The dunya test : Wealth & Poverty - Assim al hakeem

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[Music] [Music] al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik Ardell Maroussi rahmatan lil alamin nabina muhammad in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi woman edison Vishwanatha he I am edenia Mubarak assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakato fairness is one of the attributes and characteristics of Islam and our religion is based on fairness for the grace of Allah Azza WA JAL and there are so many evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah to support this by the way this has nothing to do with my lecture it's just a starter and a warm-up see I'll be having a problem addressing you and then go all the way to address the brothers there so it is unfair that they have placed me in a very awkward place so I do apologize do not think that I'm neglecting you but it is quite difficult for an old man like me to rotate this far so this is I just wanted to introduce my speech with this though fairness is a good subject if we were to go and talk about it but maybe in another theme Isha Allah my talk is about two things that the prophet alayhi salatu salam saw often sought refuge in allah azzawajal from there are so many hadith that the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam used to seek refuge in Allah fitnah to latina were fitting a tool at work and in other narration Fitness arena means from the trial of wealth and the trials of poverty and there are I just did my teeth so watch out and there are other habits that explain it a bit more when the Prophet says Alice Oh Sam from the evil of the trial of wealth and from the evil of the trial of poverty now what you will hear is nothing new to you you all know this is sha Allah but this is the beauty of Islam it is not something new that you learn it is something that you remember so it's a reminder we hear it for the gazillion time but maybe today it's your lucky day Allah opens and expands your heart to accept and adapt so many times we hear a lot about halal Haram we shrug our shoulders and move on maybe today is the day that allah azzawajal would make you be reborn again in islamic sense so when we hear the hadith of the Prophet Ali salado sound there's so many invoking Allah as urgell making duaa to Allah what is our stance with such door what do we do first of all we have to benefit from it the most why because this is a revelation this is our religion whatever the prophet alayhi salatu salam uttered whatever came from his mouth is Islam he told us alehissalaam that I was giving the Quran and similar to it when there is a Sunnah and we cannot separate them they must go hand by hand so whenever the Prophet says I his salah to assume something we have to abide to it we have to hold on to it we have to understand and comprehend it because on the day of judgment either it's gonna benefit you or it's going to be against you so first of all we have to benefit from it second of all what we learn from this hadith of seeking refuge in Allah the prophet alayhi salaatu Sam used to seek refuge from Allah in a long list of things a lot of things of being a coward of being lazy of doing things of being enabled of debt of wealth people of wealth the evil of poverty old age so many men bad neighbors what should we do in these things first of all we have to acknowledge that the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was saved by allah from the trials of this dunya so neither wealth nor poverty would affect his heart alayhi salatu was-salam then why is he seeking refuge in Allah one to teach his Ummah so we have to learn from what he had done by following his footsteps to by acknowledging the dangers of the things that he used to seek refuge in Allah from because he would not seek refuge from mosquitoes from flies from ants from dirt these are trivial things he would seek refuge in Allah from serious things thirdly fourthly who's counting the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam is highlighting a very important shew that we tend to neglect and that is the power of dois we always put at the bottom of the list of our priorities so if my child is sick what do I do take him to the doctor buy medication try to measure his temperature every five to ten minutes do all the necessary means to get him cured and healed and at the end of the day I may try for Rodia I'm a trifle drunk maybe it works but when at the end of the list the profits way alayhi salatu was-salam was never like that first things comes first the first thing on the list is what do have and if you want to know whether you're close to Allah or far away from Allah look at how you deal with a large Celgene if you're constantly making duaa I have an appointment at 10 o'clock and the traffic jam in Kuala Lumpur is horrific it's really bad and I'm gonna be late for my door what do I do I called the brother I tried to check the different routes I do this no no the first thing I do Ya Allah Ya Allah make it easy yeah Allah make the road open for me I have dua when I'm in that I make du'a when I am going to meet families and relatives and give them that one before I go I make dua that Allah expands their hearts and they accept my door before I go to a sports match I pray out to Allah that he breaks his leg my opponent so that that can beat him easily and then he becomes sick I visit him and I give him dower and I give him so I get two birds with one stone yeah you get my point so dua is essential in our lives but we are so far away from yes I have a long beard and I am wearing maxi soap it's above the ankles and I have a big Mis back in my pocket but is this Islam the way of the Prophet erase a lot of sarin is Islam so you have to look where you stand from the religion of Allah from the way of the Prophet and it's all awesome so that you can classify and label yourself as a good Muslim or as they say in French come see Kamsa now the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam used to seek refuge in allah from these two important things Shabri fitna tell Reena were shall be fitna till far from the evil trials of poverty and of wealth of being rich so when he says from the evil trial so does this mean that trials can be evil and trials can be positive and good the answer is yes definitely this can be the case and how is that first of all [Music] poverty is hated by everyone the brothers and sisters who love poverty raise your hands please al hamdulillah 100% voting that they don't like poverty yet there is good in poverty the Prophet says alehissalaam wasallam two things that the son of Adam hates he hates death and death is better for him than trials now death is better for you than triumph but you hate it what do you mean sure trial it's better for you to die rather than than to be try it in your religion being oppressed under gunpoint either you reject Islam either you accept gopher or we will kill you what's better to die when you see that your daughter is not abiding by the hijab that your son is a night in a nightclub and does not pray that your wife is disobedient and she does things that goes against what Allah loves when your parents are mocking you and ridiculing you all of these are trials now some of them it's good for you to be patient intolerant and you cannot live without trials no one on earth lives without trials true even the prophet alayhi salaatu said he was tested by Allah he was beaten he was mocked of he was slandered against his beloved wife if I listen to you the calamities and trials that the Prophet herself had faced it only made him stronger as they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and this is the fact so we all have to be tested but the outcome of your test is your graduation certificate either you end up in paradise alhamdulillah I passed with honor and a recommendation to print my thesis or apologies I failed I'm spending time in hell may Allah protect us all so death can be better for you the second thing the Prophet says is salat wa salam and the son of Adam hates to have less money and less money is best for you on the day of judgement because you will have less accountability and this is something that every one of us know on the day of judgment the Prophet said that is salato Sam defeat of the son of Adam will not move until he's asked about four in a narration about five among them his wealth where did he gain it from the vast majority of us say alhamdulillah we've gained our wealth from Hallett masha'Allah I work in a halal job I do my eight hours or nine hours fully I don't read newspapers during working hours I don't go and have breakfast lunch and dinner during working hours I don't go and drive my children to an off school and end up working half an hour a day you know what handle Amira is halal yes yes but the hadith is not over yet you will be asked about your wealth where you gained it from and where you had spent it in oops this is difficult yes we earn hell but we spend in Hara we are extravagant we waste our money we buy Haram things we listen to her on things we watch Haram things do you go to the brother's house and inside his house I can see a statue of Buddha what is this show this is art and then a camel from Saudi and then Pharaohs and pyramids from Egypt and this is Hama a chef I cannot break it I paid so much money in it this is what you will be asked about upon on the day of judgment so there are benefits for being poor and the scholars agree that when a poor person is patient you have Saburo then you are in the highest levels of Jenna the Prophet said that is a lot was Salaam I stood at the gates of paradise and I saw the vast majority of people entering it are the Misaki and what is meant by Misaki those who do not have wealth the poor and this does not mean that the rich are in hell watch out and I'm seeing people reaching out for their wallets no no wait not now I will take your donations afterwards not now this doesn't mean that the rich are in hell the Prophet Selim I saw that the vast majority of people in Jannah are the poor yet the wealthy are being on its gates not sent to hell then what are they doing there making declarations where did you get this money from where did you spend it so they're taking a lot of time to justify how much time the Prophet said Alice Oh Sam five hundred years the the poor are in Jannah five hundred years before the rich enjoying their time and the rich are not in hell but they're just submitting their tax returns and the things that they have to any be questioned about so what is the evil in the trials of poverty we looked at the good side so what is the bad side now as stated before each and every one on earth will be tested surat al-mulk known as Sharad it's the first lecture and one of the downsides one of the shortcomings of having a first lecture is people had breakfast and they're feeling a bit sleepy surat al-mulk known as Sharad Tabarrok the second ayah of surah Tabarrok Allah Allah almota well high otta li lu come a you come a sandworm Allah it is he who created death and life why to test you as to which of you is best in deed so this life and death is to test which one of us is best in deed so each one who is tested either you pass or you fail this is life and poverty makes a lot of the Muslims fail why the Prophet says are they his salat was set up among the things he used to seek refuge in and this is a spoiler alert I think one of the lecturers have this as a main topic so I'm gonna spoil it for him who cares the Prophet used to say Ali Saleh to salmon seek refuge in says o Allah I seek refuge from debt so one of the Companions said o prophet of Allah so often you seek refuge from debts he's borrowing Haram of course not then why do you seek refuge in Allah from debt the Prophet said Ali in salat wa sallam when a person is in debt in order to justify this he will speak and lie the debtors come where is my money I had a flat tire when I used to teach in high school thirty years ago I used to have a student coming to me every week missing one day in the week and every time I asked him what happened is it my mother died I said this is the sixth time your mother dies what is this is she a cat she has one soul left some people keep on lying to justify what they're doing so when you're in debt and creditors want their money what do you say you lie and the Prophet says Ali salatu salam and he promises and breaks his promise so poverty may bring you evil trials and this is what we seek refuge in allah o allah among the evil trials of poverty is envy when i see some who's a bit richer than me or a lot richer than me a real movement what would he say what would he say allahumma barik may Allah bless your beautiful car may Allah bless your beautiful house I like the brand's you're wearing may Allah bless you this is a real movement he will feel happy for his brother the average ji Jean's the average Tom Dick and Harry would look and you can see sparks coming from his eyes he doesn't deserve this he doesn't deserve to have this car he's married to a good woman Haram I should have been in his shoes or at least in his pants this is not fair so he keeps on being envious hates goodness happening to the Muslims around him this is the evil trials of what poverty because you will never see someone who's rich being envious to someone who is poor driving my 63 AMG GTS and then I see someone with a Tata or with with a Hyundai and said masha'Allah he has a Hyundai nobody does this you always you're always envious to someone who is richer than you and this is the trials of poverty poor people they will always look to what rich people have in their hands so if I know someone who's rich whenever he speaks about projects and I say okay don't don't forget us daddy 20% contract is good you know if you don't like your car you can throw it always at me if you have extra millions I'm there so they're always greedy looking at what people have in their hands and this is a very uneasy feeling when you're with someone and every time you do something people look mmm is he gonna drop me a bone this is good for but it's not dignifying for Muslims a Muslim is always dignified it doesn't look at what people's people have in their hands part of the evil trials of poverty is that you have to humiliate yourself so always a poor person next to rich one next to a person and the government next to a prince next to people of authority they're always not humbled humilated and they feel this inferiority complex in them that would eventually lead them to not being satisfied with what you have at hand and this is one of the biggest causes of missiny depression anxiety and not living a good life when you find a poor person and you talk to him how are you oh like I'll have your be like at hand I have everything in life and you look at him this guy's crazy what does he have one of the self ones passed by a man with no arms and no legs and he's blind no sugar so the man's stopped sitting with all due respect uncle you don't have hands arms no arms from the shoulder shop you don't have legs you can't walk you can see what are you praising Allah over it what do you have you're as good as dead he said my son if Allah granted me a grateful heart and a remembering tongue what more could I ask for la ilaha illa ma a brother in the UK I came here three years ago in Kuala Lumpur how much time do I have a lot of time Halas takes his work I have nothing this is only lecture I have so I have all day long I came here three years ago to participate in the Muslim Global Leaders program from Anastasia it's a management program for the Islamic Development Bank but I was the Islamic perspective of the training so leadership succession planning etc I do the sila part of it so that they go side-by-side the brother who was the coach the instructor for the administrative side he's in his mid-30s last week I got a call from his father telling me that he had a form of cancer in his spine and now he's paralyzed and in hospital for three months or three weeks I was devastated the guy is taller than me is masha'Allah young and healthy in practicing so I give the man a call subhanAllah he's called almost brought tears to my eyes he over the six or seven minutes was saying nothing except Allah whom Allah Kat Hammond I don't know what to do in reply to a Las grace upon me Allah has chosen me to test to be tested and Allah told us that he only tests those whom he loves so what have I done to be honored like this Allah who malik al hamd I am in a hospital and being treated by the best of doctors if Allah does not restore my feet and health and agility and mobility again I have no regrets because Allah has given me so many years of good life and hamdulillah and these are my sins and what is this is the preacher or I am Allah I was so happy for him because the greatest Nima from Allah upon any one of us is can tend to be happy with so little you have once about 10 years of 15 years ago I visited a village in the rural areas where I live and I thought that we had no poverty but apparently we had big-time poverty we went to a house and an old woman in her 70s and this was on the 27th of Ramadan so we brought her a big box of dates she started crying so we say auntie why are you crying she said well aji today is the 27th this is the first day I see dates and this is two hours drive from where I live we went to another house and they were cooking milk you know I don't know what they do they put it on fire and they cook it milk I don't know I'm a yogurt type but held Allah so we brought the lady food and she said no no no no no humbly we have our breakfast fat or the neighbors next door don't have a thing and what we will bring your hair takes nothing she still rejected it being content with what she has this is the richest person on earth and if you have jet planes but still envious that you don't have a 787 or a Dreamliner you are the poorest person on earth content so [Music] in a nutshell poverty has evil trials now the 1 million Kuwaiti dinar question is how is it that the prophet alayhi salatu salam used to seek refuge in allah from poverty but he used to say Allah Mohini miss Kenan were amid nee miss kena why surely fizzle rattle Misaki there is a difference between miss keen and fatigue usually in verse 60 surah 9 so the Toba inna Masada are to invoke Allah while misaki zakat is verily paid to eight categories the first two fatir and miskeen what is the difference I'm not going to go into this because it's gonna take time however usually miss keen is a better level than the fakir for years the one who's poor does not have enough to eat lunch miss Keane has lunch has dinner but does not have what is needed for a decent life so he has full but he doesn't have money to go to the hospital or get medication he will live he has money and a car but he doesn't have money to take his children to school or to buy them shoes so this is a miss key so when the Prophet says o Allah make me live as a miss keen and make me die as a mesquite and resurrect me on the day of judgment with the misaki does this mean that the Prophet is making one to be poor no miss keen also means humble so the Prophet is saying o Allah do not make me with the arrogance do not make me with those who show off and look down at people look me make me among the humble among the easy goers because this is how a Muslim should be a Muslim should be easygoing should be humble when he meets another Muslim he doesn't check his ethnicity like so many Muslims nowadays when you meet them some alaikum he looks at you [Music] what are you what do you mean what are you I'm a human being yeah I know I can't see you don't have a tail what are you I'm a Muslim what kind of a Muslim what do you mean where are you from what's your ethnicity what's your tribe what's your father's origin what's your mother sorry oh girl marry me with all the why are you asking so many weird questions there is no humbleness there's no people down to earth and this is why in salat the Prophet used to say al Islam is parroted illu appear mustafa kamala - tell if you do not DC Knight and lino CID vanakkam be soft with the hands of those next to you so many times you go to Muslim messages mosques in the first row people of Sunnah of practicing and there's a gap you want to come in the one on the left and on the right is trying to play American football they want to attack you why especially the elders Allah they will be angry with me now the elders don't want you to come close to them so when you stand they bring a ruler and they measure how many centimeters and they look at you it is cold do they make you feel uneasy I'm in a mess shiitake I'm not in a synagogue this is the house of Allah you all have to be happy that I'm coming and praying we have to be brothers this is where Shaitaan comes so the Prophet is asking Allah soldiers to be among the what the humble the easygoing so no one calls for poverty or makes dora for poverty should I smile okay no one does this but at the same time is wealth and being glitch good thing who doesn't want to be rich raise your hands okay who wants to be rich look under your seats I'm joking well light would be nice to have a million dollars or a million bring it under your seat but this is the straight path not the crooked path we have to if you go back to wealth does it have evil for the trials is it possible we know the goodness of being wealthy so what are the good sides of being worth wealthy first of all how many doors are there in Jena seven the brothers say yeah sure you're going to gentlemen you don't know how many doors eight we have eight doors so remember this now eight doors for Jenna one of them is known only to be admitting those people of charity so if you have money and you give in charity the poor cannot enter from there they don't have wealth you are blessed one of eight from Allah to enter from that gate and wealth is an adornment of dunya Allah says in the Quran wealth and children are but adornment of this worldly life so this is something that is looked and sought-after and it is a blessing of Allah when the companions of mahadji the immigrants came to the Prophet and complained Salalah Salam they said our brothers from the Ansar of Medina they have farms they have wealth and they give in charity we don't have anything what to do the Prophet says Allah saw some lika for beauty he Miasha this is the favour and blessing of Allah he gives it to whomever he wishes so I cannot do this is something a LOF a ver the rich with and look at the Companions of Allah the ten heaven-bound the vast majority of them were not rich there were multi millionaires will you speak about Abu Bakr for example the Prophet said Alice awesome no wealth has benefited me more than the wealth of abu bakr abu bakr bought bilal even a robber he bought him with his money ramadasa pub used to see Bilal and Abu Bakr walking side by side and he said son Allah Abu Bakr he is our side he is our master and he bought our master referring to Bilal this is remark so wealth is good and I'm robbing alas the Prophet used to give him money and I'm says no no no this is not why I embraced Islam for I don't want your money and he said take it the best money is good money in the hands of a good man because when you go you have money what are you gonna do with it I'm going to the nightclub I'm gonna buy whiskey I'm gonna buy drugs I'm gonna do Haram things then this is bad for you a good man with good money does wonders for their wa for islam for charity for sponsoring widows and orphans and etc and not only that the prophet re system used to highlight the benefits of money when all so lame came to him with her son what is his son named a mullah huh Alyce this is a right and i said 'no malik she said o prophet of allah your servant is a learner boy make dua for him and the prophet raised his hand and he said alice awesome oh Allah make his wealth a lot and grant him offspring a lot and bless him in what you have given him and forgive his sins and it says about himself everyone's farm produces once a year except mine it dueces twice a year this is drawn of the Prophet and I'm one of the richest of people of madinah as for my offsprings I have buried with my own hands 100 of my sons grandsons and great-grandsons and I'm still living because I were prolonged my life as for the third era may Allah forgive his sins I'm still waiting for our last favor and blessing and we believe that Allah has forgiven his sins may Allah be pleased with him so when you use wealth in paying people's that's in helping them and giving them charity this is Nima this is how you this is a lot of great blessings upon you but there are an evil side for that and where does the evil side for wealth lying usually whoever has a lot of money his Eman is weaker and vice versa whoever is for his Eman is spiking high because he has less to think about poor people go to bed early they sleep well rich people don't I got 2 million ringgit last night what I'm gonna do with it how can I make it 10 and if I have 10 how can I make it 50 and he keeps on keep thinking of the small little details instead of being happy and this is why Allah Azza WA JAL told us you told me I had is no time limit so don't throw me the time cards I'm gonna finish my lecture insha'Allah by hook or by crook so see you distracted me nya allah azza wajal told us in the Quran Cal in Delhi in San Aleppo ha ha who Stellina whenever you become rich you turn to be a tyrant and this is mentioned in the quran allah azzawajal listen to this ayah well o best of allah who list pal e'rybody he labelled how fill out two things Allah says and if Allah had extended excessively provisions for his servants they would have committed tyranny so this is accompanied by what by tyranny and this is the norm so many of us know that if Allah gives them money they will not use it all in Holland yes I know that I will 10 percent given Haddad but 90 percent I will abuse full time and a lot of us know the real fact as long as you are middle class or lower class your Eman is strong but if Allah gives you money you know from yourself that you're gonna drop salat you're not gonna fast Mondays and Thursdays you're not gonna visit your family more often you're gonna be occupied by business deals and increasing your wealth and doing this in that yet no one is paying heat and this is why one of the evil down shortcomings of wealth is that it causes people to love money more than anything else to the extent that I being rich can sever my kinship I can easily not see my uncle or aunt or cousins for year years why they ask money from me they ask for a loan so I cut them off so I have money but because they dared and ask for a loan I will never return there cause if I were poor would I have this definitely not it also calls people to consume your rights with false justifications if you are my partner and we have a dispute I can lie I can swear I can forge documents so that I can eat your rights and your money and I've seen this wallah with people with long bids when it comes to dispute they fight with one another and their true identity is exposed for what for money real real believers are easygoing you think that the money is yours take it no problem real evil people who fall into the trial in the evil trial of wealth well or they will swear they will lie they will cheat they will do whatever they can to win now the card is five minutes I think so I'm not gonna look again but the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam feared something upon his Ummah he did never feared poverty he feared what he feared wealth he said allahís alot of Salaam by Allah I do not fear poverty for you but I fear prosperity in this world as those who came before you became prosperous and you start to compete with one another this what he fears in worldly gains as they did then you will be destroyed as they where look at the Muslim world are they brothers do they love one another they compete over trivial things look at your colleague at work in the university at school look at your relative your brother-in-law of course it's yours yours your wife's mistake she's coming look at my brother-in-law he bought a new car he did this and you feel jealous and you don't like it and you hate him and you want to take guts out but you can and this is what competing is all about and this is what brings the most evil in us part of the evil trials of wealth is that people don't have patience when Allah Azza WA JAL tests us with a low income or an amount of debt what can we do we're patient but when Allah gives us a lot of wealth are we patient no because we have to be patient from spending it and this is why the the Salif used to say allah tested us with hardship and we were patient and after a few years allah tested us with ease and wealth and we could not stand the test in content is the best remedy for someone who's poor and whose rich content is the formula for happiness and there are many points that I would like to discuss but I feel someone is pulling my folk from I don't know the guys doing something so in a nutshell ask allah azza wajal to bless you with whatever is good for you don't go out of your way oh I want this I want this I want you never know whether it is good or not ask Allah to be rich because the upper hand is always better than the lower hand the upper hand is what the giving and do not look to your right and left only look in the mirror what you have heard now is either a proof for your sake or a proof against you look in the mirror if you reach am i doing what pleases Allah with the wealth I'm given if you're poor ask yourself why look in the mirror am I being patient and being in content no one says except what is happening to you without trying to change if you poor change your situation by working by trying to gain more knowledge by spending more time in trying to change your status which is good but at the same time your heart is what counts and this is why the self used to say oh Allah make the dunya this world in our hands and do not make it in our hearts if the dunya is in your heart you need a heart surgeon to take it out and usually it will kill you but if the dunya is in your hand you toss it away it comes back again nothing is different because my heart is still intact so I seek allah azzawajal refuge from the evil trials of wealth and I seek Allah's refuge from the evil trials of poverty haha wallah who Adam when especially sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad while he was happy he is mine [Music] you
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 15,584
Rating: 4.9675326 out of 5
Id: NmffakxtJt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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