Hyundai, Why Does an Ioniq Battery Cost $60,000?

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hey everybody how's it going hope you're having a lovely day or at least a better day than the owner of a Hyundai ionic electric vehicle who is clenching their teeth with high blood pressure as they drive over a section of the road that may have a couple of rocks and Pebbles on it from where they're doing maintenance and construction because if you're a Hyundai ionic electric vehicle owner who's driving over a section of road where there maybe a little a little bit of road debris over there you're probably wondering if you're going to get a $60,000 repair bill on your car unfortunately Hyundai is a company that quotes people $60,000 for a basic repair on their vehicle this was covered amazingly well by a channel called motor mouth I highly suggest you check it out these are upstanding courteous kind people that were very very detailed polite and just amazing presentation while completely dressing down Hyundai and their anti-consumer anti-rebel he drove on a road and he drove over some stuff that made some noise under his car as many of us have if we've gone through a section where they doing maintenance on the road and you can see some Pebbles and rocks and stuff like that and the underside of his car wound up looking like this this is not beautiful again this doesn't look new it's not like I'd be happy if I saw this Mark on the bottom of a car particularly if it was a newer one but it doesn't look like the ends of the world either this hole over here is a little bigger than it needs to be pause but in all seriousness this doesn't look like end of the world type of damage what you're looking at over there is a protective cover for the lithium ion battery in the bottom of the car the point of that cover is to protect the battery if there is some sort of road debris or something there so it doesn't puncture the battery itself if you puncture a lithium ion battery it can explode and in some cases if you buy garbage batteries like those produced by unip pack power you don't even have to puncture for it to explode it'll just explode on its own because they often send out cells that are not the cells that you ordered even if you paid extra but I'm not salty and all seriousness this is there for a good reason the problem is that when you have a battery like this that has a protective cover and the protective cover gets scratched or damaged in some way you should be able to replace that cover here I have a computer case if I were to hit it as hard as I could I would leave a dent in the side of that case but I would not throw out the three or $4,000 parts inside This Server simply because the case has had a dent in it I would look on the inside I'd try to peek in there and get an idea as to whether or not I hit the board or I bent something and then put the stuff in a new case or maybe even just keep the case with the dent rather than replace the entire thing I understand I get it I know I'm going to read batteries lithium ion batteries can be dangerous and they can explode and all this other stuff yes they can which is why it's exceptionally important that there be a procedure in place to be able to identify whether or not there is any structural damage to that battery whether there are any issues with any of the cells and whether or not the hit actually wound up hitting or damaging one of the banks of sales by the manufacturer that apparently doesn't exist we make these types of calculations all the time we used to be comfortable making these types of calculations all the time a Toyota Camry that is purchased new from a dealer is probably going to be more safe than a car that we've done a frame repair on that we've done Advanced suspension repairs on after it's smashed into a highway barrier or it smashed into a Ford F-150 that wasn't paying attention as they made a left whatever it is something like that but at the same time we try to make multivariate analyses we don't do what Andrew kuo does and say if it saves only one life we'll destroy Society Get me the money when I need it is there a you want to go to work go take a job as an essential worker do it tomorrow right you're working I am you're an essential worker so go take a job as an essential worker but the people aren't hiring because of the no there are people hiring you can get a job as an essential worker so now you can go to work and you can be an essential worker and you're not going to kill anyone we are open and usually capable able and willing to look at the situation and go okay based on the reputation of these particular mechanics and the procedures they're doing there is a. 1% increased chance of failure if we do this simultaneously there is a 100% chance that you're going to save 20 or $30,000 as a result of that we do this multivariate analysis where we think about the environment what will happen to insurance cost what will happen to Transportation costs what happens when we throw away 20 to $60,000 of Parts because we are not willing to do a repair and we kind of balance that against the danger of doing a repair that may in rare cases not be done to 100% properly where we just don't know what's going to happen with every single part in the car and we've weighed this we've weighed this from the beginning of time if we didn't weigh these things we would be driving cars that were essentially tanks where nobody was ever wounded in an accident because you had a giant barrier in the back of the we don't do that because we have to make these tradeoffs and we make these trade-offs on a regular basis not new but for some reason with electric vehicles we're pretending that we never did these before we're making these types of arguments where if there's even a 0000000000 1% chance that it is more safe to replace the entire car than to replace the cover over the battery we are more than happy to throw away a $60,000 vehicle into the trash and tell the customer you have to buy a new one in fact what Hyundai did they didn't even offer after the story made the news to take a second look at the car they they gave him an offer at a mild discount to buy a new one as if you are going to buy another $60,000 car when you got a $60,000 repair bill for going over some Pebbles on the road no the more you get into this the more it gets worse and worse many people are saying that well you know you really have to have the right tools and the right information from the manufactur and a proper procedure to be able to figure out if the battery was actually broken you just don't want any old Yahoo like Le just replacing the case without testing the structural Integrity of the battery or understanding whether or not like if the angle of the cover is like this that meant that the that it may have hit up like this and hit the battery or as if the angle of the the cover is like this maybe it didn't it's not we don't have any sort of diagnostic tools we don't have any sort of measure there's no standard here it's literally the bottom cover has some scratches and marks on it we are going to Total the vehicle people that don't make the argument that you need to have proper training and tools and everything else to the proper diagnostic procedure to be able to know whether or not that battery is fit to be reused who better to do this in the [ __ ] dealer the argument has been don't go to these filthy disgusting shade tree mechanic garbage beard business business third-party repair people because they don't have the tools or the knowledge or the training or the standard certification to be able to restore our precious Electronics to their OEM condition guess what neither does a dealer they don't care to they don't have any of what is necessary to see whether or not what happened to this car was a 2,000lb boulder was smashed into the battery or whether it was a pebble there's no procedure there there is a mark on this thing I guess we have to replace it this hole is bigger than it's supposed to be pause I guess we have to replace it does this look like a$3 to $60,000 battery needs to be replaced really because of this hole being a little bit bigger than it's supposed to be pause there is no procedure in place to actually take that cover off and inspect the sales to figure out if anything's going on and you know how I know that you know how I know like with 99% certainty that that's the reason because they gave the customer the [ __ ] you price at a repair shop there's the normal price there's the this repair is a little expensive you probably shouldn't do it price then there's the [ __ ] you price the [ __ ] you price means I'm not allowed to say no for whatever reason management whatever else it is does not allow us to decline repairs because I cannot say no but I simultaneously do not want to do this what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a price that's so insane that you that nobody in their right mind would say yes again you know multinational publicly traded multi-billion dollar corporations are going to have different policies and procedures than a six employee small business repair shop run by a Brooklyn Guido and all I'm not trying to trash myself here it's just I can tell a customer go away no I'm not fixing this because it's a pain in the ass or no I don't want to fix this cuz you're annoying I'm allowed to say that I can look a customer in the eye and say you know what you're kind of annoying I don't want to deal with you go away Hyundai not so much so what do they do when they don't want to do a repair they can't say no so what they do is they say yes we will happily fix your vehicle for $60,000 would you like to do it the fact that the price quote went up double the moment insurance was involved tells you all you you need to know they didn't want to deal with any of this and as a result of not wanting to deal with it they simply gave an insane price they don't have the tools they don't have the training they don't have the knowhow to be able to do any of this economically because in my opinion Hyundai hasn't provided it to them because they don't really care to I don't honestly think Hyundai wants people to buy electric vehicles I think they're making them because they need to because they're being told they should but it doesn't seem like they really want to if they actually wanted to all of this would be in place how can we tell whether or not what happened to this vehicle was a Boop or a 2,000lb boulder falling on the car after it was tipped over puncturing all the cells you could come up with a procedure for this that's doable that is a thing you can figure out okay this is the type of battery where we are going to replace the cover this is the type of battery where we going to do some inspections before we place the cover this is a hell no because of this list of characteristics from everything that you hear in this video it's clear and very obvious that they had zero interest in even taking the cover off to figure out what the condition of everything in the inside was before giving the customer this insane quote even Tesla is willing to swap a battery for less than this that's the thing Tesla does something similar you know again battery oh like there's a little tiny thing on the case knocked off oh y sorry replace everything but even when Tesla does it it was less than half the price Tesla was 22,500 when you do the math to convert Trudeau dollars to real dollars it comes out to about half the price of what Hyundai wanted to replace the battery on their vehicle Tesla is essentially the gold standard for treating their customers like pieces of garbage and even Tesla is outpacing Hyundai by 100% like that's bad like when you're actually offering your customers a shittier experience than Tesla by 20,000 bucks you [ __ ] up uh continuing over here Hyundai's response this is where it gets even better so they offered him a new vehicle at a small discount again think about this you have a vehicle that you paid $60,000 for it you drove down the road you're one year in owning your car maybe there's some [ __ ] on the road from where they were working on a pothole you hear a noise under your car and as a result of that your car is literally total like 60,000 bucks just down the drain are are you excited to buy a new one of those cars for like $58,000 maybe they'll take off the market adjustment fee that most dealers charge nowadays unless you drive 300 miles of the middle of nowhere to purchase your car to another dealer are you excited to purchase that car again not really this is very similar to what goes on in my industry you know for those of you who are new to the channel I've gained about 100,000 subscribers recently in the past month or two and a lot of people don't know that like back in the day I actually used to fix things for a living uh over here you could see this is what I used to do you know we do component level motherboard repair we do MacBook repair data recovery micro we fix micro SD cards with cracks in them solid state drive data recovery hard drive lab data recovery all that kind of [ __ ] this here is a device that the customer was quoted $2,000 on an Apple they wanted to replace everything and they couldn't even figure out what was actually wrong they actually quoted the customer for literally everything besides the one part that was bad and over here I show you it's literally one Ben pin which it always is on the a1398 when people try to plug the screen in and they mess it up this is the backl PIN it's bent you give the customer like this two options behind door number one might bend it back into place no charge they usually leave a tip they're happy they tell all their friends Pine door number two if you you know if you want something with more structural Integrity I can replace the cable for 75 to150 Apple wanted 2,000 bucks for that because they had no interest whatsoever in figuring out what the actual problem was and they have no tools and no training to actually figure out what it is in spite of the fact that they're always accusing us of having no tools or training they're the ones that not only couldn't fixed the problem they couldn't even identify what it is they wanted this customer to pay $2,000 to fix $1,300 computer it's not just computers not just Apple not just cars not just medical devices it's everything nowadays that's put together with this mentality and I want you to take note of it so that we do not scapegoat electric vehicles or just Apple computers for something that is a widespread practice across industry verticals the second part of the Hyundai response is the one that I that really makes me sick uh the part that really really bothered me is where they said that this customer was misquoted by an inde independent dealer they kept using the word independent they wanted you to make sure that you understood that this had nothing to do with Hyundai that's some [ __ ] I did a video about seven years ago it was inspired by one of my best friends his name is Dino and he was this very very large intimidating criminal from lisiana that it was one of the most unlikely friendships that we had at this recording studio in Midtown Manhattan uh like you know I would just sit there my my Dockers and my poo shirt fixing electronics and he would sit there you know recalling stories of you know random robbery and [ __ ] and just insane life that he had lived and like one of the things that he had said that always stuck with me was if you're going to be the [ __ ] be the whole [ __ ] ain't no half [ __ ] here what he was saying is that you should own yourself and you should own what you do and what Hyundai is doing here what most car manufacturers do is they will spend millions of dollars on fear campaigns when right to repair goes in the ballot because they want you to know that you should only go to the dealers the dealers are the only people that you should trust but then one of their authorized dealers [ __ ] something up you know the people that they allow to plaster their logo all across their marketing materials on the front of their building does something to humiliate them oh that's an independent that's an independent yeah those those people yeah don't oh yeah you got to misquoted because you went to some independent yeah don't worry about that no that that's not how this works if you're going to be the [ __ ] be the whole [ __ ] that is your dealer and you do not get to disown that dealership simply because they said something that made you look bad above all how [ __ ] Dare You pretends that this is only one dealership that did this another customer has proof they went to Capital Hyundai they went to Steel Hyundai they went to several different Hyundai dealerships every single one of them gave him the same [ __ ] price for the same part number $56,000 Canadian for that battery several thousand for labor the price was identical across numerous dealerships which means he was not misquoted by some independent dealer they were misquoted by numerous dealers that are authorized by you to have their logo on their door the same dealers that you want to be the dealers fixing your cars instead of Independence the same dealers that you are so attached to that you will spend Millions ions of dollars in advertisements to convince me that I will be raped in a [ __ ] parking lot if I go to an independent and fix my car instead of the dealer the moment that there's even the slightest problem independent dealer [ __ ] you for that and [ __ ] you for throwing your own dealers under the bus because you don't want to own your own [ __ ] policies that was not just one dealer that provided that quote that was numerous dealers that provided that quote for numerous different customers how dare you throw them under the bus for doing what they were instructed to do by you continuing cuz this just gets worse and worse upon further look after checking the battery case was impacted causing a rupture of the internal cooling system you can't repair the internal cooling system and we're not saying the lithium ion cells were punctured they're saying that the internal cooling system was ruptured but wait it gets better they created a car that this gentleman was able to fast charge that he was able to drive for several days with no error on his dashboard whatsoever that had a malfunctioning and ruptured cooling system so in my opinion one of two things is true behind door number one the dealer is just lying about the extent of the damage here they just didn't want to do the job behind door number two the dealer is actually telling the truth about the extent of the damage which means that that dealer is so negligent that they are willing to let this customer drive off the lot with a vehicle that has a ruptured cooling system that's cooling a 50 KW hour battery right below him which one is true and more importantly which one is worse that's gross negligence in my opinion in the words of the customer this dealer told him that the battery could explode at any time and I quote the battery could explode at any time the cooling system is ruptured they let you just drive off with it again but wait it gets better and better and better you know how everything is connected nowadays you know how there's an application for everything I have an application for my [ __ ] fridge my microwave my toothbrush my car because supposedly that's going to make everything better not only does this car have a [ __ ] app and an internet connection like every other [ __ ] device in my life that I don't want have an internet connection it doesn't benefit me the car has Diagnostics that you can access via the application and it pushes it to you once a month and as you can see over here on the motor mouth Channel where they took screenshots of the customer application you'll notice that it says no action required and it has a green check mark next to every single thing inside of that application so Not only was there no error displayed on the dashboard there was no error displayed in the application so again a there's no problem with the cooling system B the cooling system was ruptured and they let this customer drive off with no error on his dashboard and no idea that the cooling system was ruptured so that he could fast charge his car and go 80 M an hour down the road and figure out then that he had a problem with his cooling system you know after his car becomes a fireball I'm sorry am I am I am I alone in my mistrust for dealers at this point am I unreasonable for having a mistrust in the manufacturer authorized repair center when these are the people that are spending Millions upon millions of dollars trying to convince me that if I go to an independent that I'm going to be raped in a parking lot when you can't even get your story straight or even worse you have your story straight but you're that [ __ ] negligent earlier in the year I did a video where I talked about the fact that Hyundai was marketing based on not making things in their car a paid subscription and I thought that was a cool thing and I thought they deserved a shout out for it and one of the unfortunate Parts on this channel one of the negative things on this channel is that almost every time I praise a company for doing the right thing I have to do a retraction video several months later because of [ __ ] like this why you know this is a common criticism like why is this channel so negative why is always talk about bad things all the time my commentary is on repairability and the ability to say that you own what you bought and paid for I would like nothing more than to come on this channel and say that this company that used to make unfixable devices has now made their devices more fixable in a real tangible way I want to come out and say this is the Electric Vehicle Manufacturer that has it device that is already being Mass manufactured and produced that is of high quality that meets all the NIT of standards that simultaneously when there's a little Nick on the bottom battery cover they just replace it for you rather than give you a $60,000 bill I would like nothing more than to report good news it is unfortunate that in my particular vertical that I have been talking about on this channel for about 11 or 12 years now independent repair from the perspective of an independent repair shop owner there just ain't that much good news I'd like there to be good news I'd like people that watch this channel to kind of get involved be a little bit more active maybe if you work at one of these companies say hey what the [ __ ] are we doing I don't want to work at a company that does this [ __ ] I'd like to try and actually change stuff you know I'd like to be able to have the people that watch this stuff that maybe work at these companies go hey you know I know I only work in data science here but like can you explain to me why are we doing [ __ ] like this because this doesn't really seem to make sense and I'm not really proud of the company I work at would be great if hundreds or thousands of people at these companies actually kind of started speaking up against this it would be nice to introduce this back into the culture again and it is my fervent hope that by covering this on a regular basis and going over the reality which is not always very nice I'd like to plant some seeds for trees that I may never actually live to enjoy the shade of and that's okay with me it may take 40 or 70 years to reverse this I don't know but I'd like to start getting the ball rolling and it gets the ball rolling by pointing out the [ __ ] every single time we see it and making sure that it is not scapegoated on one company or one industry if you just blame apple or you just blame electric vehicles you're missing the point cell phones laptops Vehicles IP C like literally you name it it is unrepairable Clos box cloud-connected [ __ ] that you don't have access to and I'd like to see it change let me know what you think in the comments down below that's it for today and as always I hope you learned something I'll see you all on the next video bye now what I have in my desk over here the server I've been punching by the way this is for my new setup I've I've been accumulating a bunch of garbage since I've been moving and I really haven't been setting up stuff properly so in my closet I have a NZ I have a I have a free PBX computer I have something like nexcloud server I don't even if it's nexcloud or something else I have a computer that I use use for streaming the koi fish pond in my backyard I have so many different devices that drives me insane so what I'm doing over here is I'm trying to like essentially take like the six or seven machines in my closet and condense it to two here I have a little mini PC this is a core i5 passively cooled Mini PC and what's cool about it is has four ethernet ports on it so I had I used to use this in the old store with pfSense it's a really cool router software it's open source it allows me to uh again one port I usually use for my internet the other Port I use for a secondary W so let's I'll have like a 4G hotspot or something like that so that when my normal internet dies it'll automatically detect the packet detection or packet loss and it'll switch over to it and the third one will be a land port that goes to a gigabit switch so instead of having a router that has a really slow CPU that also has firmware that may eventually stop getting security updates I could run pfSense on this thing and like for the next 20 years I'm getting security updates which is pretty cool and I have my oh my Beast look at this Beast right here this thing fits 12 hard drives in a hot swappable Bay in the front and it has fans that literally sound like a jet engine which is why this is not going to be in in my room uh this has a you may ask what what is a giant GPU doing in a in a server yes yes that's why uh this this is a nice core i7 CPU with a 51,000 CPU Benchmark score it's got 64 gigs of RAM it's got two nvme ssds and raid one for the operating system and it's got a nice ZFS file system with 12 drive this is beautiful got my VPN PF sense got my beautiful Cloud doesn't have to suck it really doesn't you you can make your own I'm going to virtualize a bunch of instances on this thing it's going to be awesome I'm excited as you can see you know I I like since 2004 every time I've built a computer 100% of the times I built a computer lose blood in the damn IO Shield I always tell myself this is the time I'm not going to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] and cut myself on the io Shield cut myself in the dam iio Shield without fail every single build but next one next one will be different anyway that's it for today and as always I hope you learned something I'll see you all in the next video bye now
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 369,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyundai, $60000 battery, EV, electric vehicle, battery repair
Id: unPVf0sqAKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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