The Easiest Classic Quiche Recipe | Comfort Food Favourites

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today i'm going to share with you how to make an incredibly easy classic quiche with a flaky pastry and a decadent filling hi you're watching plating it at wendy where i share with you recipes which impress with ease with mother's day just around the corner this quiche is going to be an excellent addition to your meal i know you're going to love this one so let's get started let's start by making the savory pie crust for this i'm going to be using two and a quarter cups of all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon of salt 3 4 cups of unsalted butter and i've cubed it so that it's easier to incorporate it with the flour now i'm going to use a fork and just give this a good mix so that the salt and the all-purpose flour gets well mixed together and also that butter gets a light coat of the all purpose flour you could now start mashing the butter down with the fork itself but i'm going to use a pastry cutter and mash it down you could even do this with your fingers but then the heat of your fingers might make the butter melt too fast a lot of recipes you'll find that they use the food processor to do this but i just feel the old-fashioned way is better you can get a better flaky crust doing it this way occasionally you want to take the fork and just clean the pastry cutter now when the mixture looks like this this is when you want to stop you're going to take the flour and butter mixture and now wrap the butter between the palm of your hands so that that gives a nice flaky crust when it bakes don't overdo this because otherwise the heat from your hands is going to melt the butter we're going to bring the dough together by adding some cold water to it i've taken a bowl of cold water and added some ice cubes in it to keep it chilled and i'm going to put about three tablespoons of the water first and then add some more as i go and i think it's necessary bring it together with the fork [Music] i'm going to add some more water because it still needs more water to come together i will put it down in the description below exactly how much of water i have added now that our dough has almost come together i'm going to put it down onto the countertop and i'm going to bring it all together nicely and form a nice dough now let's bring the dough together using the parchment paper to help us now that the dough has come together i'm going to put it into a plastic wrap and refrigerate it for 30 minutes so that the butter gets a nice chance to freeze again while the powder is chilling in the fridge let's prepare the filling for the quiche with that i'm using one shallot i'm going to mince it as fine as i can [Music] and i'm going to mince up one garlic clove i'm using six white mushrooms you could use any mushrooms that you like and i'm going to cut it up really fine [Music] to this we're going to add two handfuls of baby spinach and eight slices of ham which i'm going to cut down into small pieces actually this is like a blank canvas you can put whatever you want into your quiche to a heated skillet i'm going to add one tablespoon of butter and let it melt down and to that i'm going to add the minced shallot and the garlic now let's cook this down so the charlotte's sweat and the raw flavor of the garlic goes away [Music] now that the shallots have turned translucent and the garlic has cooked down we're going to add the chopped mushrooms [Music] and the spinach it might look a lot right now but it's all going to wilt down we're going to season it with salt but a little later because if you put salt right now you're going to get a lot more water coming out of the spinach and the mushrooms now you can season it with salt about half a teaspoon or less may be okay i'm just going very easy with the salt because we're gonna put cheese into this too as soon as the spinach has wilted and the mushrooms have cooked we're gonna take the skillet off the heat i'm emptying the mushroom and the spinach mixture into the sieve so that all the excess liquid can drain into the bowl this will help our quiche to set well [Music] our pie dough has to long enough in the refrigerator now let's roll it out and line the quiche dish i'm going to put a little flour on the surface where you're going to be rolling it out make a light dent in the middle so it's easier to start rolling it out you've got to be very light when rolling this don't put too much pressure when rolling it out roll it in a circular shape and roll it till you reach about the thickness of a coin now let's line our quiche tray with the rolled out dough and for this i'm using a loose bottom tray if you don't have one you can always use a pie dish too a good technique would be to roll the dough on your rolling pin because that makes it easier to release it onto the pie dish [Music] now we're going to lift it up and make sure it goes down into the corner [Music] and i'm going to pinch out a little bit from this side any side you can use i'm going to use this so i'm going to go around pressing it so we get a good indentation of the quiche dish i'm just going to use my knife and level it out and cut off the excess this extra pastry dough you don't need to throw it out put it in a ziploc bag and keep it in your refrigerator and it can be used at any time you want do not put any egg in it so there's nothing to fear nothing's going to get spoiled in it using a pork i'm going to make some holes now in the base of the pie crust because when we bake it we don't want it to come up and puff up now let's put a plastic wrap on the pie crust and pop it into the refrigerator for 30 minutes one more time keeping the quiche crust in the refrigerator has given a chance for the butter to firm up again and now it's going to give us a nice flakiness to the crust i'm now going to blind bake the crust and for that i'm going to be using the same parchment paper we used earlier i'm going to crush it up so that it's easier for it to take the shape of the crust i'm going to fill this up with some semolina because i do not have any pirates or beans in the house but the beans and the pie weights would definitely be a better option try to fill as much as you can into it and get it into the edges because we want to keep the crust down while we're blind baking it we do not want it to bloat up i put the key strain to another baking sheet and i'm going to now put it into the oven 350 degrees fahrenheit for about 15 minutes we're going to take out the parchment paper with a semolina and put the crust back into the oven so that the base of the crust bakes and we're going to keep it for about five to ten minutes we're going to fill the quiche with a nice custard for that we're going to use four eggs just break those up first and to that i'm going to add one and a half cups of heavy cream heavy cream is going to give it a nice rich taste and it also helps to set the custard let's season it with a little salt just a little bit we're going to be adding cheese to to it some freshly ground pepper and some freshly grated nutmeg [Music] just give that a good whisk now to the exciting part let's build the quiche i'm going to use some of the spinach and mushroom mix to put down first at the first layer this way you can make sure that all your fillings get well distributed and i'm going to put some of the ham i grated half a cup of gray cheese half a cup of cheddar and half a cup of parmesan cheese and i'm going to use some of it to layer onto the quiche the grey gives a lovely sharp flavor [Music] now let's spoon some of the custard in and this is going to help to bind all the filling together [Music] now we're going to finish this off with a sprinkle of some parmesan cheese i'm not using all that i grated just a little just for a little kick of spice i'm going to sprinkle some chili flakes on the top and because we love to impress a sprinkle of parsley now let's pop this delicious baby back into the oven 350 degrees fahrenheit for about 35 minutes or till the center of the quiche has set and turned golden brown [Music] wow this looks really delicious now we're going to let it cool for about 10 minutes and the quiche will also settle down so that it gets a chance to cool a little faster i'm going to take it out of the quiche tree now for the big reveal [Music] crust is so nice and flaky [Music] quiche is my favorite dish so i'm really excited to give this a taste [Music] the crust is so nice and flaky and so well baked and the center the filling is so creamy and delicious and i can actually get the taste of the gruyere cheese which gives me a lovely sharp flavor to the filling if you're new to my channel or haven't subscribed already what are you waiting for subscribe and hit on the bell icon to get a notification every time i upload a new video if you enjoy watching my videos don't forget to give me a big thumbs up and leave me your comments below follow me on facebook and instagram the information is in the description below thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Platin' It With Wendy
Views: 118,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic quiche recipe, spinach and cheese quiche recipe, spinach quiche, cheese quiche, how to make quiche, how to make spinach and cheese quiche, quiche recipe, how to make spinach quiche, spinach and cheese tart, spinach and cheese pie, pie crust, homemade quiche, simple quiche recipes, spinach recipes, brunch recipes, foolproof spinach quiche, cheese quiche recipe, how to bake a quiche, classic quiche lorraine french, how to quiche, easy quiche, mothers day recipes easy
Id: DBcJX5msCXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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