Why I Don't Use An iPhone: An Android User's Perspective

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hey friends the more high quality Android smartphones come onto the market the more I get the question of whether a current iPhone or an Android device is better and from the incredible number of comments under my videos I can see that many people are asking themselves whether they should switch from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy or pixel smartphone for example personally I haven't used an iPhone as my daily driver for over a year now and here are a person reasons why I have always used an iPhone since the iPhone 4S and have invested in the latest device every year I use a Macbook as a laptop for my work and the YouTube channel here but the Galaxy zold 4 replaced my iPhone as my daily driver for the first time then the s23 ultra came onto the market a year ago and since then I still have an iPhone but only to test it for the channel and make comparisons after using Android exclusively for a while now I noticed a few things when using the iPhone in between that really solidified my decision to stop using an iPhone for the foreseeable future number one the camera many people may guess when they hear me say this the fact is that the camera on the current iPhone doesn't do a good job for me as a content creator I use my smartphone extremely frequently to take pictures of a new device especially when I'm out and about I don't always want to L my compact camera around with me I just want to be able to film something unfortunately with the current iPhone 15 Pro the iPhone always automatically switches to macro mode when taking close-ups in video mode unfortunately the image quality of this macro mode is far too poor for me to use it for my YouTube videos of course you can switch off macro mode but then you can no longer take close-ups because the iPhone's image then become super blurred even at not very close distance of course the iPhone's camera is Mega good for for the average consumer but for me personally it's just not good enough and what I really miss with the iPhone is the option to pause a video recording if I want to straighten something for example with the iPhone you always have to stop the video and then start again number two gesture control if I'm on Android and want to go back whether I'm in the settings a YouTube website or wherever I can do this easily with a swipe gesture to the left or right at the edges this makes one-handed navigation through websites and menu is super easy no matter how big the device is with the iPhone this is only possible on the left edge of the screen even if I have a normal sized iPhone in my hand I can only get there by stretching my thumb far across the screen and then I need my second hand to operate the device it's super awkward and doesn't make any sense to me number three notifications and this is a complex topic on the iPhone you only have the option of switching notifications for an app completely on or off on Android on the other hand you you have the option of switching different notification categories in an app on or off on Instagram for example you can decide whether you want to be notified of likes comments or messages as an Android User what I personally miss most about the iPhone is the notification bar when I receive a notification on Android for example an email or a birthday reminder an icon for this notification is displayed at the top of the screen until I open or delete the notification I use this small notification bar as a to-do list for things that I need to do later for example wish you a happy birthday or reply to a message and above all I can see it visually all the time what I find super important for unfinished tasks on the iPhone the notifications are of course displayed on my lock screen but when I open the iPhone these notifications disappear from my field of vision and are only visible as a DOT on the respective app but I don't swipe through all my apps just to see if there's a DOT somewhere or I have to swipe down from the top to get to This creepy notification center which is just incredibly confusing personally I've gotten so used to this notification bar on my Android device as part of my productivity system that I no longer get on well with the iPhone's notifications at all number four app settings on the iPhone there is no way to change settings directly in the respective app you always have to leave the app go into the iPhone Settings app search for the app there and then change the setting for example with the camera if I want to change something in the settings here I have to leave the camera go into settings app search for the camera and then change the settings there I mean with Android there are simply the settings directly in the app why is it so unnecessarily complicated with iOS the same applies to other settings for example if I want to adjust the display brightness I can still do that in the Apple control Center but everything else such as setting the adaptive display brightness I have to go back to the settings app and dig around until I find it with Android all it takes is a swipe gesture on the three dots and I'm there it's crazy how much time iPhone users have to spend changing settings the volume setting on the iPhone is also limited to the system volume if you press the volume buttons the volume of the whole system for example the ringtone and notifications is changed and God forbid you have it set to full volume then go to YouTube and the video starts your alarm clock rings in the morning it has the volume that you have set with the buttons so your ears fly off in the morning when the alarm clock goes off on Android tap the three dots and you can set the volume for the ringtone alarm clock and media separately that's it number five keyboard and even when I was still using the iPhone as my daily driver this already bothered me Apple's own keyboard has neither a number row nor are periods and commas displayed when typing I always have to switch to the second page to find the numbers and punctuation marks why is that because you use commas and periods so rarely in everyday life and it's not as if you can change or customize the keyboard on iOS I find this a thousand times better solved with Android because I can customize my keyboard the way I want even in size color shape and decide for myself what is displayed to me I can even display the alternative characters so that I can access them by holding down the letter and not having to switch to another page number six smart features then there are small things that I really like in everyday life on Android that are missing on the iPhone for example reverse wireless charging I can charge other devices wirelessly with my pixel or Samsung so that I don't have to Lug around the charging cable for my watch for example when I connect my Android smartphone to the charging cable it tells me how long it will take to fully charge this information is missing on the iPhone of course none of this is decisive but in my opinion it contributes to a much better user experience people always give the impression that iPhones are so intuitive and user friendly which makes me wonder from an Android user's point of view what is supposed to be user friendly about all the points I just mentioned number seven lack of AI in recent months Google and Samsung have launched smart AI functions on the market with their new devices and software updates that we would never have guessed were even possible automatic translation of emails Smart Text suggestions when writing a dedicated assistant that answers the phone and asks the caller why they are calling image and video editing that is simply Next Level and now with the s24 ultra live translations of phone calls so that we can easily talk to the whole world none of this not even in rudimentary form can be found on an iPhone I have the feeling that Apple certainly has big plans in many areas but the iPhone and even the latest model looks like a relick from 2018 compared to the current Samsung Galaxies and Google pixel smartphones in my opinion the iPhone has not developed at all in the last 5 years which I personally find extremely unfortunate because I have always been a big fan of the iPhone and Apple in general but unfortunately I'm also a big fan of progress and the development of new possibilities that make our everyday lives easier the iPhone simply missed the boat 5 years ago of course the iPhone has a strength compared to Android smartphones but these strengths are actually exclusively within the Apple ecosystem and there are also more and more really good Alternatives in the Android area for example FaceTime we simply always use WhatsApp video telepone which can also be used for conferences or airdrop but here too there are integrated Alternatives such as Quick Share or nearby share that work at least as well however there is one thing that I find sorely lacking on Android smartphones which I think is the coolest feature on the iPhone Mac safe being able to Simply attach charges wallets and popsockets to the back of an iPhone is a real hit and I really wish this feature was available on Android devices but luckily there are many fact who have a solution for everything such as this magnet here you can attach to your smartphone or any case and thus use all Max safe accessories I hope you enjoyed my video on why I currently don't use an iPhone and please don't take this topic too personally and be respectful in the comments these are just objects we're talking about here friends thank you so much for watching bye and see you next time
Channel: the german tech girl
Views: 160,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone vs. android, iPhone 15 pro max vs. Galaxy S24 ultra, ios vs android, switching from ios to android, switching from iPhone, switching from iPhone to Samsung, which is better iPhone or Samsung, iPhone 15 pro max vs Pixel 8 pro, Apple or Samsung, Apple or Google, Apple vs. Samsung, Apple vs. Google, switch from iPhone to Samsung, the german tech girl
Id: 0dqIXewi0oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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