The Easiest Way to Create Feathers in Blender!

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hello hello everyone and welcome to this brand  new tutorial today we're gonna go and have a look   into feathers I can remember the first times  I had to make feathers in blender it was very   overwhelming I had absolutely zero clue how to get  started on those so I just did some random stuff   um so I just revised it a little  bit got back into those feathers   um with the the skills that I learned over the  last years and turns out it's actually not that   hard so in this tutorial I will show you a nice  and easy way to create feather systems combine   different types of feather systems low Poly High  poly um ways in between that you can personalize   um so it's going to be easy customizable and we're  gonna be working in cycle to create some fluffy   feathers and also some Flappy feathers that you  can see in there in the bottom so let's get right   into it we're going to start off with the low  quality feather first and then we're going to make   a high quality feather and the reason why we're  making two versions is because I want to show you   that we can create them both ways depending on how  much details you need in your final render alright   so if you have a very close-up shot you need some  more details so we at that point need to actually   work with some more detail as well it's less as  easy as that all right so I'm gonna first start   off with a low quality feather right and I'm  going to enable my screencast Keys real quick   um like that let's enable that there we go and I'm  just gonna add a plane right so every or not every   but a lot of low poly objects will start with  a plane at least when it is pretty much as flat   as a plane ride a feather is very flat so we can  get away with um a lot here so we're gonna just   scale this down in edit mode in the y direction a  little bit like that and I'm gonna go to top view   and I'm gonna swipe this window to the left and  set the right one to Shader editor there we go add   a new material and let's select the principle to  press Ctrl T that will add our image texture if it   doesn't work go to edit preferences and search for  your node Wrangler um it is a very nice to have   this enabled because you can just use shortcuts  like Ctrl T So enable that save your preferences   and close it and select your principles hit  Ctrl T and this will appear beautiful now   let's open up our um our feather texture I  named it something crazy there we go this is   um like the third search result from Google um  if I typed in feathers this is the one that um   I mean it works I guess so I'm going to swipe that  in and I'm going to go to UV editor there and I'm   gonna hit you in my left window and project from  view all right and then in the right one in the UV   editor I'm going to scale everything up so it  covers the feather nicely like that beautiful   all right so let's go into rendered View and see  what this looks like there we go a little render   view icon and set this to Cycles right away  because I like Cycles there we go now we're   gonna go into Shader editor and we have to fix  some kind of alpha right because we want this   white part to be gone and but this texture doesn't  have an alpha map it is not a PNG it's a JPEG so   I'm gonna swipe the color into the alpha and then  hit shift a and search for a color ramp and then   I'm just gonna swipe this across each other so  it inverts pretty much so at this little right   and I'm gonna play around with this um color ramp  up to the point where I'm satisfied with my Alpha   map right and I really don't mind lacking some of  these um details right there I just really don't   um because this is going to be like the low detail  the low poly version of the feather anyway right   then I'm going to increase the roughness a little  bit so everything is a little more visible and   when we angle this as well so the light doesn't  just remove all of those details and so this is   pretty much all we need and what I'm going to do  actually is add a few Edge Loops like that and   one there as well so later on we have at least  some geometry to work with if you want to move   this feather for example or if you want to want  to display some parts of it so this is looking   fine for a little poly you could even add like a  little rich in the middle if you'd like to um to   add some nice um height for the middle part of the  feather but I'm not even gonna do that right this   is going to be my low low poly feather beautiful  I'm gonna go into top view and I'm just gonna   worry about my high poly feather or high Poly  High detail right and the way I'm gonna do that   is with particle systems so I'm going to press  shift a I'm going to add a curve and I'm just   going to add a path all right so move that out of  our initial Cube and actually let's delete that   default Cube I should have done that a long time  ago delete that select your path and I'm going   to scale this down so it's about the same size as  my low poly feather alright and apply the skills   and transforms and I'm just gonna reposition the  origin real quick there we go and I'm gonna add   some thickness here this is going to be like the  um the feather inner part like the um the hard   part of the feather right so I'm gonna give this  some thickness by extruding this a little bit out   and like this and I'm going to go into edit  mode and I'm going to select some points of   my curve and I'm gonna switch the radius to  a lower radius because I want this to be like   um it's gonna be smaller at the end so we're gonna  just decrease that radius there and that's already   looking quite nice all right so I may actually do  that with the first part as well so we have some   starting point and an end point as well and maybe  just move this a little bit to the left like that   beautiful this is going to be our feather start  Point beautiful all right so right away we have to   think about the geometry of our inner part because  we're gonna be adding this as a particle system   later on to a mesh that we want those feathers to  appear on which means that there's going to be a   lot of these things on our mesh we have to make  this as low poly as possible and while remaining   the details as well all right so we have got the  resolution on four if I swipe this down and pretty   much all that happens is it's going to remove some  some resolution in this um in this circle right   so if I set this to zero it's going to be a cube  set this to one it's going to be like a hexagon   um and and it's just gonna add resolution so  leaving this is one and one is probably gonna   work fine and right away I'm gonna press r X and  wrote to this 90 degrees actually yeah so I want a   flat side on the right and a flat side on the left  so this is working fine and it's quite low detail   right so now if I convert this object convert  I want this to be a mesh and if we go to edit   mode now we have a lot of geometry in this length  Direction all right so I'm going to go to top view   and I'm going to go enable x-ray mode and I'm  just going to select some some of these parts   that I don't need really alright so we have too  much geometry so I'm just gonna select every other   vertex Loop Edge Loop and I'm just going to  dissolve that later because we want to stay as low   poly as possible still and that's what you want  to do with everything that you're gonna be pretty   much and pretty much using in a particle system if  you want that bass object to be low poly so go to   etch leg modes right Mouse and there's all edges  there we go and I think we can get away with this   we could even remove some more um but I'm just  gonna leave it like this all right so let's now go   out of the x-ray mode so how do we get some kind  of feather look on this now well we're gonna add   some hairs and before we do that I'm actually  going to um let's see actually I may have a   different idea on the spot I'm gonna press RX 90.  so I'm actually going to go back into those pointy   bits on the outside and the reason I will explain  very soon I'm gonna press two double click on this   Edge Loop and add a new object data property and  I mean add a new vertex group and name this right   feathers right feathers right I'm right here's  and assign then double click on the left part   plus and let's name this left heirs and assign  that there beautiful so now let me save this as   better system and now we can actually add  a new particle system hit that plus sign   and we can now just select here and let's decrease  that hair length a little bit it's quite long and   we're gonna hit that render tab um and actually  we don't need to do that yet we're just gonna go   into the vertex groups hit the density and let's  select the left hands first all right so it's   now only going to be on that left side and we can  actually set the source to emit from vertexes and   now it's just going to emit from the vertex as we  assigned to that group only right so that's going   to be straight to the left now right so I'm going  to go into edit mode I'm going to select this top   left vertex hold Ctrl and select the top right  there and it's going to look at the bottom to   how many vertexes we have vertices so we have 25  selected which means that there are 25 in that   um in this vertex group as well and we can  use that so we're going to go to the particle   properties and set the number to 25 and in order  to appear these hairs to make these hairs appear   on every vertex we need to disable random order  right so now we have hairs on each and single   vertex which means that we have the lowest amount  of hairs as possible so to make this look a little   bit better later on let me increase the hair a  little bit we are just going to add some children   particles and set that to interpolate it and  it's going to be appearing in between of our   base set of hairs and we can swipe this up and  down how much we want I'm going to set this to   30 and match the render amount and there we go  now let's go into render View and actually see   how the thickness of these hairs are so the  base thickness is way too much so I'm going   to go to hair shape and set the diameter to like  0.05 that's a little bit a little like this 0.1   perhaps and 0.05 for the tip something like that  and we can set the um we can always increase the   display amount right so I'm going to set this  to 50 for example so now I'm just going to shape   these particles so go to the particle edit and I'm  just going to share this like a feather right so   pretty much gonna try to follow the shape a  little bit perhaps so everything has to be a   little bit longer so we're going to go into that  length brush and just lengthen it a little bit   so everything needs to be a little bit longer  like that beautiful now we can even let's see   try to get this messy bit a little bit big so if  we swipe this there for example and actually we   don't even need those bottom two vertexes so what  I'm going to do is go to my object data properties   select those bottom three vertexes um and I'm  just gonna remove those from that particle group   all right so let's see if that's actually yes  so that's good going to particle edits and we   may actually have to we should have set this  to 23 now um so I'm just gonna delete that   hit plus and set this to the zero particle  settings and change the number to like 23.   um and actually we deleted three  vertexes so we need this to set 22.   and let's set that vertex group back to the left  hands there we go beautiful so let's now particle   edit this and make this look a little bit better  like that the increase the length once again   where we need length we're going to increase that  as well something like that and then just comb it   into the shape you pretty much want for your for  your feathers so I wanted to connect in the middle   at least somehow all right so I'm gonna do it like  this and just have some some kind of chaos going   on right nature is a very organic so let's see how  that looks let's look at quite decent actually I   like the way that looks so I'm gonna now add a new  particle system and I'm gonna match that first one   so this one this particle settings so I'm going to  set that to this one as well and now we want this   to be set to the right hairs and we're just gonna  be particle editing this once again all right so   I'm going to increase some length right there  and everywhere actually a little bit of length   and then just comb it and this is going to be  to the left a little bit and I guess we forgot   to assign uh to remove those three vertexes from  this particle group and that is a stupidity by me   um so I'm going to go into that edit mode select  those three and this is going to be the right   hairs remove beautiful let's go back into particle  settings and let's assign the right hairs now like   that all right particle edit increase that length  and we are doing each of these steps a few times   and just because I sometimes decide to tweak  things on the go which I sometimes just needs   to be reverted right so let's just drag this to  the right a little bit so we've got some beautiful   hairs there and let's make some chaos let's see if  that matches the other side um pretty much right   maybe we need it to be a little bit longer still  at some length beautiful and let's Chrome it down   a little bit so you can make this as crazy looking  as you want there we go this is a beautiful   looking feather at least I think so so we're  gonna go and tweak a few of these settings maybe   um so for example we can add some Randomness by  going into the roughness we can even add some   clumping because that is something though that's  going on for sure so we can increase the clump   and we I can add some Club noise as well  if we want and decrease this a little bit   actually that's some noise and we can change  that shape to pretty much the end of those   hairs right and maybe even crease this a little  bit Clump noise is not what I want so let's see   something like this a little bit more clumping  like that beautiful we could also use a clamp   curve which will basically allow us to um Define  the clumping ourselves but that's not necessary   right now so this already looking quite nice  and I'm gonna add some random roughness as   well alright so our hair is going to appear a  bit more random and um with higher I mean the   the feather hairs right so you can imagine  that if we have our final particle system   and I'm actually gonna remove the the roughness  a little bit as well there we go um if in a final   system we would for example want more feathers  because if we're gonna be scattering around   the same feather over and over again um you can  eventually notice that it's the same feather right   so an easy way to do that is you just duplicate  this and go into particle edit and just change   the shape of this feather make it a little bit  more chaotic for example like this and swipe this   out a little bit and then go to the other side  as well go into the particle settings and just   swipe that out a little bit as well and you can  even just move this up and down a little bit like   that so you don't only have to move it in 2D you  can move in 3D as well I could do that with the   first one as well move this down and up a little  bit perhaps and for this one as well beautiful   right so we're gonna have some 3D looking feathers  and I'm just going to duplicate this one one more   time and let's go into the particle settings  oh whole small mistake particle edit and let's   just move this around a little bit more down a  bit more like that second one two there we go   move this a little bit maybe make it more chaotic  all right there I mean it doesn't really matter   something like that that's looking like three  separate feathers so I'm gonna go to top view   and I'm just going to assign some kind of material  to this feathers all right so what I'm gonna do   is create two materials for each feather one is  going to be the base and the second is going to   be assigned to those hairs there we go so we're  going to first assign the base so what does the   base of feather look like it's basically  I'm not even sure it is a low rough and a   roughness material and we could actually try to  make it look like this one a little bit with a   fresh nail node so I'm just gonna decrease the  roughness a little bit and change the color to   something a bit more dark and you can see that  it has instantly get the materials as well so   and that's something we have to tweak later and  now if you add a fresh nail I'm not sure if I   say that correctly and Ctrl shift click that  you can see that we can get some kind of an   edge going right so we can use that in our color  and by adding a mix RGB swiping then in front of   the color ramp connecting it to the color let's  reconnect that and use the fresh nail for the   Vector there we go so let's say second color  is going to be black and or the first color   is going to be black and the second is going  to be white let's see which one looks better um let's see the reference so we need those  well it doesn't really matter I guess so we're   just gonna add a color ramp in between and just  Define how far we want that whiteness to go in   and how far we want that black to go out all right  something like this and we could even change the   index of perfection on the professional so and it  looks a little bit different and there we go and   I think that is fine it may be a little bit too  dark though so let's increase that a little bit   like that and let's just decrease the roughness  a bit more there we go now let's go into the Hair   Systems and let's actually and this is going to  change for each single one of them because we use   the same base the same foundation for HFR particle  six things right so particle settings you can   see how often it's used um with the little number  after it so six because we have three Hair Systems   or sorry Three Feathers and each of those has  two whole halves of Hair Systems as well right so   we're going to go to hairs to the render Tab and  we want this material to be the hairs beautiful   now I want this first material and this  one to match the first one we actually   defined so select those two blank ones alt  shift select the one you already assigned   on zero to Ctrl l a link on material rules  and there we go now let's go to top view   let's go to our Shader editor and we're going to  select hairs we're going to delete the prints will   be SDF shift a switch for hair principled hair  bsdf and connect that to the surface and right   away we got some kind of a hair texture and I  usually increase the radio roughness a little bit   and the roughness itself a little bit swell there  we go and the best way to see the the hair the way   the the fairs look is by adding an Asia wire real  quick so I'm going to delete the default light   I'm going to go into my world settings color  environment texture and let's open up an hdri   and I want some kind of a nature looking hdri so  perhaps the Whipple Creek gazebo you can download   these for free from so make sure  to check those out and that just allows us to get   some kind of a um some kind of a lighting going  on in our scene with some Reflections and stuff   as well alright I'm gonna hide that background  in a render settings film transparent there we go   now let's go to top view let's tweak the material  of those hairs a little bit all right the hairs I   want some kind of a noisy colors going on so not  everything is plain and brown so I'm gonna hit   shift a and search for a noise texture and swallow  it into the color shift a color Ram in between of   those and then we can set the colors so I want  this white part to be a little bit more brownish   a little bit darker so I'm gonna try to match  this one a little bit and without all of the white   um and I'm gonna swipe them a little bit closer  Ctrl shift click the color Ram so we can see   how it looks um and then we can just try and  tweak it a little bit right so increase the   skill perhaps and I'm going to select my noise  texture hit Ctrl T and I'm gonna set my texture   coordinates to object I think there we go so we  can see that noise checks are a little bit better   and embrace increase that skill perhaps a little  bit and then we can tweak those colors all right   something like that set the skill to 1.5 perhaps  and then we can just set the colors to how we   want them all right so perhaps some kind of darker  brown and we can even add a third color maybe some   light some lighter color somewhere in between um  so it's just gonna look a little bit nicer like so something like that and now each and every single  feather is gonna look the same and that is not at   all what we want because we want each and single  feather that we're going to be adding we want them   to be a little bit different in the texturing  as well a shift a and search for an object info   because we want to get the info of an object um  so it is a little bit different than um the one   before right so we can just swipe the random value  of the object info into the W and it's going to   change the value of that noise texture the W value  a little bit each and every time right that is   looking quite all right and you can even add like  a texture of a feather um if you want to use that   on your hairs as well and and in that case you  would just use an image texture instead of a noise   texture all right so you can use whatever you want  for the materials there you could also use a wave   texture so if you change that to wave texture for  example and then just connect that there you can   see that we can get some very different results  going on to start that a little bit perhaps   um and we could even add some details to that  texture and remember to connect your mapping   um so you get something like that so there's  a lot of things that you can actually try to   achieve with these textures all right so  different looks um play around with all of   these settings a little bit more as well maybe  set this to be spline so it's a little softer   and like that you can just try and pretty much  create custom looking textures on your feathers   beautiful so it would look something like that I'm  going to control that this a few times because a   nice texture I like some soft soft kind of feel  and maybe this this looks cool as well nah all   right so I'm just gonna stick with my soft looking  feathers all right so it is quite bright right now   but what we can change actually is add a very  quick mix RGB in between set that second color   to something we want and then just set the mix to  color swipe this all the way up so now we have our   noise texture still going on in there and but  we can just set that second color to something   we like a little bit more we can even make it  more dark and you can also try to set this to   multiply to make your entire feather darker um  I'm just going to leave this at color just so we   have some initial orange color and I'm going to do  the same for this feather shift a mix RGB I don't   really like the whiteness so I'm going to set this  to color as well and swipe this up and just set   the second color to something that matches the  other feathers right so this is going to be one   um one system it's going to be on the same object  so we need these Ferris to be at least somewhat   similar right so we're going to be seeing me  trying to match those colors I need to add a   huge saturation let's try a bright contrast  first it just makes it a little bit darker   all right so that's what I was afraid of I'm  gonna delete that shift a mix RGB set that   to darken or multiply let's see which one works  and set this to Black and let's see I just want   the entire fair to be a little bit darker so it  matches the rest something like that so now they   have a very similar colors I'm going to go into  more feathers my base material and I think it has   to be a little bit dark because I'm going to set  this to Black somewhat black at least and set the   second one it's a little bit darker as well like  that looking good maybe we can even increase the   roughness once again like that and let's try try  to decrease the index of refraction a little bit like so so we actually have some kind of a  matching feathers with that texture as well   in mind so you can see that I'm changing tweaking  settings quite often and that's just because I'm   trying to make the best kind of um feather system  that I can so shift a mesh UV sphere this is going   to be the object that we're going to be adding  our feathers to and you want to make sure that   your Origins are at the base of your feathers and  to make sure that this is correct you can look for   the orange dot I think I already placed them there  at some points but if your Origins are not at the   correct location go to edit mode select your base  Point shift s cursor to selected back to object   mode right Mouse origin to 3D cursor and do that  for the feathers as well so select That Base shift   s curse to selector um origin to 3D cursor and  the same for this one and the right one as well   there we go the reason why is because we're  going to be scattering these feathers around   on our sphere um which means that they're  going to be placed on that sphere by their   origin points right so they're gonna move out  from their origin points so that's why we want   this origin point to actually be at the base of  that feather and so we're going to go to sphere   particle systems hit the plus sign here  and let's decrease that size a little bit   like that something like that and let's actually  set that render to object and let's select um   actually we need a collection but we can do this  one first so we're gonna set that one to be an   object and it's going to be that plane like that  right and we're going to select object rotation   as well just so it makes sure that it Remains the  Same rotation as the object and then we can just   try and scale this the way we want all right so  first things first I'm gonna try to match the um   skill of my object with the length of the hair so  you can see if I go to particle edits those hairs   are way longer than the feathers are right there  so I'm going to decrease my hair length a little   bit and see how far they go so the top one goes  to let's say around there around there so I could   um to write and match the feather length with  that all right so if I go to my skill of my render   object we can increase that to about there and now  they should match yeah so they're both are like   at that point and which means that the feathers  are just going to match the hair shape a little   bit more because it's going to be a one-on-one um  edit all right so first things first I want these   um and these base hairs to appear only at a  specific location and I'm gonna rotate my entire   sphere are white 90. is that the thing  no um ry90 once again all right well it   doesn't really matter and we did not have to  rotate that at all so I'm going to go into my   um object and I'm going to go into my vertex  group add a new one named is the base feathers   and I'm actually going to go to Weight paint now  and let's actually hide this particle systems   for a second and I just want these hairs to  appear right there on the lower part of my   of my sphere all right like that this is where I  want those bass photos to be for example if you   have a wing that starts from your birds then the  starting point of your wing may have some more   fluffy feathers as well and so that is where  you for example could use something like this   four just like that and we could  blur this a little bit if we want   it doesn't have to be perfect remember nature  is organic and random anyway so let's go and try   to make it happen like that let's revision that  and let's go into our vertex group and set that   density to the base feathers so for some reason it  doesn't always work when you already assign your   material or sorry assign your object and stuff and  then add a Vertex group and it somehow it doesn't   really update with the particle system so what we  can do is delete that edit and because for some   reason it already edits it somehow so we delete  that edit and then it will take it into account   um and then we only have those feathers on  the bottom part of our sphere so I'm going   to go into particle edit enable X-ray and I'm  just going to scoop those fares into what I   want them to appear like all right so I want  this to be maybe a little bit down and then   I want them to come up here a little bit right  so these are going to transfer into those High   detailed feathers on the top something like  that beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful   so like that and do the same for pretty much  the the side view as well so don't only work   in phones for you and we have to make all sides  look good because we're working in 3D all right   so we can change this a little bit and let's  see everything looks quite all right and now   we can actually go to that length and have some  variable length for example this bottom part we   could just shrink it down a little bit right if  we want some shorter feathers to appear there we   can shrink that down and it's going to scale down  our fairer system I'm gonna grow it a little bit   and something like that so let's go into  our object mode and let's actually go into   rendered view to see how that looks now all right  so it's actually added our feathers to the bottom   part of our sphere beautiful if you want more  feathers we can simply go to the children set   interpolated set this to like a low value of  five and just like that beautiful works like   a charm all right and we can have a little  bit of skill Randomness going on as well so   not all failures are the same size and then we  can go to clumping enable clumping a little bit   um just because I like clumping all right a  little bit a little bit of glimping and then   we can change some of the roughness settings  and to add some Randomness to our hairs all   right so we can add some uniforms and that will  randomize our hairs a little bit and decrease   there so you can see it's gonna be trying to  rotate our hairs a little bit random try to   alter these hair strands a little bit random as  well and then we can also change the random value   and for example reduce that size a little bit and  it's going to make it even more random beautiful   Randomness in nature is good alright so now  we don't have any feathers for the top Parts   ouch ouch well we have some high detail fares  for that top part I just want to show you both   of those systems and this is already looking  very nice in my opinion all right so how do   we add a second system just add a new particle  system before we do that we're going to go into   solid view into weight paint and I'm just  going to add a new vertex group call this   um HQ high quality feathers and I'm just  going to paint this top part now all right   so the part where we don't have any feathers  I'm gonna paint that with a weight of one   there we go don't forget the top part otherwise  we're gonna have a bowling feather sphere and then   we can just apply this all and I want to make sure  that it intersects at least a little bit okay so I   want there to be a little bit of an intersection  of these Hair Systems and make it a little bit   random as well like that and then we're just gonna  add some blur to where those match right there all right let's go back to object mode and  let's disable X-ray and we're actually going to um into their particle properties add a new  particle system and we are going to be using   the base Foundation of this system and because  the length and stuff was set nicely they matched   correctly and we actually made the length of these  feathers the same so we can use the length of   those hairs beautifully so we're going to select  our sphere and the first particle testing settings   system we use is 0.004 so we're going to be  using that in this one as well and then make   sure to hit that little new particle settings  button so it makes a copy so that means that   if we change something here it doesn't already  change it in the first one as well right so now   if we set this object to something else and we  need it to be a collection because we have three   um feathers so select both three all  three I mean press M new collection adds   that is beautiful all right so now let's select  render as collection feathers there we go and   everything should be nice I'm gonna select pick  a random so it doesn't pick the entire system you   can really see that we got some hairy kind of  hairs in there now and it's gonna make our our   viewport a little bit more laggy um which is it's  not bad but we can change that later if we want so   now I'm gonna instead of setting the first density  group I'm just going to set the HQ feathers so   it's only going to be appearing on top and let's  see we can decrease the amount to maybe 300 for   now all right so that's already making review  but a lot a lot a lot faster go into particle   edits and we can now just shape this all right so  let's go into that comp x-ray mode and let's just   try to make this nice and beautiful as we always  try to do right so this bottom part I want to   kind of match and intersect with that lower part  of the um the feathers as well in the side view   as well remember don't forget about that side  view otherwise it's going to look weird alright   so we're gonna be trying to shape this up a little  bit nice like that and we can even add some length   um on those bottom parts for example if you want  this to be sticking out a little bit and where it   matches make it nice and organic we can do that  like that like that like that like that just   like that make it nice and organic looking we can  even curve this down if you want why not why not   we can do whatever we want in particle  settings all right let's see how that looks   beautiful beautiful they may be a little bit long  though there is only one part so these ones are   not really a good so I'm gonna decrease the length  a little bit and because they stick out too much   for my liking something like this is looking way  better alright so let's go into Rangeview and see   how that looks render field may appear a little  bit slow and it's actually okay for me it's okay   it's okay so there are obviously not enough hairs  not enough hairs on the top part so I'm going to   select my system and I'm just gonna add some and  more interpolated hairs feathers right so let's   set this to like 20. and 20 and we're actually  gonna be able to now also it's gonna lag a little   bit we're gonna set this down to 10 for now and  we're gonna add some kind of clumping and actually   we already have that let's decrease it a little  bit and we're gonna add some more noises as well   like that and some more  Randomness for example as well   I'm gonna re-crease that  actually and increase that size like that so it looks a little bit more groomed  that's the word I'm looking for let's go into   render two see how that looks and look at that  just like that we quite managed to achieve a   great looking particle settings um system  of feathers and if you zoom in right there   you can see that we've got individual feathers  going home wow so it is actually High detail so   if you animate this and you zoom in you actually  have some details what this bottom part is going   to lose some detail um at some point um look  at that but the the top part and that's the   difference between those two settings it's way  more detailed it catches light and from behind   and stuff as well as an actual hair system how  far we zoom in it doesn't matter we see those   individual strands right so that is something you  have to keep in mind with using um those different   so those different Hair Systems right so there's  a low poly there's a high poly and there are many   ways in between and you can tweak that low poly  version into something that looks a little bit   more High poly and and you can just make that look  however you want right so I'm just gonna increase   this density a little bit to like 30 and because  we have the grooming and stuff set up nicely   so now we've got some nice looking feathers  and 30 maybe too much may just be too much   so 20. this one is going to look fine  and then I'm gonna set up the render   um and to do that I'm just gonna add a simple  background and render it out and then I'll be back right so the render is done and it turned out  very nice in my opinion we've got a very nice   transition between the more low poly and the  high poly feathers and it really looks like   there's a thick thick pack of feathers  on this object and you could use this   um this way to add it to any object whether it's  going to be a bird a sphere and the default Cube   or Suzanne you can use it for anything and Define  where which particles would be with the um vertex   groups all right so you can paint those on you  can change um you can even set the length of those   hairs with a separate the vertex group um so you  can tweak those settings uh all you want to create   your own personalized feather systems and I hope  you that this helps you in some way or another   um I know feathers can usually be a little bit  overwhelming to get into at least it was for me   um but ways like this really make it that much  easier and the outcome is great if you ask me   so I hope you learned something thank you so much  for watching and have a great day if you like this   tutorial if it helped you um it will be awesome if  you could either leave a comment or like the video   or subscribe even any one of those will help  me out a lot and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nino
Views: 22,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feathers, bird, animal, blender, grooming, hair, particlesystem, geometrynodes, feather, easy, realistic, customizable, hyperrealism
Id: txs2QkoI4Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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