The END of the Smartphone Wars.

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iPhone market share is doing this and Android market share is doing this don't get mad at me I'm just telling you what the numbers say why is it that way though out of the top 10 selling phones from the last year seven of them count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven of them are iPhones so that's the news part out of the top 10 selling phones of 2023 seven of them were iPhones if I were any other Tech YouTuber this is the part where I would collect the revenue and send you home but I'm an older wiser me now and I want to know why everyone knows iPhones are popular they literally always have been but this level of representation in the global smartphone market is a bit unheard of at least compared to a long time ago there's been a uh let's call it a shift in how and why people buy a new phone when they do or even their first phone and the the market didn't used to be this way not even a little bit actually like look at this this is a report from Q2 2014 and 2015 look at the diversity people the smartphone market was a completely different landscape back then what happened this is how I rabbit hold myself honestly this episode was just meant to be about the smartphone sales report from 2023 but seeing that graph reminded me of well a lot of stuff I think in order for us to truly understand the lack of competition in the market right now now not just for apple and iPhone but in general we're going to need to go way back let's say I don't know a decade we consumers nerds geeks and everyone else we were deep deep in a war fought with circuit boards and touchscreens processors and headphone Jacks and then all of a sudden we weren't I am of course referring to the smartphone Wars this was our Vietnam fellas okay yeah so maybe that was big exaggeration on my part what I am saying though is you think people care now about iPhone versus Android back just a few years ago it was serious business these companies were doing everything in their power to stand out from One camera to two two to three 3 to four 4 to 10 however many they have now no headphone jack oh look wireless charging ooh replaceable batteries how about scroll with your eyeballs that's cool huh oh and then whatever the hell LG was doing it was just Madness and if you were around for this era of smartphone you know exactly what I'm talking about and if you weren't just know that Blackberry was still around still a thing they existed and they were causing problems for everyone Apple was there of course and Samsung and Google Huawei xiaomi whatever LG hadn't shut down their smartphone division yet they had a much bigger presence back then with many many more smaller players all all in the same boat fighting for the same pool of consumers I don't think you truly understand how dark these times were we had Amazon Fire smartphones that was real Firefox smartphones yep also real flip phones were even still a valid choice for some and uh yeah the big ugly elephant in the room please welcome to the stage everybody the black ber passport what a nightmare this battle for Market relevance went on for years until you could literally see the homogeneization of the smartphone market look guys there were people actually buying Windows phones in 2015 most of the stuff that I just went on about is not a thing anymore looking around nowadays things are very very different and there really isn't so much variety I mean don't get me wrong there's always going to be weird stuff out there if you're going to go looking for weird stuff uh but weird stuff is never going to be mainstream ever again it's iPhone and Samsung Galaxy maybe Google pixels and then that is about it are things better now I mean history lesson out of the way right what actually happened well I think I know exactly what happened and I'll tell you after the money part you know Max give me a lot of Happiness what they don't give me though is ports that's why today's episode is sponsored by our friends over at ion and their brand new Fusion doc Max one okay so first of all look at all these ports this dock is exclusively designed and engineered for Apple silicon and yes you're looking at support for Quad displays the fusion doc Max one has dual Thunderbolt 4 chips for enhanced performance and versatility it's a dock that actually looks great on your desk like look at it it looks like serious business it's reliable and offers you virtually any port that you think you've been missing not only do I plug my display in here I plug well every everything else in here too that way I can just plug this straight into my Mac and everything works at the same time when I'm done pick up the Mac go also ioni thank you thank you so much an SD card slot on here means even my MacBook Air can join the party this has made my life and my team's life so much easier and working on a Mac just became a little more seamless grab yours now by clicking the link in the description below and of course a huge thanks to ioni for well one sending it to us but also sponsoring this episode if we don't look at the current smartphone market as a dystopian nightmare hellscape how's everything looking well for starters even if things are boring and there's a lot of similarities between smartphone choices it's actually pretty okay however I think there is one major key thing that just doesn't happen anymore when is the last time you saw someone switch sides like iPhone to Android or Android to iPhone don't worry I'll wait in fact it seems to me that most people most consumers today are pretty locked down to their ecosystem of choice you don't pick a phone anymore you pick an ecosystem and one of the biggest differences between now and things back then is actually time since then there's been enough time accumulated to where if you've been in an ecosystem for any amount of those years you are in now like the time has accumulated it has built up and now you're kind of Stu in the United States 87% of teenagers say they own an iPhone first of all what that is an insane number but second of all what happens to those teenagers when they grow up yep now they're adults with iPhones you see say what you want about Apple's marketing but getting them at an early age and locking them into an ecosystem as they get older is like maybe the best business strategy ever and they're not going to whichwich what they're going to spend years on the iPhone and then switch to and that's not what let me ask you a question right whether you're on an iPhone right now or an Android device if you were to switch teams switch sides today how much would that kind of ruin your life a little bit if today I had to give up the iPhone my life would be a nightmare and it would be a nightmare real fast and that is nothing negative towards Android devices kind of uh but it would it's the ecosystem everything would be ruined assessing my own terrible purchasing decision situation there's iPhone Apple watch Apple TV homepods so many airpods Max and now Vision Pro I have like personal equity in the Apple ecosystem and if even just one of those goes let alone the head of the Beast the iPhone I'm in trouble there's a good chance at this point whether you're using an iPhone or an Android device you're kind of locked in and probably not even considering another option next year I mean when you have your next upgrade are you even wondering to yourself huh am I going to buy an iPhone or Android the answer to that is probably no you probably already know what your next phone is even if you're not ready to buy one right now and that is that's kind of Apple's fault in fact it was their plan all along and it worked really well scary well SmartWatches tablets entire lines of accessories it's there on the Android side of things too make no mistake it's the dream of all of these companies to get you rooted into their own slice of the market and keep you there for many years Apple's ecosystem exists for normal healthy emotionally regulated people who have uh too much money and not enough sents that maybe they are afraid to think for themselves certainly afraid to be a green bubble because Sam Cole will find out and spit on you and Android exists for all those people who think Apple's whole stick is stupid some would argue these people actually enjoy technology a bit more maybe they even want to F around and find out see with that custom firmware Rabbit Hole takes them either way the teams still exist right there's still people that love iOS there's still people that love Android it's just enough time has accumulated to where those people are staying longer and because earlier on people are buying an iPhone as their first phone as a teenager or maybe their parents are buying it for them and their whole family is in that ecosystem those people are growing up and the iPhone market share is growing up with it and what we're left with instead of an outright bloody smartphone war with battles for the market raging every release cycle it's more of a Cold War what certainly is different now than it was then is everything is sort of great every smartphone is great all the cameras are great all the os's are great and if everything is great nothing is great and you know what I'm glad we're having this conversation now because the smartphone Wars are on their way out and the future well the future is headed somewhere else speaking of Vision Pro this thing got me to make my first review video ever that's live right now you should go watch that next and you know what I promise you will never look at tech reviews the same way ever again
Channel: fpt.
Views: 245,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, iphone, jon prosser, front page tech, frontpagetech
Id: a7BGoSAO7aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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