout the entire first part of this game again hit the like button and check out the next video i'm gonna be posting later on tonight of this goodbye big family you're never gonna take this away from me i'm in but delirious army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 1,011,498
Rating: 4.9793663 out of 5
Keywords: resident evil village, resident evil village walkthrough, Full Game, Ethan Winters, resident evil village reaction, lady dimitrescu, resident evil village lycan, mother miranda, mia winters, resident evil village leak, resident evil village full gameplay, resident evil 8 reaction, Resident evil 8 gameplay, Resident Evil 8 walkthrough, resident evil 8 theories, sony interactive entertainment, resident evil 8, mother miranda resident evil
Id: DBcm1x7Er0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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