MeatCanyon & Vaush Are Hypocrites, That Has The Anime Community Losing Their Minds

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what's up guys there is a lot of drama that has been going on in the anime Community for the past 4 days honestly a few weeks now at this point thanks to the whole vosch situation and I kind of want to dive into it give my overall take on it because I just recently was made aware of this stuff yesterday and I just have been kind of like watching videos getting a full understanding and breakdown of what's going on even watching rev here and like his breakdown of like meat Canyon's video and then why he made this video to just like the whole controversy of me Cy now you know actually removing videos to kind of cover his tracks there's just there's so much that has been going on for the last like 48 hours to a week now that I just I want to dive head first into this and so let's begin this video with showing this clip now to give some context here before I play this clip this is someone that basically was trying to from my understanding from the context I gathered trying to defend vosch and then and basically because of that finding out about like what you know lollies are for instance they instantly started getting rid of anything that was remotely Japanese related and throwing it into the trash bin because you know it has lolly in it or potentially lolly in it and they want to get rid of it and I'll show this you know in a second but then we have you know rev kind of talking about Papa meat here which I'm just going to give some more context here I've been watching him for a few years I haven't seen all of his videos but he legitimately makes some very creepy messed up content but you know it's it's enjoyable it's not for everyone obviously cuz it could be kind of grotesque and creepy but I've seen some animations from him and they could be funny or disturbing whatever it just really depends on how you view it but uh regardless though what rev says Desu says here is actually very enlightening and gives a lot of much needed context to just the the the hill that meat Canyon or Papa meat is trying to stand on is not necessarily a solid Hill they're on a sand hill or a glass house speaking because their argument about like talking about the worst fandom on the internet AKA you know anime and lollies all that type of stuff you know if they're going to make that statement and that Viewpoint they can't be actively like drawing content that you know has stuff like this I'm not going to you know kind of rehash everything rev said here you can watch the video for yourself I'll have it linked in the description go check it out cuz this is legitimately very good video that he made but it's entirely focused on Papa meat and just talking about the situation and controversy that he was talking about but uh anyways let's get into this clip here so I'm just going to play this clip and you know I'm going to comment on it when I need to so let's just begin ruined anime for me in general I said it before like hentai was never my thing but if you're into hentai honestly just stay the [ __ ] away from that [ __ ] because holy [ __ ] like you could look at something that looks perfectly fine and then later find out it's Lolly and then you could find yourself in a situation like this so this oh yeah I want to I want to replay that real quick okay just listen what he says here that sounds very hypocritical okay just just listen to these last few seconds here and then later find out it's LLY and then you could find yourself in a situation like this so look at something that looks perfectly fine and then later find out it's LLY and then you could find yourself in a situation like this so okay obviously that is just that's an insane statement but anyways let's get into Act kind of why this is being said so from my understanding vosch is a big content creator that got himself into a lot of controversy as of late basically he started saying the very same thing that meat Canyon was saying that rev covers in this video that's where like you know they're basically saying you know if you like lollies you're a PDF Etc but the point of the matter is is that you know the people that are trying to have this Viewpoint and saying if you're into you know lollies you are a PDF you know straight up you know has been kind of exposed to actually consuming that said content or participating in that said content for instance you have it where Vos he was someone that was live on stream was making those statements and then his folders got shown that showcased Lolly folders but also horse folders as well with like anime girls and drawings and stuff literally getting reled so it's just like yikes so there there's a lot going on there there's a lot to unpackage with that statement just in of itself so you could kind of see why there's just been so much controversy and drama when you have a person like that that was a a big streamer that basically was having that Viewpoint very similar to Papa meat got exposed and then they were consuming that said content so it's like wait a minute if you said that you're a PDF or consuming content that has lollies in it and then you have it are you saying you are one you you get the point there there's a lot of hypocrisy and stuff going on with that and basically what rev says here with this video is that papa mean is pretty much making the same exact statements but instead of just let's say having folders on his computer or storage drives whatever you know Papa me has actively participated in making content that would from his description and his argument be deem stuff that would basically label you a PDF for instance like you know there is multiple animations that rev shows here that Papa has worked on for instance like uh you know this scene with the Magic School Bus he's shown a you know Gwyn and Ben scene here that he's worked on you know he showed you know a scene with Demon Slayer but what's even more damning is this stuff with Tom Brady which I I I feel like I do need to give some context here basically a few years back I remember there was talk about this I remember there was people talking about but I don't care too much about the Super Bowl or Sports in general but I even remember hearing stuff about this to where it's like basically you had Tom Brady like kiss his son or whatever and it was very weird people were reacting to it P and meet decided to make a you know animation clip like a video of it like two minutes but the drawing was based on a literal child and so if we're going on everything in terms of creepiness that is definitely way more creepier than anything else because it directly correlates with an actual person in a real life event so it's like yikes so like pop and meat trying to have this Viewpoint in this statement you know about like lollycon and all that type of stuff you know it's just like it is a lot of hypocrisy going on especially when you have done stuff like that make content like that so it's just like I have the same Viewpoint that rev I don't know what compelled him to make this video I don't know what was going on I mean obviously the whole vosch situation is being talked about a lot by a lot of content creators hell even I'm talking about it but to be fair it is Anime related and seeing these people like coming in and trying to like label every anime fan basically someone that's a PDF or something it's just like it's a it's causing a lot of harm but also there is a lot of like racism deeped like seeped into it as well in my personal opinion people like going out of their way to basically you know go after just anyone in Japan that's into anime or whatever and it's just like it there's a lot there's just so much to unpackage with a lot of stuff that has been said in these last few weeks but um let's get back into this though so pretty much this individual as you could see you know he pretty much put his own foot in his mouth you know I I'll let you hear the clip again for you can kind of understand now the full context you could look at something that looks perfectly fine and then find out it's LLY and then you could find yourself in a situation like this so this whole situation has honestly ruined anime for me so [ __ ] much that I I never want to watch anime again I don't want anything to do with anime I got my waist spin here and I got some of my anime we got Death Note one of my favorites [ __ ] it throw it in Death Note let's be honest it is a gateway anime for a lot of people and the fact that he says that Death Note has a lolly in it is just so mindblowing it's just so mind blowing I there isn't one I from my understanding there there isn't one it's been been years since I've watched defo but from my understanding there is no Lolly with in Def note and the fact that he threw that it's just like boy you know you're going to pull that out of that trash bin soon as the stream is over you you know for a fact you are but let's continue in the bin we got Dragon Ball Z another great anime show throw it in the [ __ ] bin Robotech seems pretty harmless but who knows maybe there's some lolly in there throw it in the [ __ ] bin ease based on one of my favorite RPG franchises in the [ __ ] bin hell I've got video games that are anime inspired those go in the bin too uh e the video game gone the Final Fantasy games there's probably some lolly in there somewhere get rid of them uh oh Final Fantasy 7 remakes got to go uh Catherine pretty okay gotta stop right here you're not telling me you're picking up Catherine okay PC Xbox PlayStation whatever you're you're you're picking up Catherine you look at the freaking cover like just just if you're interested you want to get a better look at what Catherine looks like and you know you can look it up just type in Catherine Xbox 360 or Catherine PlayStation or whatever you know just and then look at the game cover look at what the game actually has on it and you're going to tell me someone that buys that copy and has it in their house isn't aware of like some potential sexualization or controversy that is within the said game hell there was a lot of conversation around just Catherine years ago when I was a kid when it came out I remember you know people talking about saying like this shouldn't have been made because it's just the whole theme of it is like adultery and cheating and all that it's just uh it has some themes in it that could be you know race some eybrows to a lot of people so it's like the fact that this person bought the game and then now it's like oh I want to throw it away it's like bro you know you're not going to throw this way you're going to pull all this out soon as this stream is done you're just doing this for a reaction to be able to make people angry which is obviously working cuz clearly I'm making a video on it sure there might be something sussy in there let's get rid of it and just for good measure Ethan calls people he views as lollicon he calls them lollipops so we'll get rid of Lollipop chainsaw just to be on the [ __ ] safe side I'm so sick of anime at this point I want nothing to [ __ ] do with it not to get off topic though Lollipop Chainsaw amazing game by the way amazing game can't wait for the Remake no more anime in my house I'm sorry babe I know you're in the other room I know you still like Pokemon and [ __ ] like that no more no Moss it's j no more anime in this house [ __ ] that [ __ ] honestly as you can clearly see there there's a lot to just unpackage from this clip first of all okay we got to talk about just like the throwing away of Death Note to Dragon Ball okay he throws away Dragon Ball and to be fair you know there is lollies and Dragon Ball least in Basse Dragon Ball there is but even still I'm not going to get into that argument it's just like there's a lot of hypocrisy especially since he clearly has bought a lot of this he's probably enjoyed it and loved it but now because it is controversial and people are talking about it he's just like oh I didn't know there was lollies in it in front his away he's like bro just stop lying just just stop lying come on now but uh and then like he grabs like Final Fantasy in different games and starts throwing in minut like bro you're just you're fishing for reactions right now and it's just like you know that clean trash B like just look look at this trash bin it's a completely clean empty trash bin that he's throwing these games in it's just like you know he's pulling this stuff out soon as he's done with this like soon as the stream is over he's pulling all those out and he's putting them in the shelf or he's going to hide them in the back here where nobody can see him but he's going to keep this there's just no way he's going to throw away all this content and it's just no way he just suddenly found out that there's lollies in and you know let's go back to his words himself of what he said here let's go back to 13 SEC or yeah 13 seconds of what he said here be [ __ ] like you could look at something that looks perfectly fine and then later find out it's Lolly and then you could find yourself in a situation like this so how okay we're going to move on I I don't think I need to kind of discuss this anymore moving on popping meat now is damage controlling deleting videos and stuff because obviously his statement as well his uh you know basically causing a lot more drama towards him it's ruining His Image because it's like okay if you have this statement you can't be actively participating in it when you have clearly been making content and all that and I do really like what rev showed here with uh critical I think that Charlie's video on here is a really good topic on the whole subject and you know I think you know I want to do what you know rev said here I want to just let this clip play because I think this is a very important clip that you know basically shows a sane person's reaction to all this this is what their Viewpoint actually should be why is cuy such a big deal when anime has kids being sexualized well first of all anime is fake those those like children Lolly things those [ __ ] 900 year old vampires that look like they're four years old the little [ __ ] demons that have existed for two Millennia but they look like a six-year-old those aren't real people they are anim fake things these are actual 11 and 12y old girls that are subjected to this hypersexualization in this movie that the director is forced upon them that's very different this is real world versus totally [ __ ] made up drawn characters it's not even comparable so overall this is a very so basically I think that clip really just summarizes like a lot of same people's arguments what they should have but the fact that you know these people are trying to have a moral High ground and do this like virtue signaling type stuff going on and then they get exposed for basically doing the exact same content it's like bro what are you saying then about yourself are you saying you're a PDF there's just there's yeah there's a lot but um I'll leave it at that just I wanted to talk about this because I've been seeing this all over my feeds so many people have been talking about it and there's just so many people discussing it now that are like unaware of what's really going on Etc just yeah absolutely crazy tell me your thoughts in the comments below how you feel about it but if there is one thing I want to say before I do wrap up the video is that people continue to treat fictional characters better than they treat real people that's the truth people care more about fictional characters than real people that's how it is but okay I love you guys like the video If you enjoyed it chibi out
Channel: Chibi Reviews
Views: 46,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime review, manga, manga review, chibi, otaku, chibi reviews, review, meatcanyon is a hypocrite, MeatCanyon Is A Hypocrite, MeatCanyon, anime community, losing their minds, meltdown, meatcanyon drama, vaush, vaush drama, this drama has gotten outta hand, gotten out of hand, out of hand, worst fandom, worst fandom on the internet, papa meat, papameat, vaush on anime, meatcanyon anime, rev says desu, rev
Id: Um9-IQHXdYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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