The Dunmer WILL RISE AGAIN! - Analysis of Dark Elf Philosophy - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] afternoon was born the aedra withdrew from their creation becoming distant aloof and disinterested in the affairs of mortals but beyond the mundus in the infinite variation of oblivion there were other godlike entities of great power known as the Daedra who began to take a malign interest in the realm the aedra had created the first large-scale religious sect espousing Daedra worship was born in the heart of somerset itself there in the rainbow shadow of the crystal tower the so called prophet vel off communed with the Daedric prince boethiah and agreed to accept her gifts he inscribed the velov prophecies which expounded the doctrine of worship of the good Daedra boethiah Asura and Mufasa the followers of saint velov who became known as the khaimah were willing to trade the paradise of gold and Somerset for the purgatory of Ash and morrowind all in return for the illusory gifts of the Daedra the data are sold and portrayed as equals to the aedra unlike those committed to the founding of Mundus the Daedra though masters of change in metamorphosis cannot create they are restricted to use that which has already been created so why were the changed ones the khaimah so a quiescent to follow the good Daedra across the perilously unknown landscapes of Tamriel well the teachings of boethiah szura and mephala paved the way for the changed folk to perceive life through a new lens one that would make them more resilient and more powerful than all the other mortals the fourth era has brought nothing but suffering to this cursed race but if the good Daedra are to be believed this will not stop them and they will rise from the ashes of morrowind once again more formidable and powerful than ever before hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet in this video I'm going to explore the fundamental difference between the Donmar and the other races of Tamriel and in doing so I'll make the argument that despite their current predicament they will inevitably become the most powerful race on the continent we could talk extensively about how unique the done Mary are in terms of culture customs beliefs appearance architecture and so on but if we did that this video would probably be an hour long instead we're going to hone in on the series of events that led to the race being so alien when compared to the others on Tamriel and from there we can learn the crucial principle behind my theory it can all be traced back to one time and one place that time is the maratha era and that place is Somerset all of the races of Myr on Tamriel originated from the early aldmer one exception may well be the Dwemer but that is a subject for a later video anyway at this time trinamic the champion of Oriel taught the elves that the only reason they had been trapped in mortality was due to law cons trickery it was a deception and it embittered the aldmer making them resent the creator of the mortal realm but we fear the Daedric prince of plots conspiracy and Sedition approached a group of trainer max followers and offered them an alternative but we fear is often associated with warriors and bloodsport and his fear is very much about overcoming adversity if you'd like to know more about this fascinating Prince I have a recent video going it's a great detail on her but we fear appeared before fell off and other aldmer telling them that law Conn is not to blame it is rather the case that the aldmer were weak and unworthy of a place in a furious law can therefore put them on Mundus as a test mortality being a trial which Almer had to endure and overcome according to the book that changed ones the events unfolded like this but we fear Prince of plots precocious youth trick to trinamic to go into his mouth but we fear talk to like trinamic for a while then and gathered enough people to listen to him but we Thea showed them the lies of the Attar de the aedra and told them trinamic was the biggest liar of all saying all this with trina-- max own voice but we Thea told the mass before him the triangle truth he showed them with mephala the rules of civic endeavor he taught them how to build houses and what items they needed to bury in the corners he demonstrated the right way to wear their skin he performed the way to walk to achieve an exodus then boethiah relieved himself of trinamic right there on the ground before them to prove all the things he said were the truth it was easy then for his new people to become the changed ones now there is no proving whether boethiah or trainer max speak the truth it is most likely some combination of the two but what boethiah created in this group was an attitude of persistence if what trinamic says is true then the whole universe is out to get you and you might as well give up but with boethiah fell off and his followers have something to strive for something to motivate them for better and for worse a few other important details were revealed in that excerpt from the change ones firstly we know that mephala and Asura assisted Bowie Fuhrer in teaching the climber to be their own unique race Asura taught the climb and the mysteries needed to be different to the Altima and the father taught the climber that skills they would need to evade their enemies or to kill them with secret murder we also see mention of the civic endeavor and the path to achieve Exodus this is vital to the Creed of the climber and subsequently the Donmar the city kindev er is a process by which the climber are charged with transcending the gods that created them this is the process of achieving Kim so all in all we can say with confidence that the residents of morrowind are not different to the other races of Tamriel solely based on aesthetics their kiting us crafting and insectile architecture are alien to most Outlanders but this is only one aspect of their velov principles their culture was built on the idea that mortality is a test and every obstacle is a blessing for it gives them another chance to prove their ability to ascend to the heavens immortals can't be harmed so they have no way to comprehend pain this is unique to mortals and as a result of this only mortals can heal only mortals understand that progress is a byproduct of recovery suffering leads to growth this is an indispensable concept to live by and the climber have implemented it effectively the question now is what am I getting out with this well if I give you a brief account of the events transpiring in the last few centuries you'll soon see just how brutal the years have been to the climber people in a foreign land the climber were constantly at odds with the Nords the orcs and the Dwemer the Nords were a force to be reckoned with thanks to their use of the form but the Dwemer proved to be the biggest fall in their size they far outnumbered the Khaimah and had astonishingly advanced technologies propelling them to success the climber persevered and eventually they set aside their differences with the Dwemer forming the first council a mighty alliance unfortunately just as quickly as they overcome their adversity the deeds of vivec almalexia and sofa SIL frost them back into the throes of tribulation ignoring Asura's warning and abusing my father's gift of deception the tribunal sought to achieve godhood by tapping into the heart of lorkhan unlike the Dwemer they did not disappear in fact they became living demigods but sullying Asura's vanity and insulting her honor led to a cruel curse the tribunal did not suffer for their actions but the entire race did in their stead the climate transformed into the dunmer luminescent gold skin turned ash gray like an incandescent inferno quenched by a tidal wave the coals drenched Don and lifeless their eyes became blood-red as well a gloom fell upon the once magnificent race soon after the rise of the tribunal a meteor plunged towards vivec City its exact origins are unknown but most theories dismiss any chance of a coincidence the commonly held belief is that she agora sent the rock as a punishment for the Tribunal's disrespect to the gods or perhaps as nothing more than a lark vivec used his power to interrupt its course and held the rock suspended in the air as a representation of his might and his benevolence but when the tribunal fell and vivec disappeared the rock collided with vivec City continuing its once suspended trajectory shortly before this the Oblivion crisis took place and the dunmer suffered greatly when the Empire weave drew their forces from morrowind prioritizing the welfare of their own province the combined chaos of the crisis and the fall of the Ministry of Truth was enough to shake morrowind to its core and the fallout from the collision triggered the eruption of Red Mountain Varden fell was turned into an ashen wasteland only hospitable for the Ash Landers the air across morrowind was tainted by ash and on top of this the argonians after centuries of subjugation and slavery at the hands of the Dark Elves utilized their unscathed position to invade the histories and the lizard folk who venerated them had gotten through the crisis relatively unharmed and their former masters in southern morrowind were faring much worse what followed was the systematic murder of countless Dark Elves many southern regions were conquered by the invading argonians and those who escaped were forced to seek refuge in other lands an account transcribed by tel varney servant tells of the horrors is this the end of all things a we to die by the cruel barbed blades of the Argonian invasion force after surviving the red year struggling to dig from the ash and the rubble and burying the thousands that died is this to be our epitaph the irony of Altima has glows brighter than Masur on the summer solstice we brought this upon ourselves the argonians simply answering a rallying cry incited by a millennia of suffrage imposed by my kind and so here I sit in the crumbling basement of our family home while a thousand booted feet echo above me and the screams of the dying find their way to my ears so Falls House tell varney what remains of the dunmer is a scattered broken and demoralized mess it's hard to imagine a way back for this once glorious race but I think there is a silver lining for the dunmer a blessing in a brutal visceral disguise in boethius blood sports the Prince of plots chooses a champion that champion injures much hardship suffers countless wounds and kills mercilessly until their boots sustained a vibrant red but when they emerge on the other side they are showered in euphoric glory the Kaymer struggled immensely when they first arrived in res Dane the province we now know as morrowind they had enemies everywhere they looked the akaviri came from across the seas the Nords came from the mountains and the Dwemer came from the very earth beneath them yet centuries later the Dwemer were gone the akaviri invaders were gone the Nords were pushed back beyond the velocities and the Kaymer were prosperous even when their skin was turned a dull gray they had free wants mortal God's leading them just as they did before I think the dunmer will take the teachings of their Daedra Lords to harped and they will rise again stronger than ever before but we fear espouses the importance of overcoming all obstacles my father lurks in her web ready to teach the new generation about the arts of secret murder and Azura she embodies their struggle she is the dawn and the dusk the dunmer are stuck in a long period of darkness things seem irredeemable but it is always darkest before the dawn and the done merry resilience will soon pay off and there you have it guys why the dunmer will rise again I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching my name is Drew and I'll see you next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 187,841
Rating: 4.9519863 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, dunmer, dunmer lore, dark elf lore, morrowind lore, boethiah, azura, mephala, chimer, daedra
Id: QgrER3ugwx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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