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all right next closet I gotta get bit by hide why does it sound so nice this is the wheel of death it should be like ow every three minutes I have to spin the wheel of death and I have to do whatever it tells me to do oh bro and what I've done is combined all bunch of my challenges together I don't want to spend a hundred thousand Robux and I wasn't budgeting that for today no audio the next four door turn screen the next three doors fantastic everyone it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome back to Roblox doors where today is an interesting one uh we are doing the doors wheel of death death challenge was that cause like you never heard of that before well someone on my Discord came up with the idea and I absolutely loved it for my maybe 200 deaths special it will be but it may not be this video I may survive the wheel of death and I also may not we're gonna find out here I do have 199 deaths and I've already said that once I get my 200th death I will reward the developers of doors for finally killing me that 200th time uh and I'm probably up on this list uh and I will buy the uh another one million knobs for a hundred thousand robots so that may happen in this video it may not but either way I would love if you guys would post in the comments some uh challenges or uh entries on the wheel of death that you would like to see in future videos if you end up enjoying this and you might notice that right in the corner here's a little Speed Run timer yeah this is kind of like a challenge you want a speed run and I'll show you why or I'll explain why is because the way I thought of it is every three minutes I have to spin the wheel of death and I have to do whatever it tells me to do and what I've done is combined all bunch of my challenges together I thought that made sense because like you know a lot of people are like oh just do like no audio no hiding no crack like all at the same time like that's not gonna work right but if we use the wheel of death and have it go every three minutes and do it for just a short period of time you can combine all those challenges and let me show you what I'm going to do is wait what wait how do you make this thing okay so wait why wait wait wait it's not a global hotkey thing this ah Global hotkey that's how okay now if I'm playing right here and then it's going it's going and it's going up we hit three okay pause it let's do it okay that works let me show you the wheel of death so this is what I few uh suggestions from the Discord and you guys can join that it's slash Thinknoodles or just search Discord for think noodles and it'll find a thousand members uh okay so this is what uh yeah I came up with and they came up with uh and yeah you basically do this we're not this doesn't count the first three minutes I get without any wheel of death things so what would happen is at the three minute mark it says now I've gotta run out all my life before continuing basically like if I flashlight lighter I gotta burn them out that's it if I have a candle gotta burn it out any light source I've got to burn it out now that's interesting High choice I wonder if we should do that so that we get all unique yeah we'll do that so I'm not gonna do that now because we didn't actually do it that's cool I didn't even know that was a thing so when you spin it I could say okay now that I've done that challenge we eliminate that from the wheel uh and then the other ones come up and this is what we've got Crouch only for the next five doors hide bite next closet so next closet I see I gotta get in and get bit by hide no hiding for the next six doors step on snare and that it's either that one like if I get that as the first challenge or like the first thing to do I don't have to do anything right away but when I do get to Greenhouse I have to step on the first snare it's not like I escape it because there's no snare in the room no audio for the next four doors look at eyes next spawn but just for a second uh run out all lights you guys know that one no crouching for the next five doors lock pick only on the next lock so if I don't have a lock pick so I better be careful I can't turn my screen for the next three doors any damage for the next four doors equals insta kill this is probably the worst one of all if I have that active for the next four doors and Timothy bites me that's it game over I get my 200 death uh I would have to you know facilitate that on my own but yes uh and then I must get hit by one seek fire so those that's that's that's the list and again if you guys think of any other ones or after this video even if I do die you want to see me do more of this wheel of death post comments let me know all right so whoa all right so we're gonna be doing this one uh solo this is a solo challenge let me say hi to everyone real quick because I don't think I'm ignoring them oh yeah and uh yeah guys subscribe like the video use a star code noodles and help support my channel we're getting so close to 10 million I absolutely appreciate all of the support uh and I can't get rid of the chat now because this thing is in the way get Addy there we go all right let's go so this the the the the uh the timer starts as soon as I exit the elevator just like any other Speed Run and yeah I want to go quickly because the the quicker I go the less times I have to spin the wheel all right I'm nervous and I'm usually not nervous to play doors like ever go oh I started a little early it's fine uh let's go go go okay and I was nervous to grab that because it's super hard mode but what else okay all right you know I wish I could make the thing make a noise when it hits three minutes because I won't necessarily be looking at it but I'll try my best to hit it right on three minutes or within a few seconds of it I'll try and like check it every door um to see where how far how long it has been um I'd like to get through first Rush before we hit three minutes look at that yep okay and it's not like a true speed run because otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time on some of these drawers but I think okay and I was actually gonna look at it I was like do I have to should I uh but no I don't I don't and I shouldn't count eight all right I want to get a crucifix just in case uh from Jeff uh in case I have a really bad bad roll spin whatever you want to call it all right 10. oh yeah we're gonna easily make first uh first Rush slow down a little bit I mean no what am I talking about we installing down let's go 11. and I'm using this because I'll probably have to burn it out soon anyway well okay there he is that's what we got here ah nah stanky all right so all right so 13 you might actually is it a uh oh no it's not a keyed room so he he opened whatever it was fine there's actually not many drawers in here huh a few anything good nope oh wait wait wait wait wait that was nope okay I'm wrong and I I mean I am looking for good money because that's about all you get like I am so used to like listening for the grenade from super hard mode or teamwork two minutes 15. [Music] okay calling them out okay so we're getting close okay I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and open this it might be working oh no it's not what a waste of time okay 16. all right I'm I've got uh yeah okay I'm getting a little nervous now so [Music] now it's dark okay all right all right we got a lot of lock picks and let's not use them because we don't want to get stuck because if we if we get stuck we have to enter on then then that counts as a death in my opinion right uh because it is the wheel of death it's not the wheel of stopping all right here we go and okay let's let's pull it there wait oh no where did I oh I pressed the wrong one it doesn't matter because uh we're gonna go back it goes to zero and we do three minutes again so let's spin the wheel of death ready here we go oh I don't want to see this dude what do we got what do we got what do we got we have look at eyes is that look at eyes the next time he spawns all right that is done okay so start her up okay foreign [Music] he'll definitely spawn in greenhouse and see that would be a problem like in Greenhouse where I gotta step on snare and then I gotta do I gotta look at eyes like this is damaging me each time um if I was already damaged and I step on snare because he comes before uh eyes and then I have to look at eyes I might actually die all right 22 all right and yeah I knew you were coming bro ah look at it I was gonna do a hiding plane side and be all cool but like look we got enough to deal with right now that I don't need to be doing dumb stuff like trying to look cool we're trying to win here bro this isn't about looking cool you would oh no no no no no oh this sucks we're gonna spend the entire uh two minutes in this room looking for the key because Rush broke the he broke dupe like he did this and um oh okay yep uh and uh always scares me dude oh okay we're back okay there we go 24. all right we didn't spend as long as I thought we would do I want to go all the way around and we've already got candle and that's 23. let's just okay yeah that was worth it that was worth it because stuff is more expensive now so we definitely want we we want skeleton key and we want crucifix and I think we're gonna have enough money for that ah Jack bro that's rare look at that there you go with Jack's Red Room ah beautiful man thank you for showing up on my on my wheel of death video bro hope that wasn't too loud for y'all it was pretty loud for me so I I feel like we should make it let's keep it left for you oh my word what was that I think that was like Timothy in one and Jack in the second one like back to back baby oh all right and like I should be moving a little bit quicker but um my heart is beating so fast still from Jack all right we are coming up on the three minute Mark here again uh we do have the key but um you know what let's do it okay so I'm gonna pause it there see I paused it uh nope can't move let's do the wheel of death let's see what we've got boy lock pick only on the next lot all right so uh well that would be this one so I got the key for nothing so um at least we've eliminated that uh huh and sorry key I don't want you 26. all right oh wait no no oh geez okay hold on I gotta I didn't start the timer again I gotta like sit here for a second and um and sort of penalize myself for not having restarted that yeah that's good 15 seconds so 10 seconds whatever 10 seconds is good all right so what we want to do is we well give me that uh we want to get through uh uh seek pretty quickly here so we don't have to uh do what it's gonna tell us to do yeah I know that it was Rush but hurry up man he's so slow like he's so much slower in like in uh in super hard mode he spawns a lot quicker all right we've got seek we should easily make this and put a six minute Mark I just don't wanna have to walk through my seek fire what I want to have it is that one not to come up until after I've been through both seat chases let's get rid of this one first oh wait what that was oh okay I would have thought that was the one all right here we go mm-hmm easy peasy now that we got Guiding Light this is like it's not even like I mean it don't it's still the most exciting part of the game but uh it's not challenging once you've done it like I don't know a lot of times like I have but I still do love it the music stopping like the way that like everything spins like when you turn I'm not touching the fire I feel like if I touch the fire like I should get like a like I already touched the fire so if it tells me you gotta touch the fire to be like I already did that but no all right we are getting yes we're 41. oh you know I didn't think of any like and I should have put that on there like that would have been a good one is like um stand oh I wonder if I could add it that's what we'll do we'll actually add one um to uh just before I spin it uh because I'm gonna have to it's gonna take a while and I'm not gonna use a lock pick because I don't want to be low on lock picks I need one to get through uh door one plot you know you know me I do need my lock pick to beat door 100 because that's just my thing but I'll add it before we spin the next one here we go we're almost at six minutes and let's add oh wait I already actually have it where it's um where where is uh no Crouch the next five doors so never mind that's actually there and if it happens when I'm in library that means I cannot Crouch for the rest of the library so it's already there never mind not well actually it'd be great because I think we're on 43 or 44 so if it's the next five doors we can't what do we got oh bro okay well hey oh geez I I don't know why my screen shook like that I thought it was a screech Shake oh yeah that's what I'm gonna add I'm gonna add that right now hold on and I didn't even start the timer back must let Screech fight next time yeah we got it that come on that's a gimme all right we added that one all right so we're burning our light and Let's uh oh no I was gonna grab the battery but like what's the point that's just gonna make me sit here for longer while this thing burns out it takes a long time to burn a flashlight and I'm not just gonna stand there and do it I might as well do stuff and find keys and golden stuff but the thing is well yeah I should be oh yeah I should be able to move I should be able to move uh and continue the run if it doesn't burn out I just have to like always have one active but um yeah I have to burn it out as I'm playing I just I just we don't have to wait until it's burned out to go to the next door because that's not what wheel says because otherwise that'd just extend the run I mean this thing is Gonna Last like three minutes you know that that'd be like a double spin man Double Jeopardy we don't do that and I would have used it in this one anyway 44. okay five okay um I feel like I should be you know what I'm gonna make it I'm gonna be cool okay I'm gonna hide here okay we're good uh just so I could say that I wasn't you know like I was still burning my flashlight I had to do a little cool in plain sight it made me cringe though I don't want to spend a hundred thousand Robux right now dude I wasn't budgeting that for today okay we're gonna get into 49. I thought it might be rush I've had him do that a couple of times all right here we go and and okay next next we're still burning out our light so now we're sort of combining two challenges let's see what we've got okay that looks like no audio the next four doors that's not too bad can I do that wait oh I'll just take my headphones off so you guys can or should I just mute what should I do I'm just gonna take my headphones off there that's me like dropping them on the desk so that you guys can hear well I wow my voice is so much louder I don't know my headphones on but uh yeah so you guys can actually hear but I can't so you know that stuff like that is happening um because like I don't know giving you guys a video with ah with no audio uh like it kind of sucks for you so oh right start the timer let this run for a second because I was doing stuff okay here we go now um not hearing figure it doesn't really matter much to me I mean I know my mouth here it's hard to tell I mean oh actually this will kind of suck because I can't hear can't I can't hear the books so I might miss some books because um I can't hear them ah see you always you don't realize what uh disadvantages things give you I I would have missed that one if I hadn't turned at the right time okay okay all right let's grab this see what he does sometimes he acts weird it is you know you notice when you're when you're playing with no sound you notice way more like screen bounce and stuff than uh than you would or then you do experience uh well I mean it's the same you you you feel it more like you detect it more it like heightens your visual sense when you have less audio or you have no audio um okay yeah see I can feel that so I feel like I don't need to hear him and how close he is because I can feel how close he is no I don't like this I'm gonna go here because I can't really tell normally I would use uh audio cues now uh to find out how close he is he was way further than I thought uh wait he didn't come up here so weird okay let's see if we can I might have missed a book we might have to wait for Guiding Light to come I forget how many books there actually are okay wait no oh yeah all right let's see so uh we got eight four three uh three uh five eight four three three five okay we got it eight four three three five burn this out I don't know why I wasn't so um eight four three three five okay and okay so wait no wait okay okay got a little nervous um so uh so that's one room right this is two rooms this is the third room with no audio what's up we gotta do something first bro all right let's spin [Music] okay what do we got uh all right next closet I gotta get bit by hide hide Choice communicate oh this is getting thin already okay that's burnt okay let's do this all right let's talk to El goblino one of those sparkly things but it wasn't blue no manches dude not possible okay yo we got that we got that you know what I'm allowed to buy this this is a light source I did not have when it told me to burn them all out so that's a new light source for me all out oh yeah who do you think built this place the hotel I mean I don't know man uh okay wait so 50 51 52 53 so 54 is the last room with no audio um I don't like this much but I'm not seeing um Okay I uh I haven't seen a closet uh wait I gotta jeez I gotta grab my headphones dude I'm gonna get in the closet and get bit just to see what happened like because I have to anyway so here we go all right there was no there was no rush like I just didn't know all right throw me out bro okay ow gosh he does so much damage I do not like that all right give me Band-Aids give me Band-Aids let's start spawning Band-Aids please oh and I could have used it since I had the candle I would have known that there was no uh no rush I wasn't even thinking about that I was just like I gotta burn this thing out I should have known okay so we did the we we don't have any other like pending things besides burning out this candle right oh I don't like having this little Health candle is gone let's do it okay so far I think we're okay I think I might beat the wheel of death this time which means y'all better start posting some suggestions for I guess like more deadly uh uh selections on the wheel of death so uh next time I do this I will why am I talking like I've already won no no don't do that that's a good way to jinx yourself dude 58 and you know what I have a light bulb man well not light bulb flame Open Flame all right everybody wants it everybody wants an appearance in this video that makes me feel like I'm actually from the wheel of death is gonna give me hey we got battery cool so now we are we are back to having some flashlight connection here I buy you I would love a tablet right about now but that's okay all I could do without it pick this baby up don't be in there because it's a long crawl nope okay I picked the wrong side up up wait oh I think I might have like broke the timer but it's at 15 it's probably gonna start back at zero I think I don't know and I might get bitten by Screech while this is spinning so um we'll let it spin because I'm not okay what's it doing what do you got can't turn screed the next three doors fantastic oh my goodness and that counts for right like starting right now dang okay ouch oh this is guys this is not good this is not good I might actually die because oh we got that okay cool all right because of Screech I could actually die I might actually use my crucifix on him if he pops up again because one more Screech bite and I am dead so this room counts as one of the oh wait what are you doing man oh see I knew it was gonna start over Okay uh let's wait let's wait a second this is the worst one okay let's do this here we go let's pop out okay and oh dude I can't wait oh yeah that's right you got a crowd you can get these drawers I don't I don't care about money man I want Bandits okay this is that this is room two that was room one this is the third room where I can't change my Direction but I think we're good okay man very much and I am going to the next room so I can change my Direction I mean do we count it as as it was or do we just nah let's give it one more just to be safe ah thank you all right we are back baby oh that was horrible I don't like it I was I can't believe I was prepared to use ready to use a crucifix on Screech to save my life oh all right let's go yes that's what I'm talking about I don't need no Band-Aids go all right this feels good this feels beautiful give me my herb of veritas thank you yes yes get me Rich too I love that health so good all right I mean I'll look for Band-Aids if they got them what else do we need like what else would be good oh batteries we need batteries y'all got batteries in here you know stock batteries what if there's a power outage in the hospital huh all right we still have like a tiny tiny bit of a lighter and that's one of the things this is like a lasting effect of that having to burn all the flashlights well or all of the light sources like you know I'm not getting batteries uh so it affects me further on nice okay cool all right this is good because this is exactly the perfect scenario that I will get past the second seek Chase before I have to do the fire thing um which I'm glad about uh and that's what I was saying that's what this that's part of what this challenge is about is going fast because the faster you go the less things you have to do uh and then you end up with ones that just aren't valid anymore uh this is well I I'm not gonna oh this is I I can't pause it guys I have to run out to three minutes so what what's gonna happen uh if I get a challenge that I can't run through fire or I haven't run through the fire obviously I can't do that uh so we'll spin again because I don't think it's fair for me to like get a thing on the wheel although I kind of earned it uh that doesn't really okay no hiding next explorers okay why does it sound so nice you know this is a wheel of death it should be like you know instead of like that nice sound so no hiding in this room so that's this is that's two so that first one was one the second one's two oh geez and I didn't oh I gotta go um okay let's which might kill me I don't know where I am dude I'm about to die There It Is by 200th death and who else but Rush adoresville and death has taken me I can't believe it I was getting so confident I know something as simple as no hiding ah yeah good good thanks Scotty light did you not hear what the wheel of death told me the wheel of death told me I can't hide thanks for the advice really appreciate it well there it is guys and now I must do what must be done 200 deaths as a thank you to Developers for killing me 200 times here goes a hundred thousand robots for another million knots oh yeah I love it when you spent when you buy something this expensive on Roblox it's like wait wait wait wait wait sure I know you got the Robux but are you sure I I do have two step on so I don't know why it says this like oh yeah verify sure okay hold on one second oh my goodness uh what if I like disabling will lost a verified badge and make oh this is stupid um but I have a security key why does it this will disable it'll make your account is unlikely will disable which will make your account less secure okay sure turning off will also delete what why ah there we go so on the main website it lets me use security key let me plug this in hey there we go please reach out your previous action okay we got it that's really weird that it doesn't do it in app all right million robot didn't already spend nah here we go ready let's go a million knobs let's go yeah it says thanks a lot you're welcome 200 deaths 2 million knobs and I think bro where it is look at that look I'm number 11. and I am on the top donator leaderboard finally now I did say once that when the game updates um and this was like before the uh that I would like become top donator right here's the problem guys so I I didn't I don't know well pretty good at math but I just didn't like quite look at this and I thought he had 694 000 Robux and I was like I might be able to convince my wife to allow me to spend like you know six thousand dollars uh to pay to win and get on the top of the leaderboard well unfortunately that is 69 000. 69 uh well 600 something 6.9 million robots I I really don't want to get divorced so I'm not gonna do that I do love my wife um but I'll take 11. I'm happy to be on the leaderboard finally um and when I hit 300 deaths I'll buy another hundred thousand I think that's I think that's the move so if I if I get 6 000 deaths well 7 000 deaths I'll become number one not until then so there it is guys foiled by the wheel of death if you guys enjoyed the video you want me to play another wheel of death with your suggestions let me know your suggestions comments below like the video and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 582,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, thinknoodles gaming, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles reacts, thinknoodles shorts
Id: pQtV7SK3Cec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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