If You Know This Secret, You Will Be A god On This Earth || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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god servant the jcc of president emeritus is here with us this evening [Music] hallelujah glory to god and we lift our hands toward heaven and talk to the lord [Music] i release the sound of the [Music] i release the sound of the heavens the sound of creation is here we cry holy holy holy unto yeshua [Music] [Music] hey [Music] i release [Music] [Music] [Music] yahwah [Music] for we ask that tonight give us an encounter that will change our lives and change the course of our pilgrimage even as we strive to advance in the frontiers of your kingdom take all the praise take all the glory in jesus pressure we'll come back i will speak with god seven and then he will lay us with the jcc president to find out when it's most convenient on your calendar and then we'll come back for a revival conference [Music] ah [Music] i want to share with us please sit down god bless you i want to share with us this evening on the four realms of spiritual experience christianity in our day have become philosophy because a lot of us have not matured to the realm where we can function in tangible experience of the things of the spirit so we hear stories and experiences of others and then when we go out we share those experiences and because people are inspired or they get emotional it looks as if so much is happening but i tell you the truth both the person sharing and the people listening are babes and they will never experience those things they will be emotional about it they will be inspired but it takes more than the excitement in the auditorium to step into the experience of the things that are communicated before christianity begins to make meaning to you there are four realms that you will step into before you begin to wield the powers of the ages to come there are four realms of experience that you will step into before god can truly commit kingdom to your hands there are four realms that you must step into if you don't walk in those realms even god will be a story to you until you leave this realm you will walk through time and you will realize you never knew him the things you were told you will discover you'll never experience them as beautiful as they will look and sound it will not make so much profit it will not constitute so much meaning until you graduate to functioning in the realms that i'm about to share with you tonight the word of god that we share and the word of god that we interact with have three major purposes the first thing the word of god does to you is that it communicates places to you when you begin to interact with the word of god one of the things the word of god does to you is that it opens you into realms and places in the spirit now when you make contact with realms and places in the spirit it confess confess upon you authority and spiritual experience to bring the atmosphere of the place that you have stepped into into your visible realm so you become a governor over your realm so if the word of god have not yet brought you into spiritual places you will not have advantage in the visible realm that's why the bible said we are seated with christ in heavenly places the bible said holy men of god speak as they were carried by the spirit of god so every time men begin to make tangible contact with the word of god dimensions places in the spirit begins to open to them it is on the strength of the places they visit in the spirit that determine the level of legislation that they can carry out in the natural if the word of god has not become a portal that grants you access to dimensions no matter how you quote it you will not have authority because the word of god primarily opens us up to places dimensions and realms in the spirit so when a man grows in the things of god the word of the lord ceases to be stories to him the word of the lord becomes doorways into dimensions in the spirit such a man can look upon the scripture and on the strength of that scripture he can step into a place in the spirit and when he comes out of that place you would think he read a vest he didn't read the vest he actually traveled to a dimension because the scripture encompasses millions and billion spiritual locations that book you are carrying is a compendium of places in the spirit in that scripture is a door to the sides of the north where the throne of god dwells in that scripture is a portal into eden in that scripture is a butter to the places where light 12 in that scripture is a portal to a place where health dwells but until the doors begin to open to you those scriptures will remain stories so when a man begins to mature he approaches the scripture as a doorway to dimensions and places in the spirit every time he sits on the scripture he's not trying to accumulate knowledge he's trying to gain access to a dimension that's why he can sit on one face of the scripture for one hour because for him it's not about how many scriptural verses he knows to him it's about the places he has traveled on account of the written word of god so every time he opens it he's looking for a door how do i step into this realm he can sit on one scripture and he's speaking in talks for one hour and you think what is happening i've memorized this scripture before it's not about memory it's about access to potholes because locked in those scriptures are spiritual locations [Music] how many of you have read scripture before and he opened to you as a door that's why you treat it as a storybook because you don't know what you are carrying it's a billion locations compressed together in pages but they are not necessarily pages they are realms when you begin to do business with scripture you will discover that they get into all of the dimensions of god is that book you are carrying the dog to heaven is in the bible the door to haters he said the bible the door to the angelic rail is in the bible every location that god has created in all of the universes of god all the doorways to those locations are in the scripture so the scripture is actually an aggregation of potholes that's why we don't run when we read it because we know we want to travel number two the scripture are conveyors of the essence and the life of god he said in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god so the scriptures will not make profit to you until you journey from the lugos to the theos because in the greek what he said is in the beginning was the lugos the lugos was the theos was with the tails and the tails was tales what it means is that the logos which is the written word was with god and the logos is god so every time you interact with the scripture what he wants to do is to bring you the experience of god so the scripture is a conveyor of the passing and the essence of god the scripture will not make meaning to you until you begin to touch the god that is encapsulated in the scripture because the scripture is a capsule that holds deity and the essence of divinity it's not a storybook it's a capsule that carries different weights of glory it's a capsule that carries different essence of brilliance and illumination of the person of god so when a man begins to touch the scriptures he doesn't touch a written word he touches his spirit that's why i said the words i speak to you they are spirit and they are alive when you begin to do business with the scripture you touch god so when you want to make contact with god if a man has not come to the realm of a son everything he hears about will be a potential when you step into the realm of sonship every potential in the spirit becomes an experience the proof of sonship is the fact that you can touch tangibly things that are spiritual so your inheritances in god are no longer a potential you speak about they become a reality you embody so when god talks about power you don't need to quote to a devil that i have power when you show up demons we know that power has come because power is no longer something that is a promise to you you now embody it so when you show up and people want to understand what is power they should look at you when a song comes out he fleshes out everything that holds way in the street he embodies it and he materializes it in the natural realm but for you to function in the realm of songs there are three things amongst many things that will happen to you first you will be led the spirit of god a man who is not led by the spirit of god can never walk in the realm of sonship so the power to materialize intangible realities in the spirit is the ability to come into intimacy with the holy ghost the moment you have a relationship with the holy spirit spiritual things will naturally lend themselves to you because they want you to become an ambassador of the things spoken about in the spirit that's why john said that which was in the beginning which we have heard which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the world of life that's what we commit to you that's the realm of sonship a child can hear about it but when you come into sonship you don't only hear about it anymore you handle it the ability to handle spiritual things is a function of the leadership of the holy spirit can i submit to you brothers and sisters more than 70 of the christians today don't know the holy ghost they are carried out carried away by activities they can laugh they can jump they can be excited in church but they don't know the holy spirit that's why even the first realm of spiritual experience you can walk there because the holy ghost is the one that opens that dimensions up to you if you cannot be led of the spirit you can't walk in the realm of sons in romans chapter 8 verse 14 he said as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons the word sonship in that scripture is the word he was it's not just those who are born those who are born of god are called technologies those ones have their offspring in a biological sense they have they were begotten of their fathers but you can be a techno not a huge and a man who is a technon and not a heroes even though he has a legitimate right to the father he cannot command the access and the authority of the father because authority is not for children it's for souls so it's beyond being born again being born again makes you a technon that's what romans 8 16 says he said that we will cry calling him abba father because we are the children of god but for sonship it's not those who call him abba father if those who are led by the spirit of god how many aspects of your life that the holy ghost rule your academics your relationships how many aspects of your life does the holy ghost rule the way god designed this realm to function you were supposed to function like a pilot who depends completely on his compass and the command tower the pilot is not flying the plane because he knows how to fly the plane when anything goes wrong with the compass the pilot is lost and the pilot cannot land at the airport because he knows how to land the pilot will only land at the airport because the command tower gives him authorization that's the way you are designed to walk in this world but because many are not led by the spirit of god they remain in the realm of children so they can make tangible contact with spiritual realities you have not come for this conference and you don't know the church without wars until you come to a point where the holy ghost becomes the leader and the master of every aspect of your life the moment it happens you will discover that you naturally begin to walk in the realm of authority they that are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god not they that are born by the spirit of god they that are led the second way to walk in some is by the technology of beholding because a son like i said is not one who has eternal life a person who has eternal life is a child of god you can have eternal life but you are not a son what makes you a child of god is the receipt of eternal life and you receive eternal life by believing in jesus and confessing him with your mouth but what makes you a son is the ability to manifest the image of god he said god what sounded times and in diverse manners speaking time performed to the fathers by the prophet has in this last day spoken to us by his son who been the brightness of his glory the express image of his person things by the word of his power so the authority to uphold all things is predicated upon its ability to mirror the dimensions of god you don't change things in your environment by talking ordinary words the reason things in your environment will change is because you can manifest glory because there is a code that is locked up in glory that anything that sees glory becomes like it so if you want your environment to change if you want the people around your life to change it's not just by talking to them it's by exuding glory the moment they can see the glory they will be commanded to conform to the glory because we all with open faces beholding us in the glass the image of the lord we are changed so spiritual metamorphosis is a product of beholding so for a man to become a son he must master the act of beholding until he finds the image of god and when he sees that image he is changed this is why i began telling you that scriptures are potential it's not just to read fast and say i've read the bible cover together that is beautiful but that's elementary you may have read the bible cover to cover but you may never have seen jesus in the bible so the job of the son is to sit on the wall until jesus is manifested through the world so it takes labor in the spirit to become his son because the act of becoming a son is the act of beholding you can be a christian for 30 years and be a child most christians in nigeria are babes because they don't know how to behold when we call them for prayer meeting they pray for 30 minutes they run away meanwhile the image is trying to form in the spirit it's after four hours of prayer that the hand of god appears maybe it's after six hours that the face of god appears but the guy cannot stay until the image forms he prays for five minutes he goes out and checks his phone he comes back he can never behold the image he carries the scripture he reads four verses and he sleeps off he doesn't know what it takes to become a son a man who understands that the first realm of spiritual experience any gate he wants to exploit exploit he will sit there until he sees the image of the son be it scripture be it prayer be it worship prayer doesn't end because you have prayed for four hours prayer doesn't end because you are praying for 10 hours the idea of marking our prayer with time is a baby's operation the goal of prayer is not to be 10 hours the goal of prayer is not to be 20 hours as beautiful as it is prayer is a doorway to beholding the sun john said i was in the spirit on the last day and i had a sound as of a trumpet as i turned i saw seven golden lampstand and the next thing he saw he saw the son of man walking in the midst of the lap stand so the goal of prayer is not time the goal of prayer is to behold him that dwells in the midst of the course of fire but unfortunately babes think prayer is about time so when they go for prayer meeting and they have prayed for four hours they come out proud and say now we cancel four hours as beautiful as it is we encourage you but that's a babyhood level when you begin to grow when we ask you how many times have you encountered him when you went to pray what did he tell you because mature people know that prayer doesn't end until we have seen him that's the body the label of sonship that a man will come to a point where he can behold the image of the christ until he becomes like that which he sees in first corinthians 15 from verse 30 47 he said the first other most empty he said the second adam was of the heaven he said the same way we have borne the image of the earthly he said we must also bear the image of the heavenly so spiritual experience real spiritual experience begins when you start fearing the image of the heavenly if you have not borne the image of the heavenly you are still functioning as the earthly adam and the matters the things that will characterize your life will be ethnic things for you to begin to function in the heavenly realm you must bear the image of the heavenly and that's the dimension of sound so sonship is the ability to the image of the father if you have not borne the image of the son the image of the father then you are not yet a son you may have eternal life but you are being so when you know that your spiritual experience will begin to matter when you become a son you will pay the price of beholding him until you are changed because if you are not changed you will not know what christianity is about and atheists can come and convince you and then you will say come but this thing we believe is it true is because you have not seen him that's why when they came to john he said the things we have seen and heard declare we unto you we are sons the things we have seen and heard declare we unto you john the beloved said that it was from the beginning which we have seen looked upon and our hands have handled paul the apostle said i have seen his sheep and i've heard his voice you have not seen him you are not a son christianity will still be a story to you christianity will still be a religious activity or a religious life to you many people are pastors for their beings [Music] because they've not seen him the first realm of true spiritual experience is the realm of souls and for you to be a son you will be led by the holy spirit for you to be a son you must constantly be holding so that you are changed from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the living god [Music] somebody will leave this conference and say i've seen bishop a year ago i've seen that the ear wa i have seen pastor chris we have killed me i have seen apostle josh your salmon i have seen a personal side but i want to see the song i want to see jesus and you will see him either in the scripture or you see him by access in prayer but by all means i don't see him because that's what makes me a song what makes me a song is not because i'm serving a man of god it's a beautiful thing to serve a man of god but what makes me a son is the fact that i have seen him if you have not seen him you can serve the man of god and be rebelled and your christianity will not come the first realm of spiritual experience the first realm of spiritual experience ah time is important [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] the second realm of spiritual experience is the realm of priesthood i tell you if these things i'm saying are strange to you you are a child i don't mean to insult him and christianity will be a story you will hear it it will tell others but you yourself will know you don't believe it because you can tell people about raising the dead and declare that they have power to raise the dead until they bring the dead that's when you know you don't believe it you can tell people about bogus things because you heard some other men surmounted them if you have not stepped there you will not know what it looks like [Music] some of you will need to make up your mind and tell yourself from today the holy ghost will be the leader of my life i i come under the government of the holy spirit whatever he tells me to do whether it's easy or palatable it's not a factor anything he tells me to do i will do you have become the journey of sonship some of you will tell yourself every week i don't care what it takes if it takes meditation if it takes plain i will pray until i see in the spirit until something shifts in the spirit i must be holding that dwells in the spirit because i need to become a son i'm tired of being a child you have gone for programs upon programs you have received impartations upon impartation but impartation will not make you a son if you're walking with the holy ghost or your visage of the crystals that will make you a song [Music] who is the word of god to my jesus through his blood [Music] i belong to the family of yahweh i am standing on the covenant of yahweh i am standing on the province to yeshua who is the word of god [Music] to my jesus to his blood i belong i belong to the family [Music] shoot [Music] is [Music] the first time of spiritual experience is the realm of the second rep of experience [Music] the realm of priesthood i want you to take these things consciously and begin to practice them that's the goal because many people don't know why we do what we do when we say come let's pray for 10 hours for 15 hours for 20 hours the goal is not the time but we know it will take a while for your soul to ascend to beholden but many because they don't understand they have built a tent around the time no they go it's not the time is to behold him the second realm of spiritual experience is the realm of priesthood in this kingdom we have only one side one kind of citizens the same way the citizens of nigerians nigeria and nigerians and the citizens of america are americans the citizens of zion are priests if you are not a priest you are not a citizen of zion you may be a people in there but you can be a citizen so you will discover that the privileges that zionites enjoy you will not enjoy it you will find yourself fully sick you will find yourself being molested by demons you will find yourself failing and you will need another citizens to make declarations over you to experience the things that are your rights the reason you see many christians have the same experience that the people of the world have is because even though they have been born into the kingdom they have not yet received their citizenship what makes you a citizen of zion is priesthood in exodus chapter 19 from verse 4 god began to tell moses to tell israel what he had in mind when he created his people he said if you will hear my voice and keep my covenant then i will make you a kingdom of priests so in this kingdom the citizens that god is looking for are priests i will make you a kingdom of priests not a kingdom of prophets and apostles not a kingdom of evangelist pastors and teachers not a kingdom of believers a kingdom of priests so everybody that wants to function in the full powers of zion must become a priest if you are not a priest you will not enjoy the lights that belong to scion you may receive certain privileges so if you are sick you'll be healed somebody can prophesy to you you will prosper but the true advantage of a zionite you will not walk in it because he said no one in zion should say i am sick so zionites don't receive healing zionists walking divine health so you can be receiving healing those are benefits those are privileges privileges are meant for everybody that is in zion but rights are for citizens the moment you become a priest you become a legislator and a litigator so many things that people are begging for you command it because you are a priest is your right and even if you appear in the courts of heaven you will not go there to beg many believers when they are praying they are begging god to help them it's because they are not priests when you become priests you will know that you have a right you don't need to beg buhari to come to school in nigeria you don't need to beg the president to marry you don't need to beg the president for anything because they are all captured in your citizenship right but for you to walk in the right of the kingdom you must become a priest that's why peter said the first peter tuna you are a choosing generation a royal priesthood a royal priesthood god's own special people god fought to showcase the excellencies of god so when a man becomes a priest he's not begging for what everybody's begging for he manifested naturally it's not a testimony that i cast out demons i am created a priest to showcase the excellency of god it's not a testimony that i have not fallen sick for 10 years no divine health is part of the excellencies that we manifest it's not a testimony that everything around my life is walking that's who i am because he said it shall be from glory to glory he said the part of the just is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day so our life is not up and down our life is upward and forward only but you see it takes becoming a priest to walk in it when you are not a priest you'll be looking for somebody to help you with money you'll be looking for somebody to pray for you to be healed you'll be looking for somebody to anoint you so that you can begin to experience something but when you are a priest you wake up in the morning and you say the heavens over me are open because i'm a part of that kingdom you wake up in the morning and you say today my angels will bring favor everywhere i go i will prosper see when we started practicing this thing 15 years ago sometimes i wake up in the morning i don't have money and i say eight years of wealth in the name of the lord jesus bring forth money to me today it will take 30 minutes somebody will call me from nowhere and say i want to bless you those days we will be at home and there is no water reinforced the drum is outside for many days we just walk to it and say this water is blessed and sanctified we kill every virus we kill every infectious organism inside and in the name of jesus we sanctified where we drink the water nothing happens to us because even if you drink any deadly thing it shall by no means what you while we are going on a journey people are praying and they are saying lord please preserve us when we are about to travel we wake up and say thank you father because we are the safety of the road when i'm putting an airplane i don't pray to god protect me on this plane i say no i am the safety of the air everybody in this plane is privileged because i'm here the plane cannot crash with him his person is blissful we don't pay for things in prison they are our rights so we command them i don't pray to succeed i don't pray to be favored when i stand up and say i'm the favored among men glory to god everywhere i go men receive me everywhere i go i prosper everything comes to me on free course it's my right i'm a priest everything was created for me so i don't beg for things to happen i make things happen i take authority because it's my right do you think i'm coming to your campus today and i'm hoping that the power of god will move and hope he no no no i don't know the move of the power of god is at the mercy of my command the moment i say holy ghost holy ghost the power will begin to move because it's my right do you think i'm praying to god i need an angel no no no no i don't praise god prayers because he has made all angels ministering spirits to them who shall be as heirs of salvation my angels are not just at least in jails cherubims walk with me because he said all angels no one is accepted are they not all ministering spirits as a realm of priesthood i know who i am i know what i carry i know the realm i was born from but what does it take to be a priest if you will hear my voice and keep my covenant if you will hear my voice and keep my covenant the reason people are standing is because they can't hear because they can't keep the covenant that's why things go wrong with them they said my covenant with my servant david shall not be broken so long as the stars the moon remain in the sky i will keep my covenant with david if i walk by the covenant i'm a god on earth many don't know that's why the quality of our christianity is up and down it's up and down do you know why priests pray because it takes dar india to hear his voice in exodus 28 verse 1 and 2 he says separate unto me aaron and his son that they will minister to me in the priest's office so they preach those business with abba that's why he must hear his voice when you hear his voice you become invincible many people go and they say you will be destroyed you laugh tell that to be not a priest we can't be destroyed even if they act the bible says give a person to seven those are covenants give a portion to it you don't know the evil that will come upon the earth even if the world is destroyed the foundation of your life is not on earth it's in the covenant you are not standing on earth you are standing on the covenant you tell me i'll be destroyed i laugh tell that to babes not to a priest he said it sustains all things by the word of his power we are the ones that make things happen [Music] do you not see why israel could not be caused the bible said whoever balaam caused is cost they paid bana to cause israel you can't cause them because this is a kingdom of priests they are only commanded to bless and be blessed so you can't cause them so when ben tried he said i see the shout of a king in their midst the jealousy of god is invested on them the only time israel can become successful is when they validate the covenant you can't cause them you want to cost me you wasted your time if you like do it for one year it will fall on the clown i don't pray about many things it's a waste of time i know who i am you can't cause me i'm a priest i'm a priest so i'm not looking for privileges in the kingdom i have rights that's a realm but it takes hearing god's voice and keeping his covenant but many christians in nigeria don't know the voice of god and they don't walk according to his covenant that's why they don't work in their priesthood right and authority [Music] tell your neighbour i can't be caused i'm a priest tell your neighbour all things worked together for my good because it's my right in the kingdom i am a priest of zion [Music] saturate my heart [Music] saturate my heart [Music] somebody is going to do business he's asking i don't know if it will work or it will not work no no no no no anything i thought prospered is that this commandment tell the priests to bless the children of israel in this wise tell them the lord be gracious unto you the lord lift up his covenant upon you the lord was his face to shine upon you the lord gave you peace how can me do something and it doesn't work i am a priest i am commanded to bless so when i start a business i serve the lord in front of his countenance upon you the lord regrets your son to you the lord caused his face to shine upon you [Music] oh [Music] you know sometimes people see us and they hear us and they think we are proud because they want us to walk as if we are afraid when you begin to walk like a priest and a king with your shoulders squared out and you are walking with audacity they say you are proud when you are talking your rights in the kingdom they say you are proud humility is not timidity you can be timid and not humble yet you can be confident and very humble don't supply impose another person's personality on me somebody else's personality can be calm and melancholious i am a bold person i'm as bold as a liar because i know who i am foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] my in the name of jesus you have not heard the major part of the story the priesthood level is at a lower level because the priest negotiates there is a realm where men don't negotiate isaiah that priesthood is the realm of kings in revelation chapter 1 6 he said unto him that made you a king and a priest and in ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 he said where the word of the king is there is power who can say unto him what do i start there is a lamb i higher than booster in the realm of a king and he said if by one man of friends that came how much more by the works of christ they shall receive grace to reign in life so we don't just leave we don't just survive we rain we read the realm of kingship is the realm of raining we rain so i can't be on this campus and i'm eating i'm a king here i'm a king even your lecturer as we know he said daniel and his friends were ten times better than their pairs is a realm of rulers [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] once again oh can i tell you something there is a realm higher than the name of the king is the lamb of a court in exodus chapter 7 verse 1 he said to moses i have made you a god over pharaoh and in john chapter 2 34 he said ye are gods because you are the children of the most high god and if you say you are called unto whom the word of the lord came and the scriptures cannot be broken to god's way do god fail through god's prospect to god's struggle god's gone back god don't fail god don't succeed not struggle god only succeeds pray the holy ghost [Music] [Music] foreign god [Music] foreign [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] if i were you this is the time i will drive into the river foreign [Music] peace of fire foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] we enter this place fire [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you don't know who is a god you don't know who you say god [Music] god don't pray for brethren [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] some people are still calculating [Music] some people are still calculating i know what i'm telling you i'm standing and i'm wearing the shoes of my father who pray for the sick we will pray for the sick but let's journey until we behold him [Music] tonight [Laughter] [Music] house you become a god here you go your department [Music] because my god [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i need god [Music]
Channel: The Ekklesia Global
Views: 5,590
Rating: 4.8684211 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, orokpo michael, arome osayi, joshua selman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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