THE DRAENEI - Racial Lore & Roleplay Tips - World of Warcraft Lore

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with Argos on the horizon or looming ominously above us depending on if you cleared the tomb of Sargeras sure and I have once again taken center stage in the story I think now it's a great opportunity to talk about where the gern I have come from what they're doing on eyes are off and for the role players how to build your own drew nigh character our story begins thousands of years ago on the planet Argos life was magical literally the Eredar race had built a magical civilization weaving it into every part of their lives art science other magic anyway those who were the most powerful the magical arts were the leaders the triumvirate this consisted of Velan Archimonde and kil jaeden they led with the assistance of the optimal crystal which helped their development with magic the crystals origins were a mystery to the arid are but they centered their society around it because why not and everything changed when the Burning Legion showed up Sargeras appeared the triumvirate saying he was impressed with them and wanted to give them power in knowledge in exchange for their loyalty Archie and kill EJ were totally on board with this plan but Velan wasn't feeling it he went for a walk and touched the autumn all crystal and received a vision about Sargeras and the Legion and all of its demonic might he ran back to tell the other two but they dismissed his concerns and immediately pledged their loyalty because screw felon he's a nerd anyway and so began the transformation of the arrow door into demons velan and the few hundred who followed his vision were up a creek without a paddle they needed to escape the demonic forces that were now colonizing their homeworld but they had no way out just then he was contacted by a Naru who told them to use the optimal crystal turned out it was a gift turns out as a gift from them a long time ago and it was a beacon they could use to call a spaceship and get the hell out of Dodge little decide the Naru are these crystal beings they're made of light and stuff and they're really good and they're basically the opposite to the shadow people Boyd Lords yeah we're going to get into that in another video but anyway just know that they're they're basically holy wind shines anyway Belen is people climbed aboard the spaceship and failed it was here that Belen was now known as the Prophet and his people now call themselves the Draenei or exiled once in thanks for the Naru for saving them they turned into a light worshipping people and promptly spent the next couple thousand years running from Archie and killing Jay who were hunting them down after villains betrayal all the while the error tower people were transformed into demons and the commanders of the Legion they now shared the immortality and power that Sargeras promised them but you know had to be evil they seemed to be pretty alright with the deal fast forward to about 200 years before the first war the journey finally had a gas crash landed on a planet full of orcs they decided to call Draenor because they were egotistical like that they befriended the orc clans but mostly kept their distance also one of their ships ganador will crashing aground and started being worshipped by the orcs because the souls of their ancestors tended to float around it sure and I figured it was probably not a good idea to mess with their religion and let them have it unfortunately it was here that kil EJ found them instead of a full-on invasion and risking the journey escaping again he went with a more subtle approach he chose the influence the orcs and convinced them to form a horde and fight the deny the denial were formidable foe and clashed well but by the time they realized the orcs were being influenced by demons it was too late they had drank the blood of manner off a pit Lord and immediately sprinted to the capital Shattrath and burned it to the ground the remaining sure and I went even deeper into hiding or were corrupted the corrupted and I were known as broken and if they fell further they became lost ones the lost ones were mostly crazy and violent a handful retained their sanity but not much of it the broken however we simply mutated and shunned by the Draenei because they lost their connection to the light they also thought they were infectious one particular broken by the name of no boon Doe was a paladin but without his connection to the light he found his way to shamanism he was the first to introduce shamanism to the deny and create that bond with the elements they hid out in the swamps through the first and second wars along with the shattering of Draenor until Illidan the blood elves showed up they tore into the remaining organ demon forces stationed in Outland with the intention of carving out a place for Illidan and his forces the journey saw their chance and bolted for their ships up in what is now known as nether storm but the blood elves have mostly taken it over they drove them out of one section known as the eggs and are fired up that sucker and promptly crashed into the dermis Thailand on Azeroth it has remained there ever since from here the Draenei ingratiated themselves with the Night Elves who helped in sponsoring their place in the Alliance they assisted the alliance in their campaign back into Outland to fight Illidan in the Legion as well as played a major role in reigniting the sunwell for the blood elves despite their aggression towards them since then these drew I have been a stalwart ally of the Alliance waiting for the day they eventually join up with the army of light to finally end the Burning Legion once and for all it's important to note that there is a side group of journey found in the warlords of draenor expansion these were from an alternate timeline where the orcs never gave in to the demons and because of this they had more of a fighting chance to defend their cities they eventually helped the orcs in defeating gold and Archimonde and the demons who had come to invade their world so far none of the major forces across in the main timeline but that doesn't mean your character couldn't have as of the Legion expansion we're staring down the drain I finally reaching their end goal returning to Argos forming the army of light and finishing the Legion once and for all it's a very exciting time even though they may not ever be able to turn back they're playing it to the glory it once was they will have read the universe of the threat of the Legion here's a quick note about what the army of light is essentially fellin prophesized that the Jedi would link up with basically all the forces of Azeroth alliance and horde alike to go after the Legion and finally end them once and for all this is apparently going to happen in patch 7.3 this concludes the history lesson on the Tri for those of you interested in knowing how an individual journey might feel about this or for the role player types let's dive into that so you lost your home to demons we're chased for thousands of years by demons lost another home two demons crash-landed on the planet full of weirdos that your leader is telling you will eventually form the army of light even the orcs who pledged themselves to demons once that's assuming you were born back on argos and not during the whole run from demons thing in which case you might not even know the time you aren't being hunted down by demons first off who are you paladin maids priest warrior the Jenna I even have people whose sole job is to be an engineer for the crystal technology they use which is fun if you're any of those you likely have had your work for the gern eyed people all this time to you know distract you from all the demon hunting thing they needed strong fighters and healers to get through these tough years fighting demons so you've likely picked up more than a few accolades it's only during your time on Draenor in Azeroth that you've run into a situation where you don't need to be ready for combat all the time just most of the time death knight well prepare to be shunned sure I don't like corrupted things remember just glass the broken hell even the journey who picked up shamanism I looked at with a side eye that's orc magic don't you know maybe you're just a civilian you've been on this crazy ride for any number of years now sometimes upwards of a thousand based on the visions of the Prophet felon guiding you to safety safety has been a long time coming now and it's only in the last patch that glimpses of hope have finally been now that the journey I've settled on Azeroth and have had prolonged exposure to people other than dry your character can enact of this in a wide variety of ways perhaps given your long lived nature you have no interest in socializing with the lesser lived races only Night Elves can really relate to your experiences after all or perhaps the idea of a new culture after hearing the same thing for hundreds of years it's exciting and you have no interest in returning to the eggs that are for many years that's assuming you've been on board with this whole profit felon thing anyway let's face it you believed him when he said the Legion was bad and were ripped from your home planet and spent a ludicrous amount of time having your people slowly dwindled down due to demonic attacks all the while your old friends back home got a bit uglier yeah but also got immense power and immortality also got to travel with tons of new worlds they burn them all to cinders yes but they got to see something other than the inside of the egg star for all those years maybe you're feeling they got the better deal here being out and about in a world where you don't need to hide as a people can do a lot of things to shift perspective very quickly your journey character can feel shell-shocked aloof overly interested any number of things from being dropped on foreign soil but now that Argus is in full view in the sky maybe that prophet wasn't so crazy for dragging us out here maybe we can do it whether you're civilian or a paladin that sells card planning up in this guy isn't quite that creepy it's hope that this all might be over soon and you know what for a journey a normal life on solid ground sounds pretty good thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video please hit the like share and subscribe buttons and take care everybody
Channel: Lord Clinkenbones
Views: 12,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frost Fables, The Frost Fables, FrostFables, Blizzard, Blizzard Lore, lore, story, roleplay, Warcraft, WoW, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Legion, WoW Legion, Warcraft Legion, WoW Lore, warcraft lore, world of warcraft lore, WoW Legion lore, Legion Lore, Draenei, Draenei lore, RP, Draenei RP, WoW RP, Warcraft RP, WoW roleplay, Warcraft roleplay, RP tips, Draenei RP tips, Draenei backstory, Velen, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, Kiljaeden, Naaru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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