Parents check kid's search history...

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i'm gaining knowledge how did your thea alice have her baby she came out of her butt what how to murder your wife it's called how to murder your wife to do with jack lemmon what are you watching jack lemmon stars in this movie your wife is what you're watching does mom know that okay where were you when your parents taught you about the birds and the bees as they call them i was in a studio in california in a video about to be uploaded to a youtube channel called cut just kidding that's a lie but this kid right here he's living that life and i'm terrified for him the series of videos we're about to watch are the strangest things that i've seen in quite a while quite a while there's some kind of hole hill like an igloo and that's saying a lot because this is the oompaville channel now here's parents read their kids search history i have a funny story i might tell in your second week shops on washington boulevard that's his mom she's single i'm not single well we got my uh google search history all loaded up and uh my father is going to take a look kenny and they've been working on a lot of stuff for school there should be a lot of stuff about that right right she's a weirdo so everything she does is a weird thing to do i'm gonna start from the top lay sex no paris no that's at least six you are not going to burning man i don't even know why you're like he would he looks like he want to go to burning man little wayne's baby mama how much money floyd mayweather made at the fight good grammar by the way that's really good grammar it should be how much money did floyd mayweather make at the fight right right i don't know does kim really love kanye no no no no he does not he does not at all they broke up i think they got a divorce right so we were searching for wheat shops on washington boundaries weed shops where's that even at is it even legal where that is what's washington boulevard oh they're in california it's probably legal right i don't really know you're still looking up spongebob things oh my god dad it was a gift from who who gave it to you it's like my editor tara all of her youtube history is all spongebob videos because she's she's a mouth-breathing troglodyte and she edits these videos so that's why there's so many epic spongebob sounds in them guys and how about what's his bad hygiene habits oh why would you be googling bad hygiene habits so you can do them so you can do it so i can see if my habits matched up to that then i don't have a problem yeah how many times should you wipe your ass after you poopy none next question how many squares of toilet paper should you use none next question do you stand when you wipe no or do you sit i don't wipe because if you don't sit you're a lunatic all right my friend stands rifty he stands when he poops all right he stands up like literally stands up like this i've seen it i'm just kidding i don't know if he actually does that but yeah i think i'm pretty sure there was a anyways it does my inmate get out of me wait i really don't remember do you know somebody in jail no he just said yes but said he physically said no but you know since i'm a uh an expert on narcissistic language patterns and in behavioral cues i can tell that he said yeah also i'm lying to you right now but if you were an expert you'd know delete your histories [Music] especially for uh for things you don't want anyone to see let's see what was that [Music] i got a joe diffy song with and pokeyman with no makeup i'm cultured so now the shoes on the other foot the kids read the parents search history this could be substantially more awkward one time my dad handed me his phone and he asked me how to clear apps and stuff and i opened his app up and there was like 50 tabs of porno on it i was like wow i'm proud of you dad that's awesome that's really cool i'll show you how to clear it elbow clicks when i bench press when you get to a certain age your joints start to click it's just normal or they just do all the time 24 and 24. sexy hairstyles to impress your husband does that mean dude sexy you wanna know about sexy hairstyles oh no i hope i don't fall [Music] take notes fellas how long can a cat last well tell us how long can a cat last at a 90 degree house did the cat die i'm i'm invested at this point but i'm working on a new look oh my god i'm working on a new look honey don't judge me i mean you better be glad i am still sexy hello yeah she is beautiful by the way i'm not sure how old that woman is but she's an absolutely stunning beautiful human being she looks great for having a child that's like 18 or whatever how to murder your wife it has nothing to do it's called how to murder your wife open the door or i'm going to throw rocks through your windows you dumb how to murder your wife it's called how to murder your wife it has nothing it's a jack lemmon what are you watching jack lemmon stars in this movie gotta murder your wife this is what you're watching does mom know that okay i'm moving down looking up how to kill his wife and the sun just ruined his whole plan i'll tell you what this was four years ago this came out is that woman still alive because i'd be surprised if so that guy wants to kill her in the cat too i'd be worried about the cat let's call a welfare check immediately i'm worried for this family damn it that's a great movie have you ever seen it what do you do it's a movie how to murder your wife it's a comedy [Music] right a comedy right yeah hey i'll help i'll help by the way i got some sulfuric acid all right i got some better almonds too man you combine those you get hydrogen cyanide quick quiet painless death yeah you guys remember when pewdiepie accidentally leaked his search history amateur video photo bucket look at him getting caught big 15 amateur adult streaming freak it's got taste the birds and the bees parents explained cut oh my god do you know why we're here today do you know why we're here a little little johnny we're going to talk about good guess where babies come from good guess little guy do you know anything about intercourse they should ask the little first guy that i have a feeling he'd drop some knowledge all right i just get that vibe i don't know why i'm gaining knowledge so uh i like that kid he looks cool talk about how babies are made all right that's disgusting one time my dad explained to me what a douche was and it was the worst experience of my entire life guys that's why i now have a massive collection of faberge eggs how are babies made where do they come from do they come from storks in the sky or are they from mommy's bum would you like to know how babies are made made of water they're made of water he's right yeah i know it's bottle they're made of water guys i thought it was because of god that sent us down into your stomach to be bored she's holy she's holy psalms 14 10. god put a baby in mommy's belly all right all right that's how it works haven't you read the bible you sperm egg collab what what do you mean sperm a collide where did you learn that from nick sperm eggs my brother what did he tell you bad stuff nick's about to get an ass whoopin [Music] oh my god that little kid just ratted on his older brother dude i didn't have an older brother to tell me show me the ropes like that sperm egg boom zygote tiny baby swimming around that's how it works nick's about to get his ass whooped you know what makes mom a woman uh you have bigger hands in here there's some kind of hole here like an igloo oh okay what the does that mean dude who is this kid why'd they give him a show i mean give him his own show he's what see six year he's probably like 10 or 11 now give this kid his own youtube show like ryan's toy reviews but based in red pill he's right though it's like an igloo it really is mama are girls cold nicey in there you know dirt is there a specific body part that you know of the place between the mommy's legs all the regina right the mangina yes that's correct the vanguard the band the ben ben china china ah it's like me it's called the vagina yeah vagina how do you say it i do these kids this is like i thought this was going to be really weird but this is pretty good this is pretty the vibe of this is good it's on the level where i was expecting it to be aside from nick about to get his ass off all right let's be honest how did your thea alice have her baby she came out of her butt did you come through the bottom the butt the butt it came out of her vagina that's weird so that is really like what i eat for breakfast not exactly but similar in a few a few ways less nutrients all right less nutrients and more more expensive quite a bit more expensive how does daddy give the sperm to mommy uh they have sex what how does he know i told you he told me a lot of stuff hey but he told him about all the actual he told him about the igloo and the penguin there's some kind of whole hill like an igloo and then the the egg and the the the swimmers he knows everything how does that kid know this dude i didn't learn that in 10th grade all right god i was homeschooled all right this kid right here genius all right that kid grew up to be a minecraft youtuber we know it all right the mom provides egg and um vaporizes sperm this kid is a genius where does it come out the butt the pooper sperm comes out of your penis oh oh disgusting what's wrong with that woman why would she say something so true all right was that dream by the way was that dream the youtuber dream looks like dreams same colors why do they make videos like this though for real like that i really wonder because i i was expecting that to be a lot weirder than it really was because i remember one of these like adults showing kids toy adult type things right and that was really weird and i hated it i was married before and my father-in-law bought me something like this i tried it on i hated it and i believe it shouldn't be on youtube because it's disturbing that was kind of funny though that was like a movie almost anyways thanks for watching guys check out this video that i made on the dream smp all right it's really interesting and i talked some pretty good in it thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed
Channel: oompaville
Views: 6,992,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parents check kid's search history, search history fails, parents vs kids, buzzfeed video, search history meme, browser history, search history, browsing history meme, browsing history prank, search history delete youtube
Id: xWnnYVZ3g34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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