THE DOXAH ANOINTING ( GLORY) | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] in the realms of the spirits when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah brothers I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one same God with us and that one is saying Emmanuel what is that when I go to this place I saw an address like eight one one one the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another night I saw a three I saw a zero I saw a pea it's like a paint you or something like that I saw him doing this throwing seeds people calling up : [Music] Leclaire Eostre improvi - a la carte le monde' profaned in Kish Taha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the sous la mano eating shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now la le Kista evoke a LeBron daily Kista para que hace Mira - static olive and le grande de la gloria stove radical Kista Avoca talam and a last icon Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka play vidya aman de lange got eatle Abra delica acaba Paquette Elam and le pran Deva Katta Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bas over a Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale Akash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlocked in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oinking upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] you have to learn to bring the battle to the devil stop allowing the devil to attack you you should be the one that is attacking him let me explain it those who clap may God give you more grace now listen and listen very well the devil in the first chapter of the Bible or the first book of the Bible in the third chapter Genesis chapter number 3 the devil is referred to as that seven as seven but if you move to revelations is called that old serpent that dragon meaning if you don't deal with the devil in the book of Genesis you don't deal with them in the beginning of your day if you don't deal with them in Deuteronomy you don't deal with them in the book of Acts you don't deal with him in the book of Revelation it becomes that old serpent that dragon killing a snake is easier than killing a dragon many of you are dealing with dragons because you fail to kill a snake when God puts you in the garden where everything you ever needed is the devil will also be present because there one who holds on to what he has been given is the owner not the one who is given but the one who holds on to it is not how you start it's how you finish so if you don't deal with that snake and you let him become a dragon you'll be dealing with a dragon that is breathing out fire when you should have dealt with the snake that could you could just step on his head what is that we tell them you deserve it then God took me to some 103 and I saw the son of David now you have to ask yourself this question did David become King because it because he worked for it or because God decided that you will be because God decided so you don't deserve things because you worked but because God decided the devil's work is for you to disqualify yourself from what God has already decided to give I think this is for people in the back the devil's mission is always to do one thing to make you see that you don't belong where you want to be in that you're not qualified to be where you're you are desiring to be help us Lord because in his mind he knows that you have been taught everything that you have you have to work for it but there are things that are from Jesus that you can never work for he can only give you the Bible says up for yourself under the mighty hand of God and he shall lift you up not because you deserve it but because he decided may God elevate you this hour may God lift you up this hour in the realm of the Spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt [Applause] I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on a while you married before us okay go to my mama gonna I'm the spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and when we did you the engine he's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody call Kenny Kenny's that's me let me oppa Gaga King was a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you they I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about jewelry [Applause] I did about the docks a dimension the docks are anointing that God is ready to release upon everybody that is watching right now in the mighty name of Jesus I want everybody to let somebody know that the Prophet is live right now and God is gonna bless you and God is going to change your life and is gonna lift you to a dimension and to a level that you have never been before somebody said glory glory glory so I'm excited I want you to share it I want you to let somebody know I want you to let somebody know you know I have to I want you to let somebody know I'm gonna teach you something that I believe will potentially change your life forever if this one's don't receive me you receive it it's gonna be too much it's gonna be incredible it's gonna be transforming it's gonna transform somebody's life just by them listening by them following it's gonna change everything about you I hope you are ready I hope you're you're excited I hope that you are ready I hope you are ready hallelujah I'm excited I'm excited about this I'm excited about this so I want you to let somebody know I'm gonna be talking about the doxa dimension or the doxa anointing we are still dealing with the glory of God but now we have moved to the doxa dimension of the glory I don't know if anybody remembers what we talked about yesterday who remembers who remembers if you remember let me see what you watch you learnt yesterday hallelujah I don't know if people are ready what did you learn you who even hear what did you learn that would tell me if you're ready for this if you guys are not ready for it we just cancel and do it next time ah because what I'm gonna talk about today is gonna change somebody I'm waiting for you guys no one learnt anything ah yes by what that's deep say with confidence you're saying the truth by becoming more like God aha let's see Facebook I see Facebook [Music] Morgan said I haven't gotten time to watch before hallelujah hallelujah let me read for me the comments of what people are saying so I'm gonna teach you what those character are what makes you like that I'm gonna teach you that I'm good that's what I'm gonna reveal to you by the special grace of God Father I pray for everybody that is coming on I pray that your grace your might and your power shall be upon each and every one of them that something about them will change that Lord they may enter into the dimension and walk in power as God has commanded in the name of Jesus amen and amen and amen and amen now capture this I told you yesterday that the Lord spoke to me I think I did I said live I don't think I said it live did I say it life that the Lord spoke to me but I was going to shake the next day it has said that on livestream I think I said it to you privately so the Lord Jesus who visited me and he spoke to me and the Lord Jesus told me this he said when somebody receives the docs are dimensioned they begin to walk in that room by reason of it coming upon them the first thing that happens is people become in need of you because what you carry benefits a nation does not benefit only a person and the point of that grace is to put you in a position of power that may be in your company may be in your family may be in all these different areas but what it does is it puts you in a position of power so that the will of God may be done through your life through that position when Samuel went to David and I knowing that David immediately so began to be tormented by a demon but that demon did not tormented soul to destroy so he tormented soul so that David may have a place because if David was anointed to be king the only way he who become King is by befriending soul I'm trying to say something here so there was no way David was going to become king unless he knew so because a kingdom is passed on you have to be in line that David had the ability even the son of so submitted to say David you you should be king not me I will serve you when you enter the doxa anointing you are destiny partners people that are supposed to benefit you with where you're going begin to come many of you you are praying for a breakthrough but the reality the breakthrough will not come until the docs eyes established in you so that the right people can come because when those people come they will be in need and they are need their need is what will cause you to enter into a position of power you elect a president you elect a mayor you elect you promote somebody you do these things because this person has something to benefit the people you don't put somebody somewhere because it is a good thing to put them it's because of what they can benefit the people may you become a benefit to the people by reason of what will come upon you I feel like people are not ready listen we are just scratching the surface while we are about to get into is about to become a problem that would change people profit Jeremy samuel greetings greetings prophet it changes not only your life but the life of people around you because remember the Bible says the earth shall be blessed through your seed I will make a series may be by the grace of God called God's seed the earth will be blessed through your seed so you are supposed to bless the earth but how can you bless the earth if you are not in a position to help them I don't know if somebody is listening to me it's impossible let's go to scripture let me show you now what the Bible is talking about here isaiah chapter 11 Isaiah chapter 11 are you ready to know what make the Lord Jesus Jesus Isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 to 5 are you ready Isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 to 5 I feel like I'm by myself Isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 to 5 Isaiah chapter 11 from verse 1 to 5 Isaiah 11 from verse 1 to 5 are you there you to buy you there facebook facebook facebook periscope are you there periscope is on fire hallelujah because remember every spiritual thing can be taught Facebook are you there let me see if they are already there now look at this listen carefully and they shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out with his roots with his roots a branch shall grow out with his roots we'll talk about that when we talk about the seed of God verse number 2 and the Spirit of the Lord shall be upon him count that was that the Spirit of the Lord and align that and the spirit notice and the Spirit of the Lord shall be upon him that is one the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of what understanding the spirit of counsel and the spirit of might the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of the fear of the Lord how many spirits are those seven let me stop I want to go deep but I don't have people ready for this to go that deep so what made the Lord Jesus Jesus is the seven spirits the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might--might is also power the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of what the fear of the Lord when this spirit rests upon him this is what will happen and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord now remember fear of the Lord is not being afraid of the Lord but of reverence of knowing God and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes meaning you will be what prophesying and neither reprove after the hearing of ears meaning you will not need to hear somebody's opinion you just need to be a God's opinion but with righteousness shall ëwhat doxa the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and shall and he shall smite the earth with the rod of what his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall ëwhat slay the wicked and the righteous shall be with the girl of Allah of his loins and faithfulness and the girdle of his reins let me explain I've ever had Christians say I have I have we have authority we have authority but Authority is not working because the fullness of the image of God is not there I don't know if somebody's fooling now you sure you're here maybe let's stop and continue another time I don't know if somebody's here maybe we should do it another time are you sure hello hello hello hello hello I'm waiting for people I feel like I'm I feel like I'm alone here the true power of God not theatrics manifests upon a person because of the seven spirits manifesting in him go to revelations chapter number three verse one as prophet Danny says if you don't have this the the your anointing will become annoyance now look at Revelation chapter number 3 verse 1 he says and unto the Angel of the churches in Sardis write these things said he that had the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars now remember the seven stars are seven angels there are seven spirits of God in the seven stars are two different things that's why it's making a difference there are seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars the seven stars are the high angels Gabriel Michael Uriel and the rest they're the seven high angels people call them Archangels but their real names is actually high angels I don't know if somebody's catching this so you see here the Bible's mentioning what is it mentioning the seven spirits revelations chapter four verse five and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thundering and the voice and the voices and there were seven lamps lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God now remember God is a consuming fire why are the seven spirits spoken of as a lampstand not only because they are on fire listen to this the spirit of man is the candle of the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord you guys are too slow I pray that the spirit of understanding will come to you because these spirits are no good unless the inside of a person maybe if you read it before you will understand I'm just I'm playing around with it for a little I want you to capture this now go to revelations chapter number 5 verse 6 Revelation 5:6 and I and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain having seven horns seven word seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all earth so these spirits are not in heaven they were sent into the whole earth I feel like I'm by myself I feel like I'm by myself somebody's still not catching what we are trying to say is somebody there hello maybe I should stop so it says that the Lord Jesus are seven what eyes seven horns seven eyes and seven wat seven horns seven eyes seven horns and seven eyes I want somebody to capture this I hope you are following because if you follow this will change your life I promise you if your life doesn't change I am NOT a prophet by reason of this knowledge if you are if your mind does not change if your spirit does not change let me explain in the realm of the Spirit seven means completion so seven spirits means the fullness of God seven eyes means fullness of sight seven horns means fullness of power [Music] [Music] seven spirits the fullness of God seven eyes the fullness of sight seven horns the fullness of power I don't think people are ready to go deep I want to go deep but I don't know people are ready to go deep so one can never cultivate power by simply praying my son's always asked me prophet how is it that you participate volition I was just talking to a great man of God and we were just speaking about Scripture and he kept saying you know I've been in ministry for so long but every time you're speaking my hat my head is turning like what is going on you can never receive there is the wisdom of this world and there is the wisdom of heaven there is the knowledge of this world and there is the knowledge from heaven but the one of heaven is not taught you receive it by a spirit when Daniel did not understand the visions that he was having the Lord sent Gabriel to explain to him the visions because Gabriel is one of the seven spirits or the seven stars that stand in the presence of God the seven stars so he has insight of the seven spirits so when God speaks to a person he can come and explain to you what God spoke to you many of you you cannot hear God because the fullness of sight is not there so if you're going to enter into a place of power with God you need the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom there is spirit of understanding the spirit of the fear of the Lord the spirit of counsel the spirit of judgment if you don't carry the seven spirits inside of you you are not complete you will always have limitations in your walk with God the devil will always challenge you because he knows there are holes in your armor when people says put on the full armor of God they don't understand that is talking about the full the seven spirits because that's what keeps you complete this is the dimension that when you enter in you start to speak it is God Himself speaking it's no longer you this is the dimension where there was nothing going on you can speak and something will happen go back to Isaiah chapter 11 let me show you let me show you something here go back to Isaiah 11 Isaiah chapter 11 go back to Isaiah chapter 11 I hope somebody's learning something Isaiah chapter 11 Isaiah 11 hmm look at this verse let's start from verse two and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him 1 the spirit of wisdom - and understanding 3 the spirit of counsel for and might 5 the spirit of knowledge what 6 and the spirit of the fear of the Lord 7 when this is completely new what what shall happen you shall be of quick understanding the second thing that will happen with what you will no longer judge by sight you will no longer judge by the hearing of what people say do you know why many of you get carried away by rumors of what people say now you know why when somebody tells you so-and-so is wicked you believe because you have no way of knowing the truth without listening to people but some of us will listen to God how many times have you heard me tell people this and if you want God to talk to you when somebody comes to you I'm sick pray for this ask God what is really the problem because God will tell you what the problem is because even the person who thinks the problem is this is not a problem but with righteousness shall heed doxa the power of a believer the power of a believer the power of a believer is in his words the power of a believer is in the words that they speak the great man of God daniel williams god bless you sir your words are always so encouraging to me the power of a believer is in their words everything that god ever did was by his words and God said and God said and God said and God said the power of a child of God will always be in their words and what they say but if in your spirit you don't carry the completion of God it would be flesh speaking and not God speaking when the Lord Jesus said that the young girl had died he went he went and said no the girl is just sleeping but people who went to the Lord for help said don't bother the master the girl is already dead so some people pray with the spirit of defeat inside of them they will pray as long as there is hope in the sight of man but they will not pray if Hope has escaped the sight of men they will not pray if their good news as skipped the sight of men if the doctors tell you there is no hope if your boss tells you you're fired if you look into your life and you see nothing is good you stop praying because there's no point of praying because it's already the end but I'm here to tell you when you have the seven spirits of God where there is no hope you see hope where there is no future you will see a future where there is no there is that you will see life where there is limitation you will see acceleration where there is delay you see increase you see manifestation so many people pray by reason of their defeat they don't pray by reason of solution I don't know if somebody's capturing what I'm saying I don't know if somebody's capturing what I'm saying as a child of God these spirits have been sent out unto the whole earth when the Bible is saying in the last days I will pour out my spirit is talking about this seven not Sharla baba baba Baba no that is just the Spirit of the Lord what about the other six I am talking to myself I don't know if somebody's listening to me when you receive the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord of course you will receive a language that you speak with God because of that spirit but what about the other spirits that benefit your character in your image I don't know I'm here by myself because remember the reason why there's seven Jesus are seven eyes is fullness of sight every verse you read in the Bible has seven dimensions and depths of Revelation everything that you see spiritual has seven layers in it are we still here every single verse you read in the Bible has seven levels of Revelation because you need seven eyes to see all of all seven some of you only has will have the one eye that allows you to see that Jesus is Lord but you need the other six to see the other depths you can never know what God's power is until you have received the spirit of might which also means power is somebody there hallelujah BFC 60 we can see your comments we can periscope is on fire I don't know if somebody is catching me so and the Lord Jesus was saying I only do what I see my father do is because he was seeing seven different dimensions in the realm of the Spirit I don't know if somebody's catching me you need seven eyes to fully see what the devil is doing to fully know what God is doing to have insight of what the enemy is trying to do you need the spirit of power for you to have power now notice this how can you doctor judge without fully seeing the full story how can you arrest somebody if you don't have the seven you don't have the spirit of power how can you cancel somebody if you don't have the spirit of wisdom how can you navigate difficult situations if you don't have wisdom how can you deal with the devil if you don't have knowledge concerning the devil the Bible says do not be ignorant of the devices of the devil meaning you need to have knowledge of what is happening in hell you need to have knowledge of what God is doing so if you're lacking in these things it means that your Amma has holes there is an angle that the devil can throw a punch that you won't see that will knock you down I don't know if I'm talking to myself I don't know if people are capturing me now look at what the Bible says and I would teach about the the you know the Bible says it like this it says in the last days there will be so much deception that if it were possible not if it is possible if it were possible even the very elect will be deceived meaning a true elect can never be deceived that's why saying if it were it doesn't say it is possible if it were possible meaning it is impossible so if you have been deceived you don't have the seven spirits if a person can come and lie to you about Jesus and you believe and you go in there it means that you did not have the seven spirits when you are deceived I don't know if somebody's catching me so when people say be afraid of deception that's why me I don't understand why people fear deception don't you have eyes to see don't you know Jesus what are you afraid of what are you afraid of it's like somebody coming to tell you or somebody who come and pretend to be prophet lovey you have been around me what would you be worried about I know him I have I've seen him I have served him I have bought food with him I have sat with him we have watched movies we have sat down I've heard him teach I don't know if somebody's catching this you can't be deceived because you have the fullness of sight what will the devil deceive you with do you understand that every temptation that the Lord Jesus received from the devil two of them two of them were spiritual they are spiritual two of them were spiritual he said if you are the son of God turn stone into bread why did he say turn a stone into bread you have to understand that the Bible says that your your child cannot ask you for bread and you give him stone so they'd ever used the word of God to tempt Jesus he did not use any wicked scheme but the Lord Jesus knew what it meant so I told him man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God notice he did not say I will I am NOT the son of God because I am an able to change stone into bread but he said I don't need bread to show you that I am the son of God they're words that I'm speaking they're even better bread than the one that the stone can feed my physical body so he argued on a spiritual basis the what the devil was asking was not wrong was actually accurate was biblical there was no reason for the Lord Jesus to finish his fast than to be hungry what was the second one jump out of this building is it not written that he will send his angels that they would take charge over you they will keep you in all your ways you will not even dash your foot against a stone that is scripture who was quoting sums it is true I don't know if somebody's speaking I don't know if somebody's capturing this I don't know if somebody's capturing this I don't know if somebody is capturing this what the devil questioned him on was a spiritual matter but Jesus had a greater layer of Revelation than what they'd ever had he told him you shall not tempt the Lord your God I am NOT in danger for angels to carry me I'm not going to jump but you can sit and say I'll prove to you that I'm the Son of God let's take the Bible I will show you that you are wrong and I am right foolishness because you can never argue with somebody if they don't have the spirit of knowledge and wisdom you cannot argue with them scripture because that says that their level is shallow it's like you're arguing with somebody concerning something that they have never experienced how can you make an argument about that I go and tell a doctor no your diagnosis was wrong because I am feeling my pain in my ear the doctor is saying no no no no when you have an infection your whole ear ache no I do just need to treat here I'm not a doctor how will I know I don't know if somebody's catching me so if when you become a child of God your pursuit is the fullness when the baboo is saying to be confirmed to be conformed to the image of his son the image of his son is in the seven spirits so when somebody saying Lord make me like Jesus you cannot the first person that actually I heard speak of this was prophet Dennison so you can never walk in the fullness of the power of God until you manifest this seven spirits it's impossible so my question to you is this remember their anointing requires grace to work the anointing does not work independent of grace if you are a prophet their anointing work in the grace of prophecy if you are a healing evangelists they anointed work in the capacity of healing notice the anointing is the same it is the grace that it's changing is function the anointing does not make you rich but the anointing gives you the power to make wealth they are noin ting needs the grace in order to work profit la vie is a prophet they are noin ting in my life will work in the area of Revelation and prophetic but there are known ting I carry and the anointing you carries the same anointing the measure and the function is totally dependent on the grace of God and your capacity yesterday prophet Dennis was talking about the capacity some people have a small anointing and they think that they are big and big people who have their knowing thing for real they don't even do those things they are simple like some of us so the anointing does not work independent of grace so when you receive the doxa of judgment whenever you command a situation you would change because they are noin ting has been focused like a laser in that place whenever you declare abundance abundance who come to pass because the anointing is concentrated in the place of that that's what the Lord Jesus said whosoever shall speak unto this mountain and command it to drop itself in the sea he did not say who also ever shall pray against this mountain whosoever shall dockside this mountain you jump into the sea notice is not requesting the mountain is not pleading with the mountain is telling the mountain where to go [Music] the devil had the grace for music so they are noin ting on his life was to empower he is gifting the moment he was kicked out of heaven the Bible has never called the devil powerful it calls him a deceiver because he is making you think he has power but the guy's a musician with a Gita pretending to be somebody with a machine gun because it's deceiving you that is what the Bible calls him a lion with no teeth I'm talking to the wrong people there guys just a musician the guy's a music guy loudness is not the evidence of power you go online you see everybody but they are sweating nothing is changing and people just say whoa I feel the anointing the anointing is not supposed to be felt you feel the presence of God they are noin ting manifest brings results feeling the anointing will not cut it manifesting the power of God is what changes situations they are noin ting breaks the yoke it is because of the anointing the yoke will break it's not about I feel the anointing no feel the presence of God not the presence of God but the anointing must result into something changing I feel like I'm on my own you see somebody singing you say wow what an annoying thing in their voice who is getting saved David was anointed when he played their hub a demon was coming out of so don't confuse skillful musicianship for anointing don't confuse a beautiful voice for an anointed voice true worship is not even organized through worship as whipping screaming rolling on the floor and everything because it's an expression of what is inside and who Jesus is to you hello I don't know if somebody's hearing me I don't know if somebody can hear me I don't know if somebody's capturing me I don't know if somebody is flowing with me are you understanding so far somebody said but profit lovey I have not been around you but someone invokes me listen guys thank you so much for writing that if anybody inboxes you saying it is profit lovey I want to pray for you I want to intercede for you or things like that listen I don't inbox anybody I don't ask anybody for money in their inbox or anything like that that is somebody pretending to be me when you see that block it and and report it report it on Facebook or report it on Instagram or something it's an impostor these are wicked people trying to extort people using other people's names and and if you can send a screenshot of the profile so that we can we can report it to Facebook because they are pretending to be somebody so their pages can be blocked I don't know if somebody is listening is somebody listening glory be to the mighty name of Jesus is somebody learning somebody's saying how do we obtain the seven spirits that's a good question that's a good question I like that question let's see Facebook what are people on Facebook saying Cappadocian daily Kista a vaca hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah any other question thank you my daughter the prophetess Kimball how do we cultivate how do we cultivate or how do we receive the seven spirits number one you have to know that there's a new level to be attained where you are is good but it's not good enough there is another level to be attained where you are is good but it's not good enough if you are satisfied where you are you are disqualifying yourself for that next one you have to know if you are not behaving like Jesus yet it means there's more for you to attain because you are supposed to be conformed to his image so if his image is not yet manifested something is wrong my daughter Jennifer absolutely that's what the Bible says the reaches of the wicked is stored up for the righteous somebody is just sitting on your miracle enjoying it before you you have to be willing to do everything you have to be willing to do everything to become more like Christ every day that begins by knowing that there is a greater level to be achieved if you have not turned water into wine yet there's a greater level to be achieved if you have not worked on what I ate there's still a greater level to be achieved if you cannot multiply bread there's still a greater level to be achieved because the goal is for us to do that and more so some people you're already comfortable where you are because you saw one or two miracles because you got one or two prophetic information accurate so you think that you have arrived yet there is still a greater level there's still a greater dimension there is still a greater place that the Lord has for you to reach to I don't know if somebody's catching this what is the spirit of wisdom wisdom is the application of knowledge but God does not teach you knowledge before he teaches you is though God teaches you how to do it so by doing it you receive the knowledge of it God believes in teaching you by experience so God some of you God has given you the zeal to serve in the house of God God has given you it would tell you give give five thousand give ten thousand give one thousand give twenty dollars give fifty dollars you're saying but Lord what will happen will I have this when I give God will never tell you what you will have is until you obey his first command the spirit of cancel communion with God the spirit of might power the spirit of righteousness Jesus is your righteousness until you discover that you still try to be good and perfect in you true righteousness is being clothed in the Lord Jesus knowing that it is the Lord Jesus that makes me to be Who I am without the Lord Jesus I am my righteousness is like filthy rags I don't know if somebody's following I feel like Facebook is falling asleep you you to buy you there the elements who begin to obey you the elements will begin to obey you the moment they hear God through you our voice carries words Jesus is the word until you have been changed in the realm of the Spirit you still sound like you the moment the image of God begins to be completely in you when you speak in the realm of the Spirit it is God speaking in the realm of men people who say what what manner of man is this what kind of human being is this there is no why some of you cannot command your finances to go up is the dog size not complete made the doxa be complete in you may you move into the doxa dimension may you move into the doxa anointing it is in the doxa that you can make decrease the Bible says whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven meaning that you are controlling the spiritual realm from the earthly realm but it is impossible unless you are God working on earth oh jesus oh Jesus oh Jesus you need to begin to focus on less of me more of you that should become a true prayer of a child of God number one you must know number one you must know somebody said how about Prophet Victor's here I don't know that is number one you must notice a greater level to be attained number two less of you more of him you can never begin to look like somebody unless you begin to imitate and make room for that kind of character to appear in you I don't know if somebody is following I don't know if somebody is following hello hello Capra DK scintillant Gustavo Katya maverick Usha of Achilles of Adia more of you less of me more of you less of me may I decrease and may you increase let me tell you the truth when your true burden begins to become more about the Lord manifesting in you versus your little problems you will never have power to fix your little problems the Bible says that bread is for the children God knows the Lord Jesus said give us our daily bread he did not say father we pray for bread every day he said give us it is your right to have daily bread so your focus should not be in daily bread because that one God has already decided he said don't worry about what you're going to wear don't worry about what you're going to eat so your prayer as a child of God should not be focused on those things God does not mind you asking for them but your greatest desire your greatest desire your greatest desire must always be in this one thing and this thing only more of you less of me because if Jesus can be full inside of me Jesus could multiply bread so I will never pray for bread again Jesus could heal the sick I will never have to beg heaven for healing I would touch people and people will be healed I will never have financial difficulty anymore when the situation's are impossible I will walk over them like Jesus walked on water because it is no longer I who lives but it is him that lives I feel like my spirit ease I don't know if somebody's catching me that is why some prophets they come fake prophets they come to you they'll say I see you I see billions coming to you how can somebody release the billions anointing to you and then themself they are struggling for 1,000 I don't know if somebody's catching me don't you know that spiritually you cannot give what you don't have I see money coming to you where what channel it's empty words they are those who will say that and it's God speaking but it won't be prophecy for entertainment you'll be prophecy with a cause but when your stomach is bigger than your future you will always sell your future for your stomach so many people have sold their birthright so many people have sold their future so many people have solved their destiny because of their stomach true man of God teach you to be more like Jesus I don't know if people are following me those who are sharing like regime god bless you true men of God come to make you work in righteousness in holiness and in the power and wisdom and knowledge of God they don't come to please you with with candy stuff because whatever comes out of the mouth of God will always be to benefit you hallelujah you to buy you there some of you there voice of your problems are louder than your future don't you know that the prevalent suffering does not compare to the glory that shall be revealed the doxa that shall be revealed the Chabad that shall be revealed all the little situations you are going through now they are destruction to keep you from where you're supposed to be when you pray pray that God will give you is that's why the Bible says let him who lacks wisdom ask God who gives it without even resisting he will give it to anybody that once he will give it to everybody that asks for it why because it's God's desire for you to have it God wants you to have knowledge God wants you to have power God wants you to have these things fasting will not produce it you can fast but if your heart is not positioned for the seven spirits to dwell in you in their fullness you're wasting time I don't if somebody's catching me la Prada gear that is why we have men of God that used to be powerful they are no longer powerful because they started well and they finished wrong or they are finishing wrong we have people that started well but they are finishing wrong because of this one thing they are not cultivating the seven spirit not is the first thing that it says that will come the Spirit of the Lord when you see a man of God you don't see Jesus because of their loving ability notice among those seven spirit there was no love because love is what you do when you have these seven spirits false kindness will destroy you oh I just you want to speak to somebody somebody feels like ha God has spoken to me I need to go back into prayer I need to go back into fasting I need to go back to my first love when a true man of God speaks to you you want to go back to your first love you feel like you should go and pray right now not because you are guilty not because you're condemned but you feel like ah I need my Jesus I saw the prophetess Latoya asked a question go up and go up a little bit okay okay I'm glad prophetess youyou got some of your answers I don't if somebody's catching me a true man of God makes you to go into repentance you begin to change your mind you begin to say I used to think about this like this no no no it should be like this do you know how many times I talk to people and they tell me man I thought this problem was big but it's so small just by talking to you it's become why is it that when I speak to you I just become calm I just I'm full of peace I would talk to somebody simply we are watching a movie and we would just be talking about regular human stuff and they will if say who was that that I was sitting with why does it make me want to go and pray yet we were not talking about prayer when you carry the Spirit of God you don't need to be motivated to speak about God it comes out of you naturally because the Spirit of God would just be speaking through you when the Bible is saying the Spirit of God would teach you of all things he would teach you of all things in these seven dimensions because the Spirit of God does not speak of himself it speaks of the Lord Jesus the Lord Jesus says and the Spirit of Truth shall not speak of himself but he shall take of me so the Holy Spirit only comes to show you who Jesus is hallelujah the Lord Jesus said by their fruits you shall know that he did not say by their fruit just because somebody is loving doesn't make him a man of God by their fruits what fruits these seven fruits because the tree is complete if it gives birth to these seven fruits when problems arise how do you how do you navigate when people are all over the place can you cancel them and bring them to a place of sanity if something happens is it just world war 3 you want to cut everybody up and that person I would tell them no that's not it brother that's not it sister wait you know you can tell somebody off without shouting and peaceably and they go and change and become a better Christian I don't know if somebody's capturing this glory be to the name of Jesus hallelujah somebody hallelujah we've been caught up with theatrics yet the point is to become more like Jesus every time you go into the house of God every time you listen to a man of God you should be like a transformer you walked in you came out your left leg is now Jesus you go back next week you come back your right hand is Jesus you go back next week one of your eyes is Jesus the next time you go back your nose is like Jesus your mouth is like Jesus there what should be turning into flesh in you so if you don't know if you don't understand that it is very very important for you to be changed by him through your desire to be like him you'll never be able to help the people that need help the reason why people cannot help people you see let me tell you the truth when the Lord started visiting me everybody that was in trouble I wanted to help them and I'm still like that you know me if I couldn't do something for somebody I would do it to the point that he can even make me have nothing but one time I went I was with my son me and my son Andrew we loved to go watch fights and this was in 2016 or 2017 I'm not sure and we went to Vegas to watch a fight and when we got there I was walking him we were going to Circus Circus so he can go and play and do kid stuff and there was a man big begging and when I reached out to my pocket when I reached out to my pocket to take out money to give him the Lord told me don't give him I said huh so I put back my wallet in my pocket and when I got close to that pass and the person began to insult me and my son Andrew said dad I saw you removing your wallet like you're gonna give this guy money when we were way over there but when we got close you put your wallet away why is it because you knew that he was going to insult you I said no my son I knew I knew something for a fact that God said this is not the person you're going to give to there are people that are in trouble you need the eyes of the Spirit to know how to help them there are people that is beyond your jurisdiction and there are people that is in your jurisdiction there are people if you have not experienced what they expect they have experienced you won't have a way to really help them help is not putting band-aids but is to bring somebody out of their situation but when you carried the seven spirits you will be a world changer father I pray for everybody that is watching may there be a true change in a transformation in each and every one of them may each and every one of them all Lord receive the fullness of your spirit that is manifested Sevenfold that in every area of their life that people may see you I pray or father what was impossible let it become possible now where they had weaknesses show your strength in them now I thank you for what you're doing and what you have already done in the mighty and powerful name of the Lord Jesus everybody that wants baptism I want you to go to profit I want you to go to a to Revelation Church dot-org Revelation church LA it should be coming up on the screen in a second I want you to go on there and just register for baptism no it's it's completely free of church charge you don't get charged to get baptized not at all the reason why I want to know the number of people is so that I can I'm gonna have either a private stream or I will meet them in person and I would teach them why they need to get baptized and then after they have learnt this then will baptize people that is the the point of it some of you maybe you are a baby and they poured water on your head that's not baptism that's dedication hallelujah so make sure you do that and the prophetic school dates I will give it on Friday on Friday but it will be at the end of September should I just give the date okay okay will do okay we are so it's it's a bishop gurus fault he said don't put it up now because the page is not done but but what's he called the the page is completely that the dates as finalized so that each and every one of you can partake of it last time it was such a blessing to people so we don't want you to miss it maybe tomorrow of tomorrow is Thursday so that Friday I will come back again and we're gone we are going to learn some deep stuff but I want you to cultivate this dimension work on this dimension push in this dimension walk in this dimension desire to be more like the Lord Jesus and things in your life will never ever ever be the same I want you to go on YouTube and I want you to subscribe to the YouTube page I want you to subscribe to the YouTube page I want you to subscribe to the YouTube page so many people will be blessed because of that and always share when I come on all those who are giving if you wanna give go to profit low vidcom right now and and give your best seed or your offering of the day or whatever it may be that God put in your heart and one on ones I'm gonna resume next week I've just been in prayer for you so that God can give me the the the direction that you need so be patient a little bit we are going to continue one on once the coming week and I'm going to fly through them even faster than the dates that you are given so I thank God for you again and I believe that God has a new level and a better level for you in the mighty and powerful name of the Living Jesus Shalom Shalom to everybody the Lord Jesus loves you this is the Prophet Lavi god bless you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the realms of the spirits when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you bleeding that you thought that you actually lost it yeah Robert I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one same chord with us and that one is saying Emmanuel what is that when I go to this place I saw an address like eight one one one the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another nine I saw a tree I saw a zero I saw a pee it's like a baby or something like that I saw him doing this throwing seeds calling apostolic Larios to improvise Hashanah cartelli Mundi profaned in kishna gusta la vaca Lomond le prunella Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears in your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now blondie Lakeisha a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace vivre to stay Akala Vanderlip Rhonda dia LeClair Yost of radical Kista Avoca Tala Mandy lies the constellation glory fondly known me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide eeeh armondi Langa title opera Delica okappa pockety Lomond le pran depakote a Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bar so far a Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale a caste ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Dalaman de carava Tuesday cap risotto loom on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single of angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock in the prophetic today I released the salam anointing upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] you have to learn to bring the battle to the devil stop allowing the devil to attack you you should be the one that is attacking him let me explain it those who clap may God give you more grace now listen and listen very well the devil in the first chapter of the Bible or the first book of the Bible in the third chapter Genesis chapter number 3 the devil is referred to as that seven as seven but if you move to revelations is called that old serpent that dragon meaning if you don't deal with the devil in the book of Genesis you don't deal with them in the beginning of your day if you don't deal with them in Deuteronomy you don't deal with them in the book of Acts you don't deal with him in the book of Revelation it becomes that old SAP and that dragon killing a snake is easier than killing a dragon many of you are dealing with dragons because you fail to kill a snake when God puts you in the garden where everything you ever needed is the devil will also be present because there one who holds on to what he has been given is the owner not the one who is given but the one who holds on to it is not how you start it's how you finish so if you don't deal with that snake and you let him become a dragon you'll be dealing with a dragon that is breathing out fire when you should have dealt with the snake that could you could just step on his head God is telling me tell them you deserve it then God took me to some 103 and I saw the son of David now you have to ask yourself this question did David become tame because it because he worked for it or because God is too decided that you will be because God decided so you don't deserve things because you worked but because God decided alleluia the devil's work is for you to disqualify yourself from what God has already decided to give I think this is for people in the back the devil's mission is always to do one thing to make you see that you don't belong where you want to be in that you're not qualified to be where you're you're desiring to be helpers Lord
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 2,562
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: prophet lovy, lovy elias, prophet lovy elias, lovy, prophet lovy l elias, doxah anointing, the doxah anointing
Id: vJeKCo54FJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 25sec (6025 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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