World of Warcraft: The Story of the Lich King

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I saw lotr, is this enough?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Niilista42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 12 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah, i thought i would just check the video out, but the more i watched the harder it was to stop lol! This brought me way back to my World of Warcraft days.

Every major character and plot twist was explained very well. I actually didn't realize the story of WoW and Warcraft was that detailed.

With how the warcraft movie disappointed in both story and execution, I would have never guessed they have so much source material to work with.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blast_Monkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good video going over the history of the Lich King story from Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jmpalermo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
World of Warcraft the story of the Lich King part one NER Zhul was the former elder shaman and war chief of the orc clans that resided on Draenor he remained uncaptured by the Alliance and undeterred from his will to obtain power even after the destruction of the Dark Portal but to understand this characters fate we must first walk back into his past NER Zhul was the chieftain and elder shaman of the Shadowmoon clan and is stated as one of the most popular figures in all orcish history he was admired respected and revered by many of his peers due to his deep connection to the ancestral spirits and he was the closest thing that the orcs had to a single leader what many of them did not know however was that behind this facade NER Zhul had a hunger and lust for more power this hunger and lust for more power inevitably drew the attention of the eredar lord kil jaeden however the deceiver did not reveal himself DiNozzo as his true form initially but instead decided to trick the elder shaman by appearing as his deceased mate Rokon instead kil Jaeden warn you about the Menace of the Draenei and how they were supposedly plotting to destroy the orcs when in reality they were not eventually this fall spirit of Rokon introduced ner'zhul to kil jaeden who then began to tell ner'zhul of the dryest past treachery this treachery involved the Draenei under Belen's leadership leaving Argus and forsaking their fellow brothers and sisters in Basking and sargeras's power since velan and the Draenei refused to follow the rest of their people and walk in the path of corruption kil jaeden saw this as a personal betrayal by villain vow to hunt him and his people down until they were inevitably executed of course kil Jaeden did not revealed this to NER Zhul he wanted to manipulate the elder shaman and he succeeded NER Zhul believing that he was saving his orc people gathered the orc clans and began initiating attacks on drannit settlements the drana who in the past had no quarrel with the works whatsoever were caught completely off guard as the orcs began mercilessly butchering their people and raiding their villages as this ongoing bloodbath continued however Ner'zhul grew suspicious seeing as to how kil Jaeden bought so many resemblances to the Draenei he also noticed kill Jaden's burning hatred for the jarana and especially for the leader villain ner'zhul was also dumbfounded when he noticed that the connection that he had once had with ancestors seem to be weak and even close to non-existent ever since he followed this arid our Lord seeking answers the elder shaman traveled to OSHA gan where he was horrified when the spirit of his ancestor stated that he was being manipulated by the deceiver NER Zhul then left OSHA gone with the will in mind to defy his demon master but Gould and his apprentice had followed nurse'll and had seen everything that had transpired golden seeking more power just like Ner'zhul reported this information to kil jaeden who then elevated Gould n to Ner'zhul's former position in other words upon for the legion ner zhul was then stripped of his power and social status within the or clans and watched helplessly as the orcs fell to bloodlust and fell magic however ghoul Dan made one mistake a single mistake that would result in his undoing he allowed Ner'zhul complete access of all of the shadow councils record and documents and it was through this that ner'zhul realized that kil jaeden was planning on feeding the blood of the pit Lord Mannoroth to the orcs which would bind them to the will of kil jaeden however after being fully stripped from his social status none of the other orcs would listen to the elders shamans warnings except one Durotan of the Frostwolf clan refused to allow his client to drink of the demon blood which caused the other or clans and Godin to become highly suspicious of them and their future activities Durotan and his wife Draca were the only ones aware of this message sent by ner zhul a secret that unfortunately died with them only a few years later after the war with the Jana had passed and after the alliance pushed the bloodthirsty horde back into Draenor the Dark Portal was finally destroyed and the orcs were unable to continue their assault on Azeroth however the bloodlust of the Horde remained undeterred teron gor fiend devised the plan of opening of new portals to new worlds for the Horta conquer for there must be worlds out there that would yield little to no resistance against the might of their orcish army ner'zhul then agreed to gorfeins plan and stated that he needed four items the school of GU Dan the book of medivh the jeweled scepter of Sargeras and the eye of Dalaran however as Ner'zhul reopened the portal to Azeroth he and his forces were confronted by neltharion the earth neltharion offered his own children in exchange for safe passage into Draenor and they formed an alliance where Deathwing prepared the Horde for several key battles to steal two artifacts from the Alliance after acquiring these artifacts one of the four the skull of Gul'dan began to influence the elder shaman deeply it whispered to him and spoke to new Zul druids last remains and upon hearing its whispers NER Zhul began to neglect his people and more and more and he became more concerned with his own lust for power rather than the well-being of the Horde he kept this train of thought as he began to open up many portals around Draenor that began to tear the world apart the chaotic energies from these rifts not only tore the planet apart from the inside out but also transformed many of the Black Dragonflight into nether Drake's he then ordered his followers through the portal until one of them obras protested against Ner'zhul's decision and suggested that they stopped the ritual in order to help the rest of the Horde NER Zhul did not take lightly to this and killed obras on the spot which caused the rest of its followers to march through the portal without question what awaited on the other side was absolute chaos the eredar lord kil jaeden was waiting for the elder shaman and his followers and thus began to torture NER Zhul multiple times while keeping the shamans spirit alive kil Jaeden broke ner'zhul spirit and willpower until the elder shaman eventually agreed to re-enter the service of the Burning Legion not taking any chances however kil jaeden instructed that the Nath regime bind nurse'll spirit into a set of armor and a crafted rune plate in order to contain and control the future would be known lord of undeath ner zhul imprisoned within the suit of armor malevolent runeblade awaited patiently for his opportunity for revenge and this opportunity openly presented itself when a former paladin of the light would inevitably fall into the path of vengeance and agreed to free this Lord of Darkness World of Warcraft the story of the Lich King part 2 Arthas Menethil Crown Prince of Lordran and son of King Terenas Menethil ii was destined to one day become the king of the Magnificent kingdom of Lordaeron he was born in a time ravaged by war and so because of this Arthas was trained in combat by muradin bronzebeard and later was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand at the very young age of 19 even though he was seen by his mentors as sometimes headstrong and rash he was more widely renowned as being a skilled and honorable warrior as the years passed Arthas eventually met Jaina Proudmoore who were both quite fond of each other but could never actually pursue their relationship because of their commitments to their duties in time however both of them would agree to rekindle the relationship but they would do this at the time of the beginning of the Scourge invasion that would change both of their lives as they have known it as the news of an unknown plague spread throughout the lands captain fabric and Jaina were both sent to join Arthas in investigating this flight eventually their searches led them in confronting a necromancer by the name of Kel'Thuzad in the town of brill where they then pursued him to Endor Hall Kel'Thuzad then announced the Arthas and Jaina that he was the one responsible for ordering the cult of the Damned in distributing the plague grain he also announced however that he did serve a dreadlord named mal Ganis who would command the scourge in cleansing the lands of Lordaeron from the living Arthas who was then infuriated by the necromancer seeds executed Kel'Thuzad and he together with Jaina dispatched a stratum in hopes of encountering this dread Lord along the way they decided to stop a hearth Glen village to rest but instead were warned of an approaching army of undead Arthas immediately ordered Jaina to find ether and request for reinforcements while he remained behind to defend the town Arthas and his forces were on the verge of defeat until ether arrived with reinforcements and aided the young prince in saving the village while on the way to Stratholme however Arthas was then met by a prophet known as medivh the Prophet strongly advised that the young Prince traveled to Kalimdor to which Arthas argued that his place was amongst his people and that the last thing that he would do is abandon them Jaina questioned Arthas and suggested that medivh may have been right but Arthas so consumed with saving his homeland paid her no heed and continued to straddle what he arrived Arthur saw that the grain had already been distributed and realized that the city must be cold or else all of the citizens residing within the city would soon turn into mindless abominations horrified by the young prince's idea of purging the city Luthor Jaina and the number of their alliance soldiers left the prince in his mission to slaughter the corrupted townsfolk eventually as he was purging the city Arthas was met by the nasty mal Ganis and as the young prince demanded that they end the conflict right then and there ma ganas flee the confrontation and told the young prince to find him in northrend Arthas enraged that he could not complete his mission that day set fire to Stratholme and it is stated that those fires still burned to this very day a month later Arthas and his troops arrived in dagger Cap Bay and as they search for a suitable place to set camp arthas's men came under gun fire until they were soon recognized by the Dwarven explorers guild and who recognized them it was arthas's good friend and former mentor Muradin Bronzebeard together they set out together in search for Frostmourne until an emissary from Lord Arryn announced that he bore orders from King tyrannous and othor the Lightbringer that instructed Arthas to recall his troops back home however the young prince had no intention of leaving before exacting his revenge on mal Ganis Arthas then hired some mercenaries to burn his boats so that his troops were forced to pursue their original mission when his men arrived Arthas betrayed the mercenaries and accused them of destroying the ships by their own agenda this action that Arthas had just instigated saddened and disgusted Muradin but the dwarf decided that it was in everyone's best interest to not reveal the truth of the men as they pursued their search for Frostmourne mal Ganis once again appeared and foretold the princes death however Arthas treated this as a bluff by the demon lord in an attempt to discourage Arthas and Muradin from reaching Frost more as they continued their campaign Arthas along with Muradin and a small group of men used an ancient gateway in order to travel to the vicinity of the fabled route Blake once inside Arthas immediately felt a calling to the blade Muradin reading the inscription noted that the plate was cursed and told Arthas to leave it be and return home from the way they came paying no attention to the dwarfs warnings Arthas then took the blade which shattered ice barrier and in doing so incapacitating Muradin with Frostmourne in hand Arthas left a burden for dead and returned back to his camp where he defeated all of mal Ganis minions and finally confronted the dreadlord mal Ganis pleased that Arthas had acquired Frostmourne then asked a former paladin what exactly that the Dark Lord instruct him to do next Arthas then replied that the whispers told him to destroy mal Ganis and after slaying the dread Lord Arthas fled into the frozen north where he forsook its men to their inevitable deaths marching aimlessly into the frozen north with nothing else than the whispers of Frostmourne months later the whispers of frost one guided Arthas back to the throne of Lordran where his father would be the lands of Lordaeron shouted with joy at the miraculous return of their hero and heir to the throne however he was not the so-called hero that they recalled him to be our earth is accompanied by both captain foul reek and captain Marwan personally murdered his own father which broke the stability within Lord Arryn he then tasked both of the former Alliance captains whom were murdered and raised into undeath with the duty of slaying the citizens of the city and raising them into undeath as well with their newly gained powers after leaving the city to rot Arthas reassembled the cult of the Damned and to plotting with Ty contries another dread Lord the same as mal Ganis he recovered the corpse of the necromancer Kel'Thuzad Kel'Thuzad remains were decomposed and needed to be taken to quell the loss to be revived within the Sunwell to do this Arthas needed to recover an urn in order to contain the Lich's remains and transport them into the Elvin city while returning with the urn Luther confronted Arthas and demanded that the urn be returned because it held the ashes of its father Arthas scoffed at the Paladin and the two clashed blades the confrontation ended with the death of the legendary paladin and the engulfment of an additional soul after murdering his lifelong mentor Arthas abandoned his father's remains and then began the long journey towards quality loss once he arrived Arthas was greeted by heavy resistance led by the Ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner Sylvanas vexed Arthas so greatly that instead of simply killing her and leaving it at that he also reanimated her into a bay and she divided his win ultimately the undead ran over the elves which led them to be defenseless against the resurrection of the necromancer Kel'Thuzad after the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad he and Arthas both set out to summon the Burning Legion eredar lord alcaman the air raid our Lord instructed kel'thuzad to acquire the book of medivh located in Dalaran which would allow Kel'Thuzad to summon him Arthas and his undead legion eventually broke down the cure and towards magical defenses killed the arc mage and tinnitus and claimed the book of medivh after summoning Arkham on to Azeroth however our command stated that he had no further uses for the Lich King and that the dread Lord High countries was now placed in command of the scourge confused and enraged at this turn of events Arthas then asked Kel'Thuzad what would become of them the Lich responded by saying that this had already been foreseen by the Dark Lord they both disappeared and left Arkham on to conduct a ritual to destroy the magical kingdom of Dalaran time has passed and eventually the eredar lord alcaman was defeated upon the demon Lords death Arthas confronted the dread Lords in the attempt to slay them all the Nathrezim fled and in time Arthas received a painful seizure that could not be ignored the Lich King called out to him and it was revealed later that the Lich Kings power was dwindling eventually the Lich Kings power weakened so much did the extent of where Sylvanas was no longer under his control and when she was free her rage was unending Sylvanas ambushed Arthas in the woods and shot him with a stun arrow but before she could deliver the finishing blow the lich Kel'Thuzad came to the lich king's rescue and overpowered Sylvanas causing her to flee into the woods at this time the Lich Kings strength was dropping at an extensive rate and as arthas's power began to dwindle he also began to hear the mental cries of Ner'zhul ordering that he returned to northrend for Illidan and his forces were on their way to destroy the Frozen Throne immediately Arthas set sail for northrend and left Kel'Thuzad behind to command the scourge that still resided within Lord Arryn three weeks later upon arriving on the coast of northrend Arthas was immediately attacked by blood elves led by Kael tha's Sunstrider hungry for vengeance at their kingdoms destruction the blood elves assaulted the death knight with all of their might but ultimately failed when the giant [ __ ] Lord known as an uber AK saved the former paladin this [ __ ] Lord led Arthas through underground passageways within a julna room in order to be Illidan to the race to the Frozen Throne when he came upon the doors of muscial in the room however he was immediately attacked by both nerubians who had survived the destruction of their kingdom and also dwarves that had remained the Northrend after Muradin was incapacitated after defeating these forces however Arthas and the new black also faced against a powerful and vicious being not only to exist in legend until now they faced off against the servant of the old gods themselves this being was known as The Forgotten one and although it was extremely powerful Arthas and the Crypt Lord were able to defeat the monstrosity when they finally reached the surface however they were immediately assaulted by Vash as Naga and Kael'thas blood elves but with the power of a new Barack on his side Arthas fought his way to the Frozen Throne it was there that Illidan Stormrage was waiting for the young death knight though both of them were extremely versatile and skilful combatants Arthas eventually emerged the victor and sliced open the demon hunters chest with frost Moyne while Illidan was attempting to assault the fallen Prince from above leaving Stormrage to bleed out on the snow Arthas turned back and told Illidan leave Azeroth and never return Arthas entered the hollow glacier and as he continued this way atop the Frozen Throne the voices of those he had four silk and betrayed flowed through his mind the voices of Muradin Luther and Jaina called out to him and yet he ignored them and paid no attention to their words upon reaching the pinnacle he saw before him an icy cask which inside contained a suit of armor and a malevolent helmet as he came closer the helmet whispered to him to return the blade and complete the circle with all of his remaining might the Fallen Prince of Lordran brought down the might of frost one against ner zhul's icy prison and as the icy containment was shattered Arthas placed the helm of damnation upon his head and upon doing so merged with the elder shaman and one single entity World of Warcraft the story of the Lich King part 3 upon reaching the Frozen Throne and placing the helm of damnation upon its head Arthas merged with the spirit of NER Zhul and in doing so becoming the lord of undeath while atop the icy pinnacle Arthas laid dormant entering a deep dream state and amongst many of these dreams that he was receiving was one where a boy named Mathias Leonard peered before him this boy stood beside an orc an orc with a white skull painted on his face this orc was none other than the elder shaman Azul and although he appeared aged physically he still possessed the strength and physical well-being of an orc in its youth the boy however though young looked extremely weak and even ill this boy represented the humanity and good within the former paladin and although Arthas has committed various horrible deeds the boy represented the light of hope and artists that refused to be extinguished the boy attempted to persuade him that it was not too late to be redeemed and that Arthas could still turn back from his path of damnation the orc on the other hand stated that there was so much more walk this path of damnation and everything that you could have ever dreamed of could be obtained with the simple will in mind however Arthas attention was fully focused on the child as the child met the fallen princess cays a portion of his sickness dissipated the child then spoke you understand now despite all our thirst you have not abandoned me tears of hope stood in his eyes and his voice though stronger than it had been quavered with emotion there must be a reason Arthas Menethil much harm have you done but there is goodness in you yet for if there was none then I would not exist not even in your dreams the boy slowly walked to Arthas and as Arthas placed this cold hand upon the boy's face and brushed his cheek the boy whispered it doesn't have to be too late Arthas hesitated and then spoke it doesn't but it is the Prince plunged frost went through the child eradicating the last remnants of the good that refused to be extinguished within the fallen paladin New York very pleased at this turn of events told Arthas that he was now stronger than ever before now there is no Arthas or NER Zhul there is no orc or human there is simply the Lich King but Arthas not agreeing with the orcs words impaled the elder shaman with the rune blade and upon doing so becoming the dominant state within the avatar as the true king Arthas awoke and his vision was to wash all of Azeroth and the greatness of the scourge the Lord of undeath assaulted the capitals of both the Horde and the Alliance which in turn provoked the counter-offensive in northrend by the Horde Alliance argent crusade and Knights of the ebon blade led by darion mograine in addition to these enemies Arthas also faced the threat of the undead who broke away from him the forsaken more specifically the Forsaken apothecaries that were led by grand apothecary putress these forsaken not only broke away from the will of the lich king but also from banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner as well serving the dreadlord valley matharis they cared for nothing in their path but death and destruction horde Alliance or Undead it didn't matter there were all enemies in the eyes of these insurgents bringing all of these heroes and enemies against the Lich King was also dangerous however due to the fact that he could resurrect numerous forces that once fought against him to be under his control in none death they would be resurrected to serve only him and they would be more powerful in fact with more ferocity and passion than they would ever before after these insurgents were dealt with the Horde and the Alliance continued their battle against the Lich King even with all of these delays and obstacles the northern counter-offensive remained resilient and persistent eventually the counter-offensive secured two key victories within the fortress Souls and a pit of Saron this allowed them to dusk gain access to the halls of reflection where they then defeated both captain Falak and captain Marwan after putting both of the former Alliance captains to rest the forces of justice inevitably breached the walls of the Lich Kings fortress Icecrown Citadel after battling through waves and waves of undead and dismantling the Lich Kings lieutenants the champions of Azeroth finally reached the throne of the king with the assault led by tyrion fordring the forces of justice confronted Arthas where he was at its most powerful the Frozen Throne through many sacrifices and losses the champions of the light fought what seemed to be an unending battle against the king of the scourge until finally they lost with a single blow the lich king completely eradicated all life on the platform but it was not over as the final act Tyrion prayed to the light to bless him with unmatched power to break out of his ice containment he lashed out at Arthas and shattered Frostmourne with the ashbringer which in turn released all of the souls that had been banished within the accursed runeblade the spirits then incapacitated their former jailer while four during and his resurrect the champions assaulted Arthas while he was defenseless and with their combined might they defeated the lich king the champions victory was short-lived however as it was announced by King Terenas Menethil that there must always be a Lich King for without control of their master the undead horde will run rampant across all of Azeroth as the former King vanished into the win Tyrion placed his hand upon the helmet and prepared to carry the burden of becoming the new Lich King the undead paladin bovar for Dragon however called out for the hilar to place the crown of damnation upon his head and in doing so becoming the new Lich King as his final act of service to not only the Alliance but also to all people of all lands within all of Azeroth bolΓ­var took the burden of becoming the new Lich King and entered a dormant state where he continues to keep his vigilant gaze upon the undead legions to this day it is without a doubt that the chaos and destruction that was released by Arthas and their soul devastated the balance that Azeroth once had for some their fates were cursed for all eternity but for others bonds were established that not even death could destroy to this day we remember all of those who had sacrificed their families their lives and the pride in this war perhaps just perhaps we can set aside all of our differences and when time calls for it to be there will be no horde or alliance but a world in unity you
Channel: Krucial
Views: 751,631
Rating: 4.9005117 out of 5
Keywords: World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King (Video Game Expansion), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow, wotlk, Wrath of the Lich King, Arthas, Lich King, WoW Lore, The Lich King, Ner'zhul, Nerzhul, Arthas Menethil, Uther, Bolvar Fordragon, WoW The Story of the Lich King, The Story of Arthas Menethil, Story of the Lich King, Lore, Nobbel, Hellscream, WoW The Story of Arthas Menethil, The Lich King Lore, WoW The Story of Ner'zhul, Outlands, World of Warcraft The Lich King
Id: _Ih-GVjv9n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2015
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