The Dual Weapon of Heaven | Steven Francis

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[Music] praise God Enki so when we come to this hard work we all have to work hard celebration on a conference day everybody is getting together worshiping we feel like floating all that is fantastic time to down we need that when we everyday our discipleship hits the road Amen we are based on that and therefore we can't get lost in a conference mode when we come to church the hard work begins but then we always tend to wonder and think about is my systems and processes in place if I want my people to become who they are or who they who were last three days worshipping full of Revelation and then we realize that revelation draws people do you realize that and so if we want to produce that kind of material then we need to have come back to our drawing blog and have processes in place I mean that will produce what we want to become and this is one of the grace we need to pray just one thought to share with all the ministers gathered together we pray that God even as you anointed Paul as the wise masterbuilder give us that wisdom give us that wisdom the same time is an end time of people who will fight so in our church you must have fight as people with the warrior spirit not just enjoying the company but willing to stand for one another when it's required we need to walk through the soul factors and all the thing that is we won't be 100% perfect now all of us who are standing on this stage I'll be put to the test when I'm standing in the fight in it I may be able to stand I may be able to I may feel like I'm gonna give up but probably if I see my brothers and sisters standing together with me I may not want to give up I want to give my life for one another in it so the company of your fellowship and the Fellowship of the body is going to strength and me and strengthen you not to give up when we stand alone be me want to give up that is why I found a long time ago I thought I could train myself with all the dumbbells and at home so in my weight is not enough I usually carry my wife laughs and you know you'd come come come out okay yeah she's pretty light in her amen but then I soon will give up very easily I got other things to do when the whatsapp goes on delete I'll go up and put on but I realized that when my trainer is training me in a gym I'm better motivated when I'm being trained cuz that guy will not allow me to give up when I'm pushing up - and there is someone who's giving me that voice that is counting me to keep up in pace and before I realized before I look like unknown social Naga I gotta believe it by faith I tell you yeah I didn't decided to reduce because my wife said I was just looking to big inhale it's true only share with you this morning the message which I supposed to share one of those messages I'm supposed to share in the conference so I want to just conclude it and I'm so glad that many of us are here so I can share with what the Lord is doing I mean so let's go back to Malachi chapter 4 verse 4 and 5 the book of Malachi chapter 4 verse 4 and 5 remember the law of my servant Moses now the amount of Old Testament Scriptures that has been coated over the conference for some of us is going to shock your system why because you don't get to hear enough about the Old Testament in your church in this church is opposite it's so much of the old test because we are educating them in the whole scripture as a whole not dividing it between the old and the new it is very funny that we want the promises of God we draw from both but when it comes to obedience we choose the easier sight we draw God as you open the r8c open up my life Wow you caught the Old Testament and you could Sam's 23 yous got Sam's 91 you claim all the promises in Deuteronomy I'm the heat and not the telling you willing to remember that promise was made to the Old Covenant well you're willing to draw everything when it was good for you but when it comes to obedience our that's the Old Covenant the New Testament I love Jesus is good enough for me but remember the Old Testament was easier or the New Testament was easier in the Old Testament you need to commit the egg of adultery in the New Testament you need to think about a woman lustfully and you've already committed the egg how's that so it was not as easy as we really think and therefore we are bringing in the grace of God and I will show you a scripture that is probably going to shock us now what we're going to do in this end time is to re-educate your spirit your heart yourself with the Word of God okay we need some understanding in what is cultural we need some understanding what is no longer required within a Singapore setting we are not sacrificing animals therefore we don't have to worry about those aspects but there are much more requirement which is the same so Paul took the entire speck of the Old Testament he brought that fulfillment through Christ Jesus and he said now through Christ you are able to fulfill the requirement of God the grace of God is given through the blood of Jesus to fulfill the requirements of God which is you shall worship the Lord your God only and then you are struggling here how can I do that and so God gives you his spirit his word he's anointing to fulfill that purpose do you understand I'm saying okay now remember the law of my servant Moses the statutes and the rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel behold I sent to Elijah the Prophet before the great and the awesome day of the Lord comes these two scriptures give us the dual weapon of heaven which God designated for this in times I think it's two or three years ago I remember after long many hours of praying from early in the morning after writing out the prophecy on my in my book I went to take a shower there I heard the voice of the Lord audibly and he said all the prophecies that has been given by the prophets from the all all the way to the end they will be fulfilled before Jesus comes all of their prophecies you know why because many of these prophets they died without seeing their prophecies coming to pass there are no clue what they were saying but they died imagine you are waiting for validation God would you validate me as your prophet because the rule of the Old Testament is whatever you say if you're a true prophet it will come to pass but many of the prophets they spoke prophecies beyond their lifetime so there is no way every word can come to pass during their lifetime so that means some of them they could have died under controversy because people can always pick this as a rule and say look which part of his prophecy came to pass he died no one day is a false prophet in a sense it is good for profits to be humbled before God because God wanted to know that your prophecy in your ministry does not end on earth alone it continues in heaven therefore you don't have to die to see all of that being fulfilled because that will only bring glory to you isn't it and this is what's happening today when we advertise every ministry this prophecy came to pass that prophecy came to pass and that prophecy come to pass oh yeah this prophecy I said it three years ago well you shouldn't say update is happening you should have said before it is happening then we will know you are a prophet of God because you know that he didn't want to say you don't want to put your head under controversy so you wait until it professor it fulfills and today we draw glory from a lot of things today we bring the glory back to Jesus amen there is a dual anointing waiting for all of us which is not alien I'm gonna bring back to you what is the mention of this dual anointing the Bible says the Moses anointing he was like Paul in the Old Testament Paul gave us the teachings of God in the same way in the Old Testament Moses kept the teaching these are the ordinance of God this is what he wants you to do and remember if you read the Old Testament it affects every part of your daily life everything you can think of it is written that it is talking about the government it talks about cleansiness he talks about holiness is talked about taking a shower and before you come to the presence of God that comes there are certain level of consecration when you are fasting and when you are seeking seeking God you need to bathe take your shower before coming into the presence of God so if you are in a habit oh I will only bathe in the end part of the day you know when you're coming to God there is something about you that needs to change your habits must change to fit the habits of the kingdom hey are you listening and no wonder God has to tell these people in the wilderness six million over people take your shower wash yourself and come can you imagine how dirty the river would have become it's a requirement why is God mentioning about this so there are spiritual elements that we need to learn how to draw because no flesh no sweat can glorify itself in the presence of God so you have Moses giving the commandments of Moses represents the first weapon the Word of God in you remember that the enemy knows it more than you Jesus used it more than anyone setting an example the Word of God says the word says God says the commandments of Moses says do you remember that the scripture says the law of Moses says he kept on coating those scriptures we need to know don't draw the anointing from your own draw it from the Lord Jesus Christ don't be tempted to walk in your righteousness draw it from Jesus Christ are men because sometimes we are too busy perfecting our righteousness our righteousness can be perfected it is given as a whole by Jesus Christ you are complete in him but our soul needs to be worked on in in are you following are we following so that's the hard work it is very easy to give commitments and Covenants in a conference because your spirit is rising up three days and three nights you are totally in the atmosphere of God we are cut off from the outside world we are saturated our soul is sesang 24/7 about the things of God the memory pattern kicks in and all that you do is remembering what the message was what the worship was how many wake up in the morning a song rises up that song of the worship in it in that atmosphere you are able to receive now the moment we go back our daily routine stats that means in order for me to maintain that atmosphere I have to make some changes in my personal life things that I shouldn't be involved by to let go things I should do more I have to embrace further what increases the grace in my life embrace it what God wants to prepare in my life take upon the word of the Lord the enemy knows very well of the power of God's Word more than we do and therefore in the midst of all the distractions the first extractions all the time I don't have time for the Word of God can I imagine that of course we do lip service and sometimes we originally do good service we read the Bible I mean come on today's generation man you've got the Bible almost in everything you touch from the iPad to the notepad to the to the phone whatever you can think even the people who can see they've got the Bible in audio and those who can't see they've got the Bible in Braille God has opened the door for every man to hear the word of God it is a weapon from heaven given in your hand and it works each time you open your heart I mean because without the world your spirituality can be discerned keep that in mind you won't be able to discern whether this angel is coming from God or is an angel of light you won't know how to discern the the Conrad the content of the message because your heart is empty without the commandments of God you won't be able to valid if I it through the scriptures are you following you won't know whether this dream this vision this word is from God and if you are going through a process where you'd wish to prophesy my nothing is coming out is because nothing is inside prophecy is all about scriptures coming out from you right so there is nothing inside you what is it you're going to come how are you know the first level of prophecy is scriptures coming out from you you're waiting upon God and you're waiting you want to hear oh my son I love you he will just give you Psalms 91 and you got no clue why is it say that and then some of us realize that whenever God is speaking to you you are getting the same familiar scriptures that you know instead of other scriptures that you don't know right because we want mumbo-jumbo tell me something I don't know if God speaks to you about a scripture you don't know you won't understand what he's saying therefore the first level of God relating to us as a father as a daughter as a son is the familiar language chapters scriptures that you know and even if God has to speak to you a million times through Psalms 23 that Psalms 23 will become your weapon there's the ability of God's Word I'm him don't underestimate the depth of God's Word Richard Warren who was tortured for Christ in Napoleon during the war first world war where he suffered and he was an Anglican priest they captured him they tortured him the maximum as you can ever imagine until later part of the war he was a smuggle out and brought to Africa sorry to America and during this time he was interviewed and they put him into a chamber where they will be psycho a trained to deny Christ all the vulgarities loudspeakers loud light days thrown in without food you'll be excreting yourself inside the room and there will be brainwash there is no God there is no God all God and it just keeps going on he said he came to a lie listen he said he came to a life time he forgot the entire Bible the only thing he could remember his God is good he remembered John 3:16 and that John 3:16 one scripture became his lifeline for many many many years one world enough to bring him out that kept him alive no word from the Bible is not important then when he came out he started the ministry called for tchard for Christ that has an influence and an impact around the world till today when he came to Singapore tele Singapore shame on us one of my friend was the key organizer and he said the Singapore people could not connect with him because he talked about the tortures that no one can understand what these talk about how he talked about dolphins everybody can understand as though you were a dolphin can I say that as a fact but a man who is tortured for cry no one can understand and because of the way they beat up on his souls and on his veins his hands will always shake he cannot stand anymore all the nerves has been damaged yet listen my brother censuses we've that damaged veins he continued serving God for more than 60 years and here you are with all the strengths God has given to you you keep saying you are not good in this you know at some stage in your life you know that's a lie is speaking to yourself to coverup and mask your unbelief in it everyone who said the same thing when they are not well they want to be well for Jesus therefore today I speak to you to all goes well well who I able-bodied men one woman give your best to Jesus now so the rest part of your life is taken care a men want to break another taboo before getting into the wood of God and there are many of us here in the retirement age I say no you cannot say Allah Allah retiring any soon my job doesn't allow me to retire the day I retire and I expire and that's the day I'm retiring i Mena because this one got no real time when not you see if you are in a retirement mode praise God we tied in the flesh but not retired from God now retired from serving God please do not talk the familiar language all my life I've given to the world finally I'm retired yes in the world you retired for the rest part of your life give it as a sacrifice of offering to God because what you do from now a cows fall for eternity amen so please don't come to church and say oh this church are all built by young people the old got no place no no no though all has a lot more place to do I tell you what to do because some people left they're just saying the same thing you know oh we are all we got nothing to do therefore let the young people build it is their generation then you don't want your crown god has a crown for all of us none of us are going to missed it I mean when I was thinking about Cheryl I was thinking about another thing and I want to remind all our youths who are gathered here the Bible says a very important warning sign he says unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness the Pharisee and the said you see you will not inherit the kingdom of God that's a warning sign it's very scary because no one can exceed the Pharisee in the services no one they are bad they are the mark of perfection they are prayer the way they dress up the way they speak it's all conditioned no one can exit but jesus said your righteousness of the spirit must exceed he said if not the prostitutes those who are behind will overtake you forward why did I say this and how is that going to relate to us some of us are born in Christian home you grew up in the church you are dedicating the church you can be so familiar with the things of God you can be so familiar in Christian tradition to the point that you don't respond to the things of the Holy Spirit because you are so familiar the passage of familiar it's your Sunday School memory passages the songs are very familiar so instead of opening up to the everyday walk of the Holy Spirit your traditional religious behavior will put you behind and those who are saved recently will their righteousness will exceed are you following hey are you listening every young person are you listening don't let Pharaoh or what take you don't let jessabelle pull you down if I can say you are in the wrong church in the wrong time now you are hearing what God is speaking to us therefore it is not the time to delay now all of you will have to go through the tests just like all of us in the ministry went through our tests and our age you got to just fight your tests out amen the first anointing is the word of God inside you and the second is Elijah who's known as the power of the Holy Spirit Moses didn't do what Elijah did he did his own stuff Elijah was not required to write the law of God because it's completed he just have to live out the Word of God he preached while he needed to be preached he demonstrated the power do you realize the Old Testament guys except for Moses who need to write down the law all of the other guys were required to lift the law but more than the law there is one attribute that was visible in all of these guys one which is not really mentioned in many passages not in many sermons not in many conferences today I only tell you do you want to hear that is the word called courage they all stood firm to face their enemy all of them some enemies came through the government Otis they were all fugitives hiding in the caves during the captivity time they did not worship under the temple my goal in silver was where they could dance and smile and go they were in the wilderness and in the caves there were fugitives Ezekiel is a priest he was a priest he could not do his priestly duties why all the temple furnitures were stolen and they were taken away to the King enemy King and now he was in the wilderness he could not do remember the Old Testament priests they must have funny just to do their works and they cannot duplicate and make another one that's the rule of the Old Testament they cannot come up and make a mutt knock off the count and no one can duplicate those things so they cannot do anything now and you know what God did since you are a priest and you can't be a priest I'm gonna give you the anointing of a prophet and you will become a prophet any start prophesying amen you see for God to change a close view with another mental is never a problem our problem is our mentality that I'm not ready to do new things that's the problem amen so when God changes your mental you need to keep going with the mental learn the new mental flow with the new mental this cut they all even have to or pocket nicely if you have to but don't be bonded to the old when God wants to lead you in the new way amen Elijah is the power of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Christ in you now let me give you the shocking scripture which I said I wanted to show you Romans chapter 8 was wonderful we're all going to read together so it goes inside your heart okay Romans chapter Romans chapter 8 verse 1 to 4 are we ready one two three go there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in for the law of the spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death for God has done what the law we can by the flesh could not do by sending his own son in the likeness of the sinful flesh and for sin he condemned sin in the flesh now verse 4 is the breakthrough listen in order that the righteous requirement for so I thought now I'm set free from the law of sin and death now why must I fulfill the righteous requirement of the law do you see that the law of sin and death in other words the X of flesh has been put down because of Christ it doesn't mean the entire Old Testament has been put down now those of you watching in the video you will have a lot of statements comments coming through these guys are going back to the Old Testament you know listen there is always one Bible it's always been one you can you can talk about each of us I was a baby as a toddler was a student and I was a single I'm married then I'll become a father a grandfather I've got different episodes of my life and because it's my story I can go to and fro and tell any story I want isn't it you can't say well don't talk about your baby you never existed then no God existed in all of time it is God who is dealing and because God deals in a frame of time this human mind doesn't understand when God is speaking to you he can cut an Old Testament passage and make it happen to your life and that's the anointing you must start flowing in okay now bring it up was for in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit did you see that therefore you realize that God is requiring the aspects of God as a whole from the Old Testament or the Old Covenant to be fulfilling us through Christ Jesus because the Old Testament spoke about the father during the times of Jesus and the way he was alive Jesus spoke about himself what I am the way I am the truth and all of that and then when the church age came the Holy Spirit's came and we all knew in the triune God what is the work of the Holy Spirit and what he can do so each of the triune God feel themselves in each episode of their time and when you take the entirety you have the entire Bible in your hands that spoke of God are you following and so this is an important adjustment for our to thing don't God be all without the new if you are not skilful please do not do that stick to the New Testament you are still safe for some of us are teachers of the world therefore we need to become skillful in the Word of God we need to study the passages for us from the teaching point of view it is a different skill but you don't quote an Old Testament out of context and then it becomes wrong when you look at it are you following okay now Jesus if he couldn't mark chapter 12 verse 24 he again presented a dual weapon and this came out from the mouth of Jesus mark chapter 12 verse 24 therefore you realize this dual weapon is hiding in sight Jesus said to them is this not the reason you are wrong because you neither because you know neither the scriptures know the power of God do you see the dual weapon you must know the Word of God the scriptures then you must know the power of God it is the dual anointing that must be effectual in our lives with just the Word of God is like a single blade well then the power of the holy spirit comes into you it's a double blade features now warrior uses double plane in our kitchen UV use single blade you know that right you can't cut the other side because you're not a warrior fighting with the chicken the chicken is there remember you're just cutting it down you can bring your right chicken you can fight you the chicken if you like it will just lay there and give all the parts cut me anywhere you like well you're not a warrior but the real warrior must know not only to cut this way but the other way because you don't know which way the enemy is coming towards you so he's learning himself to be skillful amen so we need to cry out God give me revelation through the Word of God teach me how to flow in the power of the Holy Spirit jesus said something very important my brothers and sisters in John chapter 5 verse 30 we will conclude in probably 15 20 minutes in prayer but John chapter 5 verse 38 39 and 40 are we learning something this morning for yes from Australia yes the Singaporeans are okay 729 Wow 35 Oh 49 okay they score 100 we leave the other hand related John chapter 5 verse 38 you do not have his word abiding in you now pay attention to the word abiding now these are key points why the Word of God and its power is sipping out or leaking from us because Jesus forgot our abiding not just reading hey guys listen you can memorize the scripture without abiding yes or no therefore just keep saying no what you put in doesn't affect you is what you use out affects you putting in is great but you must know when to use the scripture out using it is what matters and some of us if you are somewhere between above 45 50 and our discipleship process in the early 70s were scripture memory system so you are used to the scripture memory system you memorize in fact people shout over it they fight over it how many times have read the Bible praise God oh you know how much I've read the Bible praise God in the temple churches is always a competition how many chapters you can read praise God huh we all do the in fact that is fantastic but the question is are we building depths or are we just going in the breath then another group of people oh we go deep but they have never covered the Bible once in 25 years if you are here you've been a Christian for 30 years if you have never complete your Bible once I have only one word for you I cannot say three words for you do you want to hear shame on you it gotta be a shame of yourself at this point hey someone got to do it in it you gotta make it up you got to keep up with the process because then the more passes just you know then the Holy Spirit is able to draw from different passages and speak to you because you are going through critical moments God can speak to you about Elijah you can speak to about Elijah he can speak to you about Habakkuk then you get stuck huh what is Habbakuk you never knew how Baku gets a prophecy you're always wondering especially as preachers when we stand there sometimes God doesn't give a message he will just say preach from Habakkuk and you are dead it is knit it is not a menu for nasi goreng you know a book what was the falafel king who knows so the more we know the more the Holy Spirit will draw out from the richness of his ability amen and the more you discover that you'll find that you are overflowing now it is the spirit that applies those scriptures to us and Jesus said you're not abiding in me we need to pay attention to this now so the goal of reading the Bible is not just you read and you are happy it is abiding Jesus said for you do not believe the one whom he send you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life look at how Jesus is splitting scriptures from Revelation look at what he's saying it's scary you know anything about this you think by reading the scriptures by itself you have eternal life that is that they bear witness about me so if you don't find Jesus in the scriptures you feel the process yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life if the goal of a church is to add members then we make the salvation experience so easy that anyone can come in and Jesus was not talking about that he said the way to eternal heaven the narrow life it's a narrow road but God I thought you were gonna bring everybody yes I am but I'm filtering them all of them to walk through this narrow gate because I'm not paying attention just to crowd I'm paying attention to every individual which I gave my blood for them because when you run into a crowd God may miss you people may not see you but individually if he's standing there everybody is gonna pass by his grace amen and so the narrow gate filters it therefore do not make any less of your salvation experience people say oh you're a small Church that's why we are talking with her I know I've been saying the same thing for thirty years the same way I'm preaching the small church pictures thing has never bothered me it shouldn't bother you does it I mean think about it for a minute now Jesus one he said I refuse to come to him that I may have life today can I ask you come to Jesus because he won his life abide the process of abiding loan let the devil pull you out from the secured position of abiding one group of people they want to abide they don't want to come out another group of people want to come on they don't want to come in a pipe there are two tensions all the time but do what Jesus want us to do he was shut out the anointing you'll go in a pipe and you'll be crying out then he will shut this place enough of crying it's time to fight go out and fight amen the Spirit of God will empower you the word of the Lord will come to you and that is how many guys who are sitting here they're serving God in the missions because sometimes we really don't have time to pray our prayer time is the card that he brings us to the next church that is the praying time Melvin preaches about nine services on a Sunday in Indonesia not because he wanted because the need in Indonesia is very big you asked me to speak three services I'm already floating in that heaven I can't endure so where do they get this time to draw a word is while they are traveling from one church to another in between the word of the Lord will empower them are you following every guy who's not ministry in Singapore in overseas the bigness of the country will tire us down that's the truth because our country's so small I remember talking to a pastor James Halliday and he said you're arriving three o'clock in the morning into Singapore you know I'm living all across the country he was laughing on the phone Stephen all across the country in Singapore is 30 minutes away because he's coming to China Awad and I'm living in the Malaysian border the other side across the country he said in Australia when you say across the country is five days away become skillful with the Word of God and this is a season of abiding because God is sharpening our blade I want to tell you what happened in the last year June 2 to 0 1 7 in in during the conference in in Israel when we were praying there was a last day conference I thought while we were praying a gigantic sword from heaven came and it slammed onto the center the stage is quite high yet I was looking up this way very big and like because I couldn't see the hit of the sword the Lord lifted me up to see the front hit of the sword what is he looking at and the front when I went I saw the eye of God you see these are the things that we can't explain why I mean why is that the eye of God and people from the new age will interpret it or that's the 3rd eye therefore this is not from God they're very fixated Center means is the 3rd eye all of us have a third eye do you know that it's called the mind that can see the mind of the spirit if I teach you from the Greek the mind of the spirit and the spirit of the mind you'll get confused Paul was very technical when he was teaching the book of Hebrews and he divided the mind of the spirit and the spirit of the mind he divided technically and the way to understand the operations of the Spirit in the inner life is to study the Greek if not there is no way surface you will understand that he was very clear in what he was writing the mind of the Spirit name is the spiritual mind and the spirit of the mind which is your mind which has a spirit do you understand I'm saying Amen this is what I was trying to tell you like so let's come back to the easy passages I saw the sort of the Lord and the eyes of God that was watching the authority of the Holy Spirit filled my heart and for those of you in Israel you know the before we can give the altar call Sal hundreds probably a thousand I think we're right in the altar crying and whipping before the presence of God I tell you no way can the anointing of one man do all this it never it is always God drawing them to himself it is not how anointed that's because it was never been it will never be it is always Jesus who trusts people to himself I mean if I would have given an altar call people wouldn't have come but because the sword of the Lord is their people's spirit would have captured him because before I say come they all came running to the presence of God I was thinking why are they coming now that means something they have seen the sword of God my brothers and sisters last night in prayer remember the time where we were about to finish and I saw a vision where the sword was jumping from the left to the right now Justin first chronicles chapter 12 verse was one this is there come a couple of last few scriptures before we pray first chronicles chapter 12 and verse 1 chronicles these are the different tribes that came and joined David to fight when Saul died when Saul died there's no direction as a king they wanted a new king to fight for now these are the men who came to David's at cyclic nights a powerful scripture chapter please go and read at home just want to point it was one to you David at cyclic while he could not move about freely because of Saul the son of cage and they were among the mighty men who helped him in war verse 2 and they were bold men who could shoot arrows and sling stones with either the right or the left hand and they were the Benjamin Knights now you'll find the whole chapter some are skillful warriors skillful worshippers skilful in some are mighty warriors who are able to throw the spear different level of the Warriors group I wanted to pay attention there is such a word in the Bible in your right hand or in the left hand think about the skillfulness of this endtime that God wants us to have amen he wants us to Train in our strength and also our weaknesses to overcome I read a report of the football player Fundy Ahmad and because there was a long big article about him and he had the amount of surgeries in his bodies is just shocking but this guy recovered from all and the more he's injured on his right leg while he's nursing the right leg he learned to shoot with his left leg so today that guy is a dual weapon you have to block him both ways because you don't know from which lake he's gonna score in amen imagine that kind of a training in the spirit if you all the time give yourself door open for weaknesses all when I'm down I cannot pray when this I cannot pray when my husband my wife my children I cannot serve God any more if this happened I can't let's work on our weakness and let us not become an open book for the enemy to trample on God wants to train us skillfully in all types of conditions and for some of us the very easy weapon you don't eat you become a monster in mission feel you can eat on time in mission feel hundreds of people will line up to be prayed for and your lunch planes doesn't work you are hungry your stomach is speaking to you so you'd remember whether you're drawing prophecy from the spirit of from your stomach because if you are drawing from here you'll be rushing to praying off people you'll give them quick words and just let them out because you can't just take it any more are you listening so god trains us to be all seasons in all kinds I remember the senior person catching assembly he said Steven after he finished the tamil service we go for dinner service time always finishes at about 6:30 so you were sitting there so when I saw him was very happy so he's going to come so he started at 4:00 we finished praying and that guy is a Chinese pastor he came to own our speaking the optimal service right he was sitting there and people came I was playing ah spraying ah spring I'm spraying spraying spraying 9:30 I'm still praying but you know what the people did they ran to the kitchen they had their dinner they joined the queue again because they saw the queue was so late that dinner is being served so while they were eating here I'm praying and the pastor was waiting I was so apologetic to him I was apologizing so many times we finally at dinner at 11 p.m. because 11 p.m. the queue finish saying with any pride in all these are the demands when you go into the mission field so it is not a glamour that glamour is your home church you put powder dress all difference you see mice nice shoe glamour all straight not sweating everybody will disappear because if not for today next week pastor will be here no problem in the mission field the the preacher is coming one so they will line up there's a demand on your body demand on your anointing and the anointing cannot switch off in two hours and they will all come to ask you critical questions when you are standing there pastor I'm about to die can I or can I not really I was in Canada when one guy called me my house is few million dollars I need to sell can I sell or cannot sell as itself he said how can you tell so fast I said because that's your house it's not my house I don't have the thing is your house you said you see critical questions some people have asked me and I'm not saying I'm saying it politely I'm saying all laugh I want to say how stupid that kind of question is right on the front they say I'm about to thinking of divorcing can I or can I not how do you answer such questions as painful as the question is is that even a wise question to ask in a quick answer moment you care what I'm saying because if you treat your problems lightly you'll get a very light answer if you treat your problem with honor then go where the answer will be found amen is giving us skill and this the same demonstration of Jesus out of his mouth came a double-edged sword out of our mouth comes a double-edged sword Isaiah 49 2 says your mouths will become like a sharp sword so my brothers and sisters I think God is about to change our life with his scriptures and with his weapon I mean the anointing is resting in our mouth as well the last one will finish officience 3:16 we all know this familiar scripture which Paul said and I pray that now you will reap if the context this context will change you right officials 3:16 there according to the riches of his glory God will grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being now for all who are Singaporeans here visiting us to learn how to do all these things there is only one way through the college of prophets we are teaching it's an 8 month program internationally we have a three days training yes just to give a sample soon it's going to come online we are working on it at this moment it's all under way structures under way but listen online is not as good as personal mentoring it just Kimball as that so to be strengthened with the power through his spirit in your inner being okay this is the inner part so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith so the question is why must my spirit be strengthened for Christ to dwell by faith Christ comes regardless right are you following now Christ comes regardless but you don't know how to draw his power without less regardless you don't know you only know one part he's my salvation so when my spirit is strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit which only comes through fasting Brea nothing else I'm able to draw my Redemption inheritance and power through cries that is swelling in me because inside me is not just a shepherd inside me is a redeemer inside me is a warrior inside me is the king inside me is revelation insight means the Ark of the Covenant you can name it is jehova sholom me see the signal you name it all the I am is living inside me but as the power of the Holy Spirit draws it draws him out of me and my individual life will experience the power of God and that's what Paul is trying to say so in order for that to happen you must let your spirit be empowered so that you will be rooted and grounded in love may have strength look at the word strength this endtime we need strength to understand the depth of God we need strength to compute what God is doing in our lives we need wisdom and maturity you will have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth and know the love of rise that overrides knowledge you see the word surpasses overrides knowledge that you may be filled with what you may be a go to the next line are you they are upset what next line 19 it happens you know our video team audio team time-to-time experienced trance moments boom belfry's we have strength our last line that you maybe feel okay seven people have said that's true do you know in this church we didn't want to give excuse for anyone everywhere you turn there's a TV you can't say you can't see everywhere you did you don't I don't pretend there's a DVD last life let's all read that you maybe feel me what we've all the fullness of God now that is only possible when my spirit is empowered not just knowing the Scriptures now the next line we pray okay verse 20 when you look at verse 20 in the context of verse 16 17 18 19 then you realize why this is not happening to us very often if you have empowered your heart revelation is coming in you are comprehending the love of God and God is changing you in and out and in and out you are in the flow of the Holy Spirit he says now to him who is that him who has done all these exercises right verse 16 17 18 19 to him who is able to do far more abundantly then all that which is God ask or sing you look at the impossibilities in your life even what you ask for thing is going to go beyond what you know in your mind because now the Holy Spirit is empowering you you are bold to ask anything above and anything you ask it must be and it will be subjected according to the power that is work within you so this is your boundary marker and if that power is working is only 5% that means your battery's about to die of any time are you following so you cannot say god I asked for the world when your battery power you can ask for even today's meal a lot of people get discouraged is the reason you ask them a question what is your ministry I'm going to change the world for Jesus Christ the way they speak whether listening or so you'll start shaking the moment they don't have money for their lunch the fear and the worry comes inside you just said you're gonna change the world God tests you with one meal look on your faith why because the power is not enough to work inside them it takes time for God to give you the nation's don't pretend don't flabbergast don't flatter yourself it takes time if you can win one soul and let's talk about you if you can win - let's talk about ten and we can ten let's talk about a small town let's talk about a small city in Australia let's talk about different states before even you breathe the what country 10-quart Singapore so small we can ask for nations very quickly because it's called a city state one state and you're following my brothers so that we will know God is not impartial to anyone the more you want to grow in God the more you want to conquer for Jesus let's start walking inside prayer and the good thing about praying and fasting and reading the word you said no one can stop you it is your own time your own target a lot of people will tell you no pasta I have children after so tide I'm reading the Bible you know I read the whole chapter I fell asleep you know God was watching that he knows that you're so extremely type yet you're making effort God knows that you'll say pasta I'm so tired on a Sunday when I'm listening to you I only remember one scripture maybe I go to 25 but it doesn't matter God will work in that one scripture inside your spirit I wanted to understand when we are tired the anointing gets stuck so we all need to rest preaches we need to rest and therefore today I want to ask you this morning before we go back home the deposits that we have received in this end time is for some purpose after the conference is over the entire mechanism must still work the same way we still have to work on discipleship overcoming the same the same demons around you will be still there some are permanently marked the demons they won't change so we have to change hey don't pray for demons they don't change you know that right do you know that demons are born to be demons there will be demons if they are not a demon something is wrong only we can change amen amen I tell you what we are believing right now God how are we going to expand the church I don't know which way to expand further Hong Liang had our elder Hong know for those who do not know he had a brilliant plan he said break this building and build it over again my my heart was trembling when he was because we don't know which floor to buy so buy the entire building and repeal why not in Jesus name you say Amen you better give them money without money we got it he's throwing it hallelujah come on let's stand up together thank you for being part of the family today thank you for bringing you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 3,756
Rating: 4.7741938 out of 5
Keywords: Steven Francis, Rivers of life ministries, college of prophets, school of prophets, prophetic, warriors training camp
Id: J_qktPMEBBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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