Emmanuel Makandiwa - The Effectiveness of the Word of God 5

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[Music] not filthy [Music] young will be done your will be done hey lord fill this place this place [Music] to praise your holy name [Music] to praise your [Music] our praises [Music] to praise your holy hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] see is [Music] hello greetings and welcome to this international online sunday service shalom to you custodians of the written spoken and manifested word we're so happy that the lord has created this opportunity for us to dive deep into his word and understand the effectiveness of the word of god that's what have been on we encourage you to continue to send your messages through and if you have any questions in a few moments the prophet will be leading us on ambassador joined by pastor cooney always an honor to be here thank you prasad indeed last week the prophet took us into looking at and examining living the word exactly what a powerful teaching but before we get into much i think it's important that we highlight the note at which our father ended last week's service that opening that our father created for people to sources yes if you are smart enough if you are able to see and understand you will realize that it was like our father tapped into a certain dimension and then he brought the topic up and i believe it's an opportunity for somebody it's an open door for all of us to make sure that before we even do anything we take advantage of this time and make sure and make sure we get those banking details and we we continue to sow our seeds and partner you know it's it's different when it's a program that is slated for a particular time but then it there comes a time when you see and realize that our father stepped into another dimension that goes beyond the normal that goes beyond the plan and that's how god operates that's how god works and it's an opportunity for everybody coming back to the message we have heard the word for years we have had people minister we have had people talk about the word but they are fundamental principles that align us to the will of god our father brought out a spectacular point when he said you have to understand or you have to react to situations according to the word you know that's like pressing uh an orange when you press an orange or you blend an orange you're not expecting to drink apple juice [Music] orange juice must come out exactly if we have the indwelling word in cases where we are feeling pressured and cornered to manifest otherwise what must be found oozing out of that rock is the word it goes beyond conforming in everything else in as far as the word is called conforming to the word it goes beyond that when you react a particular situation sometimes you don't have time to think so it's it's our father was explaining a dimension where you have you are sold in the word up to a point that when you react to certain situations without even thinking you find yourself reacting according to the world that brings us to a teaching that we were given by the prophet during the spiritual emphasis conference in the year 2017 and he was explaining concerning the conscious mind and the subconscious mind and you spoke about having to respond to the word even without thinking about it and according to what we understand that is the duty of the subconscious mind to allow someone to react in second nature without them even thinking or consciously calculating a move but when you are in a position where instinctively what comes out because it's condensed and it's now settled in your subconscious and we know that the subconscious mind is the master of the conscious mind so from the subconscious mind if you're able to involuntarily release the word how marvelous is that it's evidence that you are you are saturated by the word you are baptized you are you are you are immersed you are you are existing within the word and not just existing within the word but he abides in you and and it's it's clear that we are moving from one level to the other in as far face conformity to the word is concerned in as far as movement with christ in us is concerned and our father is bringing it to the fore that there is that dimension where sometimes you don't really have to calculate but it just comes out from the inside and you begin to react you begin to live you begin to speak because he he lives within you and wow the word never find yourself in a situation where you have not forethrown exactly like seed into that place you know in the life of a christian you begin to understand some of these things after our father's minister to us sometimes you you think that you you may have known or you may have understood these principles but believe you me it's it's the environment now i know it's the environment the revelations that you begin to get even as our father is ministering not because it was your revelation but it is the environment it is the anointing of the man and you hear our father say never get into an event or a day without your words having gone before you let them fall on you let them forerun you we as christians i think sometimes we live life coincidentally in courts you you arrive at a situation and you find yourself there you started hustling for tools to deal with with it yes yes and our father is coming and he's saying that day that you're about to get into speak words speak words speak words shape your tomorrow today indeed our father said something powerful he said we should be people of our word these these principles these this doctrine is with power you look at the the extent to which you can apply that principle we must be people of our word you take that to the marketplace and you say i will decide from today to be an individual of my word tell me pastor chung what will be impossible in that place in that arena we're picking one out of many areas that an individual can decide in my life i'm going to be a person who sticks to my word it's it's it's amazing personal remember what you're saying because even as our father was ministering last week on that particular area i was thinking of one's compatibility with their word are you really compatible with your word does it make sense for you to say something and our father is coming in and is bringing us that information that enlightens us in that particular area to say you need to be able to speak and live that word so whatever you then say has to be compatible with you or any situation that you get into has to be compatible with what you said it's an amazing season basically it's the word ask should you be compatible or should your word be compatible with you but i suppose it's the latter yeah um great room for this moment now where we can have our father leading us on this morning allow us to introduce the great prophet greetings our father i am grateful to be here greetings to you thank you our father thank you father for living by the word that was a powerful delivery follow that message it it goes across mountiful spheres of life we it it shows us the immeasurable power that we have to be able to create events and seasons according to how we desire and you once taught us that why should we separate our desires from that of the lord if he's in us if he can desire in us then we have his mind we have his mind and so father if i know and if i can feel what i want the lord to say to me why can i not say that to myself interesting it sounds very stubborn very very stubborn but these are the realities you're teaching us father thank you for the strength thank you it is quite interesting because you can imagine if you can if you can have the privilege of knowing what god is supposed to be saying yeah you only can know that when you're using his mind there's no way that you can know what god is knowing unless it is his mind that you're using so my statement was how is it that you even know you know what god should be saying there are things that you are hoping that god would speak how is it that you know how is it that you know what god is supposed to be saying i'm not saying you're wrong you're right things that you are waiting for god to speak over your life how is it that you know the things isn't it the mind of god you're using so if you can make use of his mind why not go ahead and make use of his mouth [Laughter] that's that's not your mind thinking about such things how can you even know what god is supposed to say so you're using god's mind to think so go ahead and use this mouth and you speak but we thought having access to those exact words it means we have to remind god we have to uh wait for him to speak and yet make it a prayer directed to you yes yes it is it is him telling you what he is supposed to say through you wow it is him telling you [Music] what he wants to say through you so these are not things that god is supposed to we have to get into that today our viewers are here you're blessed to be here thank you so much for joining this wonderful morning and it's going to be a blessing you'll find it so interesting and i think every part of you is going to attest to the presence of god today thank you for being here i don't like you blessed you are such a blessing i'm so happy to have these people with me this wonderful morning yeah we have to continue on i have to touch on the creativity of the world thank you the creativity of the world that creativity of the world we should be able to explain how the word creates i know it's sad so difficult but let's give it a try how does the word create because there are so many things that i cannot buy from the supermarket so many products that you can find in the spirit that are not being sold physically how do i make use of the word so that i can either pictures or even create what is not in existence the creativity of the word what if what i desire is not there [Music] what if what i desire is not there there is no producer ready to produce my desire what do i do is that desire why why would i desire something that is non-existent is it true that a child of god can desire to have a certain lifestyle that is not already in existence are you given that ability to imagine what can never be imagined can you yen can you long for something that isn't there and i'm not saying the fact that you desire to have it it means it is there no i'm just saying the desire is an indication that it can be created the fact that you have desired it it means it is a lifestyle that can be created yes yeah so it can be the actual thing that you are desiring that is calling for its own creation you must be able to understand that kind of a desire where something is uh desiring so much to come into existence and signals are being sent to you by god to bring that about so when it is god speaking and when it is us speaking where is the [Music] difference ah you said something last time you said is isn't that what what makes him god isn't that the reason why he's gone the fact that he speaks things happen you see if you are to go by that principle then we are assuming that [Music] speaking and nothing happens is what makes us humans that's the assumption because if that's what makes god god the fact that he speaks [Laughter] then we are saying what makes us humans is the fact that we speak and nothing happens but is that the case we have to investigate where is the difference and what is the difference can i speak into the life of somebody and then he goes away telling people i have had from the lord are they things that god himself is never going to communicate with you in person we have seen that last sunday the angel of god came he delivered the word but the word was invite peter so that he gives you the word yes the word from the lord which said invite peter so that he gives you the word things that the angels of god cannot add all right so we want to look at the sound by david in chapter 109 and this one we want to see some few things that he understands concerning the creativity of the word verse 1 verse 1 hold not thy peace o god of my praise oh whose psalm is that you can read all of it to the chief musician the psalm of david to the chief musician hold not thy peace can you imagine this is david and who is he telling not to hold his peace o god of my praise you tell god to stop doing something and to start doing something let's let's not be fast when we are reading some of these things we might miss a point where we have just witnessed the creation asking the creator to behave in a certain way he assessed that god is almost about to quit speaking he sensed it in his spirit and he has calculated the consequences if god is to be quiet if he is to hold his peace and he goes on to ask him not to hold his peace don't be quiet don't be quiet he has measured the amount of help that he's been receiving so far from the voice of god whenever god is speaking he is so comfortable in his environment as long as god is still speaking and he knows the danger he knows that i'm here today alive kicking very well by reason of the spoken word and if god is to quit if god is to be silent then he begins to beg him please of all the things that you are thinking of giving up let not speech be part of it don't quit speaking just keep on speaking keep on speaking keep on speaking and this is for all information the king of israel this is the king of israel [Music] hold not thy peace yes oh god of my praise [Music] so he's saying he is a god of my praise i wish i died oh i wish i'd tired [Laughter] the god of my praise what does that mean the aspects of god that i have managed to praise areas of god that i have been able to identify and i praised let those areas not quit speaking [Laughter] the god of my praise if you can find any other way of explaining the meaning of that you're welcome let me know how do you call him the god of my praise what is the meaning of that he has identified areas in god and he went on to praise those areas if he has ever called him the god of peace he is saying may not that aspect of peace never stop speaking in my life if i have identified the gyro aspect in the jehovah part of him that provides the part of him that delivers when i'm in trouble and i've praised you for those aspects let those areas that i've identified keep working for me let them keep speaking the speaking is not just verbally keep on acting according to the praise i've given you praises i have called you the god of war so when there's conflict in my life i expect the dimension of god to speak to speak the god of my prayer so god will not manifest against your praises god will not move unless he is moved by your praises it is your praise that gives him direction he behaves according to what you've said identify an aspect of god and you speak it out wow i've spoken it out i have called you this so you have to act likewise so he goes on to say something now for the mouth of the weekend he understands something very critical god has to keep on speaking because there is another mouth down here the wicked has a weapon the wicked the enemy has a mouth and he has gone on to use that weapon that's the thing that i fear that's david for the things i fear a part that you have given to him that he is using against me we are here to talk about the creativity of the world word spoken either by you or by somebody who is not even born again we have to cover that yes for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful yes are opened against me they've spoken against me their words were against me the mouth are open and they opened their mouth so that what they said was not for me it was against me yes [Music] they have spoken against me with a lying tongue a lying tongue yes they compassed me about also watch it watch it watch it watch it off hatred watch it they've what compassed me about also they've what compassed me they this is what they have done is appreciating what they have done it's a work even to put it in this form it's a construction work they have compassed me about with what words words around me right now as i speak are words david is saying i've been surrounded by words spoken so right now as i speak i mean shell i'm in a cocoon what they've said has now become my atmosphere they have limited me they have created another world the while this time in god's word they have gone on to create another world where they have set boundaries now around me where i cannot go beyond what they have said what they have said i cannot go beyond what they have said i work so hard day in day out early in the morning come rain come thunder i'm a hard worker yet still my salary cannot get beyond what they have said so i'm no longer getting paid according to my service it's now according to their word it's according to their word even my children you give birth within that confinement you work within that confinement whether you get promoted it has to be as far as they have spoken i have noticed that i am failing to break out it's not just an economical issue this is a world issue hey why is it that everything turns out to be as they have spoken every story it is it starts well but it will end according to their prediction why is why is that the case they are the ones celebrating at the end of the day every time what a discovery i am surrounded by an army of words keeping me inside no expansion no extension no multiplication nor increase and everything that is happening to me i have noticed is according to their word what a restriction you call it lockdown this is it [Music] people have the power they came out they decreed remember locked down and the entire globe [Music] was locked down how did they do it they spoke they spoke to another estimate the creativity of the world the word went out and we all acted according to the word [Music] ah ah my prayer was for us not to be here for too long keep on reading they compassed me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause see how they are fighting against you see how they are fighting against you see how they are fighting against you they don't need to come to your house it is their word that comes to your house for my love they are my adversaries the love that i've developed for you at least david knows why they hate him so much it's because i love you my love it wasn't just my love for you it's my love even for them what i've given them and what they have given back to me people ready but i give myself unto prayer while it's there doing that what i do now is to give myself unto what prayer pray i give myself unto prayer i give myself unto prayer we have to we uh on come on what is there doing what they are doing what i do is i give myself unto prayer yes keep on moving i i won't finish that today and they have rewarded me evil they have rewarded they have paid me evil for what for good everything that i've done for them was good what they thought of giving to me as a reward was evil evil evil the day that you get to hear the woman or the men that you have helped the day you get to hear what he says in your absence then you will understand the dilemma that david is in right now thank god you have no access to those words had you heard what they say [Music] had you heard what they said after helping them keep already and they have rewarded me evil for good and the hatred for my love set thou a wicked man over him now it is him david speaking yes [Music] oh because this is a battle of words as much as i'm committing myself to prayer i have to also redirect words set a wicked man over them there is an appointment of an individual who is wicked over his adversaries let a position be created whether that position is political let a wicked man be set over them this kind of enthronement of an evil man by the words of david where we now have a man who never qualified for the position being appointed for the position simply because of his level of wickedness because david wants his adversaries punished keep on reading and let satan stand at his right hand [Music] you might think these are his enemies speaking against david you have to be very careful when reading that passage it is now david speaking speaking against them now let even the devil himself be present on his right hand oh god do you know what happens when you have the devil standing on your right hand is that's the end of power that is the end of creativity when we have the devil standing on that right side of yours where things are supposed to be happening when you have the devil on your right hand you must understand the meaning of that you must try try to understand the meaning of that [Music] when the hand that signifies power is where you have the devil standing it means lucifer has now become your strength you do things according to the devil the devil now starts using your right hand if it is failure that he wants to achieve he uses you to achieve it you become his workmanship you're now employed by the devil it is his agenda that you pursue what a kiss what a kiss what a case what i guess yes when he shall be judged let him be condemned [Music] he gets into their future when judgment finally comes against my adversaries my enemies let them be found guilty let them be con so judgment is happening right now at his mouth not in the courtroom no matter the evidence they are going to produce let them be found guilty guilty according to the speech he is causing them to be found guilty so they will be sent to prison not according to what they've done wrong but according to what i've said today let them hire all the lawyers but david has already made the sentence yes and let his prayer become sin ah let his prayer become sin you only get to understand who is speaking at the end if you are quick to think you might think that's how they were kissing david let his prayer become seen to think these are people who are even praying these are people against you not that you have left in the village these are people in the same church of the same faith who are not happy with you having that kind of a testimony [Music] you are jumping up and down thinking that they are busy rejoicing with you they don't like the way things are happening around you what you got from the lord is something that they've been waiting for for years let david now is saying should they pray should they decide to pray let their prayer become seen let them pray amiss do you know there are people who hate you so much with your purity your love for god and you to think that you can have an enemy i have seen people that are so straightforward i've seen men i've seen women that if they're so so so tender i've seen strange people pastors believe you me i've seen people that are so kind you don't think there can be someone against them they still have enemies there are preachers right now on different television channels you listen to their preaching everything is nice good pure encouraging from the beginning to the end yet there's still a critic present attacking them you try to listen to it could there be something that i have missed that agitated that critic why would such a man be insulted for such a good work david he's a good man he's a good man yet there are those that are even praying against him praying against him then he starts praying against their prayer when you pray against their prayer ah [Applause] let their prayer become ceasing let his days be few and let another take his office let his days be fuel let another take his office a child of god i wanted to understand this whichever case you would want to put this i keep on now this is the third time that i'm telling you this was david pronouncing a case over his enemies even if you want to take it the other way having your enemy speak against you like that that's a serious issue let's not debate over who is speaking here what we know is either way if you have your enemy praying that your prayer becomes sin having your enemy praying that the enemy stands at your right hand the devil himself [Music] but i've done them good but you know being a good man doesn't always guarantee your long life it matters what they say let his life be shot ah let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow these people are killing the men that his children become fatherless and let his wife become weird to think that the man is about to die right now because what they say they know how to kill a man i are they ever going to know the children what killed their father they are going to blame it on something else not what the people said are you aware that words can shorten or lengthen a lifespan to live a life that is short because of a word spoken i have to explain that please please [Music] now we have orphans we have widows as a result of who had spoken do they know what killed their father do they know do they know does the father know that there is something that he could have done to avoid this to postpone this funeral the father of the house is dead gone buried never to come back again and what killed the man is not what he ate what killed the man it's not the disease he was diagnosed with no it was the word spoken [Music] you hear things that you're not expecting to hear just keep on following keep on following today keep on following we have underestimated the creativity of the world what comes into being when a word is released we now have something that was never here before and we know someone said something let his children let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow let his children be continually vagabonds and beg continually what if they go to university it won't work maybe there's another course that they need to take continually the word continually is there so despite their academic achievements whatever they try to do to upgrade their status the thing has to be continually it's a perpetual torment they have to be poor forever what if somebody borrows the money it can't help them they have to become perpetual vagabonds so it's not just a case pronounced it has been given a lifespan ah if you think there can be any other place any other platform available today on the internet where you can hear better ones go there go there this is the place where you're supposed to be right here hearing the things that you're hearing it means your time has come now listen to what he's saying ah let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places they won't be bred in their house that's what you say let the extortioner catch all that he hath extortion somebody who comes to get let someone be hired let someone be raised who comes and he impoverishes him let thieves even people who can't steal steal from him and they'll never be caught what is that what is that and let the strangers spoil his labor people ready let there be none to extend mercy unto him neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children let the stranger what spoil his labor when a stranger comes in into your house or into your country to spoil your labor a stranger a foreigner when he comes and he walks into your territory and it is your labor that he spoils the spoiling the spoiling what you've worked for to get what you have labored for to construct it comes to spoil [Laughter] thank you my god stranger spoil his sleep this was one one angry man [Music] let there be none to extend mercy unto him see no messy neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children let his posterity be cut off and in the generation following let their name be blotted out let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the lord and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out even the sin of his mother let it not be voted out yes let them be before the lord continually that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth father can i ask a question then [Music] the authority that this individual is displaying david it sounds as though he is showing us that he has the power to commit individuals to hell sure without having even to consult god on that matter consulting god all that matter we are coming back to the issue when you're coming from god when you do things coming from god we must understand how far we have to go when it comes to consulting god the picture that you have is where you go to god with a matter but in this case you are coming from god with a matter we are coming from god that's where we are coming from so consulting from god is not like you are going to god every now and then to inquire and wanting to find out as if you've never been there before you left god coming here with an assignment so you must understand that part so there are issues that you don't say i have to go to god and hear about this you came from god because you heard about this you are on a mission god released you for that purpose so to go back to god and ask am i supposed to do this yet this was the reason why he dispatched you let them stand before god continually not so that you god blesses them so that so that they may be cut off this is serious this is serious very very serious keep on reading because that he remembered not to show mercy but persecuted the poor and needy man that he might even slay the broken in heart so this can be this can be words relating to david he never did that [Music] keep on reading as he loved cursing so let it come unto him he loved what because see so let it come unto him so he's reversing that case he loved kissing so let it come unto him and he will have to put it on like a garment father can i ask another question yes um and as much as love management goes at what point do you stand and you release words like this sometimes that is love at work because you have stopped a cursing generation from existing okay you must understand you have [Music] intercepted and you have interrupted a continuity of not just a case degeneration but a question generation generation generation so there is a lineage that the devil has appointed on the earth through which he [Music] creates miseries there's a generation like that a family father you spoke about in each family the devil has an individual that he uses so in this case it can be the entire generation that the devil has chosen the same way that god would choose the levites a generation of the levites to become the priests so a responsibility of services in the house of the lord was given to a tribe so the devil also can identify a generation that he chooses so that he uses to pronounce cases on the earth so there are disasters happening as they are being prescribed by a certain generation so what the man is doing here is to bring a closure to that industry he has targeted he has seen where cases are coming from if i deal with only their father their children are going to do as they have seen their father do you that's why a kissing father will always produce kissing children like a child who grew up in a home where people are just casing each other they don't mind the language yes they speak exactly like that in a classroom that's how the teacher knows it's a generation it has been handed over to him by his father by his mother so in as far as love management is concerned you are not just loving one generation at the expense of the rest of the generations you have to see to it that you pronounce judgment over one generation so that you save other generations that's life management thank you you have to be calculative in the way that you do it you don't spare one serial killer because you love him you must look at the people that he has potential to kill so we're in loving those that he's going to kill tomorrow you arrest him today he's sentenced to death yes that's an act of love not just loving him but loving the people that is going to destroy tomorrow it's an act of love when you kiss as a result of your head that's why sometimes such such cases don't work but if you are doing it from the perspective of love you see the case working okay you are bringing order to the systems of the earth that's bringing order cursing from a perspective of love [Laughter] as he delighted not in blessing so let it be far from him he delighted not in what blessing he never wanted to hear anything there are people like that everything to do with blessings they hate it they attack it even preachers even preachers some have chosen to stay as far away as possible from anything that has to do with blessings [Music] they found delight in staying away from blessings i read it again as he delighted not in blessing my god delight so let it be far from him so let the blessing be far so in that case he's not really casing the man he's saying there's no delight in the man he doesn't like the blessing so be it let the blessing be far away from him as he clothed himself with cursing as he clothed himself himself like as with his garments so let it come into his bowels like water and so the case that was around him like a government let it now penetrate his system into his bowels like water and like oil into his bones that's the case to think that the case can penetrate that deep when you were once cast you just putting it on it's a lighter case any man of god can remove that one it's a jacket when you deal with any [Laughter] my god when when ah when a man has finally been soaked marinated in in a case it's now within him what kind of prayer can deliver such a man it takes a lot if you ask me i'll i'll i'll teach you how you can set such a man free when now a case is in the bones why touching the bones that's where the marrow is why talk about the marrow that's where the blood the dna is created that's where the generation is when a case you have been putting it on for too long that's why you must be quick to shake yourself from any case that you sense around you it comes first in form of a jacket you feel it over you don't let it stay it will become watery it gets into your blood wow you keep it for too long it gets into your bones until the next generation is contaminated let not a case overstay on you thank you thank you before you begin to act against it you have to move against it oh let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the lord now you know who is speaking now you know who is speaking let this be let this be the reward the reward they have to be paid of mine adversaries from the lord yes and of them that speak evil against my soul they speak back to the speech yes they speak speak evil against my soul when a soul is spoken evil of you must have ways of knowing that since my soul is the way i feel i touch i sense you must be able to know that my emotions are being tampered with i'm emotionally responding to situations according to their speech because they can manipulate your soul they can manipulate your soul you can feel as a soul according to their speech that is why for instance let's say they are words that we know that are used for insulting people any of those ways i don't want to that word you heard that this is an insult so if you are now insulted and the man insulting you uses any of those words that you have memorized that you have had you are being affected and then you respond emotionally to the insult because you have been told what an insult looks like it's hard to understand read that again let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the lord and of them that speak evil against my soul they are spoken evil against my soul when evil is spoken against your soul against your soul it is not just where you have evil things said that are supposed to happen against your but i'm saying when your soul is given a vocabulary by your enemies where you now have everything that you know coming from your enemy he tells you what is wrong he tells you what is right he tells you what is sweet and he tells you what is bitter when the world begins to define things according to its own perspective right is now according to worldly standards wrong is now according to their standard when they've spoken evil against your soul like i'm like i'm telling you the example that i've given you if someone calls you a fool you become angry because you have been told it has been said your soul has been advised that that term is an insult so you become angry so your emotion is being driven by what they have said what they have spoken so so you are under their manipulation they can cause you to be happy they can cause you to be sad according to their vocabulary they have trained your soul to respond in a certain way because they have said this word is good and that word is not good [Music] keep on ready but do thou for me o god the lord for thy name's sake because thy mercy is good deliver thou me to live without me he is asking for deliverance from what words for i am poor for i am poor and needy i'm what i'm poor who is poor david david the king of israel if you know the men you must stop therefore yeah you have to stop there and begin to question yourself whenever i see poo in the bible where the bible says blessed are the poor what is he referring to if such a man can say i'm poor but it's something that we are failing to understand do we begin to promote the poor and we think not having money is what the bible is talking about the original meaning of that word in that context refers to humility humility blessed are the humble there's no blessing in being poor you must understand the meaning so because i seemed to be humble to them and they took advantage of that with what i have as the king of israel i can release a battalion against them and finish all my enemies but i chose to be poor act like i don't have all that power i acted this though i cannot defend myself so that you can move on my behalf that part of you that fights that i've praised [Music] [Laughter] can now begin to fight for me [Applause] [Music] and my heart is wounded within me i am gone like the shadow when it declineth i am tossed up and down as the locust my knees are weak through fasting and my flesh feign faileth of fatness i became also a reproach unto them when they looked upon me they shaked their heads hmm help me oh lord my god it's even fasting they looked at me and they shook their heads i was in there [Music] oh save me according to thy mercy that they may know that this is thy hand that thou lord has done it let them curse but bless thou let them out let them curse go ahead let them kiss and but you but bless thou love you crazy when they arise let them be ashamed but let thy servant rejoice let mine adversaries be clothed with shame and let them cover themselves with their own confusion with a mantle a mantle of confusion [Laughter] ah my god now the creativity of the world i want to drop in some life-changing materials into your being so that you can make use of it should a need arise [Music] [Applause] um before god made them male and female in chapter 1 of the book of genesis [Music] and verse 26 before take note i can take you back to the same scripture for more than 100 times but notice how i approach it every time if you think it's the same thing that i'm saying every time it's a sign that you're not listening my approach to the same scripture every time is different i use a different rod i want you to be very very attentive so that you can see the before he met the male and female verse 26 yes and god said said and god said we are being told that god says even before he does for what he then goes on to do to hit the success mark it has to be as a result of it having been saved he's and god said let us what make man before the making of the men there was an utterance speech we want to deal with the creativity of the word child of god oh i don't know how they know how to explain this because this is the part where we are getting it wrong this is the aspect that is missing in our creation equation we jump on to mac and to do and to act yet there isn't sufficient word spoken to break up the deed wow god before he met let us make god said to think that you have to in trying to rescue a business [Music] whoever has given that mission to restore the business that is going down to think that he's supposed to investigate that far to see what was said what did you say at the beginning of your marriage [Music] before you went on to make it because god before he met he said before he made he said before he met he said powerful father did you manage men of god to say it before you did who else can we copy out there because i can't remember of any company as big as i can't think of any project bigger than this earth and i look at how god is running it his model of business to me is just outstanding till today systems are following his decrees stars are placed where they are by his word he said let us make men this is this is so profound [Music] that's the thing that i want to say today the things that i want to say [Laughter] here it is hear this don't miss this don't miss this don't miss this don't miss this [Music] oh i remember the first time the first time that they took me to an atmospheric layer in the spirit the first time but i've been there several times but the first time that i got in there what i saw was creatures that i had never seen creatures wish are not either earthly or heavenly but i saw them existing but they are formed they were not in human form and then their size to me i asked what are these and the men gave me a name i was told i was given their name but what was amazing to me was not just the size this way young creatures like babies what is this they were like babies very young it was like they were in an incubator of some sort i could see they are lying but they are yet to be able to stand and to walk you could actually see like the umbilical cords or something like that they were very very tender but to say these were humans i cannot say that to say this way are wild animals not as they're not even in the forest it's an atmosphere but then i was made to understand this you can argue all you want get all the scriptural references that's i'm just giving you my personal experience that i had then i was told have you noticed but ever since creation there has been an increase in the population of demons i was asked have you noticed while he said i was there in that vision i could not argue because to me it was a reality that oh things that we are seeing nowadays there should be an increase we can't say demons have not become more powerful it's not the increase in their power or in their influence there must be an increase in their number we are now dealing with more demons in this generation than the generation before do you think that more demons are getting activated or getting hired so that they start working what were they doing all along so i was made to understand that the population demon population is on the rise but the only way that you you can understand that is when you get to a place where you witness the procreation of spirits you there's there's no any other way there's no any other way what god created back then there was enough but if there is a rise we can argue yes pastors can argue maybe evangelists can argue but let's have prophets who can argue with me in that area and say that's a lie but if you are spiritually sensitive and you can open your spiritual eyes and you look into different environments you can see the increase you have to understand me on this one why are we now having more demons coming in taking over if you are dealing with the same number of demons that were there before they coming from now i understand that's why i'm saying when i bring a message to you it is out of experience what i've seen what i've handled what i've touched that's when i begin to understand the danger [Music] of speech when people are speaking carelessly and away of what comes into existence when they speak all these that you have seen they are produced by words when an evil word is spoken it's a seed it's a spam it's a semen you must understand something let me let me lead you to something very important when you speak your speech becomes what you have said the speech becomes [Music] the speech becomes okay okay okay okay look at this look at this look at this when an evil word is spoken you see you must believe in the creation of cases that when people are cursing a case comes into being a case that wasn't there comes into being yes so creation has taken place yes as a result of speech cases are in what form cases are not just spiritual materials cases are meta [Music] and hence the ability to confine individuals certain spaces you see how can you physically be restricted by something that is not matter in terms of material where you can't physically move forward because your prophet is not just spiritual you're failing to move forward financially [Music] but i was being made to understand while it's there that these are where once in word form they were spoken out they geminated these are demons spoken out when you speak a word an evil word against an individual not only do you if you hire the demon that was already there to follow that man no you have formulated a spirit that follows the man from that point on multiplication of spirits is happening every time people are speaking i want people to get this i want you people to get this next time you speak you must understand that a baby is coming out of your mouth so it was said they are spoken into existence this is why there is a rise in their number they are young they can't do anything but the person who spoke like that baby that you see there the person who spoke that baby into being has to keep on speaking because that baby will survive by the same negative word it's not what you say once that goes on to live forever you speak it into existence and the baby will start feeding as you keep on cursing as you keep on when you make it your lifestyle to speak negative negative that child keeps on feeding on that information until it becomes a grown-up spirit that leaves that realm and it comes to torment the next generation even your own child now i want people to understand something here where do you get that from i'm giving you a scripture now where god said before he met now now follow something follow something because he's he's a way that if i go on to make before i say what i make is not sustainable because it has to be sustained by what i say it is what i say that sustains what i make what i make survives on speech what i create physically feeds on what i'm saying it's a vehicle that i've created but for it to move it has to consume words that's the fuel it's the word that empowers what i've created physically for the men to run for the woman to operate she has to rely on what i would have said before creating her now now so when god said let us he wasn't speaking to the men that he went on to create he was speaking to a part of him capable of making the empowering of his hands to make when you speak in a prayer closet not to god but to your hands it is that speech that gives the hand the skill it is the speech wow it is the speech you can go ahead and clip if you want it is the speech what you've said over your hand what you've said over your hand it is the speech that gives your hand the dexterity the ability to work out the skill is given to the end by the skilled mouth you have to become skilled in word skilled in word let us make man he's not he's not talking to the man he's talking to us let us he's talking to himself let us make man in our image he's empowering himself for the service for the business for the venture for the job let us so your hand mustn't be the first to move it has to be your speech you have to speak before you touch speak before you touch speak before you touch i'm giving you the ultimate manual here how god did it let us make man now his hand is empowered to work out the man there's no more error there any chances of mistakes and error has been eliminated because he has spoken the product first so the hand goes on to create what it had from the mouth of god how many times have you spoken to us let us succeed let us make let us succeed now now notice something notice something notice something you you go ahead if you want to call them demons that i saw there if you want to call them different names it's up to you but i was given a name for those things and some of those things you see when it is time for the judgment because i wanted to know so if i can speak a word and then a spirit can be created the day of judgment is god supposed to judge that kind of a spirit that i created and it had no any other assignment but to cause havoc a lot of things were discussed and i was given understanding that do you know that what becomes your loyalty to god is your disobedience to the devil every loyalty the other side of that same coin has to be disobedience and rebellion you're never loyal unless you are rebellious [Music] so i was being taught now that you know all spirits created are created with a will [Music] when something that was created for evil rebels against its intention when something that is given rebels against its program and it becomes good that becomes loyalty to god [Music] where do good morning again we rebuild yes notice do you know there are things okay for instance god was done creating everything and he addressed it this one yes but after men had fallen god went on to bring about thorns and thesis he said for your sake because of what you have done the ethno will bring so we see a continuation of creation even after god had rested so cases when a man is scared he's able to produce to bring about more creations that were not even there before he's friend every time you see a phone a thief it wasn't there originally it's a product of a cursed man a cursed man can bring about physical things that god never intended to create when you are cursing we are creating father this spirit it's designed intentionally with a program to cause a havoc it's a word that has been spoken and that word becomes matter and that matter is spiritual matter spiritual matter designed to cause harvard that's the desire by the design the teacher didn't choose yeah that i want to be causing harmful but there is a way but given to everything that you create it has to be because you have a will you being the creator of the creature you must be able to transfer the same will to whatever it is that you create but father how can it will to do right when it's designed to do wrong it can can you decide today to rebel against god yes i can but you notice when he created you he never created you for rebellion no he did not he did not he did not yet there is the will within you to either eat of the forbidden tree or not to eat though i was not created though we were not created okay okay now i follow father okay so because i i you must understand something here you must understand so there's that provision it's always there because you can't say there was the program in the devil to rebel okay you must understand he wasn't created by god to rebel against god that wasn't his mission can spirits ultimately repent repentance is in turning back and doing because we must look at the word repentance the meaning of the word repentance i'm looking at it from this younger father that there is a spiritual being that has been that has been created by speech before you go there can spirits what repent repent but did you not repent i did are you know the spirit [Music] [Laughter] the question should be can all spirits oh spirits okay can all spirits now can all spirits repent now i wanted to see something i i knew this was going to now become the subject i didn't want it i didn't know i didn't want to go there but notice okay we'll come back to that issue you're reminding me of something that i saw again when i went into the store when you get into the storage place where they keep all the treasures of god the treasure room these treasures the the treasure room okay it's a room but it's not the the walls that you see there are not walls like you see bricks it's like a bubble the walls are like watery but so tight you can't even i don't know i don't know how they made it but you can you can tell that it's not like you get to a door you get there the world [Music] knows you the world has a way of feeling comfortable it feels safe by your arrival and then you walk in the treasures of god when i walked in there for all information what i saw in there in terms of his reaches it wasn't the gold that i saw i didn't see diamonds i didn't see emeralds i didn't see coins what i saw in there was their spirits i don't understand another story again the spirit of things okay you saw the spirit of things their spirits the spirit of the mineral it's not the god that god keeps in that storm if the spirit is the spirit the spirit when a physical nation whether it is drc is given a physical diamond it will never have access to the physical diamond unless the spirit of the diamond is given to the nation as its blessing okay okay this is a realm that you you have to understand thank you when god gives you an assignment to go and bless an individual with money you get in there you are empowered they fill you up with the spirit of money not not the money wow so when you're coming back now to bless somebody you you it's not the money that you give to the person it is the spirit of the thing it's kept in there i've given an example if god wants to bless a nation with god that is the lowest level of that gold which is its metaphor yes yes father yes it's given to the physical earth but for the people the inhabitants of that land to have access to that physical thing you are empowered by the spirit of the thing so that when you approach the thing that is physical it is attracted to its spirit you have the spirit when you approach the thing the thing approaches you when you are to home sitting man will have to gravitate towards this its spirit its spirit so when you're blessing someone you say i want to bless someone and god gives you the power to bless he gives you the power to bless what he gives you is the spirit that should then go on to distribute and people are now being followed by the physical thing that is now being resembled by the spiritual thing you see in that same scripture that you are reading now in genesis chapter chapter 1 verse number 26 god said let us make man in our image after our likeness let us make men in our image after our likeness if you study the two words the image and the likeness you see some similarities yes they could not give them different meanings they struggled with those words whether greek or hebrew oh you need to be spiritual enough to understand there is a difference between the likeness and the image but let us make them in our image but after after after so the image has to be after like oh our likeness the image always has to come after the like the likeness so in other words what he's saying is you have the likeness but the likeness lacks the image so the image has to have the likeness if the likeness has hands the image is supposed to have hands because we are going to touch nations with our likeness i says let's discuss this what is the difference between the likeness we we know we have touched on that before but i want to give you a different aspect to that you see the reason why the likeness is supposed to have the image so that the image is after the likeness he saw that it is first in the image we are made in the image of god so it is given to us to appear like god in appearance [Music] but in that image of god he met them male and female and i've said this before trying to help preachers who are under some extreme inferiority complex wanting to monopolize god as if women are not after the same image yet god in several places refers to himself as a mother otherwise he wouldn't have given birth to everything that we see so if we see a man and a female and both way after his image it means those two appearances are found somewhere within the same body they can't be just a male aspect to god if a female finally comes out in the same likeness [Music] so all this abuse from puppet where we try to undermine women we don't know where we're coming from we don't know where we're coming from okay so god if when he gave the image he was generous to duplicate his image so that if the man is in my image and the man appears on the earth that becomes the appearance of god the enemy has seen god notice it is given to the image to appear but then we are not just going to appear on earth we want things done according to us so here's that responsibility the likeness let us give the doing the power to do to the likeness so the likeness was able immediately to produce the image because it is given to the likeness of god to work out the supernatural after our likeness so the likeness produce the image why should we have an image after the likeness because the likeness is the invisible aspect of god that does things okay things are being done by the likeness of god okay but now now now that we have a man on the earth if the man is going to dispatch healing and he starts healing the crops he starts healing other animals supernaturally out of his likeness the likeness of god that he used notice and whatever it is that gets healed must look back and test that healing to the image okay because in if the image of god walks into a place where there are sick people sick people who are dying of different ailments and you walk in there and people start recovering jumping from their beds walking some for the first time after five years some after two years that's the working of the likeness but for the beneficiaries those that the likeness has healed must be able to open their eyes and trust the healing to the image and identify where the likeness is working from wow so they have to see the body where is this power healing me coming from yes there was need for the image there has to be the image that makes the operations of the likeness visible now i know it's because of that man who has just walked in now demons are coming out it's not his body that is casting out demons is the likeness of god at work but i should be able to trace where the power is coming from and get to the image of god so look at these two gifts given to us by god his image we appear in places like him you have god in a place where you have a man in your house oh thank you father and then when the supernatural begins to happen you have the likeness of god in a man now acting doing wonders doing science so so if you are oh i i see something here notice this notice you want to bless somebody who has been cursed you must be spiritually developed enough why is it that solomon said something different in the book of proverbs but a cause less case would not come if you are cursed and there is no cause the son is saying don't worry about that but why was david worried why was he worried of having people cursing him if there was no cause why is it the son has access to secrets he knows that we have a case issue if there's no cause don't worry about it why is it that the father never had that same revelation why was david worried when people were kissing him unless there was a cause you see i like it in the way that he puts it he says like a sparrow like a bed that wonders as the bird by wandering that's what proverbs 26 verse 2 verse 2 as what as the bird by wandering is the bed by wondering he's trying to give you a picture of a flying cast that has no way to land if the victim has no cause if there's no reason so that that case has been brought into existence by somebody who declared it's like a bed see the creature you see the creature it is flying the case is flying but wondering keep on keep on reading as the bird by wandering by wondering as the swan says airs airs the way the bed flies because he's not calling it a bed he is observing the way the cast is flying it's like a bed to him so he doesn't he can't give you the name of the case but he's just saying no it flies like a bed but wondering why is he wandering and then he looked down to see where it was supposed to let the tree the individual there was no cause for it to land as the swallow by flying so the curse causeless shall not come [Music] so you you disqualify yourself from receiving a case it keeps flying over you so now for the case to come upon you there's need for a qualification now where you create a cause so the creation of that cause is something that is very critical but we can actually have to look at it so because we didn't have to agree that whoever has the case that has finally landed on him there's a bed how the bed lands on a tree it means it found a cause yes a cause was found that's why now the bed the case is on the person what was the cause it means that if cases are flying over us and we are disqualified from receiving them until we work out a cause it means there is a labor involved [Music] there is a sowing of seeds we have to work towards receiving cases no one gets it for free whichever it is that you want whether it's a blessing if a case without a cause hey hey so there ought to be a cause so it means if somebody curses you and you didn't do anything to deserve the case you won't get it you won't get it so it's not enough to have someone cursing you you still have to work so that you attain what has been spoken same applies with the blessing smooth enough having somebody who blesses you it keeps flying above you until you create a cause and then when people are asked to give what they are being asked to do is to create a cause if a case you can't have it unless there is a cause how about the blessing look at this look at this person somebody out of anger kills you it's like for instance let me give you an example of a daughter she's angry and then she charges towards her mother picture angle pointing her little thing pushing her mother right at the forehead and shouting her even if the mother says daughter i still bless you but what she has done you must understand that what she has done outweighs what the mother said you must understand this today [Music] she will say i still bless you because she doesn't want you to suffer but [Music] the household even if she kisses you the mother who is being pushed by the daughter if the mother goes on to kiss the daughter still the will be more powerful than the insult that she receives if the mother tries to bless such a daughter it becomes a wandering bed over here that blessing because there is no cause on her for the blessing to learn so whatever what she did qualifies her for another strange bed not for the blessing that was declared whatever the mother is saying it has to fly away from the daughter it hoovers upon him until one day the daughter realizes i'm suffering down here and yet my blessing is hovering upon me what do i do whether she prays alone that is never going to work what she has to do now in the case where you realize that i've received a case from my forefathers a qualified spiritual man has to be involved so when you come before a man who understands spiritual things that men should be able to know just by looking at you even touching you when you are praying for people they are in a in a queue moving as fast as i move sometimes when i'm praying for people when you get to a man who has a concentration of cases you have a way of knowing [Music] you have a way of knowing that this one received a case from his father maybe he doesn't know he doesn't have the light to know where the case is coming from when you see that or this daughter is cursed such a daughter who has been cast by a mother ah you you go ahead you marry such a woman you're in trouble you're in trouble [Music] ah but how do i correct the situation i've been cast by my mother now you have to present yourself before a spiritual man and what the spiritual man if he is really spiritual he doesn't jump into prayer to lay his hands on you if he's really really spiritual he must also be even scared of touching you quickly these these parental cases are so deadly and so contagious it's very dangerous she might come as a daughter and she gives you fifty dollars and you are happy with just the fifty dollars and you think is the issue is god if he is spiritual enough he must do a thorough investigation follow through the manifestation of that likeness back to its image he must be honest to say is your mother still alive if she's still alive the man of god has to sponsor that event we have to bring the mother to the table and we must have her speak opposite of what she said she is born again now this girl but what she did qualified him for the case the case is not so that he just doesn't go to heaven she'll go to heaven but we want to correct the situation so the presence of the man of god there is not so that i pray for that daughter or i'm praying for that mother my presence is just for the facilitation of that transaction of restoration and restitution you need the spiritual man present otherwise the two of you can't even do that so the man of god is present to see to it [Music] that the deal goes through and the mother is asked to speak it is what she then says that goes up there and swallows the other bed but because we like ministry and we like helping people and we enjoy giving them hope immediately we omit a lot of procedures that are supposed to be followed where is the mother the only time i can take on that responsibility and speak over it is when the mother is gone oh my mother she's dead now i must have a way of accessing the ability to speak over this this daughter for this daughter to have somebody speaking over her like a mother she must be asked to behave like a daughter to me so that i'm positioned as a mother there must be a cause that empowers me to speak over here accessing the ability of the mother because she was in the office when she did that i must have access into her office where she kissed you from so all these men of god that are deceiving you you're being deceived that's why the case is not going because there is a process that needs to be followed if she's not interested and she said i'm never going to reverse this and now you're born again now there must be a fatherly motherly figure [Laughter] now that mother is considered dead in the spiritual realm and she will see things be starting to happen to you that are opposite to what she said and she's wondering so now who bless this daughter of mine i thought she was going to suffer because of what she did to me but i'm looking at you see but for us to reach that position where i can say leave out your mother leave out your father we can sort this out ah my brothers and sisters your resume has to be something serious it has to be your cv has to be something out of this one because wherever she is she's monitoring making sure that the thing doesn't happen to you she will raise it as an issue before god this is my product who blessed it i'm not happy here so whether she goes to church and she's giving somebody a men of god their money and she doesn't behave there like a daughter no one can replace that mother i'm touching on the creativity of the world the creativity of the when the word is spoken now see we have we have babies in the incubator and these are words from people what they said is what you see here they will keep feeding on the same statements until it grows to become a mature spirit and it goes down there and people are being fought by what they've created how do we create spirits by the likeness of god is it possible that you can speak and something comes into being you spoke by the likeness the likeness of god is capable of producing so we know what we are doing any ministry that discourages people from giving you don't be you don't belong there you you might argue with this today whether we get to heaven raise that matter before god he will openly tell you that's the reason why you lived like you were in hell on the earth that principle is what opens you up to spiritual blessings [Music] there is no way what makes god god is his given aspect his giving nature [Music] outside of giving there is nothing else that you can do for god even for the people around there's nothing else that you can do it's all about giving tell me one profession that has nothing to do with giving one profession that you know so any man of god who discourages you from giving that's the closest you have been to a wizard you don't need any other witch in your life whoever discourages you from sowing is killing you it's not about the money that you have given to the man of god it's creating a cause so that the flying blessing can rest upon you like that scripture in the bible where he saw letters flying in the sky and the other letter was containing blessings they fly over you statements are flying over you what you do down here is to qualify yourself and then the blessing comes upon you what is that blessing what is that blessing the spirit of the thing the spirit of the thing when you come and you say men of god i'm here for the blessing if you see me reaching out into my pocket i'm about to give you something that looks like the blessing but it is not it's not it's not [Music] it's not i received a beautiful watch beautiful golden rolex watch from my father you were there some of you when he prayed for me oh my god and the power of god came upon me or maybe it came out of me [Music] something was activated by a fatherly blessing in the middle of that he removed his watch placed it in my head when i woke up so there was a watch and i knew this was my father's watch and he said to me prophetically you will not be so tired you will not miss your time so it's happening physically but it's happening spiritually guess what after that i went on for months if not years missing my time yet the word was poking over me until a revelation came oh and i was asked so how much did you pay for this watch he bought it with his own money so what you have received already you got the gold even if you're never going to get another blessing at least you have time in your head physically he has spent money on you as a spiritual son so already you got your portion for the spirituality of that event to be activated you have to pay i had to go and get a watch that was i'm sure it wasn't less than 20 times the price and that watch that he gave to me was very expensive [Laughter] [Music] when i then gave that to him then the bad blessing of time was activated the clock started ticking [Laughter] i followed this child of god follow this follow this you when you meet anywhere at an intersection in a in a passage in the highway and a spiritual man blesses you with anything physical your should changed you [Music] i'm not saying it's wrong but there must come a time when you realize that i've lost it because it's allowed you see i've got my biological children i'm looking after them i have to i have to look after them and make sure that they're okay they eat what i provide physically but until they start saving me also in spiritual sons and spiritual daughters only then can they get the mantle which is spiritual you must understand that so you can have a powerful man of god failing to produce people who are equally powerful or as powerful as he is and you want how come [Music] so many ministers that you see men of god we have studied those ministries sometimes they grow old still running their ministries they can't find one from from their own ministries that they can hand over to it's a struggle and people they think they love power they love preaching they don't want to hand over no they look around most of the suns around them are physical and biological signs none are spiritual the spiritual disease there is no cause on them for the blessing to lend future fun thank you for helping us father thank you for helping us are you getting this faster i'm getting it getting to tomorrow [Laughter] [Music] if you are listening to me you sounds that are out there i know also your son but let me i'm talking to thousands of people here if a spiritual man a spiritual woman in your life there's ever given you anything that seems to be physical or material [Music] you are now in debt you are indebted i don't want you to be proud of that position you must look forward to a point in your life where you restore what your father has lost it's a loss make that event spiritual by understanding spiritual mathematics how things get activated in the spirit you think there wasn't a time when my one spiritual father was looking after me right now even as we speak my biological father do you think do you think looking at me do you honestly pastors tell me the truth can you look at me and you say you can you're looking at a man who can receive a dollar from my father my biological father even physically him being a biological father you think i'll take a dollar from my family but there was a time for that don't feel bad there was i just appreciate there is a phase and you must outgrow that phase and you get to a point where you say now i'm out of this era it is my turn whatever that my father eats and puts on it has to become my responsibility that's maturity now if that is happening physically how about spiritual how about spiritually do you know pastors if i give you everything [Music] everything that you can think of which is material there's no way that you can really break over being sons [Music] there is there is nothing with which we can measure that loyalty that's how even employment is created if you are getting something out of it where else can you go your man is there your food is there am i saying you're not a son no i'm not saying that i'm just saying it's not something that you can talk about you can't move around telling people i have a father [Music] you can't have a father of course but does your father have a son [Music] i say i'll say this again because i have so many attractive things very lucrative products that i carry in the spirit but if i see you walk into me and i watch you pick material things and you admire physical things that's how i know i i have more than five biological children i have a lot o jesus creativity of the world why isn't the word spoken over you working it's yet to be activated there is no cause there is no cause if you take for instance my father my future father he likes sewing he likes giving he likes he doesn't enjoy receiving from me [Music] but i said that's the only part that you'll never enjoy it's up to him when you're with him you look at how much he pushes out i was shocked i was shocked i was shocked how much he spent a day a single day giving out to people and i watch people come some that are even his sons receiving from him and they kneed down again for his blessing and i know this is fake i know but because my relationship with my father when they are gone i laugh with him this man never got anything [Music] [Laughter] yeah that's the only fake miracles that we perform [Laughter] when we bless you without a cause [Laughter] oh my god oh my god these things you see i like it you know when i'm getting into your names i know you know sometimes you feel like you're preaching from the studio but sometimes you feel like you are preaching from the names [Laughter] you have received the physical the material but i'm telling you when i entered in that room everything there was a way of knowing that's the spirit of god that's the spirit of properties when that spirit is given to an individual houses will follow him not because he likes houses houses like that spirit you will not stop buying houses and people will be wondering how come how many houses do you want all those houses they are coming for their survival because they are being drawn to the spirit of properties [Music] so each time child of god each time if you get if whether your spiritual man has millions of dollars in his bank account once you get a dollar make sure you make an attachment it's you sending it to him what comes from him has to be a dollar of a spiritual thing [Music] you are shortchanging yourself and you are postponing your blessing ceremony every single day but is there a way that you can reverse that it's the same thing with that daughter she's not looking for a man of god who can assist i also did the same i also did the same i also did the same if i'm to give birth to a daughter today for a son my spiritual father placing his hands over that child ah you see the size of envelope that he gives us a seat this is just for congratulations when you see that be spiritual enough be spiritual enough it is supposed to be my child showing up who is the better soil there my child or my father from the day she is born his bone is supposed to sow up so that he goes up thank you whenever she wants to visit the field she has to walk up she has to ascend in life going up [Music] because my father will never come down to assess the harvest [Music] follow what i'm saying child of god you have delayed your blessing the creativity of the word is being undermined by your actions your actions bad things spoken over you some of them are about to mature now you will have people struggling struggling going everywhere starting this one business starting another one nothing is happening there is a creature created by somebody who spoke and if the right words are to be spoken those things can just vanish and they become west they don't they don't go to hell like those creatures like they will go to hell they'll be punished they are turned into west where we have more dust more dating on the earth they only exist to cause problems all misfortunes that we see has been spoken into existence and those misfortunes are not just misfortunes those are personalities at work personalities at work if i had time i would have given you the scripture that says in the house of the wicked there is a case the case of the lord is upon the house of the wicked proverbs 3 33 but the blessing of god is upon the habitation of the just the curse of the lord is in the house of the wicked but he blesseth the habitation of the jews blessed what the habitation this is the habit not just the the just the habitation the case of the lord is upon the the case of the lord disappointment the house the house you know that when you start at believing the word of god that you're visiting a wicked man and you spend the night in his house the following morning you need something you need to be sanitized it's a principle his entire house you slept under a case a wicked man greeting you getting into your car the habitation of the wicked is the case of the lord by the way is the blessing of the lord in the habitation of the just spending a night whether the just man doesn't pray for you you've slept under the umbrella of the blessing of god everything about a man a woman of god a child of god yourself your house is the blessing when somebody comes in there and then he spends a night she or he has spent the night covered by the blessing of god everything about a customer and whether his car it doesn't matter how expensive it's a cast vehicle it's a kiss the vehicle that's that that's it i believe the word of god [Laughter] i can go on and on and on and on so that we don't stay here until evening i have to encourage people again to send your seed partner with the right cause where you sense there is god channel your physical assistance your money because that's all that you have that you can give if i ask you to bless this ministry you don't have sufficient words but probably you have sufficient money it's money that you have but the power to bless the ministry spiritually you can't but the ministry has the power to exchange and give you what you desire so that you get the spirit that makes things follow you make it a point right now as we come to a close that you send your seed if i were you i'll do the unthinkable i would look at what i've saved hoping and believing that it will increase it is stopped at a certain point and you still want to say you just say now is the time what i've had i really want to create a connection i want to create a connection it's not about you sending your money it's all about you creating a cause what i've spoken is hanging over you but what you're going to do is what makes you compatible with the blessing of god qualifying yourself for the blessing already spoken go ahead right now do it like you are crazy as if you have no need of money because you have discovered your greatest need it is the spirit of money that you want the spirit of things that you want don't give your money until you have identified a man who can make that spirit of things rest upon you then you know you're safe it's not a loss when people say that you lose your money they take your money that's all they can see as spiritual people they also see what you take from a spiritual man is the men of god giving out the most go ahead send your seed of honor i'm not going to stop encouraging people to do this because i know this is the only way into the grace into the blessing of god that ensures that even your next posterity is covered so go ahead child of god i'm speaking to you right now [Music] you are born again you know when it is god speaking if i were you i'll do this every single moment i've asked you pastors last time if you noticed that if we were to meet in a place every single day somebody would say i can't go to church without a seed they would give at least a dollar yes okay yes so in seven days they would have given how much seven dollars but if you come once in a week it is still a dollar that he gives so he's just confirming that he is not in your presence seven days a week because whenever you agree with the presence of a man if i was there physically i would get more physically so you're responding more to physical presence than spiritual presence if the man is present seven days a week how come he gets it only when he appears physically life you're physical people soul like a spiritual man understanding the presence of god is present with you every single moment and every word spoken will be activated you will see things that you have never seen and people around you will open their eyes wide and ask you who is this god that raised you from the dust and you say i have observed a principle now i am free look at where my chains are now they are gone i've been set free because i obeyed an instruction given to me by men of god this is going to yield serious results you will test defaults yourself your children and the children of their children will also test the same obedience starting with you go ahead right now take time you send your seat i'm waiting to receive from you and i'm sure you are also ready to receive from me thank you so much pastors for me today thank are you we are the ones to be grateful father you are sharing the intricate details of the word of god exposing your experiences and showing us the practical side of the gospel the things that we may argue with theologically based on the logos but you come to a dimension where because of your experiences and how you intermingle that with the word and our lives we begin to see the practicality of it father anyone who goes into a war they want to have an appreciation of the abilities and the capabilities of the enemy and what you are giving us in as far as speaking the world is concerned what you are giving what you are keeping us with in as far as knowledge is concerned because whatever we may do from this moment onwards comes from our understanding and our appreciation of our environment specifically through the word you are expanding our horizon so that we may have a better appreciation of what we are facing every single day i was looking at that particular passage of scripture where david is speaking words into his enemy's life and i'm trying to think what if somebody is speaking the same against me and you highlighting this specific passage it broadens my understanding father now i know what i'm fighting against or what i may be fighting against and how i am supposed to respond and you are coming out and bringing this this really touched me you need to really be spiritually mature in order for you to be able to reverse some cases taking a person back to the parents a lot of men of god are just taking you come there you you bow down fifty dollars is put on a table and you think it's it's it it's gone and after a few weeks the same child comes back and he says i've been to this pastor's house and this is keeping on happening i've been to this place this is keeping on happening and it's like as men of god ignore ignorantly we are sowing seeds of discomfort even to the congregants where prayer after prayer and nothing changes and father you are bringing us back and you're saying you need to be able to trace back and then father you come ultimately and you say to us the spirit of money the spirit of things that's from your experience father but for me sometimes you wonder the same effort that you put into things with another comparing with another individual the return is different same effort same word same dressing same everything and you begin to try and think what is going on here and you begin to realize that somebody went for the spirit of things and you went for the physical and when you are sowing you are sowing you bring money but when you come to a man of god you might not possess the money that you're giving but he has the spirit of that he carries the spirit of that father and that is what we are sowing into so that we can get that true thank you so much for true thank you thank you so much i can go on and on again thank you my father today thank you father as i well received at the end there you said it all father today you you did not deserve say the truths for later it was all out no you laid it barefoot you let it bare oh thank you this was this was help no this was this was deliverance at least now we know what to do [Music] don't forget love management before you go [Laughter] so much so much thank you father thank you so much father oh we thank god please use the details on the screen this is your time the blessing the blessing the blessing must find a cause until we meet again [Music] feel it [Music] occupied this place [Music] be enthralled [Music] we [Music] please [Music] build the earth [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] angels in a [Music] say hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] me everybody one two three [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah we need you [Music] your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] come on [Music] here [Music] you will be done [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] lord heal the sickness [Music] your will be done not the will of the enemy no no no no jesus let your will be done in advance [Music] you
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 37,799
Rating: 4.8703704 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: dX7eWPqCPcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 56sec (10136 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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