The Evolution of Tana Mongeau and Her Content

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[Music] hi friends hello hi how are you i hope you guys are having an amazing day today hello so today's video is gonna be probably three hours long so um get your snacks i have i'm not kidding i have never in my life written this many notes even for like a class oh my god i've taken there's never been a point in my life where i needed to write this many notes for something but i really it just fell down a rabbit hole of the topic of today's video there's so much to talk about and so little time so today we're gonna be continuing my series that i've been calling the evolution of series you can check out the one i did a couple of weeks ago on gabby hannah if you're interested first of all i just want to thank you guys so much for how uh awesomely i don't know if that's a word just how great you guys were in receiving the gabby hannah video i was it's always a little bit nerve-wracking when you post a different type of content and you're never really sure as a youtuber how it's going to like be perceived or how people are gonna like it um and the fact that that video absolutely just is has done so well since i posted it and the fact that pretty much all of the comments have been incredibly positive i cannot thank you guys enough this is such a fun thing to make videos on it's really interesting and cool and i have a lot of fun doing it um i have like a list of topics and people to cover with this series so if you like it please let me know because i'll keep doing it i'm really enjoying it definitely more work but i'm like into it and in that video that i talked about gabby i asked you guys who you think would be interesting to cover next and by far the most requested person was youtuber and mtv show personality the founder of tanacon tanamojo um a lot of you guys wanted me to do the santana and i actually have always thought this would be really interesting to do on her because i think her story and her kind of trajectory into youtube and how she has become somewhat of i would argue that she's probably one of the more famous youtubers on the platform despite maybe not having as insane size of a following as like james charles and jeffree star i would argue she's definitely become a lot more mainstream especially in the past couple of years so i just think it'll be really interesting to take a look at her content take a look at where she started take a look at how the different things that happened to her and the different things that she did on youtube kind of affected her channel and how she is now tana mojo uploaded her first youtube video on may 15 2015 titled hairdresser from hell question mark i was actually very surprised that tana started youtube five years ago because i think that there's always this perception that she's like very young but she really did start at a super young age i think she was 16 when she posted her first youtube video or 15 somewhere in there so she was really really young when she started posting in the video which has over 3.4 million views tana is basically just telling a funny story the video itself is actually entertaining and i think that's something to point out about tana just really early on before we get into like everything that goes on i will say that tana even from the beginning in these first videos had a very natural youtube like present really any creators like if you were to watch my first videos if you were to watch anyone's first videos they're always a little bit weird and kind of awkward and usually people are kind of shy they're not really sure how to talk or present themselves they're always kind of weird but tana's even just her first videos initially are very she's very confident she's very comfortable talking it's very obvious that she's putting on a little bit of an act but it's pretty clear that you know this is who she is i think she was pretty good at being able to take what normally would be a five minute story time about a girl not really being able to like bleach her hair properly and turning it into this 15 minute video that was actually kind of funny like i was like oh okay i think what's interesting to note about tana as well that was kind of different from the other people that i've talked about in this series so far is that tana is a youtuber first and a youtuber only a lot of people that i talk about were creators who came over from vine or maybe creators who started on like instagram or tick tock or musically who switched over to youtube and already kind of had a built-in fan base that followed them to youtube which definitely if you have any sort of following of any size that you can bring to youtube it really helps getting your first thousand subscribers is like the hardest thing to do on youtube it's so hard to grow if you don't have any sort of like built-in audience so tana definitely started from zero and worked her way up and i think in a way she's kind of a really good example of that first generation of youtubers who grew up watching youtube she's been very open about the fact that like shane dawson and jenna marbles have saved her life she would go home every day and use youtube as a way to escape from her family and from family problems she talked very openly about wanting to go to vidcon and like meet these youtubers and how much youtube changed her life and how she started youtube because she wanted to do that for other people and i think there definitely are a few other creators who had that same mindset and that's why they started doing youtube but i think she's definitely one of the people who started youtube with the intention of being a bigger youtuber maybe not the intention but with the dream of being a big because i think intention sounds a little too calculated but i think she started youtube with the dream of becoming one of the big youtubers that she loved and that like saved her life and i think there are a few other people that fall into this type of category but she's probably the one who has gotten the biggest from being just a person who loved youtube and wanted to make it her job which is interesting because if you talk to a lot of teenagers now kids who are like 14 15 a lot of them do say they want to become professional youtubers that's like a legitimate thing that teenagers would like to start doing now so i do find that interesting that she actually was very successful in that when obviously not everyone is and looking back at her content especially in the beginning you can really tell the deep love that she does have for youtube she posted so much like she posted so frequently and like a lot of people who are first starting out in youtube i think most newer youtubers who started at this time like 2015 are pretty guilty of this but when you first start posting content it's very heavily inspired by what other people are doing it's kind of hard to jump right into youtube and start pushing out creative innovative ideas so people when they first start and i did this too i think a lot of people do it you kind of just she did like the bean boozled challenge like prank things you could tell she hadn't fully found a niche that worked for her yet she was just kind of trying to throw things at the wall and see what stuck and it also seemed like she was just having fun she was just creating content purely because she liked doing it now i would say tana's first more viral video is definitely her stalker stories this was the first video that kind of put her on the map a little bit in terms of it got a ton of views literally started with her saying that she could potentially die from posting this video about her and her stalker and all of these things which is quite a dramatic way to kind of reel people into a story time like that definitely will get people to click on a video and then stay on the video and listen okay i'm gonna be like straight up right now and i'm not doing this to try to be mean i just have to say this about especially the stalker stories they are at the very least an embellishment and at the very most they are an outright lie there's two watching these especially as someone who's like 25 and like knows how the world works i cannot believe that anybody ever believed these stories i get it if you're like a younger kid and you're not entirely sure how things work the things that she says in the video there's just way too many gaping holes in her story that don't add up or make any semblance of sense the idea that this person she's talking about would kill her is an extreme exaggeration that's literally not the case and i don't think a lot of the story that she told was true however i do think that especially for her demographic which was young girls this is at least a very entertaining story to listen to like have the idea of having this like stalker that's been in love with her since kindergarten or whatever it's an entertaining story she tells it in a very entertaining way so while it's definitely a lie and an embellishment i still think she was entertaining while telling the story and i think that's why a lot of people started to really like her i think what the stalker story video doing so well told tana which it would really tell anybody was to make more story time videos to make more videos about her stalker to be a little bit more hydrating in her videos because up until that point her more story time videos were pretty tame it was like my hairdresser messed up my hair this woman in target said i looked like a [ __ ] like that was the video so she started making more stalker updates including a video where she claimed she sent him to jail that frankly just makes absolutely no [ __ ] she also started using the very interesting art of youtube click bait in which she said story times like i crashed a car which she didn't uh i smoked weed with selena gomez obviously she did not um so she started using more click bait her her clickbait was like particularly bad which at the time wasn't that uncommon so i think that's why she never got clocked for it and honestly it kind of makes sense why she did it because at the time it was definitely common to do these really clickbaity things and then be like well but then it was a dream actually and i was smoking weeva selena gomez in my dream and it was really cool or like in her i crashed a car story she didn't actually crash a car she just like almost got in a little fender bender like stuff like that you know kind of extreme clickbait but at the same time not that uncommon for what other youtubers were doing especially in like 2015. so tana's channel is starting to grow and it's actually her channel grew really quickly especially in the beginning um she did a video called crazy target which got over three million views and again it's literally just a story that you would tell a friend offhandedly in like two minutes that she stretched out to 15 and made entertaining in a way tana's old content is actually kind of refreshing weirdly she was growing at an incredible rate and while it's very obvious that a lot of her stories aren't fully true she was a teenager filming on her iphone in her bedroom gaining like hundreds of thousands of subscribers it's very reminiscent of how old school youtube used to be where you didn't need this like crazy lighting setup you didn't need a 500 camera she literally was just filming on an iphone propped up in her bedroom and telling stories about her life i think something that really set her apart and made her more interesting to people was that despite the kind of flaws in her content in the sense that a lot of it was kind of click-baity a lot of it was not true i think despite the flaws in her content she was very interesting particularly to the demographic she was aiming for which was like younger girls because she wasn't really like other lifestyle youtubers at the time at the time this was when it was like laura diy alicia marie like zoella the kind of picture-perfect pinterest-y lifestyle girl family-friendly tana was pretty much the exact opposite of those kind of youtubers she definitely was very vulgar she was honest about the fact that she was like hooking up with guys honest about well the whole partying thing we're gonna get into in a second because while tana was very honest that she used to party the image that she portrayed to youtube when she first started on the platform was that she was no longer partying and that all of that was in her past which i'm not entirely sure if that's true but we'll get into that she also had these just like crazy life experiences these crazy stories and i think the reason story time youtubers were so popular particularly at one point in time was because it wasn't things that you had experienced like i never stole my friend's car and almost crashed it so it's entertaining to listen to somebody do that by the end of 2015 anna had gained over 100 000 subscribers and she was gaining very rapidly around this time was also when she posted probably one of her more infamous videos that still gets brought up in like interviews that she does to this day it was posted at the end of 2015 and was called getting banged with a toothbrush story time um i want to make it very clear tana did not get banged by a toothbrush if you have ever seen this thumbnail floating around people really present it like she did and she didn't um just to set the record straight i watched the whole video uh it was just a guy that told the rumor about her and that that was the rumor however i think she was kind of smart in the sense that that title very obviously got people talking about her i think that video has over 6 million views at this point and honestly that video still gets referenced so whether it's true or not is kind of irrelevant because she's kind of she was at least for a long time before tanacon i think kind of known as like the girl who made the story time videos about getting banged with a toothbrush so as tana kind of progressed she kind of started to find more of her niche on youtube which was telling these really crazy outlandish story times she moved into her own home for like out of her parents house and into her own home youtube was obviously going very well for her money-wise and you can also tell she was just kind of becoming more confident as a creator a little bit more like real real i guess authentic is the word that people like to use i know a lot of people don't like tana now for a lot of reasons and i agree with those reasons and i'll get into them but looking back at her very beginning videos i really do get why she rose to fame on youtube so quickly she was incredibly relatable and that you could tell she had like been through some stuff she was really self-aware and honestly some of her videos were entertaining to listen to once you stop paying attention to the details and accepted they're heavily embellished in may of 2016 at seven months after she had 100k she had a million subscribers so she gained 900 000 subscribers in seven months which is probably one of the fastest growing youtube channels in that time of like 2016. she was really on a trajectory to be the next big thing on youtube she started doing collabs with people like cody co and gabby hannah and really big name youtubers and just as a side note if you ever want to cringe so incredibly hard please go watch her collaboration with kodiko i'm not even trying to be mean when i say this because i adore cody ko but he himself it's not even just tana's fault he is horrible in that video i literally cannot get through that video i've sat through so many tana mojo videos in the last two weeks and i could not get through the one of her in code eco it is so incredibly awkward and horrible to watch um so if you ever need to cringe really hard and then never watch it again i would watch that video during this time tana's story started to get even crazier like a disney star stole her money for coke it's an actual video um and also there's one where she talks about this one was actually another one i sat through it but i was just like come on it's basically where she claims that she got her sexist principle fired because she wore eye makeup when she was in like the fourth grade completely not true not how anything would happen she literally says that the principal got fired right in front of her and that she got to tell the principal she always hated her before she walked out the door fired from her job which if any of you have ever lived a life you know that that's not true can't get over i i'm telling you i'm not trying to harp on this but i feel like it's very important to talk about in her content the amount of embellishments and lies because i think it really bit her in the ass later on kind of talked about this a little bit earlier but something that's really interesting about her 2016 content is the way she talks about partying and use basically the way that she discusses these things in the beginning phases of her youtube channel like 2015 2016 is that she used to be really into partying she realized it was bad decision making so she stopped doing those things and she talks about this like a lot it's a focus of her channel and whenever she talks about drinking or doing drugs or talks about you know those things she talks about them almost as a cautionary tale it's like she's trying to be like a big sister to her audience and trying to tell them the reasons they probably shouldn't do those things they're still humorous and funny stories but she tells them in a way that's not really glorifying what she did she's talking about how like dumb it was to do a lot of these things and i think what's really interesting is if you listen to how tana talks about her life now it she definitely heavily implies that during this time she was still really partying like a ton so i think it's kind of one of two things it's either she's lying currently about how she used to be or what i think is more likely is at the time when she started growing and finding success i think she definitely thought that people would judge her and not like her as much if they knew that she partied and did those things so freely she was worried about public perception a lot of herself and so she really heavily said like she didn't do those things and i think it's only really important to note because it's very interesting how her brand has done a total 180 since starting youtube her if you watch her like original videos she still curses and she's like talks about things that i think some people wouldn't find very family friendly but she's definitely a very almost like goody type of person like she really prides herself on being very positive you definitely wouldn't look at that old content and think oh this girl's always late to collaboration which is absolutely not the perception that she gives off about herself now so the end of 2016 is when tana started getting a little bit more hate and kind of started getting involved in some more messy drama because tana grew so rapidly and because all of a sudden there were so many more eyes on her and her content people more people were seeing it and i think more people were like hey you're lying uh especially about the stalker stories because it's like i just don't know what's real and what's not i know logically what i think is real and what's not but she tells these stories with such conviction of them being true that i think that's why so many people do believe her is because she really has like a conviction to her but then i'm like logically i know they're not true but anyway she started getting covered by drama channels john cocky and remember him talked a ton about her he kind of exposed her a little bit because he had an interview with her former assistant where the assistant really just exposed like a ton of lies that she had told multiple multiple lies he even interviewed her at one point tana and tana lied like right to his face so she got a lot of heat for that and people were she's kind of starting to get painted as like the youtuber who had these embellished story time she started making a lot of uber story times where it was like my uber driver almost killed me like she's where that meme kind of came from now during this time tana also had a habit of going on younow if you remember what younow is where she would like go on younow and she would rant and she would say all these things and it kind of in a way cracked the facade a little bit of who she wasn't if you watched her younows and you watched her youtube channel i think you got a better full picture of who she was whereas if you just watched her youtube channel you would see a kind of different version a more edited version of herself which is what a youtube channel is to be fair she also during this time did a collaboration with shane dawson which has almost 20 million views the video is about her peeing on shane dawson and really um she has almost 20 million views and this kind of only further propelled her into being a bigger creator and a bigger star because at the time especially shane's kind of credibility towards you as a channel was huge so i think it's really important to preface um before i start talking about the idubbbz situation kind of what happened leading up to the idubbbz situation because this was tana's first very very big i don't like to call it a scandal her very first big controversy let's say so in 2016 some vines start old vines started resurfacing of tana when she was younger um basically shouting inward and not just in a like oh she's singing it in a song which is not okay either but i want to say like the context of this really matters because it really was awful um basically the video is her saying word not only is she just saying it she is saying it in a very aggressive and mean way towards her black friend and since then tana has said that he thought it was funny and everyone around them thought it was funny and shocking and that's why she did it she just did it for humor um but the way that she handled the situation initially was that she went when the it's first started resurfacing and she was kind of getting called out for it this kind of became infamous because it's such a bad response to having videos like that come out she basically went on snapchat and said that she thought the n-word meant homie or friend and that she didn't know what it meant because growing up in vegas everybody used that word very freely um and she didn't realize the ramification she didn't realize that it was a bad word to say has black lives matter in her bio so literally how can she be racist i can't believe she said that she really said that think about this that i personally found so troubling was that it's kind of the starting point for a really extensive list of tana not being able to take accountability and making excuses and straight up lying about situations and belittling situations to make yourself look better so what happened to next was kind of nutty and is a very complex situation to unpack i'm gonna do my best but know that i'm definitely doing an abridged version for the sake of time idubbbz is a content creator here on youtube who has i believe about six million subs and is pretty famously known for his content cops um he's done them on like keemstar leafy uh rice gum in these videos he basically picks a creator he thinks kind of needs to be humbled almost and in 2016 tana made a huge mistake and tweeted at him saying something along the lines of you have three million subscribers and you say the n word you should kill yourself this was bad for a lot of reasons number one don't tell people to kill themselves like what come on but also this was during the time when she was also getting called out for saying the n-word and horrifically absolutely did not take accountability so from idubbbz's perspective she looked like a hypocrite and honestly she was a hypocrite before i get fully into this situation i feel like i have to preface it with i think they both like are wrong they both suck in this situation the something to note about idubbbz is he uses the word and other very non-pc is the best way to put it but it really it's race racist and you know homophobic language he uses all of these things because in his mind he thinks that he people give too much power to words and that by saying them he will desensitize them and it's logic in my personal opinion i think that's [ __ ] i think he this is like a side tangent a little bit but it's relevant to what happened he isn't a person who was ever affected by racism he doesn't get to reclaim the word he doesn't no but he doesn't he wasn't affected by it he wasn't actively oppressed as a result of it i don't think he has the jurisdiction if you will to reclaim those words or claim he can say them just for the sake of not being pc i think that at the time when all this happened he got way too much credit because what he did was objectively like people thought it was so savage he's just as problematic if not more problematic than tana so the fact and honestly a lot of the creators he calls out so the fact that he calls out creators at all in the first place and then makes a whole video about tana calling her out for calling him out when that's exactly what he does it's just it the whole it's just a big ball of hypocrisy in my opinion with that being said i'll explain what happened so items went to her live show tana does live shows she still does them she's been on like five tours i think she did a live show and before her live show she would do a meet and greet with all of her fans if you bought a ticket you got to meet her so he decides to go to tana's tour wearing her merch he goes up to her and he puts his arm around her and he says say n word and he says the n word hard r and she in my opinion rightfully so kind of freaks out and like walks away from him and it's like what the [ __ ] why did you just like she's like shocked honestly he gets kicked out he's like why are you kicking me out i paid for it he's trying to like meme it and this very quickly got super memed but the thing about this is like looking back and i think in retrospect it's like what about that is so savage or funny that's such cheap humor he went to our live show and purposely tried to do something that he knew would probably scare her and he was also critiquing her for being a hypocrite and calling him out for saying the word when she did as well and had addressed it so poorly but at the same time she wasn't like wrong for calling him out actually like in 2016 you shouldn't have had a huge fan base and been openly encouraging people to say slurs and racist language just because you thought it helped reclaim things you're really just enabling people to use racist language i also think honestly and this is one thing i will say because tana made a video where she just really screwed up like a point blank it was a bad video to make it was the wrong move however i will say there's one point of the video that i actually do agree with her on and that idubbbz kind of mocked and made fun of which i get why he did because in his head it's not intimidating to do what he did but i can't imagine being 17 and being a like celebrity of sorts and having a guy come up to me and do that i actually think i would probably be scared and tana talks about that in her video she talks about being scared like is does he have a gun is he gonna hurt me is he gonna hurt my manager is he gonna hurt my friends she has that going through her head and honestly i maybe i'm just a very anxious person so i think the same way but i don't blame her for being scared when idubbbz did that i can't imagine thinking someone's your fan and then them saying something so provocative like that and especially since we do live in america it's not that out there to assume that something bad might come from somebody saying a word like that and being so openly racist like that that's not an outwardly insane thought process to have so that was i just want to make that clear because i think that was one part of the video he really knocked her about and like made her look like an idiot but i actually got especially watching it all back i get why she was freaked out with all that in mind and everything with idubbbz out of the way i want to focus on how tana handled the situation after he did that tana didn't know that it was idubbbz who had done that she didn't recognize him she didn't know it was him and so she um made a video for her youtube channel that is still live titled the word where she describes the experience that happened and in this case she royally picked up not even just in the way she described the experience because she definitely dramatized the experience in the sense that she was like he was clutched onto my arm and i felt like i couldn't get away i tried to pull away once and i couldn't so i tried to pull away again and then i broke free which and she's like and he put his thumbs up and it's like when you watch the video she got away very quick he wasn't trying to hold her down she got away very quickly like she dramatised the entire event greatly which only further proves my point that all of her story times are overly dramatic and not all of them are real anyway i think where she honestly though screwed up even more in this video was the fact that she still did not address or own up to her own very rich videos that were resurfacing in the video the only thing she really refers to is the fact that she used to sing along to the n-word in songs or rap songs and told her fans that they shouldn't do that and like they shouldn't be like what she did the fact that she was incapable of owning up to what she said really discredited the rest of the video so then the content cop dropped and he really just described everything called her hypocrite um basically painted a picture of why what she did was so bad painted a picture of her being just a bad creator and this really blew up in her face she eventually did make an apology video and it wasn't like the worst apology video you've ever seen i'd give it like a four out of ten looking back you can definitely see places where there are definite manipulation whether it's subconscious or not which it's not really obvious if it's subconscious or not at this point in her career but talking about how she wanted to like herself and how she wanted to end her own life because of this situation personally i did find that a bit manipulative to put into an apology video not that it's not you know important to talk about not that i think you should hide your mental health struggles but i do think there's a time and a place if you want to be so open and talk about them to talk about them and i don't necessarily think an apology video is the place to do that if that makes sense either way it was really just her being like i'm stupid i messed up um i don't deserve an audience and um that was kind of it the whole incident i think was a lot bigger than just it's definitely first of all it's stunted her growth on youtube like she was at a trajectory to be a huge youtuber like way bigger than she is now and this whole thing absolutely stunted that and not only did she like lose subscribers and it was a whole thing this whole situation really opened her up to a completely different side of the internet because before her side of the internet was like the lifestyle the story time youtubers they had a very specific sort of niche audience and i would say that because idubbbz has a polar opposite audience it really opened her up to a type of criticism that i don't think she had ever seen or received before so i think this was when she really started to get like intense amounts of hate and people really just like memeing her people mocking her people being really really ruthless and not to say that i don't think the criticism of her was deserved especially for the racist things i obviously think that was deserved but i do think that it opened her up to a lot of criticism and a lot of hate that i don't necessarily think was fair like people i never think it's okay for people to tell other people i just don't i think that after this scandal there was absolutely a personality change in tana that was like almost a switch flipped it was super reflective in her content you can see that she really started to give less of about her content being family friendly and positive and her more goody personality absolutely went away she started making content where she was like getting blackout drunk in mexico she got arrested at coachella that story time is also incredibly fake in some parts she got like evicted from her home i think the reason her content style changed up so much and she kind of somewhat dropped this more goodie act was because she already knew so many people didn't like her in 2017. people really disliked her actually like actively disliked her and i think this kind of made her rebrand herself almost into this like i don't care i'm a [ __ ] up i'm a mess i'm a party animal i'm a hot mess express like sign me up for that that's who i am and she really embraced what everybody kind of was saying about her she like fed into this narrative that she was a liar and lied about her story times that she was always late to collabs and really rebranded as somebody who just did not care i think in a way this was almost a bit of a calculated move whether she knew it or not um because before all of this stuff had happened with idubbbz she definitely had this more like she held herself to a high standard which i don't think is a bad thing i actually preferred watching her videos before this switch happened because she actually cared about things she really tried to be you know use her platform for good things and she she cared and i think because she had held herself to this standard because of all these things because she had held herself to this more goody standard bar for her was higher so when all of this came out about her she had a lot farther to fall because the bar was so high so i think after everything happened with idubbbz and after everything happened with the videos resurfacing she decided that in order to not allow that to happen again in order to not fall so far again she would just set the bar lower and keep the standard for her lower and whether that was a conscious decision on her part to maybe keep her career going or whatever it was whether that was like conscious or not it's hard to say it's hard to say if it was just an effect of what happened or if it was a decision but it's definitely a noticeable thing that i think if you really watch her content through you can see that change happen and it's pretty clear to see why it happened so tana after this whole thing happened started going back to making the content that made her really popular lots of story times these story times were honestly even more like up front and even more crazy and wild at the end of 2017's hannah was the self-proclaimed mess of youtube and honestly it was kind of like working for her um people praised her so much for being authentic and real and she just didn't really care about much and i think it's also kind of important to note the way that she talked about drinking and use absolutely the switch flipped around to this time as well she started to talk about use and drinking in a way that really glorified it and showed her lifestyle and her partying in a way that really glorified what she was doing which was underage drinking and doing pretty dangerous and this was when i personally i i mean i obviously had a lot of problems with a lot of things but this was kind of right when i was starting my youtube channel was when this stuff was happening and this is something i took a lot of issue with when i first started my youtube channel mostly because i just think glorifying drug use like that while she paints it as well i'm just trying to be as real and authentic as possible all these other will just like do it on the side and keep it a secret from you but like i'm being real and authentic so i'm telling you that i do drugs sure that's a take of how to you know paint that as a good thing but i don't ever think that having a very young fan base and promoting things like xanax there's literally a vlog where she allegedly was driving under the influence and she kept that in the vlog i will never sit here and be like oh she's just so authentic and real that she is doing all of those things and like high key glorifying and promoting it is like a great lifestyle the lead i'm never gonna do that she also started dating bella thorne which actually was a huge way that she sort of became a lot more mainstream bellathorn is obviously she's a disney channel person and she's also done a lot of stuff after that she's obviously a lot more of a mainstream traditional celebrity than tana and so being linked to bella was definitely very good for her in a career sense because she absolutely became more of a mainstream public figure hannah also in 20 very end of 2017 released her first song called hefner you know what i know the words now because i've listened to it a couple times it's a it's a catchy song it's not a great song it's obviously like meant to be kind of a joke like she's just she's talking about being like she talks about in the sense that she was like well i'm trying to break down gender roles she tried to make it a lot more deep than it actually was which was really just like kind of a rap song it was at a time when a lot of youtubers were doing rap battles and diss tracks making rap music was very popular amongst like jake and logan paul and ricegum so it's kind of a popular thing to do so it kind of makes sense she kind of hopped on that trend and the video included a scene of her and bella thorne like hooking up so obviously people were very interested in that aspect of it she also had another rap song i just want to talk about quickly called w that was like actually bad and i think it's more bad because she actually the like to dislike ratio is like shocking i think it's actually so bad not even because no it's a bad song but i think it's also so bad because she that you could tell that like she had that success with hefner where people actually were like wait this is kind of fun because it was kind of just like a goofy song like whatever so she tried to write like a legitimate rap song that was like her flexing and like legit and that was really bad it was like a it was a bad music video the music video is so awkward the actual wrapping in it is so weird it's like she's trying to flex but she's not and the best thing that came out of the music video w is that this kid named lucas who if you know fred from when youtube first started it's him but he's lucas himself now he made a reaction video to it that is absolute gold that i will link down below and you should absolutely watch if you want to like listen to her music without listening to her music and have some funny commentary 10 out of 10 would recommend the end of 2017 also brought just kind of like she definitely wasn't making basic youtube content definitely some like stranger choices for content she filmed an entire video with her lena and adam 22 where she watched them have sex and just recorded her reaction and then she also made a video this is real she made a video talking about how she had a sleep paralysis demon that was trying to have sex with her aggressively and that is the reason that she has so many bruises on her body is because it's not just sleep paralysis it was a real demon that is haunting her she's being haunted by a demon and it gives giving her bruises that's like a 45 minute video i watched um some of this stuff i'm not trying to be i really hope this isn't coming across as me being like mean but i do feel like it's important to note like some of this content is just so out there and i do think that that is why she's so popular it's like who thinks to talk about who is getting bruises and thinks that it's a demon haunting them okay i've already been talking for an hour and we haven't even gone to tanacon yet so this video is going to be a mammoth so in 2018 things got weird basically tana started the year pretty early on in the year made a video talking about why she wasn't going to be attending vidcon 2018 and actually this video i really sided with her on this basically for the past like couple of years tana had been told by vidcon that she would be a featured reader she promoted the event and then at the last minute they didn't make her a featured creator the first year i can kind of understand because she had like a million subs there's tons of youtube creators but the second year they really screwed her over because she was literally on the building of vidcon and on all of these panels because she was on the biggest youtube red show called escape the night and they still would not give her a featured creator pass so she could like get backstage to her panels she's on the building of course she's gonna get mobbed why would you not just give her a featured creator pass regardless of if you think it looks bad on you guys because she's been so problematic like kind of is irrelevant because she's on the building like you're associating with her why wouldn't you just give her a badge so i actually agreed with her video on this whole thing i got why she was upset a lot of other creators did too a lot of people made videos supporting tana a lot of people made videos talking about like their bad experiences at vidcon and how vidcon as a whole is kind of messed up for some reason after this video was made instead of just like taking this would have been a great time for tana i think to just like take the w like she really told off a big company and got a ton of support for it like it went really well for her and i think if she she'd just taken the w a lot of what happened next would never have happened but for some reason after making this video tana decided that it would be a really good idea to do a convention herself to rival vidcon called tanacon and tanacon was going to be in anaheim which is where vidcon is and was going to be held the same weekend as vidcon and this was all in 2018 this feels like so long ago it's crazy that this was like two years ago she really made a big deal about promoting this event as a free event with an optional like you could decide to upgrade to vip for 65 dollars which was just ended up not being true but she had some really huge names coming i mean she had shane dawson and like ryland and morgan which was huge at the time because shane never did meet and greets she had casey neistat colleen ballinger members of the vlog squad like tons of these really huge creators and emma chamberlain it really added to the credibility of the event that so many of these huge creators were also going to be there there's like literally thousands of videos if you want to know if you like miss tanacon and you want to know more about what happened there's so many videos you can watch but like point blank breaking it down really simply she booked it at a hotel that had a capacity of like a thousand people and she sold five thousand tickets her and her partner who was in this with her michael and so they oversold they had kids waiting outside for five hours in the sun with no food no water inside the event there was like nothing to do you watch vlogs from the event it's just a bunch of kids like walking in circles and then randomly like big nick comes on and raps and then you have like a wedding that happened but overall it was an absolute train wreck a complete disaster nobody really got to meet any creators it wasn't really a fun event they didn't have enough room for it and they knew before bringing all of those people to anaheim that they didn't have the room for that amount of people it was basically canceled after like three hours and just absolute like it was basically the fire fest of youtube looking back it's really difficult for me to believe that tana actually got away with this virtually unscathed um she really what i think a lot of people i mean people do talk about this but it's just nuts to me that it's like that situation could have been absolutely deadly there was a huge lack of security so nobody was really checking bags there were tons of kids there without their parents unsuper not like kid kids but like 13 14 year olds unsupervised without their parents who got essentially evicted from the hotel and had nowhere to go and no parents to call who were like close to come get them the whole thing was really just an absolute disaster waiting to happen and she is so lucky that the only thing that did happen was one girl passed out from like an anxiety attack and had to be taken away on a stretcher she is blessed that that is the only thing that happened i think the reason tana got away with this whole thing again is because of shane dawson um shane made a video very shortly after a docu-series about tanacon where he like interviewed people who went he interviewed michael weist who was the person who kind of put it on with tana he was the owner behind the company and watching those documentaries again i think at the time because shane had a reputation of being very fair and balanced those documentaries seemed very fair and balanced however if you look back at them there is definitely a very strong strong bias in those to be in favor of tana and paint michael as the bad guy and the video that tana released about a month after shane's videos and about a month after tanacon where she told things from her perspective kind of had the same sentiment and the video is an hour long and honestly it's not really worth the watch the beginning of the video was her literally accusing this guy michael of like salt and stealing money and all this crazy stuff and then her being like but i'm not gonna talk about that in this video even though she literally did and then it's a whole lot of her just being like michael was supposed to do this this this and this and he royally screwed me over and he lied to me and everyone lied to me but it's all my fault and i'm gonna take accountability and that was really the whole video and i think this is important to note based on like all the research i've done i watched a ton of videos about tanacon and just kind of like what happened after nobody got their travel expenses paid for which she did promise she would do i've brought that up in videos and people are like well that would be expensive for her what did you expect her to do pay for people's plane tickets and it's like no i really actually didn't expect her to do that but she said that she was going to do that and she told people she would do that and promise that to people so in that respect i did expect her to do that she didn't there's still people who literally have not been refunded for their tickets and really the only thing she offered people was like free tanacon merch which nobody wanted because it was a failed convention she really just claimed to take a lot of the blame for tanacon without actually taking any of the blamer accountability and while i do think michael weiss did deserve a fair share of that criticism like while i absolutely agree he was a huge part of the problem at the end of the day it was tanacon not michael khan so she should have taken just as much responsibility for it as he did the other reason i think she got away with this so unscathed because of what i talked about before the bar for her was set so low because she herself said it so low even at tanacon gabby hannah went out there to perform and things were already falling apart and she literally said well everything's falling apart but this is tanacon so what did you expect a lot of people literally went to tanacon with the sole purpose of watching it fail because they knew that it would because it was tanacon and honestly this whole situation her fans really readily forgave her because the ball like i said bar was super low but i also think what this showed me at least especially watching all of this back what it showed me was this was a definite flip of like okay i think sometimes tana can be kind of manipulative this situation really shows how like calculating she i want to show a clip that i just thought was really interesting because it's so she's so calculating it's almost kind of freaky this is from shane's documentary and it shows michael confronting her and being like you told everybody that you put money into tanacon that you put tens of thousands of dollars into tanacon when that wasn't true and i wanna just show you like how she reacts to that you said something earlier uh you mentioned you might lose your house and like you're gonna go bankrupt and all of that you said that tana told her audience and told everybody that she was putting a lot of her own money in this and you said that's not true what do you mean definitely explain me telling explain me saying i'm putting my own money into it because i'm whenever i've talked about that i've talked about the investments that were like made you told me we're in this together this is our money i'm investing it here and i also don't understand the bankruptcy thing from you've told me one thing about the way that you make your money but every single person you manage has told me that like it's your mom's real estate money and you have plenty of it and you've scammed them and then like [ __ ] michael i the [ __ ] that your clients have told me over the past two days i can't get out of my head everyone i'm sorry that is so disgusting that is actually so sad it's interesting because if you watch her content for long enough you can see almost her towels of when she's confronted about things she doesn't want to discuss when she's confronted about things and i'm not saying this to say oh she's this evil person saying this because i think it shows a pattern of behavior there's a definite pattern of behavior here with her behavior and the way that she reacts to it when people confront her about things that she doesn't want to talk about she gets this like definite look in her face the one you just saw i've seen this look like multiple times and she's kind of just starts like talking she talks very quickly and she starts talking so quickly that she literally changes the subject of everything and redirects to something else it's like it's a it's a pattern at this point that i've just noticed amongst her content that i think is another reason she tends to get away with things because it's easy to miss if you're not looking for it after tanacon things went back to normal on her channel she didn't really lose a lot of subscribers because like i said precedent for her messing up had already been set i would say for the most part the rest of her 2018 and 2019 content which is kind of normal she got a little less into story times and she started which makes sense because story times were kind of phasing out of being popular and she really got into more kind of like lifestyle content she had hauls vlogs challenges she had a bunch of videos with bella thorne when they were dating and then when they broke up she started dating this guy named brad who i really only know as being the guy who um looks like justin bieber who ate a burrito that was like his claim to fame in 2018 i would say tana after tanacon she kind of just stayed under the radar posted lighthearted content definitely started posting a lot less content on youtube i'm sure there was like a scandal here or there because there always is um but i didn't think they were like relevant to the story of her career probably say 2019 was very interestingly probably the worst and best year for her in general first of all tana got an mtv show it is a youtube series show i think that was like a little misrepresented when we first found out about it but tana got an mtv show i have multiple videos on the mtv show that are like very detailed about it and like what happened and all the drama and everything bad that happened on it and so to a lot of other creators i'll link some of them down below so i'm not going to get too in depth with this but i think if you're just looking at it from a career perspective this was probably one of the best things that happened to her in the sense that she got a lot more notoriety outside of her fanbase however it was probably the worst thing that she ever did in the sense that people who had been fans of her for a long time suddenly were not her fans up until this point tana was absolutely known as like the self-proclaimed youtube wild child um she's like she's always late she sleeps in she parties all the time but people still really liked her despite all of these mess-ups and all these scandals because she seemed very likable she seemed very nice the way that she edited herself in her youtube videos was very complimentary of her and i think the mtv show really changed that um because it showed a different side of her it showed her being really mean and nasty to her manager not caring about other people's times being like rude to a nurse being you know rude to a person who works at a restaurant it showed her being kind of not nice that's the best way i can put it like she just wasn't nice on the show it's almost like the show was a representation of the worst two versions of herself and i do think mtv probably showed her at like her worst moment tana has also gone on to talk about the fact that her mental health was really bad when she was shooting these two seasons which i'm going to talk about in a minute but i don't i do think the mtv show really hurt her reputation and that a lot of her die hard fans started seeing her in a different way and i also think the mtv show directly coincided with her relationship with jake paul i'm again tens of millions of videos about this whole situation but i will say basically tana and jake paul started dating like kind of publicly on youtube and then they he proposed to her on her 21st birthday in vegas and then they got married and the whole thing was documented on this mtv show tina's kind of whole thing about this is that she caught feelings and she was really deeply in love with jake but that he wasn't in love with her and she wanted to seem like the cool girlfriend so she allowed him to have an open relationship but it really hurt her and that she basically was heartbroken by jake paul um and that was her whole thing like that's what she said about it i don't really know if i believe that and honestly it doesn't matter if it's true or not but the whole relationship was really weird because they got married but they didn't actually get married it was completely a fake ceremony a real problem i had with the whole tana marrying jake situation besides the fact that i don't like jake paul is really just the fact that they charged people 65 to watch their wedding live stream that wasn't then completely dysfunctional didn't work and you literally couldn't even see them get married because the the vantage point of the live stream camera was so bad and the internet and wi-fi connection was so laggy that people paid 65 to watch nothing and also the ceremony was like three hours behind so and it was fake it wasn't even a real wedding so and really the takeaway from this is tana has since made a couple of videos where she talks about the jake paul thing and she talks about the mtv thing and really the big tie-in of all of those is her mental health i believe tana when she says that she struggles with mental health and like addiction and really recently she said that she has been working with a life coach and i genuinely hope that that's helping her i genuinely hope she's getting help this is a part of her content that i really empathize with because i struggled with addiction and mental health issues still struggled mental health stuff um at a really really young age and i understand and relate to what she's talking about and i do believe her that she is deeply struggling with these things like fully there's not a question in my mind that she does struggle with that with that being said i do think there comes a point when you have to work on things outside of the internet and this isn't even just a critique of tana because i think so many youtubers do this where i think a lot of youtubers start using youtube as their therapy they use their audience as their therapist and they just kind of talk about all of their problems on youtube and then they don't actually really do a lot of work behind the scenes to get any sort of help and tana particularly does this and talks about all this she claims because she wants to be an advocate for mental health she wants to be very open and honest and real about the struggles that she faces and i think that's actually a good thing i think the more we talk about mental health struggles and the more honest we are the more destigmatized it becomes i agree with all of that however i'm actually worried about her in the sense that you can't be an advocate for mental health if you're not alive like she's very openly said she of a drug overdose like pretty recently she's really openly said that she wants to hurt herself a lot of times and while i don't know what she's doing behind the scenes to get help i hope that she is doing something because that's not something to be taken lightly i honestly feel like instead of telling all of that to her youtube audience which yes it does destigmatize things but like get help yourself first like get in a position where you're okay because the pattern i'm kind of seeing right now just from an outside perspective again i don't know her but the pattern i'm seeing right now is she says i'm doing better i'm getting help i'm the best i've ever been in my life and then she'll post a video of her and she's still like i'm not drinking i'm not doing drugs anymore and then she'll post a video where she's obviously just incredibly blasted the entire video like she posted that mtv video talking about her addiction and then immediately posted a video with modsun where they were traveling across country in a van where she was just incredibly drunk and messed up on pills the entire time she was also recently called out by multiple black creators because she was incredibly discriminatory against them a couple of years ago she was called out about two months ago and she keeps saying she's going to address it and talk about it but she's basically ghosted most of her social medias since that happened she doesn't really post on instagram except the stories she doesn't really post on twitter she doesn't really post on youtube she's kind of she only really posts on only fans and tick tock and she's just kind of completely ghosted off of all the platforms she every two weeks she kind of gets called out for it the like fan outrage gets really loud and she'll address it and she'll be like it's coming it's i just wanted to personally work on myself and make sure i gave the best response possible to all of this um and then she doesn't post it for another two weeks and then she says again i take full accountability there's no reason it should have taken this long and then it's another two weeks and she doesn't post it she's saying i've been thinking about this video so hard i've been planning it so hard i've been working on it so hard i really want to make sure it's the best video possible but at the same time she posts on her instagram story every day hanging out with her friends going to parties getting glammed doing all of going to that stupid steakhouse that's still serving influencers during kovitz becoming really clear to everyone in this situation including her like die hard fans that she literally just doesn't care if and when she actually does come out with a legitimate apology for this whole situation based on all of the other apology videos i've watched i can literally tell you exactly what she's going to say to talk about how heavily it's been weighing on her she's going to talk about how she filmed the video at least 10 times and she filmed first 10 hours straight and then she deleted all the footage and it's the hardest video she's ever had to film which by the way she has said in every single apology video she's going to talk about the fact that there's no excuses and she's taking accountability but then she's probably going to make an excuse and at this point i think it's just getting old 2019 was huge for tana in the sense that she became more mainstream because of the jake paul thing and the mtv show but it was really bad for her in the sense that i think a lot of her fans that have really really stuck by her are absolutely just over it with her and i think this is for a lot of reasons i think her fan base is growing up and they're getting older and they're kind of aging out of this type of content and she's not really growing with them she's not really maturing or growing up with them i also think she's used the excuse of oh i'm young i'm gonna make mistakes like way too many times and i think because now her fan base is like her age they're just kind of over it it's honestly kind of nutty looking at her twitter account because it used to be all of her stands every time she tweeted it was like yes tana we love you you're a queen and now it's really the majority of her replies or people just calling her out and telling her like we're sick of this like apologize be the person that we've been begging you to be for like two years right now she hasn't posted in over two months and i think one of the crazier things about tana in her life is that when you watch back her first videos it's so clear that she had such a love and a passion for youtube like she uploaded all the time and you can just see as the years went by that deep love and passion for youtube has absolutely gone away i think what will really end up being kind of her downfall is just that over time i think as scandal after scandal after scandal after all of these things i think people are just sick of it and i think that's i'm sick of it honestly like writing this whole thing i literally wrote in the notes i am sick of hearing about this and talking about this and i chose actively to make this video like it gets really frustrating after a point in time because it's just kind of the same mistakes over and over again the same excuses over and over again and i think it's frustrating because you do see these really authentic like real moments from her especially like when she talks about her mental health and you see those and then it's just kind of like bs after that she's really yet to show that she can actually grow and learn from her mistakes which i think is going to be a massive downfall for her while i'm sure tana still has i know she is still has millions of fans she still has millions of people who adore her and she's probably going to stay popular for a while i do think that as each scandal happens it's kind of like chipping away at a block and eventually there's just gonna be nothing left to chip at you just see that as every little tiny scandal and all these big scandals compound she's losing more and more people and losing more and more support and that's the end of the video that's my thoughts on the evolution of tana mojo and her content and that's the present that's where we are now i feel like this video doesn't really have a more like neatly tied up ending the way that the gabby video did because it's still very much an in-process story there's not really like a peek in a pit yet there's nothing that's really happened like that her whole career has kind of just been a rollercoaster of ups and downs so it's gonna be really interesting i think to watch her and see how she navigates things how she goes forward after everything just to see what happens with her i don't know she could really end up being kind of like paris hilton-esque and like making a perks making her perfumes and like staying really relevant despite you know her peak being gone or she could just like be done with him like two years like i really could go either way with her but yeah i would love i know this video was absolutely way too long and i'm so sorry but there was so much i felt the need to cover um i know i missed some things i'm positive i missed some things but i hope i did a decent job trying to show a good at least kind of clear story of how everything happened let me know what you think about tana and her career and everything down below i loved reading the comments on the gabby video and also let me know who you want me to do next i have some ideas but i'm also really open to hearing what you guys want to hear me look into and yeah i hope you guys like this video if you did please like and subscribe or dislike or just subscribe or do neither honestly just so happy you're watching me thank you so much for being here my merch my social media and everything i am wearing on my face will be linked down below along with very important a link to register to vote that's right you can click on that link you can register to vote and you can be part of your democracy super fun thing to do and also will be my little social justice spotlight just like some important links places to donate and yeah i love you guys so much and i will see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 438,325
Rating: 4.9519057 out of 5
Keywords: Tana Mongeau, Tana, MTV No Filter, Tana Turns 21, Tana Mongeau Reality show, Tana Mongeau Jake Paul, Tana Mongeau Wedding, Jake and Tana Wedding, Jake Paul, James charles, kody Ko, Gabbie Hanna, Shane Dawson, Shane Dawson Tanacon, Tanacon, Smokey Glow, The evolution of, Smokey Glow Tana Mongeau, Tana Mongeau Apology, tana mongeau a long overdue apology, a long overdue apology, tana mongeau career, tana mongeau kahlan barry, tana mongeau simplynessa15
Id: q1W2oAqp30A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 46sec (3526 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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