I can't believe this was actually fixable!

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hey everybody how's it going so today we're going to be working on fixing a macbook i'm a bit uh tired here i also may have to get something to eat in a moment i did deadlifts yesterday and then the mailman came in and said who was lifting that no way and then he goes to try to do a deadlift with 300 pounds and he fails and then he said who here was lifting that and i walked out of my office and i and they said he was and the mailman went no way in hell no way not even one and it's kind of like when somebody calls you a [ __ ] there's there's really no there's no way out of it if somebody calls you a [ __ ] you simply i mean like what are you gonna do at that point so i did eight deadlifts at 300 and i just did them yesterday and i haven't had lunch yet so i am feeling kind of sore because i was already sore yesterday there's actually a story similar to this at my gym so the gym i used to go to there was this uh cute cute trainer that i had a bit of a crush on in 2018 and i didn't ask her out that one day when she walked by and my trainer looked at me and just called me a [ __ ] so i mean at that point there's like what are you supposed to do what are you supposed to do so i walk downstairs and i'm gonna ask her out in the middle of the gym and i see that she's standing next to a guy that looks like he's about my height but about 275 pounds [ __ ] muscles brawling out and she's talking to him and laughing and i'm thinking to myself it's 50 50 that this is a trainer or that this is the boyfriend if it's the boyfriend uh you know my trainer is going to be losing a client if it's not well maybe there's a you know the worst the worst scenario there would just be i'm embarrassed and i asked her out and uh that actually wasn't the boyfriend that was the trainer but he looks at me when it's done he goes that's brave son that's brave and i'm like yeah i figured i had a 50 50 chance of becoming a pretzel but there's there's nothing you can do when somebody does that i don't know what it is it's like i'm 32 years old and that peer pressure part of my brain is just it has not it has not evolved to the extent that i think that it should have and i think that part of my brain should have evolved by now because i'm 32 years old but it's like it just it hasn't at oh my god ew ew what the [ __ ] is this what the pilli oh you got it's not just dust you got the dog hair the screws are rusty oh my oh geez the pile of corrosion over there oh man yeah ah your little microphone sounds way better than all the streamer microphones i've heard it should for the price of the cost this is the same microphone that they use on broadway for a lot of broadway shows it's usually hidden in their hair rather than next to their mouth it's a dpa 4065. i'm going to get some gloves because this machine is freaking disgusting so i'm going to get a set of gloves i'm going to wash my hands before i put the gloves on but yeah you could look up the price of a dpa 4065 i give you guys only the top quality in streaming also i set my microphone to a lower gain and then i have a vst compressor and look ahead limiter running on open broadcaster as a chain so instead of it being that when i talk really loud you hear distortion uh when i talk really loud you will just hear if i talk loudly you you know it it won't clip but in order for you to hear me in order for you to not to turn the volume up in your computer i run a little compressor there and most people don't bother to do that because it's it's an additional pain in the ass and the plugins that come with obs are absolute [ __ ] so you have to install it and then figure out how to get vst stuff to work live and all that but i put a little bit of effort in my audio for streaming i do put a little bit of effort in so that i can have some quality audio even though i'm in a room where i'm uh you know going to be surrounded by fume extractors and hot air stations and stuff that make no it makes noise i wanna i wanna provide something for you so i'm gonna put gloves on not because i care about the computer because i care about me admittedly you know i do care about the computer but at the end of the day uh the most important one is going to be me and i don't i don't want all the disgusting filthy trash in this computer to be touching me i'm skeevy like that i don't like things that are filled with dirt and grime and good i mean this is most likely uh this is most likely junk this is most likely junk let's be real this macbook is from 2000 and this macbook is from 2012. this there's a good chance of it having a lot more wrong with it than just what you see here based on the grunginess of the corrosion it's not even how many areas the corrosion is in it's the freaking grunginess of it it's the fact that it has destroyed the screws like once you're at a point where the screws in the machine have rusted out and you have to cut them out so this is an x-lite 175m fine tip snipper what i'm going to do here is i'm going to try to grab onto the underneath part of the screw and turn it see that so see what i did there this is an excellent 175 m and they're very very useful for when you have screws that are screwed up like that this actually saved my ass in december of 2009 when a strip screw was about to keep me from collecting 170 bucks for an ultrasonic cleaning that i was going to do on this board and make it work again because i couldn't get the board out of the case through the corrosion so i remember using the last of my five or seven dollars to go over to dale's pro audio and pick that up that was it's just really crazy to think that i can be depressed at how things work out or how things don't work out the way i want them to and like because that video i did on the rent thing i don't know maybe i came off as more depressed as i actually was or maybe i just was i don't know but like when i look back at all the things all the ways that i failed and then i look back at the fact that oh that 12 years ago i was using the last of five dollars to the last of five bucks to buy a tool to fix a macbook and then i wondered oh crap if i don't fix this machine with the tool that i got i'm not gonna have anything to eat for christmas i mean like that's yeah it's just really crazy to look back at it and it's it's i don't feel like i'm a different human being now than i was then i don't feel like a different lewis i feel like the same guy but i'm not the same guy and not even close to the same guy but i but i feel like the same guy and it's very strange i i've probably changed in a lot of ways but it's probably very very slow change that happened over a long period of time so i'm not as familiar with it it was possible that i'm just not i haven't really acclimated to the changes maybe because there probably were you know people do change over over a period of 12 years i mean that i'm i'm so far from that being the place where there's a tool i need for a macbook repair but if i buy that tool i won't have money to eat so i have to pray that that tool actually allows me to do the macbook repair so that i can because if i can't collect it then i just use my lunch money for the day because usually christmas you're not going to get any customers for the christmas or the two or three days after christmas there's usually no business during that time period so since there's no business during that time period you kind of have to have a little bit of money stashed away and i got one last customer right before christmas 2009 that was a good one okay this is so disgusting this machine is so disgusting hello aaron how are you hope all things are going well in indiana been up and down a couple of times being down builds character if you keep pushing yourself and being up is much more fun it does i have a tendency to beat myself up over the failures because it's not it's not so much the failure it's so much as making the same mistake two or three or four or five times in a row that makes me feel like a schmuck i do have a tendency to make the same mistake over and over and over again it's hard to not feel like a schmuck sometimes but is what it is everybody's gonna be a schmuck at some point in their life just try to avoid being a schmuck repeatedly but as with everything you are better off doing something than doing nothing if you've been a schmuck ten times well you know it's better better you try for the 11th time than to not do anything at all you'll still be far behind where you are if you are in a schmuck 10 10 or 11 times but you'll be further ahead than if you give up so let's where the hell is my oh no no way is that really being held in just by stickiness where did jessica i don't know i think jess is at home and jess is in rochester or hanoi falls or something like that oh this is really just being held in by stickiness ew ew oh jesus christ jesus christ okay oh my god the last dollar my card everything works out for the future dude if you only have one dollar left to your name i feel bad if you just gave that to me i can't allow that email me and i will give you that dollar back lewis rossman group dot com if you're so broke that you have one dollar please don't give it to me but i appreciate that thank you very much okay so this board looks uh absolutely disgusting i have i'll just be on i'll be on i have no hope for this i don't have any any hope for this whatsoever as you can see this is a pre-refurb 2012 board because there is no shoe rubber around our u8900 chip over here so let's just take although the first thing that i usually do is i want to see what the condition of the board in general is so obviously before i get started i just want to see what it's taking and what it's doing so i'm going to turn on my power supply here where's my power supply power supply software is this one or this one oh no someone messed that that's my bike programming software that's my bike programming software okay turn this on and turn paul daniels is multimeter software on does paul daniels has multimeter software work today one way to find out let's see of course it doesn't why would it why would the software ever do its job and can't ex damn australian software damn australian software hi luis do you plan to move to texas uh not to texas no the the the and the problems they had with their energy grid this year really taught me a lesson i don't want to move to a state that can't admit their problems uh what will you be scrubbing the board with a toothbrush no i will be no i don't want to scrub i don't want to rip [ __ ] off we're going to be doing localized reflows of certain areas and then we're going to ultrasonic it so i don't one of th iowa has several areas of it where the temperature is 20 degrees colder than texas and no problems with green energy texas didn't say that our grid was not built to handle it or that we screwed up this that or the other they said this is the fault you know they made it seem like green energy doesn't work this is the fault of green energy i don't like the fact that they they're not willing to admit their problems and i also don't like the two percent property tax you know i've met a lot of people from texas from texas that really love texas that are very proud texans they're very proud of the area and i do definitely want to visit because i simply want to see what it is about an area that can make people so proud of where they're from and i would like to try and understand the texas cultures to some extent but the combination of really high property taxes again like two percent and up and they continue to go up and up for a lot of people like sonia one of my moderators combined with the fact that when faced with a problem like that they just really seem to deflect and you know try to make it seem like something else was a problem i really don't like that because my state has so many problems and they just don't want to admit that their problems they want to pretend something else is the problem and it's like i already lived there i don't really want to you know go to like red version of it if that makes sense so you know i'm kind of trying to look for where things are going and i don't know if texas would be it for me i don't know if texas would be after me so let's put the output on the power supply put the power supply and all that on the screen put all that good [ __ ] on the screen and what the hell happened here paul daniels oh my god what is this what is this what happened to my beautiful little stream wait so which one is that okay it's not the multiple it's the power supply that messed up what the frack what do they do that poor computer no need to be cruel thank you very much and yes i agree with you there is no need to be cruel so one second i have to adjust my power supply software here because it's doing something that is ridiculous okay we're going to copy that transform now usually when i copy transforms in obs obs freezes so let's hope that that's not the case this time we're going to paste the transform we are gonna paste the transform oh no as someone with experience in the studio what are your thoughts in the loudness wars in modern music i didn't youtube kind of kill loudness wars and all these other platforms because you have platforms that will automatically figure out if you're if you're cheating and get rid of it i i i hate the loudness wars with all with all of my soul the thing is i think that a lot of people who are new to mixing admittedly it's not just about the radio it's about they're trying to compensate for their inability to make a mix by just over process everything and smash it all together so i think you have a lot of people that get inculcated into believing that if they can compress something to [ __ ] that it actually makes it better because if you're a novice mixer because there are there are many way creative uses of compression where it's really cool but like the whole let me just put the l2 or the l3 maximizer or ozone what i always own maximizer and just drag the slider all the way down it's highly annoying waves l2 is very 2006 man okay so we have this on the screen and as you can see the amount of power that we are drawing from this is zero so we are drawing an actual zero like literally there's nothing coming through this machine and just to make sure that there's no real crazy trolling going on i'm just going to try and measure the voltage over here at the dc infuse interesting so we have 4.8 volts on one side of the dc infuse when we're supposed to be getting 18. that's really weird so why are we only getting that's that's crazy for okay let's check right at the pin on the connector what does the pin on the connector say because that's not going to lie to us what the hell okay i'm i'm doing something wrong here uh this is something weird is happening here okay i got 4.8 um i'm going to open up the schematic in boardview because that's kind of weird my power supply should be putting out 18 it says that it's putting out 18 volts there's no reason for it to be putting out less let me just make sure i'm checking on the proper pin what if what if the dc inboard is doing something funky that is always possible but i'm just going to open a schematic so i can see for sure so i'm going to open up schematic for an 820-3332 board okay so i am measuring and let's see this is dcn okay so pin two is supposed to be dcn and pin two is giving me 4.8 okay that's very strange now is it but it's also taking 0 amps okay well it was taking 200 milliamps for a quick second and then it died now you also have a corroded dc inboard the dc inboard is actually filled with green just about everything on this machine is filled with a horrible horrible sheen of green yeah the dcn board looks like this so let's just see if i can revive that a little bit just a q-tip in a tiny bit of alcohol okay we do this uh yeah okay remembering what paul said we do not scrape with tweezers you do not scrape with tweezers you do not scrape with tweezers this all right and now it's taking 284 milliamps 284 milliamps is obviously not working that's not a working functioning device so we got some troubleshooting that we have to do here now usually when we have liquid corrosion that's this close to the border it means that the cpu mosfets might have gotten hit and they may be shorter to ground so i would just like to see if there's any corrosion that i can't see around this area so there's this weird rubbery thingamajiggy that's sticky and we're gonna move this out of the way bed guy i can't really understand what you're going for there [ __ ] i'm getting a call from a maryland lobbyist one sec i gotta take this hello hey how's it going hey good give me your call from earlier i'm all right it's going well is this a good time uh yeah but i suppose yeah better better than it will be okay cool did everything work out with the space um no they were lying like most new york city uh landlords do but uh it's not this is not a very honest city but so yeah so i'm circling with you because um nathan had reached out to me you know a few weeks ago about the right to repair project and said that he wanted to move forward on it um so i wanted to make sure we connected before i just sent you a contract yeah sure um so is that okay i'll send you today um and what i'll do is i'll copy my nathan gave me an idea of what the plan is there's one individual in that state that doesn't particularly like me so i don't really uh i if it's possible to uh either a convert them be or get them to be open to the cause in spite of the fact that they don't like me personally that would be great but yeah i spoke over the the strategy with nathan and i'm more than happy moving forward okay thank you so much for taking the time i really appreciate you getting back to me by the way thank you so much i really appreciate you taking the time out bye-bye lobbyist uh i am disliked in that state i am disliked in the state of maryland that's the least uh the the i am considerably disliked in the state of maryland as the the least i could say that that would be putting it like lightly yeah the house of representatives in the house of representatives in maryland does not is not a fan of of lewis rossman and because they are not a fan of louis rossman that means they are not a fan of right to repair and this is one of the really [ __ ] up things that i feel guilty about i feel incredibly guilty about this [ __ ] uh i feel incredibly guilty about that like i i suck and because i suck somebody's like well [ __ ] right to repair because they hate me ugh like that that's gonna happen that's gonna happen but it it it always it always hits me i think louis should look for a limited partnership just find someone with capital who just want to have some stable passive income from the company and be happy that's very very very very very very very very very very very very vague and i don't really know what you're proposing there uh wait but yeah this this is what it is this is the game that i decided to play this is the game i signed up for man yeah there's burning bridges and those burning bridges wrecking it to the ground and blowing it up ah and i have definitely oh man like here's the thing the upside is that my videos bring awareness to right to repair the downside is that my videos bring awareness to specific politicians that hold grudges when you call them out for lying about right to repair and you kind of need them you kind of need them especially or the person that you that you commented on becomes the chair of a [ __ ] committee oh man that's beautiful that's beautiful oh that's that's funny that's my luck though that's my [ __ ] luck bad decision after bad decision after bad decision compounded by worse decision making welcome to the life of lewis rosman let me get a donor board because they know how badly they're designed i picked what i thought was an easy one out of your queue literally every single section of it i had to take the screws out with the cutters it's they're so rusted oh man oh man this is gonna suck this is gonna suck hey mario man why did i take something out of paul's q there's nothing good in paul's q paul's q is a freaking curse paul's q is a curse rosman realty season 3 is gonna be horrible nothing has changed man nothing has changed actually that one wasn't even that nasty looking you can tell because the pads underneath were good those resistors are probably just a little bit dusty props to you taking on a paul board thank you mario thank you very much so up ah that'll get moved into place in a moment [Music] really does look like this board was dragged through someone's bowels doesn't [Laughter] sleep sensor area with a million subs it would be possible to go into the stock market bro it's not a million subscribers man it's not that there is not a million subscribers here 99 of my subscribers do not watch my uh most of my 99 of my videos are not watched by 99 to 97 of my subscribers uh yeah the sleep sensor is wrecked the pads in the sleep sensor are also wrecked so i'm just gonna take off the whole board with the sleep sensor why don't you have the streaming on your main channel because people [ __ ] when i do live streams of board repairs on the main channel i created this channel to get rid of the bitching when i post board repair videos to the main channel people actually unsubscribe that's the funny thing when i look at my analytics board repair videos bleed subscribers which is interesting because i'll always get these comments from people saying louis we demand board repair videos if you don't make them your channel will fail like blahdy blah you're a sellout for not creating the content people want to make it's like bro nobody wants this i make i make what i want to make but nobody wants this gotham city solutions is going to get a new contract after all nah no construction it doesn't make sense if there's construction involved ever never dealing with that again all right that's in there fixed sleep sensor let's go through the rest of this disgusting piece of and it's hard to imagine how you could make a board this corroded the isl659 area actually looks decent dc in areas looking better better no it was 15 15 67 i believe taylor not 1300. i was wrong the guy was right when i said that it was 50 loss factor he said it's not 50 it's like 47 loss factor give credit i give credit where credit is due qualify for new york stocks change listing a company must have at least 400 shareholders or more than 100 shares of stock please yeah dude i'm not how the hell is this company going to go public are you serious this is a small town repair shop what are you talking about this would be a penny stock who would invest in this shitty company i mean that honestly like when you go when you invest in a stock you invest in a stock based on the idea that the stock is going to go up the stock goes up based on the company increasing its sales or based on the companies increasing its market value by increasing its sales or recovering revenue subscriptions or some [ __ ] like that so how would i do that opening a bunch more stores or expanding in that way and what happens when you open a bunch more stores you turn into a you break i fix or a cpr or any of those other places that you know i fix and [ __ ] up or what you know any one of these places that can tell a flex cable from their [ __ ] everything that makes this a special business is somewhat based on the fact of the people that are here it's not like it's a repeatable process and now don't get me wrong there are companies that do similar things to me that do have repeatable processes where you could just scale up immediately there are companies that do that i'm not saying it can't be done it's just i haven't done it so i don't have a business that is investable this this as a business is uninvestible uh you'd have like i'm not a guy that really knows how to grow a business to be gigantic i know how to have a business that treads water and if if i hired people that were really really good at growing a business i believe the value of this company is why i'd buy stock that's the thing mary you'd be expecting it to go up and up and up but i don't trust that if i hired some sort of business growing expert that the company would retain all the same values does now so for instance i share every piece of information on how to do every repair i do publicly nothing is held close to the vest i also share my procedures on how to deal with disgruntled customers i share my procedures on how to run a bit what public company does that like no no public companies do that so the stuff i would have to change the entire way that i do business and then at that point it's no longer ross and repair it's just every other company yeah this board is disgusting like people would buy this stock because they believe in the value of the business the values of the business but you would own a stock that never goes up in value home this is the circuit that turns on the screen by the way what do you think the chances are that we even have a screen after all this yeah let's just we're going to start with a with a blank canvas we're going to start off with a blank canvas here now granted i could probably do some sort of thing where i milk my reputation to go public and get a bunch of people that you know are eyed and like my youtube content to put money into it but i wouldn't be able to live it myself if that goes down he'll like right now if my company fails you know i'll feel bad for the employees that worked here but at the end of the day i'm only [ __ ] up i'm only screwing over the employees that work here if i go public and i fail that's like oh man that's ruining the finances and the lives of other people like actually ruining the finances and lives of other people and just walking away from it yeah i i don't know if i got the the head for that i'd probably wind up jumping off a bridge i can't do what adam newman wework did i just can't do that i don't know how people like adam newman live with themselves like that dude is a straight up scamming scumbag and he sold that bag right before the world economy went to [ __ ] too so he got paid a lot of money to leave hey get back here suddenly he got paid a lot of money to walk away from that company right before the entire market for commercial real estate like tanked that guy sold his gme at 450 if you know what i'm saying paul's q sucks oh my god paul's q sucks oh [ __ ] the paul cue seriously come on stick you freaking piece of sh what the f [Laughter] okay now i can hot air you in a place okay what else is full of [ __ ] on this board and my desk is just filled with crap that i've knocked off of here not even close here most of the with 15 employees and 1.5 million subs it's incredible you still do board repair most people would full at fault we'd be full i'm an entrepreneur mode i don't really i'm not really an entrepreneur i'm a guy that started a business because he couldn't get a job i'm a guy that put up pull tab signs and posted ads on craigslist in kijiji because he couldn't find a job like that's not an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is a person that starts a business that they want to grow to sell that grows immensely is immensely successful that they eventually sell for you know millions of dollars an entrepreneur is not a guy that after 12 or 13 years of banging his head against the wall can't get a bank loan but i appreciate the sentiment there jess is here from ipad rehab everybody say hi to jessa everybody say hello to jessa jessa jones is one of the people that routinely gives me the inspiration to continue doing what i'm doing she has overcome so much in learning everything that she had to learn and running the business that she runs now i really admire everything that jess has been able to accomplish for herself and her people she runs an amazing business you can check it out at ipad rehab we give each other crap from time to time but it's friendly and it's it's a lot of mutual respect i don't know if it's mutual respect but at the very least i respect what she does quite a bit i'm not going to put words in her mouth okay now this this looks a little uh okay here we go so this i think is probably the reason that was 200 milliamps and not turning on so what you saw was 200 milliamps and 250 milliamps if you check repaired out wiki which you should by the way because we put a lot of effort into that look at this it's usually a peepee brush g3 hot short now what is this what is this there was a comp these are two components on the board that are actually set in half and i almost guarantee you that this is a pb bus g3 hot area and i almost guarantee you that there's a short inside of the board in addition to that so let's just let's kind of clean this up area off a little and see if that's something that's even remotely something that can be digged out or if that's just hopeless so if we take a look on the schematic in the board view over here we take a look on the schematic in the board view you'll see that this is peepee bus yes ppvin hi s5 high side cpu which is a subrail of peepee bus g3 hot i'll show you how we know that i'll show you how we know that right now look at that all right so see vin s5 comes from this and where does this come from where does pp ven come from you'll say watch r5410 is where yeah see pb bus g3 hot becomes this so that's people g3 hot under here now i'm pretty sure that pp g3 hot is short at the ground not from those caps but through the board and the reason i say that is because you saw when we looked at it that that capacitor was broken that capacitor was broken in half now a capacitor can definitely short a line to ground when they fail but if the cap is actually physically split itself in half it's no longer able to conduct anything which leads me to believe that our short is inside the board and i'm going to confirm that right now and most likely cry and then get myself some food because i'm kind of hungry and then give this board back where it belongs to paul as you can see it's shorted uh actually you can't see it shorter because paul daniels's multimeter software isn't working go figure no i didn't set the right mode but as you can see 1.1 ohm short to ground over there and that is a short to ground inside the board so i am going to give i'm actually gonna ask paul for his quick advice on this yeah but this is uh i i really should have checked that i just kind of started getting to work on things be without checking that which is pretty dumb i guess that happened because i was usually i would go through and try to see if there was even like a remote chance before wasting time screwing with [ __ ] like this um that was but yeah it looks yeah yeah you got layers oh man that's that's bad that was pretty stupid actually yeah doing anything on this board without just like finding that little thing over there was really dumb i'm gonna see if paul has any idea how to rip that rip that short out maybe maybe he has some suggestions oh you edited it hello hello can you tell me if this short is drillable uh-oh you should see the one i had earlier i started messing with all the stuff on the board until i and then i finally got to this and i realized that i was wasting my time there's a zero home short to ground and i see a cap on peepee busting like this must be it and then there's like the cap is actually split in half so it's not physically conducting anything inflammation is literally what makes you look old what makes all your [ __ ] i think that's it that's pb bust the cpu it was it it fooled me because the transistors for the around the cpu had no green around them at all so i thought because this area seemed to have completely avoided it actually i didn't see that there's there's a cap next to it that's corroded that could possibly be it no you have carbon seriously i have a feeling that even if this that short was dug out that this is gonna wind up being brain dead that would suck [Music] why does your status suck so much it's not fair your status sucks so which one's the carbon all right oh the top right i gotta get the coil out of the way and i can keep digging that is such a can you dig that much right next to the gpu you're gonna smell some hair some fur gross smell isn't it not very nice so so you're at 500. somebody said what oh jeez yes that's not happening is it whoa it melted into the into the coil and everything jesus christ that's why it wasn't coming off either can that just be cut out actually if you cut that out then how do you deliver pp bus to that wait now that coil wouldn't be getting pee-pee bust though that's that's a gpu v-coil coil a gpu v-core coil shouldn't have direct pp bush g3 huh this is all carbon somebody said that that place is probably three thousand square feet when they counted in the space you see in the mirror it was a dance studio so two of the walls had mirrors on them okay so the mirrors oh wow that's actually almost believable if you include the mirror inside you got double the space this is not looking very nice how often do you dig this deep and it works besides the one that annelle did one out of ten oh no way this is spreading out too far this is all carbon underneath these layers you have to remove all of this carbon to get the layers to stop shorting together that sucks let me turn off the fume extractor well see see you can see right inside the layer actually you have um alcohol yep it has a little blue bottle in front of you and the cutest behind it hey how'd you get alcohol out of it hasn't been working it just started yeah all of this is carbon in here oh my god when liquid hits the wrong spot and you when you're cutting away all those areas when you see the little dot with a hole around it or a circle around it that's stuff that was probably going to have to be reconnected that was a via that went all the way through the board don't you count the square feet on the floor in the ceiling i'm asking for a friend as silly as that sounds i think they expect it he said loss factor this is how everybody does it you're not going to get anything better those are all things that a scammer said can you imagine if we said we're going to fix it and all these features are going to work again and then wi-fi and the camera don't work and we said well you know there's a loss factor and then we said well you know every that's what's going to happen any place you go it's like the way that they speak it's so casual it's so casual like it's always been this way it will always be this way okay i think i have clean margins but i don't think that's getting rebuilt there should be no nothing left burnt in there but that's what's left short pb bus three two one whoa go paul wait four kill five kilo ohms six something in there there might still be something in there what is a proper peepee bus on the 3332 board see i have one right here this is probably dead though it might be less dead than that nope that's dead nope wait we're charging capacitors 300 kilo ohms so that one's 300 kilohms and this one is wait now we're getting to 4.3 million ohms okay hey i think put coil back on and see if wait yeah you have to i have to green this and put the coil back on wouldn't i yeah you do okay do you really need a coil do you really need a gpu not really but yes this one doesn't have an integrated one does it actually it does have an integrator as hd 3000. yeah okay so i got to find some green [ __ ] do i have any green [ __ ] on my desk mx4 can i use solder paste yeah i need a pen all right so first thing to do is clean this area up thank you very much for the assistance paul that's crazy either that was you you carved this short out like a picasso i've i've been doing it a lot of times the last couple weeks how often is it you said you said one out of ten one out of ten will actually work when you have something that big i have the ones that you've been doing been this big yes jesus christ i just had one that was definitely a no no-go earlier were you surprised when an elves that had that whole thing was actually worked but i'm definitely happy that that actually worked out it was there was a hole straight through the damn board i do not see a laser hmm i missed a laser it'll be crazy if this actually works thank you all right everybody don't look don't look everybody don't look i love the perseverance you got what are you talking about perseverance i gave this to paul that's the opposite of perseverance what's going to go in the place of the cap you removed nothing nothing do not look at the pen do not look at the pen do not look at the pen do not look at the pen do not look at the pen do not look at the pen stop looking at the pen don't look at the pen okay what are the chances this actually works what are the chances this actually turns on and works probably none probably zero nothing nothing i know my chances of success i know what i know what this is gonna be i don't have a high level of belief in this working okay now this one i'm taking from the donor board is a fine coil it just has a little bit of melted rubber on the top of it so don't hold that against it uv light plus hot air makes the green stuff harder in a couple of seconds yeah but then i can't point it at the board and tell you not to look at it thank you mario i didn't know that about the hot air [Music] if it works you deserve dinner no if this works paul deserves dinner but let's be real this ain't gonna freaking work so [Laughter] and because this is a 2012 model we are going to just touch up the solder joints around u8900 that is a common problem here [Music] this board smells so bad i can't get across on stream how bad this board smells still got a lot of flux left there so i can fix that on the right side without having to apply more okay now we get the next side it's like filing your nails don't listen to that wall street journal that says that's not how you file your file your nails joanna stern may be a great tech journalist but she don't know how to file her nails that's right this is exactly how you file your nails you take a hakko 2032 plug it into an fx951 get a t30 kn tip add some solder and flux and you file your that's a joke by the way don't actually try to do that you'll burn the crap out of yourself don't do that don't do that [Laughter] okay all right those joints look beautiful beautiful okay now we see if we're getting the expected 500 milliamps when we plug it in i want to see if we're getting an expected 500 milliamps and then we'll see if we god forbid get a picture getting a picture is going to be a little bit that's being a little greedy i would say you can't expect everything because all that corroded stuff over here was the circuit that is supposed to provide five volts to the display all right are you ready you guys ready one two come on wanna oh bad spin [ __ ] all right let's plug this baby in see if we get a picture on the screen yeah again we're not gonna use this old thermal paste to be clear we are not gonna use this for actual long term i just want to see if we get a picture on the screen that's all is this brain dead that's because if this is not brain dead that would be pretty effing cool now oh my god my desk oh this is so gross okay so look at what happens to my oh my god so much dirty crap on here now okay so just wipe this off it's filth absolute filth you can clean out the stuff in the fan of course not i'm gonna keep it there as a souvenir forever i may not even put the screws back in the machine i may sprinkle some of that old thermal paste in the fan as well of course i'm gonna clean out the fan louis did steve leave no steve did not leave he actually uh didn't he is he has recovered quite well and he is here that watch it get dirty again because i put this machine on there okay what do you use to clean flux off your mat alcohol windex stuff like that whatever i'm feeling that particular day okay all i'm looking for here is a question mark folder give me a question mark baby give me a question mark give me a question mark yeah i'll screw uh let's put two screws in the heatsink i'm not looking for beautiful perfection here i just want to test it to see if it's worth continuing down this journey that i've started on here you guys excited it'll be a miracle if this thing actually works i have my doubts i think it's going to be brain dead i think that that area where you got holes in the board that is probably data lines that were collateral damage when everything took that big hit but there's only one way to confirm that and that's to plug it in if this gets an image i i might actually jump for joy and yell yippee i do got to get something though i'm kind of getting hungry i have been uh yeah the deadlifts earlier was kind of stupid okay so plug the screen in this is crazy this may actually work this piece of crap may actually work by the way i was very this close to pulling the thing that bends the pin in the screen but i didn't do it caught myself last minute okay oh my god look at the look at the condition of the screen jesus look at the condition of that screen how the hell does that happen it really makes me sad the poor condition of these devices it's like this it's not like you're riding a dirt bike in the snow or something in in slush in manhattan it's not it's not a macbook is not an off-road vehicle i don't know how it is i get so many macbooks that look like off-road vehicles it's not an off-road vehicle it's a computer okay so before i get to my question mark folder or even see it because there's a good chance i don't even see it there's a few things i can do to see if i'm even getting it the first one is i'm going to measure if i get 5 volts of the screen and i do i get 5 volts of the screen okay so it knows that the screen is there and is putting something out then i'm going to measure it screen backlight and we get okay so the screen backlight voltage is present so we're yeah 45 volts of screen backlight and five also going to the screen in order to send five volts to the screen needs to recognize the screen is there and that's a question mark folder holy this is an actual working board look at that look at that you saw what a piece of crap this looked like and it is fixed that's insane all right just like a nice round of applause to paul for the really really fine handiwork he did with the knife i would trust paul to do surgery on me over 99 of the people that are actually working at the hospital i'm like seriously his skill with this is just his skill and his accuracy is some with his hands is something that i personally aspire to i wish that i had even one-tenth the patience or the skill or the determination that paul does when it comes to just sitting there and calmly and artistically and accurately slicing through a bad board he is so good at it he doesn't cut out any of the stuff that matters he's very careful to not nick important traces he just cuts that short out and like guts it but in a beautiful way he guts it in a beautiful way this is great maybe in another life he was hannibal lecter you never know but this uh now obviously this needs more work to be done to it obviously this does need several other components to be replaced this needs other items to be replaced because there are still other corroded items on this board and this is also going to need to go through the ultrasonic cleaner this battery is probably bad we got to check out the other components in the machine this is nowhere near done but the board is working 55 bucks for paul holy crap that is thank you paul thank you uh this is amazing this is absolutely amazing this is crazy this is one of the things i say man like one of the things that makes it hard to go somewhere else or hard to just leave people behind like you know how hard it is to find people like paul you know how long it would take to i can't even train someone to do what he just did i can't train you to do that because he's he's better than me like it's not even like when people say why don't you just retrain people somewhere else why don't you just move some place and train them he is better than i am he does things that i can't do how do you train someone how to do something that you don't even do but yeah like uh man just humbled and honored to have someone of that level of talent that's willing to work for this business anyway this is this is really cool so that is it for today and as always i hope you learned something i got to get myself some food i'm actually a bit hungry so i am i'll be out of here i will see you all in the next video bye now if you're interested in doing the type of work that we do in this video repairing motherboards at component level and you'd like to learn more for free i'd highly suggest that you check out our youtube channel at youtube.com rosman group when you visit the channel you can click on playlists scroll down and you'll see a playlist called macbook component level logic board repairs on this playlist you'll find over 600 videos detailing how to fix macbook motherboards if you feel like the content in these videos is a little bit too advanced for you like you need to learn a little bit more electronics theory before you're able to understand what we're going over you can scroll down in the video description and click on the beginner's guide when you click on the beginner's guide you'll see this 150 slide guide that goes over everything from short detection to how transistors work to how data lines work it's how buck converters work so that you can better understand how to do these types of repairs if you would like more free help you can visit repair.wiki on repair.wiki we have all of the devices listed by model and board number along with common solutions and common problems so that you can get an idea of where to look for your particular problem if you're unsure how to fix it and you just want to pay somebody else to fix it look no further than rosman group.com on rosmangroup.com you can find repair services as well as mail and repair services where you can mail in your repair from anywhere and we'll take care of it for you if you'd like some paid help with your board repair but you'd still like to do it yourself you can check out boards.rosmangroup.com where we have expert level technicians that will answer your questions for the low low price of 29 a month if you'd like to learn how to do this in an in-person classroom environment look no further than rosman group.com where you can go here scroll down click learn logic board repair and sign up for a paid class to learn how to fix motherboards and learn in person how to do the work that we do here on this channel we have paid resources available and we also have free resources available for those who'd like to learn who don't have a budget to be able to pay for an in-person class lastly if you'd like to purchase any of the tools that we used on in this video you can check the video description and you will see all of the tools that we use for microscopes to freeze spray to soldering stations to soldering tips and so on and so forth and you can visit store.rostmangroup.com to purchase some tools to purchase tools like the at hot air rework station and you can visit places like store.rosmangroup.com to purchase some of the tools we use like the aton 862 hot air rework station that's it for today and as always i hope you learned something i'll see you all in the next video bye now
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 168,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macbook, logic board repair, A1398, 820-3332, macbook pro repair, liquid spill repair, liquid damage repair, water damage repair, water spill repair
Id: 9wKxFZFBBp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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