Why 4090 reflow is a BAD IDEA

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1490 or as the customer stated the paper weight not sure why you had to insult this Marvel of engineering with such an ugly word and I don't care all I care about is getting it fixed so let's try to turn this paper weight into a gaming monster GPU hello internet today we have this 40 90 from Nvidia that came in as paper weight given the size and the weight of this brick few of these could serve as a deadlift but don't let the size scare you away from getting one of those or two they all look scary on the outside but once inside there's nothing to fear except that when someone already worked on this board before that's the terrifying news lots of flux around the course indicating that some genius attempted to Reflow the core in hopes to bring it back to life but reflowing the GPU SED from Factory will fail about 95% of the time so it's not even worth trying this this is is not okay this needs to stop now this is cancer in any case let's do some basic measurements and see if there's any hope for survival no short and 12 and three .3 1.8 volt and 1.2 volt are good 5 volt is good memory and PCs all look good and these three 12vt rails also looking good so we can power this thing on and see what it does I'll check each face just in case before powering It On by the motherboard given the size and the weight of this 490 the scariest test to perform is to see if the oscillators is generating any signal if it doesn't you can kiss this 4090 goodbye almost 43.75% of the time but in this case it works okay okay so let's see if it produces a picture no picture now let's run the memory test and see if it shows anything abnormal and there is plenty it says we have errors on three different chips which means that instead of solving one problem Reflow created more problems proving my earlier calculation was correct so please stop this Reflow nonsense it doesn't work what that means is if your favorite repair guy says I'll try to Reflow the core run very far away unless of course they are reflowing freshly rebol core then it's okay rebow is a very timeconsuming process and if not done right it can take a day or two to correct it no shop in the world will be able to afford correcting a failed Reflow attempt as you can already see otherwise why do you think the card is here in any case let's roll this thing and see if that helps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay reball is done resistances have not changed and all voltages are still present so let's boot this card and see if we get a picture no picture okay let's run a memory test and see what's going on and the memory Test shows that we have an error on A1 which happens to be one of the three chips that were reported earlier it also means that this was the chip that caused all the trouble in the first place and that instead of addressing the problem with the chip someone decided to address a non-existent problem with the core by flowing it and making it even worse as a result in any case I'm sure there's nothing wrong with this member chip at all and maybe there's a rip trace or something so let's take it off and see [Music] [Music] just like I said a rip pad under the member chip is all it was and with that fixed let's see if we get a picture now no picture why I don't know I run the memory test again and it passed so I should get a picture I then wiped the Riser with gold pen because after so many gpus going in and out contacts will eventually wear out causing all sorts of problems and with that done we have a picture and according to Windows everything should work okay what's left now is to throw this thing into an ultrasonic get it clean so it doesn't have any of that flux left over from previous master give it a new set of pads which after trial and error turned out to be exactly 1 mm thick then because card was not packaged properly a corner of the shell was bent so I took this copper cylinder and bang it out in place to make it a little bit more round which as you can see does look reasonably good with that out of the way it's time to plug this thing in power it on and finally run stress test however the card was banged up so bad that one of the fans got stuck in a certain point preventing it from spinning so I'll try to bend the back so it can spin like so and try again hopefully no more surprises however upon running the test I noticed that the card is running at very low performance the cause for this was that it was running in X1 mode for whatever reason even according to the data line tester something was clearly wrong it turned out to be a capacitor knocked off on the back not sure who broke it me or the other guy and the bottom line is since all the LEDs are red we're good also stress test is now showing x16 and the performance is as expected that will be it for this 490 hopefully I earned your subscription with this one and if you've learned anything from this video please hit me with a like or a comment below goodbye [Music]
Channel: northwestrepair
Views: 131,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx, gpu, amd, nvidia, gaming, gameplay, artifacts, crashes, repair, fix
Id: LcdFsCwZPUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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