Mental Illness And Suicide: The Islamic Approach & Solution - Assim al hakeem

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al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik alaa muhammad al al-amin nabina muhammad in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa many today we had a westerner visuality Hirayama dean ahmad our dough assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the title of today's or tonight's lecture is mental illnesses and suicide and I made a mistake by accepting such a title and this indicates that I may have a mental illness but a mild one Isha Allah because when I thought of Aqaba warm/hot okay when I thought of researching this I found that I am in the middle of an ocean without any Shores and this requires a lot of study and to do this I'm not qualified and psychology is not children's game it is a science and it impacts people's lives and it is a serious thing to devote your time and effort to providing you have strong foundation in art EDA and therefore when people come and say can we study psychology and the likes we say no unless you do your studies first in our Tita so that you will be founded on strong bases because usually a lot of those who go into this field lose direction and they come up with theories and idea and they believe in such things that are against Islam so I did my research but I found that I would be speaking in a field that is not my field and this is not fair I'm not used to giving people something I'm not good yet so I thought of what might help you in the sense that if you look in the Quran and listen and this is what we base our beliefs on we find that it does not mention mental illnesses as we know them today but it breaks some kinds of emotional change or imbalance into what can be classified as mental illness so what is found in Islam insanity and sanity that's it so Islam focuses on the accountability the competency of an individual if he acts in a certain fashion is he accountable or not so the Prophet said in the hadith that you all know sallallaahu are in you are you seldom goofy and column warrant Allah the pan of accountability has been lifted from three categories of people a child until he reaches the age of puberty an insane person until he regains his sanity and someone who's asleep until he wakes up so when we come to define what is considered to be insane Majnoon in arabic or not insane that is all of us sharma then we have to go a little bit into details what is the impact the impact is if a person who is classified as insane does something should we hold him accountable or not so an insane person not performing woudl and praying he's not accountable to pray let alone to perform model an insane person who kills others who destroys property should we hold him accountable should we execute him should we do this or not these are all classifications and rulings that are found in Sharia now let us look briefly into what falls under the category of mental illness those who have mental illness please raise your hands mashallah we have only two relative 304 now then it's contagious a Meister may Allah protect us see what is meant by mental illness usually it's synonymous to us when I say do you have mental illness it means are you crazy are you insane are you lunatic you don't have brains this is what a mental illness usually means but this is not scientifically correct scientists say it is an imbalance it is a disturbance in either your emotions it is in your thinking it is in your behavior it is in your decision-making and all of this anything that impacts this can be considered as a mental illness which means it can be very mild most of humans have it or can be very severe it can impact your work it can impact your family it can impact your own life and this all falls under mental illness but are they all not accountable not at all and this is why if you look into how scientists psychiatrists scientists of psychology divide this they say that such illness is divided into two types neurosis and psychosis and this is dealing with something that is widely spread among people not necessarily dangerous neurosis they say it deals with depression it deals with anxiety it deals with stress and it can be very mild everyone gets stressed does this mean we are mentally ill temporary yes does it impact our decision-making No likewise with anxieties likewise with obsessive-compulsive order sometimes you may get phobias people who are having fears of places where crowds are you'd find them agitated you would find them sweating you would find them maybe red faces because of this phobia some have phobia of darkness some have phobia of insects spiders and ants some have phobia of clothes places I think they call it buzzer phobia if you go to the elevator they cannot go with you they have to work the search by the way I walk the stairs not because I'm having Folio of elevators that is good fitness so all of these are considered to be mild can be a little bit severe can go into anxieties etc and then there is a psychos the what they call the psychosis and this is usually known as crazy this is really severe it can be psychiatry people with manic disorder people with schizophrenia in severe cases this is a company usually by hallucination by delusional being delusional imagining things you can hear people saying that I hear voices I see things they're obsessed with things that impact their decision-making the it impacts the way they talk sometimes they're unable to speak because of this and when they speak they don't make any sense they have a lot of things that impact their mood and attitude sometimes it's very mild that goes and comes back usually it's not long-term it is like Fitz it comes and it goes it comes and it goes and sometimes it becomes dangerous where the person the individual harms himself or he may harm others he may burn things to the ground and enjoys burning things he may enjoy harming people killing people he hears voices telling him your son it wants to kill you you have to kill him first and it goes up hallucinations they are so worried whenever they see a knife he there he is that take the knife and kill your son and they are terrified of this thought because they don't want it but they feel themselves being pushed to it they fight and fight and fight now these are only the tip of an iceberg and psychiatrist scientists have studied these and made volumes and Williams describing such people and not all what they describe fits us but this is found we could have stress we could be having anxieties we can have panic attacks and this is normal and we cannot go into lots and lots of details but if we want to look briefly and not in depth about the mental illnesses that might have been might have not been mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah we find for example that in the Quran and the Sunnah the Prophet is unused to seek refuge in allah azzawajal from al ham well hasn't what is ham it is the worries that you fear coming in the future while al hasn't it is worrying about things that took place in the past so ham deals with stress and anxiety of something coming and happening in the future while hasn't deals with depression when you feel that something in the past is haunting you and this is one of the means of treating it how seek refuge in Allah and we will get a little bit more in depth about getting closer to Allah now if you go to psychiatrists or people that deal with psychology and the likes they will usually give you medication they will give you treatment they will give you counseling but all depends on worldly matters while Islam directs you to what to spiritual matters because Allah Azza WA JAL mentions in surat al-alaq and levena amanu wa tottemo in no coleauxv Oh humbly crille Allah with acrylic heater Toma in Naraku Lube what a beautiful iron those who believe and find their hearts tranquility in remembering allah by allah the hearts are finding its tranquility in the vicar of allah so the best medication for mental illness is vic allah azza wajal if you go and read in the Quran you will find that also among the illnesses found in the Quran is despair known as Elias yes or despair is a murder weapon you want to kill someone quickly make him despair go to cancer patients go to chronic illnesses patients just make them despair and they'll die in couple of weeks but if you give them hope if you attach their hearts to allah azza wajal allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would help him will help them and save them allah says in the quran and allah will save those who feared him by their attainment no evil will touch them nor will they give so no evil in the future no grief for the things that happened in the past providing what providing that they fear allah azza wajal and the despair is mentioned in many places in the quran allah azza wajal says in the quran and when we bestow favor upon the disbeliever he turns away and distances himself and when evil touches him he is ever despairing what did he despair because evil touched him so this is one of the reasons why people get a spare his when evil touched them and also when Allah takes away from you a favor or a blessing you will also be despaired as Alonzo gel says whether in a panel inside a manometer so assume lisanna I mean who in Nevada Yahoo simcha for whenever we give man a taste of our blessing and our mercy then we take it away from him he is in despair and in this belief or in gratitude so this is mentioned in the Quran many places in the Quran there are other and other illnesses that take place among the well known illnesses mental illnesses for us that we agree and approve of yet the Western doctors may not agree is the whispering of Shaitaan now if you go to any psychiatrist and say I have whispers of the Shaitaan he will say you're hallucinating and your psychosis and you have to take you and put you in a mental hospital because you might kill yourself because of the sounds you hear in your head and I said no I know that this is Shaitaan telling me to steal money or not to pray I know I can hear his voice said no no no this is hallucination Allah says in the Quran indeed those who fear Allah when an impulse touches them from Satan they remember him and at once they have insight even those who fear Allah in alladhina taco this is a very high level but Allah proved to us in this ayah that they may be touched by an impulse of Shivan this happens so even if you are a righteous person Shaitaan can give ways wash to you but the difference between us and them is that the moment we remember what happens Sri Lanka's away so this is why remembering Allah we always say that this is the best remedy if you have any mental illness always and continuously remember of loss of Hanuman hamd allahu akbar la ilaha illa ma la haula wa huwa illa billah Allah Azza WA JAL also says in the Quran and say my lord I seek refuge in you from the incitements of the devils and I seek refuge in you my lord lest they be present with me then the Devils are always with you and the Prophet said are a solution that they run in our bodies like the blood so we cannot escape them that how to reduce their impact by remembering Allah Azza WA JAL there are also different types of mental illnesses with different names so your anxiety your paranoia your phobia your stress all of this can be found in different types of shapes and shades so we have for example the fear of Allah this is not an illness though psychiatrist may consider it as an illness they say that this cripples you this prevents you from advancing does it yes it does it prevents you from advancing into Haram so for them you can be a famous singer or a dancer or an artist or a sculpture but you feel Allah Azza WA JAL it handles you everyone says you're an artist go ahead and do it and you see no no no my fear of Allah handers me they say you have to go and see a shrink you have to see a psychiatrist because he will help you there is the fear of death is this negative or positive positive those who say negative raise your hands it can be both it depends on the end results someone whose fear of death is crippling he's in despair go work no I'm afraid I'm not dying if I take the lift it will fall if I Drive I might have an accident if I cross the road a plane mate might fall on me I just want to sit here in the corner and pray and this is what this is crippling death and this is why a lot of the people despair of Allah's mercy go and pray no use Allah soldiers putting me in hell might as well let me drink some wine if I'm going to help enjoy it now this is crippling and the negative fear the positive fear is the one that drives you to Allah so I'm afraid of my sins what to do I'm going to Umrah I will fly I will drive I will go to my car with my camera I will make Dora but still I'm afraid of my sins I will work hard in my job 9 to 5 do over time collect more money giving charity sponsor and orphan print a book because this fear is what positive this is what our scholars used to say in the past they used to say group Bisaya attained at halat Sahib agenda maybe one bad deed will admit the person to paradise and maybe one good deed will admit you to hell how is this possible they say the person who committed one single sin and he is remorseful he's afraid he's sad his positive fear tells him you have to pray a night prayer to expiate you have to fast voluntary you have to give charity you have to do good deeds so he's trying his level best to erase that sin which will inevitably and eventually lead him to agenda on the opposite I go and make Ramallah a good deed a very good deed on my way back I listen to music why because I have credit I have traded I popped my account now I have cleared so I can withdraw a little bit from it and this sin this good deed will encourage me to do a lot of sins and a lot of sins and a lot of sins until I entered Jahannam may Allah protect us all so this fear can be positive and it can be negative there is the fear of being exposed and this is why people conceal their sins to people conceal their sins someone who's afraid of Allah and someone who does not fear Allah the one who does not fear Allah and he's a hypocrite he's a munafiq he does everything Haram in secrecy not because he doesn't fear Allah not because he fears a lot because he fears the people the second person who is shy remorseful does the sin in hiding he fears allah azzawajal and he hopes and prays allah do not expose me so such a fear to the psychiatrist might be a mental illness and this is why they come to you and say go do what you want you want this you love this do it in the open challenge people they go to the sisters why were hijab why cover your whole body if Allah did not want you to have this beauty he wouldn't have given it so the cat of wealth is giving it to the poor and the cut of your beauty is unveiling it and making people enjoy it I will do below this is what they come to you and say this is how shapefile works there is a great amount of fear in all of us from risk we all fear are we going to get the salary at the end of the month are we going to get a profit will we be able either it these are working now because I have fear of heat but fine it's rainy so I was just happy to fight next time maybe you need a fan for the shifter we have a lot of fans that have delivered will be a specific one so the fear of risk is in everybody's heart except in true servants of Allah such as the birds the animals the fish they have no problem of fear of risk because they go in the morning they know that Allah will feed them we on the contrary have provision for two three years but we still doubtful I wish I had a five years just to be safe rather than sorry and there is always the anxiety and the fear of the future what will happen in the future and this comes to all of us will I be able to get my daughter's married before I die will I build a house for them will I maintain this or that can I be doing this or that I feel when I maintain my health will I get a heart-attack will I do this without it's the field that's occupying your mind from home from a shaitan allah says in the quran in lico mouche bond you have with awliya Fallot aha waha phony in kuntum mu'minin' verily that this is Shaitaan intimidating you with his own soldiers so don't fear them but fear me analyze origin also mentioned in Surat al mahalla in managua min ash-shaytani li Azula ladina Amano what is Abu baraa him shay'in illa be if nila what is natural anyone that way is private talking or discussion in isolation of someone else so if we are three in a room me and my friend we're talking secretly while the third person does not know what we're talking about this is called naswa and it is prohibited in Islam masha'Allah Saved by the Bell alhamdulillah we have a fan one of my fans is coming jazakomallahu khayran y2 shakes always have privileges Nikifor bla bla he ot he may assure this is from allah azzawajal darn decision but let's hope it works first spoke too soon inshallah it works so shape our job is to intimidate you huh the shape and job is to scare you is to depress you it is prohibited in Islam to do what to do Nashua again what is Nashua it is to speaking in the isolation of a third now you have to listen to the I think this would affect your mic this is a shield so put it put it to the wall indirectly so yeah I get breeze and you don't get any distortion good what is Nashua when to speak in the isolation of what a third what will happen in the heart of the third when I speak to my friend and laugh he thinks that oh they're plotting against me they're making jokes at me they don't like how I look this is why Allah says that Nashua is from Shaytan why to depress the believer and this is why it is prohibited and this happens when I go with the brothers driving me to an event two of the brothers are Malay speaking in Malay and I'm at the back and I don't know what they say Shaitaan comes to me shall I strangling them shall I go to the driver and hit him so that he makes an accident and we all die Shaitaan works huh you're talking against me and they're not and so many times I travel with an Arab friend and the driver is not an Arab and he speaks to me in Arabic and I said wait and I tell the driver excuse me sir we would like to speak in Arabic would you allow us and the drivers of course there's no problem why are you asking I said because my religion it is Haram and this is one of the ways of Dawa so this kind of fear comes from Shaitaan the fear of death the fear of the future the fear of your risk the fear on your children how can we cure such field how they were cool to depend on allah azzawajal when you fear that ask yourself is it a possibility that I will never die maybe is it possible : F sin the epital mode each soul will taste death so this is not possible so how can we fix such mental illnesses with all its wide spectrum with all its wide range without going into details because sometimes details would divert you from the solution number one the best form of treatment of mental illnesses is the religious treatment and this by the way has been proven by Western psychiatrists non-muslims disbelievers they say that there is nothing like religious treatment because it gives you hope it gives you something to hold on to non-religious would come and say it's difficult the best cure is suicide and we will come to this type of courage Allah soon not that we will do it I mean the ruling of it all so when you come and look at what Islam provides Islam provides you with remembering Allah it provides you with a lot of Vicker and when you make thicker this saves you from a lot of mental illnesses on top of the list is prayer and this is a prophetic remedy mother aisha says and other companions whenever the Prophet array salat wa salam had worries what would he do he used to pray whenever he had something occupying his mind he would pray because the moment you say allahu akbar you leave this world and you depend entirely on Allah the all-mighty now in the West the rate of suicide is extremely high and if we look at suicide logically speaking not religiously logically speaking it is the best form of escape because this game over Allison end of game but I lived ABI talib said beautiful verses in Sharon in poetry he says in in Arabic voila and either Messner Tariq na la canal moto raha dan coonley Hagen Wallach in enmity neighbor is 'no one who's autobot aha and could leash Aden what does this mean he says if we were to die and be left alone death would have been the comfort for every living creature unfortunately when we die we resurrected and then we're held accountable for every single thing and this is true so suicide is to kill yourself to end your life to harm your body which leads to dying whether through different means consuming poison throwing yourself from a high building hanging yourself stabbing yourself drowning yourself there are so many many ways of killing yourself the problem is that those who kill themselves think that their problems and trouble would be over and they will never be over this is the beginning of their misery not the Cure and the end of it what are the symptoms is that usually people may go to suicide if they have it number one is depression and depression are degrees almost every Muslim has a moment of his life that he's depressed but not necessarily mentally ill a depression that may impact how you live how you act how you behave if you remember mother aisha radiallahu anhum said to the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was it the most severe incident in your Dawa in your life the Battle of hurt is it known the most severe incident in my life was when I went to tithe and they rejected me and I came down I was not aware of my surroundings until I woke up in Palma thoroughly that was hours later he was so depressed he could not see he could not think and he woke up and his depression was not because he lost money or he lost a loved one he's depression because they rejected his Darwin and did not believe in him sallallahoalyhiwasallam so there are types different types of depression when it reaches a certain stage a person may kill himself because of this depression especially when he thinks that this would change his reality and save him from what he is going through which is not true people can also refer to suicide whenever there is a sudden change in their lives a sudden change in their behavior so sometimes people refer unfortunately to suicide when they fall into insomnia they can't sleep so two days five days seven days it is horrible and this is one of the ways they torture people in Guantanamo else we're not only gonna know all the places where they have torture they deprived you from your sleep once you're deprived from your sleep you begin you begin to develop mental illness and your decision-making is not accurate you lose focus you do things say things that you're not held accountable for because of this maybe this sudden impact change can be at work can be at school can be at your social relationships if you are in a home and your spouse or your son who is always taking care of himself and how he looks all of a sudden start to smell doesn't wear beautiful or clean clothes this change sudden change means that there's something dangerous you have to pay attention if someone all of a sudden does not eat or over eats in a sick way and we go to the doctors and they say physically he's alright then this means that there is some sort of change happening this is not good you have to get psychiatric evaluation for that individual when someone talks all the time about suicide about dying I feel like I'm going to die I feel I want to end this why how is it how much painful is it if I throw myself from the window if I cut my arteries would it how long will it take it till I die someone speaks to you and you say oh I don't know let me go kill it what are you doing so he's asked me a question I'm just giving him the research results no there's something wrong you are having an indication that this person might be suicidal when someone starts to talk about losing hope being depressed always criticizing himself I'll never make it I'll never be a good man I'll never succeed in what I do when he all of a sudden turns inside himself so he wants to be alone he doesn't want to socialize he complains of a lot of headache he complains of a lot of unable to concentrate or focus he gets rid of all of his important and valuable things so his valuable watches his wealth his things that he bought with a lot of money he gets rid of them this is a very negative sign you have to be careful those who consumed in toxicants and drugs usually they become suicidal it's a matter of time they do it now for the fun of it once they get addicted to it once they feel that withdrawal and effects on them once they cannot afford it they will commit suicide when a person is searching for the rush he wants to feel the impact of danger so he does dangerous things he dares his friends this is a highway who is man enough to cross the highway on foot they're doing 140 kilometres per hour I might die this is why you have to prove that you're a man if he dares you to jump from the Twin Towers with a parachute it's crazy if some people may also consider bungee is it bungee bungee-jumping to be suicidal Danny I know do not dice who I argued with so many times and they say no no bungee jumping is good what good is it then show me something beneficial to do it's fun you get the Russian you get you know the drillin in your body I said yes but if you jump and then it snaps and you fall you get a big pizza on the ground said no no no this is safe this is sold such things may indicate that that individual is a daredevil he's trying to be any challenge death what is he doing yes if you tell me that he is training for jihad for empowering himself yes and this is why when people ask what's the ruling on jumping with parachutes said yeah if you are a soldier good this is encouraged do as many jumps as you want but if you are a civilian what would you benefit from jumping with a parachute it's not opening he says no no we have a reserve one it's not opening two now this happens once in a million maybe you are you are the one in a million don't be a statistic do what is safe do what is beneficial for you in this life and the hereafter also it can be part of or an indication of suicide if a person all of a sudden stops taking his medication so a medication for chronic illnesses a person who's diabetic and he doesn't take insulin though the doctors say you must take insulin on time otherwise you may suffer from a stroke from eyes blindness from death and he says no I will not take it this is an indication of being suicidal nowadays we have something that is very popular and famous known as hunger strike what is hunger strike not eating why the mrs. food is not good this is not hard together strike this is our life no hunger strike is when you go on strike and decide not to eat so that you would voice your opinion object on something or influence a political decision a person who does this is suicidal he's interested in dying and this is pretty dangerous any such indication that might be found in our loved ones require a lot of attention especially from the parents we need to listen to our loved ones not ridiculous to compassion show them that they are important in our lives so that we make men may save someone now statistics say that 35% of suicides are referred to mental illnesses 35 yet 65 percent are referred to other things so why would people commit suicide what are the reasons one lack of religious commitment if you don't believe in Jena and you don't believe in love what's the point the least problem you get in your life ending your life is a good way to escape but a Muslim he would never think of suicide because he knows it is Hellfire and we will come to mention the punishment of that the second reason for committing suicide is ignorant intolerance the lack of patience surrendering to falling into despair and giving up hope this is what a lot of the people commit suicide for thirdly many people commit suicide for economic problems so they have debts they cannot pay the bank will take their property because they can't afford the mortgage they rake they will claim back the car the boss releases them and they don't have job for a year for two four five years and he has a wife he has children everybody is wanting their money he bought so much what to do that is a burden that a man carries on his shoulders if you don't have religious commitment you would definitely think of suicide if I'm unable to get a job I'll think of suicide fourthly the amount of information we're getting from the wrong resources such as social media YouTube Facebook Instagram snapchat TV channels where we always see that people of intellect high level of people prestigious people committing suicide the latest they said that Michael Jackson died of suicide Marilyn Monroe died of suicide Prince died of suicide actors directors what's his name is so many I don't want to recall the names but if you write on God and Google list of those celebrities who committed suicide you'll find the richest the most beautiful the most famous if these guys commit suicide what am i doing bring me my gun I want to become famous one of my friends tried to commit suicide oak and no shoes this is a joke Tonya whatever he wanted to commit suicide he brought a gun and he put it in the soup so it would have double impact this damn thing what gun in a soup gun you shoot yourself poison you put in the soup he put a gun in the soup I apologize moving on with the hatin yeah and suicide so also among the reasons for suicide family problems when a child is always abused by his father you don't understand you are illiterate you'll no use why do I have you look at your comparison look at your brother look at your sister look at your brother-in-law they are doing well they're successful this type of mental abuse and torture result leads a lot of the people to suicide and among the main reasons for suicide is failure when you fail sixty percent of the suicide cases were attributed to failure failure in paying your debts failure in coping with the losses in a business failure in your love affair you've lost the Romeo huh you know Romeo and Juliet what happened failure they committed suicide and when she killed herself the man's position did not work and he found himself alive he got married again ham de la failure in love affair failure in school especially when you have a muse of parents they want you to be a medical doctor and you can't you're good at business you're good in management you're good in working but not in school so they keep on the pressure on him until he cracks and breaks down and commits suicide may Allah protect us all social failure you're unable to reach the status of those around you that come on also there is Occupational failure everybody is getting a raise and promoted and you've been in the same job for 20 years no raise no increment nothing and this causes you to think am i worth it or not among the things that lead people to suicide is loneliness and feeling of the guilt they have when you feel lonely and you have no one to care for you you would probably end your life and just get it over with nobody cares about me nobody wants anything of me if I come to work or I don't if I show my face to the people for every day or I leave for a whole week nobody's gonna ring me so what am i nothing to end this he kills himself and this usually is apparent with youngsters and teenage teenagers have a very big problem that you parents must pay attention to and it's called peer pressure when their friends at school try to influence them and they find resistance they would abuse they would say bad things and if the child is a loner and he sits in his room he doesn't have mother to speak to when he goes to hit his father to complain the father tells him that take this amount of money and leave go go and buy some candy go watch a movie so he has no outlet where he can express himself and talk to someone and this is extremely important you need to devote quality time to everyone you know to your daughters to your sons to your spouse's to your parents your parent is in their mid 80s or mid 70s and you don't see them and when you see them what do you do you give them money you give them candy you give them food you sit for two cup three minutes how think okay I have to keep live you need to give them time because your parents are under the eight category of reasons of suicide and that is medical and health issues so many people one when they fall under illness physical illness they can't cope there are people who used to be excellent sportsmen they suffer an injury that takes them from the spotlight company years and they commit suicide they were famous basketballers or footballers or whatever you get people and I read this couple of days ago an Egyptian singer this singer has a problem with his pigmentation so the skin is becoming white and the guy says I will quit singing and I don't want to come out why there's no Eman this pigmentation is from whom so why are you shy of so no no I don't want people to see me I don't want to people to feel disgusted not be proud of yourself be grateful to Allah Azza WA JAL and do not stop the hair because of a silly thing like this yes you make Dora may Allah al cure me if there is a cure I look for it but this does not cause you to concave on yourself and later on commit suicide this means that you care about what the people say who cares therefore Islam pays great attention to fighting suicide what's the ruling on suicide in Islam it's a major sin mentioned in Quran Allah says and do not kill yourselves or one another indeed Allah is to you ever merciful and whoever does that in aggression and injustice then we will drive him into fire so whoever kills himself will go to fire for any reason yes for any reason and I will mention one or two afterwards the Prophet said that is awesome the hadith is I am a Muslim whoever kills himself with a piece of iron any a knife or a sword or whatever his piece of iron is in his hand poking and stabbing himself in Hellfire for eternity Khalid and mahalo than feeha a Buddha and whoever drinks poison then he will drink this poison in Hellfire harlot and mahalo than feeha abandon for eternity and whoever throws himself from a mountain from a high place he will be throwing himself in Hellfire harlot and mahalo than feeha Abaddon so any type of suicide or selective types any time so if someone for example for the purpose of jihad put bombs around his waist and blows himself in the enemy is this suicide this is suicide okay he killed 20 disbeliever 20 Catherine who killed him tell me it's him so he's the one who pushed the button this is suicide this is different to someone with a gun and he goes shoots people they shoot him he dies this is suicide no this is halal fighting in Jihad under the flagship of a Muslim ruler but killing yourself this is called suicide and regardless of the intention hunger strikes this is suicide a woman is about to be raped by the disbelievers can she save her honor and kill herself no because killing herself is a major sin and being raped is not her own doing and it's a smaller sin than killing so she tries to fight her way out tries to fight if they kill her have been good for you that's good but you don't kill yourself and this is a calamity from allah azza wajal so these things we have to be very careful when understanding that killing yourself is totally prohibited in Islam what are the solutions for how many hours have we been talking how many minutes when our novelty do we have questions oh babe how to treat someone who's suicidal how to prevent him from committing suicide first of all you have to increase the religious dosage the more you insert in people the love of Allah the fear of Jahannam the desire in paradise they will not think of committing suicide the more people trust Allah because what is causing you to commit suicide is your lack of trust your lack of Eman but if you trust Allah okay she I have so many depths trust Allah I have so many problems in my social life with my kids with my children with my offspring it's the same thing kids children offspring is the same thing yeah I know but I'm stressed don't talk to me like this yeah I'm gonna kill myself so okay so I have so many problems with the wife I have problems with my parents with my relatives with my work trust allah azza wajal Allah provides for 1.7 billion humans on earth true or not true Allah provides for trillions of birds and gives food to hundreds of trillions of fish and provides for all the animals you can think of do you think that Allah cannot provide for you trust Allah or share if you convinced me I'm not going to kill myself thirdly believe in predestiny and this is the formula for the happiest man on earth if you believe in predestiny I love my beautiful Bentley I bought it for a million ringgit it's a beautiful car expensive car while I was driving someone in a water cycle that is 50 ringgit worth crashed into the front of it and it damaged the hood it damaged the lights it what would I do anyone who doesn't have belief in Allah and the destiny of Allah would come shout out and may be killed and that person is not dead yet he will kill him for what he had done any Muslim of you when you have an accident what happens you all know you come and say how did he learn humbly nobody was hurt the car it's iron why are you laughing this is what I would do seriously when I have an accident what why I feel so cool of course I'm insured but this is not the reason this is a joke no seriously when I have an accident I feel it hamdulillah it could have been worse it's body versus body it could have been body versus a human being and even if I hit a man and broke his leg he could have died and I was probably the one who could have broken my spine or or or blinded my eyes or did this or that that did whatever Allah decrees this is hair for me so if you believe in Allah spree destiny you are the happiest man no matter what happens to you because you have Eman also among the things that would definitely take away the wish for suicide is hope when you hope when you have hope when you're optimistic this is a glass or a cup of water describe it pessimistic would say it's half-empty optimistic would say it's half full but it is the same glass so you look at things in an optimistic way always praise Allah look at the positive side women come and complain to me my husband is send this in this in this in this and I said okay does he have any good things about him yes of course okay mentioned them to me and she makes five times a bigger list he's this kind is compassionate his rage he loves my parents she honors my brother he does it say subhanAllah these good things could not cover up for the bad things she says will I you Rachel may Allah forgive me and of course when you look at the positives you will look at life differently imagine the Prophet haslam you remember this incident of coming down huh gibreel comes down and says this is the angel of the mountains Allah had sent him so that you can order him now what had happened first the people of Mecca accused him of lying of being a sorcerer of being a poet of being a fortune-teller of dividing between the man and his wife a man and his son so he goes to Makkah two to five and offers the people to support him so that Allah would grant them victory what do they say they say the same allegations but the order their children and slaves to throw him with pebbles until his heels started to bleed are they in salatu salam now someone does this to you and then the angels of the the angel of the mountains comes to you and says o Muhammad SAW the Baha'i sillim Allah ordered me to obey you if you wish I will collapse the asha beam these are the two mountains surrounding Mecca so that I will annihilate them what would you say and please take also the northern area and some of the eastern area because all of them deserve to die look at the profit at ace Aslam with his feet bleeding with being false fuh going down depressed but look at the optimism is it named by Allah I am hopeful that Allah will get from their offspring these are covered but from their offspring their children people who would say la ilaha illallah what kind of optimism and hope he had that in solution this is how you treat people with depression you go and visit someone in the hospital bedridden and you say so how long you been here he says a month and a half subhanAllah he didn't die yet what are you waiting for ah he used your costing your family a lot of money parity will do something Kuroda bilder the person goes to visit the sick to do what of lifting morass and tell the master of even our bus may Allah be pleased with him visited Romar when he was what stabbed by a balloon Oh Alma juicy with a poisonous knife that had edges the doctor came gave Rome our milk he drank the milk it went from all over the wounds he said Hamas it's hopeless he's dead it's a matter of time what does it mean I best come and say ambass even our best comes and says masha'Allah masha'Allah he aroma I always remember the Prophet saying I went with Abu Bakr and Umar and I came with Abu Bakr and Omar and Abu Bakr with me in Jena giving him what giving him hope this is what you should do with someone who is ill also among the things that make you or help people who are suicidal that we spread the knowledge this is not something that we should keep hidden we should make campaigns at schools and universities at work at the people we speak with about the dangers of suicide especially with those who have less 'man and we've said that before that we should listen give a helping ear to people to speak to you and talk to you about the problems and try to uplift their morale and if any one of us knows of someone who is depressed or has anxiety or panic attacks or hallucination or delusional or any mental illness give them a helping hand in taking them to a Muslim psychiatrist who can give them assistance haha Allahu Alem when especially real melee he Aslam was Allah was under Mubarak on army he was only in Amina Mohammed I've received from the participant so the first question Goosen committed suicide are they going to have forever the question is those who had already committed suicide are they in hell forever or not it's an issue of dispute among scholars because the Hadean you've heard inside helium a muslim holly then finally Jahannam feeha Abaddon that he will be in Hellfire now this is enough but when he said Abaddon meaning forever so scholars different some said they are in Hell forever the hadith is crystal clear others said but this hadith is countered by the ayah in Mahalalel review I you Chaka be he why our hero Madhu Nidal Iike Lamia Allah does not ever forgive someone who associates others with him but he may forgive whatever is under shirk if he wishes and suicide is committed okay considered under shared so this is under the divine will of allah azza wajal some scholar said it is best not to discuss this the Prophet told us something keep it as it is but the most authentic opinion to elution neuralgia mana is that a person who committed suicide is considered to be a Muslim and hence one day he will come out of hell and be admitted to Jenna which means that he is under the divine will Allah may forgive him from the beginning and Allah may put him in hell for a specific period of time but in ever simply and eventually he will come out of hell how do you say this ship because the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was presented by a man who had killed himself committed suicide and he said you prey upon your friend and he did not pray himself scholars say he did not pray himself because he was the imam the leader of the muslims and he indicate is indicated to the masses that what this man did was a major sin i'm not going to pray for him but you as muslims you have to pray on your brother because he's a Muslim and this is the most authentic opinion if a person is mentally ill to the extent that he's not accountable because we have someone who's accountable we have someone who loses his sanity and regains it it's it's like face and we have someone that is 24/7 insane if someone has lost his faith due to temporary insanity once he regains once he regains his inside his sanity we have to start with him from scratch because he still has something in his heart relating him to the Quran to the Sunnah to allah azza wajal but if someone is totally insane this is not accountable and it it would be illogical to go to someone who is totally lost it and is unable to make any decision doesn't know day from night cannot think properly and you tell him fear Allah or let's talk about two hidden Ruby at the reader lui this guy doesn't even know how to think so I hope this answers the question I knew that some punk is wrong but when I did one of my babies away I can't help but throw not myself and I will feel so bad to Allah because I'm dead I would always help myself and try to make myself feel better the right way but sometimes I feel for you in to manage myself this a vicious cycle and I'm really I'm just trying to determine and functioning limit how should this is a clear symptoms of mental illness self harming now some of us may have self harming because they've seen the manga and Japanese stuff and the emos and they think that okay it's fine or they see the TPS and they want they love the Koreans and they want to do like the teenagers do so they infect inflict some harm to themselves because everybody's doing it some are seriously in trouble they are unable to stop themselves and they regret like the person who's in the question which is a very positive sign to acknowledge that you have a mental illness is half of the Cure you have to walk and see a Muslim psychiatrist and tell him everything so that you can finish the journey itself and you have to make a lot and I mean a lot of doram your tower : allah azzawajal when you make sure dude when you make PMLA when you select the times of ish ish d Jabba between adhan and Yama at the last third of the night here mashallah you have a lot of SD Java timings when it's raining your 24 hours you just make dua and mashallah you're there ask Allah for assistance and help and you will get it in Shaba but you need to see a psychiatrist a Muslim psychiatrists would help you now if you do rockier on yourself and you make dua and you find out that you're not harming yourself good you don't need to go for counseling but if not better safe than sorry do it tonight if possible then tomorrow if not but do not postpone or delay this depends if it's a mental or physical if it's physical you do proper rockin the best roti on earth is a Fatiha it gives you from venom of scorpions of snakes if you believe like in this hadith Ababu sorry the whole developes reason behind so you reciting the fatiha repeating and blowing this is the best structure on earth nothing is equivalent to it do the last one with that all who allow a hatful are all develop adorableness ayatul kursi do this but if it is something that is requiring attention of a doctor a medical doctor so I have an illness that requires medication and I know that it requires medication and I refuse to take it and I just say I will depend on Rafaela this is not right Allah created the illness and also created the medicine for it take the medicine but there is no problem at all rather it is highly recommended that you do the Rokia as well as doing or taking the medication people say that those who suffer mental illness is because they are not being a good than true I have been trying everything to improve myself as a Muslim so it's really sad when people say that no no this is part of that ignorance as I stated before mental illness is a very wide spectrum some can be related to lack of remembering Allah lack of trust and Allah like in a belief in predestiny but some is something that is beyond your control something you cannot control you cannot come to person and say he don't be sad what do you mean my son just died it's okay it's okay let's go and play badminton you're a believer have strong gmail yahoo who is a prophet the son of a prophet is Huck the son of a prophet ibrahim when he lost his second son he was so depressed what happened he got blind do you tell me that he is lacking a man or there's something in his a man then you're sick he is a prophet the son of a prophet the grandson of a prophet and the father of a prophet youssef but this is human nature the Prophet himself ra salado salaam reacted when his son ibrahim died Alleluias and the heart is saddened well you know telemar and the i weeks what an apple in my old arab and we do not say anything except that pleases allah and we by departing you ibrahim are saddened when not answer our takeaway we're back soon so the Prophet Allison cried so that sergeevna be all costs and another narration after man even house may Allah be pleased with them both said and you cry o prophet of Allah said yes this unless mercy so you have to be proactive with what's happening to you but it's totally wrong to attribute such the actions to lack of a man this is only human nature now Islam limits this kind of reaction so it does not exceed anger is a human nature when it exceeds it limits it's become Haram and transgression and when you don't have anger you lose jealousy you lose interests of protecting your wealth and health and your religion so you have to have this balance I often go to the gym and work out for an hour but I don't see my muscles growing why don't I see them growing because it requires consistency continuation devotion if you go to the gym for a year you will be noticing the difference in your body if you recite them on hand and a large it has the highest example of course but it's an issue of belief and conviction the Arabs at early times they were real Arabs they understood the language the Prophet reads one ayah the guy is 180 degrees transformed now you read the whole Quran to us interesting it doesn't click because we need to practice we need to worship Allah we you need to have devotion of your heart and then you will find the impact that is positive on your heart you can lead a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink you can read the qur'an every day but if you yourself don't want guidance if you don't ask ambassador for guidance if you don't drive strive for such guidance then you will not be a to enjoy it and Allah knows best perhaps my face so much that I can do is to meet you physically like a week on my chest I pretty much that see my coma and weeks before but it's hard I have no motivation to keep it flowing I don't know what I did before my father who have also need me I do not want it like this I try to complete only to Allah at times I feel so bad so what can I do you should feel bad for feeling this this is not normal at all so yes you may find like mentioned in in the Quran in Elodie not about either a massive oompah if I'm in a straight line they are touched by a glimpse of Satan immediately they remember Allah and they are able to see so this comes and goes but to be able to write and describe and clearly state that you don't like people and people don't like you'd like to be alone and you're having problems though you pray this is not normal now you again coming back to the same first question work hard on yourself Mik Dora be optimistic have hope in Allah after what cool dependence reliance and trust in Allah believe in allah Spri destiny and open your chest to feel optimistic no matter what happens always look at the good side of anything that happens and make rukia and McDonagh if you see improvement and hanged allah keep up the good work do not stay alone one of the main reasons for being depressed is being a lot but but by the way many celebrities many famous people who crack jokes and hora they're depressed and they run from their depression by trying to be social and everybody's happy robin williams is named one of the world known comics very strange person very extremely intelligent person committed suicide a couple of years ago three years ago why he was famous he was rich he was funny everybody loved him because he was depressed so you have to look if my reaction is getting worse seek psychiatric evaluation and it's not an illness don't be shy oh no no I don't want people to he's not a VD doctor Vendrell diseases huh he is a psychiatrist is him he helps you and trying to come out of your shell you try to associate yourself with practicing Muslim brothers because Shaitaan attacks a loner the Prophet said erase all understand that the wolf only attacks a stray sheep so if you are with the brothers or if you're a system and you are with the a circle of good practicing sisters hanging out together going to lectures together checking on on one another you will always fight find comfort and you won't feel alone but when you're alone this is where Shaitaan focuses on you sometimes when someone is very sick the doctor offers the family option of switching off life support machine or giving instruction not to resist necessitate tablished me then the patient home to allow them to die at home is it love can we make that addition to then someone else but these questions require a panel of scholars and assisted by professors and medical sciences so that they can give an assessment it's not for one person to come and just plain pulled apart pull the how is dead yes okay Shalala will bring you someone else what do you mean whenever it's my father you someone will pull your plug one day the scholars say if three doctors confirmed that a patient is a brain-dead he's in a vegetation State three doctors Muslim doctors and they say that all of his body organs are dependent on the machines but he's brain dead meaning even there's no miracle in him waking up he's not in a coma after ten years a big no-no he is totally gone they say in this case yes you pull the plug now not to reset it eight what they call it are the an NRD not something like that I don't know they have three letters not to resuscitate do not Theresa said d-n-r it's called this is dependent if a person is chronically ill and the machines would only increase in his pain and suffering where without them he would not live maybe but you have to go to scholars and ask them maybe you can request something like that but if your father or your loved one needs dialysis and you say no no this is too expensive do not give him dialysis and he dies because of that no this is not permissible we're talking about cases of chronic illnesses that are not recoverable and a person would not live without these machines not allowing these machines to be plugged in so that he himself would not increase in suffering not that he would kill himself rather he would not increase his suffering some scholars say that this is reka permissible but again for such cases you have to go to the scholars and ask them about the verdict and Allah knows best sephrillian yeah I always find it reasonable or unreasonable ok ok no you have to do whatever is best all our decisions in life are weighed pros and cons so if the pros outweigh do it if the cons outweigh the frame chassis frame eeeh some people think that this is split personality so now I am practicing after half an hour I will be at the nightclub dancing this is low this is split personality is not she said she's a friend is when you get hallucinations when you get voices when you get people talking to you and telling you do this no why don't you do that you find it difficult to make a decision you find it you find yourself hesitant to decide the so no you want to stay alone you're unable to socialize with people it has many shades and levels for it at the end of the day if your mom has this case she's making unreasonable decisions or requests whether she's sick or not don't obey her what do you mean even if she is normal and she makes unreasonable requests give an example divorce your wife if this is reasonable no no it's not reasonable you don't you like your wife this is a deal no I'm saying that sometimes the mother insists on this don't let your wife go to her father's house why I don't want her to go it's none of your business with all due respect so be diplomatic be dutiful be kind but do not obey her in anything that is unreasonable if she wants something that is good for her or reasonable for her yes you have to obey her whether she's she's a Rennick or not if she tells you I'd like to eat chicken I wish I can eat chicken and chicken is available and it's a reasonable thing I'll do it for her but if she tells you that bring me cigarettes or I'd like to do something Haram obeying hair is hollow because we have pros and cons so not every time your father or mother orders you to do something that you're obliged to obey it depends whether it is Haddad it depends whether there is good for them or not it depends whether it has no harm or you on you or not I hope this answers the question last question how do we have been done with how do we have been a practicing Muslim who's dealing with mental illness it's like having a nun most non practicing Muslim you have to make him practicing a nun practicing Muslim who has a mental illness part of the curing process is to bring him closer to allah azza wajal and you do this not by aji in order for you to get your depression out you have to grow your beat the first is to go to priorities teach him who Allah is teach him the names and beautiful attributes of Allah Azza WA JAL tell him about how allah subhanho wa taala created us to worship Him and how allah provided us with every good thing that we see in our lives tell him to appreciate Allah Azza WA JAL read portions of the Quran read thicker and inevitably he will become bit by bit practicing but if he is not practicing and you want to get him closer to Allah this is not logical you have to give him their way you have to try to prioritize and see what is best to call him back to Islam and Allah soldier knows best
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 10,081
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Id: SZEawEF68Zo
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Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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