Claire Saffitz Makes Easy Pie Dough & Savory Galette | Dessert Person

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Salad pizza is the most genius thing ever

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/fnord_happy 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was wondering when we were going to get another savoury episode. Haven't had one since the focaccia video.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Haunting_Way_816 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

This looks so tasty! She really got me with the parm ON the pastry. Genius.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BarefootConmessa 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I miss the old BA team

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CottonmouthJohn 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
a little shorter identify what it is oh i didn't even say what i'm making oh okay all right got it okay i'll start over hey everyone i'm claire i'm in my home kitchen and today i'm showing you a recipe that is kind of a dark horse from dessert person it's something i feel like eating constantly a caramelized endive palette this is a savory recipe and it incorporates lots of fresh ingredients on top to me it is part of my argument that anything you can do with cooking you can do in baking [Music] okay so i have lots of vegetables out here and that's because this is a savory recipe and it is perfect for lunch or dinner it is basically a big salad on top of a delicious buttery oniony galette that has lots of caramelized endive in it i love it because it incorporates fresh ingredients you have this bright acidic sort of salad atop this really delicious caramelized tart base it actually has a lot of ingredients but most of them are ingredients you already have at home because we're making a little bit of a vinaigrette and a pie dough and then in terms of fresh ingredients i have a radicchio an endive and some onions olive oil parmesan cheese freshly ground black pepper honey i'm using white wine vinegar you could use a sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar even apple cider vinegar an egg a little mustard a bit of shallot and fresh thyme and parsley you can adapt this easily use whatever fresh herbs you have on hand really what you want to do is make your caramelized base and then whatever you put in the salad is up to you [Music] so i'm starting this recipe with my all butter flakey pie dough but i'm gonna back up and show you how to make it which i don't even think we've done yet in an episode of dessert person weirdly have we made pie dough it's crazy that we haven't gotten there yet but i'll back up show you some great technique for flaky pie dough and then we'll put together the glut very straightforward ingredient list i have all-purpose flour butter salt sugar and ice water i am going to make this by hand i don't use a food processor for pie dough i have a medium bowl here so i'm starting with my all-purpose flour this is enough for a single crust i'm making a galette which is sort of a free-form tart with just a single crust if you're making a double crust pie you double this and then to this i'm adding a tablespoon of sugar this tablespoon doesn't make the dough sweet but it does help to contribute to browning so you get a really golden crust and then three quarters of a teaspoon goes your salt so i have 10 tablespoons of butter total i have taken five tablespoons and cut it into half inch pieces so those go in then the remaining five tablespoons i have thinly sliced this isn't crucial i like cutting the butter into different shapes because i feel like it gives me more flaky texture but also a tender texture so i want both and first i want to smash the butter pieces into the flour with my fingertips you often see this recipe language that you want the mixture to look like coarse meal so think about what a coarse cornmeal looks like that's a good indicator i'm still trying to work quickly because i don't want the butter to soften it has to stay cold but i am at this point working it until it's fairly broken down so what happens is those pieces of butter those small pieces are inhibiting gluten formation so it's physically getting in the way of these long gluten strands from forming and that is going to make a more tender crust now for something really flaky i then add my slices of butter so at this stage i'm going to do the same technique of smashing the butter pieces in but i'm going to leave them pretty big because when i roll out the pie dough these flat shreds of butter are going to flatten and that is what is going to form this really flaky texture in the pie dough so i'm going to just clean off my hands and now it's time to bring this together into a dough using ice water i measured out about a quarter cup i used a fork to incorporate to distribute the butter and to hydrate the flour and it's now making these larger clumps now i'm going to switch to my hands knead the mixture inside the bowl to bring it together it's a little crumbly and that's okay basically you want to take the parts of the dough that hold together and transfer them to your work surface leaving those flowery drier spots back in the bowl and now with what's left over add a little more water to bring it together this is a way of bringing it all together that doesn't over hydrate it because you can always add more water but you can't really take it away once it's in there so now i have the remainder of the dough folding together see the bowl is clean i don't have any floury bits in there add that to what's on your surface now i have this mound of dough i want to chill this i have done a decent amount of manipulating and working of the dough i've been experimenting with storing my dough in these like silicone sort of bags it's not working great you have a little dough on your cheek on my cheek yeah oh hold on you got it wow that was a big clump of dough i actually like these bags a lot but the part where i'm struggling about a plastic replacement is when i want to wrap something directly in plastic like this dough so once you've wrapped it up seal this and then go ahead and press down this should rest in the fridge for minimum one to two hours but it could go up to a couple of days and then i'm gonna pull out one that i already made and show you the next steps in making your pie dough this is a dough i made last night which is why it's in a different bag and also wrapped in my butter wrappers because i was trying to figure out a way to not use plastic it's nice and chilled you can see it's become very firm this is a well-hydrated piece of pie dough it when it's cold it's not so wet that it's like kind of flopping around but it's fully hydrated and cohesive so that's a good sign now i like to do a little intermediate step [Music] give it a little dust of flour you might need to let it soften slightly on the surface before you can roll it out because if you roll out really cold pie dough it could kind of crack but basically i'm going to roll this into a slab and do a series of folds a technique that approximates another technique called lamination which is like what makes puff pastry that we've talked about and this makes a very very flaky pie dough when i'm beating the dough i don't go like straight down full force when i hit the dough i kind of stop applying pressure and i let the rolling pin sort of bounce off of it like you don't want to go straight down because you'll just break it so it's sort of a bouncing motion and this beating helps to soften the butter without having it warm up first so you want to keep the pie dough really cold it's the cold pieces of butter that are going to create this flaky texture when it bakes so this is at the point where i can start to roll it out i'm going to give it a little more flour you want it to be able to slide around i'm going to give it a little more flour and now roll it out a little thinner like this is obviously not in a really even shape and here i'm getting some cracking from a place where the mixture was a little bit drier that is okay and i like this method because i just think it actually is more forgiving on the dough those larger pieces of butter that i had from those slices they're flattening out and creating this kind of streaking around the dough like here that's good that is what is going to separate in the oven and make lots of flaky layers and now i'm going to do a quick what we call letter fold and that is basically folding in thirds so i take the bottom third fold it up toward the center same thing with the top third fold that down this dough is softened a little bit as you can see i have some sticky butter a little areas give it a little flour basically i have now this dough packet it's a little warm in here my dough is softening a bit so i'm going to chill this and let it rest even if it still stayed really cold i still want to let this rest in the fridge before i roll it out for the final galette so stick that back in your bag your plastic whatever you're using and i'm going to put together the rest of the tart while i let my dough rest [Music] i love something called salad pizza which i think is a thing others have told me not i think it's a thing where you have your pizza and then you have on top of it fresh dressed greens whether it's like caesar salad from the slice joint or arugula and parm and lemon at like a neapolitan place i love the idea of fresh greens on something cheesy and fatty and bready and delicious so that's kind of the source material for this but i also love bitter greens i love chicories like endive and radicchio and treviso and all of those so it's sort of a maybe like slightly more upscale twist on it using pie dough and a savory gillette as a base rather than pizza so i have endive here i need six large and store has smaller ones so i'm using slightly more and i'm going to caramelize the endive along with some onions for added bulk in a skillet i'm going to put aside two of the smaller ones for the fresh greens that i dress on top so let's just set those aside so for the end dive i'm going to slice them crosswise and you don't have to go super thin i'm going to start heating my skillet medium large skillet here i'm going to put on medium heat and start with two tablespoons of olive oil so while this heats up i'm just gonna peel the onions real quick basically what you're doing is you're cooking down this mixture of onion and endive and as the water is cooked out of the vegetables the sugars that naturally occur concentrate and that starts to brown and you have this mixture that has this wonderful sweet but also really savory quality i just there's few things to me in the world that are more delicious than a caramelized onion and endive caramelizes much in the way that onion does so i'm going to start with the endai for me cooking has become something that is pure stress relief and i love when i get a chance to cook and so for me it's even more of a bonus when the thing that i'm baking is also the thing that i'm cooking and can eat for dinner because so much like the stuff that i'm recipe testing is not dinner i recipe test all day clean up and then i have to make dinner which let's be honest i'm not really making dinner that's harris's job but i love when i get the chance to do it i'm gonna let this cook down for a sec i'll periodically come back and stir this and then this will wilt down and then i'll have room to add the onions which i will slice first of all the book is called dessert person so it's filled with desserts but for anyone that has a copy of the book you know that there is a savory chapter and the title dessert person is yes it's a book literally about desserts but it's more about how i identify i am a dessert person to me it means that i embrace the idea that food is pleasure we should all be you know gathering around something delicious you should have dessert you shouldn't feel bad about it you don't need permission to have dessert and part of the sort of thesis of the book is that cooking and baking are not that different and anything that you can do in cooking you can probably do in baking and i get sort of not like frustrated but i i just feel like i want to tell people that when i when i hear people say i like to cook but i don't i can't bake or i don't bake or whatever it's like it just implies that there's this great divide and that they're separate disciplines and they're not there's so much osmosis between the two this is a great example of a savory recipe that involves cooking and baking okay so i'm gonna add as many onions as i can fit i'll come back and check on it and continue to stir as everything wilts and add the remaining onions and then for now i'm going to pick some fresh thyme i'm sort of an advocate for using an ingredient in multiple places in a single recipe so then i also like to add some fresh leaves to the dressed greens on top at the end then the other thing i'll add to this mixture is a little white wine vinegar again something i use in two places in the recipe in the vinaigrette and then as a sort of seasoning for this caramelized and i have an onion mixture so this is what it looks like after maybe 20 20 to 30. if you go a little bit longer i'm looking for something this color you can see these are nicely brown this is a batch that i made just yesterday so they're already cooled this is looking good i'm going to add my thyme leaves i want these to get you know coated in that fat and start to sizzle a bit so in those go one tip for caramelizing onions or any kind of oniony mixture like this you'll definitely get some little sticking areas on the skillet so when that happens i'll add a little water and then the onion mixture can reabsorb it and then everything looks even a little bit browner so i'm going to use just a little bit of water sometimes people use like wine you know for this process a little water is all you really need not a lot just enough to release and dissolve those bits now i haven't seasoned this yet let me season it with some salt and some freshly ground black pepper i do sort of like to season at the end and that's because there's so much water loss that if i season at the beginning sometimes i'll end up adding too much salt because the mixer concentrates so i season toward the end a little black pepper and my vinegar i'm going to do two teaspoons you can use lemon juice you can use red wine vinegar this is a chardonnay vinegar that has kind of a bittersweet flavor that's really really nice so this will cool off you can see it's a little closer to this color and basically this is the filling now for our tart so i'm set this aside i have a swap here so i can go ahead and move on to assembling the tart the dough has rested it's firmed up again you can make a circular gallet whatever but for me i'm going to do it in a rectangle and so i want to roll it out to dimensions of about 9x13 and then i have a parchment-lined baking sheet here give it some flour if you need i should also say i'm preheating my oven to 350. so i have a rack in the center and as you roll keep it moving just to make sure you're not sticking anywhere now a galette is sort of a rustic tart that's free form so i'm not obviously making this in a mold of any kind or in a pan a pie plate nothing like that and the edges are just stay kind of raw as in like i'm not cutting them to make them straight or even perfection is not the the goal here and it rarely is so i'm at 13 by nine i'm going to transfer this to my baking sheet so you can fold it you can roll it onto the baking sheet i'm just going to basically fold it lift it unfold it now i'm going to crack an egg and beat that i want a little bit of egg wash for my pie crust egg wash just gives you a shiny very browned exterior it also helps the dough to stick to itself so i'm beating an egg i also have one ounce of grated parmesan so i had a block of parm and i used a microplane to grate one ounce then i have another ounce that i shaved with a vegetable peeler and that's going to go on the salad so with my palm i'm going to take about half of it and put it on the surface of the dough and now my filling goes on so you can kind of dollop this around i should say this becomes a very thin tart this this is a low profile galette you have layers of pastry and filling that are about the same in terms of thickness but the filling itself packs quite a punch in terms of flavor so it's not like i would want at least personally i don't think i would want a really thick layer of this caramelized endive filling move this around try to get it into an even layer and i'll leave about an inch of of a border and that is what i will then fold over to make the edges of our galette with my egg wash i beat it until there's basically no streaks sometimes you get some of that like goopy white part that doesn't want to incorporate which you can just avoid so i'm using the egg wash to brush the exposed borders so now i like to use the edges of the parchment to begin to fold the crust over the filling so i'm taking that one inch of border and it's a it's a thin border for sure and it will even shrink a little bit in the oven so that just gets folded over the filling on all four sides go ahead and press pretty firmly because that dough is going to be so flaky that it's going to have a tendency in the oven to puff and almost souffle and open up a little bit this is our tart now egg wash goes along that newly formed edge and then the remaining harm that i finally graded sprinkle it all across the surface and i'm also focusing on getting it along the edges of pastry so the oven is preheated this will go in 350. while that bakes i'm going to put together the dressing or the vinaigrette for those dress screens that go on top [Music] so i have a bowl here i'm going to put it together in this bowl set this aside i'm going to start by finely chopping or mincing this shallot if you don't feel like finely chopping this or mincing it you can just microplane it and you kind of make this onion juice that's fine too so that goes into the bowl so now into this i add everything else that's going into the vinaigrette except for the oil a little bit of dijon mustard mustard acts also as an emulsifier so it helps to keep the oil combined with everything else then because i'm using bitter greens particularly the radicchio i like to add a fair amount of sweetness to this vinaigrette so i usually add honey to any kind of vinaigrette and it helps balance out the bite from the shallot or the allium you're using in this case i'm adding even a little bit extra honey because a bitter green likes a sweeter vinaigrette for balance and then season it with salt and pepper kosher salt freshly ground black pepper like a lot of black pepper and then a tablespoon of that same white wine vinegar that i added to the filling so whisk all of that together and now i'm adding my oil a quarter cup of olive oil so you want to whisk as you add the oil the idea is to emulsify it into that mixture so one thing you can do is you can get a towel i tie i like make a little scarf for the bowl that keeps it in place and then i'm gonna do a quarter cup of olive oil and slowly drizzle it in while i whisk i guess i never really realized this but these squeeze bottles have like a graduated little side where you can see the measurements which is super handy but i'm also going by sight and taste here so you can see as i add it the mixture is thickening and it's looking very smooth i'm gonna taste it yum so i know this is the right amount of dressing for the amount of greens that we're using so i'm going to leave it in this bowl stick it in the fridge and then when the tart is done i'll dress everything directly in this bowl so in the meantime the tart is still baking i am gonna just prep the rest of my lettuces and then we are ready to put it all together when the tart is out of the oven [Music] okay my greens i have two small endive or in the case of the recipe one large and then the recipe says one small radicchio this is more like a medium medium large i'm just going to separate the leaves and have those ready to go to toss in the salad so this part's not that hard just trim off that very very end core end and with endive the leaves just kind of fall and separate these stay whole you can just kind of keep trimming and snapping them off so you have like these spears and they're like little cups and they're great for crudite dipping into caesar dressing i just love love love endive such a good and in my mind possibly under appreciated green and also i'm saving the core those you can toss them to the salad as well and then with the radicchio it's sort of like a head of cabbage but the leaves aren't so compact i like to think about the size of your fork and the size of a bite so i would sort of tear it into large but still forkable and bite-sized ish pieces so this can all hang out i'll put this back in the fridge while the chart finishes to bake [Music] i don't know how many minutes that was because i didn't have a timer but i was smelling it so i checked and the tart is done let me pull it out it is really golden brown around the edges the onion and endive mixture has broken down even more it's really jammy and it has darkened a little bit so this looks great i'm gonna let this cool because i don't want to put beautiful fresh crunchy greens on top of a hot tart and just wait for this you can make this part in advance nothing's gonna happen to it if it sits out at room temperature for a couple hours smells so good and i'll just grab all my salad ingredients so if i were having a dinner party which fingers crossed it can happen soon i would have all of this ready to go i would have this already baked and just sitting out i would have everything prepped and just in the fridge and then you can look like the best host in the world and like so casual but also impressive i'm gonna add my end dive and radicchio i'm gonna strip in some fresh thyme leaves this is only because i have time that i already put in the filling it's not essential but i like having the kind of cooked thyme plus the more fresh and then i'm gonna give it a toss i'll add a little salt and pepper the dressing is already seasoned but the greens probably need a little more i've seen greens neither of these things is really green what you want to do is avoid crushing the leaves so it just kind of give everything a nice turn and do this until it's all coated so this is looking nicely dressed i don't want a drenching of the leaves just but i do want an even all-over coating so i'm going to give everything a taste so good absolutely delicious i'm gonna sprinkle on the parsley most of the cheese and then i'll give everything a final topping on the tart itself this is the second half of the parm in the recipe as i said i used a vegetable peeler to create shavings and then broke them up a little bit one thing i'm going to do before i do the final topping is i'm going to pre-cut the tart into pieces if i were making this for company i think you could serve it as a really lovely first course if you were doing something coarsed in which case i would do maybe this tart into a texture of the dough if i were doing this as a main course it's i think it's a great vegetarian main course more like six because the people have a little more of a generous portion if i were having something like a little formal i would probably plate each of these individually but i'm just going to put it directly on the sheet tray kind of pile it high like you don't want to crush the leaves and then just to be a little extra fancy some more parsley leaves some more thyme on top this is the kind of stuff where like i'm here making this for this video shoot i wanted to look really good so i'm going the extra mile but like if i were making this at home just to eat probably just tossing everything in the bowl it does to me remind me of salad pizza because i can lift this whole slice out like a piece of pizza i'm gonna taste it i'll tell you for real so first this is what i love about endive you just eat it like that so good gonna do this sometimes i make things i'm like i can't tell if it's good i need someone else to try it and then other times i make things where i'm just like damn this is incredible and i'm very proud of myself and i did a great job um this is the second kind i love this recipe because it disproves the theory that baking doesn't use fresh produce and isn't seasonal it can be all of those things and so here we have this beautiful bright bittersweet crunchy salad that you don't think you can put with a baking recipe but you can and you get the best of all worlds so i really think you should try it these are ingredients you can find all year round it's just so delicious and really looking forward to a time and have people over to enjoy it so thank you for watching love bringing you episodes of dessert person we're gonna have more and like and subscribe
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 341,607
Rating: 4.9218826 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, pie, pies, the perfect pie, pie dough recipe, pie crust, homemade pies, perfect pie, pie recipe, how to make pie dough, how to make pie crust, claire saffitz pie dough, tart, galette, savory, endives, flaky pie dough, easy pie dough, best pie crust, best pie dough, best galette recipe, pie dough from scratch, bon appetit, gourmet makes, dessert, dessert person, claire saffitz dessert person, galette recipe, easy galette recipe, how to make, savory tart, pastry
Id: NLxGcFr93TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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