The Downfall of Amazon, pt.2: Top Ranking Electrical Fuses Show Dangerous Results

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hey everybody how's it going I hope you're having a lovely day today I would like to follow up on a video I did titled the downfall of Amazon dangerous products fake reviews and Vanishing brands in this video I decided to compare an electrical crimp that I purchased on Amazon from one that I had purchased from Home Depot the electrical crimp that I purchased from Home Depot could be tugged on numerous times and it doesn't come off because Gardener Bender makes good crimps and Home Depot tries their best to not sell things that will light your house on fire whereas the Amazon crimp that I purchased would come out if I tugged on it the tiniest bit because it's a lowquality piece of garbage as I talked about in a video I did 10 years ago many brands are deciding that they do not want to sell on Amazon because of the way that they're treated and as a result of many good brands exiting Amazon the unfortunate reality is the only people that are left are people that sell really substandard product that in many cases is not just bad but is actually dangerous and what's further dangerous is that Amazon's review system is so horrible that these products that are functionally dangerous and objectively don't do their job were 4.6 to 4.7 stars with 255 star reviews as if you needed any more reason to believe that these reviews are fake this really Takes the Cake in my opinion so after doing this video somebody who had a motorcycle Channel reached out to me and said LS if you think that's bad you should check out their fuses so I decided to buy three sets of Automotive fuses on Amazon and what I'd like to do today is I'd like to use my setup that I have here at my shop to test them and see if these Automotive fuses actually blow where they are rated to blow so for those of you who don't watch my channel regularly or don't really get into the electron side of it very much the whole point of a fuse is to blow when a system is asked to deliver more power than it can so just highly oversimplified explanation I have a power supply that's made to do 100 watts and something that I've hooked up to it asks for 500 watts with a fuse That's rated for 100 Watts when that system that's supposed to ask for no more than 100 Watts ask for 500 watts the fuse is supposed to blow breaking the connection between what I'm powering and my power supply so that my power supply is protected doesn't try to deliver 500 Watts that it cannot deliver and doesn't go on fire whereas if I did not have a fuse there or I had the incorrect fuse there my 100 watt power supply when that system fails may actually try to deliver 500 watts that it is not capable of delivering as a result of that maybe it just fails gracefully maybe the wire is Fray maybe it goes on fire there's a reason that fuses are important and there's a very good reason that we should take it seriously when fuses are mislabeled or don't blow when they're supposed to blow because it's actually kind of dangerous bad things can happen as a result of it yeah this protection circuitry and current sensing and everything else and I'm not trying to get into the E side of all this and everything else that is used in modern circuitry so that doesn't happen but you get my point you want fuses to actually blow when they're supposed to blow so what I've done over here is I have created a setup to test this Theory and see if this gentleman is actually correct I have purchased three different sets of 32 volt fuses off of Amazon and here's what I have I have three bench power supplies that are attached in parallel each one is capable of delivering five amps so since I have three in parallel I'll be able to deliver upwards of 15 amps with the setup these fuses are 32 volt fuses so I've set the voltage on my power supplies over here to 32 volts and in case you're not able to read that I will just put my power supplies measurement from my multimeter on the screen so that you can see that I've got when I turn this thing on 32.1 Volts close enough that is 32 volts and what I have down here is a loop that I'd like to show you that I'm going to be using for testing the setup so the ground of my power supply is going to a bus bar the bus bar has four of these little alligator clips sticking off of it that are going to go to these 16 ohm resistors over here that I'm using as a load then from these 16 ohm resistors we have these red wires over here that are going to my other bus bar that is connected to a fuse holder that then goes to the positive of my power supply so my Loop is going to be completed through the fuse holder and through the resistors this here is a 16 ohm 100 wat resistor there you go and what I'm doing here is I'm using that to set the load so if you go to an ohms law calculator over here again you don't don't have to get into all this if you're not into Electronics if I have a 16 ohm resistor that should limit the current to 2 amps which is the size of the lowest fuse in this pack so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hook up a 2 clamp fuse to my fuse holder and then I'm going to continue to hook up resistors because the more resistors I add in parallel the more power I'll be sending through my circuit and I want to see at what point does this 2 Amp Fuse actually blow is a 32 volt fuse it is rated for 2 amps does it actually blow at 2 amps does it Blow at four 6 8 10 who knows it's Amazon so let's have some fun I actually haven't figured this out myself and this one over here is yeah it's let's let's take a look and see what we got so first set that's up is this thing over here this is a 272 piece blade fuse set let's open this up so according to this color code we got here it looks like the one that I'm looking for is going to be this dark gray so we have kind of like a light gray or a white I'm partially color blind so excuse me for Ming this up a little bit and I think that that's like white or light gray and that looks like dark gray over there so we are going to grab the dark gray fuse and see how that goes so let's grab one of these and see if you blow uh and where you blow okay so we got this I'm going to take this and I'm going to put it into my fuse holder over here all right let's get a nice connection going there okay nice and pushed in the fuse holder next up I am am going to turn on the bottom power supply I don't need all three of them because this power supply is capable of 5 amps and we're only starting off with two amps so I only have one resistor hooked up here so we are going going to have one resistor which means we should be getting no more than 2 amps of output so let's have some fun so when we turn it on you can see that we have 2 amps of output at 32 volts and that is all now I'm going to hook up another one of the resistors in parallel since I'm hooking up a resistor of the exact same resistance which is 16 ohms in parallel I'm effectively having the resistance which means I should get twice the power let's go for it as you can see I've hooked up another resistor in parallel and we now have 4 amps of output now I'm going to reach the limits of the power supply in a moment so I'm going to turn on a second power supply in parallel and they're going to share the load there as you can see each of them is outputting approximately 2 amps now because they're working in parallel and I'm going to attach another resistor let's attach another resistor in parallel effectively having the resistance yet again I have attached another one and as you could see now there is about six amps going through here you have 3.4 at the top 2.5 to 2.6 over here so I am currently putting 6 amps through a 2 Amp Amazon fuse at the maximum voltage it is rated for which is 32 volts I'm actually going to be fair over here before I hook up more I'm going to assume that this is a slow blowing fuse so I'm going to go over there to the bathroom and take a piss and come back and see if this thing is still boiling and burning before I add any more to it I'm actually going to give it some time to blow we're going to be fair here okay so I've used the restroom I went upstairs to take a phone call and I got myself a bottle of water and after all of that as you can see it looks like we are still putting 6 amps through a 2 Amp Fuse and also these resistors are really starting to smell like crap so I hope you'll excuse me if I put my fume extractor on at some point what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn on the third power supply over here and we're going to see if I can deliver more so I'm going to attach another resistor in parallel over here and I may actually have to make some more cables because I was not planning for a 2m fuse to last this long as you can see I've attached another resistor in parallel so now I am outputting three six I'm I'm outputting 8 amps through a 2 Amp Fuse and it's still going now the thing is these power supplies have the ability to continue delivering current so I have more resistors over here let's try some more if you'll excuse me I actually have to make some more wires I was not planning to have to put more than 8 amps through a 2 Amp Fuse but I should know better cuz this is Amazon so I'm going to make a couple more of those wires and I will be right back okay we're back so I've actually added a bunch more wires to the setup and I also put this over here because apparently I was burning my desk so now instead of having four wires and four resistors I have seven resistors the reason that I only bought bus bars that had space for four over here one two three four is because I actually did not believe that I would be putting more than 8 amps through a 2 Amp Fuse that never entered my mind but apparently that's a thing so oh dear God why did I touch that so I'm going to do is I'm just going to disconnect all of these uh on the left side going to attach all these on the right side and then we are going to get back to our regularly scheduled programming of how many amps can I put through a 2 Amp Amazon fuse and if you would like to repeat this experiment I will leave links in the description down below for anybody that wants to see uh just how little Amazon gives a crap about your safety or pretty much anything honestly other than making as much money as humanly possible off of your misery when you purchase products that are highly reviewed and a in my opinion a complete scam uh let's let's continue all right let's get this over on the desk a little bit neater bothers me if I see them touching even though I know it's not going to short anything okay also if you'll excuse me I have this fume extractor on because these resistors smell like garbage uh when they get hot so I'm going to turn each power supply on and I'm going to hook them up one by one so we have this one okay we uh one okay that's going to be 2 amps four amps yeah do this 6 amps 8 amps take a look 2 3.6 2.4 8 amps through a 2 Amp Fuse but wait it gets better because I still have more resistors left okay we're gonna hook up the fifth resistor the fuse finally blew I need to put 10 amps through a 2 Amp Amazon fuse in order for it to actually blow it didn't blow until I put five times the rate of current through it all right let's try a different brand so just before we uh finish this this fuse over here has 4.6 stars with 2485 ratings and if I search on on Amazon for automotive fuse kit nlight shows up yeah in the first five results God only knows how many people have purchased this and installed it thinking that these are actually real fuses rather than misbranded garbage now I know what I'm going to see in the comments because I've been doing YouTube long enough and I've been uploading videos on electronics repair and live streaming it for long enough to realize that there's going to be somebody in the peanut gallery that says I demand to see the data sheet and the curves for that fuse that is rated at 2 amps they don't always blow at 2 amps or even 3 amp sometimes it takes a little bit more because you have to have it feated for some amount of time let's put aside the fact that there's a greater chance that I will be able to get a board View and a schematic for the newest MacBook hand delivered to my door by Tim Cook USB drive with BRD files in one hand heated up PE can pie and a warm welcome in the other than there is of me getting a data sheet or a curve set for a Chinese fuse that I purchased on in What scenario would you engineer a device that is spec for a 32v 2 a fuse and be okay that that fuse get warmed up at 2 amps for a few minutes warmed up at 4 amps for a little bit more warmed up at 6 amps 300% what it's rated to actually blow at for another 4 minutes and then a little bit more at 8 amps which is four times what it's rated to blow at and then finally blow at 10 like there there's you no that no just just no like just take that [ __ ] somewhere else cuz like no just just no back to the video let's try the next kit over here so this is going to be from a company called uh kper we're going to try the kper fuses over here this one I actually haven't opened yet so we're going to you know a it up a little bit over here this die packaging die and I'll start back at 2 amps to be fair this one over here actually is 5 amp 10 amp 5 amp 7.5 amp 10 amp and 15 amp so I'm going to do a 5 amp and see how much I can put through so so this over here just move move the camera over and do a little bit more zoom all so let's see how these are colorcoded and labeled and all that stuff so the 5 amp fuse is the smallest one and the 5 amp is the orange one which is going to be this so let's see does this blow at 5 amps or is this going to require that I put 15 amps through it one way to find out right so I'm I'm going to take the old fuse out I'm not going to use a fuse extractor I'm going to trigger you all by using Flush Cutters to take that fuse out because I'm an animal and also it's a dead fuse so why do I give a [ __ ] absolute animal ah I pulled the fre and we have our orange fuse orange fuse h no medition [ __ ] wish I had the talent to be a medician okay that is the orange orange one and to push you in make sure it's nice in there okay I'm going to disconnect all the grounds and we are going to attach them one by one and see how long it takes to kill this also those resistors not only smell horrible but they're also hot so this okay beautiful little setup over here lovely absolutely artistic in nature so going to turn on all the power supplies actually I'll just turn on one to turn on all the power supplies here what the hell turn them all on okay we're going to start with one down here okay we should have no problem there because remember this is a 32 volt fuse and it's rated for 5 amps so five amp I should be able to connect at least two of these no problem which I did okay so that is four amps let's try six six is fairly close to five so that's okay you know it didn't blow let's try eight 2 four I'm going to do eight okay so we have 1.8 + 3.6 plus 2.5 close to eight let's try 10 you got 10 okay it blew at 10 it's better than the other one the other one allowed me to put four times as much in whereas this one only allowed me to put almost twice as much in so this brand okay kper a little bit better a little bit better I had to put 10 amps through a 5 amp fuse to blow it but that is better than before let's try the next one so the next one over here and let's just unplug everything first before I move on yo oh I got to see what the kisper reviews are by the way can't very curious okay here we got kper oh look at this 4.7 stars with 3955 reviews but again keep in mind this fuse over here is better rated with more ratings because I only had to put twice the power it's rated 4 into it rather than five times the power That's rated for into it before it actually blew up uh let's try another one over here so this is going to be the what do we have at the bottom this is going to be the cie here we go let's try a Cy so this is Cy and this one starts off at 2 amps beautiful it looks like two amps are gray just make sure I actually pick out a gray one instead of picking out the clear the white one and see what we got here okay we got a fuse put it in here I'm going to grab out the old one use my needlenose pliers for this I'm weak I'm a [ __ ] man so it actually hurts takes a little bit of time to do that and I actually lost the fuse I put on the desk so I'm going to grab another one okay this is gray gray is 2 amps I'll zoom in so you can see it's about as much Zoom as I get all the power supplies are off and unplugged and we're going to do the same thing again push that in as far as it goes into my beautiful little fuse holder we're going to turn on all of my power supplies two three and we're going to connect these resistors one by one so this is a 2 Amp Fuse and we're going to start by putting two amps into it .9 + 1 plus 0.1 over there looks like it's balancing itself pretty much to uh 2 amps so we got two amps two mfus let's see if I can do four okay I will hand it to the kruxy the kruxy actually blew at 2 amps I was about to add more power to it but be right as I went to pick up one of these to add more power as you can see over here it blew and it's no longer taking any power now just out of curiosity to see if that was a fluke or not I'm just curious let's see what happens if I grab another one if another one does the same thing this might actually be a brand that is remotely trustworthy that is selling on Amazon and as you can see this one is actually much better rated 4.7 stars with 10,000 re uh reviews so this one I is actually might just be something that you should trust one way to find out plug it in again and we're going to turn on my power supplies again and see what happens so this is putting two amps in remember one 16 ohm resistor let's see what happens if I connect another one the moment that I connected four amps it immediately blew uh this is a quality fuse so I I had the wrong view so I'm actually going to do that again uh since I don't want you to miss it cuz this yeah cocy actually did something decent so get one more I feel like this company uh earned and deserved to be shown as the only one here of the three that I purchased that is not selling fraudulent fuses so I just put that in there that's another gray kruxy fuse and all my power supplies are on so I'm going to add this I'm going to wait 10 seconds two amp fuse 10 okay we're going to add four amps now so it's carrying two amps and it's working the moment I had 4 amps you saw the little spark and the Flash and it died if you're watching this video and you're a regulator do me a favor don't trust me don't trust me I would suggest that you go over to your local colleges electrical engineering department and ask anybody there to set up this very basic experiment that I set up they'll be able to do it inside of 10 minutes after they buy the proper tools and they'll be able to demonstrate the exact same results that I've demonstrated here I don't want you to trust the results of some random internet YouTuber I want you to see it for yourself we're not talking about knockoff Cheetos where they don't last as long or have as good a flavor when the bag has been open for a day or two because they use cheaper preservatives we're talking about products that are actually relied on for safety of electrical systems and we have some sort of basic trust in this country that you know okay fine I may not get the best service when I go to this restaurant you may not be to do the best job painting my my living room but at the end of the day we trust that when we buy a fuse what we're buying is actually what it's rated for the idea that I could buy a 2 Amp Fuse that does not blow until I put 10 amps through it that's messed up that doesn't work in a high trust Society a high trust Society is incredibly important because if I have to test every single component if I have to go to a chemical lab every time I buy food if I have to measure every single wire and open up every single thing that I purchase to make sure it is not going to hurt me or my family I'm going to be much less productive as a result of it my ability to go to Home Depot and purchase a fuse and just just know that what I'm purchasing is actually going to blow at the rate of amperage is part of what makes contractors electricians and everybody else productive and able to actually do their jobs you may think it's silly yeah of course a pro electrician is not buying their Automotive fuse off of Amazon and you're right they're not the problem is there are many people that are going to go to Amazon and see 4.6 Stars 2400 reviews and think oh Amazon wouldn't screw me with a product that I rely on to keep me safe and to keep my electrical system safe there's no way they would do that many of these revie are likely fake reviews in my opinion a lot of those reviews are fake but unfortunately many of these reviews May sadly be real from people that saw the good reviews and bought the product and simply plugged it in without doing the testing your average person buying this product does not have all the test equipment that I have here to be able to figure out whether or not what they bought actually matches the label on the package they're just going to plug that thing in and see that their system works again and be happy not realizing that the next time that that system goes wrong and something breaks in it that that 2 Amp Fuse is not going to blow at 2 amps it's not going to blow at four or six or eight it's going to take five times the power is rated for to blow and that's going to be really unfortunate if that actually winds up hurting somebody the worst part of all of this is that Amazon kicked every independent seller off of their platform of Apple products 5 years ago and as I go over in this interview that I did with John Bumstead they claim the reason for this is because they want to make sure they have a safe marketplace where their customers are being treated properly you can't trust these Independents like Lewis to sell a refurbished MacBook and actually satisfy customers can you that could be unsafe but at the same time they're more than happy to keep these products in their Marketplace a 2 Amp Fuse that doesn't blow until I put 10 amps through it which do you think is less safe for the consumer at the end of the day the worst part of all of this is there is zero policing going on of anything in this actual Marketplace because the very crimp that I went over in this video that I said was bad is still being sold in that website today this is unfortunately not a self-regulating Marketplace and if people are going to be kept safe somebody need to step in and say hey man you can sell products that functionally don't do what they say they're going to do in a product category like electronics and safety Amazon is not going to stop nor is it ever going to try to quality control or regulate any aspect of its Online Marketplace and the unfortunate reality is since they won't a regulator in my opinion should if you take a look at the product that I went over those crimps that did not function from the video that I did two weeks ago you'll see that you could still purchase those crimps on today not only can you still buy them but the one star review that I posted for this crimp that didn't actually work never even showed up you won't find my review at all not only is Amazon selling mislabeled electrical products that are unsafe they're Al of those products when users like me leave them and they keep them up on their Marketplace anyway I've contacted several people that I know that are Amazon employees and I've also reported the product on the product page and I also have a video on YouTube with over 700,000 views demonstrating that this is an unsaved product and in spite of all of this that product stays up if I can't get Amazon to realize that selling defective Electrical Products is dangerous and bad for people's safety and maybe that should be pulled from their Marketplace what chance do you think normal average everyday users that don't have 2 million subscribers on YouTube have of getting them to actually take accountability or responsibility for pedaling this garbage Amazon is not going to stop selling people garbage that is in my opinion unsafe broken and falsely advertised and maliciously labeled unless somebody holds them accountable and right now they're continuing to grow in their valuation they're growing in their income and there's no reason to stop what they're doing because what they're doing is working what I'm asking you to do both customers and Regulators is hold Amazon to task hold them accountable hold them to the very same standard at the very least that you would hold me to in my business if I sold you a 2 Amp Fuse that didn't blow until you put 10 amps to it or an electrical crimp that didn't actually work even in a state with more LAX business laws like Texas if I were selling products like this I'd be shut down within a week yet a multi-trillion dollar company that is known around the world can continue to sell these products with impunity they can continue to hide the negative reviews that are posted about that product when people post them and the products stay on the website even after I do a clear demonstration of how they not only not work but are unsafe and mark my words if you want to look back at this fuse kit that I purchased from neight I guarantee you I would bet my business that one week from now after I report this product to Amazon after this video has almost a million views that product will still be for sale a 2 a fuse that is mislabeled that doesn't blow until you put 10 amps through it because they don't care and they're not going to care until Regulators or customers or both give them a reason to care and the way you give them that reason to care is as customers you stop giving them money and as Regulators you hold them accountable to the same standards that you would hold me accountable or anybody else in my industry if we sold these types of mislabeled defective and dangerous products that's it for today and as always I hope you learned something I'll see you all in the next video bye now and for [ __ ] sake if you are buying fuses do not buy them on Amazon
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 318,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuse, amazon, fuses, amazon marketplace, amazon sellers, knockoff, junk merchandise
Id: B90_SNNbcoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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