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but like compared to doors this game is easy man [Music] okay all right um I'm telling you this game is a just to make it more challenging yeah I'm gonna do it now force myself to play in first person okay yeah yeah it is so much harder ah see this this is actually much harder dude I like more challenge I like this to be a little bit harder ow hey everyone it's here friend think noodles and welcome back to Roblox today we're playing rainbow friends chapter two but I'm playing solo now hold on a second guys this is way too important do you want free Robux wait wait give me a second I know what you're thinking but this is from Microsoft so it's totally legit I've partnered with Microsoft rewards to show you how you can get both free Robux and exclusive plasma wings that you can only get through Microsoft rewards let me show you how all you got to do is click the link in the description and log in or create a free account and you can earn rewards points and get the free wings and Robux in no time you earn five points per search when you use Microsoft Bing on PC and mobile and 20 points a day when searching in Microsoft edge browser you also earn points from digital purchase on Microsoft store and just for playing games on your Xbox wait what how do I already have 3 000 points I only need 6 000 to get 400 Robux and free wings I guess all those mine coins and me playing my Xbox got me halfway there already well let me do some searches I'll be right back five minutes later all right now let's go back to the redeem page here we go let's see if it works oh it actually worked free Robux and the wings let me check them out in Game Dude these are actually really cool I have no idea how long these will be available so hurry grab them now look at the particles all these things they're epic thanks to Microsoft for giving us all this stuff for free and making it so easy for everyone now uh there is like this code here and uh you guys told me in the comments that it's like and it just makes the thing go around it's like one nine seven two I'm not really sure why it's 1972. but it is and uh yeah you can ride the surrounded circles and while I do it it's so cold that this Lobby is weird playing on a VIP server but while we're here guys in my cool box if you want to see a more repo friends content on my channel you're enjoying it so far click the like button subscribe and also don't forget to use star code noodles to help support my channel Roblox literally gives me Robux every time you buy Roblox or premium we're getting so close to 10 million subscribers and for me to stop asking you guys to subscribe I can almost taste it but let's give it a you know I want to go to the shop I want to open let's see what we got 2300 coins like what's the mo I pack what's this let's open one of these it's common no we don't want these are all com wait I don't understand oh and you can I get it I do understand okay so what what do you want here what Tiki rare so you buy this what okay well we're gonna play I I don't understand I mean I know I understand the boxes I mean they kind of remind me of the like rare legendary epic stuff that you'd see in like murder mystery it's all cosmetic doesn't really help you win anyway but I guess it's a way of differentiating yourself as someone who's no lifinger you're really good at the game but seems like kind of am somehow uh the no Box challenge was like the no problem challenge but uh let's see what solo is like and uh we're gonna go ahead and Skip your Uncle Bob I'm really sorry bro but we've already seen you talking you're really slow uh let's go find so that was what I was gonna what yeah that was what I was wondering about are there less items to collect when you play solo and the answer is no there are absolutely not uh fewer items they're the exact same amount now uh being a solo challenge I I absolutely can box I absolutely can hide for now and if I do really well at this then maybe we'll do like a solo no Box challenge or solo no hiding challenge or whatever let's see what happens when you get more than 10 items because I don't actually know can you do that like actually I'm gonna make it here's what we're gonna well I'll lose count though six because once we go to Z 10 let's keep count seven eight I'm wondering should I like no I'll make that a challenge at some point so let's see what happens we get more than uh 10 items but we could make it a challenge where like I'm not allowed to drop any items off until I have all of them which oh you can't carry anymore well never mind there goes that challenge you can only carry 10 items at a time but I was gonna say maybe you do them all at once like you can't drop them off until you have all of them which wouldn't work for this one wait who put that one there what you got a ghost on the server Ah that's so weird did I did I drop it when I walked by uh we wouldn't be able to do it for this one uh the next round I think has 15 items but once we get down below 10 we could make it a challenge where you have to get all of the items in your hand before you can drop any of them like so all like basically make it so that I mean I don't know how I would call it but like it would be a you you know either you have to have 10 items in your hand or you have to have all the items in the round uh to drop and like a not like a full full hands challenge or something I don't know maybe not well yeah no well there's a lot here will you stop it blue I'm not really afraid of you dude okay but I know he can climb ladders because I've seen him do it here he looks a little bit Derpy with the Anna oh no he's not even coming okay uh now I guess like well this is kind of like I mean it's not it is a horror game uh it is like an escape challenge but like oh oh I've never seen purple actually go back in there I didn't realize that happens because there's usually other people following me and making him like keep going but like compared to doors game is easy man right oh no okay we're we got too much stuff right so we know there's that one there oh okay should I box now I'm just gonna hide Blue's like I don't know what to do what to do where did he go yeah I don't even do yeah okay where did he where did blue go I'm gonna I'm just gonna go out all right I hear green he's probably gonna block my nope we got it all right here we go 21. this is easy man I'm telling you this game is well okay I'm not really afraid of green that much now if I'm in there and his hand hits me do I die I don't know that's weird right that would be weird wouldn't be very nice okay so we gotta be careful with green wait where is he okay so that's that one okay good stuff okay I heard a door so I think yep that's what I thought I thought it was that door go away dude you know I have a box right like I have a fancy box too but I'm just gonna drop down here wait oh okay that was that was almost bad I almost had to go back up I don't know why I got glitched on that ladder and couldn't go down oh yeah 22 where where are we missing we've been to purple oh yeah oh wait no well no I I got the ones in the laser tag right like when we first started I feel like I did you know one of the things is like the light bulbs are actually pretty hard to spot because uh and they do this on purpose like they make a lot oh there they are uh they make a lot of the items wow that one I did not see at all they make a lot of the items look like the items you're trying to like like they may see these water bottles right they look like this blue light bulb pretty clever level design and I don't know how I missed that one that was really dumb okay so round one night one hour one nothing man I ain't even like there we go I did it all myself and it's there's not gonna be that point where I'm like oh wait what happened because I'm the one doing it every single time all right the the blue signal is in place a majority of players okay uh we'll go check here for the gas cans oh there's one there see see this is why I checked now um hey green what are you doing dude I'm just gonna go this way oh there's one here I'm gonna go to this one here you know let's just grab because like it's better to grab these few uh I can't get by them on that side bro you you still standing there man oh I can go into his arm like this you oh nope I can't come on switch your arm or something man there we go no now you turned around because you're about to yeah see that's what I thought uh I can go under you no problem I'm not really that afraid of him oh look at this I like the this is actually really a bad idea whoever designed this level you do not put two Guinness ganisters gas canisters next to a an open flame do you know what happened jeez all right we got four so it's already nine we need six more hey Blue what's up buddy I know it's it's yeah I know you hate me but for as much noise as you make you don't move that fast brother got any canisters and oh you do okay like I said okay all right I was gonna say I'm not really that afraid but like right now let's get a little close to comfort I'm not gonna lie okay okay there's yellow yellow take me away no actually don't wait get in here I saw a bunch of canisters I need to go back to Blue okay he's coming bro what what can't see me wait nope he can't get me in here that's a little scary Yellow stop it you know what okay I'm allowed to box you guys just go away go away Chompy and I can actually wait oh wait you can't get out of here when you're in a box you have to be but you're not crouched in a box I feel like you are look how slow I go I'm definitely crouched all right whatever it doesn't matter let's go grab this one yeah I saw that one and then there was another one they're not another one like right here I thought I saw it oh yeah it was right there that one okay that's eight we're at 13. listen to that fill up dude uh where else we uh haven't checked in here yet but I did check the river oh really green that's not how you walk through a door dude you can't just stick your arm through it you gotta open the door first then you go through it let's check here I haven't been here bye-bye yeah maybe I have yeah I have actually up there we go that's what I'm talking about there's one anymore I mean there's definitely gonna be oh there it is cool thank you so it's oh purple I didn't go to purple yet that's what the problem was idiot all right there it is go along perps see ya bye yeah I don't think so dude okay all right um I'm gonna go in here because both of these idiots are about the same actually can I if I box now because they're not aggro I think yeah I think we're good oh no I can't get out of here I forgot all right I think blue went to laser tag ah Here Comes yellow no yellow you can quit it bruh uh you do not you do not see me all right we're good and 15 done all right I you know I still I feel like I need to like Play This and like actually die on purpose give me the lucky uh because I've not died yet and I don't did I die when I played chapter one I'm not really sure I can't remember but like I don't know if what any of the new jump scares look like for any of these I feel like I did die in chapter one but I can't remember but I don't know what any of the jump scares look like for the new monsters for the I'm sorry friends they're not monsters they're friends uh I don't know what anything looks like for that and I don't know if uh any of the jump scares updated for the old rainbow friends because I feel like with the new animations that they put in like the uh of like blue and green like coming out of their Lair or whatever but I feel like they would have updated the jump scares if they uh if they made these new animations and I keep doing so well that I think I need to make a video of like I I died on purpose to the rainbow friends so I could see the cut scenes let's go through here I don't know where you are where are you at dude okay there's a lookie there I feel like purple's just gonna be the same because like they're they're so deliberate in not showing purple uh uh that that the jump scare is just gonna be those teeth you know oh there's a lookie down here we got Kenny hi Kenny oh and there's one here too sweet cool that's nice and close I like that there's four okay here's uh no don't don't do it I'm not really afraid of him it's just that like he's gonna take me all the way over to the bounce house or the river and I I don't I don't wanna there's a yellow one like right here oh I thought I thought I saw the yellow one come out the door a yellow yellow yeah come here dude I thought I saw you pop out oh no no no no no not right now dude not right now not right now oh no that's right when you box you drop this stupid lookie ah you coming in all right he's going out right are you going out yeah I think okay we're good I also feel like I like I should start like just to make it more challenging yeah I'm gonna do it now force myself to play in first person just because like when you're when you're looking out like you get a good idea of where everything is like you get a much better view of where everything is uh being overhead it makes it so much easier let's force ourselves into first person just to see if it's a little bit yeah see this is already more challenging right like this yeah you know this game should be forced in first person mode yeah it's already a lot harder because like see because like this bro bro okay yeah yeah it is so much harder because I can't I see I don't know where the lookie is I mean I hear him I think he's over like in this area here but I can't even tell where purple yeah he's here oh no but there was there was an orange one ah see this this is actually much harder dude all right unboxing I don't know if it's gonna work see I can't even tell my box there's the orange one okay all right yeah yeah okay so yeah wait am I boxed yeah this is much harder dude okay I'm going I'm going and going yeah all right I like this I like more challenge I like this to be a little bit harder bam okay we gotta get the orange one bro this is so much harder he's gonna come back around get up get up get up get up get up get up okay where's this orange one dude where's Kitty Kitty yeah this is way harder let's go this way you'll see like you you can't even tell uh if you're getting if you're squeezing by green or if um or if green is about to touch you because you can't tell how wide your body is you know dang where are the lookies yeah this this just got like I just made this so much harder I gotta force myself to play like this from now on do you guys like it this way or do you like seeing my character let me know like if you prefer me playing oh there's one there's one there oh right gotta look in the river I always tell myself that too because they all get stuck look at this it's a swimming party there's four of them this is all of them bro okay I'll be back boys see yeah I love it I prefer the first person like this uh rather than being able to see my character let me know in the comments what you prefer uh but I like the it's scarier man it's way scarier I think it's way harder but you don't get like a view uh we gotta go right is he coming bro this sucks I don't like this okay maybe I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it uh let's box Okay and like the cool thing is that I don't even know if I'm boxed or not that's the best part no it doesn't the B icon doesn't actually change if you're boxed or not you can only tell by how fast you're walking uh which if you're like if teal is out like you're not walking if you want a box uh and and survive so yeah you would not know Green oh my goodness get out of here dude I'm trying to pick up lookies okay maybe I'll bring you some cake later wait where are they they were here see this is why I wanted to bring them down oh okay I gotta go could um I am I'll go up in box because the lookies aren't here anymore they must have like respawned somewhere still coming they're over there dude okay I just saw them up here but is that where they were they're really far dude are they in the are they they are in the river so how did I miss them just now oh no they went all the way to the waterfall all right oh my goodness bro I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here don't come on man because I just wanna I just want you gotta go that way bro like I'm not afraid of him killing me as as you guys know like he he doesn't actually well I mean he does kill you but he doesn't kill you instantly uh you can survive him but I I just don't wanna okay I hear green don't block me out dude because he he likes to block this entrance here all right okay bro how did you get here so fast yellow I'm gonna go drop oh you ah you would where is he come this way no he went that way all right cool all right let's get this foot away dang takes a while solo because you got it well not that I don't already do most of it myself oh seriously blue okay I am boxed right yep all right so he's he's gonna climb or what's he gonna do I'm gonna stay boxed yeah that's that that's a good move yeah I only I went here and then I came out there Ah Holy Cow oh my goodness okay this is gonna be hard geez see it's so much scarier it's gonna be a little bit hard to hit the well you can drop in the river but I want to drop in the in the where's the bounce house dude bro where's the bounce house why oh geez I was like why did he not whoa I thought I died wait what'd you say oh it's like uh the secret ending I took too long I thought I died I was like wait he didn't bring me over the bouncy castle but I was like kind of near his nest I thought I died I thought I died like man this sucks okay so yeah we got to see the secret ending where it goes off instead of him coming down now what happens here because I was in yo Saved By the time out there that's hilarious this is also uh like I said so much scarier when you get caught like yellow I would normally like oh yeah yellow call me I don't care but the way he grabbed me it popped out of nowhere whoa good stuff where is the sugar yeah I am definitely playing in first person well no no unless you guys don't want me to but yeah I definitely want to play in first person because it is oh I'm on a box it is so much scarier I feel like blue I mean he's close I don't know if he's down here with purple or not yeah I think he is I'm gonna stay boxed um jeez I've not so I didn't see okay I didn't see purple I mean I didn't see a single sugar packet by purple not even one oh there's one finally I mean he'd say maybe they didn't spawn until it says that but I feel like it's telling him like Hey dude yeah and see this is like these look similar to the sugar packets can you go behind the waterfall I've never done this oh what here okay I mean is it a hiding spot I guess it kind of is but it's not a crouching hiding spot so would we consider that hiding kind of I mean if the the rainbow friends can't find you there then I guess it's technically hiding all right so I've got I got two uh not going so well I got three I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna collect them all uh and and not drop them until no wait that's a stupid idea because it's gonna take them away from me but yeah they'll take it away from me if you hold on to them for too long um okay I got any in there no that's weird they're usually some there huh oh let's you know what let's check uh Blues like Lair or whatever purple didn't have any let's check Blue's Castle um oh yeah see see already but I feel like oh yeah there we go go away yellow don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me I am not okay with you touching me okay oh interesting so um he actually like you can box while he's aggro which is completely unlike blue uh where blue if he sees you box he's still gonna get you but yellow is too stupid he's got that tiny dinosaur brain you know uh we go what do we got okay yeah there we go we got one in the back come on it's just such a logical spot okay so we got five we just need one more where's the last packet okay who that who that who's angry who angry who angry at me who's angry at me I don't know who's angry at me whoa you saw me from that far away are you kidding come on there ain't no way you serious bro okay there's somebody here okay it's we're boxed even though you couldn't tell bro he came the whole way too all right cook up a cake we got one more or wait no bake a cake I mean same thing I guess I don't know whatever not a big Baker uh oh oh wait hold up I didn't that's the first time I saw teal I didn't even realize teal was out here did you did you see his little pose uh but yeah the fact that I haven't seen teal and I don't know who's chasing me right now is because of the first person part and I I think that makes it much harder go away no it's also super scary when you're in first person in the boxing not quite sure if you actually did all right anybody anybody camping camping cake nah dude all right well I'll skip that part um roly-poly all right Bob let's go all right and we'll do this in first person as well and I I did find the last time I played this when I played uh the no Box challenge the cart Race part and and the actual Chase we're so much more exciting in first person again like I don't know maybe it's just because I play like so much doors that I'm used to first person in Roblox but you guys have to agree it is like it's scarier right like that yellow jump scare actually jump scared me and in all the times I've played rainbow friends so far I haven't actually been jump scared before lean to choose your path okay I got you I I gotta go through the waterfall because I found out you could actually do that and not get hurt so I'm gonna lean left or stay straight or whatever and get a little shower and ride through the water there and yay there we go secret path guys secret path I should title the video I found a secret path in the cart ride and then show like I don't know like Huggy wuggy in like in like on the my car track or something you know this kind of reminds me like now that I'm in it like this and it's got like orange there with the swinging cake it's kind of like Thunder Mountain Railroad in uh in Disney World like it's got that Vibe right with like the silly characters and like you know that part where you're going like up to the top like loves cake so much hi and now this is like Splash Mountain or something whoa right at the end um yeah I feel like they went to Disney before they made this let's go to hell my Woods even though that's where we came from and we just escaped but yeah right it's very disney-esque I wish this would actually flip your view upside down I don't know if you can do that in Roblox but I wish it would poor orange man like he he's not even he's not even in chapter two besides this part like the poor guy doesn't really get any kills at all I feel I feel really bad for him you know I think I feel like he used to get a lot of kills in chapter one uh because well people yeah I think I died to him once I don't remember but I think I did because people don't pay attention to that track and don't I didn't understand him um but uh yeah he gets like no kills in this because I feel like nobody dies in this part they give you such a long time to make decisions that like there's no chance you're gonna die also was there a pink oh bro so uh I noticed just now like on the wall they were like paint brushes and there was a pink paintbrush and pink has been like a rainbow like a a fan made rainbow friend for so long that I wonder if they're actually making plans for pink and also we see the pink looky there um but yeah a pink uh rainbow friend that we would uh encounter in chapter three assuming there will be one but I feel like with the success of chapter two they definitely will and the fact that they actually updated the game it's pretty promising uh let's stay this blue come from there now we gotta we go to the exit before he actually oh no yeah he does actually I wonder if you stand there long enough will he land on you I don't think so all right let's go now I'm saying first person and yeah you could yeah this is the part where you actually have to crouch it's kind of like a sneak Chase but like way slower this could go a little faster like make the Run speed a little faster make it a little more exciting I mean you definitely hear the Chompy Chomp behind you oh dude I didn't notice that like robot blue there now you can like do this and then you escape but then like if you go backwards can I back into the cutscene no why can't I see myself I want to go back there bye bye dinosaur I wonder why they chose a teal like why did they choose her or the uh the end and do you get anything like as far as currency for winning I feel like you do because like how else would I have it you buy it did I ever buy it not sure all right well there it is guys I made it solo let's get to be a pattern where I need it no matter what uh let me know if you can think of any challenges where like I might actually have well a challenge this game is cool don't get me wrong I I do think it's really cool I love the idea of it I love the friends I love their different mechanics and how they all like work together uh it's just um wait oh I can't oh there we go oh yeah you didn't get 150 coins for winning I just like I I love a challenge or actually like maybe maybe die once or something like knocking people over as they join the game if you guys enjoyed the video click the like button and subscribe don't forget to use star code noodles everybody Roblox a premium and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,127,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, thinknoodles gaming, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles reacts, thinknoodles shorts, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends, roblox rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 ending, chapter 2 rainbow friends, rainbow friends roblox, roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends cyan, rainbow friends yellow, rainbow friends new, rainbow friends 2, rainbow friends chapter 2 yellow, rainbow friends chapter 2 thinknoodles
Id: frLdVvPL2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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