EASY CRUSTLESS QUICHE | with broccoli and cauliflower

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hello my friends it's Dani and today I am sharing  a simple delicious crustless quiche with broccoli   and cauliflower now this is an easy recipe that  can be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast lunch dinner   or brunch and if you prefer you can certainly bake  it in to a crust but a crustless quiche is just a   bit lighter much like my spinach frittata I love  that a quiche can be made ahead of time because   it makes it perfect for meal prep so the first  thing I'm going to do is preheat my oven to 350   degrees Fahrenheit and then I'm going to grease  a 9 inch pie plate with a little bit of coconut   oil you could also use some butter or a cooking  spray whatever you have on hand and I just like   to use a paper towel to rub that around the dish  making sure I have a nice thin layer and that the   dish is coated so that nothing sticks so the next  thing I'm going to do is prep my vegetables I need   three cups of broccoli florets and three cups  of cauliflower florets now a little tip for you   whenever you are cut cutting florets whether it's  broccoli or cauliflower it's a lot easier if you   cut the stem side of the floret and then pull it  apart because this keeps the top in place intact   and you won't have a bunch of little crumbs all  over your cutting board so you're just going to   cut these into small bite-sized floret pieces you  can make them as big or as small as you prefer   and keep in mind if you need a shortcut here most  grocery stores sell pre-cut florets already so if   time is not on your side you can use that option  as well once I have all of the veggies chopped and   ready to go I'm going to give them a rinse under  some cold water get them nice and clean and you   don't have to dry them they can stay wet because  the next thing we're going to do is steam them   to get them nice and tender before we add them to  our pie pan so I have a pot of water coming up to   a boil here once I've got that bubble I'm going to  place my steamer basket on top of the pot and then   just add the broccoli and cauliflower florets pop  on a lid and then I set my time for six minutes   you want the vegetables to become tender but you  don't want them to be mushy right so you still   want them to have a bit of integrity and you want  them to have this beautiful vibrant color then I'm   going to carefully remove the steamed broccoli and  cauliflower from the steamer pot using a slotted   spoon and place them into my bowl and then from  here I'm just going to season them very simply I   have a half a teaspoon each of salt pepper and  garlic powder and then I will gently toss the   veggies in that spice mixture when in doubt salt  pepper and garlic powder Will Never Let You Down   from here I'm going to gently transfer my steamed  seasoned vegetables into my prepared pie plate and   then I'm just going to use my hands to even it out  so they're in a nice even layer now what I like to   do here is sprinkle some sliced scallions right  over the top of the vegetables this offers a very   mild onion flavor without being overpowering  and then we're going to sprinkle some cheese   over the top now I'm using a cup of shredded  cheddar cheese and while sometimes I do buy   my cheese pre-shredded at the grocery store for  convenience I do find when I buy the cheese in   a block it's creamier and it melts better so what  I like to do is just grate it myself on the large   holes of a box grater and then I'll take this  cheese and sprinkle it right over the top of   the vegetables and keep in mind that you can use  any type of cheese that you love or prefer here I   actually think a feta cheese or a goat cheese  would also be delicious okay so now it's time   to make our egg mixture personally whenever I'm  making a frittata an egg bake or a quiche I like   to use a combination of whole eggs and egg whites  this both helps to lighten up the final dish just   a bit and more importantly it helps to add more  protein content to the meal and since my 47 year   old self is on a mission to become the fittest  strongest version of Danny for 50. I'm always   looking for more ways to increase the protein in  my meals with that being said this recipe is very   versatile so if you prefer to use all whole eggs  and not the egg whites I'm going to show you how   to do that as well so for the base we're using  six whole eggs whenever possible I do try to look   for organic pastured eggs but as always use what  you have use what you love use what is available   to you then I'm going to add in six egg whites  now I usually buy my egg whites pre-separated at   the grocery store in which case the equivalent  of six egg whites is going to be one and one   quarter cup egg whites if however you prefer to  use all whole eggs skip the whites and up your   egg content from six whole eggs to nine whole  eggs generally speaking when you're swapping in   eggs for egg whites it's two whites per one egg  then to add a nice rich creamy texture I'm going   to stir in a half a cup of plain Greek yogurt not  only is this delicious but it's also going to add   another little boost of protein then I'm going  to use a fork and just whisk my eggs in my egg   whites and my yogurt together until everything is  well combined and you will notice that you might   have little clumps of yogurt in the egg mixture  don't worry about it once you bake this up those   are going to melt right in so I will gently pour  my egg and yogurt mixture over the vegetables and   the cheese and the scallions making sure that it  spreads throughout the pan nice and evenly so you   can just help it out a little bit if it needs  a little extra assistance then I'm going to pop   my crustless quiche in to my oven that has been  preheating at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm going   to set my timer for 45 minutes you want to bake  your quiche until it is set through and slightly   golden brown over the top once it's done you just  want to let it cool for about 15 minutes or until   it's cool enough for you to comfortably handle  and then you can slice and enjoy your crustless   broccoli and cauliflower quiche you're going to  get six beautiful servings out of this recipe   and as I mentioned earlier it's a fantastic make  ahead recipe as well so if you wanted to use this   for your meal prep you can just cut it into slices  transfer them into an airtight container and this   will happily last in your fridge for up to five  days this is a simple beautiful recipe packed   with protein and vegetables that is a delicious  way to support your health wellness and or weight   loss skulls if you enjoy recipes like this please  take a moment to like this video and share it with   anybody else you know who wants to make healthy  eating easy thank you so much for watching I'm   Danny spies and I'll see you back here next  time with some more clean and deliciousness   cheers keep in mind you can use any type of  cheese you love or prefer her at and keep in   mind you can use any type of cheese you love  or prefer and vegetables and is most ready
Channel: Clean & Delicious
Views: 612,916
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Keywords: easy crustless quiche with broccoli and cauliflower, crustless quiche, how to make crustless quiche, crustless quiche recipe, quiche recipe, broccoli quiche, cauliflower quiche, crustless broccoli quiche, crustless broccoli cheddar quiche, healthy quiche, broccoli cheddar quiche, easy quiche recipe, crustless quiche recipes, low carb broccoli quiche, quiche recipe without crust, healthy recipes, easy recipes, dani spies, clean and delicious, how to make crustless quiche easy
Id: i-DTK65TjgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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