How most 16" Macbook Pros often kill themselves & why they're unfixable

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hey everybody how's it going hope you're having a lovely day so today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be trying to fix an a2141 macbook that's not turning on according to this customer this device does not have liquid damage they claim they have never liquid damaged it that it just died out of the blue which is the thing that macbooks sometimes tend to do if you've been watching my channel for any length of time you may have realized that these are not exactly the best built devices so we're going to open this thing up and see if we can figure out why it's not turning on and we're also going to try to figure out if we can make it work again which is something i was not planning to do today but my schedule has changed so i have time to fix a macbook so let's go and get into it and have some fun so in order to actually get started we need my top camera to work over here and okay let's take a look now donald hansen's in the chat donald hansen says sure it has no liquid damage you don't believe no customer because he's been watching this channel long enough to know that as dr gregory house used to say everybody lies so let's see if somebody's lying over here so here we have a macbook in front of us and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to plug it in see what amount of amperage it takes of course we have the battery unplugged because we don't want to see what the battery's taking we want to see what the board's taking we're going to see what we get so as you can see 5 volts 0.00 amps now let's turn on our multimeter here let's get paul daniels the software and let's get paul daniel's software on them let's get paul daniels's software on the screen there we go now one of the things i want to see is hmm all right now remember on these newer models pbush g3 hot actually has to show up before pp 3v3 underscore g3 hot shows up pp3 v3 underscore g3 hot underscore rtc is one of the rails that has to show up earlier but so the rail structure here is a little different if you just go looking for pp3 v3 underscore g3 hot you will be doing things in the wrong order you do need to have your ppg3 out present and as we can see on this board ppbus g3 hot is not present so if we just take a look at the boardview software and the schematic right here on the multimeter check it out so we're going to zoom in you will get to see a list of every single rail now on these schematics you used to be able to see a list of all the different power rails on page four or five because that's you know one of the first things you want to check for when you have no power so it's one of the most common things that you're looking in the schematic for but now you will find that power rail not on page one two three four five six or seven but on page 80 because that is apple's way of making things simpler for all of us so if we take a look on page 80 you'll see all these different power rails that are here and as as usual you're not going to see them listed in the actual order that they're supposed to show up on the device it's it's funny it's kind of funny hey hey anyway uh so and also they're actually divided now in two separate sections so you have one on page like 70 something and another set of power rules on page 117. anyway so we have a bunch of rails here and one of the same things that's true from before is again g3 hots s5s s4s s3s sos that that same concept still comes here g3 hot or else it should always be on s5 rails around when it's off s4 rails that are on when it's hibernating s3 rails that are on when it's sleeping so rails that are on when it's on g3 hot charge the battery should always be charging the battery should always have if the battery is there it should always be on s5 rails that are on when the computer is off s4 rails that i want is hibernating let's say the keyboard because you may use something like your keyboard to awaken from hibernation so if there's a power of power in the keyboard and the keyboard is going to wake up from hibernation the keyboard should be powered off of an s4 rail or below an s3 rail when it's in suspend or sleeping something like the ram because when you suspend you suspend to ram as oh that's going to be stuff like your cpu that's going to be stuff like your display backlight stuff that's on when the computer is on so peop 3 hot over here says that that should be 13.1 volts and as you can see over here what you get is 0.04 volts so now we're going to do is we're going to see if this is short to ground because remember there's always a number of different things that can cause it to happen the power rule could not be being told to turn on it'd be getting short to ground it could be trying to turn on but the chip that enables it is broken there's many different things that can cause power will not be present so let's see what could potentially be causing this one not be present and this one i am just going to take a wild guess based on experience is shorted to ground and what do you know look at that a 10 ohm short to ground now what do you think it is that's shorting at the ground this is an apple product so it definitely wouldn't be the thing that sends voltage to your solid-state drive which is soldered onto the motherboard that always dies right that wouldn't be it that definitely wouldn't be it this that wouldn't be the primary failure mode of this 3 000 device that when it fails that it sends 13 volts to your nand and destroys all your data on your solder and ssd that is a royal pain in the ass to replace and if even if you could replace it you need to be have access to a pairing tool which we don't get access to so we couldn't fix it anyway that definitely wouldn't be it right well one way to find out folks one way to find out all right let's do it so if we were to go over here check it out we are going to see where that little piece of the board is and i believe that that is going to be right over here over here yeah pp 2 v 5 nand ssd1 yeah like this like right by right by this dps6180 so let's see i i'm confident that's not going to be the way that this always fails that's not going to be what happened here so let's just see we do this we do pp bus g3 hot pp best g3 hot to nand and there is six ohms of resistance between a 2.7 volt power rail for the ssd and the 13 volt rail for well the domains of the computer okay so what are we in for here so let's turn on the microscope camera and see what it looks like under there shall we let's take a look let's open this up let's turn on my microscope camera and take a look at what this beautiful apple product has done to itself has it with liquid damage or was it just randomly something that happened because apple so if we take a look over here you will see the standard failure mode on this piece of garbage which is the tps5 62180 has exploded yes that is the chip responsible for powering your ssd and yes that in the bottom right corner there is brown i'm not sure if that will come out because the white balance on this is set by uh somebody who hasn't really learned how to use a camera in spite of being on youtube for 10 effing years but that is not the way this is supposed to look i'm going to take a wild guess that when that is removed from the board that my short on pbs g3 hot goes away now the problem is this if the machine shut down before it send 12 volts to the ssd we're good if ppbush g3 hot shut down after 13 volts went to the ssd we're [ __ ] because i can't replace that ssd and even if i could it's not financially viable to do so and even if it was financially viable to do so this person wants their information which is on that ssd that apple sent to 13 volts to so we're still going to give it a shot we're still going to give it a shot we believe that we're miracle workers here we're arrogant technicians we believe that we can fix everything which explains most of my relationships with women so we're going to get into this and see if we can figure this out and let's see if we can of need to just get something that does not have a question mark folder on it now do keep in mind that i'm not going to want to just you know burn and boil this over here we got a speaker over here we have other stuff in the case we got a lithium-ion battery you know if i were really feeling high and hot what i would do is i would try to solder that without removing this particular piece over here but again i'm just not feeling it i'm not feeling like i'm going to try to do that so i'm going to take the board out of the case now this is admittedly it is kind of like a waste of time this is one of those things that is 99 a waste of time because again i'm taking the board out of the case for something where there's a good argument to be made that 13 volts went to the ssd but again we want to go the extra the extra mile for our customers here at ross and repair group you know when you have a no fix no fee business model where you don't charge the customer when the repair attempt is not successful you definitely want to go the extra mile on jobs where it's 99 certain that the ssd was completely fried when you can't replace it [Music] i feel a sideshow case of the sideshow bob's coming on here anyway so let's do this let's do this let's open this machine up let's get this thing open and let's see if we can make this machine work again and also let's see if there's any sign of liquid and apple told this person there was liquid in here i call complete [ __ ] because i don't see any liquid in here on their own liquid damage sensors that go that wind up tripping and turning colors based on humidity have not even tripped so there's really no argument to be made here and again you can tell me if you think i'm wrong but from what you saw under that microscope did you see any liquid damage there i'm fairly certain that when we take that bga chip off the board you are not going to see a single piece of liquid damage under that you're just going to see that it blew itself up we're almost there are you excited we just got a couple of screws left to take out of this thing and we are going to be ready to replace that tps62180 with a fresh tps62180 that you can get on you can always get a fresh tps 62.80 on that's don't delay waste your time buying a chip that 99 of the time will be useless because the old one sent 13 volts to your ssd today [Music] nice try by the way when you drop anything do not look for what it is you drop that is a mistake never look for what you dropped listen for it you're not going to be able to see it but you will be able to hear it see the looking only works if you see it but if you miss seeing it then you'll have no clue whereas if you listen for where something drops you will be able to tell where it dropped to our ears are very much tuned for phase for to be able to hear phasing differences and to be able to locate where something is that's why i think people are very there are can be what's the word i'm looking for here they can be sensitive to speakers that are not phase incoherent when it comes to loudspeakers because your ears are not just made frequency response they are made for phase they are made to tell is the lion to my left or to my right because the people that did not know if the lion was to their left or to their right did not make it whereas the people that could tell whether the iron was to the lion was to the left to the right tended to be the people that made it let's get to work let's get to work let's get to work let's get to work let's get to work okay you all excited to fix this macbook on a saturday night that's right you guys better be excited for you fixing a macbook on saturday night okay five four three and it's off and as you can see there is no liquid under that chip you are full of [ __ ] apple absolutely 110 full of [ __ ] as jesus christ ten years incoming now because you guys know when there's when there's liquid under the chip you can see it you got that nice little green spot there you got a green spot there and there's no green spot here there's no there's no nothing there's no mark as that's that's that [ __ ] that's that absolute [ __ ] okay so what i need to do whoops first thing i got to do is realize that my hand is much diddier now than before i quit border pair and be careful not to do [ __ ] like that my mistake that was no good i got a little nice main thing i got to do is get rid of this old solder there okay [Music] okay now just to make sure i got the orientation of the chip properly like this we're gonna get another chip and solder it on there all right be right back i should have grabbed the chip before i started but i did not that's my fault that's nobody's fault but my own many things are nobody's fault but my own many things are nobody's fault but my own now before i solder this i got to make sure that my short is gone right because what if something else is destroyed other than this and i wind up going down a rabbit hole and wasting a whole hell of time can't do that so let's put the multimeter back on yeah got a multimeter back on okay and what do we have here we have what what really yo okay is pp bus still shorted okay the peepee bus short has been relieved so pp best g3 hot is not shorted however the nand is absolutely [ __ ] which is 110 what you would expect when your nand gets 13 volts when your nand gets 13 volts it gets destroyed the ssd does not like 13 volts and this is an unfortunate reality that so many of these machines die in that particular way the a2141 is very famous for this particular failure it probably happens to a lot of you many people in other repair shops are probably very very familiar with us when you have a 16-inch macbook pro that shows up to your store that has a short on pp best g3 hot or is just randomly died with no water and no drop or nothing like that 99 percent of the time the tps62180 that takes pbs g3 hot at 13 volts and turns it into 2.7 volts for the ssd has sent 13 volts into your ssd blown up killed all the data in the computer and you're screwed this ain't my day oh this is not my day my date canceled on me and said they made a mistake but is it green to go out with me a lobbyist called from one of the states i'm trying to get a bill passed in and said i have zero chance of getting anything passed but since i have a contract with them for the next three months i gotta keep paying them even though i have nothing for them to do and this board is dead and i have no data so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna find myself some everclear and a bottle of fireball and i'm to start over again tomorrow that's it for today and as always i hope you learned something i'll see you all in the next video bye now
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 1,232,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 16, A2141, Macbook, Macbook logic board repair, Pro, logic board repair, macbook
Id: 7cNg_ifibCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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