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[Music] are you ready for the weight is so ho so let's get into the Word of God to bring them Chihuahua that is hebrews chapter 11 verse 18 of 82 verse number 16 and soon after that 62 divided not more I feel we need to add on to that just one more scripture wait there are white wire which is Matthew 25 and verse number 15 550 okay I ready for do it that's a shock where let me hear you shout if you are ready for the web [Applause] all right uh-huh the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 13 to 16 these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better country that is an heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city [Music] [Applause] chapter 25 Matthew verse number 15 Matthew chapter 25 verse 15 and unto one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey thank you [Applause] in chapter 11 verse number 15 chapter 11 verse 15 in the book of Hebrews he who the writer tells us something very mysterious about these that died without receiving the promise is not Jerrica the avocado has no cognitive I want you to I know your head as the reader was written verse demands were movin in Benghazi Varick but you didn't get it some Rosa but try to get this time around here that was a beta because you know and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have retained these are men and women that died they died and they were buried Doku liqui and the Bible is saying by very average if these men were really concerned they were ruined away behind if these women were mindful die and alignment of the country from whence they came out of the unica Colligan Dhammapada then they would have had an opportunity to return van de la cabaña mcconnell's okay this is a very strange breed of mankind one very strange one a chemise oh you didn't get it again for the second time I mean I was a part of it then it's over the kitchen let me try out the third time the nd8 say there is no I am bringing this before you it is because of the theme that we caught from God in now getting Indira Erika wanna governor excellency the last time I say that you become a product of your spirit Nagata or a ducati rogério Chihuahua the condition of your spirit will eventually become your lifestyle Emilio my avocado and personality and then we entered into a phase way my focus was all developing your spirit the gap in demotic emotional semester and Oh Papa could the Maya WA how you can become right but you know me Ramzan an economist a fest in the spirit away and then you get right second in the physical O'Meara xakanaka onion so I'm working on that but upon I'll try this again then its occurrence if these that died we're mindful of the country Rhonda Wayne Iranian Anika that they came out of yaha Kapoor Tiwari the day they died must see Wakasa if this that died were mindful can recover divine Iranian they would have had an opportunity one who can to retain good locator so what they didn't have was not necessarily an opportunity Java kanga was seen walking down surah Baqarah what they didn't have was a desire Java Cena Kuta Taniguchi anya they were simply not interested in retaining raghava's in iranian a good joke arabic and i think that it was okay but Jeff could not hold them hostage a salut foo are an agua but Sarah table these ones they died and they remained dead Rafa because they were willing to remain in that state of death young head they wanted to return back to Zimbabwe after their burial I write a code raka raka Zimbabwe maserin a Google a leak what they would have retained under Divac ahsoka and once again become citizens what joke about Gary and interact with a new generation which was not originally there and go to work and occupy a position that was meant for somebody who is not themselves wait up a supporter and dream book the Ravana was Vasily evil and this generation was going to have a previous generation and dude F coexistent Akiyama machi de pavo can a person die mono on Okinawa fire and still be given an opportunity or poem or karma to remain dead a kava or to retain Kanaka Durga if he chooses to retain a guru taka taka he comes back in what form a no-joke are upon women doing can you live not gonna Carrera marry four five six generation with my generation an economist on the same person coming back with a different face with a different name monomer meta data locality which is very messed it up to a point where your current people can consult you you see happens in boyhood ivanova winner vehicles we know how Google and you can counsel them giving them ancient wisdom or Toronado Papa Doc REO cannot for what to change anyway carry and people can be able to visit the past by visiting an individual Varna Tata Tiago bakari no pockets Romano that person then becomes a custodian of history mundo and then people can go to the past by going to that particular individual conakry and among Korean no Korean economy and you can interact with history and get to know what took place hundreds of years ago thousands of years ago even cicada Kazama choreographer and mind you this should not be said in church Sidda Zeno is Rikuzentakata one correctly but this is a scripture a theory what were these that died could recover if they were mindful die recovery and if they were really concerned become an Iranian about the country nor Dominique the houses Simba because they were driving the motor current relationships they were wearing before they died I figure if they were really concerned Iranian zero question they would have retained rangatahi wakizashi what kept them there gjakova changity who was not tested I was fearful it was a lack of desire to retain a copy on the wood rapira they were not interested welcome the vicinity that is what kept them de dos acaba Chiquita a cocoa so this again is a state of a human spirit i Ricardo Emilio Emilio upon death becomes a voluntary activity Refugio magista quod erat Masako yamuna they have to beg you one of hydrophobic humble to come home but we a khumba you have to agree on a father whom you can set Thames or Nirvana quiz' shall no doubt is very poor this is before your death easy was that waffle the death of a man who is qualified his spirit rule for work or tourism when our must be deliberated Jennifer hibachi three question on terrorism so this small passage of scripture I am Eduardo mushy banana can actually create havoc in theological schools I know cannot open the Reza was chorus on this one man if these that died kanava LaCava really wanted right if they were mindful irony of being present in this world no Cuba Oh Monica you know they have had an opportunity mangaka wanama Padma so what they didn't have was not an opportunity what they didn't have was a desire chavin de vecinos Makana as arewho [Music] making a decision to remain dead Quetta sahaja yoga but what ha ha they would have retained vanga diavik Otsuka so amongst these if they were some of them that really were mindful rocket-powered ethnic a tel-aviv an Iranian then we are they very P now let's start from verse number fate dangled a prophecy Aditi [Music] okay before we even touch that if you notice that there is something very strange about the parable given by Jesus of the men the master the king Melania Mambo had talents not oregano and apart from him having talents he also had sevens Gonzaga kilometer in a way I never learned so already we know here two things dr. Drakken a nice energy this King had talents Markovic and Elena miterrand and he had servants who Evangeline Evelyn and obviously he had the kingdom because he's a king or is a must nitros Oh mahogany Nicaragua Kagari Marco so he gave to another five acaba honeymoon when Machado talents moderator and to another he gave to in a moment kappa maybe and another he gave one when a moment a kappa remedy and then he took off dope sumac so you now have three servants one Miranda what a true but these three sevens are now in position of talents Miranda Vata to Allah Vanna miterrand though the talented yet still their servants Cunha will reign the matoran de Miranda talented here still sevens - Shippo varam Bihari vara gifted and yet still for wine is repo word Abba very Morongo okay this one has five who you anima shun that other one has to move my animal really and the last one is what would be the Sara I never cheated but I want to point out something very unique about that passage of Scripture and it's in Turkish erotica general no get them worried what all of you can see you know an economy message is the key demand Oh given talents to the servants are cheaper matter in the Quran that's a shallow understanding of that passage of scribbled visa was no exam but if you develop your spirit very well oka could the Maya Akasaka naka in wanting to understand mucuna congresses on the precepts and the Oracles of God she knows a Mari you have to keep on digging deeper into scripture until you get to the spirit of the text you know find a record on devoted Zika Navarro Kusaka washi kaboom way away guaro because the letter killeth but the Spirit gives Leonor Pompeii so you never extract life from the text our mocha discipline economic war because the texts does not have the capacity to contain life life is contained in this spirit neurotic waro arena don't be nosy Seifer open your nose Jesus every words that I speak nobody Jesus wanted my shaco and you note our spirit way and they are we may not hear in 2019 he said well nothing I speak we under not our series and they are live every [Music] proper temperature so when a man of God stands before you and he speaks into your life can a mono America mihriban very Papua a towel remove anyone what touches your soul Jennifer to Yahweh is not the words spoken as must be a towel but it is the spirit away and went with Shoko if life was in the word I will pay you on the Holy Mass you'd go to a political rally why an akuna no Emma to a when you get your life restored there was no Superman you are tower one but there's this spirit behind the wind a second my yahoo Seraphim as we let me say something very important of course I necessarily what has been saved eyes and now here's a tower one but it's about the spirit behind the wind awesome where our who therapy master which I don't know limit limit certain elements I to help yourself but it's not about what the preacher has saved I said now here's a tower one I will shoot me it's about the spirit in now your way dude you can have the spirit we're not gonna come on we're breaking up a word which he ended on Alicia yet the nature of that spirit is different from the nature of the word spoken by the way at least let me try to - hips it's like The Bachelor it's like I think doctors can help us you have vitamin B material something like in beef right right and we've got you have good eye on as well you know beef when you know I got it mom you know the I'm on bandit each other you know cause each gamma pizza Mon baby knows Yemen you have finished all Decatur who doesn't know this year the Oscars dude laughs I mean no who's Eva and they said is even zinc in there are not even a zinc is a Korea mobile okay but the vitamin that you find in the beef my vitamin now no one nama beef is not the B and E Europe if it's found in the beef I know any probably so the beef is the custodian of the vitamin if they know take advantage you are different I'm talking about the difference between this spirit Roberta or an SMS Ianno piccata firmware and the way to spoken lemmas we are not reward sometimes you have to swallow the weight women who are further up making an order for your system to digest the weight put Yakko chemistry and then we feel it the way that there is a unique spirit that has nothing to do with the way that you've swallowed I'm talking about advocate mm a supermoon may our you can hear a very weight from a man of God not gonna go away is nurimaru like happy new year Cuauhtemoc rocket recoleta anyone else who else can say that uh no cannot erase or so but when a man who is well developed his spirit Kakuta miyawaki at us that same statement at our immediate issues raised in a compliment of spirit who never found a political there is a unix it embedded with him that say one American soldier in a way Jim Amos VI and when the word is given to you it must be Barbara you may not be interested in the piece on Okinawa us in a bassinet mature interested in the content as in a bassinet party a common word can be spoken by an uncommon man of God is Jerry carnival never tell Raymond Domenech Erica and Mary began to wonder Maria looked under what kind of a salutation is this kimochi wa waka waka die I have been greeted before the gamble was this one come ashore same gray tea madam Mohammed but this salutation she wanted to understand talk to me about this kind of grating what kind of a greeting is this white appearance business that would be was one man that same salutation here comes a unique spirit automatic oh um well as errotica investigate spirits behind waves sake Rita where it was their equipment this is why it is very important even when you receive a kiss those naka course Hakuna Matata - up from who f Kovac unamuno don't just concentrate on what was said economist a mezzo ahkahuna and a panna cotta try to understand the person who said it yes I want wisdom on Raja tower because words derive strength nobody must we are no one a symbol from the speaker cone magnet our wells they rely on the speaker math we Antoine and two for them to come to pass put the itk words are fulfilled according to WHO Spa must be honest that the kiss from Iran on our tower don't worry about what they say worry about who say did iconic on a second in Java Katara as in a second they are tower some of these people that shall worried about our various there are too small what week wash they must never influence your prayer life our funding the examine a macro act they must never be included in your prayer session our final between the Bergeron what's up it's as good as nothing was saying if the people behind the words are nothing which cannot be something much beyond what she because which rely on the people who spoke them they would amass beyond a simple of a Torah okay so back to the scripture where to the novel which I was talking about the talents matter in I said a shallow understanding says not tricking this is a casino exam who knows the king Mambo gave walk up our talents miterrand to the servants who were under but then when you begin to study the spirit of the description a soprano tango could see the may away Varro now you will see which I would that nothing was given to any of those three servants could Aparna Jacopo aqua and Avatara whatever was given to them was given to the ability within them sensei Chaka Papa very chacabuco pornographic a good memory because the giving was according to their several abilities Noguchi kupaka kanga Kareem I ran on a Savannah corner Emma Cornero ago okay because you are asking God to give you something no kata o kumi remark of occupation machine [Music] and God says nor to you Mario to create equality but he's ready to say yes to an ability as a Vegeta Mumma Hunico own talent is given to an ability not to the seventh Taran d'Arnaud puah Warner Whittemore so if you desire to have a talent canal cheetah Orenda what you develop is an ability Jonathan Dakota who owner and the King looks not a Jew but he looks at the ability mom Barbara guitarist away as what is a corner and the talent is given to an ability terrain reporter now by several abilities Nobunaga Shinji I don't know I can explain this and this dog after non-greasy let's say we have three sevens can I have three suppose it in every avatar - can I have one King drew could remember my jetty okay we have three we have three sevens let me have one key so you don't join the servants when I keep oh but I deliver on go right so he gave this one five this one to you my son whom a virus when he caught one who you're immediately in the Bible now the spirit of the text now wherever God is revealing to us that they operated soccer team but that got the talent from the king t'chaka wanna trained iguana Mambo was the ability born now because here's an ability here's an ability has an ability Naruto Alan is an open area near an open area Rosanna we can call these several abilities because one wanna go change once you get to three safer oh gosh the Cabana too but again that's not the interpretation of the description Zachary and Rico Putin on because we look at it there is according to his character is a panic panic on on several ironic no qualification is not there yet a good version in one person mama no mama JT they must be safer gonna find Erica wanna go no one do it no matter how several those abilities are there's two not abilities they are still in abilities we need to one ability that can manifest in different forms so this one night what will five economist Anna because within him no good Imahara where 5 manifestations one are going to Senate resolution of an ability corner so he took five talents manometer and he gave one talent to each ability in one person a capital M that will shape or navigated wagon tomorrow so for this man to become a millionaire with the movement we have a millionaire a dollar has to be given to an ability ability in they must be an ability a single ability in him that can handle $1 properly managed it provided a better durability Dragunov if this man has 500,000 abilities can a mother who you either gonna grossing a favor in a God gives him a minion violence matter and oblivion he is going to waste the other 500,000 attacked a peaceful number 5 and remain with only the 500 because that's the amount of abilities that he has only because one talent had to be given to one ability gonna which it let me let me let me let me let me hope some of you because we're talking about excellence here so what you do here is when you're interested in getting a talent from the Lord can now we make see what you wanna tell in the governor mind you have to maximize on the ability on whether or not we attend upon open is the nature cultivate your ability good luck una Guapo and then you are qualified for the next talent what they tell them that are not trivial cuz this king is not interested in promoting servants who is interested in promoting what and a person or watching what he sponsors abilities not individuals I know passivism who corner whatever it hoping some of you to see today why you never got it from God do be aware you would is same is not what you wanna marry cause that your flesh know who the uranium I appoint that has been pushing asking God for that particular thing yeah guys come be my dream eat your flesh does doesn't have that capacity to maintain the talent but they must be an ability within you and there is an allocation from the Lord that God then gives to an ability my reward corner so growing up being taught that every person was born with a talent we have to revisit that character you say that I also say that but we have to reveal there is the present truth they could you collect your party tell us what you are born with Darwin answer is simply a fetus kangaroo Yama there is a baby within you when a man marry power which is called the ability that you have to develop and then when that ability is developed here comes a talent it can arise maybe at 17 years it can arrive at fate II know when I was sick I was 17 and about 13 years it can even arrive in our after you are born but still you are not born with it Jen Okinawa chica Masumi our materials are was our nose our one ah-choo but when you begin to develop your ability you begin to discover the talent what angle would you wanna tear in the talent to begin to manifest but it has to be built upon in ability within an individual as a moon so God gives talents not to people but he gives talents to ability whether proven as a good what if you are a servant and you don't have an ability what can our Quran the Earth's energy for all we think of now when we hear about this parable we assume that every seventh got something know who meet the Reverend always there is a gawah yet there is another category here a book might be too much company because you can't tell me that he had only three sevens I wanna do the wrong I never and are taught to change what kind of a king is that the man waka te so there must be another group here who Narendra can win every moto club of sevens that never got anything while signature haka one because within them nobody muara was no ability mangaboo Singapore [Applause] you get to a level in the spirit uno say capacity a room where where you are now entitled to a talent from the Lord on the mast you don't find Radhika [Applause] these men are different varoom Avila Garcia yet they belong to the same church he over McCarrick a magenta serve the same master much and remember much I have the same mint wine and what is a modern how come they are different who save our ass Salam how come they're different see how they have taken advantage of the environment created by the king by their men of God mature elevator to career a moon around ayaguz wrote a memoir whether this one has long whether this one has more is for another session could you an exact I want all I'm here to let you understand is that general Ottomans we say there's a good in talent is given to an ability terrain darn oh poor poor all of us we desire to have a billion dollar in our cow taste let another pyramid or a period or continue chasing but there is something else in that same account that we need to look for assume account you can achieve maternal final child do we have a billion what abilities in the corner a revolution Kabir [Music] we have guys that work in banks here today vanish Adam my Banga bang what comes first she deposit or the creation of an account look at the rock account cannot deposit over na you you create an account fest record so that as before any transaction you can transact with an account before its creation you have to create the account festival viral genome as an account of an arugula account found a talent is given to an ability the ability is the account the render no pool would wanna know account now let me try to explain to you forget the idea the with an angular the processes that you have to go through the Hydra go bananas in developing your abilities you could that were not proper you can see [Music] [Applause] I'm sort of like defending God here today to witness and anomaly American honors so that you know that he is never wrong Asiago Tijuana Tijuana vodka even in his known to all of your prayers in your requests language or on Guam Amina Martinez Kerberos anchor because what he wants to give he doesn't want to give it to you he wants to give it to an ability nobuta server acapella avocado avocado who let it be your ability asking the Lord for the talent Nakamura Mari talent you have to move from one level so this is what I said no father who manage material Jesus Jesse gets to the well I know she cannot see me the world that was given to Joseph by Jacob Ximena - Ximena magico and because he was tired the Bible tells us that he was tired so for America to the would not wanna hang Garnett God in the flesh mari panama he got tired rockin Neto though his god young way very much but being in the flesh as a human Yama he was exposed to weariness raga Wapakoneta exhaustion though he was God young well convertible so in these two individuals you see God you see men Mugen Valyria I wanna marry or gonna moon this one person they are two individuals Mumma no Mumma Tito Vilanova V there is God moon Amari and there is the man on the moon follow this Fabri the god part on Amara is very active our Peninsula but the main part Aspen Yama is tired Veneto who ever told you that you're one ikkaku woods about you my city has destroyed your destiny rockin Danny ceramic wanna rock oh now we are beginning now because you're not our town to get into the subject build up but now you must fully understand the two of you when I'm finally going to business never really Rocco the one that is born again in the one that is not a conservator Nancy now the one that God talks to in the one that will never hear God no matter how loud God is going to shout Muammar in a moment we'll Marroquin angry America did the role that he talks to a certain path of Allah to all of you Mari Vanna Torah nemu Morocco with the quarry with hmm when I speak into this microphone man do not tell her the microphone e I've spoken to the right component of the system the tower Abboud signature each o this one carries the voice to the speak its original tower chakra is beginner but if I drop the microphone and I go straight to the speaker and then I speak to the speaker you can hear my voice come into a district attorney the microphone in the kind of a speaker and another tower I'm saying the recruiter is a part of you responsible of articulating the voice of God goodness symmetry power it's in that part has to be discovered in 2020 you hear that credit rating by what hearing God is not as difficult as you think cool Super Mario masters Domino funda just chugging now because what you're lacking brunette's the guy cause you know nobody's a Mussina is a clear instruction from the Holy Spirit Murano governance as to what step two tekneqs my rubber nipple of andragogy Cappadocia I can teach you in 15 minutes you know Caracas a minute Araucana 50 15:50 if i want you can look at your watch and in 15 minutes can I be seen on open or Theresa watch the Apple you can stop hearing your neighbor in your study hearing god no one out there that work very best when they were existing relativity but that requires an ability from your side I see sources allow Kournikova power the talents are vast and available but your ability to comprehend a 15 minute presentation on hearing the voice of God moderate opposition super Cannavaro Chimaera minute and open a 15 Mary why am I talking about that because they can never be any excellency nobody know Nancy if you cannot receive external information when I was in agony kukuana zero in overcome you need an external guide the design of a concept you need a coach leadership of an excellent spirit who is the Holy Spirit Hawkins you on how to produce excellence these opportunities are say William G okay sit down let me show you something butter I'm supposing it is our responsibilities as men of God it must not every second America to teach you this on how you can hear God for yourself not just for you to be hearing me you need to be here in God for Gustavo knows what say Myron make them to the well let me give you a very forgiving God comes Sammy marijuana we open a semi he calls him Samuel one more time now matcha tea Sammy [Music] God did not proceed with the conversation Marya I have food up embedded in Oregon because he's expecting a certain response from Samia know what that is set up into one among to wellness I mean that oh yes I am this Samuel but you all would be nice a man and I'm listening we are negatively without that confirmation was in Israel without a hollow personal Oh God was not ready to get into the 502 my rock Windom Minnesota samples are so you can go on for years whenever a good nap America McCrory only receiving your name from God what you want as terrible ramanamma nothing about your job but sinners repast not nothing about the name of your wife to be personal my water it's a Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel phase-in boricua until you have attained on how to respond to God in order to qualify yourself for the next level of information go cut the rest pretty much all of us we are here because God called you definitely partner not to marry huaca pucllana that was the only dimension that you received your ch-ch-ch on our Samuel is in the church today because you had your name I now tell me what else did God say generals about this dream was a guitar when I married it would be why did you call you here well you ended it that level raga padmi right paparazzi a ritual to Samuel Sammy so we now have a Sophia we have a Lillian Dona Sofia tan Olivier we have a Bennett in the church Donna been atomic energy cause that's all the men head the wooden doors are going to be part of moon so we have to move from there now so now whenever my pops okay I hope you know Twi because this is very important nobody Joker question is very important Samir Sammy and then he woke up I'm going to say something here and I pray with the terrorism which in apartment in on imagine that only the book of 1st Samuel chapter 3 from verse 1 and the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord let's say more let's say you are Sonny right all of us see a mimetic a LED TVs but to say that a semi was you need to understand the meaning of the name sorry son ok this tarot disappear no really so let's say you are the Sun you totally we will do a sermon but in case maybe some of us here we are not interested in the indie web in the voice of God are you really okay not a diet so what I'm teaching you is not to what I got from internet and with this design and I was one of Internet I am giving you my personal experiences here this the raghupathy decided like a pinned on an answer and the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before a lie he ministered unto who the Lord before who a lie you minister to who the Lord should be over before who you minister to God but before a like criminals always be in a lie before you rafael de papel Coptic we are not worshipping a lie I was gonna marry worshiping the Prophet I was gonna matter pure fee to minister to the Lord but before a man of God no soon as you move on to forever bill let's move on you you see why you need a lie before you very soon as one opportunity a rep a very powerful God alone would become a threat to ask me my god you have gonorrhea Tamara pets and you minister to him in the absence of a mental gosh Amira party bus in the Marines are not going anywhere I will not call them God alone I promise you I can guarantee you you'll never get your destiny my Rebekah watch what is happening is visited disabilities and the word of the Lord was precious in those days in those days the word of the Lord was precious in those days is we're American girls jeans because Obama's why why according to me it is not because God was not speaking in those days my revenue and from the bottom are even I wasn't that every man's my wife but I believe God had shifted his voice to a different frequency as in do not even about marijuana in this is Barack Obama says profits needed to upgrade themselves a profit of a friend request puts up and follow the voice of God to way it is done what era is ver America rocking around it was no longer communicating from common platforms Nakagawa certain problems in water jail if voice of God was now coming in a different format his grandma Ragnarok we element which required in upgraded technology spiritually white in the moon Acapulco where okay let's visit let's move on let's move on and the word of the Lord was precious in those days there was no open vision we all know I own a platform even cheaper can you see the chip laughs ooh huh it was open and a pilot's platform Jamar there was an open platform my visions are gotta poke the you could just get visions just like that by afar why you and that one was closed [Applause] carmella Raja mukha no demo'd would sleep and wake up Poornima Thomas Cuttino efficient they would pray the afternoon but no vision so visions we know precious una it was expensive in those days but I would do Rama's why why because of this now new platform that Godhead no Guruji hero created zero on Amara let's move on and it came to pass at that time same time Yahoo no Sun SPOT evildoer at that same time when Li was laid down in his place Rockets Iraq Iran and his eyes began to wax dim whatever one's the abandoning aya there's an issue here taboo taraji so everybody's images on a Tunisia we talked about you tired at the women of God by the name Li more money a restaurant the earring was slipping away please leave a message two weeks right there's no it's a Monday if you are going to have a mentor you must have a mentor who knows where to sleep he must sleep in his place now whenever I read you otherwise hallelujah it's not enough to be serving God before Allah you must get the app the real the correct e Li 1 oz way to sleep yeah it's dangerous when you have a prophet who sleeps everywhere purrrr a pizza place with everyone no ma no sa with he falls on everything ok let's leave that place there was a democratic place simpler Kotaro deeper in your talk Pandora PI Z we cram what they was a location in even he was no way you would sleep from the binding simple Samuel are you listening to me Sameera deteriorate this war haha and his eyes began to wax dim role-p and his eyes began to wax dim that he could not see and the Lamb of God went out in the temple of the Lord where the Ark of God was and Samuel was laid down to sleep that the Lord called Samuel and he answered Here I am and he ran and to Li and said Here I am for thou couldest me you called me mother because you called me a we are not Amanda diamond and he said I called not I didn't call you lie down again kapa cancer and he went and lay down and the Lord called yet again Samuel and Samuel arose and went to Li and said Here I am for thou didst call me and he answered I called not my son lie down again and there could you not my oh my what son my brother son so if you call Sonny's son how does Sam you respond to him my father the right day in your Bible activity okay so don't give me a scripture that says call no man your father on earth sorry when I went backward or not I wrote it about magic eye on my face and ovarium when a man was number four and immature even who for anybody at DHH these are scriptures that people read even without passing through church because when Jesus tells you that corn or many Father on it often involve guns upon oh go go to honor your father I'm home to stop when a father a matter and you could view so when this that your father is a playwright tell you that these are children's vision okay advantage work verse 7 my son I didn't call you now Samuel did not yet know the Lord neither was the word of the Lord revealed unto him yes no I shouldn't even open up I'm sorry master Derrida when his show Karami those are many of you you haven't gotten the revelation the word not open and asunción are open aperture is our partner on democracies yeah you actually rely on us we've got here we devised a new muscles grow from that stage as I'm gonna find an octorok klappa Thierry Churchill who gwanak-gu todo a new animal re so that God can speak to you you were wonderful wives grab an addict you saw that you may hear the voice of God is among guapa cinema noir cat rapper but gonna Koons go tomorrow at our sometimes with no person in between alphabet you must hear what the Lord is saying verse 8 and the Lord called Samuel again the third time cargas in ghana three mana in that same night was to go watch it again she tied to sunlit audience profitable that summer is called and he arose and went to Li and said yeah I here am I for thou didst calming darkness rrl this man or not sleep are they hey hey and li perceived that the Lord had called witches about how much this man then perceived I was the raft was that's what the Lord had called my child bon para la there's an issue here he did not perceive that the Lord is called an adult our Nicosia puta madre what that number of mukuru no matter now he can hear God's voice is still a child as an emotional to alkalize Miramar a sandwich unity in the spirit does not come by hearing God's voice karappa Maya we localize you can be a precise prophet no Kanagawa prophet Amanda robot who gone on that son you can pick needles my hippie Amara in the midst of that googling of foods we can count his neuron UFO and after then still behave like a child or when I would know a man he perceived that God had spoken to the child okay now from the who - gosh I achieve my right or a non-profit I would have thought that it would have it would have been written that we must always be a person above you I'm a fighter of karuppaiyah moon of am sort of my meta white a mean and a a beta Sagan about the prophets already Ivanova bootyman doesn't matter the prophecies that you give it a miracle that you perform Jews or wounds why I said tones we better go team rot or anumana mahanahan's Valeri think that you're talking about you know the equation a we had a stroke it is wagons wash away away you hearing from God to cognates an is it that is not title and we call you with the name with other type of mutiny you can't receive for me because you don't respect me Rudy I'm gonna come zero commandeering China okay anybody yeah verse 9 therefore li said unto Samuel go lie down and it shall be if he called thee that thou shalt say speak Lord for thy servant heareth let's go to manage our wage can you see that glance that is now coming who guards what this time reckons award on budget around procedure this time monofin Iguchi speak Lord human says you know i am i a direct light one a Meccano talked about to pierce a powers grameen are in the profit you value change no no every time that you hear from God is the profit coming to church cheat I don't cheat now we are asleep off a two-man job tyranny we will answer in this manner because it is no longer the profit that is Pequannock contact you now have contact man and my child yet Dinka with the heaven Yahoo gonna go father when the Quran listen does luta Manama whose gamma hari you can now be cold as i'm asleep and i know that my son is now hearing from god that is going to become achievable in 2020 who can you rely on on Poros feet uno para Guerrieri premium at a time if you want to rely with who the profit when we lose the cards I'm gonna put a bomb on Linda you need a direct line no partner but the minute you know we are boutique and out steps ovens what would you do to deal I didn't open the intervene wait you cannot understand what is being said Romina McCoy uniform sorry and I tell you my son this code is coming from their honey bunny I'm not sure bunny let's go to the issue so Samuel went and lay down in his place and the Lord came and stood and called as at other times she's why this time he came they stood mokuba Ibaka will be repeated what you used to do before I got the coordinates it is language at the time Domingo ah but this time he came and he presented himself he stood mangu Baraka we are dogs directed us now this is now a different Sun we are Monocacy and he's developed the ability now his information now Korra - so money world feels obligated to come and present himself physically my rocket is like a fire I wouldn't do it was enacted because of some kind of training that this young man got from his mentor nobody wanna come on a gorgeous approach is changing my drama resolution local opposition sees ourselves of a life because of the lessons that come are coming from Allah by amaury nolasco Meera and God comes and instance band-aids of food any code again Samuel Samuel then Sam you answered speak for thy servant heareth vii Miranda here F unknown a Papa or a be hard to see was a Michigan CJ or load a now I'm on amatory I ain't no problem me you don't take everything that was I have a 15 minutes reason it's about we also develop a moon put ammonia songs were that's why it's difficult to develop a president within 15 minutes to tell her the United so we're so go parrots at three hours who - Joanna 15 minutes it's about you can live with information which which is contained in 15 minutes [Music] okay I'm gonna Jonnie Jonnie Piper said miss okoma should I be shot got any bus that's where my issue is let me let me go make a baby pop I mean look up a batch I want you to get this is why this is where the issue is right opposite corner ottoman era Park Torrance when every time God comes to talk to Sally pepper Queen Margaret or on a sermon he is waiting until Samuel is inactive in a certain state which is familiar with the samurai pinned upon as much here which is called sleepy generally Kirara is taking advantage harutora makan of his state women me rocky when he's sleeping Manny Guerin that's when God comes to you dobar goo America Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy a menu action Oh mocha he goes to Li da da cunha Amy you caught me and he says I didn't call you what a man did not and in Abu Dharr here comes the teacher up and over with a serious teaching did record a very serious very serious syllabus from the mentor George a question I hope you become a prophet in Okinawa panzerotto Emperor Fiji or disease and to go back and sleep I know hemana waaka kata and ignore our so already his training his son out of this stage which I get to the moon how do I keep you in that stage don't you get us a move in which you are hearing God's voice yo amar when God say is Sammy Sammy my power with Sammy salmon he's in a certain state and then he wakes up and he comes out of that stage are you drama and he physically goes to ally in a different stage am i the movement so it's not because God was ending it Samuel Samuel is now in my way period about the cement cement no he he said everything but in the state of sleep rocket averages as mamiru O'Connor but after Samuel Samuel then Samuel come out of that realm of sleep masseur my family's ever ever wake up and then before to disease because he is now conscious is no material is grammarian era nobody what and then whose faculty on how to maintain the state of sleep this is go clicking light down again my son yeah you are waking up to only by rock even with its evidence upon you not living this song of God's voice to Ellie or kookaburra boy you're not married no but nobody forbids versions rhombuses I should be focused much here gorillas you can take a sit if God gives you information can a mario kappa zero about something that is about to take place in this my original job Negrita cameraman work then that is prophecy it's your church the power of veto now because you know when you tell me is your father that this is what I hid from God tsubame i must the airpo is a father to perceive your state when you head that message you know my middle age of our hands were shocked we rule in France and do páramo supposing a - Oh turtle why not go and observe a day you must know that I'm a father must be able to receive human on the baccarat all pains and ngahiraka p01 gotcha game which I appeal Bible on when a matter for how many minutes because Satan messages are built by certain environments so Liu that this my son Erin Lucas Deva Katta monokuma no one who is one problem another possible image it is failing to maintain the platform Kenichi hero God talks to him whilst he is in the state of and consciousness Mariama Turin I cannot even move around and then all he is from that state is Samuel summer and then he comes out of that state disability voice ceases is so how do I train him to remain there even after Samuel Samuel when younger for sure if I can elope with him in that state down or Ambika rather my son Monaco Managua if I can maintain you and lock you in that zone not Anna Kournikova generated the or Eva's only widget he was miserable if another mahabharata-- of its kinetic missile of fear dream dreams that have come to Papa Tom eroticism Soros ma you're actually broke meaningful thing behind a ferment in means Goethe Kousaka so Joe Karimi but let's go to the issue of maintenance when did it come back so nobody not sending a man Jia Li an open society what was your otaku Pedro Karen or are a poker Erica and our Cuyahoga County we must attack vector the position in which you quote the committee from God Romano gnoffo God God was trying to work some Allah some would think actually God was trying to promote a salmon and yet when you study as the final message came whilst you were sleeping message open Allah we are so God wanted him to remain in that state my rewritable Arriba but this young man a Samana completed know how to maintain the temperatures required for that particular message take you to see my wife in due to a national shame where he will be shocked by the things of the Spirit oh by Jove Oh sweetie our sons wisdom but Rosario Cocoplum Arabic appletini Avadhuta Ora and when it comes to a state we cannot hear quality accordance to see and they are migrated to a different channel he's the one who is migrated to when Apple and when she saw Frank Herrera Baltimore now the kikuna bogus wins a pension problem upon the jumbo jumbo suga Rasika who can dig up on in the marathon you think I wanted my table in a certain state golden light to hell my son take it easy and I wanna Baraka Torah instruction near this their mothers were suddenly assemble a debacle okapi open when he got the instruction this type equal destruction and we kept on sweetie transitions when I a repo and he said listen to the issue that is named dope I arose their patron Yaya and it was completed because re percent frequency because this one the same frequency has chromatic tuner to namah bhagwate shooting the patterns now I wanted to hear this now without the moon's rays I wanted to hear this I wanted to hear this waves or that sausage is something to do with [Music] developing your spirit signature with an exam we are developing an ability to receive codes ax 1 gamma 0 if you have profit garna profit and you hear God mostly when you asleep which is one more opinion on an appalling order and cause the UH profits like that how could you have a perfect I like Adam unless they go to bed when they go to Java Torah they can hear God's Nicole's voice gramma it's a level in the profit shirin's profit but then that kind of career is limited as to why were you walking mannequins it was well then people are consulting you one of the way erotic wounds and they come to you 2 p.m. they need you wait one or die is be they've been sent by the king what to when a member and they have to go back one of hundreds o Kira and in between piccata you don't have an opportunity to go to bed I will nomicon out to an honorable and yet does your only source a potpourri opener on an aqua then you're in trouble what embassy that is why in the Bible some prophets who to ask their clients to spend at night dogs are cutting with the super America put it away Kabira no could've a Ferrari balance is going to sleep here and then I'll give you away tomorrow Bala monitor our apartment goes up I saw kamikaze has mustered a particular frequency knows if I don't go to bed the good Abbas rock apart that's that's where we all started no matter tonight at Rose tonight I didn't I was asking God they put the money God why if I only have to go to bed in order for me to hear you can a little further away ignore our acutally goons away but some of your people during myself is they have attendance of screaming and they want an immediate answer when we when we you this issue may develop resemble demócrata reserve item into a pop we pop and have got no opportunity to go to bed they deliver on how do I provide solutions do not have a mean do a say and then he became to teach me this is what sleep is what the corrugator say and he began to explain to me that sleep is not the presence of a bed or blankets or mosquito net I could move a poem paper mosquito net it's a state that you can cultivate even while is just ending you open up that therapy not goin either you can still be a dreamer without going to bed no poetry and cynic we ignore our this is not for you I apologize but I want to bring you to a level of excellence that's why I'm sharing this ocarina is Saddam Saddam I'll repeat this the oculata I told my pastors about our food is wanna let me repeat it as a result in a very clear vision motiroti go chocolatier Poochyena some years back yes I'm a geographer I saw a train the corner Shima a bullet change DiMartino - recovering very fast she - who and then it got derailed no but report upon journey and I was able to see the cause because wanna go or not Quincy row look look at me look at okay literacy and that was that was a very serious crash wagon kaku kaku damage ng pockets AMA people died Rondo Kufa and I managed to even read the name of the train nakka nakka wearing as it and there was remember the number the gang got the report and the number was over here number that is I cannot deny deportiva and then I went on to count the bodies the kikuna covering the Macomb B and I use the date because they were most at the exact spot name Jimbo child when this accident was mended by is very thick accidentally so in that revelation I'm asking myself who do I community to communicate with what is that already tortured the rusical that man do I send a letter to the embassy so that this message can be related kodi neeya een days but it's worse than in that revelation the which is the ritual true I looked and I saw another prophet now a terrace and economy improve it was like behind it tree like a bush why don't I come in I was therapeutic I didn't see his birthday only saw his head he was not gonna be working anniversary and of course in my vision I selected to Chiang so I know that face so instead of me coming here to give that professing who they were routinely do a pat on the petty profit I said I want to find out Nagata new WWE the red men that I saw they was really was it really him kutiman you know undergone a pile I developed interest so I wanted to find out who is this gentleman nobody knock another born upon that I was not in the animal mode so three days after that Muhammad a - masseur masseuse I then had life doc abandons WA he was giving that prophecy at sea party for viticulture [Music] now this is life easy is giving prophecy of a train our Koopa Sapporo Fatah teach dreamin I said ah so that's him Diego I saw you know [Music] but I kept on wondering after that I said but how come he didn't mention the teachers the Garamba minutes ago but you could say as no good needs a sourcing the professor was too short like three four seconds to protect my team who are poopy German second matter took on a man it was professing their imaginative profit it was true generated at your party but very shallow and second let's now example I began to wonder said why is he living out the rest of the information navigable intricacies and the Holy Spirit began to teach me now when I'm telling the pocket and I would like to you you can't expect him down the terrace silly put the year to prophesy the name of the train would approve it as literate streamers remember you were right on the site rhondella would you want our position I'm not in the name and the number was here and he was far away from the scene of an exam the number to the Kenyatta wooden to perpetuate people so this was in his vision he was peeping into your revelation contractility likely to attract a wider community he can't then prophesy of the number of the people that are going to die with a number even because of the distance whether he'll belong to a certain song walk and are women simple far away is borrowing information from a different dimension he doesn't work - come - I said okay lord I forgive him Karina so I thought you wasn't even safe incident from information you're going to say no distance therefore last question I see I recruited all he could see was a crush right but I wouldn't have seen the name because it was over here who could I will judge and the number of the people I was counting I didn't see him there counting with me he was over there diamond ranked at number one I'm talking about cultivating your spirit reboot our goods and we are enveloping your spirit who a good America are you following this yes Baba are you following this yes Baba you know you can have seven different dreams and yet it is the same dream oh no a robot you know gonna go rota and safely to rotate your agility mutated same dream coming in different formats good she wrote on to me today to be an employer Garcia that's why Joseph said to the king don't know what about the other dream is just one dogs actually prefer to become a second ever near to maturity age too much it don't give me seven dreams is just one I wanna I wanna pursue the rotary machine is the same zero torture of Inanna now let me help you let the Lupus it may help to you the nobuseri excellency Williams you have to become excellent in hearing his voice oh no quadra-port Nepal's wise yogi [Applause] there is a format there is a way that God used to talk to me Korean zerah narutimate oh whatever after a while t-shirt meeting go I [Music] requested for a different format I said I'm not comfortable with this come be Rakuten serious endure whenever in a concern is very far ear I like the first case have given you relying on only dreams I said that cannot be enough yahooza ago to go Mira la carrera de wrote and he taught me saunas knock wanna donate disease on how I can access the dream realm good in the noggin up in the same which commercial rotten right in the middle of the day even whilst I'm driving mascot even language Kyra but I'm the only person who can tell this is a open vision as in DeLand Okanagan award- carotid reverses the dreamy and iwato of the day Jesu you can volunteer you're not gonna be served there is a button in your spirit that you can press the button AmeriCorps on Okinawa and you can get into a dream real or pin damage which come so it says righto whilst you're interacting with people which tower along one I can continue talking to you now and get into a dream no one of you lovely little and the recursion can maintain my presence in two different realms but check it at our vapor one who must chemistry [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 61,425
Rating: 4.8911324 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2018, emmanuel makandiwa 2018, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2018, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2018
Id: Y_chw153yNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 51sec (5151 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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