Nikita Dragun's Terrible Snapchat Show...

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[Music] hi friends hello hi how are you i hope you guys are having an amazing day today hello hi so today's video first of all candle of the day this is from a brand called apothekey and this is their i believe it's called a rosebud candle smells amazing i've already burned through like half of it i'm obsessed with it um today's video we're gonna be talking about something i'm i'm very interested in this topic and i'm very interested to know what you guys think about all this because i was scrolling through twitter and i saw a fight between trisha paytas and nikita dragon a couple of weeks ago and i noticed that nikita conveniently at the time of instigating a fight with trisha had a snapchat show coming out and i was like hmm that's suspicious timing um so i was like i'm gonna watch the show i'm gonna tune in hi friends editing me here and today i wanted to talk about today's video's sponsor which is pros process a brand that i've been using for almost two months now and they're basically a custom shampoo and conditioner brand that uses an algorithm and a quiz to figure out the best products that you should be putting in your hair now before i started using pros my hair was super super frizzy super dry at the ends and also very oily at the roots so i was having to wash my hair way more throughout the week than i wanted to and even when i did wash my hair it would always just look a little bit more dull and a little bit more flat and a little bit of frizz once i started using pros i noticed that my hair instantly like after first use was already significantly less frizzy and also way more less oily and more sort of shiny like it just had that really healthy hair look to it and i also noticed that after sort of prolonged use my hair started looking just less dead and a lot more alive and also i could go way longer between washes than i could with the normal shampoo and conditioner i was using before what i love about pros is that it's completely customizable so i got to pick like the scent that i put in it which i love i also loved the fact that with hair stuff a lot of times when you're buying stuff off the shelf it feels very sort of one size fits all like you kind of just have to pick what might work for you and go from there but with pros they really customize the formula to fit exactly what your hair needs in order to use pros you basically just fill out this very simple quiz it asks you questions not only about your hair but about your lifestyle which could be impacting your hair which actually that was really cool it asked me how much i exercised asked me about like my eating habits which was super helpful in figuring out the best products to be putting in my hair another thing i loved was that if i had tried this and the formula they had picked for me initially didn't exactly work rose has a review and refined feature that allows you to go in and sort of tweak everything around pros also has a flexible subscription service called the salon that basically allows you to order from that monthly and as a member you get discounts free shipping complimentary products and you get to schedule your product time so that way you never are without pros so for example i've been using this for like two months now and i have about 25 of the bottle left i don't know if you can see i have about 25 percent left so i actually signed up for the subscription plan like outside of the sponsorship i'd have another bottle on the way so that way i'm not gonna run out of this stuff because this is what i've been using if you're interested in trying pros you can click the link in my description or go to smokeyglow to take your free in-depth hair care quiz and get ten dollars off your first order you can also get an additional 15 off when you join their membership program the salon thank you so much to pros for sponsoring this video i've been using their products now for about two months really love them cannot stress enough how great it is and yeah go give it a try thank you uh i'm not the biggest nikita dragon fan if you don't know who she is she's a 25 year old social media influencer she has like millions of subscribers across all of her social media platforms but for the most part her biggest platform is instagram would also say she's definitely like a youtuber kind of she has almost 4 million subscribers on youtube and she definitely posts there from time to time most notably one of her recent videos is with the lopez brothers that she has refused to take down after the allegations have surfaced against them but anyway um and the thing about nikita i might do a whole deep dive into her eventually because i do think that she has a very interesting sort of you know story and everything but the big thing to note about nikita is that one thing we've kind of seen from her career just so far is that it seems like the likes that she gets on instagram and the you know views that she gets from youtube seems like that those followers that she does have don't necessarily follow her to the extent you see with other beauty gurus she did a meet and greet for her brand dragon beauty where she like opened a pop-up store and did a meet and greet and like not a lot of people came like basically nobody came there's some very cringe content that came out of that meet and greet and so i thought it was interesting that of all people she got a snapchat show just because i think if we're talking influencers with a large amount of relevance i think that she is a very relevant influencer but i also think that a lot of her relevance doesn't necessarily come from people who are like die hard fans a lot of her relevance comes from her being incredibly problematic and people calling her out for that so i just think that's really interesting that like they chose her to do this show with now the show is called nikita unfiltered i don't know it's kind of the titamoto effect of like unfiltered but it's called nikita unfiltered it's on snapchat and every episode is only about seven minutes and there's only about 10 episodes total now on our instagram nikita claimed that this show broke records and was and i quote the most watched show ever which is a bold claim to make when shows like i don't know game of thrones exist but i guess this is the most watched show ever and she claims that it broke all of these records and it was like the biggest thing for snapchat ever i have a hard time believing a lot of what nikita says because the one my kind of introduction to her as a person was an interview that she did on philip defranco's podcast called the conversation with where she literally just lied about being first in her class to graduate so the only reason she said that she was first in her class which typically means that you're like the top student like you got the best grades you're first in your class because you have the highest gpa and the only reason she said that was because she walked first physically after graduation she was the first person to start walking so she said i graduated first in my class um she definitely twists things and it was this like maybe the biggest snapchat show ever maybe but i don't really know how like impressive that is i had to re-download snapchat to watch this so i feel like just from starting off my perception of her in general about this show like regarding everything is poor because i just don't understand how anyway um so i have thought it'd be fun to go through the episodes one through ten and just kind of talk you guys through what happened because basically you probably don't want to watch it but i feel like i could give some commentary spoiler alert if you want to like skip the whole video that this is about to be it was a very bad show it was not very good and there were not a lot of redeeming qualities there were some but it was not very good i feel like i can definitely group in episodes one and two because they definitely have a similar vibe and a similar message and honestly episodes one and two despite the faults that we're about to talk about were honestly the two best episodes of the entire show so they still weren't very good but they were definitely the strongest episodes out of the whole show as far as like having a plot and also relating it back to like what's actually happening in akita's life because i think that's the number one problem i have with this show just like right off the bat is that none of this what we see besides episodes one and two seems to be very reflective of what nikita's actual life is and looks like so episode one is basically nikita talking about all the big things she's doing in life like she bought her dream home which they called the castle it's just like a home i don't know they called the home the castle it's nikita's castle she has this whole little bit about like how much her life has changed which i'm sure it has like i'm sure she's gotten more famous she obviously started dragon beauty like you're kind of just doing like a catch-up from the first season and then they cut to a photo shoot that she did with patrick starr where they were basically dressed in like these little body suits i think they did a music video or i don't know but either way it was her and patrick starr hanging out and basically the tone of the conversation was talking about this guy that nikita was talking to who she called mr dl which basically means mr down low now right off the bat this person that she is talking about in this context does not exist do i believe that this person is like a representative of other people that she's dated in her life absolutely do i think that at the time of filming she was currently talking to somebody that she referred to as mr dl no i don't think that that person was real and you can tell from like everything like they try to stage it where like he calls her on the phone and she answers but it's very obviously like not a real person like they're not having a real conversation and also they try to stage it where like he sends her flowers it's this whole thing but this is not a real person i would bet all of the money i have that he is not a real person that she was really talking to during the show this was very obviously a sort of made-up person to represent something else which honestly i was okay with because i actually loved the sort of message of the first two episodes because it felt very authentic to nikita basically nikita talked about the stigma of dating when you are trans and discussed how being a trans woman a lot of times men kind of want to hide her and will only feel comfortable dating her privately but would never want to go public with her and sort of the trauma that that it induces and the pain that that causes and how difficult that is for her and honestly i loved all of that because that is the type of stuff that needs to be talked about like i love that she was being very open about what it's like being trans and what it's like dating as a person who's trans and how that affects everything and how even though she's this mega famous celebrity she still has to face this type of discrimination i think that's so awesome that she talked about it and i actually loved that part of the show even though this guy obviously wasn't real what it represented in the relationship it represented was super super interesting and also in the second episode nikita has her friend who is a trans woman who is also transitioning um come over and like reveal the plastic surgery that she had done i guess it was like a female feminization procedure that would just make her face look more feminine and they'd had a really like seemingly honest and authentic conversation about the transitioning process and what that was like and how you know you wake up in this new face and how almost jarring that can be how crazy it is to look back at old pictures like they have this really awesome conversation about what it is to be trans and that process of transitioning and again like that was awesome i don't know where that friend went for the rest of the season like i don't know where that friend left to but i would have loved to a whole season of the two of them not obviously only talking about you know trans issues because obviously there's more to her than just being trans but having these like honest conversations and like really seeming to have on-screen chemistry that doesn't seem fake and just like them being friends and talking about all these different things like that was wonderful nikita one of the big ways that she blew up i know she was popular before this but something that really blew her up was basically i think it was the ceo of victoria's secret said that they didn't have any trans women in the victoria's secret show because trans women couldn't sell the fantasy and that was obviously disgusting it was hurtful it was harmful it was like such gross rhetoric to hear and nikita basically made her own victoria's secret commercial where she was like selling the fantasy and she looked freaking gorgeous like she absolutely slayed it she had the wings she had the like bron underwear she's just like walking around this beautiful mansion like she looked gorgeous and she basically was like this is me selling the fantasy you don't think that a trans woman can sell the fantasy like think again and she did and again like those moments from nikita i genuinely feel are sort of this really actually authentic person that we're getting but for whatever reason after the second episode the show does like an about face into this absolute fake that just like is not her real life is obviously not what she's doing on the day-to-day has no real substance is very fake and i don't know if that's just because they couldn't continue on that route because like nikita didn't want to or the show didn't find it interesting enough or like whatever but i personally found those first two episodes to be the most interesting and at least like real like they felt real even though the whole thing ended this like mr dl ended with her texting him being like this isn't working for me and then he had bought her this like edible arrangement instead of just like eating the edible arrangement she shoved the strawberries down the sink with a knife but then threw away the box so like i don't know very very cringe like a little bit weird not really the reaction i feel like you would have if you broke up with somebody would be like shoving strawberries down the sink by the way i just find it really funny that like production obviously bought her those chocolate covered strawberries to like shoot this scene and i just find it funny like a pa showing up with those chocolate covered strawberries and then her having to dramatically dump them down the sink as if she was actually breaking up with somebody because like again i cannot stress enough that was not real so it ends in kind of a cringy way after she's had all these conversations with all the people in her life about what it's like to date somebody who doesn't accept her and all of that right so we have these first two episodes that i'm like okay this is actually like not horrible like i've definitely seen worse reality shows than this like q the nikki and gabby take the bahamas like i was like yeah this isn't that bad and then we get to episode three episode three they basically all of a sudden are like okay this isn't nikita unfiltered this is the bachelor and we're just going to have a full-on bachelor episode for like seemingly no reason other than allegedly nikita just broke up with this other guy so there's really no reason for any of this and it also all feels very forced like the three guys that end up showing up to be like the contestants are very obviously there's one of them that looks like the type of guy that nikita dates historically he's like young and has abs and then there's two other guys that are obviously a little bit older and like are obviously not the type of guy that she dates and she basically says well i'm gonna give you all nicknames because i can't remember people's names and uh she gives them all nicknames and then she's like we're gonna do these three challenges and after every challenge somebody's gonna be eliminated um so they do the first challenge which is just going through the guy's phones which i think we can talk about how you shouldn't go through people's phones anyway she goes through these guys phones like that so she gives them their nicknames but then like nobody gets cut and then you go to the second challenge which is the dancing challenge which one of the guys who's a stripper is obviously like way better at the dancing challenge like so much better and then they do like a little q and a so this all happens in the span of 45 seconds it flies by then they do a little q a where they answer questions and she gives one of the guys this like super easy question and then the other guy she's like how will you treat me respectfully and he gives this like great answer and so she picks the guy who's young and has abs and it's like shocking nobody and then they have this drink and they you know chat or whatever and the whole thing about it is the guy that they hired to play her sort of love interest is actually a very good actor like he really kind of sells it he seems like very organic normal interactions like how you would interact with somebody on like a first date like that is how they're interacting but nikita is the one who is unable to sell that this is a relationship at all she basically is just like acting like you know in like seventh grade when you had a boyfriend but you like and you were gonna like hug next to the water fountain and it was like a super big deal did i go to a weird middle school i just remember everybody being like oh my god you guys are gonna hug and it was so awkward and weird and you were like trying to play it off like you didn't care but like secretly you were like freaking out that's how nikita acts this entire day like she just and even in her like voiceover her interviews she's like okay so maybe he's into me like this is crazy he's so into it like it was just weird it was so awkward so weird and that was the entire third episode was just this bachelor like competition out of nowhere like that's obviously not how she spent so my whole thing is if you're gonna do a show called like blank unfiltered at least tana mojo to her credit showed like her relatively day-to-day life we got to see her like go to vidcon she went to meetings she did this she did that like at least all of that was there this is like completely set up bs that nikita is not doing in her day-to-day life she's not forcing men to have a dance competition in her day-to-day normal everyday life also the whole trope about this guy that she picks is that he's just too nice he's the nice guy he's the good guy and her big thing is like he can't handle the fire of the dragon but we like don't really see any fire from her like there's no fire of the dragon she's just like kind of cold and aloof because it's obviously an actor hired to like her the other thing i'm confused about is nikita has gotten in like a scandal i'm pretty sure or hiring a guy to be her boyfriend and then she caught feelings and he didn't and then it was this whole drama i really didn't keep up with the details of it but i remember that all happening so it's very weird to me that the show would like hire a guy to pretend to be her boyfriend like why would they hire so like you know what i mean if you had that history why would you do that again i don't know but she seemed very cold and aloof and like not all that interested and very awkward in their conversation but he definitely sold it a little bit more at least now in episode four they basically derail everything and like stop the whole love interest arc that they've started in episode three and they talk about nikita getting cancelled so i'm assuming at some point during the filming of this i really wish they had switched episodes three and four like i wish this episode was three just for continuity and for the sake of the show because it would have given a little bit of filler between this fake breakup and this new fake relationship instead of the awkward placement of this episode but regardless this episode covers when nikita got cancelled for tweeting out i guess she put out a tweet that was like what skin color is nikita going to be today and it talked about sort of the canceling that happened and all of these things i talked about all that without actually covering the root of the problem i think it's really an art that they were able to cover everything without actually showing what the problem with the tweet was which was that nikita tweeting that out she tried to say that she was just trying to be in on the joke because she feels like people mock her ethnicity which i don't know if people do that or not but the whole point of people bringing up like what race is she gonna be today that i've seen is the black community calling her out for her blatant black fishing and appropriation of black culture it's a very serious thing that she's often accused of and often just like says she does not care about and does not listen and will just continue to wear the braids or wear clothing that she knows is going to upset people i think she does it on purpose because it gets her attention personally but so tweeting that out was really just her saying to the black community specifically like hey i acknowledge that i do this but i don't care i'm just gonna keep doing it i know that she claims it was supposed to be like a joke and she was in on the joke but that's not at all what the tweet seemingly represented so nakia got called out for this and they basically show the behind the scenes of what happened at that time so she talked about how being canceled was such a big deal for her career and how she could lose everything if she was cancelled and i also think that this part of the show is just cringy to me because i can't imagine thinking that everybody in the entire world cares about what i do and i don't know if maybe i don't get it because i'm like not on her scale of being famous but like i cannot imagine thinking that she literally says the words like it's very conflated like she literally says the words everybody in the world is watching you and waiting for you to mess up and it's like no they're not is it like a lot of people i'm sure but to say like everybody in the world is gonna know if i screw up everybody in the world is gonna hate me if i screw up it was a very weird interview that she did and then she also there was a scene with like her manager who i they're again very obviously i think they're trying to pull from like the tana mojo messy client relationship but this manager is just incredibly nice and nikita is just incredibly respectful to him as you should be with a manager so it's almost boring how like simple their relationship is because he's super nice and understanding and she's respectful but he basically talks about how they have this big morphe collab coming up and she can't blow this by getting canceled right now and all of this other stuff she talks about now because she's a business owner everything is way more intense which like again dive deeper into that talk about what it's like to be a brand in a business all in one talk about what it's like to have your personality and your reputation run your entire livelihood in your business that's a fascinating topic like let's go deeper every time they touched on something mildly interesting i was like okay stop going on fake dates and like delve into that a little bit more because like that's actually so interesting that would be an unfiltered conversation is her discussing how when your personality is your brand how you navigate that they also show the behind the scenes of this like collab that she did with i'm not sure who the girl was but they did about they did a collaboration and before they start this woman kind of calls her out on the tweet that she did and again i feel like it was very softball i feel like they used this woman who was a black woman it feels like they almost used her as like a prop to give nikita this like redemption because she was definitely a little bit more stern with her and was just kind of like listen like if i didn't know you i wouldn't like you based on the you post online but again also i have to wonder like what was cut from that conversation because it seemed like she really kind of explained to her why that tweet was so problematic and why that was such an issue but they didn't show any of that like they just showed her being like all right we'll just do better don't want you to get canceled nikita's like i don't want to get canceled either the whole point of the episode is more about not wanting to get cancelled and not focused on like wanting to be a better person who doesn't get this type of criticism because they just like don't do the thing in the first place you know what i mean also the show was shot in like october november and based on what i've seen nikita hasn't changed anything since tweeting that so i was a little confused by that too because it wasn't like there had been any sort of major growth in her as a person since then there's literally been none anyway then we get into episode five so now the sort of explanation of the tweet has been put out now we're in episode five and from here on out it is all about the fake romances baby uh she introduces a new love interest named lewis who is a tick talker who at first i thought he was quite literally 16 years old because of how he looks but i guess he's 21 and she talks about this tick tocker lewis and his other two friends who i recognize tati from uh tiktok i i've followed her and know about her but i didn't know who the other person was but it's these three tick talkers and how they came to live in nikita's house and like make tick tocks and she has this big crush on this kid named lewis and here's the thing i don't know if lewis was just really bad at the assignment like i just don't know if lewis didn't understand the assignment or if they literally just did not tell him that nikita was going to be making him the love interest i'm not sure which one it was but lewis has zero interest in this entire show in nikita like none zilch zero there's no chemistry there's no him sort of flirting with her they literally take a moment of him being like yeah nikita's fun to be around while he's like eating a french fry they take that moment and try to twist it in him secretly being in love with nikita and they're like have this will they won't they situation happening and it's very very weird i don't understand why they picked somebody who had a very obviously like no real interest in her and whether he just couldn't deliver on that or what like i have no idea nikita is in the booth doing her little interviews being like oh my god louis is so hot i want to be with him so badly like i think we'd be we'd make great babies together we'd be so perfect and louis is like completely uninterested in everything happening it really just shows her hanging out with these kids doing tick tocks and then also there's this weird scene in episode five where she meets with her manager again we only see the manager twice which sucks because he seemed really cool um we only see the manager twice and there's another scene with the manager where they talk about her morphe collaboration launch and also how they talk about how dragon beauty is going to be launching in morphe stores right and the manager basically tries to paint these kids these tick tock kids and this new guy louis as like a distraction and they have this whole conversation about how nikita can't be distracted right now and nikita is basically like i'm willing to give up freedoms for my career like i'm willing to give up things for my career and it's all very weird because it's like you're launching a collaboration with morphe and i would understand this sort of conversation of like you can't have distractions around you if she was like i don't know preparing for an academy award-winning role or if she was like writing a book or like when you're an influencer and a social media influencer and correct me if i'm wrong but if you're launching a palette with morphe or you're you know announcing that your brand is going to be with them literally as an influencer all you really have to do is like show up all you have to do is show up to those launches show up to those events like post on instagram about it like not even show up in person because we're a pandemic literally all you have to do is show up to those things they don't require that's why you have a managers because they do all the sort of behind the scenes work and you just show up and you're like here's my morphe collab like i don't understand how i don't really understand why they tried to paint it like she needs to be hyper focused on everything and also like that conversation changes nothing like she still lives with this kid louis she still talks about him all the time she still goes on dates with this other guy to create this like love triangle like all of this still happens and i think that whole conversation was meant to sort of show like i think the point of putting it in was to try and represent this very serious business that she's running and how she's running this massive corporation but like we don't see any of that we don't see her working on dragon beauty we don't see her working on you know her morphe collab like if we jump to episode seven there's a brief little interlude where they show her handing out her morphe pr boxes and like why was that not a whole episode i want to see her if we're going to see her real life unfiltered i want to see her running her business running her brand otherwise i assume that she doesn't she just doesn't run the bridge i want to see her like making decisions on launches i want to see like all of these things making the decision about the morphe stuff on the phone with morphe like the interesting side of her business we never ever see that all we have is this conversation of her manager trying to make it seem like her business is something that she takes very seriously and something that she puts a lot of time and effort into but we don't actually see any of that time and effort put into it it's very strange and then episode six is honestly just more of focusing on this fake relationship with lewis they go to like an arcade and they eat french fries and you can tell that they told the two tick tockers that they were with the two other kids that were there you can tell they told them to be like pry about nikita and lewis's relationship like go ahead and ask them questions about will they won't they make it seem like there's this will they won't they between them but all of that falls flat because lewis the main kid does not care about nikita at all like he literally could not care less about forming a relationship with her or acting like they have any sort of chemistry there's none of that their conversations are so awkward and you can tell the producers were trying to get things moving with it via these other two kids who actually were trying to push it along and lewis just had zero zero interest in any of that episode eight also introduces another guy which is like i can't handle the fake relationships but basically this was a guy that she had a thing with last season in season one and they had this kind of will they won't they friendship going on and it ended up they didn't and they ended their friendship and they haven't talked in over a year and they basically went out to dinner and had this really long it was the whole episode basically was this conversation that she had with this guy oscar and it was really just nothing of like substance like he was asking if she was seeing anybody she was like yes they were talking about what she deserves it all felt so just like non-authentic like all i think that's my biggest problem with these sort of episodes the ones that focus around conversation is like if you were to have a conversation with your friend that is not how any of these conversations would go if you were talking to your friend about like your boyfriend or boy troubles or girl troubles or whatever troubles like you would not be talking like this and i think that was weird it also ended with them being like i guess we're friends again but i don't know maybe we will date it was very very very weird that's the best way i can describe all of these episodes so far is it's just weird also funny side note the masks that she wears throughout the episodes get smaller and smaller as we go through all of these episodes the mask gets more clear and smaller the more she shoots and again the only interesting part about this episode to me was when she was delivering pr boxes to like charlie demilio but they didn't even really show that the one thing she does is like an influencer that's kind of interesting they don't even show episode 8 is all centered around this like shopping trip that she does with lewis which again is just some of the cringiest dialogue you'll ever see like for example he was talking about how he had a niece or nephew or something and was like oh i'm used to baby shopping because i have a niece or nephew and she was like oh you're trying to play all cool like you you go baby shopping and he was like no i have a niece and nephew and she was like oh you have so many baby mamas that you take care of and he was like no i just have a nephew and like i'm not kidding that's literally word for word a conversation they have and she she's trying to make it all like sexy and fun and she's like we're baby shopping we'd have the cutest babies and he's like yeah look at this cool hoodie for your nephew like that looks lit like they have no chemistry none and the thing that kills me is in the interview nikita's trying to be like oh he's sending me all these mixed signals we have so many mixed signals that we're going through and like there's no mixed signals he's not in you know that movie though like he's just not that into you that is the epitome of what this is and honestly i don't think nikita is all that interested in him either i think that the show was just like okay we're shooting we need a guy for you to be into and she picked him like i don't think she's hyper invested in him either just based on the way that they communicate and the way that she talks to him unless that's how she talks to guys that she's trying to flirt with but like i don't know i have this whole conversation over lunch where like he's always on his phone and that leaves room for nikita to be like oh he's just a clout chaser he just loves to be on his phone and it's like while he's 21 and he's on a date that he doesn't know he's on a date so i don't know and also that lunch is so funny because he literally like she tries to be like well you could stay with me in la but what if i get a boyfriend like aren't you going to be jealous of my boyfriend and he's like no i don't i don't i wouldn't really be jealous like clear as day no mixed signals and then she's like well i'm seeing this guy but like i don't know and he's like oh i want to meet your friend like i want to meet this guy that you're talking to like i'm your friend i should get approval he's literally talking to her as if they're just friends which is seemingly all that they are and she's the one trying to make it all like weird and sexy when it's just not and then at the end of this whole date that's not a date it's just this kid not understanding what's happening uh nikita calls her sister and basically tries to like talk to her sister about all of this and again this is where they really touch on like oh he must be a clout chaser so i think that's what lewis was supposed to represent was like the sort of clout chasing that sometimes influencers have to deal with in relationships but it just fell so flat because he wasn't trying it's so obvious he just wants to be friends with her now in episode 9 she goes on another fake date with this other guy that she met during the bachelor style episode and like he meets her friend and their friend gives her all this advice about how good it is to date a nice guy and again like he really is just being painted as like the nice guy he's like very flirty he's very sweet and she's just like i don't know i hate nice guys he can't handle the dragon even though the dragon is just her being uninterested i don't know it's like a whole thing that episode nine there really isn't much to say there but then we get into episode 10 which you might have seen clips from this scene online because i know a couple of them went viral but basically nikita decides i cannot possibly choose between these two guys so i'm going to invite both of them to a dinner and both of them are going to be there and all of my other friends are going to be there and that's how i'm going to decide seeing them next to each other so she invites the nice guy and she invites the guy who's and who's an actor and she invites the guy who has no interest in her from tick tock and basically nice guy who's an actor she's like you know what just can't do it i don't like you nice guy goodbye and she breaks up with him and to his credit he really sells the sadness he feels over the breakup like probably oversells it that's when i realized he was an actor like truly was the breakup because he really gets almost a tear in his eye um and that was just a little a little much but anyway he really sells this heartbreak really is like okay and nikita's just like bye and sends him on his way which honestly respect it like i respect the cleanness of that breakup so then she goes back into this like sushi place or whatever and her friend texts her and is like look at what lewis just posted on tick tock and he posted a tick tock with this blonde girl they aren't like making out in the tick tock they aren't like doing anything weird they're literally just dancing and nikita flips out she takes his phone and throws it behind her into the pond that is behind them so she throws his phone into the water and he pretty rightfully is upset and he like kind of pushes his chair back a little dramatically to leave because he's like what the she says oh you want to play the attitude game okay and then flips the table over at the restaurant screaming at him and he just walks away and her other friends who how you know this is planned is because the other two kids that her are her friends and the tick tock kids that are there walk away laughing hysterically going i can't believe she actually did that meaning that that was completely pre-planned and they were like no nikita this is your big this is the last episode so they were like this is your big dramatic moment like you're gonna flip the table and you're gonna tell him what's up because he's been playing games with you even though he literally has not and then it ends with her and her friend having this conversation where they basically say like all men all we need is each other uh the friend we've known for like one episode it feels like this is supposed to be the climax it feels like this is supposed to be the grand finale of like nikita realizing she doesn't need a man and she's just happy by herself but because there's been no chemistry build up between honestly either of the guys that she's been talking to there's just no real end to this it's just all so fake and unreal that it's like hard to feel any emotion with the very obvious sort of table flip setup it feels even more disingenuous and then it all just ends and that's the last episode and like that's all that happened so the show's over that was all 10 seasons it was about 70 minutes of my life um and honestly it was very bad and not even just because like i i'm not a big fan of nikita because i do think like i don't like a lot of people and i still find content they put out enjoyable or find shows like this entertaining it wasn't even that it was like she's a horrible it was really just poor everything like instead of focusing on what would be the very interesting parts of her life or focusing on the more real parts of her life it's all this very fake dating game like for whatever reason they chose the main plot point to be romance which i don't understand because there's nothing people hate more than fake romance for tv it's like the stupidest thing ever but they decided for the plot point to be romance and then when there wasn't any real romance anywhere they just made it up and then like ran with it and it ended up being so just cringe cringy and uncomfortable to watch like the entire thing was so cringy and it also feels like it really lacked direction like some episodes it was about her career as an influencer some episodes it was about like her manager some episodes for how short the episodes were they sure crammed a lot of different plot points into them without a lot of follow-through and then for the whole season to be about sort of her finding love and all these fake relationships for her to not even end up with anybody it'd just be like oh we hate men i'm gonna be with my best friend was just so anticlimactic and weird i don't know i was really thrown by the whole season and how bad it truly was because i've watched i've never really watched snapchat's show so i guess i didn't know how good it was supposed to be but i definitely didn't anticipate it being so fake i know that a lot of reality shows are fake but this was like new levels of fakeness that i found to be very interesting um so yeah let me know your thoughts just based on what i said i i really did i feel summarize it fairly well so let me know what you think if you watch the show let me know what you think i'm very interested to hear all of your opinions on this and yeah i love you guys so much if you like this video please like and subscribe or just like or just subscribe or do neither honestly just so happy you're watching me thank you so much for being here my merch my social media and everything i'm wearing on my face will be linked down below along with some links and information about sexual assault awareness month and ways that you can help and stay involved stay informed stay involved i love you guys so much and i will see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 517,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikita Dragun, Nikita Unfiltered, Nikita Dragun Snapchat Show, Snapchat Show, Trisha Paytas, Nikita Dragun Show, NikitaDragun, Dragun Beauty, Smokey Glow, Smokey Glow Evolution of
Id: U7uBgZ0h7rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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