The Downfall of David Dobrik and The Vlog Squad

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I love Smokey Glow, she’s one of the smartest YouTubers out there right now

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/djgrilledcheese 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Her videos are so good but I have to watch her on 1.5x speed though bc she talks too slowly for me.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/sonewvy 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’d recommend ppl to watch this especially the ‘David’s Response’ section.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/lisanolisa 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi friends hello hi how are you i hope you guys are having a good day so today we're going to be talking about a topic that i personally don't really want to talk about um i don't really want to discuss it i've had a hard time well let's do like full transparency i already filmed this video and it really just turned into yelling and i don't want to yell i don't want to come across as like incredibly angry about the situation because i feel like then sometimes the message gets lost what i'm trying to say and because this topic is so important i not only want to do the topic justice i want to do the victims that are coming forward justice in explaining this and talking about it so that's first things first if i seem a little off in this video it's because i am um number one number two i want to give a trigger warning for this video and i say that seriously because um as somebody who had pretty much almost an exact same thing happen to them as the victim in this story reading the insider article that i'm going to be talking about during the allegations and also seeing what unfolded from that and how um david dobrik and the vlog squad exploited a girl exploited a girl um in that way it was very very very difficult for me personally having gone through that so from anyone else who's gone through something like that i would just not even like protect yourself basically um don't don't feel like you have to be informed on this particular topic just know that um i wouldn't support the vlog squad at all anymore that's really all i could say if you don't want to watch this particular one personally i found it to be very um upsetting and triggering and sad and that's the other reason it took me a while to talk about this so that's first things first um i want to briefly just explain what's going on if you have no idea what's been happening um i think i'm going to timestamp this video so you should be able to skip if you don't want the recap but i really want to come at this video from a place of not really like screaming about how much i think david dobrik sucks and instead i would like to address a lot of these sort of common misconceptions and sort of common rebuttals to a lot of the things i've been seeing online um i want to address that i want to address david's apology and explain instead of saying oh it was trash i want to like explain why it was trash because it really was so bad and so much worse than i think people are even realizing and on top of that i really want to discuss as you know and i think this is a more open discussion because i don't have an answer i really want to discuss why we allowed this all to happen as as like watchers of this stuff like why have we seen all of these david dobrik videos for years they've always been on the trending page he's been grown to be one of the biggest creators on the platform and now all of this footage is coming out of videos that have been live on his channel for years that have millions of views that nobody saw a problem with until this moment um and i want to talk about how david dobrik himself really created that culture of normalizing really horrific behavior so if you're down for that i'll go in because we got a bit of a long video um first thing i want to talk about is the situation with the name that the insider article gave her was hannah so that's how i'm going to refer to her as um but i will link the insider article down below it is behind a paywall but i think it's worth it i think it's like a dollar to unlock it and then you do the monthly subscription but you can just cancel that if you want to just read the article um but i think it's worth it to pay the dollar just to see a girl who was in a david dobrik vlog in 2018 is coming forward and saying that in that vlog she was actually and that one of the vlog squad members named dirty dom um had sexual relations with her when she was unable to consent because she was too drunk to consent at one point she was even unconscious and asleep and he still proceeded to have unconsenting course with her and she has come forward about this story now and uh basically showed how david sort of misrepresented the encounter on his vlog channel and how he made it seem like she had a fun like great time having a three-way with one of her friends and dom and how you know it was so awesome for him and it was so awesome for the girls and how the girls were just fun and like whatever and he made it into this sort of bit in reality this girl was having probably one of the worst most traumatizing nights of her life she and her friends who were kind of recounting the story to insider said that she was so intoxicated that she they had to come and like pick her up off the floor after the incident they had to force her to throw up because she was so intoxicated they said the next morning she still did not remember what happened even though they told her multiple times so she had no memory of this encounter i think the initial plot of the video was that dom put on his instagram story that he wanted to have like a four-way or a five-way with a bunch of girls this group of girls responded they didn't really have any intention of doing it they just wanted to meet some youtubers when they got there and that became clear that they weren't actually interested in doing that it was said by trisha paytas and was backed up by the girls that were there that david dobrik said that he wanted his friends to go buy them alcohol even though they were underage to loosen them up so they would be more fun for his vlog and then it was said that jeff and todd who are two vlog squad members went to go buy the alcohol brought it to the girls and that it seemed like dom in particular was feeding especially this one girl hannah all of these drinks with the intention of getting her drunk so that he could convince her to have with him and in the actual vlog david said in the voiceover the girls weren't interested they didn't really want to do it but after some major negotiation and master you know skills dom convinced two of the girls to go do it so even in the video right there he's literally admitting to the fact that the girls were not interested and that they had to negotiate to have sex with somebody which it just is a little friendly reminder if you have to negotiate with somebody to have sex with them that is not consensual that's not consent consent is not well she said yes the 11th time i asked that is not a consenting situation just so we're very clear saying yes after being pressured is not consent i want to make that just so abundantly clear so the real thing david is being accused of is obviously you know giving underage girls alcohol to make them more willing to sleep with his friend and the other thing that he's guilty of obviously is being complicit in a section as are everybody who was in that room now that's the first situation and that's the first big thing that he has really been accused of and this seems to be the situation that is impacting him the most um and the other situation that has been going on for a few weeks is one that i already touched on in a video i made like last week about power imbalances on youtube and was basically talking about his friend who was in the vlog squad seth who he pulled this prank it was not a prank it was like literally he pulled this prank on his friend where he said that corinna who was one of the girls in the vlog squad was gonna be wearing this kind of old man mask and it was gonna make out with seth but then it was actually jason it was a person that seth didn't consent to making out with who he made out with and when seth found out he was very upset and david put the clip in anyway video got like 10 million views and seth has now been coming forward more and more about not only that encounter with david but just experiences in general with david of him like not being the best person up until this insider article launched that was sort of discussing these allegations against dom and in turn the vlog squad um the main people that were talking about this stuff with david dobrik and the main people that were sort of discussing the horrible stuff that he had been doing was trisha paytas and ethan klein from h3h3 they have a podcast they do together called frenemies but ethan has also sort of made it his mission to really shed light and bring awareness to everything that's happening on his other podcasts as well he does like live streams with gila and they do their own podcast so he's been talking about this a lot and he's been bringing a lot of attention to this situation now i think the reason that that has been somewhat of a problem in this situation is because not so much with ethan but i think the reason that people don't take trisha paytas's word as seriously is because it's it's pretty apparent that there's some type of like bias with her obviously she used to date nate jason nash it's not a secret they had a very messy breakup it's pretty publicized all over the internet and i also think with trisha it's very easy to do the what about ism thing because trisha can say well david dobrik did this this this and this but it's very easy to look at trisha paytas and be like well you did this this this and this so that's how fans of david dobrik have been combatting tricia is anytime she says well david dobrik did this her fans say well you did this and that's worse um which i would just like to say if your sole base of an argument is a what about ism is uh what about what you did instead and deflection if that's the sole basis of your argument is deflection you don't have a lot of ground to stand on anymore the deflection and what about isms can only get you so far i do understand the problem with trisha being kind of the main pioneer of this and i also think there's a lot of room to criticize trisha and all of this which i'm going to get into in a minute but i do want to acknowledge that first that i think because trisha and ethan have been the people that were really spearheading this it definitely caused a lot of people to be more skeptical the vlog squad has actually responded a little bit which normally they don't respond to anything however it's very clear that this they had to respond to some of this they really responded to the seth stuff first scotty sierra put out a video and again i touched on this in my video last week but just to summarize scottie sire who is probably out of all of the vlog squad members one of the more sort of like likable vlog squad members he's never really done anything he's a very chill sort of relaxed guy i saw a lot of comments on his video especially when it was first posted being like oh you know when scotty's mad that that means that stuff's going down which is like yeah that's why they picked him to represent them um it's very calculating scotty basically went about things trying to prove that seth was a liar and was just lying about his experience with david dobrik for clout his argument doesn't hold up at all though when you realize that the very first instance that this prank happened because this prank happened twice where they convinced seth to make out with somebody that like wasn't really the person he thought he was making out with the prank happened twice the first time you cannot prove that he consented to that prank because he didn't consent to it the vlog squad can try to sort of twist that narrative as much as they want but regardless of anything nobody can prove that so they just glaze over that and they try to say well seth you know said he would do the prank again which is like okay let's talk about that in scotty's video he had david provide a voice note where seth said to david in a voice note um i would be down to do this prank a third time i'm more open not minded now like i'd love to get some clout for doing this right which seems damaging to seth like it seems a little damaging to his case except when you think about these statistics that support the fact that victims of abuse of any kind constantly go back to their abusers and also when you think about the fact that seth probably at that point in time had been cut out and isolated from the vlog squad had lost a ton of income as a result of the vlog squad no longer supporting him and was probably incredibly desperate which is what abusers like what david dobrik is because he is an abuser it's what abusers thrive on they thrive off of their victims needing them they thrive off of people in general needing them so i don't think that that's as damning of proof as a lot of people do because to me that's actually incredibly sad it's incredibly sad to me that seth probably felt so desperate that he felt like he had to go back to somebody who he knew was abusing him just so he could get a little bit of extra clout so he could make some money like i bet that was probably really humiliating and re-traumatizing for him to have to do that as it is for most people who are in those types of situations now scott's video again just because of the nature of the video there was a lot of victim blaming language there was a lot of like well he just changed his mind and then regretted it he's only accusing us for clout he's only accusing us for xyz um and scott ended up actually taking the video down and doing a notesap apology basically being like i'm sorry i did that i didn't mean to use any sort of victim blaming language i didn't need to hurt you guys which is like i'm not even gonna address all of that honestly and then so scott put out his video trisha and ethan sort of responded to that but trisha and ethan also exposed on the frenemies podcast that there was an article coming out from insider about david asking people to go by i think the gist of what it seemed like on the frenemies podcast it was that david had his friends go buy alcohol for this underage girl that was like the gist of what we thought initially the insider article was actually going to be about and trisha discussed on the podcast with ethan that she was sort of corroborating this person's story and everything david's lawyers were kind of trying to invalidate trisha and make her seem like an unreliable witness um and i don't say that to sort of defend tricia i say that because in that frenemies interview she said david and everybody else involved in this situation knows that this article is coming they have been reached out to by insider insider has reached out to all of these people they're aware that the article is coming so the day that the article dropped the day that the insider article dropped david dobrik dropped this 2 minute and 30 second let's talk video which i know this joke has already been made a thousand times but it's so insane to me that he made a video titled let's talk and turned off the comments and turned off the likes to dislikes immediately to immediately remove any sort of talking or discourse that could happen through that video i also think it's just cowardice not even like oh clever it's cowardice to upload that on his least subscribe to channel he literally uploaded it on the views podcast channel to try and suppress people from seeing that video which backfired immensely because youtube who will just suck the of anything doe brick okay that was too much because youtube who will just absolutely ride or die for their creators who make them a lot of money regardless of anything trended the video when i clicked on the video it was trending at number eight i didn't get a screenshot i saw that t spell got a screenshot of it trending at number 12. so i know i'm not crazy because they untrended it very quickly but it was trending for a short amount of time david's video is two minutes and 30 seconds of david i i don't know a nicer way to say this but it was literally just such [ __ ] it was the type of apology that we are seeing time and time and time again from these influencers that is literally just an apology to service as a bookmark for their fans to reference when defending them there is no substance there is no understanding there is no actually owning up to anything there's none of that it is purely made so his 16 year old fans can say david apologized go look at the video this is the bookmark for you guys to defend me that's what that was this is the bookmark to defend me now i have said the words i am sorry and now you can defend me now the people who are going to defend me will defend me and in the video and this is what i find to be so sick and twisted because remember he knew that the insider article was coming out that's why he's making this video it's not only to address seth it's going to be to kind of address everything because he knew that this article was coming also i think it's really important to note that in the insider article david's lawyers literally said that this was going to be his response they didn't give a quote to insider because they said david is going to be addressing this on his own and by himself so that implies that this video was also supposed to be addressing the situation that happened with hannah in this video he says a couple of things that really stood out to me the first one being i've made over 600 videos implying that okay i've made over 600 videos guys of course something like essay or r word or racist statement sexist statements homophobic savings like of course after making 600 videos all of those things will exist in my content guess what i've made over 600 videos i know plenty of creators who have made over 600 videos find me those clips where they have filmed a girl being essayed and posted it to the internet as if it was a fun little threesome find me the video from other creators this is not like an oopsie i made one offhand bad comment because like yeah sure that happens this is a pattern of behavior and a history that is being shown through his old content so right off the bat he very clearly doesn't understand or get why people are so angry the other thing that really stood out to me and this is where i got irate well and you can tell i need to breathe because i am getting really heated and it's really just because he knew that this insider article with hannah's story was dropping and instead of addressing that story and instead of apologizing to her instead of owning up to what happened there instead of all of that instead of anything like that he equated what happened to her he equated that to her regretting being in the vlog it was for her and for seth he basically said he didn't mention anything about them not getting consent or anything he said sometimes people regret the vlogs later down the line and so i just removed the vlogs i think a lot of people think that that message was meant for seth and was meant for the seth situation i don't think it was just for seth i think it was for both situations because this girl hannah had messaged dom two years after the fact and said can you please take this video down remembering one of the worst nights of my life in this context is really damaging to my healing process and dom said okay sure thing because he's he's a monster and said okay sure thing and david took the video down so he's not only referring to the stuff situation i think he genuinely thinks that this whole situation is this this girl regretting being in the vlog in the first place i don't think he gets the serious trauma that he has been causing this girl for years i think he just thinks oh she just regretted it so i took the video down it's the same thing with seth i don't think he cares about the years of trauma that he put him through he just thinks oh he regretted it after the fact so whatever guess i'll take it down belittling what happened to both of them as well they just regretted it later they regretted it after the fact is quite literally the argument constantly used against victims of it is constantly what was brought up we have lawyers saying that to victims in court like it is disgusting and stomach churning that david dobrik is perpetuating to his millions of fans oh well both of them they just they just regretted it the day after sickening actually it's literally quite it's sickening and also i think it's important to know because words matter because in his video david said you can take this apology but also know that i think actions speak louder than words listen carefully to that because he didn't say you can take or leave this apology he doesn't even give the option when he's speaking that people wouldn't buy this apology that people wouldn't buy into it it's you guys are going to accept this apology from me but i'm going to prove to you anyway like i'm going to go above and beyond because i know that you guys are just going to forgive me for this i know that everything's going to be fine for me so you can take this apology but also know i'm going to show you with my action and here's what i would like to say about the modern day youtube apology because i think we've really forgotten like what the [ __ ] apology means so let's go back to basics let's go back to kindergarten where we all learned how to apologize and let's start from there an apology is not ever it's never been think about in your real life an apology has never been meant to say i'm sorry and somebody immediately forgives you everything is forgiven everything's fine we're all good bro like we're great especially for serious stuff like yeah if i forget to pick up like a coffee for my husband on the way home yeah i would expect to just say i'm sorry and he just forgive that sure but if i break his legs purposefully and i just go oh i'm sorry then yeah my apology is the benchmark and this is where what i feel like we forget because david dobrik did his apology and immediately if you were critical of this apology everybody's like this is what's wrong with cancel culture nobody can ever just a pilot no apology is good enough anymore you guys are just gonna pick every apology and every explanation apart nothing is good enough for this hate mob no an apology was never supposed to serve in our society in the way that we speak to each other and apology is usually not supposed to serve as the forgiving part the apology is the benchmark the apology is you simply explaining to whoever you hurt why you hurt them it is explaining that you have an understanding of why you hurt them it is explaining that you are aware of the problem that you are aware of where you screwed up that you have done some internal thinking and you understand where you screwed up and that you will know that now so you are going to try to not do it again in the future if you cannot in your apology give a basic at the start of where we're supposed to do this healing right forgiveness is on this like spectrum it's this healing process so if at the start of this healing process you cannot give and you cannot explain why you [ __ ] up and you cannot say why you [ __ ] up and you cannot explain what you did wrong and you cannot give reasons why you hurt people if you can't do that then yeah the apology is not good enough the apology we can't start the watching your actions to see if you've changed part yet because you haven't even properly explained or showed why you screwed up in the first place it is bananas to me that people don't understand this still in the youtube space that i'm sorry i'm yelling it is bananas to me that we still don't understand that that youtubers still don't understand that that it's not just and i'm sorry moving on it's a i could understand why i screwed up i understand why i hurt you and now that i've acknowledged that i would like to begin the path of showing you that i have changed these youtubers want to skip over all of that they want to skip the understanding they want to skip the explaining they want to skip all of that and they want to jump straight into the action part which is really just not screwing up for a couple of months and waiting for all to blow over like let's be honest here so now david's apologies out and his fans who are gonna defend him no matter what are defending him but i will say i think that this apology did hurt him which it should have it was stupid it was [ __ ] and he didn't even do the basics of apology 101. he's starting to lose subscribers people are starting to pay more attention more media outlets are picking this up and legitimizing hannah's story and seth's story which i think is fantastic i also just want to say that after i filmed this jeff widdick who was one of the people accused of buying the girls who are underage alcohol has made about a 20 minute video addressing the situation the big takeaway points i want to take from this is number one jeff pretty much adamantly denies that he is the one who bought the alcohol while making it pretty much abundantly clear that he knows who did actually do it so he is protecting a person who is an accomplice to essay number one number two jeff tries to like blame the reporter who broke this story and say that she twisted his words and you know brought him into this because trisha paytas and him have beef so trisha accused him so that's the only reason his name got brought into it and that's why he's getting dragged and he's losing sponsorships because of all this and all of this [ __ ] right when in reality trisha paytas is not the one who i just want to do some fact checking for him quickly because if he actually read the article trisha paytas is not the one who brought his name and put his name out there the friend of the girl who of hannah was the one who said it was jeff and todd who left to go get the alcohol trisha paytas just corroborated that story and agreed that that is what happened so those are my two big takeaways i wouldn't even bother watching jeff's freaking video because it was honestly just him trying to blame the author of the story instead of taking actual accountability for his own actions which is pretty on par with everything we have seen from the vlog squad and i would guarantee everything we will continue to see from the vlog squad and more and more clips are coming out david dobrik has recently deleted like hundreds of hours of watch time from his channel hundreds of millions of views because he's like mass deleting all of his old videos before people find them but unfortunately for him people have been making compilations of his videos for years so these clips live on and more and more clips are coming out about the vlog squad more and more we're seeing them just grabbing women's boobs them laughing because karina's like please stop touching my vagina in public like david convincing people with money and bribing people to do these like crazy things that are really sick and weird more and more stuff is coming out that when you take the individual bit out of the context of the vlog is like horrifying and i think this gets to one of my first like major big points is like what's horrifying to me is that david dobrik created this world where all of this was acceptable because these clips have lived on the internet for it almost is very eerily similar to shane dawson where these clips have lived on the internet for years and loki people have been calling him and other members of the vlog squad out for years it just those people who did that were like ruthlessly attacked for coming out against david even seth when he first talked about all of this i think it was a year ago was just ruthlessly attacked by this david dobrik mob of fans david has successfully created this environment where we were watching a girl literally have one of the worst most horrific nights of her life and we were thinking it was just a funny ha ha she had a threesome and i think what's so sick to me is that back in like 2017 2018 i liked david's vlogs i watched them i was like a fan of david dobrik and the vlog squad i enjoyed the videos i thought they were really well made i liked them even so far as last year i still was like yeah the videos are definitely a little bit more problematic than i realized but like you know i just hope that he addresses those things i hope he stops this sort of frat boy energy is what i called it now the more and more things come out i am horrified because i i consider myself and i'm sure a lot of people who like the vlog squad but now feel like the glass has been shattered i feel like a lot of people consider themselves i'm pretty socially conscious of these things yet i watching those videos in the context that he presented them didn't really see a whole lot wrong with them when you put it all together in this four minute and 20 second whirlwind of what's supposed to be this constant humor i think that sometimes these sick jokes and pranks get really lost and i think one thing about that that's so interesting is the way that they all sort of lived and communally lived together and communally existed together because to them dom reaching his hand up a girl's skirt to touch her without his her consent that's funny to them in the video corinna is like please stop you know touching me and dom is like we'll put on some pants and everybody in the room just laughs everybody laughs and that makes you think in your brain like oh nothing's wrong here like everybody's laughing even karina was laughing even though she probably didn't find it very funny the way that he made them gave everybody this idealized version of what their friendship looked like and how everything went about when you you don't even realize that just like if you look one step deeper into what's happening it's really sick and gross what's happening and i think the fact that this was allowed this was promoted by youtube he's won every youtuber award he's won nickelodeon's awards he has literally been one of the few youtubers who has been able to transcend the platform of youtube and start doing mainstream work with shows like nickelodeon he's been interviewed by like every major news outlet he is arguably one of the most successful youtubers on the platform as far as mainstream recognition and he got that way by exploiting everybody else around him by paying them in clout and giving them clout so everybody wanted to continue to be around him they wanted to continue to be in those videos and i think the really sick thing about all of this is i still low-key don't think that david dobrik thinks he did anything wrong it's not that i don't think he understands what happened i don't think he thinks he did anything wrong i it's pretty apparent based on his apology that he doesn't think he did anything wrong i don't think that he truly believes that he's made a lot of mistakes and that's where i wanted to get into sort of some common just questions and critiques i have been seeing online about this situation and just kind of providing the way that i see it i guess the biggest thing i'm seeing is in regards to hannah and the insider article people basically saying why is she just coming forward now this happened years ago why is she just coming out now um i think it that if you've done any sort of research into trauma and the way that it affects your brain it's pretty obvious why she didn't come forward earlier number one both david and dom and the entire vlog squad sort of had this like monopoly on the internet they were incredibly popular well liked and praised 90 of the time for stuff that they did um they almost seemed this like this sort of untouchable group of people i think it's fairly obvious that she knew she would get a lot of hate and criticism and that even if she tried to stay anonymous there would be major ramifications for her coming forward and also i think sometimes it just takes you a few years to be able to talk about things like i know for stuff that i've gone through i still can't talk about some things so i think that that's normal and if you've experienced this you would know any sort of in that way that sometimes you process things very differently even in the article she said that she didn't even really register what had happened to her until like a month later and that's when she finally allowed herself to admit it to other people around her the other big question i'm seeing is why are people so angry at david dobrik why aren't we holding dom accountable because at the end of the day dom is the one who did the he did the crime david definitely still did other crimes but dom is the one who did the crime dom is the one who had non con with a girl who was unconscious so at the end of the day he is the one who committed this crime and here's the thing we are holding dom accountable dom had to go private on instagram nobody is not talking about how disgusting dom is in this situation i feel like this is somewhat of a deflection tactic and david did this in his own video where he basically was like well i don't hang out with dom anymore because i disagree with things that he did this is a deflection tactic to kind of shift the blame onto dom and should dom be getting a ton of this blame absolutely he should literally be in jail like a hundred percent dom should be in jail right now just because dom is guiltier than david doesn't mean david isn't also up there doesn't mean david and the rest of the vlog squad isn't complicit in all of this i don't know if this is an unpopular thing to say but i almost feel like it's a similar level to dom it's obviously not the same what dom did is obviously worse but but twisting that night to make it seem like it was a fun flirty like thing that happened and to to go and like film dom all sweaty to film them looking in the room and like gagging at what was happening to film all of that and uploaded it as if it was just this funny thing that happened to millions of people and know that people like knew who she was from that vlog for her to have to relive the trauma of that night through the lens of somebody who knew that she was that drunk who actively wanted her to be that drunk to make his vlog more interesting according to her to have to see that he is just as complicit and he is just as responsible for making her trauma worse it's it's when a girl is that intoxicated it's not hard to notice that so a lot of those men in there probably knew that she was incredibly intoxicated and didn't stop dom from going in a room with these two girls anyway also there's pictures of this girl like hugging one of her other friends like falling over onto her other friend because she's so intoxicated and like jeff and david are in the background of the picture so they can't just sit there and be like well i didn't know she was that drunk she's literally falling over and can't stand up so yeah you did know david david and jeff and todd and all of the people that were there loki i know this might be unpopular but even trisha is complicit in this [ __ ] because she said she left before they got back with the alcohol but if i heard one of my one of charles's friends if i heard one of them tell his other friend oh go buy alcohol so we can loosen up these underage girls so they're more willing to hook up with my friend if i heard one of charles's guy friends say that i would have lost my [ __ ] mind i cannot imagine especially being another woman and sitting there hearing that that is the plan and then being like i'm gonna wash my hands with this i'm gonna leave before [ __ ] goes down but i can't imagine like leaving girls there knowing that that is the plan that these men have for them i can't imagine that i think every single person there including and most notably david is complicit in that so that's why david is also getting a bunch of [ __ ] just because what dom did was worse doesn't mean he's not an accomplice if there's a bank robbery and like three people stormed the bank and one of the bank robbers shot the teller obviously the person who shot the teller is like the worst person in the crime but that doesn't mean the other two guys with guns holding people hostage and traumatizing them aren't also guilty of the crime at the end of the day i think that it's very obvious i think a lot of us can agree that justice should be had for this victim and i think that there needs to be justice i'm hoping that there will be it doesn't seem like there's going to be as far as court and things like that and that's really just because number one it's incredibly hard to prove stuff like this and that's why most cases of essay and all of that don't go to court that's really just because they are incredibly hard to prove um and that's just the way our justice system is set up and also there's probably some sort of statute of limitations also the more time has passed the even more difficult it is um and obviously david really isn't going to be complicit i think the only thing they could really get any of them for would be todd and jeff for buying the alcohol allegedly um because it's trisha and the victim pretty much everyone is saying that it was todd and jeff who went and bought it i think that's the only real case but even then that's not really enough i feel and this is the problem with this situation is that it should be a criminal investigation it should be something that is you know brought into court this should be something that people serve jail time for because there were victims in all of this um but there won't be there won't be that so that's where the sort of court of youtube and the court of public opinion has to come in and this is where i say and i don't say this lightly because i don't you guys know if you've been watching me for a long time i'm not big on the like cancelled thing i don't really like to say oh let's take careers or whatever like i think that's a lot of times a very extreme measure to take because i do think that people can you know acknowledge grow all that but in this case especially with the per especially david the main person basically i i do think he should be de-platformed i do think youtube should be demonetizing his content not that he said he was making money from it anyway but i think youtube should be demonetizing his content i don't think brands should be working with him anymore i don't think he deserves the platform that he has because it's very obvious that he is not responsible enough to handle that platform it's very obvious that he doesn't give a [ __ ] the amount of people that he has hurt and just traumatized via his actions and i don't think he should be supported in any capacity anymore i don't i don't think he should be supported by anybody um and i know youtube sometimes will take steps to sort of prevent creators from like i know they do monetize shane i know they demonetize logan um and all of that stuff but i really hope that they take action with david and especially dom dom should just be banned from the banned from ever being monetized again or like uploading content i know that's not how it works but like he's a disgusting human being this is not the first time that's the other thing that kills me this is not the first time that he has been accused of essay or you know assaulting another this is not the first time he's been accused of assaulting women like david has openly supported him in the past after he's done stuff like this and now they're all clutching their pearls like oh my god we distanced from dom because he did these horrible things where it's like where were you he's been he's been accused of this [ __ ] it's all performative anyway but i genuinely think that david dilbert does not deserve a platform no not at all and i think if the law won't hold them accountable because it can't i think that that's the job of the viewer and the job of the youtube community to hold him accountable absolutely um so yeah that's just my opinion on this whole thing sorry this video took a little bit longer to come out i had to really organize my thoughts on this one but i hope you guys like this video leave your thoughts down below obviously i'm very interested to hear um if you like this video please like and subscribe or just like or just subscribe or do neither honestly just so happy here watching me thank you so much for being here my merch my social media and everything i'm wearing on my face will be linked down below along with uh links links and information about the rise and asian hate crimes um that have been happening as a result of covid and then down there i'm also going to include the gofundmes and the just ways that you can help the victims of the shooting that happened a few days ago that was a hate crime um learn about it and acknowledge it and know it and donate if you can um it's really important especially in this topic especially with what just happened to be staying as informed as you possibly can on these issues and helping in any way that you can um i love you guys so much and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm um
Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 675,282
Rating: 4.93963 out of 5
Keywords: Frienemies, David Dobrik, Jeff Whitak, Jason Nash, H3H3, David Dobrik Vlog Squad, Vlog Sqaud, Scotty Sire, Smokey Glow, The Down Fall Of, Smokey Glow The Evolution of, Views, Views Podcast, David Dobrik Response, 03/22/21, David Dobrik apology
Id: -e5QrjcsKUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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