The Effectiveness of the Word of God 6

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shalom and warm welcome to this international online sunday service those who are tethered to the love of christ and can never be pulled away welcome this is your place where you are fed with the word of god the authentic word as we delve into looking at the effectiveness of the word of god we're hoping that we continue on that subject topic last week we looked at the creativity of the word led by the lord's friend prophet emmanuel macan i'm pastor karamba joined by apostle in a few moments the prophet will take us on shall a man of god thank you mr graham thank you the creativity of the word wow what a subject from our father it was powerful indeed last week was something else it was let me let me put it this way it was a season it was a message that was not only enlightening and as far as understanding the creativity of the world is concerned but i also believe it was a wake-up call there are things as christians that we sometimes take for granted and our father is coming and he's highlighting the ability and the capability of the spoken word both in the positive and in the negative to imagine psalms 109 is david speaking you know the thought probably some it's an unbeliever it's a witch or something but it's david speaking we carry that power we have that ability to to speak things into the atmosphere and not allow our enemies to just speak words that's right but critically i think for me is having a man that can reverse all that even if it has been said by somebody for me that's that's the most important because it's not everybody who can reverse those things it's not everybody who can deal with those things and we have a man in our season in our time our father the voice prophet is and i've witnessed with my own eyes the blind see the lame walk the seeker healed and curses are reversed you said something powerful not anyone can reverse some of these curses uh the three stages of the absorption or the coming together or becoming one with a curse first it's like a cloak then it's in the blood from the blood it's in your bones your very very bones and to imagine the process through which one has to go through in order for that to be reversed and what a message what a message from our father highlighting the fact that there is a cursing generation that needs to be put to an end yes and and quoting him love management and you begin to understand that we don't just live life for the sake of living life we have to mind what they say about us and what we say about ourselves and and not getting into tomorrow without shaping tomorrow through your world you know grateful for the revelation that we we received you can continue it's it's amazing the same way that a curse has the ability to confine an individual to a particular area is the same way that you can speak words into your tomorrow and you can you can confine yourself to a specific area of blessing or a specific area of prosperity and and it's amazing that you have spoken remember the revelation about these spirits that were like in incubators um in a certain layer in the heavens and how those were words spoken and how demons are multiplying because of words that are spoken um opportunity being granted to us would like to ask a question even concerning music that is it possible for are words spoken and placed in an audio device and played over again do they carry that capacity each time they are played to still create and uh into matter i mean if they're negative words that are being that are being spoken on that particular point personal but you we have always had questions as to what is happening to this generation what is happening to this atmosphere in terms of demonic manifestations that we see all around us and nobody has really come to the fore with an explanation that goes beyond what our father said yes we have a man that is explaining to us what is going on in our lives today questions that we have not had answers for and our father is coming and he's saying you may argue with me all you like it might not be according to what you believe or understand but i'm going to give you an understanding based on my experiences and that's what our father has been doing giving us understanding maturing us in the world through his own personal experiences and amazingly it aligns with the word of god and it explains what we are going through now you know i've always said if you even if you have an argument present it and after you present it let's study your argument based on merit and our father comes from not just an experiential perspective but he comes also aligned to the word and giving us answers to what we are going through and nobody can do that except our father you know there comes a time when the gospel has to be practical there comes a time when we need to understand what we are going through now and our father comes and he tells us what we're going through now and he fleshes out the word from just the bare bones that we we are given and he fleshes it out you know we're so grateful for later on then he began to speak about the issue of giving and we trust that you are engaging you're giving you've given uh take this opportunity we are in a season of sowing our seeds so you find the banking details on your screen right now even as we take a few minutes to just prepare for the service use the details on the screen and sow your seed it's important going on to that oh our father has been such an incredible blessing and we've learned a lot um and our understanding continues to be to be enlightened by the word that he gives us such a powerful message on on giving and how even as his sons and daughters our preference should be to get the blessing the the spirit of what he carries um you know looking at myself personally i've received gifts uh from our father to the tune of about a hundred and two thousand six hundred us dollars in gifts personally the suit i'm wearing my father bought it for me so there's nothing left to to the imagination you can imagine from accommodation to the car that i drive it's all material things that i've received from my father and last week we learned about how we must untangle ourselves from from a place where we are being stopped from accessing certain things that he carries that are spiritual uh i for one um do not want to be found in that bracket uh there has to be an entanglement and a standing out where what is functioning is the oil and what is functioning is is the grace um and so with his generosity imagine like i've said he's given me money to the tune of over a hundred thousand personally ah there's nothing he hasn't done and so if there's ever a failure on my part as a son to manifest his grace or his anointing he is never to blame i am to blame for in maturity i am to blame for not being able to harness enough revelation to understand how it is that i must behave as a son what it is that i should be going for when i when i approach my father and uh in the past it was not knowing and in maturity but there comes a point where a line has to be drawn not just in the sand but it has to be boldly drawn where you say from now we need to see the oil working and the dependency on financial support has to end so that really we can begin to see the manifestation of that grace you know you know pastor coramba like you rightfully said there comes a point where a line has to be drawn like you highlighted i've received more i'm i'm nothing without our father in all aspects of life and i think that's one of the reasons why last week's message hit me really hard you sit down you begin to understand and sometimes we come to a point where we believe that sometimes it's beyond our control but it's not true it's not true one of the things that i love about our father is he loves us to the point where he gives us information that matures us it's not just information it's information that matures us and you begin to understand that our understanding of fatherhood and sonship is skewed how i don't know how we got here how i got here i don't know but all i believe and understand now is like you rightfully said a line has to be drawn you know because i don't want to what you say you'll find people that can admire even me thinking maybe there's some secret formula that i have maybe there's a big business that i'm running maybe maybe i have some source that is supply me financially and that is absolutely not the case every single dollar is coming from my father it's all because of our father so sometimes people might be under pressure to to try and emulate even some things that they see um under the force impression that maybe this is something else something else that they're lacking and yet when we gather here uh we are gathered to get everything uh but the aspect of being able to be mature enough and be able to realize and rightly place ourselves in him so that we draw out the proper benefits and not shortchange ourselves that is where we need to align ourselves so that we can probably stand and proudly be able to declare our sonship not just by by word of mouth which i've personally been doing for a long time but at a certain point these must be seen figures on paper must be seen uh actions must be seen uh not by just words but there needs to be a manifestation of a type of son that i desire that i'm not yet um but that person needs to eventually come out you know [Music] there is an error in our field of play where as a servant you expect a son's reward and because of lack of understanding you every single day that passes you have a certain level of expectation because of your skilled understanding and you expect a son's reward and all doesn't seem to make sense but thank god we have our father you know i love our father for the reason of him not placing me into a comfort zone so that i may be comforted in my secured mind i love my father specifically because he gives us this information so that we may understand where we are positioned it gives us this information so that we may develop from where we are he gives us this information not so that we may like him but we may love him in the long term yeah and i thank god for an opportunity like this sitting and understanding every moment of him yeah but uh the pain i think comes when you you feel like i should have known this earlier and i think a lot of us feel that way um because you you you come in determined to get something and you realize i've been shortchanging myself all this time and really it's a it's a it's a moment to reset uh realign and rethink and reapproach and so grateful for what we know now but pained that we should have known this earlier and been able to to stomach the financial pressures that we may have been under certain times and god relief in exchange for in exchange for the the ultimate price of being sons and and daughters which is a very painful thing um i think sometimes you have a desire to develop in within a specific time frame because you you want to achieve uh under the banner of your father so much um and maybe sometimes you have questions that you're not mature enough even to receive the answer for but we're grateful that at least last week finally finally i think the most important piece personally in my puzzle was finally put on the table and maybe from there we can we can move forward it's not even a maybe it's a definite um yeah from from here things will never be the same we trust that you've sent in your seats and um you are you are logging into the blessing qualifying yourself as a son and daughter that's right allow us to introduce our father now greetings our father grateful to be here thank you so much for for this opportunity once again to to get into this word uh we're grateful that you've allowed us to truly understand a lot of things that we were in the dark about um it's received with pain but but at least at least finally received it has come yeah thank you father we thank you for giving us people who are angry for your word who are present here this marvelous day and we believe that we are going to leave this place rejoicing happy developed and improved by your spoken word i pray that you bless our viewers pray that you grant them understanding you open the eyes of the hearts lead them into deeper revelations truths that will bring about transformations and again we thank you for your presence all right we dealt with too many things it was one of those longest teachings um and taking that into consideration it means we shouldn't be here for too long if people would love to hear more they should revisit what we have already touched on last sunday until like you you passed this way saying [Music] uh those are really matters of life those are topics that really define who a person is and unless we [Music] get into such territories we are yet to touch uh the essence of life yeah those matters that when they are touched you feel touched that's that's life being addressed right there yeah so we are continuing on that same topic which is the creativity of the word of god thank you yes god gave us a gift which needs to be used [Music] and in most cases it has been underutilized and we have gone on to give god again the mandate to further create what we are supposed to be creating by the gift the word given to us so we must take god seriously when he rested he really needed that rest and let us not distab him from the rest that he is enjoying when he rested it was because he had finished so if ever we are going to find something missing there is something wrong with our finding because he had finished everything was there so finding anything that is not there yet he rested because it finished it means there is something wrong with our findings yes yes we must believe everything was provided we must believe that his rest is justified yes everything needed yes was there that is the only thing that justifies his rest it wouldn't be fair for him to go on a holiday knowing that there is something still missing that we are going to need and to design so everything was created and everything was there but probably it wasn't in the form that we desire is the form but it is there because when he rested that's because he had finished yet there were no aircrafts there were aircrafts in another form okay so he was he was done we never had skyscrapers but those sky scripts were in another form that's what justifies his rest so he did his job very well he's he's a professional god he's qualified for his job he knows what he's doing because when he do did it his analysis was it is good this good what he created was good so the creativity of the word at what point did god empower you to act like wise when they likeness was finally transferred when you got the likeness you got everything that the likeness is capable of when you got the likeness what you got was what the likeness is able to do so how do i make use of the likeness i have to look at the giver of the likeness where the likeness is coming from what he did with the same likeness that he gave to me and with that we see him saying and we can do likewise 26 of chapter one book of genesis uh and god said god say let us make man in our image he was speaking to himself let us make man in our image after our likeness and the man has to be after our likeness [Music] and in that sense i have i told you that he was speaking to himself which part of himself the part that creates his hands yes so you need to be well-versed you need to have your mouth saturated with the right word and then you speak and by speaking you empower your health to work for they said something powerful last week a skilled mouth that gives the hands the skill yes yes don't do it until you say it yes don't do it until you say it you have to keep on repeating the same thing over and over again until your hands are energized yes to bring it about yes you have to speak to your hands you have to speak to your hands and you have to speak to your hands you have to speak to your hands so these are really technical issues when you say technical what do you mean by that i i mean these are technical issues very technical yeah very complex [Music] this is remember the goddess word is technological as well very very technological i want you to notice that um if you read from verse number 20 then you then you understand what i mean and god said let the waters bring forth now i want you to see what is happening here quite interesting israel at this point god is not speaking to himself he is speaking to the waters after they had already been formed yes that brings us to a place where we have to appreciate the water's ability to hear when god speaks okay i want you to follow this yes so whenever you speak you are being heard by the waters i've said this before be careful when you have the presence of water on the table yes it's not time for you to be gossiping some time for you to be saying negative statements because it carries the ability to absorb speech water is an effective receiver what you see what is it about water that makes it so effective in receiving we have to study a series on that yes please oh this is not the formation of water it's there but at this point the water was still burning there was nothing in it but then god it let the waters bring forth now i want to help you understand before we get to that i'll talk about that and also what he said concerning the earth and the earth again head when he gave us the likeness we must appreciate that that project was a successful project it's not something that is still trying to do our creation in the image of god is what is called the embargo dei the image of god in hebrew it's a belief in christianity that we were created in the image of god now that process of having an image that is after the likeness of god this is very very very intricate because it helps you understand your ability it's not about just studying the bible the subject is not it doesn't end with you then understanding the bible you have to understand yourself this is you that we're talking about what is it that i got from god when i received the likeness what is it what what is within that package that i can make use of so i'm coming back to the water but notice that he [Music] spoke and he said [Music] we have to create man and the man is supposed to be in our image but the image has to be after our likeness the image is supposed to be after the likeness so you have god making man in his image in the images after god's likeness father can i ask you taught us that jesus is the image yes of god of the invisible god the invisible god we have scripture to back that up yes and then jesus comes out and he says that once you have seen me you have seen the father yes so when you talk about the image being after the likeness are you compelling us to develop ourselves in such a way that the material things that we contain after the likeness should manifest in form of the image wish i could i could i could clip my hands for that you are pushing me into into something even more difficult to understand we are developing we are improving from from the day that god created us we are we are we are not getting worse we are becoming better notice that because there comes a time when you when you're still young even immature let me put it that way at that time you it's it's your body that contains the spirit okay at a point of immaturity is your body that contains the spirit yes okay the way you've said it you you it's as if you want to end by saying once you're mature and the opposite happens the opposite happens you will have to be your spirit containing the body [Music] it will have to be the spirit man that contains the physical body when the spirit man which was once confined in the physical body for reasons of immaturity when that man is over developed he overflows [Music] hmm your physical body is a physical cuff that has to overflow with the spirit remember the ark of the covenant yes the god the god was inside and outside which is the representation of divinity the divine ought to be inside and outside and the wood is the flesh so at a certain point you have the spirit within the body but at a certain level of maturity you have the flesh within the spirit enveloped immersed encapsulated within now your flesh is protected your flesh is covered your flesh is now embarrassed within the spirit when you are beyond your physical limitations that's the time you begin to extend as a spirit you begin to grow further away from yourself and you'll find yourself doing things where you are not physically [Music] because of the overflow of the spirit so jesus you must understand when you start touching on jesus now um the way they did it is so so amazing you see if you notice that we forget something that he is still the word that became flesh right yes okay he is still he is still the word that became flesh so we are seeing the word that became flesh walking we are seeing the word that became flesh raising the dead we are seeing a woman with the issue of blood holding the word that became flesh and without the word saying anything she recovered because what she touched was the word the word doesn't need to say the word the word doesn't need to say the word it is the presence of the word the presence of jesus is the presence of his statement he is the healing spoken by the father he is the peace his presence in the body but they forced him to wake up from his bed and they forced the word to give out a weight for the seas to cow father you you are reminding me of something that happened to me um in the year 2015 um i was coming from university very much on drugs and my life was a big mess um so coming from school at that time it was around september and i'd totally lost my way uh you can i was involved in all men of sin you can imagine i came home and your dvds were at our house at my parents house so out of interest um i didn't have anything else to do i was just in my room it was night time i took your dvd i just wanted to know who's this man and what what message does he is he is he going to preach i had never heard of you before so i took the dvd i put it in my laptop and i started listening father 30 to 45 minutes into that sermon tears started streaming down my face i couldn't believe what i was hearing you're not preaching salvation it was funny enough it was called the creativity of the mind and father you were ministering on the capabilities and capacities that we have because of the mind that we have the mind of christ in us and i'm listening to that service and tears started streaming down my face my entire pillow was wet i couldn't understand what was going on and i never prayed the sinner's prayer i don't ever remember going on my knees and saying god please forgive me for my sins or all the wrong things that i've been doing no father even after that day i never did a sinner's prayer listening to you ministering the word instantly father my appetites changed going back to that same environment of sin where i was blossoming in mischievousness the desire to take drugs immediately left even witnessing other people taking drugs i never had that desire but i never prayed a sinner's prayer you never laid hands on me you're not even addressing those issues but the fact that i was there listening to the word delivering the word that spiritual contact healed me without a word being spoken to address any of those particular issues that i was having trouble with yeah so father being found by you i can i am a living testimony that you were the word to me without you even speaking anything that was a problem in my life being exposed to your word and the word changed my life absolutely going back to that same environment late 2015 father interacting with the same people it was so different i didn't need you to do a follow-up i didn't need to talk to anyone who's part of the uf i see ministry no one it was just me and your dvds the word and the word and the word and so when you say the woman touched the hem of the garment of the word and the word didn't say anything yeah she touched the word and he was tired the area was touched i am that woman i touched the word so you see you see how technical the word is very very terrible quite an interesting testimony there we ought to be hearing some of these things once in a while it's very important because it goes on to show the practicality of what we are saying yes it's something that is not to happen in the future this is something that has already happened and it's happening right now even as we are speaking yes i never said i never pray the sinner's prayer it's it's the way that we've understood since prayer once again we are saved when it is jesus that we confess not when we confess our sins [Music] just in case somebody comes to attack you and says ah you're not born again you must study the book of romans carefully and see what it is that we ought to confess in order for us to be saved it is the lordship of jesus that we confess and we are saved whosoever shall call upon not his sins his name shall be saved so that's that's another topic but you see the presence of jesus in your life is the presence of the word of god thank you you might find him doing things for you that he has never spoken about because he is the spoken word he is the word he represents whatever good is going to occur he represents that so what the disciples should have done what at least the word was in the board was to enjoy the peace of having the presence of the word that is not saying anything so waking him up and asking him to command or to count this he calls it lack of faith they should have enjoyed the presence of the world hold on father please so you are saying there was a dimension of the word that the disciples despised by waking up jesus yes by waking up the word so that the word can speak only when they are hearing it can they believe we have the presence of the word but you can have the word present and the word is not saying anything that you can hear but that presence of the word the presence of jesus the presence of in your generation is a child of god you are an express image of the invisible word the word they cannot see they have to see you and by seeing you they have seen the presence of the word in a family before you even speak before you testify to them they have witnessed the presence of the word because you are the word that has been made what flesh flesh it's deep so i'm saying this because we have witnessed so many miracles happening in the presence of the men of god and yet in the absence of speech yes that's true and we try to divorce those miracles from the men of god on the basis of us not having had a direct word yes because he wasn't he never said anything concerning my case and how could i just recover from that addiction yeah so he can't be responsible he can't be responsible the deliverance sessions for them those were extraordinary pastor jim let the life behavior our father would not say a single word it was almost as if it was his policy he would get in and just start and you'll see things happening and i've always tried to understand how it happens that this is very strange you have viewers you have to enjoy this because this is this is our way of doing things we are here to interact we have to talk about this this is the creativity of the world the creativity of the world we have to be sharing this so that you understand that these issues are so practical yes thank you yeah you know you have these healing sessions at the basilica and how i know that my father is close by is through what begins to happen and you begin to wonder because it's like there is a confirmation of our father's presence before he even physically arrives and you try to understand what is really going on here and you are you are these we are now getting the information now from our father that it is you are immersed in the spirit the specification yes the extension of the spirit yeah it's already arrived in the place yes that's true but you have to understand you see there are things that you have to keep on questioning how is it that a demon is forced you can see that his force is resolved forced to manifest yes right it falls to the ground it goes through different kinds of manifestations until finally the demon comes out would a demon volunteer to just leave its habitation isn't this supposed to be a word that being spoken yes that all of us are not able to hear yet the demon is head yes you can't have a demon come out of a person unless you have told it to come out yes but if demons are coming out and we are not hearing the men of god asking them yes father to come out it means much is being said that we are not hearing the man present is the come out right he represents coming out when people sees him coming they know it's easier so that we go these are quite interesting matters so that we get to understand not the man of god not just the bible but we understand ourselves because the bible is helping us to understand god and to understand who we are in him so you can ah study and understand that if the image according to god is supposed to be after the likeness we have to study both the likeness of the image what do you find when you study the likeness of god what do you find within the likeness of god god knows by his likeness the likeness of god is the part that stones information how do i know it's important because you have to also appreciate your ability yes to know yes by the fact that it is the likeness of god that knows that you have i hope you will not have been full of this is there a scripture that supports that of course is didn't the devil say god knows that in the day that you eat in the day that you eat you shall become yes like it's hard to hear that he has just mentioned the likeness it's it's hard you can miss it oh you can miss it when he said you shall be like he is referring to the likeness [Music] easy english genesis 3 verse 5 god knows that when you eat the fruit from this tree you will be like him you will understand in understanding you will understand and you will know good and evil king james puts it as yes yes you will be as god but the same word is like originally you will be like so he's referring to the activation of the likeness so that you start accessing knowledge he says you you will be like god if you know it in knowing so god knows by the likeness god knows by the likeness you can prophesy by the likeness not even by the gift of the prophetic is the likeness of god that knows wow i love that word the the the matters of life because people with the likeness they're still praying waiting to receive some kind of strange spirit that enables them to know it is by the likeness of god that you know hmm you will be like god in what area in knowing wow i wouldn't have taken that and tried to come up with a message from what the devil said and god did not confirm to what the devil said okay okay if it was just the devil who said what he said i wouldn't i wouldn't hang on such a scripture and then run around thinking that i got a word because that's that's what the devil said but then god coming to confirm that oh now they know [Music] they have become like us yes in what in the aspect of knowing and god said behold the man is become as one of us to know you know by the likeness of god when god transferred his likeness to you it was knowledge and information that he transferred you can never be stranded mentally having the likeness that contains every knowledge it's impossible so you know by the likeness you can find yourself in a place and you know things by the likeness of god that's powerful you know things by the likeness of god what god knows with is what i have [Laughter] how do i know that's what all that the likeness do knowing that's all the likeness it has a lot of abilities how do i know because if the image is after the likeness then when i start analyzing the image i get to know what is contained within the likeness if the image physically you have brain and that brain is after the likeness it means there should be another set of brains that you find within the likeness if the image has hands physically you can touch things if that physical touch that you're able to do is as a result of you having been formed after the likeness you shouldn't expect something that you have physically to not be there in the likeness if you are breathing physically there must be that ability to breathe within the likeness if you can see you have eyes then the likeness has the ability to see because let the image be after the likeness so the resemblance what the likeness is capable of doing let the image show that in physical form so if you can touch physically it means the likeness can touch wow you have to follow this you have to follow this my ability to touch is the likeness touching is the likeness is the likeness because physically you are after the likeness so your physical appearance is the express image of the invisible like this okay so the brains that you have physically the brain is after the likeness your hand is after the likeness your nose is after the likeness your ears after the likeness okay so thank you jesus so if i am like god you must understand that the word like doesn't mean that we were created exactly as he was okay okay you have to you have to you have to get this you have to get this there was still room for the men to become like god that's why god says now man has become which means he wasn't complete when god completed him but there was an ability within him to fully develop into becoming so father does this mean that after this incident man had become not fully still okay he became only in knowing in knowing good and evil and evil i don't want to start another subject remember it's not good in bed hmm that's good indeed why where's the bed tell us [Laughter] i'm still trying to think about your introduction when you highlighted that remember the waters were there and at the point where the waters were created it was as if god was done with a certain dimension of creation and that's not in the book of genesis right remember yes when the waters were created yes but then there comes a point when god then says and the waters bring forth and now you are highlighting the fact that at that point where it seemed like god had finished with creation he had deposited the ability to create within his creation and it is now within his creation the choice of create further creating and hence man has a choice to become like and then say no yes okay now i i get it yes you see you must we're coming back to the point where god spoke to the waters yeah we're coming back to that so that you appreciate what exactly is happening not just so that we understand the earth but so that we understand ourselves yes yes thank you so if you notice now uh that god with the likeness he went on to create using the likeness and then we are in position we are that likeness it might not be exactly this is why even when somebody is born with a an impediment a limitation okay maybe he's crippled he's still in the image of god he is still in the image of god but is that how god looks surely not yes we may say surely not oh maybe he looks like that yes it didn't pass that look like that elaborate father for him to be still in the image of god i know that my some people might want to argue the image is not in the physical appearance the image is in the likeness but image is not in the physical appearance the image is in the likeness that's what some people say that it's not the physical appearance because some are tall some are short and so on now can could be that different and yet all those heights are within the same god even if we were to be to believe that we are in the image of god physically even man who is born without hands is still in the image of god because they are parts of god that do not have hands and those pads are his image i get you father okay okay i don't understand what i'm feeling to understand is that if we are talking about his image why then are we wanting to align it to the manifestation of an image with that is called deformities for example a maimed man or crippled man i understand that it is his image but can we would it not be justified to say it's his image that has been corrupted in a sense or do we still maintain that it is his image and they are parts of god that are maimed in that way once once you find those once you find i know that's the way of putting it once you find that same resemblance there's that same part in god it's not a maimed part it's not a deformity do you know had god chosen you to be his eye you are never going to have hands had god chosen to make you in his image and then you would represent his eye just his eye you would not have legs are you deformed no you're not deformed the responsibility that i can carry qualifies me to to to to be like that so you're a part of god you are an image of god which has nothing to do with walking which has everything to do with sight so you you don't have a deformation it's not easy to understand yeah it's not easy i know it's not easy but i'm saying this so that unless if if if people want to believe that you know people who are crippled are not in the image of god then they can go ahead and preach that kind of a message and let's see what happens let's see if you can call that the gospel it's not it's not put them in a place tell them today if what i'm saying is not correct that they are not in the image of god even if you say the image is only the likeness but there is there is a difference in the likeness why is it another man who has the same likeness of god is sick and he waits for another man who carries the same likeness of god cubs come to deliver him what is it with his own personal likeness if it is the same likeness so if there's a difference in the likeness there can also be differences in the image if if i'm to create you in my image and then i formulate you to represent a part of me a part not my whole body my whole being a part there are certain paths that you are never going to have and people will call you and yet yes we can have instances where they creep would why would then jesus heal them if they are in good shape why is it that still there are miracles that can be performed and there's a certain extent that you can not arrive it you cannot reach i i might be losing some people here if you are to be mad in the image of a chicken then you are supposed to have feathers okay yes but if you are made in the image of the liver of a chicken are you supposed to have feathers no no yet you are the image there is a part of the chicken that you are representing and you will have some things on the chicken missing on you it's a part of that chicken i want i want you to understand that aspect do you think every part of god has hands do you think every part of god has a noise [Music] there is a bone some of the bones that you find in a human body that are so crooked it's not a deformation because they are where they belong that's if the shape that you have on your rib was the shape of your hand people would say it's deformed yes okay when you see a man who is crippled that form that you see that image that you see you can find that in a certain part in god for him to be still in the image of god yeah but you now have limitations that aspect now you have to that's why people have to be healed you are limited because you are on the earth where you are supposed to be touching and not having the hands that can touch then a miracle has to be performed not because you are not in the image of god but the part of god that you got cannot be effective on the earth [Music] you took the path of god that cannot allow you to walk one day but that's still the image of god okay but still if the image of god is only attached to the likeness that we have why are we still different if god only has one likeness hmm anyway so much to this god anyway i want you to understand yourself more than anything else yes one so at least i i'm trying to not just to give confidence or to encourage somebody who is a limitation physically no that's the truth that is the truth a patch that you have over here if it's transferred to a different location it becomes a deformation once you break it back it's like a huge a perfect man anything that has gone out of place so so this is something that i want people to understand you notice now that with that likeness that god has given to you you can empower the flesh the same way god empowered the earth with his likeness with the likeness he gave you he had empowered the earth with that likeness he had created the earth with that likeness he had blessed the earth with that likeness so when he spoke let us it was the likeness it's the likeness of god that speaks so when he gave you the same likeness he also gave you the same earth the body so that with the likeness you can also bless your earth your body the same way he blessed his earth with the same likeness follow where we are going his father yes okay yes right so now i have to look at what he is doing if god says to the water bring forth and what was brought forth was what moving creatures moving they were creatures that were moving that were brought forth by the waters moving creatures that had life and there was life so the power to create life was given to the water yeah for them to move you have to grant them life you want to give life to moving creatures moving creatures so if the water is to create a creature that creature is in the image of the water and yet the creature is meat is it deformed no it's not we cannot say this ah that's powerful now you have a creature coming out of the water you also have beds coming out of water and fowl that may fly above the earth so they will have to fly above the earth these are birds created by the waters and these beds are a certain species that are still supposed to survive in another dimension of water in the feminine the water that is in gas form so these are still fish that are flying it's a glass of fish beds came from water into another realm in the sky but they are products of water they are different so if you look at an animal if you look at the bed if you look at any creature that came from the water it as much as they are different they still resemble the same image of the water they are those images in water notice notice i want our viewers to get this part because it's critical look at this god said not just to the water he said to the earth bring forth that's the message for today he said to the earth he spoke to the earth he gave the instruction the command to the earth to bring forth so there are things now that you see on the earth that we're not directly created by god he inserted a certain ability he placed a certain power within the creation to create powerful as he was folding his hands and watching so not everything that you see in existence today was physically made by god made things and he gave those things an ability to further create that is what makes him god not doing everything all by himself so if he when he said let the earth bring forth grass trees the mandate the assignment then of the earth was to to create that's the calling he gave the earth a calling your assignment is to bring forth but for the earth to be able to bring forth it had to be told by the likeness of god wow wow wow it has to be it had to be told bring forth it had to be told so now so something that you see in the earth which is a spiritual gift so the earth is spiritually gifted because within it lies the power to create like a god that's a gift yes bring forth that's a gift given to the earth to bring forth and the earth has been bringing forth ever since take your seed hand it over to the earth and that gift starts working spiritual gift the earth is spiritual it is spiritually gifted it works miracles works wonders it brings forth because it was instructed by the likeness of god to bring forth now if you study very well you'll notice there are things in existence today that were not present during the six days of this so-called creation [Music] so many things are being added today by reason of the earth's ability to bring forth so many things father may i please ask verse 24 is saying and god said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping things and the beast of the earth after his kind and it was so then verse 25 said and god made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind i'm i'm getting confused here i'm wondering god said to the earth bring forth but verse 25 it says god god is the one that then came and then he made what he told the earth to bring forth what's the mystery there when it's god making when it is god making it doesn't mean it has to be god making in person if god tells you to go and make and you go and you make it is god making because what you're using to make is what you got from him okay he does things through us hmm it was that speech because it doesn't make sense for god to say bring forth animals and then he comes back again to to make them himself it means the earth would they failed to bring forth so in order for you to understand what is happening there it was the power his own power to create and he volunteered not to do the job he gave that power to the earth and that power is godly that's the likeness of god wow so when the earth goes on to make and to produce it is god at work god still claims ownership of what the earth created because had he not spoken he did not given the power to the to the earth to create the earth never had the ability to create so it's still god who made ah thank you for that by making use of some of his creations for instance so that maybe it really sinks into you because you might think the earth is not able to do anything you you go and study the the formation let me put it that way the formation of a diamond i could have said the creation but the creation of a diamond there are diamonds that god created since then diamonds have increased [Laughter] that's not possible unless the earth is able to bring forth i he has spotted father there is a certain amount of pressure around the the carbon atoms when it is pressed enough and with enough heat temperature up to more than a thousand degrees celsius or two thousand fahrenheit when the temperature gets to that that which was once carbon carbon carbon pastas carbon yes it takes only another form it is pressure it is heat that causes the carbon to crystallize and you have a diamond the hardest material but take note carbon carbon carbon [Applause] when you pressurize carbon you see they say you take coral and you put it under pressure in you and and and then then you hit it and then you're going to have it there that's that is never going to happen because if you look at the way diamonds are structured the way they come out from the core of the earth we have never had vegetation piling up in that form tree is piling up in that form so it can be as a result of something that was once called has never been a dead tree understood like what call is right now you have to understand yes we have never had trees gathering in one place and dying yes one on top of the other for us to have a vein a seam that comes from the in the depth trees hmm this one okay yes so it means pressure is occurring at certain depths and there is heat and the there are air pockets there is carbon that was trapped within the earth when god created the earth when that is pressurized why am i talking am i talking about the earth i said i'm talking about you yes about us so if within you there is enough pressure and heat in this earthly body the carbon within if only we we are patient after having immense pressure in life those pressure and those temperatures they bring about the most expensive minerals the carbon is in what form you must appreciate also the presence of the spirit in the physical body when those air pockets are compressed long enough that this is why persecution will always bring the best out of us there are certain temperatures when we go through fire and go through pressure take note there is an atom within your flesh you have the same earth for you to create and bring forth diamonds pressure is needed unless the carbon is pressurized you can't have the crystallization you can't have the formation of a diamond but notice the earth is able to bring forth it is the earth doing that bringing about what god didn't create within the six days so your physical body should be able to create that same pressure when the gift of god placed within you those ideas are like pockets within you when they are pressurized by circumstances they have to take on another form right that's how you end up becoming more valuable to your society all those people that we see now transforming nations have been under pressure under pressure let the earth bring forth the earth was told by god to do what it is doing today it's bringing forth we humans we are busy doing something else the earth has been given demanded by god to bring forth and it is bringing forth so i'm just saying take note once you have the spirit within your body once you have the carbon within your earth when you go through pressure and start appreciating what is happening to the spirit man unless you are pressured the spirit men can never overflow that's why jesus had to go to gitzman it was a crashing point a wine press and when he was crushed only then did we see sweat that came out and it was like blood these are internal things that are that are now coming out as a result of pressure pressure pressure so when god said to the earth bring forth your body was present hearing that this is why your body is also able to what to bring forward and you keep on reading you keep on reading he in the earth bring forth the beds that fly in the air and so on let the waters or should i start from the earth let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so and god made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and every kind that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and god saw that it was good and god said verse 26 let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth i wanted to look at verse number 21 and verse number 22 and god created great whales great word whales okay and every living creature that moveth every living creature some every living creature that which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and god saw that it was good god saw that it was good yes no notice what he did and god blessed them by what saying he said be fruitful who is he telling the whale [Laughter] yes that's true yes he's telling the whales the whales the animals are being told by god the likeness of god is telling the animals be fruitful and multiply he's blessing them by telling them to be fruitful and to multiply he's talking to the animals the likeness talks to the animals the likeness of god talks to the animals and the animals here can hear the likeness of god [Music] what else doesn't hear god oh thank you for thank you when you are found talking to animals now they say you have a problem that's why he he came here he talks to trees he kisses them and they had him we are waiting until the right person arrives before we start talking when words are spoken we can go on and on and on that's so interesting yes now they will go on to multiply because they have been told by the likeness of god to do so so if god spoke by the likeness to the water and the water brought forth you with the same likeness you can speak to the same amount of water you have in your physical body and your waters can bring forth if god with likeness spoke to the earth to bring forth your likeness can speak to your body and your physical body which is your earth can also bring forth you can bring forth you can be instructed by your likeness to think you see there should be a way of knowing is there a way man of god that i can know because i want to know is there a way that i can know if there is an active word over my life [Music] responsible for every negative occurrence things are happening in a wrong way most of the time is there a way of knowing what was said is there a word over me that is active active active i wasn't there when the word was spoken but the word spoken then is here with me how do i know you observe the way things keep happening because what you are seeing happening is after the likeness of what you can see these are visible expressions of the invisible spoken word the word is becoming flesh when the word becomes flesh when you see flesh happening around you it's according to the word spoken but some of you you don't you you never get to know what was said you think somebody said you must suffer and that's why you're suffering that kind of a way doesn't really materialize this when you are a professional person in the spirit who knows how to bless and how to kiss that's not how you kiss an individual so most of these people who are kissing you saying you are supposed to suffer they don't know how to kiss that's why you can survive such cases you are suffering and you believe somebody said you must suffer that's not how yeah blended people civilized people in the spirit case they know what to say when you say to a person you will suffer what have you said that's not the best way cases are pronounced a person who kisses you so that you suffer doesn't need to say you must suffer hmm what they say is what you are supposed to do so that you suffer what they say is what you are supposed to do so that you suffer they don't say you will suffer and then you will suffer because they said you will suffer [Music] they manipulate you into doing something that qualifies you for the suffering so what is spoken for i have to give in as an example maybe maybe that one is going to it's like you have to say instead of saying that person must suffer the best way of saying it is let him had knowledge because you know it is the knowledge that will deliver him from the suffering so that person is going to hate every institution that provides knowledge including teaching ministries you'll be made to join churches that have nothing to do with the word school he failed and he goes to a church that lacks information again so a case pronounced over him wasn't like he must suffer no a word is supposed to be let him hate books let him heard information let him hurt anyone with ideas so he develops that hatred he undermines knowledge because the enemy knows it is by the knowledge that you prosper so what was said was not let him suffer no it is let him despise understanding so you know i'm suffering not because somebody said i must suffer i'm suffering because somebody said i must despise what delivers me from suffering so they don't say this one will never get married that's not how they speak if that's what they are saying that's why most of their cases are not working the best word to be spoken over that daughter was let her not be respectful right okay okay whether you get fired from your job they never said let him be fired they said let him not be attentive to an instruction let him not be punctual or let time cease to be a matter to him then you lose your job not because they said he must lose that's not what they said they told you to do something that will result in you being fired father just looking at the intelligence of this approach ha it's it's so it's so strange to think with such intelligence someone can still choose the kingdom of darkness because what you're seeing is so it's filled with so much wisdom and it's extremely spiritually technical technical yeah yeah it's technical to imagine an individual who is equipped with that dude do people who actually curse well know this or they're just shooting arrows in the dark and and they eventually see something sticking but you are now offering an explanation and through revelation about what it is that they are doing that actually works you see wow so if you see seven girls in the same family all of them are not married okay they get married they are returned they get married they come back what they start investigating is someone cursed our marriages but that's someone if indeed there is a person who did that how the person cast the marriages was to give you a behavior that you all have the seven of you you behave the same way you talk the same way you undermine the same way no level of honor from the youngest to the eldest there's a way you were groomed in a certain way that helps you behave in a way that facilitates divorce so it's not just a word of a marriage it's a word that created the character that is not consistent with marriage is that the way you talk to a man because already when god created a man he he placed within him a certain anger towards a certain character whether he doesn't have money still there is something within him that teaches him every morning you have to be addressed this way and if that doesn't seem to come from you then a problem is created it is that thing within a man and you are given the opposite yeah strong found so they they didn't say this one will never have money that's what they said this one will never no no no that's no no no no no no no it's something that money prefers that you will not do there is a commitment there is a dedication that is required before money comes and it is that dedication that you undermine is the commitment that is taken away from you and you think somebody said i should never have money no someone said never be committed someone said let this son lack dedication let him lose focus it was focus that you lost and then eventually consequently it was money that you never got that's how you analyze words that's powerful so you're fighting against something that was never said that's why every prayer you've been doing so it's not working because you're attacking a word that was never spoken that word is not in existence right now what is in existence right now is what i'm telling you you are always angry especially with people that are trying to help you if you notice that people who are likely to help you you quickly get angry these are the people that we enjoy gossiping about the rest of the people that have never helped us in our lives we don't even we don't even take time to think about anything negative about them what is that that the most people likely to help you are the people that you took bad about it's a word spoken it's a word spoken so whoever said that he created a hostile situation for you the entire generation and to promote that spirit over that generation they have to be encouraged to visit the same supplier they go to which doctors same source of the same product and they want to be set free by the same guys who interpret them it's which doctor after which doctor after we talked after which doctor and they wonder why are we not breaking free that's where the case came from whoever cares you got those instructions from the same industry thank you thank you so finding the right church finding the right ministry i would say that's your greatest assignment as of now if you can get your sons and daughters to sit in the right church where the word is the emphasis where the word is the most important event the word the word oh if you have liberated there is still hope for them even if you don't leave them a property if you can make sure that you that you have identified the church that has the right word and you leave them there that is hope for your children there is hope for children they will stumble upon setting information and from there they will take off i'm not saying it's wrong to go to a church where you are being prayed for most of the times but don't stay there go for prayers quickly move away you would rather be in a church where the majority is the word of your time is spent in the articulation of the word dissemination of the word you have set your generation free how about some of us we go to churches and and there is there are teachings every sunday every tuesday every wednesday every thursday it's still my life is not changing it is the quality not the quantity [Laughter] the quality of the world what are they talking about what are they talking about some they just help you to understand the bible but you don't understand yourself within the bible yes it's not enough just for you to say i'm okay now because i understand god when you understand god enough you begin to understand yourself when peter said thou art the christ the christ said that what peter when you are fooling knowing god he helps you know you start knowing yourself oh so this is me this is how i behave this is how i feel this is how i sense you start behaving in the likeness of god to situations around you helping you discover yourself in the world it's not all about david and solomon and abraham and jeremiah am i in the world i need someone who can tell me this is you in the world these are things that you can also do don't hesitate look at the earth it is still bringing forth under the instruction given to it by the likeness of god you also have the same likeness charge your flesh command your flesh to bring forth command your hands to work yes and to walk and to fight your body is waiting for an instruction to come from the likeness of god not from god god gave you the likeness you have the likeness of god the likeness of god is with you right now pastor yes i receive the likeness of god and with that likeness we do things through that likeness we know we know by the likeness of god we see the future by the likeness of god why because the likeness of god is not limited to the flesh it's there in the future we speak from there that's how we know what is going to happen it is by that likeness that we have so the more you allow the spirit men to act to participate in the things of god the more you grow as a spirit and the more you overshadow the flesh when you're told by a man of god to give to your neighbor to give to an orphan to give to a widow to give to the ministry when you follow that instruction it's never the physical man who is being taught to do that is the spirit man being told to bring forth it is the spirit man how do you know that you have overpowered your flesh pastor how do you know that you've overpowered your flesh you must observe the wrestling that takes place between the two of you okay when your spirit man can finally put his hands into the body's physical pocket and bring out man [Laughter] when the spirit man can rob the physical men of his money that's the highest level of spirituality i'm telling you more than healing the sick i can tell you we have by the power of god healed thousands upon thousands of people but i'm telling you the intensity is different as compared to reaching out and you take the property that is owned by the flesh you rob the flesh you take away his car you take away his money as a spirit you approach the flesh and you say can i have a part of that and the flesh says yes oh that's right [Music] that's victory when you are being asked to do that you are being asked to demonstrate how far you have gone in the spirit how far that's how you know this man has mastered the flesh because the flesh is not interested in those games look at how the flesh complains on the internet the flesh is not it doesn't like that it lacks keeping everything it gets yes but when you can walk in as a spirit at any time and you tell your flesh you have driven this car long enough it has to go and then it goes that same day oh i i i i if you have entered you've overcome that's power now that's authority there are certain figures that you have to you have to to to you you scratch your head you say ah come on i thought god was supporting me saving this this money look at me look at my age i'm supposed to be working on something that i can leave for my children where is this god coming from now he's telling me to give yet that practice is only practiced by the likeness of god god is never going to ask your flesh to give anything but he talks to the likeness can i have something are you powerful enough to break into the flesh and bring me so much and can you do that as a spirit without being caught because the earth is good this flame is going to wake up more than prayer more than fasting you ask me what has brought you to where you are right now there's a kind of giving that i do a way of giving that i've done that i'm still doing that has brought me to where i am right now that is why i fear what a man does after prayer he can pray 17 hours i wait until he comes out like i told you i listened to his conversations what he begins to say then i know it's never going to happen i look at his generosity how he gives then i know this is a dangerous man because there's nothing that you lost you're not losing if if you have ten thousand dollars and he tells you to give ten thousand dollars that's the only money that you have saved that's how the kingdom of god works that's the only amount that you have saved not what you have in the bank forget what you have invested in the kingdom is what you will eventually have that is what you those are the properties that you are going to eventually have we have to stop there but the door is still open i'm asking today for the likeness of god to respond test and see how strong and how developed you have become spiritually show me god is saying how you can overpower the flesh by taking what it relies on the most can you can you defeat the flesh can you it wasn't isaac that god wanted there was an attachment abraham and isaac because he was a product of the flesh but he's asking the likeness the spirit man give me isaac and then god said now i know that you love me because i have tested so many other people with the same test and they have failed you have overpowered the flesh child of god today work a miracle do the impossible [Music] take note of the details on the screen right now send your seed support god's work whatever i'm going to say even if i'm not going to say anything you have the presence of the word things will start happening according to that measure of obedience that you have exhibited today i'm speaking to the likeness of god multiply yourself bring forth and your children will never beg for bread do this for them if you love them go ahead and do it send your seed right now hit a mark that you've never touched before bring forth let the earth bring forth let the earth bring forth even your flesh let your flesh bring forth let it bring forth yes let it bring forth don't mind the pressure don't mind the heat mind the diamond that will come out as a result of that bring forth i'm giving you an instruction from today going forward you are under an obligation you are commanded by the power of god to bring forth multiplication is starting today in the name of jesus what was never put within you will start coming out as a result of pressure whatever you have gone through don't worry child of god it was for this one reason that something pressures in something harder will come out of that situation you are becoming better you are getting purified as you are listening to this word of god something new is being created believe you me as you go ahead right now and you send your seed the rest of the people i've seen people after such a wonderful sermon they say wow wow or they're shaking their heads and they go to do something completely different follow through do what the word has said yes and that is going to become your manifestation you become what i've just said thank you so much pastors for having me today it was a wonderful time thank you father thank you so much one of the in fact two of those things that can happen to a person for example a toddler having a knife in the hand and to a grown-up not knowing the identity it only takes a father like yourself to continue to reveal us to us through the world and in the process making us realize our full potential i was just thinking as you're ministering god's impression of us given the level of investment that is placed in us the ability to create i believe that based on the information that you've just given us can we really say we've lived life we don't even know what life is all about can we really say we are living life the way we are supposed to be living it now given the level of deficiency in as far as understanding ourselves is concerned thank you for allowing us to align through you to the will of god of our lives in this season and making us a relevant even in the sight of god qualifying us to be called sons and daughters it's one thing to call yourself a child of god and it's another to exhibit being a child of god thank you so much father thank you oh come on indeed thank you father um you know from what we knew in the past about this very um scripture concerning multiplication we were off and it was so skewed because understanding now that water being in its water form brought forth material things such as meat cattle creeping things and it was water but it was water we used to think that maybe the blessing of multiplication was only to procreate but now we're understanding that i can bring forth even brick and mortar buildings an individual can bring for sure it's part of the duty of the likeness in us and learning that gives us so much power and energy because just knowing it is not knowing it for the sake of having extra information that we can always quote here and there but knowing it in its application to go out there with confidence and begin to create with the full knowledge of what i am capable of doing that is very empowering father um it's better than being in a service and being healed of a disease uh you've addressed the biggest disease yeah which is our ignorance of what we carry and who we carry and so knowing that um it's it's now it's now it's now it's now a dangerous game out there because um having him yeah well it's about to be something please use the details on the screen uh we are grateful for this word that has come uh continue to sow your seeds and go over and above as we've been instructed by the voice go over and above what you've done what you've done before until we meet again next time you
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 29,071
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: E5Pp0KQrFdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 12sec (7392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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